save $20 on a blue rhino propane tank at lowels when you
save $20 on a blue rhino propane tank at lowels when you
Try asking a moving company to move a propane tank. Odds are, they won’t do it. Fortunately, Blue Rhino can help. Before you move, bring us your old propane tank, whether it’s a Blue Rhino or not. After your move, buy a Blue Rhino tank. We’ll send you a check for $20, so you can concentrate on getting settled in your new home. 800.258.7466 Save $20 on a Blue Rhino propane tank at Lowe’s when you move. With Mail-In Rebate YOU MUST PERFORM THE FOLLOWING TO RECEIVE YOUR REBATE: Name 1. Before you move, drop your current propane tank beside a Blue Rhino tank exchange display at a participating Blue Rhino retailer before December 31, 2010. E-mail 2. After you move, purchase a Blue Rhino propane tank from Lowe’s and complete this form in its entirety. Exchange transaction not eligible for this discount. Must buy a Blue Rhino tank with no exchange (Item #7383). Address City State ZIP 3. Return this completed form with your original Lowe’s sales receipt in a stamped envelope by January 31, 2011, to Blue Rhino Marketing, 470 West Hanes Mill Rd., STE 200, Winston-Salem, NC 27105. Purchased at Have you tried propane tank exchange before? Yes No Notice - Allow 6-8 weeks for processing. © Ferrellgas L.P. All rights reserved.
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manufacturer`s mail-in rebate expires 12/31/15
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