June 2016 - Temple Beth Sholom


June 2016 - Temple Beth Sholom
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road, Roslyn Heights, NY • www.tbsroslyn.org • 516-621-2288
June 2016 • Iyar/Sivan 5776
June 3, 2016
Confirmation and Graduation
of our 10th and 12 th graders
Top Row: Sharon Solomon, Rabbi Sean Jensen, Rabbi Alan Lucas, Rabbi Paul Kerbel, Cantor Ofer Barnoy
Middle Row: Ryan Bichoupan, Isabella Soffer, Sydney Sirota, Gabby Soffer, Ian Warshawsky,
Bottom Row: Sydney Kotin, Hannah Kreisberg, Hannah Dornbush, Amanda Gordon, Danielle Orville
Not Pictured: Alexa Kamberg, Josh Fried, Lia Behiri, Maya Behiri
by Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
“Our children…our guarantors…”
havuot is z’man matan
torateynu– the holiday
that celebrates the giving of the torah. There is a
beautiful story in Midrash Rabbah that before God was willing to give us the torah – God wanted to be sure we would
treasure it, respect it and value it for the priceless gift that
it is:
“Rabbi Meir said: When the Jews stood before Sinai to receive the Torah, God said to them: “I swear, I will not give
you the Torah unless you provide worthy guarantors who will
assure that you will observe
its laws.”
The Jews responded, “Master of the world, our forefathers, our ancestors will
be our guarantors!” “Your
ancestors are not sufficient
guarantors!” answered God.
(In other words they were
pretty good at observing torah, but not good enough!)
“Master of the world,” the
Jews exclaimed, “our prophets will guarantee our observance of the Torah.” “No, still
not good enough,” said the
Lord. “Bring proper guarantors and only then will I give
you the Torah.”
shape and love our children. We are so proud of each and
every one of our teachers, and educators, who day in and
day out, with love, nurture the next generation of Jews.
It is with no small sadness that after 10 wonderful years,
Helayne Cohen, the Director of our Early Childhood Center is
retiring to spend more time with her own family – and while
we are very happy for her and for her family, we reluctantly
part with her and we will miss her because of the love and
care she brought to our littlest members – our children in our
ECC each and every day. They say that no one is irreplaceable and while that may be true, some of us, like Helayne are
very, very, very difficult to replace.
What a model of love and warmth, maturity and wisdom she
"Every time we see
was for our children (and us). How many nervous parents
that “light bulb” go
did she lovingly calm as they parted with their children for
off in a students brain, the first time in bringing them to our Nursery program, how
each time the gleam many little hands did she hold, each and every day as she
them when they were nervous, comforted them
of understanding can encouraged
when they were sad and calmed them when they were anxbe seen in their eyes, ious. She will be missed - and there is no way we can adequately thank her for all that she has done for our children.
with every nod of
Temple Beth Sholom is a remarkable place – but it is a reunderstanding and
markable place because of people like Helayne and so many
with every smile of
others – who come here every day committed to the highest
appreciation – we
standards of professionalism and to the task of teaching toparticipate in the
rah at every conceivable level.
torah’s renewal. "
On Shavuot we once again stand at the foot of Sinai – we
__ Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
As a last resort, the Jews declared, “our children will serve
as our guarantors!” Finally God was satisfied: “They truly are
worthy guarantors,” God replied and, “because of them I will
give you the Torah.” (Midrash Rabba, Song of Songs 1:4)
What I like about this midrash, is that the rabbis were suggesting that the torah is about our future and not about our
past. We were given the torah not as reward for past performance but as an investment to help us achieve great things
in the future. And since our children are our guarantors, we
have an obligation to teach them and to teach them diligently as the torah says.
We at Temple Beth Sholom take this task very seriously. Our
commitment to Jewish education for our children (of all
ages) is unparalleled. We invest in our Religious School, our
Machon Hebrew High School, our Early Childhood Center,
our TBS Summer Camp; we support our Solomon Schechter
Day School, Camps Ramah, USY and the Jewish Theological
Seminary – because of our deep commitment to Jewish education and to making sure that torah lives into the next generation and beyond.
We have beautiful classrooms and outstanding facilities but
we put our biggest investment in the people who teach and
once again receive the torah. Here we are thousands and
thousands of years after God decided to hand over this most
precious of gifts – and so far we have been true to our promise: to raise a Jewish future by raising Jewish children. The
giving of the torah was not a one-time event, not something
that happened once a long time ago. No, each and every day
it is given anew.
Every time we see that “light bulb” go off in a students brain,
each time the gleam of understanding can be seen in their
eyes, with every nod of understanding and with every smile
of appreciation – we participate in the torah’s renewal. It is a
gift and we are privileged to be its teachers.
We have done much good work here, and for that yashar
koach to each and every one of our wonderful teachers – but
our work is not yet done as a new class prepares to enter; another generation of children eager to receive the torah. And
we must be ready to welcome them with the same love and
support that has greeted generations of children that have
preceded them; they deserve no less.
So to Helayne – thank you for a job beyond well done – and
to all of the rest of our teachers and educators: have a nice
summer rest and we will see you in the fall as we go back to
work creating the next generation of Jews – the torah demands no less.
Rabbi Alan B. Lucas
Temple Beth Sholom 2
by Cantor Ofer Barnoy
ish music and I equally respect his stupendous ability to
id you know that
write and deliver sermons that are ever-present, current
rabbis and cantors
and interesting. They are truly beautiful works of art and
have been traditionI hope that one day he will have the opportunity to write
ally known to have a hard
a “best of” book of his sermons so the rest of the Jewish
time working together?? While both clergy roles should
world will have access to what we are privileged to hear
intersect in a way to allow both rabbis and cantors to work
week in and week out. Rabbi Lucas is celebrating 22 years
in partnership towards the common good of their congreat TBS and for 16 of those it has been an absolute pleagation and community, it has often been their enormous
sure to be his partner in serving this congregation. He and
egos that got in the way. Rabbis would commonly like
I are equally committed to attend every lifecycle
to tell their cantors how to perform their duties
event and every important moment in your
and cantors would often feel shortchanged
lives. We have visited you together by your
by rabbis who considered themselves
" At good times
bedside at hospitals, rehabs and nurstheir boss instead of a partner. It made
and at bad times alike we
ing homes, blessed and named your
for much strife and there were no
are there for you, together
babies together at circumcisions and
winners. Not the rabbis, cantors or
in partnership. And that’s the
baby-namings, blessed your children
their congregations.
way it should be. Human we are.
the priestly benediction at their
I, on the other hand, have had the
Egos we have. And yet, we never let with
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and graduations
extreme good luck to work alongthem get in our way of serving you, and have officiated at your family
side a number of very nice rabbis
our congregants. We serve you
weddings and funerals alike. At good
who were truly interested in a partwith love, respect, understanding
times and at bad times alike we are
nership. I have benefitted greatly
and partnership and for that I
there for you, together in partnership.
from their friendly attitudes and I beam truly blessed."
And that’s the way it should be. Human
lieve that our congregations have benwe are. Egos we have. And yet, we never
__ Cantor Ofer Barnoy
efitted too. From my first congregation
let them get in our way of serving you, our
as a part time cantor in Yorktown Heights,
congregants. We serve you with love, respect,
NY, working alongside Rabbi Stanley Urbus was
understanding and partnership and for that I am
a pleasure. He was a true gentleman with a quiet
truly blessed. Thank you, Rabbi Alan B. Lucas, for being a
power, a throwback to a gone-by era of gentleness who
wonderful rabbi and a real mensch to work with. May we
embraced me at the young age of 16 and mentored me
merit many more blissful years to serve this great congreabout congregational life and how to deal with all sorts of
gation together.
people in all sorts of situations. A few years later I served
With much respect and love,
as a full timer alongside Rabbi David Chanofsky, another
wonderful human being, a true mentch. This is the conCantor Ofer S. Barnoy
gregation where I met and married Marsha as she grew
up there so needless to say he had a special regard for me
and we had a great working relationship. I went on to work
with Rabbi Joshua Skoff at The Park Synagogue in CleveFrom the Rabbi's Desk
page ................. 2
land, Rabbi Myron Fenster at Shelter Rock Jewish Center
page ................. 3
and a number of assistant and associate rabbis. Thankfully
page ................. 4
I got along with all of them but they were relatively short
page ................. 5
stints of 5 years or less.
B'nai Mitzvah page ................. 7
It is more difficult to maintain a beneficial working relaFrom the Executive Director
page ................. 8
tionship over a much longer period of time so I am exEarly Childhood Center
page ............... 10
tremely elated that for the past 16 years it has been my
Religious School News
page ............... 11
good fortune to work alongside our wonderful Rabbi Alan
From MBS
page ............... 12
B. Lucas. I vividly remember our first meeting to prepare
Men's Club Corner
page ............... 14
for our first High Holidays together, reviewing every part
Sisterhood Scoop
page ............... 15
of the service to make sure that we were “on the same
Torah Fund
page ............... 16
page” and it is absolutely amazing to me that we have now
page................ 18
lead 15 High Holiday seasons together without once disDonations
pages ........21-24
agreeing on any part or aspect of it. I know that he deeply
Temple Family
page ............... 31
respects my knowledge of the liturgy and love for JewTemple Beth Sholom 3
by Rabbi Paul David Kerbel
Top Ten Words
t is June
and I have
started doing research on
my high holy day sermon. In the process, I
came across the following list of “Top Ten
Words” in our Jewish tradition. The list and
commentary were written by a rabbi in California, Rabbi Wayne Dosick. I will share with
you his ten words with a synopsis of his definition and then share with you a few words
he may have missed; I ask you to think about
what words you would have added or excluded?
"Our Jewish heritage gives us
wise words, words of goodness
and greatness. Rabbi Dosick
suggests, 'we speak these
words for when we embody
and live these top ten words,
our humanity is enhanced, our
existence is enriched and are
lives are ennobled.'"
lovingkindness and mercy.
Chein is dignity and graciousness. It is what we
want from God and what
our fellow human beings
want from each and every
one of us.
3. Rachmones – “compassion” from the word meaning “womb.” We ask God to
deal with us not only with
justice but with an over__ Rabbi Paul David Kerbel
whelming sense of mercy
and compassion. We need
Rabbi Dosick writes: “with apologies to the late-night
to develop a stronger sense of compassion, caring and
comic, David Letterman for making serious what he alsharing. We need to speak kind, loving words, we need to
ways makes funny, here is the “Top Ten List of Words Jews
have rochmones and give rochmones.
Should Always Say.” These are words that will wrap us in
2. Naches – pleasure/satisfaction/pride. Most often used
our Jewish tradition and open our hearts and spirits to
by saying, “my children give me so much nachas.” We
Jewish values.”
should not only enjoy the naches are children and grand10. Sechel – “wisdom” Sechel is more than book learning
children give us but also share in the joys of our extended
or acquired wisdom; Sechel involves the ability to perceive
family and friends and always try ‘to be there, in the moand discern; to understand and have insight. Sechel means
having common sense and street smarts. Many people
1. And the number one word that Jews should say:
would argue that having sechel is as valuable or more valuMensch. A mensch is a person of either gender who is deable than an accumulation of diplomas.
cent, kind and honest; a good person who is fully human
9. Fabrent – “burning” In its usage, fabrent means pasand humane. It is the greatest and most worthy charactersionate, deeply Involved, committed. We speak of a “faristic we can aspire to.
brenta yid”, a Jew that is passionate Torah study and Jewish
I can think of a few words that I think are missing from
this list: I would have included: Kedusha, “holiness”, Tes8. Emes – “truth” Our honor, our good name and our repuhuvah “repentance”, Mitzvoth, commandment/good deed
tation all depend on our words being believable and beand Derech Eretz, “the appropriate way to act and treat
lieved. Being a Jew means to speak the truth always.
people.” Nevertheless the ten words Rabbi Dosick chose
are ten words that affect everything we do that is impor7. Kavod – “honor”. In Jewish tradition, it is imperative
tant and everything that we can do to shape the world and
that we honor: our parents, our spouse, our children, ourmake it a better place. Our Jewish heritage gives us wise
selves. Show honor to those who deserve it but we should
words, words of goodness and greatness. Rabbi Dosick
not seek honor for ourselves.
suggests, “we speak these words for when we embody and
6. Zeiskeit – “sweetness.” While this term is often used
live these top ten words, our humanity is enhanced, our
to refer to the innocence of childhood and children, it is a
existence is enriched and are lives are ennobled.”
term that reminds us that we all have the ability to recapAs we enjoy the blessings of summer, as we take a walk,
ture the sweetness that has been implanted within us.
enjoy the beach or hike or climb mountains, may we keep
5. Tzedakah – usually mistranslated as “charity” but, literthese words in mind and emerge from the summer enerally, “justice and righteousness.” We do not just give out of
gized, enriched and - a little more holy.
the goodness of our hearts but because “it is our obligation; it is the right thing to do.”
Rabbi Paul D.Kerbel
4. Chein – literally, “grace.” In the prayer Sim Shalom, we
ask God for peace, goodness and blessing, chein – grace,
Temple Beth Sholom 4
by Pearl Halegua
‫דוגמה אישית‬
Community Setting Examples
y the time you read
mind and spirit.”
this article we will
Thank you to All of you who feed our minds and spirits all
have celebrated our
year round.
65th Anniversary Gala. Thank
Speaking of spirits, I want to say thank you to Dr. Jay Merker,
you to Lisa Levine, Karen Spitalnik, Donna Bartolomeo
I give a lot of Yasher Koachs to our spiritual leaders but
and the committee for all their work on this event.
let’s not forget our “spirits leader”; we can always count
Approximately 300, congregants and friends of Rabbi Lucas
on Dr. Merker for being prepared with the
and TBS filled our ballroom. In addition to
right “spirit” for our Kiddush l’chaim. His
honoring our Senior Rabbi, we honored
the learning opportunities that live on in "Just as students move contribution is warming in many ways.
our halls and hopefully, will continue to on to their next phase,
Time moves on and so do people.
take place for years to come. Learning so do we move on. Life
Morty Schaja will be stepping down from
takes place on many levels. Not only do we is good when we can
the Executive Board but we will not let
teach our children and adults to pray and
him get away entirely. He promises to
read Hebrew but we also teach art and
continue serving as a financial advisor
music, we learn about our diversity, and
and a trustee. Tammy Fisher will also be
camaraderie, we watch movies, we eat indication that we are
stepping down but Tammy will continue
popcorn, we plant flowers, we celebrate
on the Board of Trustees and working on
life together, we mourn together, we
Social Action projects. Thank you Morty
console and we even sample wine and
TBS President, Pearl Halegua
and Tammy for your continued support
scotch…. Torah teaches us: we need each
and dedication.
The Executive Board extends a welcome to Madeline
Who is Temple Beth Sholom? I say who because TBS is not
Yousefzadeh and Carrie Gordon. Madeline will be our
just a building, TBS is you and me. TBS is a community of
Vice President of Religious Affairs; Carrie will be our
individuals that stands in solidarity on many important
Vice President of Education. We look forward to working
issues. As mentioned, the theme of our gala was not
together. On behalf of our congregation I would like to
just celebrating 65 years of existence, which is an
thank those trustees who are retiring from the board for
accomplishment in and of itself, but we also recognized 65
volunteering their time and expertise to our temple; and
years of education.
extend a welcome to our new board members.
Malka Me-Zahav, for those who don’t know, was our
As a teacher, June was a month full of reflection. As I would
Hebrew School Director for 25 years. When I think of
sit and reflect on the progress report for each child, I would
Malka, I hear her saying, “Shalom Yeladim”, as the kids
recall who was this student in September; what goals did
entered the building. Malka was so much of what we
I set for this child; did we reach them; where did we fall
stand for wrapped up in one beautiful morah (teacher).
short; where did he or she grow? What recommendations,
She represented Israel, she represented Jewish traditional
observations should I share with his or her next teacher?
values, thoughtfulness, and learning and like a true Sabra,
As I sit here writing this article, I find that I am asking the
just that perfect mix of enough tough and sweet to get
same questions of myself. I will give you my progress report
the job done. I wanted to share this at the gala but Malka
at the installation ceremony.
couldn’t make it, so I am sharing it here. Yasher Koach
Malka for the personal example you set as an educator.
Just as students move on to their next phase, so do we
move on. Life is good when we can move on to something
This June we will be saying goodbye to Helayne Cohen, our
new; growth is an indication that we are alive and well.
Early Childhood Center Director. She will be leaving us to
spend more time with her growing family and we are happy
Yasher Koach Congregation Temple Beth Sholom of
for her. We are also happy that she has offered to mentor
Roslyn Heights, NY for being an exemplary community,
whomever takes her position. We all agree Helayne’s shoes
may you continue leading by example for another 65
will not be an easy pair to fill.
years… doogmah eesheet.
John Steinbeck once stated, “I have come to believe that
Pearl Halegua
a great teacher is a great artist…Teaching might even be
the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human
Temple Beth Sholom 5
Since 1951, we have provided a wide tent, a
nurturing spiritual home in which Jews are
welcome in good times and in times of need.
We are known for inspirational worship,
celebration of life cycle events, creative Jewish
education, exceptional clergy and leadership.
We offer three outstanding religious schools, as
well as cutting edge adult education programs,
and unequaled family learning programs.
TBS is a proud, generous, caring Jewish
community. Members are frequently moved to
demonstrate their support of our goals, both
as volunteers and with financial donations. We
appreciate their gifts of time and money: they
are all gifts from the heart.
For more information, please call Donna Bartolomeo,
Executive Director at 516-621-2288 or Louis Naviasky,
Vice President of Finance and Fundraising,
This year TBS has identified a
“Wish List” to guide all of those who
are inspired to donate financially!
1. New air conditioning unit (large) $75,000
2.Handicapped accessible entrance on
Roslyn Road $30,000
3. Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room $25,000
4. Renovate Religious School bathrooms
(2) $25,000 each
5. New air conditioning unit (small) $25,000
6. Boardroom furniture $20,000
7. Carpet in Boardroom $8,000
8.Special-needs teacher (3) $8,000 each for
1 school year
9. Youth Director $7,500 for 1 school year
10. New Talasim (50) $2,000 sponsored
11. Laptops (4) $1,000 each
12. Friday Night Live! Band $750 (per night)
13. Printer (2) $450 each
14. Paint Early Childhood Center $15,000 sponsored
15. Early Childhood classroom furniture
$10,000 per class
16. Game room equipment- bubble hockey, pool table, ping pong tables (Day Camp) $3500
17. Portable hockey borders for a rink (Day Camp) $5500
18. Arts & crafts tent (Day Camp) $6000
19. Sports equipment (Day Camp) $2000
20. Shinshin program $5000
Thank you in advance
for your generosity!
Temple Beth Sholom 6
harry meirowitz
Son of
Natalie & Lewis
June 4
adam aldad
Son of
Nina & Lior
June 4
Alexandra levine
Daughter of
Barbara & David
June 18
L’DOR V’DOR-From Generation to Generation
Create a lasting a legacy of your family’s connection to Temple Beth Sholom with the purchase of an
engraved brick for the Courtyard in our new Early Childhood and Lifelong Learning Center. You can
even choose between two sized bricks:
Size 4x8: Cost: $180 per brick or 3 for $500
(Each brick can include 3 lines of text with up to 14 characters)
Size 12x12: Cost: $540 per brick
(Each brick can include 8 lines of text with up to 16 characters)
Characters include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.
For more information, contact
Rebecca Altman at rebrub4@aol.com or Rachel Schor at rschor1234@gmail.com
We will be dedicating newly purchased bricks for the courtyard in June
in our Early Childhood & Lifelong Learning Center
Temple Beth Sholom 7
By Donna Bartolomeo,
esterday we had the 65th anniversary Gala
honoring TBS and Rabbi Alan Lucas. The event
was a huge success. As I looked around the
room I thought about my first days at TBS and how
I was welcomed by this community and have since
been so lucky to work with such an amazing group of
Morty Schaja, currently the Financial Secretary, is
finishing his term on the Executive Board. Morty has
always been there as a support and source of information. Tammy Fisher, currently Vice President of Education, is also finishing her term on the Executive Board.
Tammy thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for me and TBS.
Each June we have to say goodbye to the four year
olds and our graduates from Machon Beth Sholom.
Sad and exciting all at the same time. This year there
will also be another bittersweet farewell. Helayne Cohen who started the same time as I did 10 years ago
will be leaving her position as Early Childhood Director and retiring. Helayne, you will be missed and I will
miss enjoying each new year with you, your students
and staff. I am thrilled you will be able to spend the
time with your grandchildren. Enjoy because as our
children did, your grandchildren will grow up way too
quickly. Along with Helayne I will miss her husband
Jerry. Jerry always shared ideas, thoughts, helped
set up programs and every once and while told a few
jokes. Anyone who knows Jerry, knows how much he
admires and loves Helayne.
Last night I saw many of the members who are living in
the city full or part time, living in Florida for the winter
or are just so busy with work and family that we have
not had time to connect. Catching up was great and I
am looking forward to hearing more when the summer is over and we get ready for the holidays.
I am fortunate to work with the finest professional staff, Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Kerbel, Cantor Barnoy,
Helayne Cohen, Sharon, Solomon, Rabbi Jensen and
Holly Firestone, We learn together, we laugh together,
we sometimes cry together and we share experiences,
concerns and anything else that comes our way. To the
Executive Board and Board of Trustees: I would like to
thank you for your support throughout the year.
As we sat at the Gala I realized how blessed I am when
I looked to my left and saw my office staff Barbara
Cooper and Dawn Ruggiero. They were already talking about putting the montage and journal up on the
website and out on Constant Contact. They both make
my life a lot easier, never say no, always have a smile
on their faces and are there for all of our members'
needs. Kathy Rogers, our bookkeeper, has been an asset to our staff. Then there was Bob Spampinato, our
Facilities Director who along with our staff keep the
synagogue clean, heated, air conditioned and somehow are able to get the most of every area of this
To both of my staffs THANK YOU!!!!!
Donna Bartolomeo
Join Temple Beth Sholom's European Jewish Heritage Journey
Led by Rabbi Paul and Melissa Kerbel
Warsaw, Krakow-Auschwitz/Birkenau, Prague,
Terezin Berlin and Potsdam
Guided by Jules Gutin, Former International Director of United Synagogue Youth (USY),
founder of USY Israel/Poland Seminar and Tour Educator for youth and adult missions to Poland
June 4 -16, 2017
For more information, please contact Rabbi Paul Kerbel at pkerbel@tbsroslyn.org
or Sara at ITC Tours, LLC. at 800-247-7235
Temple Beth Sholom 8
An evening of Jewish Learning
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot:
Our Living Torah
Saturday, June 11, 2016
7:15 PM
Family Program with Rabbi Cara Weinstein Rosenthal and Sharon Solomon
Adult Study with Rabbi Paul Kerbel:
The Torah Revolution-14 Ideas That Changed the World
8:15 PM
Mincha and Shavuot Evening Service
9:00 PM
Havdalah and Festival Kiddush
9:15-10:10 PM
Breakout Sessions
Teen Study with Mike Hirsch
Study Session in Farsi with Pnina Sarraf
Study Session with Gila Hadani Ward
Study Session with Norman Fried
10:10-10:30 PM
Cheesecake Buffet and Ice Cream Bar
10:30-11:30 PM
"Late Night Study" with Rabbi Alan Lucas
Temple Beth Sholom 9
by Helayne Cohen, Early Childhood Center Director
can still remember the feelings I had on my very first
day here at TBS. I knew
that I would face some
challenges and savor
accomplishments, trying to keep up with what
was going to be an enormous job. What I
learned immediately was that I would have
many hand holders along the way easing
the responsibility I chose to undertake.
The hand holders were my invaluable assistant, Shahrzad Salih, the dedicated, compassionate teachers, the parents of the school,
Rabbi Lucas, Cantor Barnoy, Donna Bartolomeo
and her office staff, Sharon Solomon, our religious
school principal, Pearl Halegua, our current synagogue
president, our very supportive Board of Education, currently led by Tammy Fisher, Carrie Gordon and Phyllis Fried
and Bob Spampinato and his maintenance staff. Most recently, thank you to Rabbi Kerbel. And, I would be remiss,
if I didn't extend an enormous sense of gratitude to my
husband and children.
I am certain that if I did not have the many hand holders
through the years of my position as a director, it would
have been incredibly difficult to establish a "second home"
for the hundreds of children who have been a part of the
TBS preschool. The teachers in this school, including my
incredible assistant, Shahrzad Salih, are also the ones who
held the smallest of hands. They were the ones who wiped
away tears and encouraged our children. They fostered the
bonds of friendship and honored the emotions of each
child in their charge. They gave hugs to the child who needed one and smiled at each one with pride for their daily accomplishments. They taught and modeled from the heart.
I have always had the difficulty of not being able to control
time. God has granted us the gift of life that is marked by
the concept of time. My own children were growing up so
quickly - I wished to slow down time just a bit so I could
take in the many unique and wonderful qualities they developed through their life experiences and, so too, do I feel
that way in regard to what I learned over the many years
here at TBS. But we know that time stands still for no one.
So, into each day, I put, and imparted to our children here,
equal parts of faith, patience, courage, hope, tolerance,
kindness, rest, lots of fun, play, and a heaping spoon full of
good humor. All of these qualities served me well as director of the Early Childhood Center.
throughout my tenure here and will remain with me long
after I leave. I have been blessed to be in the position to
make a difference in young children's lives and hopefully in their parent's lives as well. It was always
my goal to teach the next generation to be kind,
have faith, be patient, dream big, value other
people's traditions, make play a part of every
day and to smile!
I am always going to hold dear the memories that were made here and for the time I
spent with the wonderful children of the ECC.
They will always serve as my footprints as I begin my next chaptr. L'Hitraot.
Congratulations to the following children who will
be moving up and moving on. Yasher Koach!
Jake Adragna, Jack Alberti, Jonah Ambalu, Selena Chirls,
Noah Costello, Tallulah Costello, Eliana David, Abigail Dritz,
Farrah Eisbruck, Aron Fishman, Emma Friedmann, Kiran
Grewal, Emmersen Gross, Kaitlyn Joseph, Aiden Kohan,
Joshua Kohen, Conner Lai, Parker Relles, Colton Rockfeld,
Cory Rosenberg, Eliezer Rosenthal, Libby Sarne, Lauren
Seitelman, Hannah Sonstein, Jayden Vartanov, Jonah Vartanov, Adele Yousefzadeh and Zachary Zinger.
Wishing the Temple Beth Sholom community a wonderful
Helayne Cohen
June Highlights
Friday, June 10
Mon-Fri, June 14-24
Last Day of School
Stay & Play (Optional)
For inquiries about our school, call us at (516) 621-1171.
I look back on the years here as a true gift. TBS gave me the
opportunity to help parents raise children with the highest respect for their own child's educational and spiritual
journey. Honoring each child served as a common thread
Temple Beth Sholom 10
by Sharon Solomon, Religious School Director
t’s hard to believe that the
end of the school year is upon
us. Looking back at all the
wonderful programs that our students participated in throughout
the year, we truly had a celebration of Torah education. The
religious school has already begun planning great programs
for the new year. Please be sure to send in your registration
forms for 2016-17 promptly.
In May, the New York Metropolitan Region of the United
Synagogue (METNY) honored several of our Zayin (7th
grade) students at their annual Keter Torah Award ceremony held at Shelter Rock Jewish Center. We are very proud of
the following students who are acknowledged for demonstrating outstanding achievement in Judaic Studies as well
as exemplary attitude in derech eretz. They are: Maxwell
Bergman, Alexandra Levine, Jessica Kessler, Joshua Kessler, Aaron Kohen, Joshua Liswood, Harry Meirowitz, Jasmine Samadi and Ethan Wachsman.
I am very excited to take part this month in a special five
day professional development program in Atlanta run by
the Center for Israel Education (CIE). The CIE produces and
disseminates material about modern Israel geared to grades two
through six. I will be accompanied
by two educators, Gerri Blum and
Roya Mizrahi and we are eager to
bring exciting materials back to
Kitah Hay pack for the homeless
layne Cohen for assisting our school in programs and family
education throughout the year. A special thank you to Joseph Soffer, Norman Fried, Gerri Blum, Victoria Eller, Fran
Shalot and Elise Kitaeff (who trains our students to read Torah at the Mishpacha Family Service) for facilitating extraordinary Shabbat Family study programs. Thank you to our
Temple President Pearl Halegua, Executive Vice President
Rebecca Altman and Executive Director Donna Bartolomeo for all their support and encouragement. Also, many
thanks to our school board: Vice President Tammy Fisher,
Chairperson Carrie Gordon and Vice-Chairperson Phyllis
Goldenberg for their endless hours of effort and guidance
on behalf of our school.
To our PTA Presidents, Lisa Berger
and Debbie Dubowsky, and to all
the parents who gave many hours
of their time helping to enhance
our school programs, todah rabbah. The PTA is now seeking new
board members for the upcoming school year. Take a moment to
consider your strengths and talents for such a significant cause.
Your participation is most needed
and welcome!
In addition, I will be going to Israel
over the summer through the Makom/Jewish Education Project.
The Makom philosophy was born
out of a recognition that “loving
Kitah Daled sends good wishes
Israel” is not sustainable without
Saving the best for last - our teachto the Israel Defense Forces
knowledge, and that “knowing
ers - todah rabbah for all that you
about” Israel is insufficient without personal connection. I
do for our children. You make all the difference in enhanclook forward to obtaining innovative and age appropriate
ing our program. Kol Hakavod to our staff: Judith Aharocurriculum materials to embellish our TBS learning on this
ni, Mina Afrahim, Rachel Amsellem, Shmuel Baumvoll,
trip as well. This program is geared for middle school grade
Nathan Baruch, Gerri Blum, Leah Cohen, Victoria Eller,
Elisheva Gazal, Julie Gittlin, Rivka Goldson, Hanna Harel,
Elise Kitaeff, Fran Kohn, Daniela Lerner, Rachel Lunzer,
It is my pleasure this year to present the Barbanel award
Ziva Meraz, Judy Merrick, Roya Mizrahi, Chaim Moskowto Dr. Nathan Baruch who is an incredible, dedicated Toitz, Steve Moskowitz, Marie Rosenthal, Fran Shalot, Hava
rah educator. Dr. Baruch has created a customized Vav sixth
Shilon, Ilana Shoshani, Gershie Vann, Shulamit Zar.
grade Parshat HaShuvah (Torah portions of the week) textbook/workbook. His dedication to Torah study is remarkAnd to my assistant, Darlene, who helps make my job look
able and we are honored to have Dr. Baruch on our staff.
easy and is truly my right hand, I extend my sincere gratiMany thanks to the Barbanel family for their generous antude.
nual gift in memory of Hilda Barbanel. Many of our teachWishing everyone a healthy, wonderful, fun-filled and eners have merited from this contribution which is truly apergizing summer! We look forward to seeing you all in the
preciated, year after year.
I wish to express my deep appreciation to my educational
Sharon Solomon
team: Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Kerbel, Cantor Barnoy, and He-
Temple Beth Sholom 11
by Rabbi Sean Jensen and Rabbi Paul David Kerbel
Co-MBS Directors
Machon: The Completion of a Great Year!
s the school year
winds down for Machon Beth Sholom,
we can reflect on a year of
outstanding programs and
interactive learning. Thanks
to Rabbi Sean Jensen, Rabbi Alan Lucas, Danielle Orville
and myself, our students are better prepared to understand the complexities of the
Arab-Israeli conflict, have
studied about anti-semitism
and prejudice, learned about
leadership from Mike Hirsch
and shared many discussions
on how to apply Judaism to
their individual lives.
Sign up now for Machon for the Fall Semester which begins September 12, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. by writing to Danielle Orville at dorville@tbsroslyn.org.
Mitzvah Day
We express our thanks to the
Jewish Education Project of
UJA Federation of New York,
Anita and Bill Baron, our
President, Pearl Halegua and
Executive Vice President, ReMachon Israel Program
becca Altman for their constant care and concern about Machon. TBS’s Education
leadership, V.P. Tammy Fisher and Board of Education
chairs Carrie Gordon and Phyllis Fried were always there
to help and offer advice.
Rabbi Paul D. Kerbel
Machon Leadership Seminar
Machon Israel Program
VP Programming
by Steven Goldenberg
775-5776. The theme for the year has been “65
Years—And Still Going Strong,” with the TBS
anniversary culminating in the Gala on May 22.
What a turnout, at which time we honored Rabbi Alan
Lucas, in this, his own milestone year. And thank you
to all who contributed to the electronic journal. And of
course, Yasher Koach to the entire Gala Committee, cochaired by Lisa Levine and Karen Spitalnick.
Even though the Gala is now behind us, there will be
more time for reflection and moving forward. Please
stroll through the synagogue to see the magnificent
displays put together by our beloved museum curator,
Bat-Sheva Slavin. And we will plan on a Sunday breakfast
this autumn to reminisce about where we have been,
and to where we are going, coordinated by Judy
Goldberg and Debby Brosowsky.
June will be yet another busy month. The annual Israel
Day Parade in NYC on Sunday, June 5 is an opportunity
for the entire Jewish community (and others) to show
support. Besides the Sisterhood Spring Dinner and
Installation on June 2, and the Men’s Club BBQ and
Texas Hold’em Tournament on June 9, three consecutive
Friday evenings are planned. MBS graduation and
confirmation takes place on June 3. Installation of TBS
officers will be held on June 10—we welcome Madeline
Yousefzadeh and Carrie Gordon to the Executive Board,
and a number of Trustees to the BOT that evening. And
please join us on June 17 at 6:30 PM for a Shabbat BBQ
& TBS Reunion, with dinner catered by Ben’s, followed
by Friday Night Live Kabbalat Services at 8 PM; see flier
for more details.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my
appreciation to all of you who have supported me in
this, my first year as VP Programming. I see firsthand
how blessed we are to have so many who work so
passionately to make TBS “more than just a synagogue.”
Wishing you and yours a terrific summer!
Steven Goldenberg
Temple Beth Sholom 12
BethRock New Board 2016-2017
Robin Feldman, USY Advisor
ethRock USY has had an incredible year. Our
membership increased almost 50%, we had
our first annual chapter overnight, and we had
more events than ever before! From our social action
events (hosting the Ruach divisional event where we
donated clothing and toiletries and in the fall making
sandwiches for a local shelter), to our social events
(murder mystery, Krav Maga and Food Israeli Good!),
we have something for everyone to enjoy! Next year
we hope to incorporate even more events including
a Havdalah/Pajama/Movie Night, Shabbat programming, ice skating, bowling, volunteering at local shel-
ters and of course keeping some of our favorites which
always include food (whether eating, cooking or both)!
We also have four BethRock members serving on
the divisional board (out of six positions!) and have
two members serving on regional board (including
President!). BethRock has officially put themselves on
the map in our division! We hope everyone has an
amazing summer and we look forward to welcoming
our members back from camp, vacation and summer
programs and welcoming new members too! If you have
any questions about what USY has to offer, please feel
free to email me at roslynyouthgroup@gmail.com.
Top Row: Dov Ginzburg (9th grade rep), Sophie Roth (10th grade rep), Michael Horwitz (Rel/Ed VP)
Bottom Row: Gavi Feldman (Israel Affairs VP), Ariel Wajnrajch (President) Zoe Tashlik (9th grade rep), Talia Schor (SATO VP),
Hannah Roth (Mem/Kad VP), Sara Blau (Communications VP)
Looking Ahead...After Kiddush Study
oin Rabbi Paul Kerbel for a new program: "After Kiddush Study" on select Shabbatot following services and the Kiddush. The next study sessions will take place at approximately 12:50 on Saturday,
June 25, Topic: Study the Torah portions of Bamidbar - The Book of Numbers, Saturday, August 6,
Topic: Tisha B'Av and the Nine Days, Saturday, September 10, Topic: The Torah Readings of Rosh HaShanah and Yom
Kippur. Feel free to bring your lunch and dessert from kiddush to our class!
Temple Beth Sholom 13
by Michael Mand, President
his being my last article as Men’s Club president,
allow me a little personal reflection and evaluation:
As June approaches – I’m writing this in early May – it
occurs to me that I’m almost a year older since I began
my second, non-contiguous term as Men’s Club president. I’m also a year wiser with respect to good leadership and human nature.
First let me speak about our events, however. Some
members like Comedy Night; some like the Latke Party;
some like the Wine and Scotch Tastings. But my favorite
Men’s Club event is the night we invite a local brewer
to speak to us about beer. Perhaps that is why the only
times we’ve sponsored this event is when I was president. (There has to be some executive leeway for the
chief executive.) This year a brewer from The Oyster
Bay Brewery came to discuss some the beers and ales
they brew up there on The Sound. I’d like to report that
the evening was a huge success. (I don’t really know,
actually, because I’m writing this before the event has
actually occurred.) Here are some beer facts for you:
There are two types of beers – lagers and ales.
1. Ales are made with top-fermenting yeasts which
produce esters that can affect the flavor.
2. Lagers are made with bottom-fermenting yeasts
which add very little flavor to the brew.
Final thoughts:
I had high hopes of taking the baton from my predecessor, Steve Goldenberg, and building on his accomplishments. I asked my board members for ideas and I got
some; some good ones. One of the best, I thought, was
by past president, David Levine, who recommended
that Men’s Club sponsor a class in minyan leadership
and davening, and gabbai rishon instruction. I approached Cantor Barnoy who agreed to help out. Perhaps we can do this in the future.
Earlier this year the Religious Affairs Committee, on
which I sit, asked if Men’s Club would take responsibility for organizing the ushers who serve on the High
Holidays. Past president, Gil Lipper, has been leading
this sub-committee the past few years, but he has expressed his wishes not to continue. The position remains unfilled as the days approach more rapidly than
you’d like to imagine. I placed an ad in last month’s
bulletin asking anyone who is interested in ushering on
Shabbat and the High Holidays to contact me.
As for me, I will be stepping down from the executive
board of the Men’s Club of Temple Beth Sholom once
my year is over. I wish our Men's Club all the best next
Michael Mand
3. Bottom-fermenting yeasts can be reused.
4. There are some exceptions to “yeast rule”.
Now you know.
On May 22, Temple Beth Sholom celebrated its 65th
anniversary with a salute to Rabbi Lucas. The entertainment was provided by The Little Wilson Band featuring my friend, Allen Santoriello. I only mention that
because I was the one who recommended this band
as a change of pace from the same old-same old. I’m
confident that the band didn’t disappoint. Men’s Club
was honored to sponsor the kippot for the event. We
are proud to have been a part of the gala; we are proud
to be a part of TBS.
As always, Men’s Club ends the year with a barbecue
and Texas Hold’em tournament on Thursday, June 9. All
are invited to join us to watch Yoram Solomon defend
his title. I usually do not participate in the card game as
I am trying to break with my tradition at losing at poker.
I figure there are two ways. One is to win. The other is
not to play. I’ve chosen the latter as having the more
predictable result. Oh, I almost forgot – Sisterhood will
be sponsoring the beer for the barbecue. Thank you,
thank you.
If you would like to volunteer
to be an Usher for Shabbat
or the High Holidays
please contact:
Michael Mand at
Temple Beth Sholom 14
by Cindy Feldman, President
It’s June! It’s Time to Party & to Reflect!
n June 2nd Sisterhood will be holding its annual Spring Dinner to honor Wende Jager-Hyman
and Deborah Brosowsky as our BQLI Women of
Achievement along with our Torah Fund Honoree, Daniela
Klein. Your Executive Board has planned an exotic night at
Shiraz of Great Neck. It promises to be a wonderful evening
filled with friends and perhaps a surprise or two! We hope
you will be joining us.
Almost immediately after our evening celebration, the
party continues at our end of year Shacharit Service led by
Sisterhood and Zahava Rosenfeld on June 6th at 9:15 AM
in the Main Sanctuary, followed by a beautiful luncheon for
Don’t want the party to end? Join
your “sisters” at the BQLI Gala two
days later on June 8th. We will meet
up with Grace Schessler and all our
friends from surrounding Sisterhoods to celebrate our Women of
Achievement, share stories about
our experiences this year, and learn
from each other one last time before our summer break.
Roya Mizrahi and Fran Shalot: Remember writing the Educational Brochure? It was time-consuming, but you created
a slate of classes with an array of learning opportunities that
“wowed” our membership. The last Lunch & Learn was a
huge success with Bat-Sheva Slavin featuring an Israeli film,
Orchestra of Exiles, which fascinated all who attended.
Cindy Katz & Amy Magid: Where would we be without your
innovative and dedicated efforts to run all our fundraisers
this year (& every year)?!! Challah subscriptions; honey jar
sales; the Judaica Shop; raffles; Cards & Games Day; vendors at our events, including the Pampered Chef and tablecloths from Israel; and our plant sale! But my favorite, the
Purim Shalach Manot gift baskets, got
even better when you included young
families in helping you to pack bags for
some of our homebound members.
You bridged our younger and older
members in a meaningful and powerful way. Yasher Koach!
Debbie Agulnick: You inspired me
when you coordinated families, including Dads and grandparents, to bake
their own Hamentaschen, with close
to 100 participants! The smiles on
everyone’s faces brought tears to my
eyes- you are a true leader, and I have
much to learn from you!
It will be challenging to moderate
eating and keep our girlish figures,
Brad Reedy: The Journey of the Heroic Parent
but it’s worth the risk! We will see
(left to right: Roya Mizrahi, Sharon Solomon;
the women who inspired us all year Brad Reedy (guest parent educator and author);
Cindy Feldman; & Phyllis Pellman).
Wende Jager-Hyman & Debby Brolong at these back to back celebrations, taking a fond look back on
sowsky: Wende, thanks for bringing
what we accomplished together this year.
Sisterhood into the 21st century with PayPal links to all
our events. We are grateful for your skills at leading our biMahvash Zarabi: How did you convince G & I Bakery to domonthly book clubs and current events discussion groups
nate all the ingredients for the Great Big Challah Bake? Of
and always making each one of our members feel heard and
course it was your endearing smile that did the trick! Thank
that they matter. Debby, thank you for keeping us focused
you for coordinating all our meals for our Sisterhood meeton the task at hand; you also understand the ladies we serve
ings and for knowing where to find the nicest pashminas to
in a way that helped us to make sure our programs were
add to our wardrobes- every time we wear them we think
relevant and served our community.
of our Fall dinner and you!
Helene Lurie: How did you coordinate so many UJA Fourth
Week projects? Paper goods, hot beverage gift baskets,
and personal hygiene products filled the shelves at local
pantries! The site visits you arranged helped us to understand poverty on Long Island on a deeply personal level.
Your sisters are more determined to continue the fight
against poverty on Long Island as a result of your efforts.
Mimi Weitz: Thank you for cultivating such a wonderful relationship with Mark Krieger of Beautiful Memories
Gemach of New Hyde Park. It is with your kindness and
dedication that we were able to come together as a community to collect over 400 dresses and suits to distribute
to battered women living in shelters so they can return
to the work force. We wish you and Ken well in your new
home in Arizona and will miss you!
Natalie Postelnek: Your charm and kindness landed us an
evening many will never forget with famed kosher chef,
Susie Fishbein. Now we know Susie, like you know Susieand Oh, what a Gal!
Sherrie Goldstein: How do you unravel our books? You are
patient, dedicated, and persistent to “figure out” our finances and investments. But you are so much more than
our Treasurer. You are a true “sister.” Thank you for making
that hospital run to Molly Chernofsky with me- I will never
forget our car rides.
Lisa Schlesinger: You are our matriarch. You have dedicated
more than 20 years to Torah Fund and we are so grateful to
you. Thank you for teaching me the etiquette of leadershipyou are quite a role model. You do it with grace, dignity, and
love. We wish you well as you pass the baton to Janet Eder.
All those who attended Brad Reedy’s Program: Thank you
for coming out to hear about something so personal. Your
sensitivity, support, and open-mindedness are comfortingthat’s why I love this job so much.
SAVE THE DATE: September 8th, Welcome Back Sisterhood
Fall Meeting! I look forward to another year of learning together with you and from you!
All the best,
Cindy Feldman
Temple Beth Sholom 15
by Lisa G. Schlesinger
We wish to acknowledge all those who contributed to our Torah Find Campaign for 5776
Pearl Halegua, Beatrice Karten, Dedee Lovell, Lisa
Associate Patrons
Molly Chernofsky z"l, Marilyn Greensher,
Daniela Klein, Sandy Seltzer, Phyllis
Anita Baron, Leatrice Baron, Helen Bloom,
Carolyn Canova, Bonnie Cooper, Bonnie
Epstein, Cindy Feldman, Judith Goldberg,
Phyllis Fried Goldenberg, Arlene Katz, Judith Lee Klein,
Roya Mizrahi, Eleanor Roberts, Marilyn Rubenstein,
Fran Shalot, Robin Simonson, Sisterhood Temple Beth
Sholom, Susan Zelman
Marjorie Adler, Rebecca Altman,
Sheila Barth, Susan
Ben-Moshe, Lori Beyer, Janet Eder, Beth Eichenholtz,
Eve Eichenholtz
, Ellen Fingerman, Eva Gerber, Jeanne
Goldman, Thelma Goldstein, Louise Hersh,
Frances Ilivicky, Marilyn Jacques, Brianne
Karten, Jesse Karten, Cindy Katz, Melissa
Kerbel, Rikki Kessler, Nadine Kesten, Rita
Kroll, Helaine Kurtzman, Rosalyn Landsman,
Susan Lipper, Edy Lucas, Judi Marcus,
Pauline Mattana, Men’s Club Temple Beth
Sholom, Robin Merker, Esther Meth, Linda
Moskowitz, Sara Most, Sharon Pikus,
Shirlee Roberts, Myrna Robbins, Rose Schecter, Shari
Schnitzer, Miriam Furman Silverman, Selda Steckler,
Ellen Weinberg, Mimi Weitz, Dorine Wulwick,
Madeline Yousefzadeh, Mavashi Zarabi, Roberta Zeldis
Torah Fund
Commemorate an occasion or send condolences & help educate Rabbis, Cantors and Educators at Conservative-movement
seminaries. Contact Lisa Schlesinger at 621-6629 or at jlslgs1@gmail.com for certificates ($18 each) and cards.
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Sophia & Ross Auerbach
Anita & Bill Baron
Susan & Lewis Bartell
Ellen & Bruce Belsky
Sanford Berger
Caryn & Michael Beyer
Harriet & Harvey Beyer
Lauren & Phillip Beyer
Lori & Stephen Beyer
Suzan & Joe Bruck
Carolyn & John Canova
Sherri & Drew Caplin
Ester & Allan Causanschi
Arlyne & Warren z'l Choset
Debbie & Jay Dubowsky
Beth & Marc Eichenholtz
Arlene & Daniel Fisher
Carol & Ira Fishman
Eva & Sanford Gerber
Judith Goldberg
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
Cindy & Adam Gross
Josh Halegua
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
Susan & Jon Held
Marilyn & Patrick Jacques
Amy & Robert Kane
Arlene & Seymour Katz
Cynthia & Ronnie Katz
Lisa & Richard Levine
Rita & David Levy
Marcia & Mark Lilling
Amy & Alan Littman
Amy & Marc Magid
Jill & Louis Naviasky
Batsheva & Ronald Ostrow
Sharon & Rubin Pikus
Harriet Rosen
Maris & Andy Rosenberg
Dara & Brian Rubenstein
Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein
Rebecca & Morty Schaja
Rose & Alan Schecter
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger
Rachel & Michael Schor
Sandra & Steve Seltzer
Robin & Barry Simonson
Sarah & Avi Stein
Doris Tolins
Ellen & Paul Walk
Shoshanna Wingate
Dorine & Robert Wulwick
Laurie & Arthur Zagelbaum
Susan & Alan Zelman
Temple Beth Sholom 16
We hope you will join us for a Shabbat Dinner BBQ Reunion as we continue
our 65th Anniversary celebration, honoring our synagogue and Rabbi Lucas.
This is a special Shabbat reunion for our members, new and old, and all
those who have had a connection to our TBS Family over the years - including
your friends and family who join us on the High Holidays, your children and
grandchildren, and anyone you know looking to share a fabulous, memorable,
festive Shabbat with us!
Temple Beth Sholom 17
Temple Beth Sholom 18
Shavuot 1
Shavuot 2
Sisterhood Shacharit Service
Defensive Driving
June 2016
Executive Board
Board of Trustees
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Executive Board
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh
Congregtional Meeting
Current Events/
Discussion Group
Men's Club Poker Night & BBQ
Sisterhood Spring Dinner
Friday Night Live! BBQ
Friday Night Live! Services
Installation & Services
ATID Friday Night Lights Dinner
ATID Services
Auf Ruf Bryan Denberg &
Julie Rotter
Bat Mitzvah Alexandra Levine
Erev Shavuot
Auf Ruf Lewis Rotstein &
Lizette Frank
Bar Mitzvah Adam Aldad
Bar Mitzvah Harry Meirowitz
Iyar/Sivan 5776
‫סיון תשע״ו‬/‫א״ר תשע״ו‬
In the beginning
by Judy Goldberg
In 1967, after lengthy discussions, the Board of Trustees adopted a document called the Beth Sholom Credo.
It reaffirmed the principles and practices on which our
synagogue was founded in 1951. The Credo was approved by the membership at a meeting on March 22,
1967. As we celebrate Beth Sholom’s 65th Anniversary,
it would be interesting to have your reactions to the
Credo and its viability today. Your comments would be
most welcome.
"Temple Beth Sholom is dedicated to the practice of traditional Judaism. As a Conservative Congregation, we
regard the tradition, not as something static, but rather
as continuously developing from its earliest sources to
the present.
We believe that we enrich our tradition by accepting
new interpretations and discoveries as the searching
mind of man strives to move closer to God. By this process, our tradition avoids the pitfalls of ignorance and
superstition, and renews its vitality, thereby enabling it
to meet the deepest needs and highest aspirations of
every age.
We affirm our allegiance to the United States of America while cherishing Eretz Yisroel as the cradle of our
religious heritage and the center of the renaissance of
Jewish peoplehood.
Temple Beth Sholom implements its beliefs by the following means:
A religious school which draws upon the teachings of the
past to instruct our children in the religious and ethical
concepts of traditional Judaism and to help them participate happily, intelligently and creatively in modern Jewish
Traditional worship services which are receptive to innovation and development;
A complete religious, educational and social program
which offers spiritual and intellectual fulfillment to the
members of the Congregation.
In our personal practice of traditional Judaism as a way of
life, we believe in the use of ritual prayer in a manner that
contributes to individual spiritual growth.
We also believe that it is incumbent upon the Temple as
an organization, and each member of the congregation
individually, to become involved in movements which
champion the cause of human dignity and social justice.
Temple Beth Sholom is affiliated with the United Synagogue of America, which is the lay organization of Conservative Synagogues; supports the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America, which is the academic headquarters
of the Conservative Movement; and recognizes the Rabbinical Assembly of America as our sole organized rabbinical authority."
Temple Beth Sholom 19
Membership Has Its Rewards
By Irving S. Chernofsky, Chairman Cemetery Committee
hen you think of a membership benefit, you will
rarely, if ever, think about the cemetery. But one
of the lesser known benefits of membership at
Temple Beth Sholom is exactly that. Temple Beth Sholom,
as a service to its members, makes available plots at New
Montefiore Cemetery, in an area reserved for Temple Beth
Sholom. These plots are available at very reasonable prices.
We recently surveyed Beth Moses Cemetery, Wellwood
Cemetery and New Montefiore Cemetery. All of these
cemeteries are located in Pinelawn, NY, less than a 30 minute
drive from the Temple. We determined that the Temple is
providing a significant discount, to its members, on the prices
for plots in the Temple area. This discount is approximately
33% to 50% lower than the prices that the cemeteries
currently sell plots for.
The Temple can provide members with either single or double
plots, or family plots of four or more graves. The family plots
have a single family monument that has the family name, and
individual footstones for each interment. Each single plot can
have an individual headstone, and each double plot can have
either two single headstones or a double headstone, at the
family’s option. If you have any interest in purchasing plots in
the Temple Beth Sholom area of New Montefiore Cemetery,
please contact the Temple office.
In addition, Temple Beth Sholom in conjunction with New
Montefiore Cemetery, now allows grave plantings. When
an interment is made on our cemetery grounds and the
family wishes to arrange for a planting, they will be allowed
to plant Mature Yews (consisting of 3 shrubs 18”- 24” wide)
purchased from the cemetery. Families that wish to have
grave plantings will be required to purchase “Perpetual Care”
from the cemetery. These shrubs do wonders in improving
the look of the gravesite. Grave plantings will also be allowed
at the Temple Beth Sholom area of Beth Moses Cemetery.
All families that have already had an interment at either
cemetery and desire grave plantings should contact the
cemetery to make the appropriate arrangements.
The Jewish way of life includes many Jewish life cycle events.
During a typical Shabbat service at Temple Beth Sholom you
can witness any of several of our Jewish life cycle events. You
can witness the naming of a baby girl and her welcoming into
the Jewish community; you can witness a bar or bat mitzvah,
where our Jewish adolescents are transformed, right before
our eyes, into Jewish adults; or you can witness an aufruf,
where two of our Jewish adults prepare for life as a married
Just as there is a Jewish way of life, there is also a Jewish
way of death. Two basic considerations come into play when
death strikes and the laws of death and mourning become
applicable. One consideration involves the principle of kevod
hamet, treatment of the deceased with reverence and
respect. The other involves the principle of kevod hechai,
concern for the welfare of the living. In respect for members
of our congregation who have suffered a loss, Temple Beth
Sholom allows the family to hold funeral services at the
Yes, membership has its rewards, and although we hope you
will never need these membership benefits, it’s nice to know
that they are available to you if you do need them.
For more information, please contact Irving Chernofsky
at 516-626-9025 or irving1@optonline.net or Temple
Executive Director - Donna Bartolomeo at 516-621-2288 or
Why not sponsor a Sunday minyan breakfast?
Your contribution will celebrate a simcha or honor the memory of a loved one.
In addition, a particularly meaningful way to commemorate a milestone in your life is to
sponsor a Kiddush on Saturday morning, thereby sharing your simcha with the Temple family.
Please call: David Oestreich at 621-3046 or the Temple office at 621-2288 for details or to reserve a date.
We are grateful to the following members who have sponsored Sunday Minyan breakfasts.
Ken Weitz and Family in memory of his parents
Elio and Sara Levy in memory of Arieh Lieb Rosmarin
David H. Oestreich in memory of brother, Dr. Herbert Oestreich
Jess Drabkin in memory of father, Solomon Drabkin
Mimi Weitz in memory of her parents
Gil Lipper in memory of mother Judith Lipper
Jay Dubowsky in honor of Shaun & Evan Dubowsky
Cantor Barnoy in memory of Abraham Barnoy
Beatrice Karten in memory of Sidney Bloom
Ellen & Paul Walk in memory of Nathan Herbstman & Morris Walk
Zahava Rosenfeld in honor of Rebecca's birthday
Steve Kober in memory of father, William Kober
Helene Lurie in memory of father, Hy Kazen
TBS Men's Club
Cindy Feldman in memory of Julius Kurtz
Jess Drabkin in memory of David Garfinkel
Steve Monas in memory of Lana Monas
Carin Silverman in memory of her father, Leonard Lustig
Fran Wiene in memory of Marvin Rappaport
Ben Karten Goodwill for Minyan
Jess Drabkin in memory of David Garfinkel
Temple Beth Sholom 20
(from 4/16/16 through 5/15/16)
In honor of Rabbi Lucas, Rabbi Kerbel & the members
of the congregation who led the minyan during the
shiva for my brother Michael Kaplan
Phyllis Rogoff
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Arlene & Sy Katz
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
In memory of Randy Yudenfriend Glaser
Sandi, David, Lee & Rachel Nussbaum
Rebecca & Morty Schaja
Harriet Rosen
Selma Taffet
Stacey & Mark Silverman
In memory of Yosef Beroukhim
Mahvash & Mansour Zarabi
In honor of Steve Goldenberg, “Man of the Year”
Sherrie & Harry Staszewski
In honor of the birth of Rabbi Alan & Edy Lucas’s
granddaughter, Lane Marlowe
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Dorine & Robert Wulwick
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
Leatrice Baron
Eva & Sanford Gerber
Judi & Andy Marcus
Risa & Michael Doherty
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein
In memory of the beloved mother of Jay Scheiner
Karen & Jerry Karlik
General Donation
Jill Dee
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of the granddaughter of
Anita & Bill Baron, Jolie Arielle Kantor
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
In honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Nadine
& Lewis Kesten, Jenna Molly Kesten
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
In memory of Sidney Levy, grandfather of Dr. Staci
Cheryl & Leslie Weiner
Dr. Michelle Weiner, Sandy Valdes, Mica, Sloane & Gregory
Allison, Joshua & Charlie Kleinman
In appreciation to Rabbi Lucas for all his support,
guidance and care during the illness and passing of my
beloved father, Saeed Darouvar
Shirin Simkhai
In honor of Zahava Rosenfeld for her help in preparing
Ellie for her bat mitzvah.
Shirin & Avi Simkhai
In honor of Edith & Leonard Kliegman’s 65th
Leatrice Baron
In honor of Rabbi Lucas
Marcia & Mark Lilling
In honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Linda &
Michael Sahn, Isabelle Sarah
Judi & Andy Marcus
In honor of the engagement of Pearl and Nathan
Halegua’s son Joshua to Carly Soffer
Judi & Andy Marcus
Eva & Sanford Gerber
Risa & Michael Doherty
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
Marilyn Hoch
In honor of Judi & Andy Marcus’s son Brian for his
presentation on Yom Hashoah
Judi & Andy Marcus
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein
In honor of the engagement of Joshua Halegua to Carly
Jill & Louis Naviasky
Amy & Marc Magid
Lisa & Richard Levine
Laurie, Arthur, Marc & Todd Zagelbaum
In memory of Leo Zelkin
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
In memory of Betzalel Wertenteil
Eunice & Jay Shapiro
In memory of Saeed Darouvar
Lisa & Richard Levine
In memory of Dr. Manuel Wolf Friedman
Lisa & Richard Levine
Jill & Louis Naviasky
Amy & Marc Magid
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Lisa & Richard Levine
Amy & Marc Magid
Jill & Louis Naviasky
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Doris Vine
Bella & Barry Freedberg
In memory of Saeed Simkhai
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In honor of Leonard Kliegman’s 88th birthday
Sally & Michael Kliegman
Gladys Kliegman
In memory of Manuel Wolf Friedman
Louise & Robert Hersh
Sue & Joe Bruck
Temple Beth Sholom 21
(from 4/16/16 through 5/15/16)
In honor of the birth of Dorine & Robert Wulwick’s
granddaughter, Molly Isabelle
Eva & Sanford Gerber & Family
In memory of Dr. Manuel Wolf
Edith & Leonard Kliegman
In honor of the engagement of Joshua Halegua to
Carly Soffer
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Dorine & Robert Wulwick
Arlene & Sy Katz
Carol & Ira Fishman & Family
In memory of Randy Yudenfriend Glaser
Wende & Arnold Hyman
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Edith & Leonard Kliegman
In honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Dorine
& Robert Wulwick, Molly Isabelle
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In honor of Max Bartell’s graduation from college &
acceptance into law school
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In honor of the birth of Rabbi Alan & Edy Lucas’
granddaughter, Lane Marlowe
Judy Goldberg
Evelyn & Michael Stein
In honor of the baby naming of Nadine & Lew Kesten’s
granddaughter, Jenna Molly Kesten
Judy Goldberg
In honor of the baby naming of Bonnie Cooper’s
great-granddaughter, Jenna Molly Kesten
Judy Goldberg
In memory of Saeed Darouvar
Rebecca & Michael Altman
Jennifer Friedman
In memory of Dr. Manuel Wolf
Linda Leaf
In honor of Zahava Rosenfeld’s becoming a Bat Torah
Joan & Leonard Weinberg
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In honor of the baby naming of Nadine & Lewis
Kesten’s granddaughter, Jenna Molly Kesten
Leatrice Baron
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Simkhai
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Sammy Feinstein
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In honor of the 65th wedding anniversary of Lisa & Jim
Melody & Harvey Alstodt
In honor of Nadine & Lew Kesten’s new granddaughter,
Jenna Molly Kesten
René Kelbick
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Rebecca & Michael Altman
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Gilbert
Denise & Barry Bass
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Randy Yudenfriend Glaser
Susan & Alan Zelman
In honor of the Youths of the Year, Matthew Benak &
Mollie Bartell
Robin & Barry Simonson
In honor of Cantor Barnoy for his help and guidance
preparing Ethan for his Bar Mitzvah
Jackie & Daniel Wachsman
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
Barbara Kaplan
In memory of Lana Monas
Myrna & Robert Cohen
In memory of Saeed Darouvar
Stefanie Roth
In memory of Louise Hallet
Laurie & Stan Stahl
In honor of the birth of Nadine & Lew Kesten’s
granddaughter, Jenna Molly Kesten
Sharon & Lou Heisler
In honor of the engagement of Joshua Halegua & Carly
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Nadine &
Lewis Kesten, Jenna Molly
Rosalyn & Marty Landsman
Wende Jager-Hyman & Arnold Hyman
In honor of the Auf Ruf of Jonathan Cohn & Rachel Bass
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
Temple Beth Sholom 22
(from 4/16/16 through 5/15/16)
In honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Rabbi
Alan & Edy Lucas, Lane Marlowe
Harriet Rosen & Stacey & Mark Silverman
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In honor of Benjamin Gilbert’s Bar Mitzvah
Pearl & Nathan Halegua
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Philip H. Lerman
Jeffrey G. Lerman
In memory of Dora Kaplan
Phyllis Rogoff
In memory of Eskandar Eliahu
Farzaneh Rabenou
In memory of Eve Kutin
Dr. Neil Kutin
In memory of Bernard Bass
Penny & Jack Roth
In memory of Harry Raymon
Marcia & Michael Friedman
In memory of Hannah Kleinberg
Bernice Suna
In memory of Augusta, Philip & Lester Sobin
Edith Kliegman
In memory of Moses Lakin
Sheila Barth
In memory of Yetta Barth
Sheila Barth
In memory of Joseph Furman
Norton Furman
In memory of Melvin Goldwin
Elaine & Marvin Friedlander
In memory of Zoltan Galambos
Irene Galambos
In memory of Jean Bloom
Sandra Curtis
In memory of Frank Bloom
Sandra Curtis
In memory of Judith Harmon
Bernard Harmon
In memory of Joel Rubinton
The Pollack Family
In memory of Pauline Rabinowitz
Morton Roberts
In memory of Jacob Sussman
Roslyn Barash & Family
In memory of Ruth Swersky
Robert Swersky
In memory of David Alter
Michael Alter
In memory of Gussie Schattner
Gerald Schattner
In memory of Hortense Goldenberg
Phyllis & Steven Goldenberg
In memory of Edward Kallif
Ted Kallif
In memory of Gustav Weiss
Helen & Burt Putterman & Family
In memory of Joseph Lapatin
Ronni Kaplan
In memory of Irwin N. Mintz
Sara & Michael Shaw
In memory of Hannanel Perahia
Naomi (Perahia) Kagan
In memory of Mollie Leder
Phyllis & Alan Wolpert
In memory of Beulah Priceman
Melody Alstodt
In memory of my beloved parents, Melly & Adolf Mayer
Sharon & Lou Heisler
In memory of Baba Baharestani
Fereshteh Baharestani
In memory of Esther & Samuel Cohen
Janet Eder
In memory of Dr. A.W. Miller
David E. Miller
In memory of Sylvia Miller
David E. Miller
In memory of Margit Rubnitz
Linda Miller
In memory of Barney Rubnitz
Linda Miller
In memory of Harriet Weiss
Linda Miller
In memory of Morris Rubnitz
Linda Miller
In memory of Helen Edelstein
Melissa & Brad Fischman
In memory of Robert Edelstein
Melissa & Brad Fischman
In memory of Louis Fischman
Melissa & Brad Fischman
In memory of Sidney Gottlieb
Kim & Dennis Floam
In memory of Helena Wajsbrot
Barbara W. Kandel
In memory of Abraham Goodman
Phyllis & Robert Lovett
In memory of Dorothy Goodman
Phyllis & Robert Lovett
Temple Beth Sholom 23
In memory of Berdie Lovett
Phyllis & Robert Lovett
In memory of Frank Lovett
Phyllis & Robert Lovett
In memory of Helen Welinsky
Phyllis & Robert Lovett
In memory of Roslyn Abel
Mona E. Lanzer
In memory of George Wolpert
Phyllis & Alan Wolpert
In memory of Anita Lilling
Marcia & Mark Lilling
In memory Arthur Beyer
Pearl Beyer
In memory of Nathan Dubowsky
Roni & Steven Glaser
In memory of Florence Meyer
Amy, Robert, Harrison & Elana Kane
In memory of Irving Glasberg
Arleen & Douglas Held
In memory of Eskandar Eliahu
Farzaneh Rabenou
In memory of Samuel Mallis
Drew Mallis
In memory of Arline Mallis
Drew Mallis
In memory of Gertrude Silver
Sheila & Joel Simon
In memory of Robert Kurzweil
Nancy & Peter Kurzweil
In memory of Ruth Kurzweil
Nancy & Peter Kurzweil
In memory of Newton Miller
Nancy & Peter Kurzweil
In memory of Joyce & Morris Lipton
Leslie Lipton
In memory of Anayat Samadi
Parvaneh Zareh
In memory of Sheldon Sirota
Paige & Larry Sirota
In memory of pearl Minerof
Selma Pollack
In memory of Rose Friedman
Marilyn Rubenstein
In memory of Rabbi A. S. Hyams
Phineas J. Hyams
In memory of Bernice S. Dresdale
Ellen, Leonard & Michelle Ritz
In memory of Kalmen Tabak
Eva & Sanford Gerber & Family
In memory of S. William Levy
Rita & David Levy
In memory of Moshe Doustan
Esther Schlegel
In memory of Daniel Cohen
Ruth Forley
In memory of William Gordon
Doris & David Gladstone
In memory of Sylvia Schwartz
Arlene & Howard Jacobs
In memory of Les Schwartz
Arlene & Howard Jacobs
In memory of Adolph Reitmeister
Lyn Greensher
In memory of Stephen Postelnek
Natalie Postelnek
In memory of Julius Friedkin
Natalie Postelnek
In memory of Reuben Lubarsky
Claire Pressman
In memory of Dr. Robert I. Kaplan
Barbara Kaplan
In memory of Philip Greenberg
Muriel Segal
In memory of Morris Kleinman
Sol & Sondra Kleinman
In memory of Sylvia Miller
Bette Miller Howard
In memory of Michael Schaja
Georgine Schaja
In memory of Albert Barlia
Suzanne Chervin
Special Funds (Optional) Minimum Donation $18
Albert B. Cohen Endowment Fund
The Wingate USY Scholarship Fund
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger - Camp Ramah
Malka’s Fund for Lifelong Learning
The Arthur Goldberg Social Action And Cultural Arts Program
MBS Scholarship Fund
Milton Horowitz Religious School Fund
Bernice Cohen Preschool Fund
Paul Shipper Music Fund
Rabbi’s Fund
Kiddush Fund
Rabbi Ario S. & Tess Hyams Judaica Museum Fund
Rabbi Joseph P. Sternstein Memorial Fund
Ruth and Sidney Kahan Chesed Fund
Ted Geffner Educational Scholarship Fund
William Spielman Solomon Schechter Scholarship Fund
Yahrzeit Fund
Zelman College Textbook Fund
Other Donations:
Harold Kalb Prayerbook Fund
Library Fund
Max Greenfield Bible Fund
Mel Hoffman Torah Maintenance Fund
Temple Beth Sholom 24
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S. & Tess Hyams Judaica Museum's curator BatSheva Slavin has the perfect gift for you to share with
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museum that will be displayed during our exhibits.
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Temple Beth Sholom 26
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Temple Beth Sholom 28
We Help Build
Stay up to date with all the events at TBS by
connecting with us through our website & social media.
JNF helps build tomorrow today, together
with the people of Israel. With your support,
children now have a safe refuge from harm,
deserts bloom and water renewal solutions
build continued promise for future generations.
Donate Now to Help
Build Israel’s Future
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Mail Donations: 42 East 69th Street | New York, NY 10021
Temple Beth Sholom 29
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Eva Drabkin, Esq.
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516.484.1800 ext.262
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All Offices Are Individually Owned And Operated.
Temple Beth Sholom 30
Mazel Tov To:
Dorine & Robert Wulwick on the birth of their granddaughter, Molly Isabelle. Proud
parents are Brian & Stephanie Ash.
Nadine & Lewis Kesten, Sharon & Stuart Cooper on the birth of their granddaughter,
Jenna Molly Kesten, daughter of Jessica & Craig Kesten. Proud great-grandparents
Bonnie Cooper and Doris & Stanley Shinners.
Edith & Leonard Kliegman on their 65th anniversary.
Lisa & Jim Schlesinger on their grandson Jacob Weiss's graduation from the School of
Management at Binghamton University.
Toby and Ami Shebiro on the engagement of their son Robbie to Gabrielle Johnston.
Barbara Cooper on the Bat Mitzvah of her daughter, Hannah Samimi and on the
graduation from Syracuse University of her son, Bryan Samimi.
Thank you:
Thank you to Rabbi Lucas for all his support, guidance and care during the illness and
passing of my beloved father, Saeed Darouvar. Shirin Simkhai
Thank you to Rabbi Kerbel and Cantor Barnoy for their kindness during my beloved
father, Saeed Darouvar's shiva. Shirin Simkhai
Rabbi Jeni Friedman and family want to thank the congregation for their support and
comfort after the passing of her beloved father, Dr. Manuel Wolf Friedman.
Our Sincere Condolences To:
Rabbi Jeni Friedman (our former Assistant Rabbi), her husband Noah Brosowsky and
their children Osias & Morris on the death of Jeni's father, Dr. Manuel Wolf Friedman.
Jay Dubowsky on the death of his beloved father, Nathan Dubowsky.
Wendy Bochner on the death of her beloved mother, Florence Rogart.
Hamakom Yinachem - May God comfort the mourners together with all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Cemetery Prices Set To Increase
Prices for cemetery plots in the Temple Beth Sholom section of New Montefiore
Cemetery are scheduled to increase effective July 1st 2016. Prices for family plots (4 or
more graves) will be increased to $2,000 per grave. Prices for single or double plots will
be increased to $3,000 per grave. We have determined that the Temple is providing
a significant discount, to its members, on the prices for plots in the Temple area.
This discount is approximately 50% to 25% lower than the prices that the cemetery
currently sell plots for in this area of the cemetery.
Our Early Childhood Center provides a
warm, safe and caring atmosphere in which
children can grow emotionally, socially
and intellectually. We provide children with
a quality education, and offer an enriched
program geared to the developmental growth
needs of young children. We prepare your children for their
future educational journey. Kindergarten readiness skills are our
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
(516) 621-2288
Alan B. Lucas
Ofer Barnoy
Associate Rabbi
Paul D. Kerbel
Executive Director
Donna Bartolomeo
Religious School Director
Sharon Solomon
Early Childhood Center Director
Helayne Cohen
Co-MBS Directors
Rabbi Sean Jensen
Rabbi Paul D. Kerbel
Camp Director
Holly Firestone
Assistant Camp Director
Heath Levine
Endowment Director
Bernice Cohen
Museum Curator
Bat-Sheva Slavin
Pearl Halegua
Executive Vice President
Rebecca Altman
President of Sisterhood
Cindy Feldman
President of Men’s Club
Michael Mand
Co-Presidents of
Religious School PTA
Lisa Berger
Debbie Dubowsky
Learn more about the Early Childhood Center
Bulletin Editor
Deborah Brosowsky
Register now for the 2016-2017 school year
Graphic Designer
Barbara Cooper
Licensed by New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Registered
with University of the State of New York Education Department. Teaching staff
CPR, MAT, and First Aid certified.
Temple Beth Sholom 31
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577
Non Profit Org.
Roslyn Hts, N.Y.
Permit No. 20
Friday Evening, June 3 Candle Lighting Time
Confirmation & Graduation
6:00 PM
8:05 PM
7:30 PM
Saturday Morning, June 4
Parashat B’hukkotai
Bar Mitzvah of Adam Aldad
Bar Mitzvah of Harry Meirowitz
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, June 4
Tuesday Morning, June 7
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Friday Evening, June 10
Candle Lighting Time
Services & Installation
Saturday Morning, June 11
Parashat B’midbar
8:15 PM
6:30 AM
8:09 PM
7:30 PM
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, June 11
Erev Shavuot
Mincha, Ma’ariv and
8:15 PM
Tikun Leyl Shavuot
(with a lot of good learning & good desserts!)
Candle Lighting Time
9:16 PM
Sunday, June 12 – First Day Shavuot
Morning Service
9:00 AM
Mincha Services following kiddush 12:30 PM
No Ma’ariv Services
Monday, June 13 – Second Day Shavuot
Morning Service (Yizkor) 6:30 AM & 9:00 AM
8:45 PM
Friday Evening, June 17
Candle Lighting Time
Friday Night Live! Services
6:00 PM
8:12 PM
8:00 PM
Saturday Morning, June 18
Parashat Naso
Bat Mitzvah Alexandra Levine
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, June 18
8:30 PM
Friday Evening, June 24
Candle Lighting Time
6:00 PM
8:13 PM
Saturday Morning, June 25
Parashat B’ha∙alot’kha
9:00 AM
Saturday Evening, June 25
8:30 PM
Sunday Mornings 9:00 AM ◊ Monday - Friday Mornings 6:45 AM ◊ Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM
Temple Beth Sholom 32