June 26, 2016


June 26, 2016
e are so glad that you are with us today! Our
service will be to praise and worship God and to
encourage and uplift us to face another week. We will
sing (Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16), pray (James 5:15-18), and
partake of the Lord’s Supper to remember our Savior’s
sacrifice on the cross (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 11:23-26). We
will also give back a portion of the monetary blessings
that God has granted us so that we can carry out His
work in our community (1 Cor. 16:2, 2 Cor. 9:7).
We will also study a lesson from His Word that will
hopefully be applicable to our daily lives, so that we can
be equipped to handle the pressures of this world and
reach those outside of Christ (2 Tim. 2:15). If you are a
visitor, please fill out the yellow visitor’s card and pass
it to the end of the aisle so it can be collected. You are
truly an honored guest, so please give us an opportunity
to meet you after our services are over! “This is the day
that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
Scripture Reading
Song (#3) Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
Song (#797) Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
Opening Prayer
Song (#354) I Gave My Life for Thee
Partake of the Lords Supper
Worship Assignments
Sunday Morning
June 26th
Announcements Chase Sharp
Scripture Reading Rylan Cochran
Open Prayer
Garry Rittenberry
Song Leading
Mark Pettit
Close Prayer
Bob Burton
Head Table
Nathan Collier
July 3rd
Barry Pritchett
Spencer Hall
Lloyd Ferrell
Barry Kingsley
Curtis Kingsley
Rob Burton
J. Chancey S. Wright
B. Weeks J. Stephens
R. Burton M. Brackett
T. McCoy G.Chancey
W. Gregory M. Hill
J. Ledford B. Parker
R. Kimsey D. Green
G. Chancey J. Jenkins
D. Green
Sp. Hall
Tu. Hall
P. Ledford C. Ledford
L&B Ferrell
G&A Chancey
R. Stephens
L. Mulkey
L. Burton
R&T Woods
J&S Rep
B&T Weeks
Announcements Jeremy Green
Open Prayer
Rob Burton
Song Leading
Mark Pettit
Close Prayer
Ben Kingsley
Nathan Collier
Barry Pritchett
Gerald Chancey
Barry Kingsley
Daniel Sisson
Rob Burton
June 29th
Announcements Butch Jones
Song Leading Junior Jenkins
Dennis Dove
July 6th
Chase Sharp
John Painter
Rylan Cochran
If you cannot serve, please contact Garry Rittenberry. Copies of
Song (#162) All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name all sermons from our pulpit are available on CD for $1.00 Request
sheet is posted on the bulletin board.
Song (#709) How Sweet, How Heavenly
Song (#869) We’re Marching to Zion
Song (#934) Softly and Tenderly
Song (#634) We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes
Closing Prayer
Let Us Rise Up and Build
Free Bible Correspondence
Envelopes are available on the back of the
pews to make your donation to the Building
is available by contacting the
Fund for the new Fellowship Hall/Education
church office or Judy Mailen
Building. Total funds through 2/29/16 in
at 706-636-3960.
the Building and Emergency Fund total
$258,150.36. “FILL A CAN” ARE
Week of June 19th
Facebook - Ellijay Church of Christ Budget.....................................$6900
Twitter - @ellijaycoc
Weekly Average YTD..............$7040
Bible Study..................................132
Instagram - ellijaychurchofchrist
AM Worship.................................239
PM Worship.................................132
Wednesday Evening...................N/A
Bob Burton
Curtis Kingsley
Mark Pettit
Bob Burkewitz
Rob Burton
Nathan Collier
Dennis Dove
George Hall
Tim Hall
John Johnson
Barry Kingsley
Tate McCoy
John Painter
Barry Pritchett
Garry Rittenberry
Jeremy Green
Butch Jones
Chase Sharp
Michael Dunbar
Highgate, Jamaica
June 26, 2016
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
On Wednesday, I was privileged to be able to speak in Ringgold as part of their 2016 Summer
Series. Their theme this year focuses on examining the songs that we sing when we assemble
together. My chosen topic was a study of the song “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.” Many
of our hymns are more “meaty” theologically and provide an opportunity for in-depth study.
“Precious Lord” is not that way; it is simply a helpless cry to the Almighty for deliverance!
The songs author, Thomas A. Dorsey, was an African-American jazz and blues singer born in
Georgia near the turn of the century. After leaving the world of night clubs and speakeasies,
he focused his attention on gospel music and become renowned for his abilities. During one
revival trip to St. Louis, he received a telegram from his home in Chicago telling him that
his pregnant wife had gone into labor and died during childbirth. After returning home, he
learned that his baby boy had passed away as well.
Robert J. Morgan in Then Sings My Soul recounts Dorsey’s emotions following this horrific
experience, “I began to feel that God had done me an injustice. I didn’t want to serve him
anymore or write any more gospel songs.” Later, one of Dorsey’s friends took him to a local
music school and encouraged him to use his grief as motivation to put his feelings down on
paper. After starting to write, Dorsey said that the “words began to fall in place…like drops
of water falling from the crevice of the rock.”
The message of Dorsey’s most memorable work, written in a time of terrible sorrow, is
two-fold. First, God is our only place of refuge from the storms of life. As Psalm 34:18
says, “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart.” We serve a God who loves
us and a Savior who has felt the pain that we feel (Heb. 4:15)! The second message, and I
believe the overall theme of the song, is that we need to ask God to lead us home – away
from the pain and suffering that define this world. Our HOME is in Heaven, and we need to
always be asking to God to lead us there. Paul boldly proclaims in Philippians 3:20 that “our
citizenship is in Heaven,” and when we sing “Precious Lord” we are asking God to guide
us through the pitfalls of the world and bring us home where we can be with him forever!
351 North Main Street
Ellijay, Georgia 30540
When my way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near, when my life is almost gone,
my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall, take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me
Church Office 706-635-2950
Newsline 706-276-7283
When the darkness appears, and the night draws near, and the day is past and gone,
Service Times
At the river I stand, guide my feet, hold my hand, take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home
Sunday Bible Classes 9:30 AM
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light, take my hand, Precious
Evening Worship 6:00 PM
Lord, lead me home
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM
- Jeremy Green
In our Thoughts and Prayers
Carolyn Howard had another round of treatment this past week.
Chastain, Reid Cochran,
Susan Jones is having neck and shoulder issues at this time.
Caleb Covington, Steven
Pauline Mullinax
Giannone, Corey Henry,
Gladys Logan Shultz
Jonathan Hensley, Zach
Zach Pritchett continues to have health issues.
Hill, Wayne Jones, Jacob
Assisted Living
Mahaffey, William Pettit,
Willie Aaron, Mary Teems brother, is recovering from falling last week
Polly Cochran
Wilson Pettit,
and breaking a hip in addition to breaking his ankle several weeks ago.
Alice Crow
Pettit, Frankie Silva, Canio
Jack Stanley is recovering from eye surgery
Practicing My Faith Every Day
CiCi Rivera, Eli Chastain, Matthew Upshaw, Kourtney
stage 3 kidney
and undergoing
Burt Ringgold
Hinton, Church
Gladysof Christ, Ringgold,
1 – “MyGarry’s
Faith mom,
is thehas
My Life”
Mike Gurganus,
Weeks GA
Holloway, Phillip Johnson,
Nursing Home
Jeff Carns, Alan & Barbara
June 8 – “My Faith is the Foundation of My Family” Randy Medlin, University Church of Christ, Montgomery,
Cox, Barbara McKee, Zach Pritchett, Lamar Gorman,
Ann Burkett, Opal Corbin, Richard Neal, Genell Cantrell,
Dennis Nicholson, Barbara Dilbeck, Steve Sisson, Charles Weeks, Edith Hensley, CiCi Rivera, Luisa Varin, Jeremy Ferrell,
Billy Stells,
Treet Tilley,
Jewell Green,
Dean, Hayes
June 15
– “I Love
Christ, Leeds,
Tate, Road
Billy Church
Carol Stanley, Lisa Macy, Brandy Nicholson, Carolyn McTyre, Fricks, Perlie Mae Sluder, David Harper, William Sparks,
Susie Rep,
Hill, Chris
Steve Sisson,
of Christ,
22 – “Christ
is atWatkins
the Center of My Marriage” LetsonBobbie
Macon, GA
Summer Series topics and speakers coming up...
TODAY - 4th Sunday Night singing
TODAY - The year round speech will be
speaking in Murphy tonight at 6 PM.
29th - Summer Series “I Strive to Imitate
Jesus” with David Lipe.
Coming in JULY
2nd - Watch firework show from the back
parking lot
3rd - Chase Sharp will be preaching PM service.
10th - Snak-N-Yak following the evening service. Menu will be
finger foods.
Birthdays and
Tim Hall - 27th
Joann Holloway - 27th
Danny Marshall - 28th
Garry Rittenberry - 28th
Barbara McKee - 29th
John Painter - 29th
Russell Cochran - 30th
Jennifer Painter - 30th
Jacqueline Pittman - 30th
Cora Pittman - 1st
Kristen Parker - 2nd
Tim & Pam Hall - 26th
Matt & Stephanie Watkins - 26th
Billy Joe & Carolyn Howard - 30th
Garry & Brenda Rittenberry - 1st
10th - 14th - IMPACT
Work Camp
June 29 – “I Strive to Imitate Jesus” David Lipe, Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies, Knoxville, TN
July 6 – “My Faith Triumphs Over My Fears” Harold Savage, Snellville Church of Christ, Snellville, GA
July 13 – “I Reach Outside My Comfort Zone to Help My Fellow Man” Andrew Thompson, Rose Hill Church of
Christ, Columbus, GA
July 20 – “I Evangelize in My Community” Greg Nance, Signal Mountain Church of Christ,
Signal Mountain, TN
July 27 – “I Evangelize Abroad” Scott Harp, Buford Church of Christ, Buford, GA
August 3 – “I Seek to Find My Place in the Church” Jeff Archey, Eastside Church of Christ, Cleveland, TN
August 10 – “I Practice the Things I Preach” Kelvin Teamer, Bouldercrest Church of Christ, Atlanta, GA
August 17 – “I Learn to Manage Conflict in My Home” Brian Collins, Central Church of Christ, Dalton, GA
August 24 – “My Faith is Not Shaken by the Changing Culture Around Me” Michael Whitworth, Keller Church
of Christ, Dallas, TX
August 31 – “I Accept Change and Still Stand for the Truth” Ralph Gilmore, Freed-Hardeman University,
Henderson, TN
Congratulations to Sarah Mulkey on her
decision to become a Christian! She was
baptized into Christ Friday at Camp
Wetoga. Please encourage her as she
begins her new life in Christ.
Don’t forget the congregational devotional book we’re working on! It will provide daily thoughts
of encouragement for 2017. These daily devotionals will be written by members of our church
Here are the requirements for each devotional:
•The Messages Can Be Illustrations, Bible Stories, Personal Stories, etc.
•The Articles Should Be Challenging and Motivating
•No Copyrighted Material (Poems, Songs, etc.) Can Be Used
•Each Entry Must Be Between 250 – 300 Words
•Any Bible Verses Quoted Must be NKJV to Provide Continuity
•Each Author Must Allow a Picture to be Taken by Greg Burrell and Provide a Brief Biography
•The Articles Must Be Turned in no Later Than July 1 (This is a STRICT Deadline)
This is an extremely exciting project, and its impact will be felt by our family and beyond.