workSmart! iBreeze: How to Create An Order


workSmart! iBreeze: How to Create An Order
workSmart! iBreeze: How to Create An Order R1.1
workSmart! iBreeze:
How to Create An Order
November 2012
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workSmart! iBreeze: How to Create An Order R1.1
Introduction to the Order tab
The Order tab in workSmart! iBreeze is the first tab & the first step to electronic order submission.
This is where you will create your quotes and your orders. To navigate to the orders tab in
workSmart! iBreeze select the Orders tab from your lower menu as highlighted in the image below:
Order Tab Display
When you open your orders tab for the first time you will see there are four folders within this tab:
The Outgoing Orders folder, the Draft Orders folder, the Sent Orders folder, and the Quotes folder.
Outgoing Orders: This is where all submitted orders will be saved until you sync with
office, these are the orders that you are ready to send to workSmart! Territory Manager
( where they can then be processed and sent to the
Draft Orders: This is where orders will be stored when the save option is selected within
an order. These are orders that you do not wish to send to workSmart! Territory Manager
when you sync with office.
Usage tip: For instance, these may be the orders awaiting a PO# or a signature depending on
your manufacturer requirements.
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workSmart! iBreeze: How to Create An Order R1.1
Sent Orders: This is where orders are stored that have synced with workSmart! Territory
Manager. Any order that was submitted to the Outgoing Order folder and synced with the
office will move to the Sent Order folder after a successful synchronization.
Quotes: This is where any quotes created are stored. A quote can be created to show
contract pricing per customer (if contract pricing has been configured) and can be used as
an order template.
Usage Tip: For example, if you have a surgeon who frequently requests very similar parts
per a type of case you can create a quote containing those parts, save the quote, and
generate an order from that quote any time your surgeon requests it.
The example below is an Order tab with orders saved in each of the aforementioned folders.
*Note: when you first access the orders tab in workSmart! each folder will be empty.
How to Create an Order
Step 1: To create a new order select the New Order option in the upper right hand corner.
This will take you to the order creation page.
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The order creation page will prompt you with several fields pertaining to your order. Here you can
begin filling in the designated information for your order.
Step 2: Select an Order Type
workSmart! provides several order types to select from, the default order type is Bill Only.
Note: If you are unsure which order type to select we suggest you consult with your office manager
or our Customer Support Team. The image below displays the order types that you should see
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Step 3: Select the Sales Representative
Depending on your configuration you may be set up to see customers that are assigned to other
sales reps. If that is the case you will want to select Show All as your sales representative. This will
allow you to create an order for a customer that is not directly assigned to you. If you are not
configured to view customers assigned to another sales rep you can select your name as the default
sales representative. The view below is an example of a sales rep configured in a team setting
which allows for the sales rep to select customers assigned to other team mates. Selecting any of
the listed names will show only the customers directly assigned to the selected name.
Step 4: Choose Customer
Select the arrow to the right of Choose Customer to pull up your customer list. Your customer list
will be displayed in alphabetical order. Use your finger or stylus to drag up or down on the
customer list to select the appropriate customer.
Note: workSmart! also provides letters on the right hand side that you can press to skip directly to
the specified letter
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Step 5: Choose Surgeon
If you’re new to workSmart! you may not have any surgeon profiles to select from. Surgeon profiles
can be created in the surgeon profile tab. Temporary surgeon profiles can be created directly in
your order as well, meaning you can use the surgeon profile for this order but if you want to use
the surgeon again for another order you will want to save that temporary profile as permanent.
Select A Previously Created Surgeon Profile:
To select a surgeon profile that has been previously created select Choose Surgeon to open
your surgeon profile selection. In your surgeon profile selection tap on the surgeon name,
this will add this surgeon profile to your order.
Add A Temporary Surgeon Profile:
Tap inside the Last, (Title), First field and begin typing the
surgeon name
Select the green plus sign to add the temporary surgeon to
your order
*Note: To save the temporary Surgeon profile
permanently when you complete your order
and save or submit it, navigate to the surgeon
profile tab, locate the temporary surgeon, select
edit and select save. This will turn your
temporary surgeon into a permanent profile.
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Step 6: Select your manufacturer
*Note: Only one manufactuer may be selected per order
Step 7: Add Products to your order
Scanning Inventory: Select the green plus sign next to Scan Items
Scan the product code or SKU
Scan the Lot #
Scan in or manually adjust the Quantity if you have more
than one of the same item per your order
Select Add in the upper Corner after each scan
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Adding kitted inventory: Select the green plus sign next to Add Products
Tap in the search bar and begin
typing in the kit SKU#
Select Search on your keyboard to
find the type of kit from your catalog
(Partial searches work too, for
example we could type K-12 to
locate our desired kit of K-1200)
Select your type of kit (K-1200 in
this example)
Select Kit Type
Select Specific
Kit Used
Select each part used from the kit for your order
Select Add To Order once you’ve identified the parts
*Note: Kits will display with (Kit) at the end of the SKU to help distinguish between loose
inventory and kitted inventory within the catalog
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Manually Adding inventory: Select the green plus sign next to Add Product
Use the Search option to locate the
SKU you would like to add to the
order similarly to how you would
search for a kit.
Select the SKU (in this example we are using M-1006)
Tap the Serial/Lot# field and type in your lot#
Adjust the quantity if you are adding 2 or more of the
same item to your order
If contract pricing has been configured for your
customer the price will default to it. You also have
the option of changing the price on the item. To
change the price, select the Price option. Depending
on your manufacturer you will have different
pricing levels to choose from including.
workSmart! also provides an option for a custom
price which essentially is a manual override to the
information already loaded for this customer. You
can select Custom and type in the new price for the
part. Select Add to Order to confirm the price.
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Adding Non Sku: Select the Green plus sign next to Add Non SKU item
Tap in the Name field and
type in a description for
your Non SKU item.
Enter the price for your
Non SKU item
Select Add To Order
*Note: Non SKU items are a manufacturer preference;
depending on your manufacturer there may be a SKU to
use for additional charges.
Step 8: Miscellaneous
Enter as much or as little information in the
miscellaneous fields as you need. Your
manufacturer will only see a limited view of your
customer information, so if your customer needs to
see the complete patient information go ahead and
put it into the order.
*Note: You will need to enter something into either the first or
last name section, any combination of the two fields will do.
Select a surgery date by tapping the Surgery Date field. This
will bring up the calendar wheel. Use the dials to enter the
correct date and tap Select to confirm.
*Note: the Surgery Date will default to today’s date unless
otherwise specified.
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Medicare Flag: Toggle the Medicare Flag on by sliding your finger or stylus to the right
Step 9: Notes
The notes field is an open text field where you can record any information you may need to
communicate to your office or your customer.
Tapping in the notes field will bring up your keyboard. Type in your notes and select Done to return
to your order.
Step 10: Send Copy to Customer
If your customers have been configured to receive auto notification you will have the option to send
a copy of your order to them when you submit the order and sycn with office. The auto notification
is configured either by your office administrator or with assistance from our support team.
To send a copy of the order to your customer select the Send Copy To Customer option with your
finger or stylus and slide right until the option displays ON.
*Note: Your customer will receive their copy of the order after the order has been submitted
and synced with office.
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Step 11: Replenishment
If you have selected Bill & Replenish as your order type a Replenishment field will appear between
the notes field and the Send Copy To Customer option. This is where you will indicate on your
order where replenishment inventory should be shipped.
Select Replenishment Options to indicate
where replenishment inventory should be
This will bring up your shipping options
where you will select the Carrier, Replenish
via options, Replenish to, etc.
When selecting the Replenish to options
you can select Main Office with one tap,
you can identify if the order is a hold for
pickup by selecting HFP, you can select
Other to enter an address, or you can
select Do not replace. Restocks Called…
Select Other to identify a
specific address different
than the Main Office
Select Choose existing
Location to pick from a
configured list of locations.
You also can type in an
address using the provided
*Note: Tap anywhere outside of the Replenish Options
menus to return to the order
To set the
replenishment options
to a preconfigured
location find the
address in the drop
down list and select it
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Step 12: Signature Information
Depending on your manufacturer you may be required to collect signitures for your orders. This
will typically be the circulator at the facility or a nurse or the responsible party at your customer for
the delievered inventory.
Enter in the tittle & signer’s printed name in the provided
Have your customer sign on the Signature Pad. To erase a
signature use the Clear option in the upper right.
Step 13: Save or Submit
In workSmart! iBreeze you have the option of saving your order to drafts which will keep the order
exclusively on the iPad so you can edit the order at a later time. You also have the option to Submit
the order which will send the order up to workSmart! Territory Manager (the web access of the
workSmart! software family) the next time you sync with office.
Save the order for later!
The order is ready to go!
*Note: Orders when submitted and synced with office do not go to the manufacturer until the
order is processed through workSmart! Territory Manager
Step 1: Select the New Order
Step 2: Select an Order Type
Step 3: Select the Sales Representative
Step 4: Choose Customer
Step 5: Choose Surgeon
Step 6: Select your manufacturer
Step 7: Add Products to your order
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Step 8: Miscellaneous
Step 9: Notes
Step 10: Send Copy to Customer
Step 11: Replenishment
Step 12: Signature Information
Step 13: Save or Submit
How to Edit an Order
To edit an order in your Outgoing Orders folder select the order. The screen should slide right and
display the contents of the order. In the upper right hand corner there will be an Edit option. Select
the Edit option and you will be brought back to the order creation page where you can adjust any
information needed.
To edit an order in your Draft Order folder double tap the order. You will be taken directly into the
order creation page where you can complete your order.
To Edit a Quote select the quote from the quote folder. You will be taken directly into the quote
creation page.
Sent orders cannot be edited in workSmart! iBreeze. They can be edited on workSmart! Territory
How To Delete an Order
Use caution when deleting orders in workSmart! iBreeze, if an order has been deleted before
submitting and syncing with office the data cannot be recovered. To delete an order on the orders
tab slide your finger or stylus to the left on the order you wish to delete. A red Delete option will
populate. Select the Delete option to perminantly remove the order from your iPad. You can delete
orders in any of the order folders.
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Hours of Operation: 6:00am-6:00pm PST Monday-Friday
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