Review and Pit Optimization of Eti Gümüs Silver Mine in Turkey
Review and Pit Optimization of Eti Gümüs Silver Mine in Turkey
Review and Pit Optimization of Eti Gümüs Silver Mine in Turkey (according to international standards) Authors: • Dirk Wagner Senior Project Manager IMC-Montan Consulting GmbH • Muhanned Arar GM Exploration and Development Yildizlar SSS Holding • Ulrich Ruppel Mining Director (CP Mining AusIMM) IMC-Montan Consulting GmbH 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 1 | Page 1 I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 2 | Page 2 I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 3 | Page 3 I Introduction • Eti Gümüs – largest silver producer in Turkey • Preparation for IPO (Istanbul) • International Miningg Consultancyy was required q for p preparation p of a report following Canadian NI 43-101 / JORC Code • Yildizholding selected IMC-Montan Consulting, a subsidiary of DMT GmbH & Co. KG, member of TÜV-Nord Group p • Scope of Work: - Operational and Life of Mine Plan (LOM) - NI 43-101 / JORC Code report 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 4 | Page 4 I Introduction YILDIZLAR SSS HOLDING YILDIZLAR SSS HOLDING A.S. A.S. MINING GRUOP CERAMIC/GRANITE GROUP ENERGY &PETROL ENERGY &PETROL OTHER SERVICE ETI GUMUS A.S. SOGUTSEN SERAMIK AS A.S. 3S ENERJI A.S. YSSS ENTEGRE ORG TAR A S ORG.TAR.A.S. YILDIZ BAKIR A.S. GRANITO GIRARTO A.S. GUMUS PETROL A.S. 3S NAKLIYAT A.S. NESKO MADEN A.S. 3S MADENCILIK A.S. DEDELI DOGALGAZ A.S. 3S SIGORTA A.S. DEDELI ELEKTRIK ENERJI A.S. YILDIZLAR SSS PLAZA TURIZM A.S. RASİH İHSAN LTD.STI. ZAMANTI MADEN LTD.STI. OSMANGAZI ELEKTRIK DAGITIM A.S. YAVUZ MUH. A.S. DEDELİ YATIRIM A.S. 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 5 | Page 5 YILDIZLAR LAB.ANALIZ YILDIZLAR YILDIZLAR LAB.ANALIZ LAB ANALIZ HIZ.A.S. SENA YATIRIM INS.A.S. SILVER KORUMA GUVENLIK A.S. I Introduction TÜV NORD Group (Germany) 100% DMT GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) 100% 50% IMC-Montan JV (Russia) DMT Geosciences Ltd. (Canada) 100% 74% 100% IMC Group Consulting Ltd. (UK) IMC-Montan Consulting GmbH (Germany) PT IDMT EEC (Indonesia) 51% IMC-SRG Services & Consultancy Ltd. (India) 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 6 | Page 6 IMC-GCL Office Jo‘Burg (SA) I Introduction TÜV NORD Group (Germany) 100% DMT GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) Planned in 2013/14 DMT-IMC Turkey 100% 50% IMC-Montan JV (Russia) DMT Geosciences Ltd. (Canada) 100% 74% 100% IMC Group Consulting Ltd. (UK) IMC-Montan Consulting GmbH (Germany) PT IDMT EEC (Indonesia) 51% IMC-SRG Services & Consultancy Ltd. (India) 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 7 | Page 7 IMC-GCL Office Jo‘Burg (SA) I The Parent Company … DMT GmbH & Co. KG at a glance 130 Mio. € annual turnover (2012) Approx. 660 employees 16 government approved expert bodies for safety 3 accredited testing laboratories 75 government approved experts 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 8 | Page 8 I Services for the Mining Industry deposit-modelling mine planning greenfield development process design p g mine site rehabilitation 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 9 | Page 9 assistance during operation I Scope of Services IMC Geology & Orebody Modelling Resource/Reserve Estimates compliant to JORC or NI 43-101 Bankable Studies Engineering Services - Mine Design - Process Design Project Management Services Environmental & Social Impact Assessments Rehabilitation of Mine Sites Investors‘ Support - Due Diligence - Mineral Expert Report - Project Valuations Management Assistance during Operation p 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 10 | Page 10 I Geology & Resources (DMT-EG) Services Software Expertise Mapping SURPAC Exploration DATAMINE Resource evaluation VULCAN Geological risk analyses SURFER IRAP RMS PETREL MINEX ROCKWORKS LYNX Intersaction 1070m Bedding 7. Mineralizing G Geoelectrics, l ti gravimetry i t a.o. O X ug ur re 1. Bedding gb we 0 B100 B80 B60 B40 2. Thickness B20 B10 ko ab ge 3. Properties of rocks zr le External form of parting Geotechnical analysis of rocks Planeof division Birdview 4. Be edding plane Slickenside) (S 2D and 3D seismic surveys 4. Jo oints 6. Co ondition Planning and supervision of Rockstrength RQLD 25 50 75 Splittingstrength d [N N// mm²] ²] z Axial Diametral [ N/ mm² ] 12 85,5 80 100 57,8 10 Prospecting and drilling 1072m 45 SH SP8 O 30 X 1074m Sampling and QC 6 65 77 40 O O O O G X 56,7 60,6 SH SP 1076m 160 8,6 27,7 5,1 7,2 52,9 40,0 SP SP SP SP Fl. 24 K B 14,4 33,2 85 37,6 14,4 8,4 14,4 6,9 9,6 14,4 0 160 Borehole geophysics Seam24 1078m 1078 m SP SP 12 SH 90 60 G X O O 13 45 1080m 25 50 75100 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 11 | Page 11 27,7 21,8 75 21,8 4,1 56,1 I Rock Mechanics Geotechnical Assessments Stabilisation of Mine Workings g Assessment of underground excavations Simulation and Testing of Roof Support elements Rock Burst Prevention Pit Slope Stability & Stabilisation 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 12 | Page 12 I Extraction & Haulage Extraction Technologies for Coal & Ore Layout and design of Shovel & Truck Long Wall R&P Bucket Wheel Mines Life of Mine Plans Layout and design of haulage systems Layout and Design of Backfilling Plants 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 13 | Page 13 I Mineral Processing Processing Technologies Coal Iron Ore Base Metals L b and Lab d Pil Pilott Pl Plantt T Testing ti Simulation Software for Processing Flow Sheet Development Design of Beneficiation Plants Project Management Services 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 14 | Page 14 I Specialist Services Underground Mine Ventilation Coal Mine Methane & Utilisation Mine Closure Planning S b id Subsidence C t l Control Hydrogeology and Mine Water Environmental Services Methane Inflow Forecast Calculation Gas Outburst Prevention Mine Safety Audits 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 15 | Page 15 I Introduction – NI 43-101 Item 1: Item 2: Item 3: Item 4: Item 5: Item 6: Item 7: Item 8: Item 9: Item 10: Item 11: Item 12: It Item 13: 13 Summary Introduction Reliance on Other Experts Property Description and L Location ti Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure and Physiography History Geological Setting and Mineralization Deposit Types Exploration Drilling Sample Preparation, Analyses and Security Data Verification Mi Mineral lP Processing i and d Metallurgical Testing 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 16 | Page 16 Item 14: Item 15: Item 16: Item 17: It Item 18: 18 Item 19: Item 20: Item 21: Item 22: Item 23: Item 24: Item 25: Item 26: It Item 27: 27 Mineral Resource Estimates Mineral Reserve Estimates Mining Methods Recovery Methods P j t Infrastructure Project I f t t Market Studies and Contracts Environmental Studies, Permitting and Social or Community Impact Capital and Operating Costs Economic Analysis Adjacent Properties Other Relevant Data and Information Interpretation and Conclusions Recommendations R f References I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 17 | Page 17 I Project - Location 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 18 | Page 18 I Project – other key data • Historical production up to 4 Mt/a • Target: Stable production of 4.32 Mt/a • Resource grade (measured and indicated): 128.6 g Ag/t and 0.68% Zn • Potential for re-processing of tailings 26.7 Mt @ 83 g Ag/t 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 19 | Page 19 I Project - pictures 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 20 | Page 20 I Project - pictures 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 21 | Page 21 I Project - pictures 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 22 | Page 22 I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 23 | Page 23 I Base Parameters • First Time Pit Optimization for the Operation Dataset not in the required format Effort was required to collect and generate required dataset 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 24 | Page 24 I Base Parameters Final compiled set of base parameters for Pit Optimization Sil Silver Pi Price 30 US$/oz US$/ Waste Mining Cost 1.95 $/t Ore Mining Cost 2.15 $/t Processing and G&A Cost 21.5 $/t Silver Recovery 52 % Mining g Dilution 5% Mining Losses 5% Overall Pit Slope 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 25 | Page 25 45 deg. deg I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 26 | Page 26 I Results 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 27 | Page 27 I Mine Development year 1 Year 1 4369500 N 4369000 N 737000 E 4369500 N 736750 E 4370000 N 736500 E 4370000 N 736250 E 4370500 N 736000 E 4370500 N 735750 E 4371000 N 735500 E 4371000 N 735250 E 4371500 N 735000 E 4371500 N 734750 E 4372000 N 734500 E 4372000 N 734250 E 4372500 N 734000 E 733750 E 737000 E 736750 E 736500 E 736250 E 736000 E 735750 E 735500 E 735250 E 4373000 N 4372500 N 1:20000 0 100200300400500600700800900 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 28 | Page 28 735000 E 734750 E 734500 E 734250 E 734000 E 733750 E 4373000 N 4369000 N I Mine Development year 2 Year 2 4369500 N 4369000 N 737000 E 4369500 N 736750 E 4370000 N 736500 E 4370000 N 736250 E 4370500 N 736000 E 4370500 N 735750 E 4371000 N 735500 E 4371000 N 735250 E 4371500 N 735000 E 4371500 N 734750 E 4372000 N 734500 E 4372000 N 734250 E 4372500 N 734000 E 733750 E 737000 E 736750 E 736500 E 736250 E 736000 E 735750 E 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735750 E 735500 E 735250 E 4373000 N 4372500 N 1:20000 0 100200300400500600700800900 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 40 | Page 40 735000 E 734750 E 734500 E 734250 E 734000 E 733750 E 4373000 N 4369000 N I Mine Development year 14 Year 14 4369500 N 4369000 N 737000 E 4369500 N 736750 E 4370000 N 736500 E 4370000 N 736250 E 4370500 N 736000 E 4370500 N 735750 E 4371000 N 735500 E 4371000 N 735250 E 4371500 N 735000 E 4371500 N 734750 E 4372000 N 734500 E 4372000 N 734250 E 4372500 N 734000 E 733750 E 737000 E 736750 E 736500 E 736250 E 736000 E 735750 E 735500 E 735250 E 4373000 N 4372500 N 1:20000 0 100200300400500600700800900 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 41 | Page 41 735000 E 734750 E 734500 E 734250 E 734000 E 733750 E 4373000 N 4369000 N I Results Price sensitivity of Gümüsköy pit optimization 90.000 600 80.000 500 60.000 400 50.000 300 40.000 30 000 30.000 Grade [g Ag//t] Ore tonnage [0 000 t] 70.000 200 20.000 100 10.000 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 Ore Tonnage 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 42 | Page 42 25 30 35 40 Grade I Results Production Schedule – optimized to receive constant head grade Ore Production O P d ti Ore Grade Waste removal Stripping Ratio y Recovery Ore Recovered Ag Unit 000 t 000 t g/t 000 t t/t % kg 2013 4 320 4,320 145 4,468 1.03 52 325,116 2014 4 320 4,320 145 3,762 0.87 52 326,442 2015 4 320 4,320 143 4,017 0.93 52 320,327 2016 4 320 4,320 145 3,892 0.90 52 325,522 2017 4 320 4,320 146 3,528 0.82 52 327,362 2018 4 320 4,320 146 3,335 0.77 52 328,250 2019 4 320 4,320 146 3,527 0.82 52 328,565 2020 4 320 4,320 138 2,832 0.66 52 311,026 Ore Production Ore Grade Waste removal Stripping Ratio Recovery Ore Recovery Ore Recovered Ag Unit 000 t g/t 000 t t/t % kg 2023 4,320 140 3,661 0.85 52 315,578 2024 4,320 140 3,634 0.84 52 314,361 2025 4,320 152 7,371 1.71 52 341,429 2026 4,320 148 8,125 1.88 52 332,374 2027 4,320 140 7,517 1.74 52 313,499 2028 4,320 136 6,141 1.42 52 306,059 2029 4,320 116 17,457 4.04 52 261,510 2030 172 114 745 4.33 52 10,214 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 43 | Page 43 2021 4 320 4,320 136 4,084 0.95 52 306,613 2022 4 320 4,320 138 4,299 1.00 52 308,899 Total 73,612 141 92,396 1.26 4,511,864 I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Project 3. Base Parameters 4 Results 4. 5. Future 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 44 | Page 44 I Future • Operational and Life of Mine Plan (LOM) of Eti Gümüs based on optimization results • Reconciliation to improve the accuracy of the geological model • Establishing long/short-term mine plan and updating it according to new findings on a regular basis 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 45 | Page 45 I For more information, please contact THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION IMC-Montan IMC M t C Consulting lti G GmbH bH Am Technologiepark 1 45307 Essen / Germany Michael Mi h l Loos L Technical Director Tel. +49 201 172-1536 Fax +49 201 172-1727 Ulrich Ul i h Ruppel R l Mining Director Tel. +49 201 172-1507 Fax +49 201 172-1727 Branch of DMT GmbH & Co. KG - Member of TÜV NORD Group 20 October 2013 | Slide2007 46 | Page 46 I
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