Think about the letters. -:-~Look for a pattern.'. .." • -.' -- I.". ,,~':". ...•• ~ i'·;.',. ..' Two .letters, A and B, keep repeating. What is the next letter in the pattern? Fill in the blanks to continue the pattern. I. I , I, 2, 2, I , I, 2, 2, ~ 2. ~ A, B, C, A, B, C, 3. 15, 30, 15, 30, ij. 9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 5. 70; 60, 50, 40, 6. 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 7. L, M, N, L, M, N, L, 8. 5, 1O, 15, 5, 1O, 15 , 276 (two hundred seventy-six) • I I I ! , I I I , ...-. ~ c: ;' ....-..': # 62. ,.} '•. _ ">« - Find and continue the pattern. 3. ..... 2 5 6 2 5 6~ 6 6 8 6 6 8 M- N 0 M N 0 .... ". .... 4. 5. 6. ,. >- c 7 4 7 7 4 aE 7 0 U "0 C '" ~ :;; C » 0 u, -s 7. 8 (/J Q 3 5 7 3 9 5 7 9 '"c "8 n CD .- ..•••.. .~ ;;; . E : 8. ~I '."" W X Notes for Home --?FlA y z r X y ~t .£( (;I Z $1 Children solve number an~ letter problems by finding patterns. I tlAlft hundred fiftv-slx - ,,1 I Bead Pattern Jelly Bean Patterning - Study Skills Finding Patterns Directions: Finish each row with the right shape. o eo () () D~IJ~.D . i.~.· 1iIJ_ ~ I I !· ..•....••••••••.... i r~! ---------- - -- - - 128 " . :.....:..::..:.Nam.=....-e ,~' ---:-- ~ ~a,·· . Look at the shapes. Which comes next? , 00 . ...,' o 0D0 ·O(f~) L606606 oDD ~ oDD ~ 0000 D D 0000 0 060 0 00000000000 00 6 060 ~ 01 -- Enrichment I .... .. 1 1 Circle, Rectangle, Square, Triangle -~.- _ .... --- -- - -- DO 0' 10 © Scott. oresman .and Company , .. I o· I . Use after pages 2~3-23ij. geometry Math Name Continue each pattern. o~o~ 0000 ~~OO 0060 How many? rectangles triangles __ __ squares __ Use the color code to color the design below. 6 blue 0 red 0 purple 0 yellow DDDD DD ©Instructional Fair, Inc. 76 IF8783 FirstGrade in Review Name Practice --------------Student Draw the shape to continue the pattern. I. 2. 3. Lt. 5. Copyright © 1987 by Houghton Mifflin Company All fights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.l21 I I PA Book pp. 21-22 1-111 Name__ ~ Date_~_-~;-"--;_/ '. *.' Complete eochrow. . , .- "," .... ~: ~ ~ Q) s: -~ :is::> Q.. co enc ~ ~ 4. I 3 5 7 I 3 5 7 I 3 Co .r:; Q) c: a: (5 I Use with pages 31-32.' (thirteen) - .- - -- - .-. . 13 - . -. . READING READINESS Look at the pattern in each row. Drawa line to the picture that continues Then color the picture. each pattern. ·:~ li .'. .. Skills: Observing and continuirilg patterns; Visual memory 230 . ~ li .. \ . ~ . . . READING READINESS Look at the pattern in each row. Draw a line to the picture that continues each pattern. Then color the picture. ... . -~'Y" ~~~ ";'~':' ..•..••.••:: .. ' ....~ '. :.'.'; . .. ' ..' '. :: ~ Skills: Observing and conti/"ing ':. ~~~ patterns; Visual memory ..' 231 READING READINESS Look at the pattern in each row. Draw a line to the picture that continues each pattern. ... '. -. . t ;. r1!!!i1J , v: ~ Skills: Observing and continuin9 patterns; Visual memory I 176 Name Date ~~II Looking for a Pattern _ I Ring the shape to continue the pattern. I. o 0 D 0 D 0 (D)--- ~ 0 ~ 0 13.00000000 0 -0 C '" ~ ----------+--- J:: Q) C a:"0 I ij·OD~OD~O Use w-ith page 24. L D (thirteen) I3 Name Date _ What number comes next? Draw a line from the group of numbers to the next number. I. 6789 6789 2. 1357 1357 3. 12456 ij. ~e 6218 678 --_ -------- 5 ------ 12456 9 3 124 621 2 5.9528 9528 95 8 6.9876 9876 98 4 7. 191814 191814 19181 0> s: .!!? :0 ~~ 8.68241 68241 7 6824 c ~ -0 C <1l (5 I Use with pages 99-100. (forty-one) ij I Name ~ _ Find the pattern. Mark beside the shape that comes next. A c o E Patterns of shapes (two hundred forty-one) 21.11 Name Practice Student Book pp. 157-158 6 12 - Ring what comes next. I.~~~w~ 2. ~ (J}:: o• ~Jj •• 0•• Jj ~~ ~~ Lt. 10 II 12 13 Iii 16 15 Draw what comes next. 5. ])WJ)W 6. ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ 7·00 D 0 S. [J IJ [J IJ Copyright © 1987 by Houghton Mifflin Company All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.!l 63 PA - • . ·I~~'PM~'~~5S~~~~~~~~ E39 a i === ~ I' ij Name ~ Use with text pages 103-104, I Problem Solving: Patterns Finish each pattern. 1.6060 2. 06vD DODO 0 4'06'0 '3. -- -- . Use some of these shapes. Make your own patterns. 5. 6. 7. © Silver Burdett Company 6 0 D v' 060 Additional Resource Name Maintenance Copy and continue the pattern. o · . o ....... ·..•••••.•.• • • D'V'VD'V'V o 2 o 2 D o Do © Scott, Foresman and Company!1 Use after pages 105-106. '.,' . ;: % 0_ '-"'~~'~c' ...• , - ,-' .' :,~Nam~~'>:·"-,---' _~ ''' • ••• "0" 'I. _ >~ ,. , /""" "':' o· '. • .' • -, "~ • '. ' • • '.' Continue each pattern.. '. ". , " " -. . '~. "' "-. - • .- :'.: I • II . - _ .. ~ '·.e 1 I I • I. '.' .- PATT~RNS '.__ _ _. -:'~ - . ., . . ,?- •• ;.. .,.: • :--.:-- . I.' . 1 . . , ' . ," .:'0:>'. .': ...'. .::' .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I .'- ..' -- '. . © Silver Burden Company - 11 - . . _ . . .' - READING READINESS Look at the pattern in each row. Draw the pictures that continue each pattern. Then color the pictures. Skills: Observing and continuing patterns 92 i • ~~~~k;-~~~~I8tlIft?!!A2!::h~l'~~ I~~ ....• ;:~~;.¥ ~·~r;:mt,;tM'lt7l"')i.rrf·;.{:':"" .~'·'·':R'-"""'''''':U' ,"<>"r \., •••.••.•• ,.•.. --..-. •. READING READINESS Look at the pattern in each row. Draw the picture that continues each pattern. Then color the pictures. Skills: Observing and continuing patterns 93 • · / ~a~e ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Skill:Completing patterns Number Patterns Look for patterns. A. 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,. 10,12, -14 10, 20, 30, 40, . 1, 2, 3 B. c. 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 113 8; ~ ~ D. 10, 9, 8, 25,30, :35 7, E. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 15,18,21 5, 10, 15, 20, 4,4,5,5 F. G. 1, 3, 5, 7, 50,60,70 3, 6, 9, 12, 6, 5, 4 H. tel Frrmll Sr-hf"1ff"" p, ,hlirf"1tirm~. Inr 15 FS-8495 Problem Solving Math ~a~e ~~~~~~~ Skill:Completing patterns Finding Patterns ~ :. ;-c: · ~-. I ~ i 1i--- __ · 'I .tv ; ~~ • . · ~l L.,.,okfor patterns. =:='.i I ...--- 1. ••••• ~ ,1;. :1 0606 000 " DDOOOD ~DD 2. 000 000 0O~ 3. ~ 4. DOD~OD 5. 00 ~OD 06 8. 80 ~08080GJ , © Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc. 14 FS-8495 Problem Solvi"g Me-, - •• • ." • '-'.---"." .. ';" ,....~;:oor:l~-~ . ~. . - .... . OD OD~. @~@~®~. <V @ 000000_" @> , 'DDLODL_ Think about the letters. Look for a pattern. Two letters, A and B, keep repeating. What is the next letter in the pattern? Fill in the blanks to continue the pattern. I I. 2. I , I, 2, 2, I , I, 2, 2, A, B, C, A, B, C, 3. 15, 30, 15, 30, 1J. 9, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 5. 70, 60, 50, 40, 6. 2, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 7. L, M, N, L, M, N, L, 8. 5, 1O, 15, 5, 1O, 15, 276 (two hundred seventy-six) I I I , I I I I , .•...•..... i' .&;. •• #•• .•......"•. • Name _ PATTERNS Find each pattern. Fill in the numbers. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. © Silver Burdett Company 9 Name Practice Student Book pp. 187-188 7 11 - Continue the number pattern. I. II, 12, 13, __ , __ , __ , __ ,_- 2. 15, 20, 25, __ , __ , __ , __ , __ 3. ~2,~~,~6,---,----,--_,----,_- ~.50,55,60,---,---,----,---,--5. ~3,~5,~7,---,---,---,---,--- 6. I·,~, 5, I, ~, 5, I, 7. 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, __ , Copyright © 1987 by Houghton All rights reserved. Mifflin Printed in U.S.A./1 , Company 75 PA , __ , , , , __ , _ PIS Name '".Copy and continue the pattern. 0000 6060 E TeE T C q I 7 q I 7 T ~ T \ Problem Solving: Find a Pattern Practice I © Scott, Foresman and Company I Use after pages 37-38. I E13 Name EXTEND YOUR Alphabet Fun KNOWLEDGE What is the pattern 7 Write the letters that come next. .. o A B B A B B A B B • .... o • A A B A A B A A B A A A B B A A B B A A B A A A B B B A A A B A B A A B A A A B A . Notes for Home Enrichment/EXPLORING MATHEMATICS Children solve problems by finding and continuing patterns. © Scan, Foresman and Company/l Use after pages 37-38. Name Enrichment Student Book pp. 157-158 Draw the one that comes next. 6 12 - 0 1.00DOO[] • 2.DLDL_ 3.LOOLOO ~.ww wOO D.-,..---: Continue the pattern. -, 5. ABC·' 6. ABC 6 6 2 6' 6 7. G H GIG 8. 7 8 9 10 7' Copyright © 1987 by Houghton Mifflin Company AI~ rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.!1 2 H G I 8 9 10 63 EA I
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