Home Building News - Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
Home Building News - Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa
Home Building News February 2011 The Official Publication of the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa, Founded with Integrity, 1942 King of the HBA Launches New Web site Castle Steve Wright, Castlerock Builders wins 2010 HBA Spirit Award 2011 Executive Committee President’s Report: The Spirit of the Association By HBA President Rob Miles In February’s Home Building News, we recognize the HBA’s annual Spirit Award winner. On behalf of the Association, I would like to congratulate Steve Wright, of Castlerock Builders, on being the 2010 recipient. The Spirit Award is the highest honor awarded by the Association, and is presented each year to the building company that best utilizes HBA Associate members. The award was initiated by the Associates Council of the Home Builders Association in 1989, and was actually used as a model program and adopted by other Associations across the country as a means to underscore the importance of the relationship between builder and suppliers, one of the cornerstones of the Association. As the winner, Steve receives a variety of benefits, including a bronze eagle trophy, web site exposure on TulsaHBA.com, a feature story in the monthly magazine and even a VIP parking space at the HBA. But none is probably more rewarding than simply the relationships he has formed with some of the industry’s top companies. For more information about Steve’s winning project, as well as his company, turn to the article on page 20. And, for those of you getting ready to start projects this year – please keep this award in mind as you select your suppliers. The call for applications typically begins in October, with the winner being announced at the annual Installation Gala. Part of what makes the Association a successful organization, is the teamwork between our Builders and Associates – which ultimately creates a better end product. And whether you are a Builder looking for a window supplier, or even if you are an Associate member, and either looking for partnership opportunities for your business or products for your own personal project – I would encourage you to start first by seeking out our Associate member companies. Our current membership is 886, with roughly 60 percent of members falling into the Associate category, and 40 percent of the members representing builders, developers and remodelers. It has been said many times, but bears repeating, our Associate members truly are the lifeblood of the Association, and not only do they represent the best product and service suppliers in the area, but they also provide an invaluable resource to the Association. Each March, the Associates Council puts on the single largest non-dues revenue generating event for the Association, the Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show. Funds from this event help to make all of the other activities of the HBA possible. Make sure to mark your calendar for March 10-13, and head out to the QuikTrip Center at Expo Square for the HBA’s largest event of the year. Oh, and help us spread the word by telling your friends, family, business colleagues, and the person behind you in line at the hardware store - the 2011 Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show is the one home improvement trade show that you do NOT want to miss! It will also provide you with a great opportunity to share and see first-hand what many of our members, both Builders and Associates, have to offer, and what sets them apart as the best in the business. President Rob Miles, Milestone Homes, Inc. Vice President/Treasurer Bill Butts, Pinnacle Properties Vice President/Secretary Jeffrey Smith, CedarRock Homes, LLC Past President Gary Soderstrom, Gem Properties, Inc. Membership Chair Mark Priess, CFR, Insurance Builders Council President Brent Green, Green Homes Associates Council President Mark Priess, CFR, Insurance Green Building Council President John Madden, Quadesign & Company, Inc. Developers Council President John Davis Schermerhorn Development Remodelers Council President Chad Potter, Drywall Repair Specialist Executive Vice President/CEO Paul Kane HBA Headquarters 11545 E. 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 663-5820 Fax: (918) 628-0493 www.TulsaHBA.com If you are an industry leader than be a follower! www.Facebook.com/TulsaHBA www.twitter.com/TulsaHBA Table of Contents 5 EDITORIAL Kane’s Corner 6-7 SNAPSHOTS 9 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 11 SPIKE REPORT 12 NEW MEMBERS 16 REMODELERS COUNCIL INDUSTRY 18 Housing starts 19ECONOMIC FORECAST FEATURE 20 STEVE WRIGHT, CASTLEROCK BUILDERS, WINS 2010 HBA SPIRIT AWARD 22 HBA LAUNCHES NEWS WEB SITE 25 INTERNATIONAL BUILDERS SHOW 27 OSHBA 2011 OFFICERS 29 A NOTE ON APPRAISALS Your Story Here! If your business has news that you would like featured in Home Building News, please submit the information to Valerie Heritage at vheritage@tulsahba.com. Note: The deadline to submit information is the 5th of the month prior to publication. 4 HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 Kane’s Corner By Paul Kane , Executive Vice President/CEO Whether social media (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is here to stay is uncertain. What is certain is that it’s definitely here right now. More than a year ago, I started a Facebook account and a Twitter account for the HBA; not really knowing what I was going to do with them. I started out posting articles relating to housing that I had run across online. I was attempting to counterbalance all the negative news the media was throwing at us. But then, that wasn’t enough. No longer was I satisfied just waiting for articles to just fall in my lap. I started seeking them out. I regularly did Google searches for anything related to “home building” and “Tulsa”. Then I signed up for searching services which would deliver residential construction related articles on the internet to my email box on a daily basis. The result? I make posts to Facebook and Twitter several times a week with articles that should be of interest to anyone connected to the industry. By doing all this, I’ve also discovered that I have a more optimistic view of the future of building than many of those around me. If all you do is listen to the “sky is falling” national media, you’d probably just crawl under a rock and wait for the Apocalypse. But the news isn’t all bad. Let me give you a sampling of what I’ve posted recently: • Nov. 1: Posted an article from NAHB Chief Economist, David Crowe, in which he was forecasting how the recovery would play out throughout the country. Oklahoma was shown on a map as being the top 20 percent. • Nov. 4: Noted that 500 new jobs were coming to the area; Dow had hit a 2 year high; an Oklahoma energy company’s profits had quadrupled and auto makers were reporting stronger sales. • Nov. 17: Posted an article from the Wall Street Journal, discussing how builder confidence was improving nationwide. • Nov. 23: Posted an article discussing the optimism which is appearing in the markets. • Dec. 2: Posted a link to a NAHB website expressing concerns about the risk of Congress taking away the mortgage interest deduction. [This is still a danger by the way!] • Dec. 2: Posted an article from Builder Magazine showing that building starts were up nationwide by over 10 percent. • Dec. 3: Posted an article from Kansas City, showing how their market is recovering. This was good news for us, because their market was hit much harder than ours. • Dec. 7: Posted an article from the Tulsa World, in which forecasters were predicting good job growth for the Tulsa area. • Dec. 10: Posted an article from Builder Magazine addressing how Americans’ wealth is growing, lifting hopes for the economy. • Dec. 17: Posted another article showing that building starts are up nationwide. • Dec. 22: Yet another article on improving housing starts. • Dec. 28: Posted an article that explains that the increasing housing starts nationwide were improving builder optimism nationwide. • Dec. 28: Posted an article from top economists on what to expect in 2011. • Dec. 30: Posted an article from CNBC pointing that existing home sales were better than anticipated. • Dec. 31: Posted an article predicting that housing starts nationwide would reach a 3 year high. • Jan. 4: Posted an article from Tulsa World showing yet another drop in Tulsa area unemployment. Naturally, more postings have been made since January 4. But this article was written around that time. The point of all this is that if you’re reading the news I’m reading, it doesn’t sound all gloom and doom. Unfortunately, FEBRUARY 2011 HBA Management Team Paul Kane Executive Vice President/CEO pkane@tulsahba.com Bonnie Polak Assistant Executive VP, Special Events Director bjpolak@tulsahba.com Valerie Heritage Public Relations Director vheritage@tulsahba.com Nikki Pauly Director of Membership npauly@tulsahba.com Marlena Turley Executive Assistant/Receptionist mturley@tulsahba.com Pam Fanning Bookkeeper pfanning@tulsahba.com Tara Grotzke Council Coordinator tgrotzke@tulsahba.com you really have to wade through a lot of doomsdays article to find a balance in the news. My efforts on Facebook and Twitter are not to paint an unrealistically good picture, but to bring some balance. If you haven’t joined Facebook or Twitter, you can do so now and start following the postings I make. We’re easy to find on either one. Just log on and do a search for TulsaHBA. And I’ll keep on posting. HOME BUILDING NEWS 5 The students of the Ryal School in Henryetta Oklahoma were all smiles at the annual Ryal Christmas Party, hosted by the HBA in December. But it was hard to tell whose smiles were bigger - the kids, or the more than 40 volunteers that came to help out with the event! Thanks to all of the HBA sponsors and volunteers for making this event possible each year - this year marked the 43rd anniversary of the event! If a picture is worth a thousand words - then this edition of Snapshots is the longest ever! Mark your calendars for Dec. 8, 2011 to volunteer for next year’s event! 6 HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 Snapshots: Ryal Christmas Party December 2, 2010 FEBRUARY2011 HOME BUILDING NEWS 7 Calendar of Events February 1 5 p.m. Associates Council 3 5 p.m. Remodelers Council 7 3 p.m. Executive Committee 8 3:30 p.m. Developers Council 8 5 p.m. Board of Directors 8 5:45 p.m. President’s Reception 8 6 p.m. General Membership Meeting 9 11:30 a.m. Owasso Chapter, Bailey Medical Center, Owasso 10-11 8a.m-4:30p.m.Master Certified Green Professional Class 15 11:30 a.m. Builders Council 16 11:30 a.m. Southwest Chapter, Freddie’s Steakhouse 16-20 Total Resource Campaign Trip Mayan Riviera, Mexico 17-18 1-5 p.m. City of Tulsa Professional Builder program orientation, City Hall 23 11:30 a.m. Green Building Council 25 4 p.m. Parade of Homes Entry Deadline March 3 5 p.m. 7 3 p.m. 8 3:30 p.m. 9 11:30 a.m. 10-13 . 10 5:30 p.m. 10 5-9 p.m. 11 10 a.m.-9 p.m. 12 10 a.m.-9 p.m. 13 11 a.m.-6 p.m. 15 11:30 a.m. 23 11:30 a.m. Remodelers Council Executive Committee Developers Council Owasso Chapter, Bailey Medical Center, Owasso Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show, QuikTrip Center, Expo Square Board of Directors, QuikTrip Center, Expo Square Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show Greater Tulsa Home & Garden Show Builders Council Green Building Council Upcoming Events May 20 HBA Golf Tournament June 11-19 Greater Tulsa Parade of Homes All events are at the HBA headquarters, 11545 E. 43rd St., unless noted otherwise. FEBRUARY 2011 HOME BUILDING NEWS 9 Bill Cassetty - 167.25 Darrell Jenkins - 166.5 Phil Rhees - 162 Calvin Cozort - 161 Rex Alexander - 159.5 Steve Harris - 156 Bill Rhees - 151 A Spike is an individual who, through his or her recruiting and retention efforts, builds a strong Association base and strengthens the housing industry as a whole. To become a Spike, you must earn six Spike credits within two consecutive years. Credits (points) are earned by bringing in new members and retaining current members. At each new Spike level, “Spikes” are recognized with a series of exclusive awards. Spike also enjoy benefits such as visibility among their peers leading to increased business contacts, invitations to special, FREE events and celebrations and more. Spike Points earned by members of the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa as reported by NAHB, September 30, 2010. Due to space constraints, names are listed when each has earned at least two Spike points. 201+ points Francine Bandy - 402.75 Burr Kannady - 302.5 Joe Hoffman - 283.75 Charles Gilmore - 236 Ken Klein - 218 Doug Shrout - 201.5 151-200 points Howard Kelsey - 200 Larry Halve - 199.5 Kristin King - 198 John Brawley - 181.5 Steve Murphy - 180 Sam Hollinger - 171.5 David Blackburn - 168.5 Greg Simmons - 52 Jennifer Ashley - 51.75 26-50 points Dub Jester - 48 Cheryl Funk - 45.5 Sandy Colgan -41.5 Jim Van Sickle - 41 Ryan Farabough - 37 101-150 points Toni Rogers - 37 Joe Robson - 146 Bill Eddy - 35.5 Brian Wiggs - 141 Rita Boggs - 35.25 Lana Nelson - 138 Mary Pearce - 34.25 John Kirkland - 137.5 Brandon Jackson - 34 Scott Wood - 131.5 Brandon T. Jackson - 30.75 Mark Priess - 128 Lee Sherman - 28 Mike Fretz - 125 Rod Brunken - 28 Howard Tackett - 119 Wayne Farabough - 117.5 Richard Fredrick - 27.25 Zelda Garrison - 27.25 David Funk - 117 John Fisher - 27 Vern Suess - 116.5 Lindsay Perkins - 112.5 6 - 25 points Linda Johnson - 110 Brandon Perkins - 105.75 Kevin Blackburn - 25 Bo Armentrout - 23 Rick Martin - 105.5 Chuck Ramsay - 22.5 Tom Wenrick - 102.5 Allen Jenkins - 22.5 Rick Liebman - 21.5 76-100 points Craig Thurmond - 20 Ed Schermerhorn - 99 Scott Burnett - 19.5 Lora Phillips - 97.5 Mike Walker - 18.5 Bill Butts - 93.5 Leslie Brunken - 16.75 Melanie Haines - 88.5 Jerry Ledford, Jr. - 16.5 Roger Cooper - 87.5 Melisa McCelvey - 14.5 Lantz Day- 84.5 Kyle Bradley - 14 Monte Dunham - 84.25 Jeff Westerfield - 14 Ted Dubie - 80 Steve Wright - 13 Rick Ellison- 77 Steve Holt - 11.5 Kent Stewart - 11.5 51-75 points Stuart Gallagher - 10.5 Gretchen Casto - 74.5 J.D. Harp - 10.5 Steve Fulps - 72.5 Kyle Smalygo - 10.5 Mary Keane - 72.5 Tricia Stafford - 10.25 Susan Burch - 72 Maria Welch - 10 Glenn Shaw - 71.5 Brant Snap - 9.5 Shawn Linfoot - 68.5 Gary Soderstrom - 8.5 Les Kelsey - 67.5 Robert Hughes - 8.5 Candis Bingham - 67 Vince Mims - 8 Frank Sawyer - 64.25 Ken Saltink - 8 Zachary C. Davis - 60.5 Jeffrey Smith - 7 David Sanders - 58.5 Darby Thomas - 6.75 Barry Helms - 58.25 J.J. Rowe - 6 Fred Pruett - 55.75 J. Donald Walker - 54.5 David Gibson - 54 Steve D. Wright - 53.5 Terry Davis - 53 FEBRUARY 2011 Spike Candidates (Less than 6 points) Sonya Fernandez - 5 John Kiska - 4.5 Stephen Brown - 4 Tim Carpenter - 4 Reagan Eden - 4 Andy Pulley - 3.5 Shawn Karnes - 3.5 Chad Potter - 3.5 John Davis - 3.5 Robin Rogers - 3.5 Rodger Tucker - 3 Craig Boos - 3 Donnie Johns - 3 Jimmy Holmes - 3 Scott Sherrill - 3 Thomas Watts - 3 John Esposito - 2.75 Greg Strange - 2.5 Jim Lane - 2.5 Gary McClary - 2.5 Dana Brown - 2 Earl Howard - 2 R. Louis Reynolds - 2 Jill Stroud -2 Kirk Van Vleet - 2 Leland Cable - 2 John Cowen - 2 Travis Detter - 2 Carrie DeWeese - 2 Carl Hudgins - 2 Robert Lemons - 2 Jim Rackleff - 2 Freddie Watkins - 2 Buford Williams - 2 Stacey Pennington - 2 Janet Soderstrom - 2 Aaron Wiltshire - 2 HOME BUILDING NEWS 11 December New Members BUILDER 3D Solutions Daniel Doughty 8405 S. Winston Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 760-3102 doughtystar@cox.net Sponsor: Rita Boggs BUILDER AFFILIATE Gem Properties, Inc. Kim Leitch PO Box 1340, Jenks, OK 74037 (918) 492-1226 Fax: (918) 938-0135 kimleitch@cox.net gempropertiesinc.com Sponsor: Janet Soderstrom Jackson Construction Group, LLC Jeff Hahn PO Box 521118, Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 227-3386 Fax: (918) 227-2117 diana@jacksonconstructiongroup.com jacksonconstructiongroup.com Sponsor:Brandon T. Jackson Jackson Construction Group, LLC Diana Hahn PO Box 521118, Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 271-2792 Fax: (918) 619-9943 diana@jacksonconstructiongroup.com jacksonconstructiongroup.com Sponsor:Brandon T. Jackson ASSOCIATE Amy Cook Designs, LLC Amy Cook 10475 S. 86th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 269-1896 amy@amycookdesigns.com amycookdesigns.com Sponsor:Janet Soderstrom Black Hat Cleaning Services David Harris 5158 S. 94th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145 918) 747-1510 Fax: (918) 384-0901 blackhatoffice@yahoo.com blackhatnow.com Sponsor: Donald Merritt 12 HOME BUILDING NEWS Welcome to the HBA! Colburn Electric Scott Lewis 829 W. Elgin St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 251-8765 Fax: (918) 251-1758 scott.lewis@colburnelect.com colburnelectric.com Sponsor: Rita Boggs Nichtech Roof Systems, LLC Charles Nichols 21909 S. Amber Dr., Claremore, OK 74019 (918) 283-2001 Fax: (918) 923-7039 charles@nichtechroofsystems.com nichtechroofsystems.com Sponsor: Rick Liebman Country Financial Michael Tillman 2044 W. Houston Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 251-9222 Fax: (918) 258-9529 michael.tillman@countryfinancial.com Sponsor: Chris Hodges Oklahoma Farm Bureau Ins. Ashley Smith 427 E. 2nd Ave., Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 376-1933 Fax: (918) 376-9330 ashley.smith@okfb.com okfarminsurance.com Sponsor: Jeffrey Smith Crimson Steel Supply, LLC Dustin Wright 10336 E. 58th St., Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 994-5330 Fax: (918) 994-5331 dustin@crimsonsteelsupply.com Sponsor: John Madden Digital Home Concepts Jerry Stultz 7131 Riverside Parkway, Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 933-5999 jerry@digitalhomeconcepts.com digitalhomeconcepts.com Sponsor: Brian Wiggs Sunglow Ted Lacina 6527 E. 46th St., Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 664-5977 sunglow@tulsasigns.com Fax: (918) 664-5995 Sponsor: Rita Boggs 2011 HBA Member Directories COMING SOON! Jenks Fence Rusty Wieland 625 E. A St., Jenks, OK 74037 (918) 299-5575 Fax: (918) 518-5602 info@jenksfence.com Sponsor: David Blackburn Lee Insurance & Financial Services Nickey Lee 6216 S. Lewis Ave., Suite 108, Tulsa,OK 74136 (918) 329-5270 Fax: (918) 392-5441 nickey.lee@horacemann.com lifeagency.com Sponsor: FEBRUARY 2011 The 2011 Edition of the HBA Member Directory will be available this month. Copies will be available at the HBA office, and mailed to all members in March. Join us for the HBA for the February General Membership Meeting! Make the Most of your membership! Tuesday, February 8 at 6 p.m. HBA Headquarters 11545 E. 43rd St. Members: $10 with RSVP by Feb. 4, or $15 at the door Non-Members: $20 Dinner and Drinks included Your membership with the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa is working for you at three different levels - local, state and national. As a member of the HBA, you also receive memberships with the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association, and the National Association of Home Builders. 2011 Presenting GMM Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Empire Kitchens & Bath Happy Valentine’s Day _________ In the spirit of the holiday, congratulations to HBA Members Jane Bullock of GreyHorse Associates and Lantz Day of Stone Group Holdings on their recent enagagement. A love connection made through the HBA! 14 HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 Benefit of the Month 3 Memberships in 1 Through our affiliated organizations, your membership helps to ensure that key building industry issues are kept a priority for state and national policymakers, and that a team is working on your behalf to defeat excessive regulations and defend affordable housing initiatives. In addition, a variety of programs are offered on the state and national level for HBA members. The Member Advtantage Program offered by NAHB is a national version of our local “Do Business with a Member” program that offers a variety of discounts from top national companies. OSHBA also offers members a comprehensive insurance program tailored to meet the needs of members, which includes competitively prriced insurance programs for Builder’s Risk, General Liability, and Worker’s Compensation. Take advantage of your HBA Membership by getting involved in all levels of the orrganization! Remodeling Roundup PROFIT: advantageous gain or return; benefit www.thefreedictionary.com By Remodelers Council President Chad Potter, Drywall Repair Specialists It’s not just a good idea; profitability is a necessity for business survival. That sounds so obvious, but too many times we have overheard others “taking a job to keep their guys busy”, or “I’ll do this job for cost so I can get my foot in the door”. This accomplishes setting a new low price standard for your company and industry. It also puts your cash flow in a pinch and is a disservice to your customers and employees. I think we all have stories about the job we bid too low. I know that I have a few. As these low-to-no profit jobs progress, we find ourselves stressed about the potential of losing money. This stress is passed on to the employees conducting the work, which is passed on to the quality of workmanship provided to the customer. The end result is an unsatisfactory project, disappointed customer, and an employee that may believe that these practices encouraged by the stressed manager or owner are now acceptable. The bottom line is that you have tarnished your image by bidding too low. On the flip side, when a project has an appropriate profit margin, we are more apt to take our time to ensure a high quality service to customers. Workers are not rushed, which results in a clean job site, high quality workmanship and a willingness to go the extra mile for customers. As stated above, we all have stories about the job bid too low. We can also relate to the job that was properly bid. These are the projects with high customer satisfaction and many times lead to repeat customers, or future work from referrals. Profits also help advance your business by having the ability to invest in your business. You now have the resources to offer educational and safety opportunities to employees. This also gives you the ability to expand product lines and purchase new, safe and more efficient tools and equipment. If you’re constantly trying to prevent loss, you will lose the opportunity to enjoy your gains and 16 HOME BUILDING NEWS pass them on to customers. Thenk you to The Womble Company, the 2011 Presenting Annual Sponsor of the Remodelers Council, and also to Mark Priess with CFR, FEBRUARY 2011 Insurance, who spoke at our January meeting. The February meeting is being sponsored by Marvin Krueger CPA, CMA Please join us the first Thursday of the month at 5 p.m.! Industry Update Metro Tulsa finishes year with 2,138 starts The Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa announced that new housing starts throughout the Tulsa metro area increased in December to 139, three percent ahead of November totals, but and nearly 27 percent behind December 2009. According to a report from permit tracking service New Orders Weekly, this puts total permits issued for the year at 2,138, a 12 percent decline from the prior year. Tulsa, Bixby and Broken Arrow recorded the highest levels of activity in December with 27, 21 and 20 starts, respectively. And for the year, Tulsa, Broken Arrow and Owasso all broke the 200 mark, with the highest levels of new building activity in the Tulsa metro. The three cities have year-to-date start totals of 337, 298, and 218, respectively. “2010 was a challenging year for the building industry in Tulsa and the rest of the country,” said Rob Miles, veteran home builder and President of the Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa. “However, it does appear that the market has stabilized, and the expectation is that the industry will begin to recover in 2011, as demand for new homes increases.” Local housing start figures reflect permit information for the entire Tulsa metro area, which includes Bartlesville, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Collinsville, Claremore, Coweta, Glenpool, Jenks, Kiefer, Muskogee, Owasso, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, Quality Craftsmen Since 1897 h g i L Skiatook, Tulsa, Verdigris, and Wagoner along with Tulsa, Rogers and Wagoner Counties. r e tn Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. • Design / Manufacture • Installation • Service Frederick Sommers & Western Signs 415 3rd St Tulsa, OK 74120 918-587-2300 www.fredericksigns.com 18 HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 9881 Hectorville Road P.O. Box 83 Glenpool, OK 74033 E-mail: lightnerha@earthlink.net Don Lightner, Owner (918) 322-9548 (918) 224-6548 Fax (918) 322-9553 Housing’s rebound hopeful in 2011: Local industry experts evaluate market conditions, review expectations for year ahead at annual HBA Economic Forecast Seminar Experts from the real estate, mortgage and economic arenas took center stage at the end of 2010 to look ahead to the future of Tulsa’s housing industry. And the prediction was...hopeful but heedful. With three different perspectives on the market, attendees at the annual HBA Economic Forecast Seminar, held at Forest Ridge in November, were given lots of positive statistics, tempered with concerns that are expected to continue to challenge the marketplace in the coming months. At the event, which was sponsored by The Robson Companies/Forest Ridge and Arvest Bank, Sam Rader, with Coldwell Banker Select, recapped Tulsa’s real estate market. And Ben Cowen, of Bank of Oklahoma Mortgage provided a mortgage industry perspective on the industry and impending changes and trends. Bob Ball, the economist for the City of Tulsa, also shared some local economic indicators. While things locally have continued to decline, the consesus is that the market has bottomed out, and although it is a “sloppy bottom”, things have stabilized. Overwhelmingly, it appears the number one issue facing the market is consumer confidence as a result of the economy and foreclosure market. The average sale price in 2010 was $171,000 (down about three percent of the prior year), with the largest decrease in sales price coming from homes in the $100,000-$250,000 category. Through the first three quarters of 2010, there had been nine percent fewer residential closed sales than the prior year, and 27 percent less closings than the same period in 2007. Of homes that have closed (through August), 78 percent were $200,000 and under, 17.9 percent in the $200,000-$400,000 range, and 3.8 percent in the $400,000 and up category. In Tulsa, we currently have about 10 months of inventory (new homes not included). For homes under $200,000 that figure is just 8.6 months of inventory, while homes $400,000 and up are at 27.4 months of supply. Nationally, there are approximately 4.1 million units for sale (an 11 month supply compared to a typical supply of 6-7 months), with 35 percent of sales being distressed properties such as foreclosures and short sales. Sales for the year are at 4.5 million, which is tracking 19 percent behind last year, and much further behind the industry high point of 7 million. Thirty percent of buyers this year fell into the first-time home buyer segment, and 20 percent of sales are to investor buyers. There are several economic factors that continue to have a major impact the market; Interest rates, employment rate and the foreclosure rate. The good news is that Tulsa’s low cost of living (89 pecent of the US average) has helped the area to continue to fare better than most major US cities. In addition, the metro area is expected to have a two percent personal income growth in 2010 (compared to a decline in 2009). Interest rates have remained at or near record lows, continuing to provide motivation for people to buy and refinance. Currently, 70 percent of loans are refinance, and 30 percent are sales, but that number is expected to change next year, to 70 percent sales and 30 percent refinance - another bit of good news for builders. However, there is a concern that as rates may increase over the coming years, that people might grow accustomied to the lower rate and believe that they are being “gouged”. The fed is trying to keep rates around 4.25-5 percent. Jumbo loans (loans above $417,000) are not expected to loosen in 2011. With no liquidity in that market, the loans are pretty locked up, as they have been for the past year. One option available for those in that price range is to do a conforming loan with a second loan. 2011 is expected to be a tougher lending environment, although positive on mortgage rates. Cowen reinforced that the key for builders is to make FEBRUARY2011 sure that they are having conversations with lenders on how to manage the risk together. Pricing margins are strong, and the risk is the highest it has ever been (Fannie and Freddie can force banks to repurchase if they see anything wrong), making some loans unsellable. In addition, appraisal values continue to be key - all appraisals are checked against a national database. If a valuation is more than 20 percent higher than the system, it will be questioned by the agency. Agencies are also monitoring borrwers to verify that they have not increased their debt load. In terms of employment, most businesses have said that they do not plan to expand in the next 12-18 months, however, the good news is that Oklahoma and Tulsa’s unemployment rates are still lower than the national average. As of September, the local rate was 7.4 percent. The unemployment rate is not a good indicator of recovery because it rises and falls for a variety of reasons, and noteably, people having been leaving the labor force entirely. However, local economists think that we may see a good increase in unemployment in 2011, as people rejoin the labor force because they believe they can get a job. HOME BUILDING NEWS 19 Steve Wright, Castlerock Builders, wins 2010 HBA Spirit Award Each year, at the December Installation Gala, a bronze eagle trophy is presented to the annual HBA Spirit Award winner. The Spirit Award is one of the HBA of Greater Tulsa’s highest honors. The eagle is the symbol of the Home Builders Association, and appropriately, the award recognizes a builder member who embodies the spirit of the Association through his partnerhsip with our Associate members. This year’s honoree Steve Wright, of Castlerock Builders, is no exception. Wright is a first-time recipient of the Award, which he received in recognition of a project that he completed at 4200 S. Quinoa Ave. in the Berwick on Cedar Ridge subdivision. The project was featured, and won a second place award in the $625,000-$799,999 price category in the 2010 Greater Tulsa Parade of Homes.. “When I found out I had won the 2010 Spirit Award, I was so excited and honored, ” said Wright. “The Spirit Award reflects the relationships between the builders and 20 the associate members, and I am very proud to use the associate members in my business.” “I always try to use HBA Associate members in my company because they are great friends, trustworthy and always look for the best in your company.” Steve Wright has been building quality homes for satisfied customers for over 11 years in Tulsa and the surrounding areas. Professional hands-on construction and customer service help each Castlerock client to design and build the homes of their dreams. The company will build on client lots and also offers lots in numberous area subdivisions. All of their homes are designed and built with the highest quality materials, while providing value and special detail in order to make each home stand apart from the others. Steve said that his membership in the Association has been important to his business success. “The HBA represents integrity and professionalism in our HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 Steve Wright, above, has been a member of the HBA since 2002. He is a current Board Member, and Spike Member, and also served as Builders Council President in 2006. industry,” said Wright. And the organization has plated a valuable role in keeping him up-to-date with the industry in regards to national issues, code changes, and new trends and ideas. Each year, many worthy companies enter projects for consideration of this honor, which are then analyzed by the HBA accounting firm to determine which projects involved the greatest percentage of work by HBA members. The award symbolizes the teamwork between the contractor and the subcontractor, and how very important it is when building a new home to use only qualified craftsmen and suppliers...HBA Associate members. Soundbite: An interview with Steve Below is sampling of snapshots from Castlerock Builders’ winning project. In addition, get to know 2010 Spirit Award Winner Steve Wright when we ask “hard-hitting” questions about life and the industry. time, introduced me to the business by helping me build my own house. At that time, I decided to change occupations and try the construction busness. 2. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be? S.W.: Driven, Loyal and Honest 3. What is your favorite part of the home? S.W.: Kitchen 4. What is something most people don’t know about you? S.W.: I have coached the defensive backs 1. Why did you decide to become a builder? S.W.: I was an independent consultant traveling 52 weeks a year for over six years and wanted to be home with my family. A friend, that was a builder at the FEBRUARY 2011 for Bixby High School football for 5 years as a volunteer. I also am a die hard Texas Longhorn fan living in Oklahoma. (the writers at Home Building News think maybe Texas needs to tap into his coaching talents?) Castlerock Builders specializes in client relationships and service by personalizing a design/build concept to ensure the homebuyer gets the best product for the best value. The company builds in South Tulsa, Owasso, Jenks and Broken Arrow subdivisions such as Wind River, Berwick at Cedar Ridge, Millicent Pond, Stone Canyon, Clear Brook, Ridge at South County and Dutchers Crossing. HOME BUILDING NEWS 21 HBA launches new web site Visitors to the TulsaHBA.com site are being greeted with an entirely new look, after the launch of a new Association web site in January. The PR Committee unveiled the new design, which was developed to be a customizeable tool that will better serve the public and members alike. In addition to a fresh, clean look that complements the latest HBA branding campaign, the site also takes advantage of several new technologies to provide visitors with an easier to navigate, and more visuallyappealing format. The home page features a rotating feature image that will be used to highlight upcoming events, major announcements or campaigns, or just convey general Association and site information, making it easier 22 HOME BUILDING NEWS for visitors to find important info. The site also features a Members Only section where members can download the HBA logo, update their membership information directly or request a change. The section requires a Username and Password to access, which you can receive by calling the HBA Office at 918-663-5820. In addition, the new site will house a comprehensive calendar of events, where members will have the ability to RSVP for upcoming meetings. This can be found under the Members Only Section, as well as the Events tab. The Find a Professional section offers users the chance to search through an online membership database, which is updated in real time FEBRUARY 2011 - enabling the Association to provide more current data than ever before. One other new feature is the addition of a New Homes and Lots search tool, which will be available FREE to Builder Members. This new system will enable companies to list their available homes, and make is easy for buyers in the market for a new home to browse existing inventory, and see a sampling of homes available from HBA Member companies. To post your homes or available lots of the site, contact the HBA Office and the staff will direct you to the third party company that is managing and creating the listings portion of the site. Take some time to visit the new TulsaHBA.com your online HBA resource! Builders’ Show Keeps Home Builders at Top of Game Have you ever wondered what sets professional home builders apart from guys who work “out of the back of their trucks”? Well, the answer is simple and it comes from the word “professional.” As with most professions, home builders and remodelers who keep up-to-date with new laws, methods and materials can offer the most to their clients. In the home building profession, there are new building codes every three years, in addition to new energy, fire, plumbing, electrical and mechanical codes, all of which come with countless upgrades. There are state-wide, county, municipal and city codes. Professional home builders and remodelers have to be on top of these and take them into consideration when building a new home. Because buying a new home is such a huge investment, one that you will live with for many years, it makes sense to have it built by someone who knows the latest codes, as well as someone who knows what the newest materials and techniques are, where to get them, and how to use them. Each year there are hundreds of new products available to make your home better and your life easier. Many residential construction industry professionals keep abreast of new rules, product advancements and changing technology by attending the annual International Builders’ Show (IBS). More than 50,000 of the industry’s top professionals – builders, remodelers, architects and suppliers – attended the IBS, which was held January 1215 in Orlando, Fla. One of the largest professional trade shows in the country, the IBS is a weeklong learning experience consisting of around 200 seminars covering everything from housing trends to new products and services to the latest installation techniques. In additional to the education sessions, about 1,000 manufacturers and suppliers display their products across approximately 500,000 net square feet of exhibit space during a four-day trade show. During Green Day at IBS, manufacturers showcased their newest energy- and water-efficient appliances and products and there are classes for green project management, design trends and building science. The federal Department of Energy’s 20 college Solar Decathlon teams also displayed models of the solar-powered homes they’ll be building on the National Mall this fall. IBS is just one of the many programs, certifications and on-going educational efforts offered by NAHB that provides professional home builders and remodelers with information on the latest products and services available when it comes to home construction. The International Builders’ Show is the largest annual light construction show in the world—over miles and miles of the latest and most advanced building products and services ever assembled. Showcasing the latest innovations with hands-on demonstrations and working models, the annual convention of NAHB features products in over 300 building industry categories. Think of it as a convenient corner marketplace. It’s where you’ll find more builders and more suppliers than anywhere else in the world. 4554 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 499-1282 www.friscotitle.net FEBRUARY 2011 HOME BUILDING NEWS 25 QuickBooks Accounting & Tax Center Workshops • Training • Consulting Accounting & Tax Services Home Builders • Contractors • Individuals All New and Small Businesses Stephen J. Litwack, CPA Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor 5200 S. Yale Ave., Suite 100 International Tower Tulsa, OK 74135 Tel. (918) 828-9807 • Fax (918) 828-9806 QuickBooksCenter@aol.com “We Make QuickBooks Easy • Your Success is Our Business” 2011 OSHBA Officers Installed During its annual installation gala, held Jan. 7 at the Hilton Skirvin Hotel in OKC, the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association (OSHBA) installed the following officers for 2011: President Michael Herndon PO Box 1609 Kingston, OK 73439 (580) 564-1100 Vice President/Treasurer Brandon Perkins 2223 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 10 Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 747-5687 Vice President/Secretary Jeff Click 15812 N.Pennsylvania Ave, Ste. 3 Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 348.1525 Past President Tom French PO Box 30357 Edmond, OK 73003 (405) 677-4426 FEBRUARY 2011 Exec. Vice President Mike Means 917 NE 63rd OKC, OK 73105 (405) 843-5579 Chariman, Associates Council Casey Felix Central National Bank PO Box 3448 Enid, OK 73702 Oklahoma Professional Women in Building Barbara Franks ONB Bank 623 S Main Stillwater OK 74074\ (405) 707-8039 Remember, all members of the Tulsa HBA are also members of OSHBA. We encourage you to get involved on the state level as well as the local level! OSHBA 917 NE 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 www.oshba.org (405) 843-5579 Toll-Free: (800) 256-9980 HOME BUILDING NEWS 27 28 HOME BUILDING NEWS FEBRUARY 2011 Tips to win the fight for fair appraisal values A Message from NAHB Creating Dream Kitchens Since 1968 www.QualityCabinetsJenks.com 918-299-2721 The following letter was sent to NAHB Directors from 2008 NAHB President Sandy Dunn on Dec. 28, 2010: For the past several years one of the major problems our builders have been facing are low appraisals. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) has been working diligently to help solve these problems. Two Appraisal Summits were held in the last quarter of 2009 and the third Summit was held at the end of 2010. All the players were gathered in one room at the Housing Center to try to come up with solutions. Progress is being made. In the meantime while NAHB is working to solve the problems with the process here are some things you can do to help bring your appraisals in at Market Value: 1) Help yourself by helping the appraiser Most appraisers today are under such a short time line that they only look at sales that are recorded in the MLS. A lot of new construction never makes it to the MLS, therefore you should talk to other builders to see what they have sold. This will be beneficial to both of you. Then access courthouse records and see what other sales have been recorded. 2) Go to nahb.org In the search engine type in “appraisals”. Then click on “capturing new home sales information for use as appraisal comparables” and go to the last sentence in the second paragraph and click on the highlighted area. An appraisal form will now appear with one column. This is the same information the appraiser gathers. Fill this form out for each sale you can find. Then take a picture of each house that has sold and attached it to the form. When the Appraiser comes to appraise your house give him/her this information and tell them that this is some information you have gathered that you thought they might find helpful. This is legal and trust me when I tell you it will be greatly appreciated! I am a Certified General Appraiser and if a seller did this for me I would kiss the ground they walk on. 3) Last but not least, make a list of all of the up-grades you have put in your house that might not be in a comparable sale. Meet with the Appraiser and explain all of the pluses your house has that may or may not be seen by the naked eye. If you follow these three simple steps I promise that your appraisals will improve....they may not be perfect, but you will get better results than you’re getting now. FEBRUARY 2011 HOME BUILDING NEWS 29 Home Builders Association of Greater Tulsa 11545 E. 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 Mission Statement As leaders in the housing industry since 1942, we are dedicated to protecting the industry while promoting ethical business standards. We support our community through education, membership requirements and philanthropic efforts. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TULSA OK PERMIT NO. 351 Editor and Advertising Sales: Valerie Heritage 11545 E 43rd Tulsa, OK 74146 918-663-5820 Fax: 918-628-0493 www.TulsaHBA.com