Moose Stomper Feb_Mar_2016 - El Cajon Moose Lodge 1731
Moose Stomper Feb_Mar_2016 - El Cajon Moose Lodge 1731
Volume 21, Issue 9 February, 2016 / March, 2016 El Cajon Moose Lodge #1731, 13794 Highway 8 Business, Suites 1 & 2, El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 443-5456 Governor Happy New Year. We have had an eventful first part of the year. It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Bob Keding our long time member and Administrator and Jim Rood another long time member who also held many positions within the lodge. Both men were outstanding Moose members who helped set our lodge apart. We had a great holiday season and expect that we will start to see business pick up as we move towards the spring. We held our annual Lodge clean up and THANK YOU to all who donated the time and money in this effort. The lodge looked great for the District meeting that was held on January 17th. I need your help!! I have not had many folks step up at the calendar meetings to volunteer to prepare a meal. We can’t keep burning out the same handful of folks who are doing their part. We are ALL VOLUNTEERS. Additionally; our meals, especially Breakfast's are not bringing in many patrons, please stop on in and support our Lodge. The CAL/NEVADA Semi-Annual convention is coming in March in Reno. I again will be there to represent our lodge. If you have any questions or concerns you would like for me to bring forward, please let me know. The Convention is March 17— 21st. The Next District meeting is February 14th in El Centro. They have a great Lodge and outstanding members, actually some of the ladies there are members of our Lodge. Please mark you calendar to attend. As Always, if you would like to receive our Newsletter by email, please send me a request at: Our Web Page: John Crewdson Governor Liz’s Lines Hello to all and I hope this finds everyone in good health and happy spirits! Our events this past couple of months were fun and brought us closer together as a lodge. Melinda *(Jr. Regent) and I went to visit the ladies at the El Centro lodge in December. We met some wonderful ladies. We enjoyed speaking to all of you and getting to know you. It was nice finally putting names and faces together. I hope to have ya’ll come over the hill for some of the events. We will definitely come back in February for the district meeting. Thank you for the hospitality. Everyone is invited to join us at all district meetings. We would love to see you! The district meeting was at our lodge in January and boy did we shine! Thank you to all that helped out. Our guest speaker in January was from Naomi’s Closet, Shinene Basore- Johnson is the cofounder of this local business that helps women in need. They are based out of Santee. If you missed her, we’ll have her back; very enlightening. Our guest speaker for February 2nd is Lynnell Bowen. She is from Damsels in Defense. She will give us hints and tips on personal safety. Hope to see you all there. We have a couple of ideas for events; we are working on a Pet Rescue event with an Ugly dog Contest, Lodge hop/ Poker Run to our district lodges, Domestic Violence/Dress for success event. We welcome your ideas!! Please let your officers know. Reminder if you are interested in doing a Breakfast/Brunch/ dinner a proposal is needed and given to officers before Calendar meeting. We welcome new recipes as well as new chefs!! Continue your community service *(Heart of the Community) and please give Chris Albanese your mileage and hours. Reminder that if any community service is to be done in the name of the Chapter, WOTM attire is to be worn to event. Hope to see you at our meetings which are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month- We try to plan something fun for the 1st meeting. In February please bring a Gag gift up to Value $5.00 we will be playing a game. Flyers for upcoming events in the newsletter, please support your lodge! February chair – Jeannie Holloway Mooseheart/ Moosehaven March Chair- Nonie Hetrick Membership Retention Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed. Thich Nhat Hanh Liz Crewdson -Sr. Regent Administrator Thank you to those members of our WOTM and LOOM who donated their time and money to spruce up the lodge prior to the district meeting on Sunday January 17th. The lodge looked good and the meeting was a great success. Thanks also to those members who came early Sunday morning to provide breakfast and Bloody Mary’s to get us started. Attendance at the lodge has been way down for the past couple of months. As a result our revenue is very low. The big problem is that all monthly expenses are getting higher and causing the lodge to use our reserves funds to pay for them. Please try to attend more of our scheduled activities and meals. You’ll also find that our beverages are some of the lowest in price than the neighboring establishments. We need your support to make things happen here at the facility. Volunteering in cooking a Friday Night Dinner or a Sunday Breakfast is a perfect way to show your interest. We can’t do it without your help. Since our last newsletter, the lodge has lost two very faithful members. Bob Keding and Jim Rood passed away in late December 2015. Bob was our Administrator for several years and did a tremendous job in setting up an outstanding file system. Jim was our Prelate for several years and he also was the one who kept our Ice machine, Freezers, and Refrigerators in working order. Jim had requested NO service be held for him. The Lodge has draped it’s Charter for both of these men. There will be a Memorial Service for Bob Keding on Sunday February 21st, 2016 a 2:00PM at our lodge. Please try to attend. I have Raffle Tickets for the March 19th 2016 CA/NV Moose Association drawing held at the Reno Conference. Five Dollars a piece or $20.00 for a book of 5. 1st Prize $1,500.00. 2nd Prize $1,000.00. 3rd Prize $500.00. See me if you are interested. Thank You ED STOTLER Page 2 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE #1731 Elected Board Governor John Crewdson Jr. Past Governor Earnie Runions Jr. Governor Jay Chadwick Prelate Treasurer Dick Rogers Administrator Ed Stotler 1st. Yr. Trustee Bill Shepherd 2nd. Yr. Trustee Kelly Conrad Sergeant at Arms James Stotler Inner Guard Thomas Stotler Outer Guard Activities Matthew Merrill Application Review John Crewdson Auditing Tommy Hunter Communications John Crewdson Community Svc. Dick Rogers Gov’t Relations Roger Martin Loss Prevention Thomas Mize Membership Bill Shepherd Moose Charities Ed Stotler Moose Legion Ed Stotler Ritual Earnie Runions Editor: John Crewdson Happy Birthdays Birthdays February: 1 Carol Ulery 4 Penny Veliquette 5 Violet Avery 6 Lori Zdrowski Hanna Nelson 7 Brenda Thomas Kristina Giordano 13 John Chandler Kiley Gurnstad Stacy Benfield Kay Araon 18 Scott Henders Katy Bond 21 Patsy Jernigad Barbara Moss 24 Ron Black James Kimball Ryan Stollenwerk Bonnie Green Melinda Rury 26 Jeri Lynn Johnson 27 Cathrine Salazar 28 William Hoover March: 1 Gerald Chinchar 2 Amy Volmer 4 6 7 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Moose Stomper News 301-1922 443-8957 990-9306 561-4734 442-2982 892-3001 561-7376 277-2066 442-2982 726-1472 301-1922 561-3036 301-1922 561-4734 504-8834 892-3001 442-2982 442-2982 443-8957 301-1922 Michael Boettcher Glen Harris William Heavener Benai Ferguson Robert Johnson David Clinginsmith Theresa Somers Frank Gorman Bernie Meskimen John White Michael Cook Jerry Weber Angelica Torres Wanda LeClair Maxie Sumlin Patricia Jankowski Mary Jo Chinchar Jacquelyn Riddle Gina Olsen Don Walters Vernon Hinkley Susan Krantz Janice Barr Pidad Harris Vickie Ness Richard Benker James Flynn WOMEN OF THE MOOSE #1137 OFFICERS 2015-2016 Senior Regent Liz Crewdson Jr. Grad. Regent Jr. Regent Melinda Rury Secretary/Treasurer Jeanne Pate Recorder Christine Albanese Musician Guide Vicky Ness Assist Guide Leona Black CHAIRMEN May Membership Retention Naoma Hetrick June Community Service Betty Hansen July Activities and Sports Hazel Conklin Aug Mooseheart/Moosehaven Jeannie Holloway Sept Star Recorder Lily Good Oct Mooseheart/Moosehaven Jeannie Holloway College of Regents Patty Hunter Dec Community Service Betty Hansen Jan Activities and Sports. Hazel Conklin Feb Mooseheart/Moosehaven Jeannie Holloway Mar Membership Retention Naoma Hetrick Apr Academy of Friendship Catherine McIntyre Audit Chairman Lily Good 339-1086 328-8093 448-3940 443-2775 438-8880 443-0512 443-5759 647-7890 449-5028 357-9185 443-1433 357-9185 561-3036 647-7890 449-5028 357-9185 443-5759 561-1518 443-1433 Junior Regent/Chaplain Melinda Rury Hello Family ! It was certainly a long winter for some of us and there are lots of prayers to go out this time. Our brothers and friends Bob Keding and Jim Rood passed away, our hearts go out to their families and loved ones . I personally wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support for me as well while I tackle my health issues. It just makes you feel better knowing people care! So keep reaching out, call someone and make their day and greet each other with a smile and a loving hug. “As we thaw out from winter and begin our march into spring please keep in mind your health and well being !” Love to All - Melinda Sickness & Distress Kathy Reifsteck is recovering and we wish her well. Tommy and Patty Hunter were hospitalized with pneumonia, Patty is back home and recovering, Tommy remains in hospital and needs our prayers. Sheri Sanes is dealing with some health issues and we need to keep her on our minds. Nonie Hetrick is home from the hospital and resting. We wish you all speedy recoveries and our prayers are with you, get well, hurry back, We miss you all. Melinda Rury, Chaplain Moose Stomper News Anniversaries February 10 Mike & Barbara Murihead 14 Ronnie & Judy Hood 26 John & Estella Kauffman March 8 Ed/Mary Treaster 9 Juan & Linda Hernandez 30 Ron & Leona Black Thank you to: Broadway Printing 1163 Broadway El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 588-1509 We appreciate your printing services for our Moose Newsletter. Advertise Here!! Please let us know of you have a business or know of a business that would like to advertise to our membership. We have a great deal for choice space in our newsletter at a good price. Lodge Hop March 5, 2016 Pick up at our lodge at 9:00AM -3:00PM $35.00 per person (Payment Due by 2/27/2016) Includes the Bus Hop, Poker game, and Hamburger lunch at our lodge at the end of the trip Prize for best and worst hands Any questions contact Liz Crewdson 619-339-1086 1st Annual Sweetheart Auction (Joint fundraiser with Lakeside VFW) February 13th at the Lakeside VFW from 2:00PM till ??? How can you help? 2 ways: 1. Donate items, new or gently used such as: Gift cards or certificates for food or services Gift Baskets Tickets for events Collectable items Other suggested items are listed on the lodge bulletin board. 2. Ed Wood needs your help with organization and set up. He can be reached at: (619) 749-1176 WOTM Scholarship The El Cajon WOTM Chapter 1137 is awarding a Scholarship to one College-Bound Student. $400.00 Towards their continued education. Application and details can be found on the Lodge Website: Cards & Darts Wednesdays 7:00 P.M. Sundays 6:00 P.M. Come on down and join us. Has your Mid week night been a drag? Come join us on Wednesdays for darts and cards at 7:00 P.M. No darts??? No problem, there’s always extra sets available. Not a dart champion? - No worries, neither are we. However, we do enjoy friendly competition in dart games. Afterwards, more fun with games of cards. Can’t have more fun anywhere for less than $5.00. MOOSE DROOL Page 3 by Dick Rogers, Treasurer It would be nice to see some members at our General Meetings once in a while, the Lodge Officers are tired of looking at the same old faces, ours. The nomination committee will meet soon to decide on who will be running for office in the April elections. I’ll let Ed or John give you the new slate of officers. Our book donations are great, the vets thank you for thinking of them. St Patrick's Day is the 171h so wear something green if you don't want to get pinched. Be sure and try our corned beef on the 11h and maybe a green beer. Daylight savings time starts on Sunday the 7th, set your clocks ahead one hour at midnight or sooner. We need more participation in order to stay open. Basically is boils down to this, a shortage of members and a lack of members attending lodge functions which helps keep the doors open and members interested in becoming active officers in the Lodge. We are getting a few new members but still need more participation in our meals and social quarters attendance. See John Crewdson or Ed Stotler if you are interested in becoming an officer in the Lodge or would like to cook a meal or breakfast. Age and sickness has reduced our ranks considerably over the last year! Dick Rogers Treasurer Moose Charities What can I do? Individuals: The Donors Circle recognizes donors like you for your individual tax-deductible Endowment fund donations. Endowment: Together we secure the future of Mooseheart and Moosehaven. Groups: Whenever Moose gather, a collection is always taken for the Endowment Fund. February 2016 Page 4 Moose Stomper News El Cajon Moose Lodge #1731, 13794 Highway 8 Business, Suites 1 & 2, El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 443-5456 Monday 1 Sunday Last Day Soma Bra Collection Tuesday 2 WOTM General Meeting 7:00PM Guest Speaker Wednesday 3 CARDS & DARTS 7:00 P.M. Thursday 4 6:00PM WOTM Audit Bunko 7:00 P.M. Gag Gift Friday 5 LOOM Dinner Fish, Fries, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies/Dessert Saturday 6 Steerburgers by LOOM $9.00donation 50/50 drawing 11 7 8 9 10 12 13 WOTM Breakfast Club Closed WOTM WOTM Dinner Steerburgers 6:00PM LOOM Valentines Day Dinner Betty/Liz Club Open 6:00PM by LOOM WOTM Officer Meeting House Committee & All American FAT Tuesday Sweetheart Bus. Meeting & $7.00 donation 6:00PM General Meeting $9.00 donation Auction 2:00PM Nominating CARDS & 50/50 drawing Lakeside VFW Super Bowl Party Committee DARTS All Day Happy Meeting #1 7:00 P.M. Bingo Hour 19 14 15 16 17 18 20 LOOM Dinner Valentines Day Presidents WOTM Bus. Mtg. Steerburgers Ed and Crew LOOM Breakfast Day by LOOM 6:00 P.M. Chicken Fried Steak John &Crew Club Closed CARDS & Club Open Karaoke $7.00 donation DARTS 50/50 drawing 7:00 to 9:00 7:00 P.M. Moose Races Darts/Cards 21 NO Breakfast District Meeting El Centro 22 Club Closed WOTM 6:00PM Nominating Bob Keding Memorial 2:00PM Committee Meeting #2 Darts/Cards 28 29 WOTM Breakfast Club Closed Liz & Crew $7.00 donation Darts/Cards Breakfast 9:00 to 11:00 AM Dinners 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. Darts & Cards Sun. at 6:00 P.M. Wed. at 7:00 P.M. 23 6:00PM Joint Meeting 24 CARDS & DARTS 7:00 P.M. 25 26 WOTM Dinner 6:00PM LOOM Catherine & Chris House Committee & Pork Schnitzel & all the Bus. Meeting & trimmings General Meeting Legion Meeting after $9.00 donation 50/50 drawing Bus. Mtg. 27 Steerburgers by LOOM Super Bowl Sunday Happy Hour prices ALL day Chili Dogs and all the fixings Wear your favorite team gear!! MOOSE MEETINGS March 16-20, 2016 Cal/NV Mid-Year Reno, Nevada July 1-5 2016 Intl Moose Convention, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 9-11, 2016 CAL/NV Convention Reno Nevada Happy Hour Special Saturday 11:30 A.M. until 2:30 P.M. Draft Beer $2.00, Beer $2.50 Sunday 11:00 until 2:00 P.M. Screwdrivers or Bloody Mary’s $3.00 Sat. Steerburgers: $3.25 with Cheese $3.50 with Bacon $4.00, Hot Dogs $2.50 with Cheese $2.75 French Fries $1.00 plate With Beans & Chips and all the trimmings March 2016 Moose Stomper News Page 5 El Cajon Moose Lodge #1731, 13794 Highway 8 Business, Suites 1 & 2, El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 443-5456 Monday Sunday 6 7 LOOM Breakfast James & Crew Club Closed Tuesday 1 7:00PM WOTM General Meeting Wednesday 2 8 9 6:00PM WOTM Officers Meeting All American with Biscuits & Gravy Bunko 7:00 P.M. CARDS & DARTS $7.00 Donation Darts/Cards 13 14 15 WOTM Breakfast Club Closed 7:00PM Betty & Jeannine WOTM Business All American with Meeting Pancakes Thursday 3 6:00PM WOTM Audit 16 CARDS & DARTS 20 21 Joint WOTM/ Club Closed LOOM Breakfast All American Suprise $7.00 Donation 22 LOOM & WOTM Joint Board Mtg. 6:00 P.M. Calendar Mtg. at 6:30 P.M. 23 CARDS & DARTS Darts/Cards 27 EASTER Club Closed 28 Club Closed Breakfast 9:00 to 11:00 AM Dinners 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. Darts & Cards Sun. at 6:00 P.M. Wed. at 7:00 P.M. 29 Club Open 30 CARDS & DARTS Fish, Fries, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies & Dessert Saturday 5 Steerburgers by LOOM $9.00 donation 50/50 drawing 11 WOTM Dinner 10 LOOM House Betty & Catherine Committee & St. Patrick’s Day Business Meeting Dinner 6:00 P.M. General Mtg. after Business Meeting $9.00 donation 12 Steerburgers by LOOM 50/50 drawing 17 CAL/NV RENO S. Patrick’s Day $7.00 Donation CAL/NV RENO Friday 4 LOOM Dinner 18 CAL/NV RENO $9.00 donation 50/50 drawing 7:00 to 9:00 LOOM Dinner James Spaghetti/Meatballs 24 25 6:00 P.M. WOTM Dinner LOOM House Committee & Good Friday Business Meeting Fish Taco’s General Mtg. after Business Meeting Legion Meeting after Business Mtg. $9.00 donation 31 19 CAL/NV RENO Steerburgers By LOOM 26 Steerburgers by LOOM Lodge Hop 8:30AM– 3:00PM 50/50 drawing Last Day to Submit WOTM Scholarship Applications MOOSE MEETINGS March 16-20, 2016 Cal/NV Mid-Year Reno, Nevada July 1-5 2016 Intl Moose Convention, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 9-11, 2016 CAL/NV Convention Reno Nevada Happy Hour Special Saturday 11:30 A.M. until 2:30 P.M. Draft Beer $2.00, Beer $2.50 Sunday 11:00 until 2:00 P.M. Screwdrivers or Bloody Mary’s $3.00 Sat. Steerburgers: $3.25 with Cheese $3.50 with Bacon $4.00, Hot Dogs $2.50 with Cheese $2.75 French Fries $1.00 plate With Beans & Chips and all the trimmings Page 6 Moose Stomper News LOOM WOTM SPONSOR CANDIDATES BE PROUD TO SHOW YOUR CARD Upcoming Events Mark Your Calendar for February/March Support your LOOM & WOTM February 7 Super Bowl Sunday 14 Valentines Day 21 District Meeting March 16-20 Cal/Nevada—Reno 17 St. Patrick’s Day 25 Good Friday 26 Lodge Hop 27 Easter February/March 2016 Loyal Order of Moose P.O. Box 803 El Cajon, CA 92022-0803 El Cajon Lodge, #1731 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT U. S. POSTAGE PAID EL CAJON, CA 92020 PERMIT NO 206