Freedom - New Bethel Church of God In Christ


Freedom - New Bethel Church of God In Christ
New Bethel News
July 2012, Volume 7
New Bethel Church of God In Christ
Equipping and Empowering for Effective Ministry
Order of Services
Words to Live By ~ The Pastor’s Pen ~
Sunday Morning Services
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon
comes into our lives. This is spiritual
freedom, which is the most powerful
We are very much aware of the fact that
freedom on earth. This freedom is defined
this is the season where the freedom of this
or characterized by liberty from the
country was established over two and onebondage of sin.
third centuries ago. Declaration was made
in a document of that freedom or liberty
God has the power to set you free from the
then and we still enjoy it today. This is an
penalty of sin, as well as the pollution of
excerpt from that freedom document that
sin. He also has the authority to endow
you know as the Declaration of
you with power and dominion over sin.
Independence, “When in the Course of human
Sunday School
9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am
Fourth Sunday
Evening Service 4:00 pm
Monday ~ Friday
Noon-Day Prayer
12:00 pm
Mountain Moving Prayer
6:30 pm
events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have
connected them with another, and to assume
among the powers of the earth, the separate and
equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to
the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to
the separation.
God has freed us from the penalty of sin.
Most people are associated with the weight
and misery of bondage. Bondage can be
defined in one sense as owing more than
one can pay. The payment for sin is one
that cost more than all the debtors in the
world combined could pay. This would be
a case where the debtor owes more money
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
than he can make in a lifetime or multiple
men are created equal, that they are endowed by lifetimes.
Prayer & Bible Study
6:30 pm
Pastoral Teaching
7:20 pm
Saturday Prayer
7:30 am
Table of Contents
July Theme:
Women of Destiny
Kingdom Class Award
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these
rights, Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of
the governed, --That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government, laying its
1-2 foundation on such principles and organizing its
2 powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Americans believe that Freedom is the
birthright of every person. It does not
matter what the race, social-economic,
6 gender or academic status, all deserve to
6 be free.
Doris D. Murphy Scholarship 3
Tech Watch
A Time to Plant
FHA Streamline
Healthier Alternatives
New Bethel at a Glance
Birthdays/New Members
General Information
Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy
The bible is clear when it says that the
wages of sin is death, which means eternal
separation from God. This truth bears out
the fact that sin requires a payment that is
too much for any individual to bear alone.
Thinking about this too extensively could
cause sinking into a well of depression too
deep for anyone to ever see any hope of
deliverance. I have found that sin does the
same thing to the sinner. In James 1:15 he
tells us, “Then when lust hath conceived, it
bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is
finished, bringeth forth death.”
The penalty of sin is death. Paul tells us in
Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is
Paul records in II Corinthians 3:17,
death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
Christ Jesus our Lord.” The sinner
liberty.” We know that this liberty or
deserves to be condemned and sentenced
freedom is more than political freedom. It to die.
is a freedom that only God can give and it
Continued on Page 2
is experienced when the Spirit of the Lord
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N e w B e t he l Ne w s
Words to Live By (Continued from Page 1)
By Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy
However, the good news is that Jesus Christ has paid the
price for us through His shed blood and subsequently His
life and freed us from the penalty we could not afford to
pay. Jesus has indeed set us free from the penalty of sin.
God has also freed us from the pollution of sin. Pollution
is defined as the introduction of harmful substances or
products into the environment. Sin is in fact that harmful
agent whose specific purpose is to destroy us, keep us
bound, and eternally separate us from God. We are told in
John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free.”
Additionally, God has freed us from the power of sin.
When a person becomes a believer not only are they free
from the penalty, and pollution of sin, but they are free
from the power of sin as well. The Bible tells us in I
John 4:4, “Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than
he that is in the world.”
We are also told in Psalm 103:12, “As far as the east is
from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions
from us.” This reminds us that since our transgressions
have been removed, we are no longer guilty.
If the Son frees you, then you have you have walked
Consequently, when we stand before the Lord as our
through the valley of the shadow of death as with no
Judge, He will declare that we are not guilty. You should
fear of evil as David declared. The reason is we have
rejoice that God proclaims you to be free from sin and
received eternal life through Jesus Christ and the chains of with power over sin. He proclaims you to be holy.
sin have been broken. We are free.
The power of sin has been completely eradicated through
Paul exclaimed in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man that I the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus
am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?”
Christ. While I stand as a sinner, guilty as charged,
Of course we know the answer, and it is none other than
Christ came to the earth for my salvation. He bids me to
our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
accept the price He paid for penalty of my sin. He paid
Jesus is the Lover of our Soul, and we have been set free the price and became your substitute. He covered the
by Him. We should remember there is no condemnation penalty, eradicated the pollution, and established the
to them who are in Christ or have been saved. Since sin
power over sin through His resurrection.
can no longer condemn your conscience, then no crime or
sin remains hovering over your head. We can rejoice that We are truly free so let us celebrate and share this
we are no longer condemned. The Lord has forgiven us
wonderful news with a world that is still bound!
and made us clean from the pollution.
Women of Destiny at Crisis Ministries
The Women of Destiny, New Bethel„s Women„s
Department, volunteered at the Crisis Assistance Ministry
on Saturday, June 30th. The morning started with a brief
orientation and the remaining time was spent stocking
and prepping donated clothes for the Free Store.
(See photos on page 8)
The Free Store provides good quality clothes and
household items free of charge for families in need. They
are able to provide this service to the community because
most of the work is done by volunteers.
A BIG THANK YOU to all the ladies that come out to
support this endeavor.
The Free Store is located at 500-A Spratt Street,
Charlotte, NC 28206.
Shopping hours are Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm.
For more information about Crisis Assistance Ministries,
please go to
Upcoming Events
The 23rd Annual State Women’s Convention will be
held September 19 – 21st in Wendell N.C.
Please plan now to attend. See Sis Vernessa Johnson
for Green Card registration form and information.
The next WOD meeting will be Tuesday, July 17th @
6:30 p.m. All ladies are encouraged to attend.
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Kingdom Class Commitment Award
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
when it is in the power of your hand to do so.”
Proverbs 3:27
On June 10, 2012, Sister Maria Stubbs was announced
as the Kingdom Class Commitment Award winner of the
2012 first quarter for her faithfulness and commitment to
the ministry.
If would like to nominate someone for this award, please
write a detailed narrative of a specific encounter or brief
summary of a witnessed event as to why you believe this
person should receive the award.
Place the nomination inside the nominee box located on
the information table in the vestibule.
If you have questions or need more information, please
Everyone goes through storms in their lives. When Sister contact Sister Trenia Key or call the church office at
Stubbs goes through her storms you can‟t tell because she (704)391-0365.
always takes time to smile and praise God. She is not
ashamed to go to the altar to get her soul right with the
She is a member of the usher board and is always willing
to serve, regardless to whether it is her designated week or
not. She doesn‟t allow physical ailments or challenges to
keep her from being on her post.
Sister Stubbs doesn‟t need a title to be seen doing the right
thing, she leads by example. If you talk to her even for a
few minutes you will walk away encouraged because she
always gives God the credit for what he‟s done in her life.
The purpose of the Kingdom Class Commitment Award is
to recognize New Bethel Members who demonstrate
excellence in ministry. The person selected must be a
New Bethel member of and participate in at least one New
Bethel ministry. A person can only receive the award
once within a 12 month time period and cannot be selfnominated.
Doris D. Murphy Scholarship
Erasing Every Excuse Award Ceremony
Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 4:00 pm
*Recipient must be present during the award ceremony.
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N e w B e t he l Ne w s
Tech Watch - Computer Cleaning Tips
By Minister Gilbert Banks
Cleaning your computer, its
components and peripherals
helps keep the components
and computer in good
working condition and
reduces the risk of
spreading germs. Often
computer owners forget to vacuum or air out the inside of
the desktop computer, thus dust builds up on the fans and
over time may cause the fan and power supply to stop
working. Below are a few tips to help eliminate these
types of issues.
The environment that your computer operates in helps
determine how often you should clean your computer
How often should I clean my computer?
Where is computer located?
10 months
In a home environment
In a clean office
10 months
In construction or industry
9 months
8 months
In school environment
Computer environment
Have cat or dog in same
9 months
building as computer
10 months
Computer is on floor
Room that the computer is
10 months
in has carpet
10 months
Eat or drink by computer
Who uses it?
10 months
Adult (18 and older)
Young adults (ages 10-18)
9 months
use computer
Pre-teen (younger than 10)
8 months
use computer
More than one person uses
11 months
How often you should clean your computer depends on
several different factors. To help you determine how often
you need to clean your computer we've created the
General cleaning Tips
Below is a list of general tips that should be taken when
cleaning any of the components or peripherals of a
computer as well as tips to help keep a computer clean.
Never spray or squirt any liquid onto any computer
component. If a spray is needed, spray the liquid onto
a cloth and then use that cloth to rub down the
You can use a vacuum to suck up dirt, dust, or hair
around the computer and on the outside case.
However, do not use a vacuum for the inside of your
computer as it generates a lot of static electricity that
can damage the internal components of your computer.
If you need to use a vacuum to clean the inside of your
computer, use a portable battery powered vacuum
designed to do this job or try using compressed air.
When cleaning a component or the computer, turn it
off before cleaning.
Be cautious when using any cleaning solvents; some
individuals may have allergic reactions to chemicals in
cleaning solvents and some solvents can even damage
the case. Try to always use water or a highly diluted
When cleaning, be careful not to accidentally adjust
any knobs or controls. In addition, when cleaning the
back of the computer, if anything is plugged in, make
sure not to disconnect any of the plugs.
When cleaning fans, especially the smaller fans within
a portable computer or laptop it's suggested that you
either hold the fan or place something in-between the
fan blades to prevent it from spinning. Spraying
compressed air into a fan or cleaning a fan with a
vacuum may cause damage or back voltage to be
Never eat or drink around the computer.
Continued on Page 5
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Tech Watch - Computer Cleaning Tips (Continued from Page 4)
By Minister Gilbert Banks
Keyboard cleaning
Procedure: Before cleaning the keyboard first turn off
the computer or if you're using a USB keyboard unplug it.
Not unplugging the keyboard can result in causing other
computer problems as you may press keys that cause the
computer to perform a task you don't want it to do.
Many people clean the keyboard by turning it upside
down and shaking. A more effective method is to use
compressed air. Compressed air is pressurized air
contained in a can with a very long nozzle. aim the air
between the keys and blow away all of the dust and debris
that has gathered there. A vacuum cleaner can also be
used, but make sure the keyboard doesn't have loose "pop
off" keys that could possibly be sucked up by the vacuum.
If you wish to clean the keyboard more extensively you'll
need to remove the keys from the keyboard. After the
dust, dirt, and hair has been removed. Spray a disinfectant
onto a cloth or use disinfectant cloths and rub each of the
keys on the keyboard.
As mentioned in our general cleaning tips, never spray
any liquid onto the keyboard.
CD-ROM, DVD, and other disc drive cleaning
Why? A dirty CD-ROM drive or other disc drives can
cause read errors when reading discs. These read errors
could cause software installation issues or issues while
running the program.
Procedure: To clean the CD-ROM drive we recommend
purchasing a CD-ROM cleaner from your local retailer
such as a local Radio Shack. Using a CD-ROM cleaner
should sufficiently clean the CD-ROM laser from dust,
dirt, and hair.
In addition to cleaning the drive with a special disc
designed to clean drives users can also use a cloth
dampened with water to clean the tray that ejects from the
drive. Make sure however that after the tray has been
cleaned that it completely dry before putting the tray back
into the drive.
Windows Operating System Upgrade Offer
For a limited time, when you buy a
Windows 7 PC, you get Windows 8
Pro for $14.99 USD.
Already purchased a Windows 7 PC?
If you bought a PC preinstalled with Windows 7 Home
Basic, Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate on or
after June 2, 2012, just go to
and register. They will send you an email with your
promotion code and purchase instructions when
Windows 8 Pro is available. You can then download and
install Windows 8 Pro on a compatible PC with Windows
Upgrade Assistant.
Get the PC you need today and upgrade later
Buy a Windows 7 PC between June 2, 2012 and January
31, 2013.*
Register for the offer at before
February 28, 2013.
* Offer valid with new PCs preinstalled with Windows 7
Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate
Microsoft will send you an email with your promotion
and purchased from June 2, 2012 through January 31,
code and purchase instructions when Windows 8 Pro is
2013. For complete details visit
available. Download and install Windows 8 Pro on a
compatible Windows-based PC with Windows Upgrade
** Telephone or other access charges might apply
Plus, the offer includes 90 days of Microsoft technical
support at no charge. **
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N e w B e t he l Ne w s
A Time to Plant
By Sister Rosalind Gathers
It‟s July and even though we had a
rough start, we can see the results
of our labor!
We went from water-logged plants
to luscious green plants that are
almost waist high.
We have flowers on the tomato and pepper plants and I
expect to see tiny peppers and tomatoes soon! Out of a
full pack of spinach and cilantro seeds, I have seen only 1
cilantro plant and 2 tiny spinach plants.
Sadly, the basil plants never recovered and there‟s no sign
of the green onions that were planted from seed. I won‟t
focus on this because I see plenty of green!
While I won‟t achieve my dream of homegrown salsa
from our garden, I am really encouraged with what survived. I purposely let the plants grow with the weeds to
make sure when I got ready to weed the garden that I
wouldn‟t pull up the plants by mistake.
FHA Mortgage Streamline
Do you have a FHA insured mortgage?
Lenders may offer streamline refinances in several ways.
Some lenders offer "no cost" refinances (actually, no outThere have been some changes in the mortgage industry
of-pocket expenses to the borrower) by charging a higher
and now is a good time to contact your lender to see if you rate of interest on the new loan than if the borrower
can benefit from this.
financed or paid the closing costs in cash. From this
premium, the lender pays any closing costs that are
The basic requirements of a streamline refinance are:
incurred on the transaction. FHA does not allow lenders to
The mortgage to be refinanced must already be FHA
include closing costs in the new mortgage amount of a
streamline refinance. Investment properties (properties
The mortgage to be refinanced should be current (not which the borrower does not occupy as his or her
principal residence) may only be refinanced without an
The refinance results in a lowering of the borrower‟s appraisal.
monthly principle and interest payment, or, under
certain circumstances, the conversion of an adjustable Source:
rate mortgage (ARM) to a fixed rate mortgage.
No cash may be taken out on mortgages refinanced
using the streamline refinance process.
This is for informational purposes, and not a guarantee
everyone will benefit from this process.
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Healthier Alternatives
By Missionary Joyce Martin
Italian food is one of my favorites! When eating healthier
you may think that you need to avoid Italian because of
the rich sauces and saturated fat from cheese but here is a
healthier alternative, Lemon Spaghetti.
Lemon Spaghetti
This light, refreshing and flavor packed dish is quickly
becoming a family favorite. The main ingredient to this
dish celebrates the healthful properties of Olive Oil.
The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is
monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). MUFAs are
actually considered a healthy dietary fat. If your diet
emphasizes unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs and
polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), instead of saturated fats
and trans fats, you may gain certain health benefits.
According to Dr. Donald Hensrud of the Mayo Clinic
“MUFAs and PUFAs may help lower your risk of heart
disease by improving related risk factors. For instance,
MUFAs may lower your total cholesterol and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol levels. MUFAs may also help
normalize blood clotting. And some research shows that
MUFAs may also benefit insulin levels and blood sugar
control, which can be especially helpful if you have type 2
I encourage when using even healthier fats like olive oil
they are still high in calories, so use them only in
moderation. Hands down MUFA-rich foods such as olive
oil are an alternative to other fatty foods such as butter
and stick margarine but not in addition to them.
Remember you can't
make unhealthy foods
healthier simply by
adding olive oil to
them which brings us
to our monthly
suggestion. This
recipe comes from
Giada De Lurentis of
the Food Network,
however I‟ve added
my healthier favorites
to make it my own.
1 pound thin whole wheat spaghetti
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2/3 cup grated Parmesan
3 cups of arugula and baby spinach
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (about 3 lemons)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
The zest of 1 lemon
1/3 cup chopped fresh basil leaves
1 fresh clove of garlic (minced)
1 lb. medium-size shrimp
Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until
tender but still firm to the bite, stirring occasionally, about
8 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk the oil, Parmesan, zest and
lemon juice in a large bowl to blend.
Drain the pasta, reserving 1 cup of the cooking liquid.
Toss the shrimp in the pot with a splash of the reserved
liquid. As soon as the shrimp begin to turn pink return the
pasta to the pot. Toss the pasta with the lemon sauce,
spinach mixture and the reserved cooking liquid, adding
1/4 cup at a time as needed to moisten. Season with salt
and pepper. Garnish with additional lemon zest and
chopped basil. This summery and light side dish can be
served hot or cold.
Prayerfully Submitted,
Missionary Martin
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New Bethel at-a-Glance
June 2
June 5
June 5
June 8
June 12-14
June 18
June 18-22
June 22
June 24
June 23-24
June 25-26
June 26
N e w B e t he l Ne w s
June Highlights
Pastor Davis‟ @ God‟s Tabernacle
1st Lady Bention‟s Birthday @ Metrolina COCIC
1st Lady Pickett‟s Birthday @ Breakthrough GOCIC
Building Fund Rally @ Wendell, NC
Jurisdictional Youth Conference @ Wendell, NC
Pastor & Lady D. Johnson‟s Anniversary @ New Harvest COGIC
VBS @ New Bethel COGIC
Youth Conference @ New Beginnings COGIC
Friends & Family Day @ New Beginnings COGIC
Men‟s Conference @ New Harvest COGIC
District Consecration Union @ New Bethel COGIC
Pastor Pickett‟s Birthday @ Breakthrough COGIC
Upcoming Events
July 1
July 6-8
July 2-6
July 5, 12-15
July 15
July 22
July 23-27
July 28
July 29
Pastoral Anniversary @ Breakthrough COGIC
Pastoral Anniversary @ New Beginnings COGIC
International AIM Convention @ Birmingham, AL
Men‟s Conference @ New Bethel COGIC
Victorious Praise @ New Bethel COGIC
Doris D. Murphy Scholarship Day @ New Bethel COGIC
90th Annual Holy Convocation @ Wendell, NC
Pastor & Lady Bention‟s Anniversary @ Metrolina COGIC
District Fellowship @ New Harvest COGIC
View the calendar of events at the below links:
Annual Calendar
New Bethel Calendar
E.C. Cannon District Calendar
Women of Destiny at Crisis Ministries
N e w B e t he l Ne w s
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July Birthdays
Missionary Cynthia Cannon 7/4
Missionary Peggy Covington 7/4
Vernessa Johnson
Brenda Lewis
Arjay Ray
Missionary Lois Fletcher
Sonya Lattimore
LaShard Nelson
Nakesha Allen
Harold Bennett
Tracy Alex Williams
Crystal Allen
Angeleen Harris
Augustus Goodson
Kenisha Coates
Missionary Jonishawa Ivory
First Lady Doris D. Murphy
Geneska Dawson
Deaconess Lynda Mintz
Missionary Felicia Coates
Jasmine Gathers
Denisa Anthony
Tayana Williamson
Achana Williamson
Ochae‟ L Terry
Zori Perry
Leffon Adams
LaJoia Coleman
Gwendolyn Cooper
Jennifer Featherstone
Patrick Simpson
Kezia Johnson
Cedric Miller
Ashley Blevins
Emmanuel Allen
Danielle Hicklin
Dakarai Vann
Mykayla Perry
New Bethel News Staff
Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy ~ Pastor/Staff Writer
“Words to Live By”
First Lady Doris Murphy ~ Staff Writer “Woman of Wisdom”
Sister Rosalind Gathers ~ Editor
Sister Mary A. Williams ~ Assistant Editor / Staff Writer
Minister Gilbert Banks ~ Staff Writer “ Tech Watch”
Deacon Cornelius Gathers ~ Staff Writer “Home Repairs”
Missionary Joyce Martin ~ Staff Writer “Healthier Alternatives”
Sister Winona Mimms ~ Staff Writer
Missionary Lisa Murphy ~ Staff Writer
Sister Clarice Lumpkin ~ Staff Writer “Birthdays & New Members”
Sister Ada Ruffin ~ Staff Writer “Health Notes”
Sister Ewayna Watson ~ Staff Writer
For Transportation or Driving Directions
contact the church office:
New Bethel Church of God in Christ
1520 Little Rock Road
Charlotte, North Carolina 28214
Phone: (704) 391-0365
Fax: (704) 391-7709
Want to receive electronic copies of the newsletter?
Do you have questions or comments for the editor?
Send an email to
Our purpose is to “Inspire”
readers to seek a closer and
more meaningful relationship with the Lord.
Bishop Charles Harrison Mason
Founder 1866-1961
Lastly, Our purpose is to
“Invite” our readers to
participate in the mighty move of
God going on at New Bethel.
Our purpose is to also
“Inform” readers of activities and events going on at
the church.
The Church of God in Christ, Inc
Greater North Carolina Jurisdiction
E.C. Cannon Memorial District
Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr.
Bishop Leroy Jackson Woolard
Superintendent Tommie A. Murphy
International Presiding Prelate
Jurisdictional Presiding Prelate
Superintendent/Administrative Assistant
For more information and the latest news and updates from the mother church please visit
New Bethel is a church committed to the saving of souls for
the kingdom of God. New Bethel is a Bible believing
church, preaching and teaching Jesus Christ and Him
crucified. We endeavor to share the Word of God with
those who might not hear it otherwise and to show genuine
kindness to all, especially those in need of something more.
New Bethel is a church that focuses on a holistic approach
to ministry. It encourages the development of the whole
man, encompassing both spiritual and natural. This is
accomplished through not only teaching and sharing insight
from the Word of God, but also firmly encouraging
application of Bible based principles.
Have you missed previous
editions of New Bethel News?
You can view copies of the
church’s newsletter on our
To our readers please forgive us for any mistakes, misspelled words or typos you stumble over. Sometimes during file
conversions words are compressed and sentences are wiped out. We truly strive to do our best in the spirit of
excellence. However, sometimes mistakes go un-noticed. We appreciate your understanding.
Sincerely, The staff & writers of New Bethel News.