MindQuest - Stanmore Public School


MindQuest - Stanmore Public School
Stanmore News In Print
St George Girls HS, Victoria St, Kogarah On Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th April, 2013 the 68th NSW Talent Enrichment Weekend MindQuest will be held for primary students from Years 1 – 6 at St George Girls HS. These include gifted and talented students, underachievers and students with above average ability with a special interest. Students will have an opportunity to participate in over 38 exciting, fast paced courses in the two day program. They include courses in chemistry, earth sciences, drama, lego robotics, art and much, much more. Many of these highly successful courses have been run in the past and students’ evaluations suggest that they have been challenged and enriched by the experience. The cost of the weekend in $170 (inc GST). Please see Ms Cheng for a brochure or contact Shelagh Poray on Ph ‐ 4232 2494 th
Closing date – Friday 8 March 2013 AGM & P&C Meeting
Tuesday 26 February 2013,
All agenda items to
Tue 26th February Tue 26th February Fri 1st March Mon 4th March Tue 5th March Wed 6th March Animal House Incursion – Stage 2 P&C AGM – 7PM Clean Up Schools Day Little Diggers Excursion – Year 2 District Swimming Carnival Information Night: Literacy 1
The AGM will be held in the school library, please enter via the Holt St gate. At the AGM, all those in attendance can join the P&C for a gold coin and can have immediate voting rights for 2013. All executive positions are declared vacant & then each position has nominations made & then votes taken. Attached is some information about the P&C which tells you what we do, what the roles are & who currently does them. Please do consider coming along to have your say in who you want on your P&C. There will be light refreshments provided. Hope to see you there… Buzz, Madi, Kylie, Sue, Lea, Jana, Sarah, Dehana, Gina, Sally, Adam & Laura Stanmore News In Print
Stanmore Public School Principal’s Certificates of Merit Weekly Award – 2013 Term 1 – Week 4 From My Desk
The term has settled into routine now with all programs up and running. Teachers are reporting their classes are variously “wonderful”, “delightful”, “settled”, “humming along” etc, which is good news indeed. We have had a few visitors in the school recently and I have spoken with some high school principals who take our students. The message from all of them is that our students are well above average when it comes to behaviour, courtesy and confidence. I also spoke to a primary school principal who was at Homebush pool when our swimming carnival was on. She said she was speaking to some of the students and found them to be “delightful”. This is good news for any school principal to know that our students present well in the world. The swimming carnival was a great success and I would like to thank Ms Pollard in particular for her efficient organisation. It has been a busy couple of weeks for her as she also organised the Peer Support training camp for Year 6 the week before. These events rely on the support and involvement of many others as well and I would like to thank all of those who have contributed to their success. With all the rain in recent weeks, our garden is flourishing. We are delighted with the engagement of students and the support of our families, many of whom have volunteered. The kitchen is another story. The kitchen cabinetry is still in China and we are looking for a new kitchen specialist. We are now working towards having the kitchen fully operational with a new kitchen specialist in place for the beginning of next term. In the interim, some of the produce will be sold with the funds being ploughed back into the SAKGP. Fran Larkin PRINCIPAL Social Skill of the Week
We teach social skills because general courtesy and good social skills promote social harmony and make students more successful in their relationships with others. Please help us reinforce this important social skill with your child. SKILL OF THE WEEK
What to Do 
Knock. 
Wait for “Come In” 
Walk in. 
Use a polite greeting. 
Deliver your message politely. 
Wait to see if there’s a reply. Focus On
Reason for Award KBI KF KR
KS 1B 1G
1TA Mia T Freya C Adelena W
Finlay H Harry L Samuel A
Alex L Charlotte W 2C Austen M 2M 2P 3M
3N Eloise S Francesca M Mary K
Genevieve C 4H Billie H 4/5M Lucy H 5G
Megan C
Cormac K
6P Felix H
George A Always doing her best. Excellent manners and fabulous 5L’s Always speaking quietly in class.
Remembering to say please and thank you. Super spelling and beautiful book work. Playing and working safely in the classroom.
Always being ready to learn and do his best work (RAP rule #2) Always doing her best work and being ready to learn every day. (RAP rule#2) For trying his best to keep his handwriting neat. A very creative “affirmation” artwork. Being a ‘Star Reader’. Being a kind and courteous class member.
Her immaculate bookwork and thoughtful writing. Sterling efforts in spelling and for always trying his very best to improve. Exceptional Bookwork and displaying a hardworking attitude. Her strong work ethic and admirable social skills. Amazing bookwork and a beautiful tree of life. Her creative work in visual arts.
His generosity and kindness. Stephanie Alexander ‐ Kitchen Garden Update Garden News update by our garden specialist Sarah Brill This week we talked plants, cut back plants, pulled out weeds and picked tomatoes and beans as well as the odd basil leaf. Everyone is still feeling very enthusiastic and it was great to have so many volunteers on Monday ‐ thank you everyone who gave their time! I took advantage of the quiet day on Tuesday to do a bit of building and have constructed a sign to be placed near the fence reminding passers‐by that this is a garden for children. If anyone has artistic leanings and would like to be involved in painting the wording please let me know. I've also started the construction of a bench so that children will have somewhere to place produce once picked and volunteers will have somewhere dry for their bags. This week also saw the garden recommence taking organic waste from the cafe and now also from the IGA. Tom the manager there donated a large amount of chilli seedlings from his own garden. I didn't think chilli's would be appropriate in a school garden but a number of kids have asked for them so lets see how they go. I'm very pleased that we are making these connections with local business. We are taking what is a waste product from them and turning it into a useful product for our garden. 2
Stanmore News In Print
Celebration of the year of the Snake, Chinese New Year On the 14th of February Stanmore Public School celebrated Chinese New Year. 2013 is the year of the snake. In the Chinese zodiac, the snake is listed after the Dragon. So the snake represents the symbol of wisdom, “Xiao Long”. People born in the year of the snake represent the symbol of wisdom. They are intelligent and wise. Snake people are usually regarded as great thinkers. They make close friends and are very lucky. They get bored easily, and will often change hobbies and interests. Snakes prefer living a peaceful life, and they do not like noisy environments, the lion‐like monster’s name was Nian which is also the Chinese word for “Year”. Members of Stanmore Public School Chinese dance group performed the happy and traditional Gond Xi Gong Xi song. The lion dance was then performed by the Chinese Youth League of Australia. The lion danced through our class lines while there people from the Chinese Youth League of Australia played the drums. It was amazing! The vibe in the school was one of excitement. Everyone enjoyed it and had a smile on their face. Thank you Ms Ji and Ms Poon for organising the special event and thank you Ms Lopes & Mrs Higlett for helping on the day. Xin Nian Kuaile! Gond Xi Fa Cai! ‐‐‐ Happy New Year and wish you have fortune in the year of the snake! By Lucy H 4/5M & Mia R 5S 3
Stanmore News In Print
I really liked
colouring in,
Charlie - KG
I like playing &
playing, Liam - KF
Redsport Tennis Coaching is offering a FREE INTRODUCTORY LESSON for those interested in giving
tennis a go.
I like Painting,
Fletcher - KR
Before and after school lessons 5 days a week at Stanmore Public School.
Children from Kindergarten to Year 6 of all skill levels welcome.
for more information Call or text Fatima on 0414 670 789 or email on redsporttennis@gmail.com
Stanmore News In Print