Home Building News - Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa


Home Building News - Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
Home Building News
July 2011
The Official Publication of the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa,
Founded with Integrity, 1942
President’s Report:
What YOU can
do today!
of Homes
Award Winners
Letter from
the Chairman
Your Home.
Our Profession.
President’s Report:
Housing Under Assault
By HBA President Rob Miles
The following piece was also submitted to the Reader’s Forum of the Tulsa World for consideration with the
joint byline of HBA President Rob Miles, GTAR President Pete Galbraith and Oklahoma Mortgage Bankers
Association President Betty Shaw. What can you do? See Page 5 for ways to make a difference today!
Today, the nation faces an unprecedented assault on housing that threatens to derail
nearly 100 years of national policy promoting the value of homeownership, and the
public remains largely unaware of the potential catastrophe that lies ahead:
A sharply limited availability of long-term, fixed-rate mortgages
A huge jump in the cost of mortgages
Minimum downpayments of 20 percent or more
A severe reduction in mortgage credit
One of the primary targets of this unjustified attack on housing is the mortgage interest
deduction. This cornerstone of American housing policy has been in place since the
inception of the tax code in 1913 and supports the aspirations of families at all income
levels to become home buyers.
Although Americans overwhelmingly oppose any action by Congress to tamper with
the mortgage interest deduction, according to the results of a recent poll conducted by
the Republican and Democratic polling firms of Public Opinion Strategies and Lake
Research Partners for the National Association of Home Builders, many lawmakers have
expressed a willingness to eliminate or curtail this vital housing tax provision. Such a
move would further depress home values, leaving more home owners with “underwater”
mortgages larger than the value of their property and fueling even more foreclosures.
The polling also found that home owners and non-owners alike consider owning a home
essential to the American Dream. An overwhelming 75 percent of those surveyed said
that owning a home is worth the risk of the fluctuations in the market, 95 percent of the
home owners said they are happy with their decision to own a home and 73 percent of
renters said that owning a home is one of their goals.
Meanwhile, six federal agencies are proposing a national Qualified Residential Mortgage
standard that would require a minimum 20 percent downpayment and other stricter
qualifications, which would keep homeownership out of reach for most first-time home
buyers and middle-class households. The National Association of Home Builders
estimates that it would take 12 years for a typical family to save enough money for a 20
percent downpayment on a median-priced single-family home and other research has
found it would take even longer.
Some members of Congress are actively pushing to abolish Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
and end the federal backstop for housing. Absent a federal role to help absorb market
risk, private lenders would increase interest rates and fees on all types of available
financing options. The 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage, the major housing finance tool for
most Americans, would become increasingly scarce and much more costly, pricing many
credit-worthy borrowers out of the marketplace.
Complicating the situation, the federal government is looking to trim back the Federal
Housing Administration’s participation in the market, which would further limit the
availability of low downpayment mortgages.
As policymakers debate the housing finance and budget issues that will impact job creation
and future growth, they must understand the important role that housing plays in the U.S.
economy. Building 100 average single-family homes generates more than 300 jobs and
nearly $9 million in taxes and revenue for state, local and federal governments.
The federal proposals now under consideration would reverse national housing policies
that have helped generations of American households to own their homes, enter the ranks
of the middle-class, build strong and stable neighborhoods and communities and provide
a steppingstone to greater long-term financial security.
For these reasons, it is important that policymakers be fully aware of the depth and
breadth of housing’s many contributions to American society and that owning a home is
a strong core value for most American households.
Rob Miles,
Milestone Homes, Inc.
Vice President/Treasurer
Bill Butts,
Pinnacle Properties
Vice President/Secretary
Jeffrey Smith,
CedarRock Homes, LLC
Past President
Gary Soderstrom,
Gem Properties, Inc.
Membership Chair
Mark Priess,
CFR, Insurance
Builders Council President
Brent Green,
Green Homes
Associates Council President
Mark Priess,
CFR, Insurance
Green Building Council President
John Madden,
Quadesign & Company, Inc.
Developers Council President
John Davis
Schermerhorn Development
Remodelers Council President
Chad Potter,
Drywall Repair Specialist
Executive Vice President/CEO
Paul Kane
HBA Headquarters
11545 E. 43rd St.
Tulsa, OK 74146
(918) 663-5820
Fax: (918) 628-0493
If you are an industry leader then be a follower!
Table of
Kane’s Corner
Housing starts
JULY 2011
Quality Craftsmen Since 1897
• Design / Manufacture
• Installation
• Service
Frederick Sommers & Western Signs
415 3rd St
Tulsa, OK 74120
Key Survey Findings on the
Value of Homeownership:
•75 percent of voters say that
owning a home is the best long-term
investment they can make.
•73 percent of voters who do not now
own a home say it is a goal of theirs
to eventually buy one.
•95 percent of home owners say they
are happy with their decision to own
a home, and believe that owning their
own home is important.
President’s Report (cont.)
Keeping Housing Affordable and Attainable:
How you can make a difference
1. Contact your Congressman TODAY, and tell them that you oppose the
elimination of the mortgage interest tax deduction. Remind them that is
important to you as a constituent to keep homeownership and housing
choice a national priority.
2. Share this information with friends and colleagues so that they, too, can
contact their local representative.
•The biggest barrier for those who
want to own a home is money for a
down payment and closing costs.
•Americans rate the importance of
owning their own home just as highly
as the importance of being successful
at their job or being able to pay for a
family member’s education.
•80 percent of current home owners
would advise a close friend or family
member just starting out to buy
a home. This is true even among
those who are underwater on their
•An overwhelming percentage of
Americans (75 percent) say that
owning a home is worth facing
the potential ups and downs of the
housing market.
•73 percent of all voters believe
it is appropriate and reasonable
for the federal government to
provide tax incentives to encourage
•81 percent of voters agree that
we need policies that encourage
homeownership if we want to rebuild
the middle class.
Your Story Here!
If your business has news
that you would like featured in
Home Building News, please
submit the information to
Valerie Heritage at vheritage@
tulsahba.com. Also, don’t
forget to share your Pay
It Forward experiences as
part of the HBAs unique
initiative to give back to the
Note: The deadline to submit
information is the 5th of the
month prior to publication.
JULY 2011
Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! The 2011 Greater Tulsa Parade of Homes kicked off with an event that matched up Parade builders
the building companies with entries in this year’s Parade. The kick-off event, which began in 2008 as an effort to team up builde
allowing Realtors to get a sneak preview of the homes featured in the main event to share with their clients. In addition, both bui
winners, and special thanks to the Kick-Off Party Sponsors: F&M Bank and Trust Co. of Tulsa, Acme Brick Company, Frisco Ti
premier new home showcase event, the Greater Tulsa Parade of Homes!
JULY 2011
Parade of Homes Kick-Off Party
June 2, 2011
and Realtors, with the hopes to launch another “Knockout Event”. More than 200 people attended the party, including nearly all of
ers and Realtors to help sell more homes, enables builders to “weigh-in” with sale sheets for all of their entered Parade Homes, thus
ilders and Realtors had the opportunity to win a variety of gift cards as well as cash prizes up to $500! Congratulations to all of the
itle Corporation, and Rosburg & Associates. It was a great evening of networking, information sharing, and celebration of the area’s
JULY 2011
May New Members
Welcome to the HBA!
Waterstone Homes, LLC
Cheryl Funk
3916 W. Roanoke
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 527-3865
Sponsor: David Funk
Heart of America Sales
Jamie Cox
PO Box 113
Greenwood, MO 64034
(816) 366-0010
Cell: (816) 935-1730
Sponsor: Frank Sawyer
Cobblestone Homes, Inc.
Ian Curran
5817 E. 18th St.
Tulsa, OK 74112
(918) 850-3396
Cell: (918) 850-3396
Sponsor: Rodger Tucker
Precision Energy
Steve Nave
12465 S. 87th E. Ave.
Bixby, OK 74008
(918) 955-0410
Sponsor: Jeff Starkweather
Ruhl Construction, LLC
Daniel Ruhl
9764 E. 55th Pl.
Tulsa, OK 74146
(918) 508-2134
Cell: (918) 814-0881
Sponsor: Allen Jenkins
Mattress Firm
Michael Yelich
9318 E. 71st St.
Tulsa, OK 74136
(918) 550-3324
Cell: (918) 550-3324
Sponsor: Rodger Tucker
JULY 2011
Consolidated Builders Supply
Bill Gregorovic
7941 S. Memorial Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74133
(918) 994-4460
Cell: (918) 951-8749
Sponsor: Frank Sawyer
All New Members are invited
to join us for a special
President’s Reception at
5:45 p.m. at the HBA on
Tuesday, July 12 in advance
of Builder Appreciation Night.
Mark your calendar
and RSVP to
Kane’s Corner
By Paul Kane , Executive Vice President/CEO
It seems like we’ve had an epidemic of disasters lately, doesn’t it? The one that’s on most
of our minds is the tornado which nearly wiped out the city of Joplin, Missouri. Not only
was that one huge in terms of destruction and loss of life, but it was close to home for those
of us in Northeastern Oklahoma. But one need not think back very far to remember some
other terrible natural disasters. The Alabama tornadoes for one. And you may have already
forgotten about the Japan Tsunami.
HBA Management Team
Paul Kane
Executive Vice President/CEO
Bonnie Polak
Assistant Executive VP,
Special Events Director
Valerie Heritage
Public Relations Director
Nikki Pauly
Director of Membership
Marlena Turley
Executive Assistant/Receptionist
Pam Fanning
Tara Grotzke
Council & Education Coordinator
Disasters have a way of bringing out the true character of people. Sadly, the character
brought out is sometimes that of the thief who rummages through other people’s belongings
looking for things to steal. Others may be shysters, who make promises of rebuilding only
to leave town with the money of the victims. However, I believe that most people respond
to disasters with a sincere desire to help; sometimes even making some pretty significant
personal sacrifices to do so.
One of our builder members, Adam Curran, within a couple of days after the Joplin
tornado, rented a U-Haul trailer, purchased supplies from Sam’s (bottled water, first aid kits,
diapers, etc.) and drove to Joplin to hand them out to those in need. In the following days
we received a number of calls from members asking, “What can we do to help?”
We have been regular contact with Crystal Harrington, the Executive Officer of the HBA
of Southwest Missouri, the HBA located in Joplin. A couple of their board members lost
their homes. As of the writing of this article, there were no known deaths reported among
their membership. However, the citizens of Joplin have a very daunting task ahead of them.
They have to rebuild their community.
Crystal tells me that a surprisingly large percentage of homes that were destroyed weren’t
even insured. Other destroyed homes were rental homes. The landlord often took the
insurance check and moved on. So we can’t just assume that insurance is just going to
sweep in and rebuild the town. Many of the homes probably will never be rebuilt.
I’ve been contacted by a few members who intend to go up to Joplin and become a part of
Joplin’s rebuilding efforts. Crystal encourages any Tulsa HBA member who is going to be
doing business in Joplin for any length of time to join the HBA there. I agree. As mentioned
above, there will be a fair share of shysters and other cut-rate contractors who will be rolling
into town. Joining the HBA of Southwest Missouri will set you apart from them. I believe
that the City of Joplin looks favorably on HBA members when it comes to permitting. As is
the case here, HBA membership sets you apart, and above, the others.
Crystal tells me the citizens of Joplin are responding to their fate with bravery and resolve.
People are pulling together; often helping others when they, themselves, have lost their
homes. It’s quite a testament to the human spirit to see how selfless people become when
faced with unimaginable tragedy. It’s touching, heart-breaking and inspirational, all at the
same time.
The lesson for us in all of this is that we shouldn’t wait for a disaster in order for us to
appreciate the importance of community and pulling together. We need to be there for each
other during these difficult economic times. While the economy cannot compare to the
hardship tornadoes or tsunamis bring, it has had a huge impact on many of us. A true natural disaster sends people into “survival
mode”. Those victims realize that pulling together is the only way to get through it. Lesser situations, such as the economy, often
do just the opposite. Business owners, frustrated with declining sales or orders will often pull away instead of reaching out. I
would suggest that in times like these, staying informed and keeping your business connections strong through the HBA is more
important than ever.
Please know that we at the HBA are committed to helping all of us get through these times as best as we possibly can. We believe
in our members and the support that this HBA community provides to our members. Brighter days are coming. And when they
do, we will be stronger because of how we stuck together during the downturn.
JULY 2011
Air Conditioning, Inc.
9881 Hectorville Road
P.O. Box 83
Glenpool, OK 74033
E-mail: lightnerha@earthlink.net
Don Lightner, Owner
(918) 322-9548
(918) 224-6548
Fax (918) 322-9553
of Events
5 p.m.
5 p.m.
11 3:00 p.m.
12 3:30 p.m.
12 5 p.m.
12 5:45 p.m.
12 6 p.m.
20 11:30 a.m.
27 11:30 a.m.
2 5 p.m.
4 5 p.m.
8 3 p.m.
9 11:30 a.m.
10 11:30 a.m.
16 11:30 a.m.
17 11:30 a.m.
24 8 a.m.
24 TBD
Independence Day
HBA Office Closed
Associates Council
Remodelers Council
Executive Committee
Developers Council
Board of Directors Meeting
President’s Reception
Builder Appreciation Night
Casino Night
OSHBA State Convention
Choctaw Casino, Durant, OK
Harvest of Homes
Early Bird Deadline
Owasso Chapter,
Bailey Medical Center
Green Building Council
Associates Council
Remodelers Council
Harvest of Homes deadline
Executive Committee
Board of Directors
General Membership Meeting
Developers Council
Owasso Chapter,
Bailey Medical Center
Builders Council
Southwest Chapter,
Freddie’s Steakhouse
BuildPAC Golf Tournament,
The Patriot at Stone Canyon
Green Building Council
Upcoming Events
September 17-18: Remodeled Tulsa Tour
October 7-9 and 14-16: Harvest of Homes
All events are at the HBA headquarters,
11545 E. 43rd St., unless noted otherwise.
JULY 2011
Remodeling Roundup:
Baby Boomers, Aging in Place
By Remodelers Council President Chad Potter , Drywall Repair Specialists
The baby boomers continue to be a major consumer
group, and an important group for remodeling businesses
to consider when planning for today and the future. As an
industry, there are several ways that we can provide services
to accommodate this growing group, and additional ways
that we can tailor our marketing efforts to better address the
increasing demands in the marketplace.
Why do they have such a significant impact? Just consider
these numbers. In 2010 there were 5.8 million adults age 85
and older, and that number is projected to be 8.7 million by
the year 2030, (US Census Bureau). Plus, research shows that
they intend to stay in their current homes. According to an
AARP survey, seventy-three percent of respondents strongly
agree they would like to stay in their current residence as long
as possible (AARP survey, Nov 2010). Not surprising given
that the average annual cost of an assisted livi ng facility for
a 1 bedroom/ single occupancy unit is $38,220 (CareScout,
Genworth 2010 Cost of Care Survey).
As you can see, this is a quickly growing group that
wants to stay in their homes for comfort and due to the high
costs of assisted living facilities.
So, how do we as remodelers provide services to this
group and use the opportunity to benefit our businesses? We’ve all heard the term aging in place. The basic concept is
that these people need alterations done to their home to allow
them to stay as they age and have different needs. Here are
a few examples given on a checklist in the April issue of
Remodeling magazine.
•Low maintenance exterior siding, doors and windows, landscaping,
•Flush transitions from interior flooring to exterior
decks and patios
•Wide door openings, covered entry with no step, low peep holes/ sidelights, surface to place packages on
when opening the door
•Flush transitions, color contrasts to indicate flooring changes when thresholds are present.
•Added windows for lots of natural light
•Lower sill height, low maintenance finishes, easy to operate hardware
Kitchen/ bath and laundry:
•Lever handles for doors and faucets
•Anti-scald controls for faucets
JULY 2011
•Easy to read/ use controls, raised dishwasher, washer
and dryer
•Adjustable height, roll out trays, open shelving, glass front
General Design:
•Large turning radius for wheelchair accessibility
•Wall bracing for grab bars, curb-less showers, toilet changes, shower seat
To capitalize on the large amount of work that this group
will need completed to stay in their home you may need to
revisit your company’s marketing efforts. Add aging in place
to your current brochures, or have a stand-alone brochure
that includes a checklist similar to the information above. Build a page on your website, with a checklist, FAQ’s and
customer testimonials. Contact organizations such as the
AARP to get information about concerns that this group may
have about contractors and learn how to ease those concerns
in the selling process.
It is certain that this group will have a large and everincreasing impact on the remodeling industry for many years
to come, and for those looking to best position their business
for long-term success, it will be imperative to provide the
unique products and designs to help them.
Thank you to the 2011 Remodelers Council Presenting
Sponsor - The Womble Company, and to our monthly sponsors,
including Burnett Windows & Siding, who sponsored the
April meeting, and Tulsa Area Screen Company, who will
be sponsoring our next meeting on Thursday, August 4 at 5
I look forward to seeing all Council Members at our
next meeting, If you are interested in getting more plugged
in to the remodeling indsutry, I encourage you to attend a
Remodelers Council meeting. Each HBA member can
attend up to two meetings a year free, and if you would like
to become a full-fledged member, the cost is just $75.
In addition to our montly Council meetings, which focus
on educational topics ranging from trends, to new products
to new regulations specific to remodeling, we also host a
variety of networking events throughout the year, which are
a great way to meet the key players in our local remodeling
And lastly, we are proud to put on the annual Remodeled
Tulsa Tour, a showcase of newly remodeled homes, each
September. The charity event not only gives potential
customers the chance to view the work of area remodelers
and see the latest trends, but thsi year we will also raise
money for the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless through
event proceeds, and funds rasied at the event’s VIP Patron
JUNE 2011
Industry Update
Housing starts remain stable with slight drop in May
The Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
announced that new home starts dropped slightly in the
month of May, with 147 permits reported by tracking service
New Orders Weekly. This number is an 8.5 percent decrease
from April, and 18 percent behind totals from May 2010.
Year-to-date housing starts in metro Tulsa climbed to
737, which trails the 2010 total for the same period by 32
JULY 2011
increase over
the past year,
steady, along
values. The
Tulsa market
continues to
be a brighter
spot within
the industry. According to a recent article in the Wall Street
Journal with statistics from Zillow, Tulsa is one fo 25
communities where home values have fallen less than 10
percent from their peak.
Broken Arrow reported 40 starts in May, an impressive
66 percent increase over the city’s April total, and the highest
in the metro area. Tulsa followed with 22 starts, and Owasso
rounded out the top three with 18 starts.
Nationally, single-family housing starts rose 3.7 percent
to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 419,000 units in May
– their strongest pace since this January.
Local housing start figures reflect permit information
for the entire Tulsa metro area, which includes Bartlesville,
Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Collinsville, Claremore,
Coweta, Glenpool, Jenks, Kiefer, Muskogee, Owasso, Sand
Springs, Sapulpa, Skiatook, Tulsa, Verdigris, and Wagoner
along with Tulsa, Rogers and Wagoner Counties.
Letter from the Chairman:
Parade of Homes draws crowds, buyers and showcases
the best of Tulsa’s housing industry
homeownership is going strong. That
has never been more evident than
after the HBA’s nine-day, 140-home
showcase event, the 2011 Greater
Tulsa Parade of Homes. With homes
in 14 different communities throughout
metro Tulsa, and nine different featured
subdivisions, the event was another
great success, and proved once more
that not only is Tulsa’s housing market
remaining rock solid, but also that
motivated buyers are in the market for
new homes and continuing to pursue
the dream of homeownership.
The 2011 Greater Tulsa Parade of
Homes, the area’s premier showcase of
newly constructed homes, took place
June 11-19. The event provides the
chance for the public to see the latest
innovations, materials and technologies
in new home construction from than
than 60 local building companies. This
is the only event where homeowners
can view such a wide variety of
homes and speak directly with builder
representatives, who are on site at each
entered home. All of the participating
builders are members of the Home
Builders Association of Greater Tulsa,
and represent the true professionals in
Tulsa’s home building market.
Initial reports from participating
builders are positive. Traffic was
strong - and even increased in some
developments compared to last year.
Better yet, most builders are reporting
that the quality of prospects was even
better. More than 25 homes sales,
including at least two Parade Homes,
have been attributed to the event.
Customers attended the event
prepared to buy and asked questions
that showed they were interested in
more than just the hottest paint color they were looking for information on
construction techniques, options and
The Official Guide was again
distributed at QuikTrip and via the Platinum Sponsor, Bank of Oklahoma
Mortgage Group. More than 15,000
guides were distributed. Additional
copies are available at the HBA office.
For more information about
participating builders, virtual tours, and
a digital version of the Official Guide,
you can visit www.TulsaHBA.com/
paradeofhomes. Also, turn the page
for a complete recap of the judging
As Chairman of this year’s event, I
would like to extend a special thank you
to all of the builders and developers that
made the Parade a success. In addition,
we had a great group of sponsors on
board that helped to further the event
to new levels. On behalf of the HBA
and all its members, a sincere thanks
to you and all of your volunteers, for
your continued support of this event
and Tulsa’s housing industry. Without
both of these groups, this event would
not be possible.
A survey has been sent to
all Parade of Homes participants for
additional feedback, and I strongly
encourage everyone involved to provide
your input, new ideas and suggestions
for improvement.
Thank you to
companies for
support of the
Tulsa Parade of
the following
their generous
2011 Greater
Platinum Sponsor
Transportation Sponsor
Twilight Tour Sponsors
Last but certainly not least, I’d like
to recognize the group of volunteers that
has worked since last summer behind
the scenes to lead the coordination
the event. Thank you to the Parade of
Homes Committee: Rita Boggs, Don
Conwell, Phil Rhees, Tricia Stafford,
Dana Bowen, and Zach Davis.
It is hard to believe that the event
is over, but hopefully, this will just be
the beginning of the peak building and
buying season.
Arvest Bank
Jeff Smith
CedarRock Homes, LLC
2011 Parade of Homes Chairman
Presenting Sponsor
F&M Bank and Trust Co. of Tulsa
Silver Sponsors
Acme Brick Company
Friso Title Corporation
Rosburg & Associates
JULY 2011
Web Site
Culligan of Tulsa
Builder Awards Breakfast
Charter Title & Escrow, LLC
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company
Robinson Glass
Kick-Off Party
Dirt Cheap.
89 95
64 95
19 95
39 95
7222 South Mingo Road, Just South of 71st Street
2011 Judgi
Category $800,000 & Above
1st Place
Mike Harrison Custom Homes,
5801 W. Austin,
Berwick on Cedar Ridge - Fairways
1st Place and Best Merchandising
Castlerock Builders,
10612 S. Winston,
Stonegate Estates
2nd Place
Farabough Construction,
10626 S. Joplin,
Category $625,000 – $799,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
2nd Place
Brian D. Wiggs Homes,
Charles Sanders Homes,
5708 W. Austin,
Berwick on Cedar Ridge - Fairways
Category $500,000 – $624,999
1st Place
2nd Place and Best Merchandising
Epic Custom Homes,
Cobblestone Homes,
7025 Hidden Acre Trail,
Stone Canyon - Tanglewood
656 W. 79th St. So.,
StoneBrooke Estates
JULY 2011
220 S. 76th,
Forest Ridge - Lochmere
Best Subdivision
ing Results
Category $400,000 – $499,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
2nd Place
Adam W. Curran Homes,
Epic Custom Homes,
12191 S. 105th E. Ave.,
Chisholm Ranch
8104 E. Freeport St.,
Forest Ridge - Wellstone
Category $320,000 – $399,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
2nd Place
Shaw Homes,
Boos Builders,
6949 E. 127th St. So.,
Seven Lakes
3501 W. Gary St.,
Category $250,000 – $319,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
Smalygo Properties,
8286 N. 72nd E. Ave.,
Crossing at 86th
2nd Place
Sterling Homes,
14438 S. Lakewood,
Ridge at South County
JULY 2011
2nd Place
Landstar Homes,
306 W. 127th St. So.,
Yorktown - Plymouth
2011 Judging Results
Category $190,000 – $249,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
2nd Place
2nd Place
Tyner Homes,
Shaw Homes,
1016 S. 71st St.,
Forest Ridge - Highlands
14108 N. 59th E. Ave.,
Hollow Creek
Winkley Homes,
14220 N. 62nd E. Ave.,
Hollow Creek
Category $160,000 – $189,999
1st Place
2nd Place
Banner Custom Homes,
Concept Builders,
4632 S. 180th E. Ave.,
Best Merchandising
1004 S. 135th Pl..,
Pecan Estates
Simmons Homes,
5824 E. 135th Pl. N.,
Stone Lake
Category $125,000 – $159,999
1st Place and Best Merchandising
Simmons Homes,
10410 S. Olmstead Pl.
Southern Reserve
2nd Place
Simmons Homes,
10701 N. 153rd E. Ave.,
Lake Valley
Congratulations to all of the 2011 Parade of Homes winners! Winners were judged by a group of industry
professionals from outside of Tulsa, who evaluated homes based on criteria ranging from curb appeal, floor plan
and workmanship to decorating and overall value for price range. In addition to the overall category award
winners, each entry also received a “Wow Factor” award, where judges recognized one outstanding feature in
each home.
JULY 2011
Get prepared for
OSHA enforcement
Secretary of Labor
Hilda Solis has made
it clear that stepped-up
enforcement is a priority for
the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration.
As evidence that OSHA
is “back in the enforcement
business,” the agency in
May fined a company more
than $106,200 for workers
plastering a home on
scaffolds without guardrails
or other fall protection
devices and it fined a
residential roofer $102,000
for failing to provide fall
eyewear, head protection
and fall hazard training.
OSHA has also taken
steps to increase the dollar
amount of all penalties
enhancements to its penalty
There are a few simple
things that builders and
trade contractors should do
to be prepared for OSHA
1. Conduct an assessment to
identify and correct safety
hazards on the job site.
2. Conduct appropriate
safety training for employees
- such as fall protection and
ladder safety training.
3. Update records and
make sure they are readily
4. Understand the OSHA
inspection process.
Builders and trade
contractors should pay
particular attention to the
following hazards, which are
the top 10 most frequently
cited OSHA standards
for construction in 2010
(with the reference to the
specific OSHA standard in
requirements, construction
(29 CFR 1926.451)
(29 CFR 1926.501)
3.Ladders, construction
(29 CFR 1926.1053)
4.Fall protection, training
(29 CFR 1926.503)
(29 CFR 1910.1200)
6.General safety & health
(29 CFR 1926.20)
7.Head protection
(29 CFR 1926.100)
8.Aerial lifts
(29 CFR 1926.453)
9.Eye & face protection
(29 CFR 1926.102)
excavation requirements
(29 CFR 1926.651)
any time, so it is best to be
diligent and to ensure your
worksites are up-to-date and
OSHA compliant.
Protection Guildelines went
into effect June 16, 2011. These new guidelines have
some dramatic changes in
fall protection methods.
If you haven’t already,
visit NAHB Web site on
Fall protection and view
the 90 minute Webinar. Or,
for more information, call
NAHB at 800-368-5242
x8507 or x8590.
NAHB has several resources
to assist builders:
and videos that present key
safety issues where builders
and workers can reduce
accidents and injuries can be
found at www.builderbooks.
Safety & OSHA webpage,
which contains compliance
assistance information, can
be found at www.nahb.org/
•An overview of the OSHA
inspection process.
•OSHA assistance for the
The Tulsa HBA is
continuing to hear more
information about OSHA
conducting a “blitz” in
Oklahoma in the near future. The Assocition has not been
given specific dates yet, but
some believe it like to occur
in July. It could happen
JULY 2011
Join us for Builder Appreciation Night In July!
Tuesday, July 12, at 6 pm
HBA Headquarters: 11545 E. 43rd St.
Members: $10 with RSVP by July 8, or $15 at the door
Non-Members: $20
Dinner and Drinks included.
Casino Night
Whether you are a builder or associate member, this event is a great chance, particularly in
the wake of the Greater Tulsa Parade of Homes, to celebrate local builders, while getting the
opportunity to network within the building community. Attendees will have the chance to try their
luck at a variety of table games, and the winningest builders will receive some fabulous prizes.
Don’t miss this chance to say “Thank You” to our builder members.
2011 Presenting Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors:
Oklahoma Natural Gas, Arvest Bank, RCB Bank,
ABC Supply Co., Citizens Security Bank & Trust,
Elite Electric
Bar Backers:
Gold Sponsors:
ICF Construction & Supply, Tulsa Federal Credit Union,
Bank of Oklahoma Mortgage, PSO EnergyStar
Homes Program, Hahn Appliance,
First Mortgage Co.
Sherwin-Williams, Tulsa Fireplace Supply
Supporting Suppliers:
Hughes Lumber, City of Broken Arrow, Tulsa National Bank
Make the Most of your membership!
Benefit of the Month
Discounted Rental of HBA for Business Meetings/Events
If you are looking for a convenient, spacious and technologically-equipped site for your next business meeting, take
advantage of your HBA Membership to host your next business meeting in the HBA Banquet Hall! The hall is
available Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for business meetings, and the HBA Member rate is just $250, a
50 percent savings from the regular rental rate. This fee includes set-up and clean-up,
as well as up to 35 tables, 150 chairs and a commercial ice maker. In addition, there
are no restrictions on catering, and an audio/visual package with projector, drop down
screen and podium with microphone are available for just an additional $75. The 4800
square foot hall, located at HBA headquarters near 43rd and Garnett, has a capacity
of 400.
Reserve your meeting date today by calling Marlena at 663-5820.
JULY 2011
Homeownership still a top priority
Americans still consider
owning a home essential to
the American Dream, and
Washington policymakers
would be wise to keep this in
mind in the coming election
Proof of this statement
is evident in a May 2011
poll conducted on behalf
of the National Association
of Home Builders by
Public Opinion Strategies
of Alexandria, Va., and
Lake Research Partners of
Washington, D.C.
reached two thousand likely
voters and asked them about
their attitudes regarding
homeownership and housing
policy. The results could not
be clearer.
Despite the ups and
downs of the housing
or not they currently
Residential Construction
overwhelmingly indicated
that they place a high value
on homeownership as a core
achievement in their lives.
Of the poll respondents
who are current home
owners, nearly all of them—
95 percent—said they are
happy with their decision
to own a home and believe
that owning their own home
is important. Almost threequarters of respondents who
do not now own a home
said it is a goal of theirs to
eventually buy one.
Equally telling, voters
rated the importance of
homeownership just as
highly as the importance of
being successful at their job
or being able to pay for a
family member’s education.
The bottom line is, even
after years of economic
turmoil and an unprecedented
is Green.
Green building is more than just a checklist. It’s the use
of quality building practices that promote sustainability
to make a home healthier and more efficient.
The Certified Green Professional (CGP)™, an exclusive
designation offered by the National Association of Home
Builders, is designed to teach building industry professionals
strategies for incorporating green building principles into
homes using cost-effective and affordable options.
National Association of Home Builders
For information visit www.nahb.org/CGPinfo or call The NAHB
University of Housing Professional Designation Help Line at 800368-5242 x8154 or the HBA of Greater Tulsa at 918-663-5820.
Reach Higher. Work Smarter.
and prolonged downturn
in the housing market,
homeownership is still
a central goal for most
undeniably deep emotional
attachment that can’t be
ignored by the politicians
who are looking to address
budget issues by cutting
housing incentives in the tax
code such as the mortgage
interest deduction.”
Americans also feel
strongly about the financial
benefits—and challenges—
of homeownership.
Poll respondents said
they considered owning a
home their best investment,
more than their retirement
savings program or stock
market investments. And
75 percent said that owning
a home is worth facing the
potential ups and downs of
the housing market.
Meanwhile, non-owners
identified saving enough
money for a down payment
and closing costs as the
number one barrier keeping
them from homeownership,
more than job uncertainty
JULY 2011
or concerns that the value of
their home may drop below
the purchase price.
stringent mortgage lending
requirements could make
that barrier even tougher
for the typical American
family to overcome in
the future. For example,
according to estimates by
both NAHB and the Center
for Responsible Lending,
it would take more than 12
years for a typical family to
save enough money for a 20
percent downpayment on a
median-priced single-family
Lawmakers need to put
themselves in the shoes of the
average American, and see
that excessive downpayment
requirements and a reduction
in housing tax incentives
will keep homeownership
out of reach for most firsttime home buyers and many
This would be a fatal blow
to the American Dream for
many, many families.
Greater Owasso Harvest of Homes accepting entries
Calling all builders
currently building to the
north of Tulsa! Entries are
now being accepted for
the 2011 Greater Owasso
Harvest of Homes, which
is scheduled for October
7-9 and 14-16. This fall
showcase of new homes in
Owasso and neighboring
communities to the north of
Tulsa is a great opportunity
to showcase your homes—
whether they are models, or
homes that missed the entry
deadline for the Parade of
to enter is $700
per home (for
earlybird entries,
$850 for regular
entries,) and this
year, if more than
three homes in
one development
are entered, the
development will
also be featured
in the event—at
no additional cost.
The early bird
deadline is July
In addition
the latest new
construction trends and
communities, the event
also gives back to the
community, by supporting
area school groups via a fall
home decorating contest and
by collecting canned food at
each home.
The Platinum Sponsor
for the 2011 Harvest of
Homes is PSO EnergyStar
JULY 2011
Homes Program. In addition,
the Official Guide will be
produced by and included
in the New Home Resource
For additional details, or
to request an entry packet,
contact Tara Grotzke at
tgrotzke@tulsahba.com or
Membership Update:
2011 Recruitment Incentive Plan Announced
It’s official! The Home Builders Association of Greater
Tulsa is now among the largest HBAs in the country. In
terms of membership totals, the Tulsa HBA now ranks 24th
in the nation with 855 members as of June 8. In addition, we
have the fourth highest overall retention rate of any HBA at
82.3 percent.
And, we keep growing! Through May, the Association
has welcomed 52 new members. Our goal for the year is to
bring in a total of 120 new members. Here’s how you can
If you have a peer in the home building industry that
you think can benefit from any one of the many HBA
membership advantages (i.e., networking, product discounts,
event participation and discounts, insurance discounts, etc.),
then take some time this month to call them and invite them
to join.
Each new member that you bring in could literally
become your ticket to an all expense paid trip, courtesy of
the HBA! For every member recruited, the sponsor will earn
progress toward the 2011 membership recruitment incentive
program. If you recruit four new first members, you will
win a trip for one! For seven new members, you will earn a
trip for two! Note: Affiliates and second members qualify as
half a member.
The trip will be in April 2012. While the location is still
being determined, you can be sure that there will be plenty
of sun, surf and spirits.
In addition to the incentive trip, recruiting new members
is also valuable as it earns member Spike Points. The Spike
club is a special group within the Association that gathers
for fun activities such as pub crawls and scavenger huntsm
- all free of charge. As you reach each new Spike level,
you receive a variety of honors from NAHB including pins,
blazers and sweaters. For more information about the Spike
program, you can visit: www.nahb.org, and search for Spike
Once you have recruited a new member, make sure to
remind them of the special President’s Reception, which
happens before each General Membership Meeting, and is
a chance for them to meet with HBA senior leadership and
find out ways to get the most out of their membership. The
next reception is scheduled for July 12 at 5:45 before Builder
Appreciation Night.
The HBA would like to reconigze the efforts of all of
.the volunteers who are currently serving on the applications
and membership committees, especially those on the
membership ladder: Mary Pearce, Spike Chair; Mark
Priess, Membership Chair; Scott Wood, Orientation Chair;
Rita Boggs, Retention Chair.
to the
Home Builders Association
of Greater Tulsa
for another successful
Parade of Homes Tour
1603 S. Boulder Ave. • Tulsa, OK 74119
918-585-9924 • TulsaPeople.com
TulsaPeople Magazine is proud to publish the official programs for Parade of Homes and the Remodeled Tulsa Tour.
To advertise in the Remodeled Tulsa Tour program in September, contact Kate Howell at 918-585-9924, ext. 215.
JULY 2011
Get your message out to the industry!
Home Building News
Home Building News is the monthly magazine for the Home Builders
Association of Greater Tulsa. It is mailed to all 900 members of the
HBA, and contains Association updates, membership information and
industry news.
Advertising is a member benefit, available to current members in
good standing only. Space is limited, so make your reservation
today! Your message will reach a targeted group of the residential
construction industry’s key players ranging from builders,
developers and remodelers to bankers, contractors and building
product suppliers.
2011 Advertising Rates
% at
1m1onthly r
s lar
s siz
FULL PAGE (Dimensions: 11” H x 8.5” W):
• Full color: $350/mo.
• Black and white: $250/mo.
HALF PAGE (Dimensions 5” H x 7.5” W):
• Full color: $200/mo.
• Black and white: $150/mo.
QUARTER PAGE (Dimensions 5” H x 3.75” W):
• Full color: $125/mo.
• Black and white: $75/mo.
BUSINESS CARD (Dimensions 2” H x 3.75” W):
• Black and white $50/month
Month(s) to run_________________________________________________________
Company name________________________________________________________
Member name_________________________________________________________
____Check enclosed ______Invoice
REQUIREMENTS: Company must be member in good standing to advertise. Files accepted electronically or on CD
with printout or PDF format (all fonts must be converted to outlines).
SUBMIT TO: vheritage@tulsahba.com, or send to: HBA, Attn: Valerie Heritage, 11545 E. 43rd St., Tulsa, OK 74146
DEADLINE: The 5th of the month prior to issue.
(i.e., March deadline is February 5, April deadline is March 5, etc.)
Make checks payable to: Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa.
For additional information, call Valerie, 663-5820 or e-mail vheritage@tulsahba.com.
To reserve space, fax form back to 628-0493
A Spike is an individual
who, through his or her
recruiting and retention
efforts, builds a strong
Association base and
strengthens the housing
industry as a whole.
To become a Spike, you
must earn six Spike credits
within two consecutive
years. Credits (points) are
earned by bringing in new
members and retaining
current members.
At each new Spike level,
“Spikes” are recognized
with a series of exclusive
awards. Spike also enjoy
benefits such as visibility
among their peers leading
to increased business
contacts, invitations to
special, FREE events and
celebrations and more.
Spike Points earned by
members of the Home
Builders Association of
Greater Tulsa as reported
by NAHB, April 30, 2011.
Due to space constraints,
names are listed when
each has earned at least
two Spike points.
201+ points
Francine Bandy - 410.5
Burr Kannady - 306
Joe Hoffman - 287.75
Charles Gilmore - 236.5
Ken Klein - 219
Doug Shrout - 207.5
Larry Halve - 201.5
Howard Kelsey - 201
151-200 points
Kristin King - 200.5
John Brawley - 183.5
Steve Murphy - 181
David Blackburn - 175.25
Sam Hollinger - 172.5
Bill Cassetty - 168.75
Greg Simmons - 52.5
Darrell Jenkins - 168.5
Spike Candidates
Phil Rhees - 164
(Less than 6 points)
26-50 points
Calvin Cozort - 161.5
Sonya Fernandez - 5.5
Cheryl Funk - 49.5
Rex Alexander - 161.5
Chad Potter - 5.25
Dub Jester - 48
Steve Harris - 159.5
Shawn Karnes - 4.5
Brandon T. Jackson - 43.25 Janet Soderstrom - 4.5
Bill Rhees - 152.5
Mary Pearce - 43
Rodger Tucker - 4.5
Ryan Farabough - 40.5
Thomas Watts - 4.5
101-150 points
Rita Boggs - 40.25
Dana Brown - 4
Joe Robson - 146.5
Toni Rogers - 40
Stephen Brown - 4
Brian Wiggs - 145.5
Bill Eddy - 35.5
Craig Boos - 4
Lana Nelson - 139.5
Brandon Jackson - 35
Reagan Eden - 4
John Kirkland - 137.5
Lee Sherman - 32.5
Jimmy Holmes - 4
Mark Priess - 136.5
Rod Brunken - 29.5
Andy Pulley - 4
Scott Wood - 131.5
Zelda Garrison - 28.75
John Davis - 3.5
Mike Fretz - 126.5
Richard Fredrick - 27.25
Rob Miles - 3.5
David Funk - 122
John Fisher - 27
Stacey Pennington - 3.5
Howard Tackett - 120.5
Chuck Ramsay - 27
Robin Rogers - 3.5
Wayne Farabough - 119.5
Kevin Blackburn - 26
Bryan Casey- 3
Vern Suess - 118
David Edens - 3
Lindsay Perkins - 113
6 - 25 points
Donnie Johns - 3
Linda Johnson - 111
Allen Jenkins - 23
Scott Sherrill - 3
Brandon Perkins - 108.25
Rick Liebman - 22.5
Dana Penn - 3
Rick Martin - 105.5
Scott Burnett - 20.5
Lisa Puyear - 3
Tom Wenrick - 104
Craig Thurmond - 20
Carrie DeWeese - 3
Mike Walker - 20
Greg Strange - 3
76-100 points
Steve Holt - 18.25
John Esposito - 2.75
Ed Schermerhorn - 100
Jerry Ledford, Jr. - 17
Jim Lane - 2.75
Lora Phillips - 98.5
Leslie Brunken - 16.75
Gary McClary - 2.5
Bill Butts - 95
Melisa McCelvey - 15
Kirk Van Vleet - 2.5
Roger Cooper - 89.5
Kyle Bradley - 14.5
Earl Howard - 2
Melanie Haines - 89
Jeff Westerfield - 14
R. Louis Reynolds - 2
Lantz Day- 88
Tricia Stafford - 13.75
Jill Stroud -2
Monte Dunham - 85
Kyle Smalygo - 13.5
Leland Cable - 2
Ted Dubie - 80
Ken Saltink - 13
John Cowen - 2
Susan Burch - 78.5
Steve Wright - 13
Travis Detter - 2
Gretchen Casto - 78
Kent Stewart - 12
Carl Hudgins - 2
Rick Ellison- 77
J.D. Harp - 11.5
Robert Lemons - 2
Stuart Gallagher - 11
Jim Rackleff - 2
51-75 points
Vince Mims - 10.75
Freddie Watkins - 2
Mary Keane - 75
Jeffrey Smith - 10.5
Buford Williams - 2
Glenn Shaw - 74
Maria Welch - 10
Aaron Wiltshire - 2
Steve Fulps - 72.5
Brant Snap - 9.5
Marvin Krueger - 2
Shawn Linfoot - 70
Gary Soderstrom - 9.5
Phil Roland - 2
Candis Bingham - 68.5
Robert Hughes - 8.5
Bob Crouch - 2
Frank Sawyer - 68.25
John Kiska - 7.5
Robert Hines - 2
Les Kelsey - 67.5
J.J. Rowe - 6
Pete Kourtis - 2
Zachary C. Davis - 66
John Madden - 2
Barry Helms - 61
Linda McGrew - 2
David Sanders - 60
Mark Wayne Mullin - 2
Fred Pruett - 58.75
Chris Meyer - 2
Jennifer Boczar-Ashley - 56
Dabney Smith - 2
David Gibson - 55.5
Jody Sweetin - 2
Steve D. Wright - 55.5
Tommy Thompson - 2
J. Donald Walker - 54.5
Cathy McGhee - 2
Terry Davis - 53
JULY 2011
of the Month
of the Month
Executive Committee
Member of the Month
Brandon Perkins,
Brandon Perkins
For his work with OSHBA
and NAHB.
Lana Nelson,
Lana Nelson Interior Design
For her work on the Home &
Garden Show Landscaping
Tricia Stafford ,
Andrews Lighting Gallery
For her work on the Parade
of Homes and Home Builders
GreenBlitz committees.
8522 East 61st strEEt, tulsa, OK 74133
PhOnE: (918) 745-9977 • FaX: (918) 742-1432
Robert E. Parker
Belinda Hull, Manager
Tracie Bolain
Lori Nosan
8522 East 61st Street, Tulsa, OK 74133
Phone: (918) 392-3555
FAX: (918) 392-3789
Charissa Taylor
Rita Boggs, Manager
Stephanie Seager
Donna Carter
Kelsey Egge
Carol A. Parker
Courtney King
Robin Shaw
Linda Edwards
Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
11545 E. 43rd St.
Tulsa, OK 74146
Mission Statement
As leaders in the housing industry since
1942, we are dedicated to protecting the
industry while promoting ethical
business standards. We support our
community through education, membership
requirements and philanthropic efforts.
Editor and Advertising Sales:
Valerie Heritage
11545 E 43rd
Tulsa, OK 74146
Fax: 918-628-0493