12TH STREET PLAZA US Highway 1 and 12th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 • 12th Street Plaza is located at 8th Avenue / US Highway 1 and 12th Street in Vero Beach, Florida. The center is anchored by Stein Mart and Publix. • Indian River Lagoon, an 11,000 acre estuary in Vero Beach, boasts one of the most diverse ecological preserves in the country and is a major destination for both sportsmen and the bio-tourism industry. A 2009, economic impact study estimated that the park contributes $2 billion per year to the local economy, and that tourists spend 3.2 million recreational days at the lagoon per year. LEASING CONTACTS 08/05/16 3 Mile 5 Mile 7 Mile 2015 Estimated Population 42,917 83,566 106,232 2020 Projected Population 45,699 90,266 115,226 2015 Estimated Households 19,581 37,138 47,506 Average Household Income $62,644 $69,531 $72,828 Daniel Martin dmartin@kiterealty.com 407.563.0103 Ryan Joyce rjoyce@kiterealty.com 239.596.6944 317-577-5600 kiterealty.com 36' 24' 50' Right In/ Right Out 3,252 SF 1295M 72' Sunshine Furniture Storage 98' 102' 172' 61' 186' 1,200 SF SHOPPING CENTER MONUMNET SIGN 131' 70' 1275D COMMERCE AVENUE AVAILABLE 1,400 SF 1225A 1225C 32,800 SF 1225B 6,000 SF 1,200 SF 1275H 1,200 SF 1275G 1,440 SF 1275F AVAILABLE 80' Postal 1,200 SF Connections 1275E Cromer & Cairns Dental 201' Nail Art 1295L 12,640 SF #1 Wok 44,271 SF 1255 SPRINKLER ROOM/RISER ROOM #1 10,560 SF 1295J 210' 21,105 SF 1295K Sunshine Furniture 282' 211' 237' 60' 60' 50' 15' 15' 18' 15' 15' 30' 151' 61' LL ROOM/RISER ROOM #2 FULL ACCESS (12,900 ADT ) 12th STREET 6,356 S F 15 Spaces (NOT OWNED) 1,793 SF 10 Spaces (NOT OWNED) OP2 OP3 3,268 SF 10 Spaces OP1 (NOT OWNED) VERO MALL Right In/ Right Out Right In/ Right Out STARBUCKS SIGN SHOPPING CENTER PYLON SIGN (25,500 ADT) 317-577-5600 kiterealty.com 8TH AVE./US HWY 1 08/05/16 20' 12TH STREET PLAZA US Highway 1 and 12th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960
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