Web Xtender User Guide_Basic 6


Web Xtender User Guide_Basic 6
Web Xtender Training 6.5
Xtender is a document repository and imaging product that provides the ability to capture, organize, and
retrieve paper and computer generated documents. Xtender also provides users with the ability to make
modifications to the stored documents by redacting sensitive data or adding notes. WebXtender (WX)
provides the benefits of the Xtender suite in the universal accessibility of the Internet.
The procedures listed in this training guide will assist users in searching, retrieving, and managing documents.
General Tools and Functions............................................................................................................. 2
Log into WebXtender .......................................................................................................................... 4
Changing or Resetting Your Password............................................................................................. 5
Syncing Your Password with Banner ............................................................................................... 5
Installing WebXtender Components ................................................................................................. 6
Executing a Query .............................................................................................................................. 7
Navigating the Query Results View ................................................................................................... 9
Saving or Deleting a Query .............................................................................................................. 10
Document Display Functions........................................................................................................... 11
Importing and Indexing a New Document....................................................................................... 12
Modifying an Existing Document Index .......................................................................................... 14
Appending and Rearranging Existing Documents ........................................................................ 15
Document Revised: September 23, 2010
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General Tools and Functions
The following table lists the various buttons used in WebXtender.
All views
Log out of WebXtender
Application View,
Query Criteria View,
Query Results View
Configure user settings
All views
Return to Application List view
Document display view
Display document index data in index view
Application view, Index view
Use batch list functionality to index documents for a
selected application
Application view
Use batch import functionality to add documents for a
selected application
Batch Import view,
Document Display
Create a new document to store in WebXtender
Query Results View
Display Application Query Criteria view to
create a new query
Query Results View
Open selected documents and display
them in Document Display view
Query Results View
Print the selected documents
Query Results View
Export the selected documents
Query Results View
Perform a text search on the selected
Query Results View
Delete the selected documents
Query Results View
E-mail the selected documents
Document Display
Display the result set for the most recent
query in Query Result view
Application View
Display the most current document in Document Display
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Index View
Display the Select Indexes view
Index View
Populate index fields using data from the
Auto Index database table
Index View
Populate index fields using data from the
Key Reference database table
Index View
Attach the currently displayed page to the
current document
Index View
Attach all pages remaining in the batch to
the current document
Index View
Modify the index for the current document
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Log into WebXtender
Use the following steps to log into WebXtender. The web address is https://xtender.auburn.edu.
1. Make sure the Data Source is pointing to PROD in the first field. Enter your user name and password.
Click Login.
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Changing or Resetting Your Password
Use the following steps to change your Xtender password manually:
1. After logging into WebXtender with your user name and password, right click on PROD. Click on
Change Password. You will see the screen below:
2. Enter the current password.
3. Enter a new password of your choosing (it is recommended that you set it to match your Banner
4. Confirm New Password by entering the same thing as on the line below it.
5. Click OK
Syncing Your Password with Banner
Use the following steps to change your Xtender password systematically:
1. Using your Banner ID and password, login to Banner Admin.
2. Click once on the Banner Xtender Solutions button.
A message will appear indicating that the passwords have been synchronized. Click OK and
close INB.
Banner / Xtender Document Display Button
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Installing WebXtender Components
It may be necessary to install additional components if the browser is unable to view PDF documents or cause
errors viewing various document types.
1. Verify whether or not ApplicationXtender Adobe Components are installed at the bottom of the window.
If so, no further action is needed. Otherwise, click on the blue computer icon in the top section next to
the ApplicationXtender Component that needs to be installed.
2. Follow the instructions on the screens that appear to install these components. This will involve clicking
Run or Next on the pop up boxes. A license agreement must also be checked. The last part of the
install will have a Finish button. Click Finish and then close the component screen.
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Executing a Query
Use the following steps to execute a new query in a particular application:
1. New Query: To create a new query, right-click the application name, and then click New Query on the
shortcut menu. You may also double-click on the application name to go directly to the Application
Query view.
2. In the Query Criteria view, enter the search criteria in the fields for the appropriate index values.
3. To hide data for a particular index in the result set, click the Show check box to remove the check mark.
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4. More specific parameters can be added to any query (i.e. date range, value range) by using the Search
Range function. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the specific field you wish to search. Enter
the range of values and click OK.
5. Click Submit to start the search process. When the search is complete, the results appear on the Query
Results view.
6. Pre-Defined Query: To execute a pre-defined query, select the query from the drop down menu on
the right hand side of the Query view. The pre-defined values will appear in the appropriate fields.
Click Submit to execute the search.
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Navigating the Query Results View
Use the following steps to navigate and perform functions within the Query Results view:
1. To open a document, simply double click in any of the fields and the document will display. Click the
Query Results button to return to the previous list of documents.
Click the New Query button to return to the query view.
2. When the query brings back more document results than can be displayed, navigate to the next screen
using the arrows at the corners of the query results.
3. Printing multiple documents at one time can be done by placing a check by the documents you wish to
print. Click on the print document button after your documents have been checked. A print function will
prompt you to confirm the printer, click OK.
4. If a user has the need to delete a document and also has the security permissions to do so, place a
check next to the document that needs to be removed and click the delete button.
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Saving or Deleting a Query
Use the following steps to save your query in a given application:
1. In Application Query Criteria view, enter your search criteria. In the Save Options section, enter a
name for the query in the Query Name text box.
2. To allow all users to access the query, click the Available to All Users check box. To make the query a
private query (only you can access), leave the check box empty.
3. Click Submit to save and run the query.
4. To delete the query, simply go back to the Application List view and right click on the query name under
the appropriate application. Click Delete.
Note: Be careful and do not delete a query that belongs to another user. If the query is ‘Private’, then
only you can see the query and you are the only user who can delete. If the query is ‘Public’, anyone
can use the query and anyone can delete it.
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Document Display Functions
The following table lists the various buttons used while viewing a document:
Display document to fit the entire page
Display document to fit top to bottom
Display document to fit left to right
Rotate the image 90 degrees to the left
Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right
Zoom in on the displayed document
Zoom out from the displayed document
Display the previous page of the document
Display the next page of the document
Switch between pan mode and selection mode
Print or export current page
Print or export the entire document
Display properties for the displayed document
Page menu which allows Insert, Delete, and Go to Page functions
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Importing and Indexing a New Document
Use the following steps to import a new document into WebXtender:
1. Starting from the Application List view, click on the batch import button located at the top right of the
2. Select the appropriate application from the drop down list and enter a batch name that is unique to you.
(This is important so others importing into the same application do not overwrite your batch.) Now
place a check in the ‘Thin Client Upload’ box and click Next.
3. Click the Browse button to locate the file you wish to upload and then click Upload. Note: The file name
will disappear from the window when the upload is complete.
Before the upload:
After the upload:
4. Click the Batch List button on the toolbar to locate the newly imported documents.
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5. Double click the item in the list to begin indexing the document.
6. By double clicking the batch item a screen will appear with a view of the document and the index value
fields. Enter the index values and click Save.
Note: In the event that you receive a unique key violation error, click on the Select Indexes button to
match and append to the appropriate index that may already exist.
7. Click the ‘Attach Current’ button to attach the next page to the same index.
Click the ‘Attach All’ button to attach all remaining pages to the same index.
Click the ‘New Document’ button to index a different set of values in the same document.
8. Place a check mark next to the document and click on the delete batch or change batch status buttons
to remove or change the status, respectively.
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Modifying an Existing Document Index
Use the following steps to change the index values on an existing document:
1. From the Query Criteria view, search for the document you need to modify by entering the current index
values. Click Submit.
2. Click on the Document Index button when the document is rendered.
3. Click on the Modify button to access the index values. The Modify button then changes to the Save
button. Change the index values as needed and click Save.
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Appending and Rearranging Existing Documents
Follow these instructions to append pages from a batch to an existing document and rearrange the order of the
1. A unique key violation occurs when a document already exists for the given index value. Click ok.
2. Click on the Select Indexes button to add pages to the existing document.
3. Click the ‘Attach Current’ button to attach the next page to the same index.
4. Now open the document for viewing and navigate to the page that needs to be moved.
5. From the menu, select Page -> Reorder Pages.
6. Choose one of the options:
a. Move to First - Moves the current page to the front of the document (Example: Page 1)
b. Move Up - Moves the current page up one position (Example: Page 3 becomes page 2)
c. Move Down - Moves the current page down one position (Example: Page 3 becomes page 4)
d. Move to Last - Move the current page to the end of the document
7. Close the document when finished moving pages. There is no need to save as it is automatically
8. Depending on personal preference, pages can also be arranged using the Thumbnail view. Select the
Toggle Thumbnail View button.
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9. Check the Reordering box.
10. Click on the individual thumbnails to drag them into the correct order. Use the Zoom Bar to enlarge the
icons, if needed.
11. Close the document when finished moving pages. There is no need to save as it is automatically saved.
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