GDCC Annual Report 2011-12 - Gordon District Cricket Club
GDCC Annual Report 2011-12 - Gordon District Cricket Club
Gordon District Cricket Club Annual Report Season 2011-12 The Gordon District Cricket Club would like to sincerely thank our sponsors for the 2011-12 season Gordon District Cricket Club 5th Grade SCA Premiers 2011-12 Back Row (left to right) Tom Carruthers, Tom Bangs, Matt Todd, Tristan Cooper, Andrew Crosland, Dave Monaghan, Reagan Klemt (inset) Front Row (left to right) Saahil Turki, Carl Kinghorne, Tom Cockburn (Capt.) Dan Richtor, Max Newman Gordon District Cricket Club Colts - Metropolitan Cup Premiers 2011-12 Back Row (left to right) Ben Armstrong, Deva Nirthankumaran, David Leiboff, Jason Leiboff, Dan Stickland, Tim van Zuylen, Front Row (left to right), Mark Fonseka, Iqbal Ahmed, Dave Millar (Capt.), Andrew Coleman, Adam Aarons 2 INDEX Notice of Annual General Meeting Office Bearers 2011-12 Life Members, Associate Members Senior Playing Members Junior Members President’s Report Report of the General Committee & Hon. Treasurer’s Report Administration Cricket Facilities Communications Academy General 5 6 7 8 8 10 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 Team Reports First Grade Report Second Grade Report Third Grade Report Fourth Grade Report Fifth Grade Report Sixth Grade (Colts) Report Poidevin-Gray Report A.W. Green Shield Report 21 27 32 38 42 48 59 61 Gordon District Junior Cricket Club 65 in2Cricket 68 Other Men’s Club Items Player of the Year Presentations Appreciations Donors, Sponsors, Capital Grants Congratulations 71 72 73 75 75 Statistics Career Records of Current Grade Players Club Records Batting & Bowling by Grade Aggregates Partnerships Scores of 200 or More 500 Runs or More in a Season 50 or More wickets in a season Wicket Keeping – Most Dismissals 3 76 79 80 82 86 87 92 94 Other Items Century & Ten Wickets in a Match Ten Wickets in an Innings Highest First XI Score Highest Individual Score Representative Players Office Bearers 95 96 98 Financial Reports Statement of Income & Expenditure Balance Sheet Auditors Report to the Members Statement by the Committee 99 100 101 102 Gordon District Cricket Club – Women’s Division Season Highlights & Sponsors Office Bearers 2011-12 Register of Members 2011-12 Representative Players President’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report First Grade Report Second Grade Report Third Grade Report Brewer Shield Report St Gordon Shield Juniors St Gordon Cup Juniors Club Player of the Year SCAWC Awards Women’s Club Trophies SCAWC Club Championship Trophy 103 104 107 108 109 110 114 117 119 124 131 136 143 145 146 147 148 149 4 GORDON DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that the ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the GORDON DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. will be held at the ORCHARD TAVERN, 455 Victoria St, Chatswood, on WEDNESDAY 18th JULY, 2012, at 6.45 p.m. You are cordially invited to be present. BUSINESS To receive the Report of the General Committee and the Hon. Treasurer's Financial Statement. To receive and consider the Committee's Statement as required by the Association's Incorporation Act, 1984. To elect the Office Bearers and General Committee of the Club. To transact any other business brought forward in conformity with the Rules of the Club. R.J.W. Cattlin Hon Secretary 16/4 Lamont Street Wollstonecraft 2065 Ph: 9437 5658 NOMINATIONS PATRONS Mayor of Ku-ring-gai Mayor of Willoughby Mr. Ian C. Carroll OAM President A.J. Falk Honorary Secretary R.J.W. Cattlin Assistant Hon. Secretary M. Kelly Honorary Treasurer I. Packman Delegates to Sydney C.A. M. Rosen & A.J. Falk Delegate to N.S.W.C.A. M. Rosen Honorary Auditor P. Cronin General Committee Mark Newman, M. Carmichael, M. Michael, D. Millar, P. Stephenson. 5 OFFICE BEARERS 2011 - 2012 PATRONS Mayor of Willoughby, Mayor of Ku-Ring-Gai, Mr I.C. Carroll OAM PRESIDENT A. J. Falk SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENTS M. Rosen & P. Stephenson HON. SECRETARY R.J.W. Cattlin ASST. HON. SEC. M. Kelly DELEGATE TO N.S.W.C.A. M. Rosen HON TREASURER I. Packman DELEGATES TO S.C.A. M. Rosen & A. Falk HONORARY AUDITOR P. Cronin GENERAL COMMITTEE M. Beverley, M. Carmichael, M.J. Michael, D. Millar, P. Stephenson. Co-Opted: I. Beverley/ B Garratt (Players), VICE PRESIDENTS M. Aldridge K. Anthonisz E.J. Baker B. Bell C. Berenger M. Berman S. Buono J. Cameron B. Cant R.J.W. Cattlin J. Cosgrove V.C. Davis P. Davison B. Dawson W. Dellow B. Eastment G. Elkan S.B. Elliott G. Esdaile Mrs M. Evans A.J. Falk M.N. Falk A. Farrar E. Ferris AM E. Fisher J. Folkard T. Gatty P. Goudge, Snr A. Gray I. Gray R.H. Guy W. Havercroft W. Hendricks G. Hendricks G. Hickman J. Horsfield P. Horwitz E. Howitt, Snr R. Jones S. Kavanagh G. King G. Mackie K.D. McDonald A. McElroy 6 D. McMillan J. Morrison J. Orton A. Poole M. Rosen P. Rowley-Bates G. Schwartzkoff H.B. Taber H.W. Tebbutt A. Templeman R. Thomas Barry Thompson Brian Thompson J. Todd D. Tutton A. Walsh A. Wilson L. Wilson LIFE MEMBERS E.J. Baker * R. Barnes C. Berenger * R.C.M. Boyce * D.A. Campbell * S. Carroll * C. Coltman * H. Crow P. Davison * P.W. Dive P.A. Emery * D. Evans A.J. Falk M.N. Falk R.H. Guy * C.A. Harris, OAM * P.C. Harrison * T.J. Hartigan G. Hickman * A.H. Hinton P. Horwitz * F.A. Ireland * W.E. Jackson * C.E. Kelleway G.B.V. King * R. Lowing * C.G. Macartney K.D. McDonald * F. Matthews J.C. Morrison * W.A. Murray * W.A. Oldfield, MBE * J. Prowse * W.R. Renshaw * G.A. Richardson M.F. Rosen * J.B. Shea * B.C. Sheidow * C. Stevens * S. Smith, CBE H.B. Taber H.W. Tebbutt * S.E. Trumper A.N. Wilson * deceased ASSOCIATE MEMBERS M. Beverley M. Carmichael J. Cattlin M. Kelly M Lush G. Meredith M. Michael F Munro I. Packman P Sproules R Werner 7 SENIOR PLAYING MEMBERS Aarons, Adam Ahmed, Iqbal Allchurch, Richard Armstrong, Ben Avendano, Justin Bangs, Charlie Bangs, Tom Beverley, Ian Beverley, Tom Bombas, Reece Bromwich, Clem Campbell, James Carmichael, Henry Carruthers, Tom Chapman, Andrew Cockburn, Tom Coleman, Andrew Colley, Jack Colley, Kris Colley, Steve Cooper, Tristan Crawford, Alex Crosland, Andrew Cubbage, Adam Dalrymple, Michael Dedman, James Dietz, Paul Dowsley, Nick Durie, Adair Eccles, Cameron Edgar, Corbin Effeney, Patrick Evans, Harry Fleming, Adam Fonseka, Mark Garratt, Ben Gooch, Tom Ham, Luke Heaney, Scott Higgins, Ian Howitt, Edward Jackson, Alex Kennedy, James Kidd, James Kinghorn, Carl Kleem, Mitchell Leiboff, David Leiboff, Jason Lewis, Greg Liddle, Jordan Lin, Shayne Lindsay, Blair Lines, Alex Livermore, Damon Mart, Sam Millar, David Monaghan, David Newman, Max Nirthanakumaran, Deva Packman, James Partridge, James Perry, Michael Retallick, Chris Richtor, Dan Richtor, Elliot Rosen, Brett Roughley, Kurt Sadler, Beau Selby, Hugh Sherman, Anthony Sinclair, Hugh Skilbeck, Jack Smith, Daniel Soper, Chad Stephenson, Julian Sweeney, Will Tait, Tjaard Thornborough, Craig Todd, Matthew Turki, Saahil Turner, Harry Weston, Logan Woodford, Paul Van Zuylen, Tim JUNIOR MEMBERS ADAMS ANNAKIN ANSTED ARNDT AUSTINE AVRAMEDES BARRETT BEST BETTS BHATLA BIBB BIBB BIHARA BLACK BLACKFORD Michael Daniel Emerson Tyler Kendall Nicholas Matthew Lachlan Rowan Aryan Archie Charlie James Harrison Leon BRAYSHAW BREMNER BROWN BROWN BUCKNELL BUCKNELL BUCKNELL BURGESS-TATE CADWALLADER CALMAN CALOV CAMBITZI CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON CARAH 8 Thomas Geordie Aston Thomas Charlie Jack Tom Oscar Charlie Nate William Euan Ben Harrison Oliver Luke CARAH CARMICHAEL CASEY CASEY CHAPMAN CHITTY CHITTY CLARKE CLARKE CLIFT COCKS COLGAN COLLINS CONDE CONLON CONOPLIA Matt Alexander Aidan Genevieve Harry Angus Rory Dan Oliver Conor Reeve Joe William Rohan Sean Jack COX COYLE CRAWFORD CROWLEY CUMMINS DAINTON DASHPUTRE DAVIES DEAN DENYER DiCIANO DiCIANO DICKEY DOW DOW DOWLING DOWLING DUCKWORTH DUCZMAL EARLAM EATOUGH FIELDING FLICK FIRTH FORTI FRANCIS FRITH FRYAR GAN GAN GARRETT GEE GIBSON GOHL GRAHAM GRAY GREEN GREEN GYLES HALEY HALL HAM HAM HAM HAMPSON HAMPSON HARROP HERBERT HILTON Charlie William Flynn Damon Aidan Matthew Mangesh Christopher Kieran Frank Julian Matthew Angus James Liam Ben Nicholas Sam Harry Andrew Iewin Zachary Billy Ben Matthew James Callum Ned Alexander Cecilia Matthew Cameron Harry Jack Hunter Liam Hugh Justin William Leo Daniel Jim Jonathan Luke Thomas Will Ned Timothy Sam HINTON HOGAN HOLMES HOWARD HOUSTONE HUNT HUNT IRVINE IRVING IRVING JAMES JEFFRIES KOIKE KORUGA LAYTON LEAVER LEVY LORDING LUDOWYCK MANOHARAN MART MARTIN MARTIN MASON MASON McCABE McGOWAN McLAY McMANUS McCOUBREY McGURK MILLER MILLER MILLER MOORE MURALIDHAR NANAYAKKARA NASH NEWMAN NORTH O’DONNELL O’DONNELL O’LOUGHLIN OXENHAM OWENS PARTRIDGE PASCOE PATERSON PEI 9 Cameron Ryan Sam Henry John Liam Jordan Alexander Jack Lachlan Nathan Luc Yuki Jonathan Harrison Tom Angus Matthew Ryan Jason Samual Chris Scott Brae Finn Jarrod Thomas Finlay Logan Charlie Hugo Daniel James Reagan Nicholas Pranar Bevin Andrew Jay Mac Jake Mitchell Max Douglas Andrew Alex Bradley Alec Zhi PERRY PERRY PIN PLATT POCOCK POSSI PRASAD PRICE PRINCE PURCELL PURCELL QUEALY REES RICHARDS RIDDLE RIZK ROOST SANTONE SANTONE SHELDON SIOKOS SIOKOS SLACK SLADE SMITH STANTON STAVENS STOBO STRUK STUBBS-RACE SU SUTTOR TAYLOR THOMAS TOEPFER TRESSOS VANDERMARK VARJAVANDI VAUGHAN VEALE VERHOEVEN WALLACE WALLACE WATSON WEBBER WOODS WRIGHT WRUCK ZHOU Jason Timothy Lachlan Oscar Joshua Mark Rajeev Ethan Finn Harry Max Seamus Harrison Tom Oliver Joshua Aidan Andrew Dylan David Alister Joseph Thomas Thomas Henry Oscar Cameron Charlie Tashi Timothy Raymond James Nicholas Max Charlie Nicholas Edward Matt Alex Jake Gus Charlie Harry Alexander Tim Hugh Tom Harry Zhiran PRESIDENT’S REPORT Andrew Falk The 2011-2102 Season for the Club was one of opportunities, some gained and too many lost. I was recently reminded of an old cricket administrator’s “catch phrase” which was “A lost opportunity is like an arrow spent”. If the players had accepted their opportunities, the description of the season could easily have been upgraded from a “good” to a “great”. 1st Grade started the season exceptionally well beating Sydney University, Sydney and Easts in the first few rounds but how much easier would it have been and how much stronger would the momentum have been had they capitalised on the opportunities provided? And, in these early matches, those opportunities came in the form of catches. In two matches, opposing batmen, having been dropped more than once before reaching 10, each went on to make scores in excess of 150. Another example came later in the season when 3rd Grade had an opportunity to go into the last of the preliminary rounds on top of the table. The players did all the hard work to make Killara Oval fit for play on a day when almost every lower grade match was abandoned but they dropped several catches and allowed Mosman to sneak past our total of 215, nine wickets down, after a 10th wicket partnership of 37. It is so much easier to play Finals Series cricket in a wet season from 1st or 2nd spot on the ladder. (This was confirmed at Glenn McGrath Oval a couple of weeks later). Please don’t get me wrong. It was a pretty “good” season. 5th in the Club Championship (after finishing 4th last year) is definitely consistent. 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 5th Grade, Colts and Green Shield all made their respective Finals Series. Premierships in 5th Grade and Colts were excellent. I just had a feeling that we were “marking time” this season but maybe this is because I am getting old and impatient. Again this season, we proved beyond any doubt that we are not good at the T20 form of the game. In fact, that is an understatement! I would venture to say that almost every win we have had in T20 cricket over the past four years has been a fluke and most losses have been thrashings. Unfortunately T20 cricket is part of the landscape and is here to stay and, although coaches and administrators are now realising that it cannot be used to “develop” young cricketers, the Club needs to become more competitive. After all, T20 matches count towards the Club Championship. (Incidentally, it would appear that the SCA experiment of playing lower-grade T20 matches has been proven to have failed and, with luck, will not be included in next season’s program.) 1st Grade didn’t quite make it to the Finals Series again this year. However, we have a talented young team and, assuming we can keep the same group together, with Mark O’Neill’s guidance as Coach, they will be a force to be reckoned with in a year or so. As is the case with most Sydney clubs, we desperately need the services of a 1st Grade spin bowler. However, each of the other “skills” is well covered in this team and Sparky’s call for “patience” is probably a wise one. We did miss the “go-to man” Dylan Connell on occasions last year but our young pace attack is learning by the day and could be the best in town over coming years. 10 2nd Grade, after a brilliant previous season when they reached the Grand Final, were a bit “patchy” with their performances this year. However, they were robbed of any opportunity to play semi-finals cricket when not one ball was bowled in their Preliminary Final against the ultimate Premiers, Sydney University, at the neutral Coogee Oval. Having said that, they would have needed to have played very well to overcome the students, most of whom boast lengthy 1st Grade careers. Enough said about 3rd Grade (refer “lost opportunities” above) except that I need to highlight the exceptional career of the Captain, Ed Howitt Jnr. “Hoppa’s” achievement this season of 500 Grade wickets and 5000 Grade runs puts him on a short list of luminaries in the game at Gordon as well as in Sydney Grade cricket. And, on top of this, he’s a pretty fair Club Coach too! 4th Grade’s performances were inconsistent and on far too many occasions (the most notable against Sutherland), “clutched defeat from the jaws of certain victory”. 5th Grade were brilliant. They had the leading wicket-taker in the competition, the leading batsman and the leading wicketkeeper. Apart from hitting a minor speed-bump in their Preliminary Final, they powered forward to the Grand Final and comprehensively beat Sydney University outright before lunch on the second day to secure the David Sherwood Cup (colloquially known simply as “Dave” shortly after the official presentation). Matthew Todd’s 20-year Grade experience was a fantastic influence on this young side. Sure, Toddy gets grumpy when catches are dropped off his bowling – who doesn’t? However, his leg spin bowling was simply too good for 5th Grade and his combination with young wicket-keeper, Max Newman, was outstanding. Colts (6th Grade) were also outstanding, winning the Metropolitan Cup, AGAIN! Another credit for captain, Dave Millar who, despite tempting the gods by going missing for several weeks during the season (something about a “wedding”??), was able to stand on the winner’s podium holding aloft the major silverware yet again. Great Clubman, Iqbal Ahmed, made several outstanding performances with his leg-spin bowling during the season to contribute to this team’s premiership. Off the field, Jim Cattlin did another mountain of work until his back gave out on him before Christmas. For those who may not have noticed (!), this season was a very wet season. The requirement to drag covers on and off wicket squares on weekdays was paramount in order to maximise the possibility of play. For the first half of the season, Jim took on much of this responsibility by himself – until he broke down. Very fortunately, long-term Committeeman and “worker” around the Club, Michael Michael, stepped into the breach and, with some assistance from several other “retired” or “semi-retired” gentlemen did a magnificent job through until the end of the season. (Incidentally, in addition to mid-week wicket covering, tasks included stocking of fridges/canteens at three grounds every week, repairs to wicket covers, end of season stock-take of gear, assistance at the Annual Golf Day and Dinner and being “ground manager” at Chatswood Oval on weekends.) Fortunately, Jim returned to “light duties” late in the season but Michael’s contribution during an extremely wet season, cannot be undervalued. Every player at the Club should be appreciative of the work done “behind the scenes” by both of these gentlemen. 11 For the second year the Club’s major fund-raising activity was the Annual Golf Day and Dinner, held at the Killara Golf Club. Again 100 golfers enjoyed the magnificent facilities at Killara and 150 people at the dinner were entertained by Professional Golfer Paul Gow, Comedian Vince Sorrenti and, this year by a new, home-grown, comedy act made up of former Gordon &/or NSW &/or Test cricketers Richard Stobo, Matt Nicholson and Phil Emery. Very amusing! Unfortunately missing from the comedy troupe was compatriot, and practical joker Mark O’Neill. Senior VP, Paul Stephenson, and his helpers again did a magnificent job in organising this event which has now become a vital component in our fundraising calendar. I will take this opportunity to sincerely thank Paul Stephenson for his continued commitment to the Club. His organisation of the Golf Day is brilliant while his “supervision” of the Club’s website (with great input and assistance from Dave Millar and, this year, Tom Cockburn) including production of the “Weekend Wrap” after every playing day, keeps the site current and vibrant. (Around Anzac Day each year, Paul publishes articles on the website which include detailed information about former Gordon cricketers who served in WWI or WWII. These are outstanding historical pieces and should not be missed.) Late in the season, Paul was obviously missing his involvement in the Club’s Academy and he volunteered to be Academy Director next season. Following his well-deserved election as a Life Member of the Club at last year’s AGM (after he eventually finished his acceptance speech!), Tony Wilson continued to make a huge contribution to the Club throughout the season in a variety of roles. He was also available for a majority of the mid-week covers-dragging activities. Another worker who generally slips under the radar with regards to the amount of work he does is Michael Falk. This year, as well as being a regular contributor to the coaching panel at most training sessions, he continued as a Green Shield Selector, was Junior Academy Coordinator and, just to ensure that he had something to do on weekends, he also took on one of the positions as an independent Club Selector. Definitely an undervalued contributor to the “playing” side of the Club, I am more than confident that there will continue to be plenty of (unpaid) work for him as he heads towards retirement after a long teaching career. To the various team managers and scorers including Mike Beverley (1st Grade), Ed Howitt Snr (3rd Grade), Rob Carruthers (PG’s), Derek Borg (Green Shield) and Dick Huey (2nd Grade during the season and then the victorious 5th Grade Finals) - thank you all. It is a pleasure to turn up to a Gordon match knowing that, at least off the field, things are under control. One of the thankless responsibilities of a Grade club is the setting up of home grounds prior to play. This includes removal of wicket covers from the wicket square to allow ground staff to complete their preparation, unlocking pavilions and setting up of scoreboards and scoring tables, checking kitchens, umpires’ rooms and players’ change rooms in preparation of welcoming our visitors and various other jobs. Because they start their work early on each day and are gone by the time the players arrive, the volunteers who perform these tasks remain pretty-much “phantoms”. They therefore never receive their due recognition or gratitude. Jim Cattlin and/or Michael Michael tended to coordinate and seldom missed these playing-day activities but the likes of Sam Buono and Steve Lowing need special mention. During a wet season, the job of removing 12 wicket covers without a “cast of thousands” is physically extremely onerous and this was the cause of Jim Cattlin’s severe back injury. However, this is an essential pre-match task. If anyone knows of a better way of doing it, please advise us urgently! Ian Packman has been trying to get out of the job as Club Treasurer for as long as he has held the position. The problem is that he and his wife Gilly now have things so much under control that it is nearly impossible to contemplate them not continuing for years to come. However, I am recently sensing a more serious tone to Packers’ voice (perhaps it is the “little voice” from his partner in the job) and I suspect the time is approaching when he will call it quits. One way or the other, the quality of the reports and the accounting services provided to the Club – all voluntarily – are beyond all expectation. Thank you Ian and Gilly. (PS: Anyone interested in the Treasurer’s job, please contact Ian.) Our Cricket Subcommittee (led by some very experienced Grade cricketers including Geoff Hickman, Mark Carmichael, Michael Falk, Tony Wilson and Marshall Rosen) has, over the past few years, put together one of the very best Coaching “Panels” available to any Grade Club in Australia. How many clubs, anywhere, can boast the likes of Ed Howitt (as Head Coach), Mark O’Neill (renowned worldwide as one of the best batting coaches available), Bruce Edgar (the former NZ Test and One-Day player and Level 3 Coach), Matt Nicholson, Richard Stobo, Michael Falk, Level-3 accredited Peter Horwitz and several others? A pretty fair line-up and yet further proof that, at Gordon, we continue to spend all our resources on attempting to develop our players through providing the best quality of coaching rather than attempting to poach (paid) players from other Clubs in vain attempts to win premiership trophies. I mentioned Geoff Hickman in the previous paragraph. Hicko’s ongoing contribution both personally and through his business, Hickman and Ritchard Financial Planning, does not receive the recognition it deserves. Geoff keeps a watchful eye over the Academy he created some twelve years ago, he heads the Cricket Subcommittee, he has been a Club Selector (former Chairman) for many years and he combines the knowledge and experience of a successful 1st Grade cricketer with highly organised business skills to make him an extremely valuable Club asset. Geoff’s business also provides sponsorship funds and donates monthly “Player-of-the Round” awards. Above I have attempted to highlight and acknowledge the contributions made by our group of volunteers, people who donate their time so generously. Many of these also assist by providing sponsorship funds to assist with the ever-increasing costs associated with running a modern-day Grade cricket club. Over the past two seasons, the Club has started to forge a relationship with the Orchard Tavern at Chatswood. This hotel’s generosity in providing us with meeting rooms, function areas, an extremely pleasant environment for after-match activities and sponsorship funding, will hopefully continue for many years into the future. In addition to “The Orchard”, we are extremely appreciative of the generosity of all those individuals and organisations who contributed during the past season especially Mortgageport, Peter Horwitz and the Horwitz Group, Riboni Constructions, Hickman & Ritchard Financial Planning, Cricket NSW, Cricket Australia and, of course, our two most “major” sponsors, Willoughby and Ku-ring-gai Councils. 13 REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE AND HONORARY TREASURER'S STATEMENT Jim Cattlin, Hon. Secretary The General Committee has much pleasure in submitting for the members' consideration and adoption, the One Hundred and Seventh Annual Report and Balance Sheet. As in previous years, this report is in the format that various sub-committees report to the General Committee. ADMINISTRATION Finance Ian Packman again fulfilled the role as the Club’s Honorary Treasurer, with the assistance of his wife, Gilly, and thanks go to both for their diligent work and reporting. A second very successful Golf Day and Dinner was held in February and funds from this event greatly assisted our ability to show a small profit at the end of the year. SCA and NSWCA Marshall Rosen and Andrew Falk have been the Club’s delegates to the Sydney Cricket Association for the past twelve years. Marshall is also a Director of the NSW Cricket Association and a State Selector while Andrew remains a member of the SCA’s Committee of Management and is currently serving as its Deputy Chairman. Jessica Henry, the long-serving President of the GDCC Women’s Division, was again Chairperson of the SCA’s Women’s Competition Committee. Women’s Division Congratulations to the whole club for coming 2nd in Club Championship. Juniors The Junior Club fielded 14 teams this past season, four less than the previous season. Our thanks go to the Junior Committee and all the parents and coaches in the Junior Club for their efforts and a job well done. A summary from the Junior teams appears later in this report. In2Cricket The program really returned to previous high standard under the care and coordination of Mark Ham. Numbers rose to 31 by midway through the season. Our thanks to Mark and his loyal helpers for running this vital grass roots introduction to cricket for local youngsters. 14 CRICKET The Cricket Sub-committee, chaired by Geoff Hickman, was responsible for selections and running our senior teams, player recruitment and retention and the provision of appropriate coaching to all Grades and to the Academy. Selections Selections for all teams were made by a four-member independent selection Committee comprised of Mark Carmichael (Chairman), Tony Wilson, Geoff Hickman and Michael Falk, with input from the Grade captains. Thanks to these gentlemen for their tireless, and sometimes onerous, task of selecting teams. The following are the final positions (at the end of regular fixtures) of the various grades in the Sydney Cricket Association competition and their contribution to the Club Championship: Place Ch’shipPoints This Season First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Poidevin Gray Green Shield 10th 5th 5th 9th 1st 13th 5th (8th) (2nd) (8th) (3rd) (3rd) (15th) (3rd) 312 325 232 141 136 48 90 Club Championship 5th (4th) 1284 Ch’ship Points Last Season (348) (315) (172) (171) (140) (32) (90) (1268) (20010/2011 positions and points in parentheses) Coaching and Practices Ed Howitt Jnr worked tirelessly as Club Coach. Pre-season practices and fitness sessions were held at the Institute of Sport at Narrabeen during August and then the turf nets at Chatswood Oval during September. These were supplemented with several fitness sessions led by Tim Packman during the pre-season. Mark O’Neill was contracted as 1st, 2nd Grade and Poidevin-Gray Coach. This included attendance at mid-week training sessions and also at 1st Grade matches. The Club is very fortunate to have the services of an excellent and well respected coach in Mark. Every player who was instructed by Mark benefitted from his technical knowledge and experience. Bruce Edgar continued as Green Shield coach with excellent success. Ed Howitt and Michael Falk assisted with Green Shield practices. Indoor sessions were arranged pre-season as well as during the season when inclement weather occurred. These were well attended and featured guest coaches assisting players. Thanks to Tony Wilson for booking and arranging these sessions. Our thanks go to Ed Howitt (Snr & Jnr), Michael Falk, Julian Stephenson and others who assisted the Club at regular practice sessions. 15 Team Management Mike Beverley again managed the First Grade Team with dedication and humour. His versatility was demonstrated by not only filling in on the field but participation in the pre-game warm up, recovering “lost” balls and tending to the particular needs of players. We were fortunate to gain the services of Graham Corderoy as 1st Grade scorer, as well as our ever reliable President when Graham was not available. Dick Huey took over scoring duties for Second Grade and Fifth Grade for the Finals. Ed Howitt (Snr) again performed the dual responsibility as Manager and Scorer of Third Grade and Colts for the Finals. Thanks also to Michael, Kate and Mel who, with Dick Huey, when he wasn’t scoring in the book, assisted with Chatswood Oval scoreboard. Geoff Hickman and /or Michael Falk found their way to Killara around tea time for most home 4th Grade games and the players appreciated their assistance. The Club acknowledges and greatly appreciates the contribution made by these, and other, dedicated members to team management, scoring and afternoon tea-making tasks on match days. FACILITIES - GROUNDS Chatswood Oval 35 of the maximum of 36 playing days were allocated to Men’s and Women’s matches at Chatswood plus Qualifying Final, Semi Final and Final games. Unfortunately the killing of the rye grass earlier than usual didn’t pay off as rain and cool weather delayed the couch cover until the New Year. Finally the good cover came in March however the continued use of the ground by casual soccer players wearing sprigged boots caused some bare patches and impacted the surface. The fine wickets throughout the season were a tribute to groundsman Glenn Paull and his assistants and the Club extends our hearty thanks. Practice wickets were generally very good however the restriction to three nets rather than four during the season meant that it was difficult for players to get individual corrective coaching and extended batting time to improve form. Through the energy and expertise of Paul Stephenson we were able to fulfil the wishes expressed by the players of putting cricket photos around part of Trumper Pavilion and the home change room. We are now able to proudly show part of the rich history of the Club and past and present players. Bert Oldfield Oval (Killara Park) Between the Club, Women’s Division and Green Shield the full number of available new prepared wickets available were used. The square had plenty of grass and played very well this season under the care of Tim Pittilo, the new groundsman. The new high plastic fence kept dogs and people off the square for most of the time. The outfield looked the best it has for several years following the abundant rain we had. However the continued designation of the Oval as an “off leash dog park” is an increasing concern. The constant abuse by dogs and walkers 16 in all weather degrades the oval surface and is a health concern, particularly for parents of younger players. Beauchamp Park Beauchamp Park square developed an excellent covering of grass early in the season which was maintained throughout. This resulted in very good strips for our lower grades to play on. Our thanks to Matt Kong for his efforts. The temporary fence was again used to prevent dogs damaging the square, particularly during midweek rainy days, as the ground continued to be designated as an “off leash dog park” by Council. The efforts of players and a small number of volunteers laying and removing covers was greatly appreciated at our three home grounds. COMMUNICATIONS Website The Gordon District Cricket Club Website ( commenced operations in 2002 and this season celebrated its 10th anniversary as the most established and read website in Australian Club cricket. The site led the way for Sydney clubs and now many clubs are seeing the light and developing excellent communication systems. For the start of the 2011-12 season the website went through a major upgrade with a change of the “back end” of the site as well as a design change to fit a new software introduced by our original web developer Jeff Perlman from Business Online Matter (BOM) Pty. Ltd. While the main banner and look and feel remained similar to the old site, more emphasis was placed on providing additional communication tools for the Juniors and the Women’s Clubs and establishing volunteers at these clubs to update the various stories, photos and sponsors. This has now meant the site is being used by all facets of the Gordon District Cricket Club and is enjoyed by all boys, girls, men and women playing cricket in our district. Some of the enhancements included: The set-up of a fully functioning merchandising section of the website with the ability to purchase all of the Club’s clothing via a secure payment site and delivery to anywhere in Sydney within 48 hours. This came about through a contract with Vestio Pty. Ltd. who provided the back end software and warehouse to manage orders and deliveries. This process took a lot of pressure off the clothing committee volunteers. New senior club registration and expression of interest forms with links to the SCA. A new panel of “related news” that automatically brings in stories that are stored within the same section of the website Introductory information / 'expression of interest' forms for the Junior club to arouse interest and satisfy curiosity in the lead up to the season Registration of junior players on-line including payment of subs. Registration and sub payment for of In2cricket junior players 17 Photo galleries of past matches, highlighting the teaming and fun aspects of the game for the prospective parents By making the registration process available across the internet, it casts a much wider net and has the potential to attract a greater level of junior participation. There is no doubt the online process relieved some of the burden that is felt by the dedicated volunteers at the start of the Junior’s season, and the online registration, of interest to the parents, attracted a greater number of volunteers to assist with running the club. The Women’s Club also took up the challenge of keeping their website up to date and provided an increased level of communication to their players. This was also important within the Club as they look to increase and strengthen their pool of players through the Gordon District. The webmaster would like to thank the Assistant Webmaster, Dave Millar, for his excellent work during the season in doing all of the back end work, with the various forms etc., while keeping the Match reports up to date and always being available to prepare and publish stories within the site. Also thanks go to Michael Falk for his contributions to the “webmaster’s wrap” each week which greatly assisted in its timely production, also Tony Wilson for his photographs and constant review of the site and, very importantly, to all of the readers who inspire the web team to new heights each year. Both Michael and Tony were a big help this year as the job of covering every game for the Webmaster’s Wrap is a constant challenge. Near the end of the season we introduced a weekly Podcast by Ian Higgins that provided an audio summary of the upcoming round and all of the important club news. This new segment was well received by members and the club thanks Ian for his work and David Millar in setting it up on the site. I am sure we will hear more from Ian in the coming season and hopefully upgrade it to a video podcast. Our links to Facebook and Twitter have also proved very successful with many web photos ending up on Facebook sites and players getting score updates via Twitter. We hope to extend that more next season. Our sponsors again received good coverage from the website with Hickman and Ritchard Financial Planning providing general sponsorship as well as Players’ of the Month and Year competitions. Other sponsors included Mortgageport, Riboni Constructions, BOM Pty. Ltd, Activate Cricket Centre, Century 21 Cordeau Marshall, ProActive Image, The Orchard and EchoHill Wineries. The site has a number of database measurement features which enable the webmaster to monitor usage, interest in stories, visits from other countries as well as Australia, and links to sponsor sites. During the 2011-12 season the website averaged over 12,000 visits per month. There is a constant following of readers from many parts of the world, both cricketing and non-cricketing nations, including in Asia. Comments are also regularly received from players of other Sydney clubs who check the site to read the reviews of their matches with Gordon. 18 The website team will continue to provide the highest level of communication possible to our players and supporters and welcome any suggestions to keep us at the forefront of cricket websites. Paul Stephenson ACADEMY In 2000 “The Academy”, the brainchild of Geoff Hickman, became a reality. He realized that it was essential to provide high quality development opportunities for the young, talented players within the club. With this in mind the Academy was established. It sought to develop not only the skills of the young players, but to educate them on the values of the game and to build on a culture of playing “hard but fair”, and within the spirit of the game. After twelve years the dream has and continues to be a great success. Development can only occur if the players are provided with access to knowledgeable coaches. During the season there was a range of highly respected coaches including Mark O’Neil, Bruce Edgar, Matt Nicholson Richard Stobo, Steve Smith, David Freedman and John Skilbeck, all of whom have played first class cricket. The insights and subtle analysis provided by these coaches is invaluable and is why the Academy is proving such a success. The Academy is structured so as to accommodate the needs of Under 16, Under 19 and Under 21 players. The Under 16 Section was under the direction of Michael Falk , with the AW Green Shield team being coached by Bruce Edgar. The Under 19 group supported by Tony Wilson, were able to play a trial game against the Shore School with a number of these players being given opportunities in the Club’s lower grade sides during the school holiday period. For the Under 21’s the initiative begun in 2010, of holding an intensive two day live in camp at the Narrabeen NSW Institute of Sport was continued. Over two days the players were given intensive skill based sessions and fitness testing as well as lectures on nutrition and cricket preparation. This provided the ideal start to the season for these players. Over the life of the Academy many members have represented Gordon at a First Grade level. This year Dan Smith and Scott Heaney joined that group, taking the number to 32. As well I am delighted to report that Harry Evans (NSW 2nd XI), James Kennedy (NSW 2nd XI and NSW Under 23 Futures League) and Steve Colley (NSW Under 23 Futures League) were selected in those teams during 2011/12. Looking ahead the Academy continues to evolve with a new tier catering for some talented under 13/14 year olds being added in 2012/13, a sign that the Club continues to look to the future. In closing I would like to thank all associated with the Academy. In particular I thank Mr Peter Horwitz for his generous and continued financial support and mentoring assistance with the Academy, without Peters’ support we would not be able to do what we do. Mark Carmichael 19 GENERAL The General Committee met on 7 occasions and attendances were as follows: A. Falk 7 M. Rosen 5 M Beverley 1 J. Cattlin 7 D. Millar 6 M. Kelly 3 P. Stephenson 5 M. Carmichael 3 I. Packman 5 M. Michael 5 Iain Beverley (0) and Ben Garratt (2) represented the Social Committee and Players. Thanks Again the Club is indebted to many people for their assistance and hard work throughout the season. Where would cricket clubs be without mothers to help? Gilly Packman, Jo Beverley, Kerrie Lewis and Agnes Smith were always there to provide afternoon tea at First Grade home games. Also Sally Sweeney regularly provided tea for Second Grade games at Chatswood. It all seems easy but it requires time, effort and commitment. Several parents also assisted at home Colts and Green Shield games. Thank you all. A huge “thank you” to Michael Michael, Sam Buono and Steve Lowing for helping put down and remove covers at our three grounds on game days. There are many other things which these gents did to make the grounds and equipment ready for play and the players are indebted to them. The Club thanks Mark Ham for running the in2Cricket program at Beauchamp Park. Mark’s organizational and coaching skills were instrumental in increasing the participation of this vital Club program. Also thanks to those who assisted him on Saturday mornings. More players are needed to help out during the season. Thanks very much to Geoff Hickman for managing the Cricket Committee, the U21 Academy, selections and assisting with statistics for this report. A big thank you to Paul Stephenson for continuing to look after the website (ably assisted by Dave Millar and Tom Cockburn). Also thanks to Tony Wilson and Michael Falk for assisting with the “weekend wrap” of match updates, as well as photos, in a timely way. Many supporters now keep up to date with progress of teams through the website. Finally my thanks again to Andy Falk for giving me the benefit of his experience in administering the Club to a successful season. 20 FIRST GRADE REPORT James Packman Going into the new season there was optimism that the team would hopefully produce some positive and consistent cricket after coming home strongly post-Christmas in the previous year. The core of the side had formed over the last couple of seasons and a sense of belonging had developed, to a degree. We added a number of feet to the average height of the side with Scott Heaney joining us and the big quick had a solid season and will show improvement next season and beyond, one to watch. Cam Eccles also rejoined the top side after a super 2010-11 season in 2nd grade breaking records and almost taking home the title. Mark O’Neill (Sparky) was back to keep the troops working hard and bringing the best out of everyone at training and on game day. The objective for the year was to compete at every opportunity and overall finish in a similar position as the previous year if not better. However we finished 10 points out of the top 6, and mid table, which was a little disappointing given the previous season and the majority of the side being the same. The “two year” grand plan has been set out by the coach, everyone knows it so this coming season we need to be contesting finals. That is what it is all about at the end of the day. We will go into 2012/2013 with the same level of ability yet with more experience! A number of good performances during the year meant rewards came to Steve Colley, Reece Bombas, James Kennedy and Harry Evans in the form of NSW 2nd XI selection. In addition, James Kennedy and Daniel Smith were included in the “train-on” squad for the Sydney Thunder in the inaugural Big Bash competition and gained experience in training with the likes of Chris Gayle and David Warner. There will be more names added to the list of representatives provided the guys keep the foot down and perform consistently. The opportunities are there it is about grabbing them when they are presented. The season commenced well winning more than losing and taking some good scalps early, including the eventual premiers, Sydney Uni, in Round 1. The year seemed to be affected by rain more than ever before, which meant training became difficult and wickets on Saturdays more conducive to bowling. Missing Round 7 didn’t help when all other grades found a result, unfortunately vandals removed the covers and the game was washed out. Then to make matters worse the rematch scheduled on Australia Day at Penrith was also a wash out. Our lack of ability to perform in T20 cricket has been detrimental to our position on the ladder. However there are no excuses as we simply have to play smarter cricket in this format or make selections to win games with players more suited to it. The introduction of a court session after each round was well received and whilst discussing the content of such meetings should end up in a fine itself, what I can say is that court will be back bigger and better next year. Indiscretions off the field will be captured and relevant punishments will be carried out! Thank you’s The season wouldn’t function without the hard work of our support, namely President Andrew Falk, Secretary Jim Cattlin, selector and all-rounder Tony Wilson. These guys along with many others provide the behind the scenes efforts which allow the 11 players to simply go out and play cricket on the weekend. We also have a covers crew who were called upon many times last year to assist ground staff in putting down and taking off 21 covers due to the high propensity of rain! Michael Michael, Tids and co. were often on covers duty during the week which was much appreciated by all grades. Thanks for your efforts. The Teas at Chatswood seem to get better and better, new helpers learning their trade from past preparers whilst bringing their own individual flair. Contributions this year were from tea coordinator Jo Beverley and Agnes Smith, Kerry Lewis, Sue Evans & Gilly Packman. Stellar performances from you ladies. The boys really appreciate the effort that goes into getting tea on the table each week (rating 10/10). We are also very lucky to have a full time coach, who provides the best batting coaching in Australia! Mark has been working with the team over the past couple of seasons and will no doubt be looking forward to carrying his ambition through over the next 2 seasons. He will however be in demand and if we are lucky enough to keep his services then the team will continue to thrive under his advice. Game day runs smoothly and we need to pay particular thanks to the Team Manager, Mike Beverley. Nicknamed the “Ger” he provides energy and enthusiasm to the team each weekend. Mike has also been known to give motivational speeches, such as the prematch words of wisdom at Pratten Park, to aid his son Iain who was captaining that day. I know how much Iain likes having his dad around and being able to drive him to the game and then debrief on the way home. Thanks a lot Bev and we will see you next season we hope! Our scorebook was taken over this year by Graham Corderoy who gave his time generously in between overseas holidays. We appreciate the commitment Graham in particular having the team sheet ready each week in time for the toss. If you are making yourself available again next year we would love to have you back. For the times Graham wasn’t available for selection, we thank Andrew Falk for stepping into the void and doing a great service on top of his many other commitments. Season Ratings Cam Eccles: A solid season for Cam without going on to make it a really good year. He has genuine ability and can dominate an attack when in full flight. I look forward to seeing him progress next year to a 700+ run season and continue to add to the spirit and humour of the team. Quite a bit of work to do with the ball if he is to be considered even as a part timer! 7/10 Greg Lewis: Greg had a more consistent year with bat and gave us a number of solid starts at the top of the order. I imagine he would have liked to convert a number of those to big scores and when he does he will be regarded around opposition clubs as the one they have to dislodge early. Should Greg take his offies seriously and practise them religiously he will be considered a genuine spinner for the team and a ‘go to’ man for wickets and pressure! 7.5/10 Reece Bombas: It was billed as his breakthrough year and it seemed as though things were looking good for Reece as he managed a very mature 143 against St George early on in the season. Unfortunately not a lot followed. However to his credit he continued to put in at training and give himself every opportunity. A number of habits are improving, such as making the effort to get to each session and not making lame excuses. Next year 22 Reece, you just never know where things may lead or what you are going to post on Facebook. 6/10 Harry Evans: Young Harold had a good season, topping the aggregates and averages for the team and the Club. What was an interesting revelation was the bowling potential Harry displayed during the year. After displacing Reece as the part-time medium pacer, he managed to perform an important role and produced 67 overs this year – albeit with the worst run-up seen in grade cricket history. Harry is a great competitor and no doubt will be even stronger next season and will be pushing for higher honours along with a number of his teammates. 8.5/10 Steve Colley: Steve like Reece started the season strong batting at number 3, in fact scoring a hundred in the first game. He probably could have finished the season there on a high. However he continued to work at refining his game and when moved to number 5 in the order managed to add some confidence to his batting. Steve has plenty of talent and plenty of time to make his mark on the game. A great move to come and live in Chatswood (with his new girlfriend) and let’s hope that it pays off next season. 6/10 James Packman: Captained the season for the 3rd year and by performance was a little disappointing finishing lower on the table than the previous year. He will be looking for an improved season with the bat, particularly aiming for some match winning performances. Won the award for most sixes hit in the season and first player to take 5 catches in an innings at 1st slip (had to find something). Will be looking to stay fit and uninjured in 2012-13 in possibly his last season or two! 5/10 Daniel Smith: Dan had an indifferent season and would probably admit he didn’t go up a level from the previous year. He started the season still feeling the effects of a shoulder injury and when he got back to somewhere near full strength was a different bowler. Most of his wickets came in the second half of the season. If he wants to consider himself as being an all-rounder (definitely has ability) he will need to take control of his batting and make the most of every opportunity with bat in hand. Games can be won on the back of his strike potential (e.g. the Sydney Uni game) and patience (Blacktown game). A valuable asset to the side and will look to have a big season next season. 6.5/10 Iain Beverley: The engine room gloved them well this year. He also provided invaluable support as Vice-Captain of the side, many a time providing the “what not to do next” tactics, such as bring Colley on!!! Bev will be looking to just go out and bat next season, not overcomplicating things and more than likely bring back the sweep. He always provides superb energy at training and on game day and we will be looking forward to having that again next year. It could be a huge year for the ‘great man’ with some exciting announcements in his personal life very much on the cards. 7/10 Elliot Richtor: Els only played the dozen games this season as he struck injury and poor timing upon his return. He did play an important role in the shorter form of the game, bowling a number of the later overs in the game. Els also made a number of valuable contributions with the bat notably against Sydney Uni and Hawkesbury. He also scored a classy hundred in Second grade to finish the season on a high. Next year we will be looking for Elliot to be making solid contributions each week. 6.5/10 Chad Soper: Well what a comeback to the top grade for Chad! After surgery and most of the season in 2nd grade Chad was selected to play the last 8 matches, in which he took 18 23 wickets. A solid contributor with the ball he ended up opening the bowling! Chad can also play a vital role with the bat down the order and does possess strike power. It will be good to see his confidence grow in this area. It is great to see him back at full fitness. 7.5/10 James Kennedy: James had a very good season but unfortunately, due to his ‘stick-like’ physique, injured his left hind wing (foot) and was ruled out for the remainder of the season. It couldn’t have come at a worse time for Mantos as he was in the mix for representative honours. It does mean he will need to be wary of how much he is bowling during the week – until he gets stronger! That being said he led the attack nicely this year and will be eager to be standing at the top of his mark next season ready to win games for us again. Surprisingly, JK can also bat (be it ugly at times) and we will look to him for some strong performances from down the order next year. 8/10 Scott Heaney: Scott enjoyed his first season with Gordon and fitted in beautifully with the way we go about things. He didn’t stop talking all year which was great and the guys really appreciated his humour. We will be looking forward to watching this guy develop into a fierce, intimidating quick, in years to come. 6.5/10 FIRST GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player H. Evans G. Lewis C. Eccles J. Packman S. Colley R. Bombas D. Smith C. Soper I. Beverley J. Kennedy E. Richtor S. Heaney Mtch 19 18 18 15 19 19 19 8 19 15 12 19 Inn 18 17 17 13 17 18 14 5 13 7 11 8 N.O. 1 1 0 Runs 13 7 4 N.O. 4 2 1 0 0 1 3 2 2 3 3 6 H.S. 124 110* 122* 72 123 143 64* 30* 54 25 26 9* Runs 664 525 485 373 422 386 246 65 166 60 106 26 Avge 47.43 35.00 30.31 28.69 24.82 22.71 22.36 21.67 15.09 15.00 13.25 13.00 ALSO BATTED Player J. Stephenson J. Campbell H. Carmichael Inn 1 1 1 Player K. Roughley B. Garratt B. Lindsay Inn 1 1 1 N.O. 1 0 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player R. Bombas H. Evans S. Colley C. Eccles Scores 143, 69* 124, 96, 75*, 59 123, 62 122*, 76, 70 Player G. Lewis J. Packman D. Smith I. Beverley 24 Scores 110*, 78*, 62 72, 65, 64, 50 64*, 61 54 Runs 2 2 0 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 4th 6th 4th 5th 4th 2nd 5th 5th 2nd 5th 8th 8th 4th 2nd 1st 3rd 1st 3rd 8th 6th 3rd 4th 3rd 4th Runs 213 129 115 100 * 95 93 90 85 76 75 68 68 64 62 61 61 60 60 55 * 55 54 * 54 53 50 Batsmen Reece Bombas* - Harry Evans James Packman - Daniel Smith* Harry Evans* - Steve Colley Greg Lewis* - Harry Evans* Cameron Eccles* - Reece Bombas Greg Lewis* - Reece Bombas Steve Colley - Harry Evans* Reece Bombas - Harry Evans* Greg Lewis* - Harry Evans C. Eccles* - J. Packman Elliot Richtor - Daniel Smith* Iain Beverley* - Chad Soper Cameron Eccles* - Steve Colley Cameron Eccles* - Steve Colley Greg Lewis* - Cameron Eccles Reece Bombas* - Harry Evans Greg Lewis - Steve Colley* Steve Colley* - James Packman Harry Evans* - Daniel Smith* Iain Beverley - James Packman* Greg Lewis* - Harry Evans* James Packman - Reece Bombas* Greg Lewis* - Harry Evans Greg Lewis - Steve Colley* Opponent St George Blacktown Randwick Petersham Sydney Hawkesbury Mosman Sydney University Eastern Suburbs Sutherland Hawkesbury Sydney University Parramatta Parramatta Eastern Suburbs Campbelltown-Camden Campbelltown-Camden Manly-Warringah Sydney University Fairfield-Liverpool Bankstown Mosman Eastern Suburbs Northern District Bankstown BOWLING AVERAGES Player K. Roughley J. Stephenson C. Soper H. Evans J. Kennedy S. Heaney D. Smith G. Lewis E. Richtor O 11 32.4 72.5 67 175.3 210.3 192.2 97 123.2 M 1 11 11 11 34 41 20 12 22 R 94 63 313 206 664 783 828 387 480 W 8 5 18 9 29 26 27 11 10 Aver 11.75 12.60 17.39 22.89 22.90 30.12 30.67 35.18 48.00 Best 4/30 4/18 5/21 3/25 5/73 3/51 4/61 3/47 2/48 ALSO BOWLED S. Colley J. Campbell H. Carmichael 2/39 2/52 1/16 C. Eccles B. Garratt R. Bombas 25 0/7 0/48 0/57 R/O 8.55 1.93 4.30 3.07 3.78 3.72 4.31 3.99 3.89 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player C. Soper J. Kennedy J. Stephenson Figures 5/21, 5/44 5/73, 4/55, 4/59, 4/92 4/18 Player K. Roughley D. Smith Figures 4/30 4/61 Player S. Heaney G. Lewis D. Smith Catches 6 6 6 WICKET-KEEPING Player I. Beverley Catches 25 Stumpings 3 MOST CATCHES Player S. Colley J. Packman H. Evans Catches 17 11 10 26 SECOND GRADE REPORT Ben Garratt There is something to be said for all eleven of last season’s Grand-Finalists returning to Chatswood for another tilt at the Albert Cup. The sense of unfinished business from the prior season’s finale was undoubtedly a powerful lure, but more significantly, the return of the full complement reflects the camaraderie amongst these ranks and the level of enjoyment shared in each other’s company on and off the pitch. The 2011-12 fixtures card ran an extensive 16 matches long. However rain, along with the expansion of T20 in lower grade cricket, made the season a stop-start affair and hindered the development and maintenance of any real momentum. It has to be questioned whether the resultant season of seven 2-dayers, seven 1-dayers and two T20s is the ideal preparation for a finals series of gruelling two- and three-day matches. At any rate, the challenge was certainly laid down to Grade players to adapt to all three formats to succeed, a task accomplished to varying degrees as evidenced by the reduced individual season aggregates across the competition. That being said, the Stags adapted better than most to the modern fixtures make-up. In the wash-up, however, our unfinished business was unable to be resolved in a season bookended by a first up outright loss and a Qualifying Final wash-out, both against eventual Premiers Sydney University. In between these respective troughs, the B-graders demonstrated their continued maturity as an outfit, employing much improved match awareness and nous to better deal with critical moments, and subsequently produced fewer heart attack inducing efforts than seasons past. At their best, the Seconds demonstrated that they could match it with anyone in the traditional format, registering four wins, two losses (incl. an outright) and one dominant wash-out draw. After being brought crashing back to reality in the first round, the side displayed new found composure and a will to compete over the distance in subsequent rounds. With the blade, the highlights came in the form of three game changing stands, each with a centurion at centre stage: Richtor (105) and Garratt – 194 vs. Mosman Avendano (134) and Richtor – 125 vs. Parramatta Lindsay (146*) and Garratt – 105 vs. Eastern Suburbs Each of these partnerships is evidence of just how much influence two players can have on a match when they combine to put their hands up for the team. In each case, patience and the building of an innings was key, with power and expansive stroke play only unleashed once the ascendancy was secured. These innings, along with Liddle’s dominant 75* chasing outright points against Bankstown, are the season’s standouts, and provide a benchmark for each protagonist and team mate for future seasons. With leather in hand, there was a sense of business as usual with stalwarts Durie and Campbell consistently making inroads at the top of the innings, best evidenced by their bundling out of Bankstown, taking 5/13 and 4/47 respectively. This pair was ably supported predominantly by Roughley (5/65 vs. Sydney University; 4/68 vs. Parramatta) and Soper (4/44 vs. Eastern Suburbs), with further effective cameos offered by Richtor’s wobblers, Avendano’s pre-injury wristies (4/45 vs. Eastern Suburbs), Garratt’s swingers 27 and Lindsay’s door knobs. Each of the trundlers owes a debt of gratitude to gloveman Thornborough who again excelled behind the stumps in pouching 19 catches and four stumpings, not to mention countless bumps, bruises and broken fingers incurred putting his body on the line for the team’s cause by standing up to the stumps. He also shares credit with his effective cordon of Liddle (14 catches), Avendano (eight catches) and Lindsay (eight catches) who kept the flingers content once an edge was induced. The shortened versions of the game proved very profitable for the Stags, registering seven wins (six 50-over; one T20) against two losses (one 50-over; one T20). It was during this phase of the season that the side uncovered the collective fight and character needed to match it with opponents at the top of the ladder and most pleasingly this translated into wins in the two day arena. The limited over performances were characterised by par scores with the blade paired with a strong resolve to extend the worth of every run in the field. While we lacked a centurion, there was no shortage of contributors with the willow, with the impetus often provided at the top of the order by solid returns from: Rosen – 59 vs. Western Suburbs; 72 vs. Penrith; 66 vs. Randwick-Petersham Lindsay – 66 vs. Sutherland; 31* vs. Hawkesbury T20; 30 vs. Northern Districts T20 Liddle – 53 vs. Western Suburbs; 48* vs. Hawkesbury T20 A further highlight came in the form of Weston’s heroics to get us home against Campbelltown-Camden which will long be remembered and is sure to be the first of many match winning innings for the GDCC. In the field, the Seconds consistently choked out opponents through aggressive, disciplined bowling that built more pressure than was often able to be endured. These sessions were arguably the most enjoyable of the season, with eleven players sustaining a high level of intensity for extended periods. At the heart of this effort, the side’s seam bowlers made the most of conditions to lead the pack: Garratt – 3/64 vs. Penrith; 6/28 vs. Blacktown; 3/12 vs. Campbelltown-Camden (incl. hat-trick); 3/35 vs. North Sydney; 6/13 vs. Hawkesbury T20 Durie – 3/42 vs. Penrith; 3/22 vs. Campbelltown-Camden Campbell – 3/18 vs. Sutherland; 3/13 vs. Campbelltown-Camden Lindsay (3/30 vs. Randwick-Petersham; 2/13 vs. Northern Districts T20) also proved more than a worthy foil for the seamers and his T20 pairing with spin twin Ed Howitt (2/15 vs. Northern Districts) was a feature. The wash-up from the completion of the round matches saw the Stags qualify for the post season for the second consecutive year – itself a worthy feat – this time in fifth position. Drawn to face Sydney University, the side looked forward to the opportunity to make a better account of themselves than in their opening round encounter. This opportunity, however, failed to materialise and the season’s hopes were dashed, as the Seconds bowed out of the competition at the only ground (Coogee Oval) where not a single ball was bowled on both days, yet another post-season experience to file under unfinished business. Bring on September. 28 As a side we are extremely grateful to our band of volunteers and supporters for their assistance in running a smooth Saturday. Central to this were scorer extraordinaire Dick Huey, Chatswood chiefs Andy Falk, Jim Cattlin and Co. and our sizable entourage of parents and partners who had nowhere better to be than pitch side each weekend. Congratulations also to our Premiership winning 5th Grade and Colts sides – savour every moment – we look forward to seeing you and the Chatswood faithful again next season in our quest for more Cups. Get fah you bah! SECOND GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player B. Lindsay B. Rosen E. Richtor J. Liddle J. Avendano B. Garratt C. Soper L. Weston K. Roughley I. Higgins J. Campbell H. Turner C. Thornborough A. Durie Mtch 14 9 5 16 10 15 7 16 13 5 14 5 14 15 Inn 17 10 5 18 11 15 7 17 11 7 12 7 12 11 N.O. 1 0 0 0 1 Runs 81 36 14 12 10 N.O. 3 0 0 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 8 0 0 4 H.S. 146* 72 105 75* 134 83 29* 37 41* 56 18 34 24 19 Runs 568 376 185 519 306 384 100 294 137 89 54 84 96 48 Avge 40.57 37.60 37.00 32.44 30.60 27.43 20.00 19.60 15.22 14.83 13.50 12.00 8.00 6.86 ALSO BATTED Player H. Carmichael N. Dowsley J. Stephenson W. Sweeney P. Effeney Inn 4 1 1 2 1 Player J. Kidd T. Beverley C. Eccles E. Howitt Inn 1 2 1 1 N.O. 1 0 0 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player B. Lindsay J. Avendano E. Richtor B. Garratt Scores 146*, 66, 63 134 105 83, 79, 70*, 58 Player J. Liddle B. Rosen I. Higgins 29 Scores 75*, 56, 53 72, 69, 66, 59 56 Runs 9 5 0 0 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 5th 4th 5th 3rd 1st 3rd 8th 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 4th 7th 1st 1st 4th 4th 1st 2nd 5th 2nd 3rd 5th 9th Runs 194 125 105 97 83 81 81 79 73 70 66 66 64 64 63 * 62 59 56 56 55 55 53 52 * 51 50 * 50 Batsmen Elliot Richtor - Ben Garratt* Justin Avendano - Elliot Richtor* Blair Lindsay* - Ben Garratt Blair Lindsay - Justin Avendano* Jordan Liddle* - Brett Rosen Brett Rosen - Ben Garratt* Ian Higgins - Kurt Roughley* Blair Lindsay* - Brett Rosen Jordan Liddle - Blair Lindsay* Jordan Liddle - Brett Rosen* Jordan Liddle* - Blair Lindsay Jordan Liddle - Ben Garratt* Brett Rosen - Blair Lindsay* Blair Lindsay* - Ben Garratt Blair Lindsay* - Chad Soper* Logan Weston - Jordan Liddle* Jordan Liddle - Brett Rosen* Blair Lindsay* - Logan Weston Ben Garratt* - Harry Turner Jordan Liddle* - Justin Avendano Brett Rosen* - Blair Lindsay J. Avendano – L. Weston* Jordan Liddle* - Blair Lindsay* Blair Lindsay - Ben Garratt* Ben Garratt* - Ian Higgins* K. Roughley* - J. Campbell Opponent Mosman Parramatta Eastern Suburbs Parramatta Bankstown Penrith Sydney University North Sydney Blacktown Randwick Petersham Sydney Sydney Parramatta Sutherland Eastern Suburbs Western Suburbs Parramatta Eastern Suburbs St George Hawkesbury Randwick Petersham Randwick Petersham Hawkesbury St George Sydney Bankstown BOWLING AVERAGES Player B. Garratt J. Campbell J. Avendano A. Durie B. Lindsay E. Richtor C. Soper K. Roughley O 97 153.1 24.5 158.3 47 51.2 45.5 108 M 7 34 3 30 2 9 3 17 R 411 455 93 554 181 159 248 488 W 31 26 5 28 8 6 9 16 Aver 13.26 17.50 18.60 19.79 22.63 26.50 27.56 30.50 Best 6/13 4/47 4/45 5/13 3/30 2/17 4/44 5/65 ALSO BOWLED E. Howitt J. Kidd J. Stephenson H. Carmichael 3/48 1/41 1/57 1/68 W. Sweeney H. Turner P. Effeney 30 1/120 0/3 0/45 R/O 4.24 2.97 3.74 3.50 3.85 3.10 5.41 4.52 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player B. Garratt A. Durie K. Roughley Figures 6/13, 6/28 & hat-trick 5/13 5/65, 4/68 Player C. Soper J. Avendano J. Campbell Figures 4/44 4/45 4/47 Player L. Weston K. Roughley B. Garratt Catches 7 7 5 WICKET-KEEPING Player C. Thornborough Catches 19 Stumpings 4 MOST CATCHES Player J. Liddle B. Lindsay J. Avendano Catches 14 8 8 31 THIRD GRADE REPORT Ed Howitt (Jnr) When you make the finals, it is my belief you have had a pretty successful year. To be in the Top 6, out of 20 clubs, is an extremely good effort and an achievement all players who played 3rd grade this season should be proud of. The season saw wet weather play a factor in many games and many wickets we played on were a little dicey early in the day. However, we managed to adapt to the various conditions presented before us and finished 5th on the table. If we had won one of our last two games (including the game where we had Mosman 9 down with 33 to get) we would have finished Minor Premiers. Unfortunately, a rain affected semifinal at Caringbah, together with a disastrous batting display, saw the thirsty 3rds’ campaign come to a shuddering halt. The reality of our position was that although we finished 5th, we did not beat one of the teams in the Top 6 (we lost to 4 of them) and were beaten comprehensively by Sutherland (premiers) in both the Round 5 game and Qualifying Final. This is by no means meant to put a dampener on what was a really good season, highlighted by 10 victories and the usual banter both on and off the field. The following player critiques are based on those who played 6 games or more in 3rd Grade this season: Batsmen Damon Livermore He continued to provide excellent support to myself both on and off the field on game day. Unfortunately, he was unable to regularly train this season and consistency with his batting may be a reflection of this. However, he did score the most runs in our team quite comfortably and more often than not looked in complete control while at the crease. Reg found himself (by choice) batting at no. 3 this season and I suggest this move will see him rack up some big scores next season. Reg continues to possess a safe pair of hands and his sole game as captain saw an emphatic win in our 20/20 with Northern Districts. Kris Colley Kris was in and out of the team this season and never consolidated his spot in the side with "pick me" runs. He batted at various positions in the order and this lack of stability may not have helped him. However, I am a firm believer you should be able to score runs wherever you bat. Kris shows potential but really needs to convert potential into performance and consolidate his spot in 3rd grade in any batting position. He continues to work hard at training and I am sure this ethic will mean he scores plenty of runs in 3rd Grade, and potentially higher, next season Ian Higgins Ian was a pleasant addition to the side (at times) and showed in a few innings his ability with the willow. A much better player when he looks to play straight (when required) particularly on the leg side. An absolute stand out fieldsman, he provided great energy and enthusiasm. A highlight for Ian was undoubtedly bowling and taking his first wicket 32 for Gordon and a highlight for his team mates was him missing out on a hundred (99) v Parramatta. Harry Turner Harry was primarily a batsmen coming into this season, but can now be classified as an all-rounder. His batting was excellent at times but a big score eluded him this season. Harry, like Kris, was shuffled around the order and found himself opening the innings in quite a few games. His medium pace bowling really came to the fore when the ball was thrown to him and he will be utilised much more in the coming seasons. Clem Bromwich Clem joined us mid-season and although he did not contribute run wise as he would have hoped, there were signs he has some obvious class. A more than capable fielder, so long as he remains switched on. He is a handy bowler who may be used as either a medium pacer or offie. Hopefully a good preseason will allow him to fulfill his potential and put performances on the board and push for higher grades. Nick Dowsley Dowse managed half a season before a freakish foot injury saw his season come to an end. Dowse showed his undoubted ability in limited appearances for 3rd grade and I hope we see him back fit and firing next season. Wicketkeeper Tom Beverley Bevo was our rock behind the stumps and finished with the second most dismissals in the 3rd Grade competition. Tom continues to be one of the hardest trainers at the club in order to improve his game and this will hold him in good stead for the future. He is a capable batsman who found some form toward the end of the season with some important innings, particularly when setting up our victory against Parra and top scoring against minor premiers Mosman. All-Rounders Henry Carmichael Henry only played a handful of games in 3rd Grade but clearly demonstrated his ability with both bat and ball. Henry hits a long ball and his medium pacers are more than handy. Next season I would really like to see his bowling develop, using more of his strength and bowling outside his comfort zone. Adam Cubbage Cubby found himself in 3rd grade after some strong performances in 4th grade. Unfortunately Cubby probably didn't get the opportunities he would have liked and therefore a haul of wickets and or runs did not eventuate. 33 Cubby has the ability to really spin the ball, but probably needs a little more consistency in order to perform in higher grades. He is a more than handy bat who is not far off success in 3rd grade or higher. Tjaard Tait Taity showed his value to the side this year with both bat and ball. He provided valuable stability in the middle order and his teasing offies proved a great success. He also demonstrated his ability to take the attack to opposition bowlers when required, which seemed to shock many a player and official. Unfortunately, punctuality continues to be a problem and I was glad to hear it is not just an issue when turning up to cricket. Bowlers James Kidd James bowled some exceptional spells this season and showed enough to suggest he may move higher. However, he needs to be consistent and ensure he always maintains the rhythm he needs to bowl at his best. When he gets it right, he bowls some unplayable deliveries and can be a genuine wicket taker. James tends to wander off at times in the field but last season saw a vast improvement. Pat Effeney Pat's season was a little stop start and he never quite managed to get the same rhythm he has had in previous seasons. Pat is a very good bowler, with both a new and old ball, and one who always asks questions of batsmen's technique. Pat's real strength is his competitiveness and he always wants the ball in his hands. Unfortunately he will miss most of next season but will be an asset to the club on his return. Will Sweeney Sweens started the season in 2's and was probably on the cusp of 1st grade after his performances the previous season. Unfortunately, his form did not continue and he found himself with half of the Knox Old Boys in 3rd grade. Sweens also had problems with injuries and desire and I hope he can get back to the form we know he can produce with both bat and ball. Will has the ability to be classed as an allrounder, but needs to score more runs which I know he is capable of doing. Charlie Bangs After a successful previous season, Charlie started in 3's and showed his ability to move the ball away from the right hander with the new ball. At times, Charlie did not make players play enough early on and next season I would like to see him challenge opposition batsmen and give the ball a chance to move in the air and off the seam by bowling fuller. Charlie is not a noted a batsmen, but did provide his standard cameo with a scintillating knock against Parramatta. 34 Beau Sadler Like Sweens, found himself in 3's at the start of the season and struggled to reach the same level as the previous season. Lack of confidence really affected Beau's performance this season and a back injury didn't help. Another to look out for next season if he is fit and gets that positive vibe back about playing. Beau has the ability to be a genuine all-rounder if he applies himself, gets the enjoyment back and is not too hard on himself when circumstances go against him. Many thanks to Ed Howitt (Snr) for his role as scorer and manager. You were the source of great amusement and enthusiasm during the season and my loud outbursts from the field of play reminding you to signal seemed to occur less frequently this season. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the various committees who ensure we play the game without worry, together with the unsung band of helpers who work so tirelessly behind the scenes. I would like to name you, but I don't want to miss anyone. I would also like to acknowledge the coaches who we were lucky enough to have at our disposal last season and from whom we all gained some knowledge and tips on ways to improve our game. Congratulations to our 5th & 6th grade sides for providing the club with some much deserved silverware. Special mention also to our 2nd grade side, which bounced back from last year’s disappointment to make the finals, and also to our Green Shield team who also experienced finals cricket. Next season brings new hope and expectation. Hopefully we all learn from our mistakes and ensure we turn up next season looking to improve and ensure GDCC remains one of the premier clubs in Sydney grade cricket. THIRD GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player H. Carmichael B. Rosen N. Dowsley H. Turner D. Livermore E. Howitt T. Tait I. Higgins T. Beverley B. Sadler C. Bromwich K. Colley A. Cubbage J. Kidd W. Sweeney Mtch 6 5 7 10 17 15 14 12 15 6 6 8 9 14 9 Inn 6 5 6 10 17 14 12 11 10 5 5 8 7 7 8 N.O. 2 0 0 1 2 3 3 1 4 0 0 0 2 3 0 35 H.S. 63 61 85 72 92 68 58* 99 46 38 34 41 24* 14 25 Runs 180 188 222 314 440 304 244 242 132 68 65 94 58 37 39 Avge 45.00 37.60 37.00 34.89 29.33 27.64 27.11 24.20 22.00 13.60 13.00 11.75 11.60 9.25 4.88 ALSO BATTED Player J. Avendano C. Soper A. Fleming C. Bangs P. de l'Epine A. Lines L. Weston Inn 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 N.O. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Runs 63 52 38 25 25 24 18 Player C. Retallick C. Thornborough M. Perry A. Sherman J. Stephenson P. Effeney J. Colley Inn 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 N.O. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player I. Higgins D. Livermore N. Dowsley H. Turner E. Howitt Scores 99, 58 92, 88, 68, 58* 85, 62 72, 65, 61 68 Player J. Avendano H. Carmichael B. Rosen T. Tait C. Soper Scores 63 63, 59* 61 58*, 52* 52 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 5th 3rd 3rd 7th 3rd 1st 6th 7th 8th 1st 5th 2nd 9th 2nd 8th Runs 112 109 107 102 92 86 83 79 79 72 67 65 65 63 * 61 60 59 57 53 52 51 Batsmen Justin Avendano - Harry Turner* D. Livermore – N. Dowsley* Ed Howitt - Damon Livermore* H. Turner – D. Livermore* Brett Rosen* - Nick Dowsley Harry Turner - Ian Higgins* Tjaard Tait - Henry Carmichael* Nick Dowsley - Tjaard Tait* Nick Dowsley* - Tjaard Tait Ian Higgins* - Thomas Beverley Damon Livermore - Ian Higgins* Ed Howitt - Harry Turner* Pascal de l'Epine - Chad Soper* Tjaard Tait* - Thomas Beverley* Henry Carmichael* - Beau Sadler Kris Colley - Damon Livermore* Tjaard Tait - Adam Cubbage* H. Turner – D. Livermore* Ian Higgins - Alex Lines* Kris Colley - Damon Livermore* Will Sweeney - Ed Howitt* 36 Opponent Northern District Sydney University Campbelltown-Camden Randwick Petersham Sydney Bankstown Eastern Suburbs Sydney University St George Parramatta Randwick Petersham Randwick Petersham Sydney Bankstown North Sydney Sydney University Penrith Hawkesbury Parramatta Mosman St George Runs 13 10 9 4 3 2 2 BOWLING AVERAGES Player A. Fleming J. Stephenson E. Howitt H. Turner A. Cubbage T. Tait C. Bangs P. Effeney J. Kidd W. Sweeney B. Sadler O 18 35.1 199.2 33.3 39.5 95.3 78 52.1 117 53 71 M 2 4 62 8 3 18 18 11 16 5 15 R 64 105 445 145 194 281 200 145 462 208 221 W 6 9 35 11 10 13 9 6 18 5 5 Aver 10.67 11.67 12.71 13.18 19.40 21.62 22.22 24.17 25.67 41.60 44.20 Best 3/10 3/8 4/26 4/25 4/28 3/17 3/38 2/18 5/49 1/17 3/47 ALSO BOWLED D. Livermore H. Carmichael P. de l'Epine I. Higgins T. Stobo 3/11 3/155 2/56 1/8 1/21 C. Soper B. Rosen C. Bromwich N. Dowsley A. Lines 1/86 0/4 0/8 0/26 0/65 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player J. Kidd H. Turner Figures 5/49, 4/28 4/25 Player E. Howitt A. Cubbage Figures 4/26, 4/27, 4/55, 4/77 4/28 WICKET-KEEPING Player T. Beverley C. Thornborough B. Rosen Catches 22 2 1 Stumpings 5 0 1 MOST CATCHES Player D. Livermore H. Turner Catches 11 8 Player T. Tait 37 Catches 6 R/O 3.56 2.99 2.23 4.33 4.87 2.94 2.56 2.78 3.95 3.92 3.11 FOURTH GRADE REPORT Shayne Lin After a grand final appearance in season 2010/11 with a young inexperienced side I was full of optimism as well as expectation for the 2011/12 season. The biggest positive at the start of the season was player retention with 99% of the club returning for an assault on the Club Championship. I honestly felt at the start of the season that in all my seasons with the Stags this was our best chance of winning the Championship. The preseason was a good one and we went through our usual paces with net sessions and then game practice all feeling pretty good for Round 1. We faced a strong Sydney Uni first up and quickly realised we were certainly stronger in the bowling department rolling the eventual minor premiers for 120 only to be bowled out in the dark and rain for 100. The first four rounds followed this trend but we managed to get wins on the board. However, from then until Christmas was a disaster! Injuries, schoolies and poor performances cost us dearly with four straight losses leading into the break and not a lot of positives to write home about. We sat mid table at the half way point in the season and put in some strong performances in January. It was a credit to the side - as we all know winning or losing becomes habit and it was a brilliant effort to fight back after four losses. The season then tapered off, with a couple of losses, a couple of wins, a draw and some poor weather. Unfortunately, there is very little to report on in such an up and down season. One aspect of the Fourth Grade side that needs to be mentioned is the great attitude of the team and no better example was the horrid Rd 12 Sat/Sun weekend against Bankstown. In our innings we scored 250 in 50 overs on a wet track, with a brilliant 95 by Tom Carruthers. Bankstown came out to bat with 120 overs on a now flat track, tiny ground and only managed 8/220. We fought hard with Alex Lines and Charlie Bangs bowling 70 overs between them but we only managed a draw. This truly was a sad day for cricket when we went from what I thought was a team game to a couple of selfish individuals playing for nothing but their own satisfaction of how averages look at the end of a season. The Fourth graders were often criticised for our aggressive and, yes sometimes, reckless batting, which is something we need to improve upon. However, it is a true credit to these young guys who play positive cricket and put the team first and this attitude is what I prefer to report on rather than the average win/loss ratio for the season. A couple of highlights come to mind. Chasing a difficult but not impossible 120 from 8 overs to win outright in typical fashion we gave it a shot. Andrew Crosland coming off about 17 ducks in a row came out to bat and swung for the fences with no care for his own wicket. A wet day against Campbelltown when our season was on the line - it was pouring all day and Mike “Chilli” Perry had the radar out every five minutes with updates of when we could go on. Against Parramatta, Cubby was getting bombed for sixes but to his credit he kept tossing it up knowing we need wickets to keep our season alive. He ended up rolling the bottom half of the Parra batting order. These are just a few examples. The guys this season and every season really put in for the side and all displayed the unselfishness that is needed to be a successful team. 38 I should probably mention a few individual performances. All our bowlers took one or more five wicket hauls including James Kidd, Charlie Bangs, Alex Lines, Julian Stephenson and Pat Effeney. Notables with the bat were Tom Carruthers, Jack Colley, Anthony Sherman, Chris Retallick and Adam Cubbage each with an innings over 70. Overall for the club it was a good year finishing high up in the Club Championship and each team putting in strong performances. Big Congratulations to 5th grade and the Colts on winning their competitions. I look forward to coming back next year and turning attitude into results. Fourth Grade has always been a front foot first positive side and while a few areas needed to be reined in a little it is this positive team feeling that will see us go a long way next season. Bring on the new season! FOURTH GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player J. Colley A. Cubbage C. Retallick M. Kleem T. Carruthers K. Colley S. Lin A. Sherman M. Dalrymple M. Perry A. Chapman A. Jackson A. Lines C. Bangs A. Crosland T. Gooch Mtch 8 7 13 12 5 8 16 13 5 11 9 11 10 6 6 9 Inn 8 6 12 12 5 9 16 14 5 11 8 9 7 5 7 6 N.O. 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 Runs 40 23 19 17 13 13 8 N.O. 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 3 1 0 H.S. 84 71 71* 56 95 46* 65 83 42 46 29 9 14 8 19* 10 Runs 243 163 267 260 105 145 306 269 71 149 78 41 46 12 29 22 Avge 34.71 32.60 26.70 21.67 21.00 20.71 20.40 19.21 14.20 13.55 11.14 8.20 6.57 6.00 4.83 3.67 ALSO BATTED Player J. Stephenson P. Effeney B. Sadler C. Bromwich A. Fleming J. Kidd B. Armstrong Inn 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 39 Player T. Tait P. Woodford M. Newman I. Ahmed T. Bangs C. Stobo Inn 1 1 1 1 1 1 N.O. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Runs 6 4 1 0 0 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player T. Carruthers J. Colley A. Sherman A. Cubbage Scores 95 84, 58* 83, 52 71 Player C. Retallick S. Lin M. Kleem Scores 71*, 52*, 52 65 56 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 7th 4th 6th 4th 3rd 5th 10th 3rd 2nd 8th Runs 157 125 109 69 68 68 57 56 52 51 Batsmen Anthony Sherman* - Adam Cubbage Jack Colley - Christopher Retallick* Kris Colley* - Shayne Lin J. Stephenson – C. Retallick* Anthony Sherman - Kris Colley* C. Retallick* - A. Cubbage Christopher Retallick* - Tom Gooch M. Perry – C. Retallick* Mitchell Kleem - Michael Perry* Shayne Lin - Adam Fleming* Opponent Sydney Parramatta Eastern Suburbs St George Hawkesbury Mosman Blacktown Mosman Mosman Penrith BOWLING AVERAGES Player J. Stephenson A. Fleming A. Lines P. Effeney J. Kidd C. Bangs A. Cubbage T. Gooch M. Perry B. Sadler A. Jackson O 33 47 142.2 73.5 40 75.3 97 91 49.4 36 82 M 10 15 37 13 7 22 11 15 12 2 12 R 63 93 336 182 138 222 278 315 176 120 314 W 11 9 29 15 11 14 16 18 9 5 7 Aver 5.73 10.33 11.59 12.13 12.55 15.86 17.38 17.50 19.56 24.00 44.86 Best 6/16 4/24 7/19 5/19 6/33 5/35 3/11 3/36 4/30 3/18 2/28 ALSO BOWLED A. Sherman B. Armstrong T. Tait C. Stobo T. Carruthers A. Crosland 3/48 2/29 2/29 2/30 2/83 1/13 A. Chapman D. Nirthanakumaran T. Bangs I. Ahmed M. Dalrymple 40 1/103 0/8 0/10 0/12 0/49 R/O 1.91 1.98 2.36 2.47 3.45 2.94 2.87 3.46 3.54 3.33 3.83 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player A. Lines J. Stephenson J. Kidd P. Effeney Figures 7/19, 4/9 6/16, 5/47 6/33 & hat trick, 4/48 5/19 Player C. Bangs A. Lines A. Fleming M. Perry Figures 5/35 5/36 4/24 4/30 Player C. Retallick J. Colley Catches 6 5 WICKET-KEEPING Player S. Lin Catches 29 Stumpings 4 MOST CATCHES Player A. Sherman A. Cubbage M. Perry Catches 11 9 8 41 FIFTH GRADE REPORT Tom Cockburn The Gordon Fifth grade side had a stellar season in 2011-12, winning the minor premiership in the last competition round, and subsequently taking out the Grand Final against Sydney University to be premiers. Although there were a few new faces in the team, a core group of experienced players were back for this year to seek revenge from the previous season. The increasing talent, especially in the lower grades, helped Fifth Grade field a strong, competitive team every round, with a number of Colts players more than pulling their weight when called upon. After a washout in Round 1 vs. Sydney University we played Sydney for a draw. While the team managed to score 8 dec. for 205, we were not able to bowl out the Sydney batsmen, and were left wondering what could have been. Positives however came from this game, with newcomer Michael Perry contributing 65 runs with the bat, and the old head, Matt Todd, taking 4/67. Round 3 saw the Stags beat Eastern Suburbs outright by 10 wickets. It was the performance with the ball that won us this game. From the start of the season we aimed to play with patience, the bowlers bowling consistent lines in the off-stump channel. Backed up with aggressive fielding, the plan was to strangle the batting team and build pressure. This was the first game where this plan came to fruition, which resulted in Michael Perry taking 5/16 as Easts were bowled out for 71. After a declaration of 7-181, the Easts bats survived long enough to make us bat again and chase 23, a mere formality with Perry continuing his form and smashing 21 of the runs. The next round we were back home at Beauchamp Park against St George. Although undefeated, we only had 1 win from 3 games at this point and knew this would be a true test and a good indicator of how the team could perform. Batting first, Tom Carruthers hit a magnificent 111 which took the Stags total to 228 and St George were bowled out for 132, with Dave Monaghan and Matt Todd each taking 3 wickets. We started to gain faith in the style of cricket we were playing, and it was evident that we could beat good opposition by building pressure. Round 5 resulted in another win, beating Sutherland in the first one-day match of the season. While our bowling plans stayed the same, we tweaked our batting to firstly make sure we batted out the full 50 overs, as well as having wickets in hand for the last 10 overs. With wickets in hand at the 40 over mark we were regularly able to take a score from 150 to well over 200. This allowed us to not only post a more than competitive total, but also take momentum into field. Five scores over 20 contributed to the total of 8234 and Sutherland was bowled out for 168 with Matt Todd taking 4-29. Rounds 6 and 7 saw more strong wins, highlighted by two of the more mature players, who performed excellently the whole season. David Monaghan hit 90* vs. Western Suburbs and then a week later 67 in the win against Penrith. Matt Todd, who had the ball on a string all season, took 4-14 against Wests and 3-27 in Round 7. Round 8 saw a few changes, with Captain Tom Cockburn going overseas, so Matt Todd took the reins in what would be the first T20 match for the season. Gordon made 9-147 42 against Northern Districts with our keeper Max Newman smashing 55 in partnership with Dan Richtor. Toddy obliged again with the ball, taking 3-21, while Richtor took 2-7 and Tom Gooch 2-10 in ND’s total of 9-91 off their 20 overs. Returning from the Christmas break saw the second T20 when Gordon chased Hawkesbury’s 135 to win by 1 wicket. The star again was Toddy with 3-21 off his 4 overs. Solid batting performances from the young Reagan Klempt (30*) and younger Jack Colley (36) helped chase down the total. Round 10 was the fourth 50 over match back at Beauchamp Park after playing the T20s at Killara. A dominant batting performance ensued, based around the plan of having wickets in hand for the final 10 overs. On the way to 7-235, Carruthers made 70*, Newman 46 and the youngest member of the team Saahil Turki contributing 40. Blacktown were bowled for 142, Toddy contributing with a measly 6-31. Round 11 against Campbelltown-Camden was the first loss of the season. Bowled out in the 41st over for 154, we saw the consequences of not sticking to our plans. A positive in the game was Colts player Ben Armstrong taking 4-23. Ben is a talented young player who will no doubt aspire for higher grades in the coming seasons. We were back in the winners’ group for Round 12 with a 7 wicket victory over Bankstown. Newman hit 58, while Monaghan took 3-29. Some inspirational captaincy from Toddy saw Carl Kinghorne, with the ball in hand, taking 2-9. In the captain’s return match, Gordon were defeated by Randwick-Petersham in a game which we would rather forget. It was the kick in the backside that the players needed, with the ‘business end’ of the season looming. After a dominant bowling display (Todd 4-14 from 10), bowling Randy-Petes out for 99, we were embarrassingly bowled out for our only total that did not make three figures, 85. There was a slight arrogance coming through the team, and this loss helped to fire up the Staggies by bring them back down to reality. Round 14 at Mona Park 3 against Parramatta saw Andrew Crosland amongst the runs with 37. Although we only made 159, at the end of play Parramatta were 5-36, with Cockburn’s sublime off spin snaring a wicket on the last ball of the day. The player of the match was no doubt Matt Todd, who snared 6-52 when bowling out Parra for 127. To Max Newman’s disappointment, the second day of our round 15 match against Mosman was rained out. Max was all over the Mosman bowlers on the first day, scoring 105 in the Stags 201. He continued his form going into the final round match against North Sydney at the picturesque Tunks Park. Combining with Cockburn (49) he scored 35, as Gordon reached 216. It was Tom Carruthers’ day with the ball in hand, bowling with beautiful shape and the right line and length to take 4-16. Toddy couldn’t let him take all the poles and had 3-16. With North Sydney bowled out for 87, Gordon took a bonus point in the win. The 7 points saw them end in equal first with Sutherland. However, a superior quotient handed Gordon the minor premiership. Finals: The Qualifying Final gave the Gordon players the opportunity to play on Gordon’s 1st grade ground, Chatswood Oval. Randy-Petes were the opposition again, and we were seeking revenge from the round 13 loss. Gordon was sent in on a soft wicket, and lost wickets consistently throughout the innings. The only batters to provide any resistance were Newman (60) who combined with Crosland (32) on our way to 168. We knew that we would have to bowl tight and field exceptionally well. With the pitch drying out on the Sunday, it was clear that R-P would take their time in their attempt to score the runs. 43 Although we bowled well, we were unable to take the final wicket. Luckily, having finished first on the table we knew we would get a second chance, and would have to fix our game in order to be competitive against Sutherland. The Semi-Final against Sutherland was played at Blacktown International Sports Centre. Although a decent drive from the leafy North Shore, it was worth it being able to play at a ground where the NSW 2nd XI play and the 3rd Grade final was eventually played. The facilities were great, and the pitch a “pearler.” After being 2-17, Tom Carruthers and Andrew Crosland had important partnerships with Max Newman, who eventually scored 45. The game was very much in the balance, and Sutherland may have thought they had a chance to dismiss us for less than 150. However, our middle order contributed (Richtor 28, Kinghorne 26) and our tail wagged! Dave Monaghan, batting 9, went in with the score at 150, starting slowly before accelerating once our no.11, Matt Todd, came to the crease. We all knew that Toddy can send a ball far on his day, and luckily for the Stags it was one of those days. David (79) and Matt (40) quickly took the score to 297, a massive total to chase in 5th grade that would require a disciplined run chase. Sutherland’s openers batted confidently and at 1-90 we knew that wickets were needed. Sticking to our plans, we kept building pressure and made it increasingly hard to score runs. This paid off, with wickets falling consistently until Sutherland were dismissed for 179. Toddy was again a star with the ball, snaring 4-23 off 13 overs. It was great momentum to carry into the final knowing our batting had been the weaker side of our game all season. The Grand Final against Sydney University was played at the University No. 1 Oval, another great moment for a 5th grade side that rarely gets to play on wickets of such a high calibre. The pitch was the best some of us had seen and, although it looked great for batting, it was Gordon’s bowling in the first innings that saw us on top early on the first day. Tom Bangs fought back from his disappointing semi-final and bowled the best I have seen him bowl in 5 years. He took 5-21 off 12 overs, including 6 maidens, to leave the Students’ innings in ruins. They were eventually bowled out for 109. Although we did not expect to be batting after lunch on the first day, morale was high and we were up for the task. At 0-43 all was going well. However, quick wickets saw the Stags at 451.The task of rebuilding fell to Cooper (31), Carruthers (43) and Klemt (35), who was called up for the match. With Monaghan’s 30* we were bowled out for the competitive total of 224. Returning the next morning with Uni one wicket down it was the other opening bowler’s turn to take some wickets. Dave Monaghan won the Man of the Match medal with his second innings bowling performance, taking 5-8 off 11 overs, including 6 maidens. The rest of the wickets were shared as Uni were bowled out for 92. It was the ultimate performance for the 5th grade side - to win the Grand Final outright only having to bat once. In a testament to the depth of the club, Reagan Klemt was able to replace the unavailable Max Newman and bat superbly, while for once all the wickets weren’t left to be taken by Matt Todd. Many thanks must go to those in the Gordon Committee, especially the selector for 5th grade, Geoff Hickman. In my first year of captaining at Gordon, Geoff found a great medium between providing great advice and leaving me to ‘run the show’. His help was instrumental in winning the premiership. Thanks also go to Tony Wilson for his support at the games and organizing behind the scenes, Jim Cattlin and his help around the 44 grounds, Ed Howitt Jnr, the Club Coach, and the rest of the Committee. Finally, big thanks to Dick Huey who scored during the finals series. Congratulations must go to three players in particular. Max Newman finished as the highest run scorer in the 5th Grade competition with 545 runs at 36.33, and was the best keeper we saw in the competition. He will no doubt be playing higher grades next year. Dave Monaghan was the 3rd highest run scorer in the competition (batting 8 and 9) scoring 427 runs at 38.83 and taking 26 wickets. He also won Man of the Match in the Grand Final. Finally, Matt Todd who had the ball on a string all season and took a record breaking 59 wickets at 8.2. His variety of deliveries regularly confused those facing him, and as a captain it was reassuring knowing that throwing him the ball would usually result in a wicket or more. Through the season it was an absolute pleasure to captain the side. The team had an exceptional record, with 13 wins, 3 losses, 1 draw and two matches washed out. More importantly, every game was played in the right spirit and the enjoyment level (except for maybe 3 matches) was always high. A massive “shout” out must go to Matt Todd, whose inclusion in the team made my job incredibly easy. Toddy is good enough to be playing a higher grade but the fact that he wanted to stay down and play with the rest of the boys is a testament to his character and love of the game. He was a huge help throughout the season and although I was relatively inexperienced, he supported all my decisions and gave helpful advice. It was also an honour to play with the rest of team. Although a young team, there was a high level of competence and maturity that made it a joy knowing that the weekends would be spent with such a close group of mates. I hope you all come and play again next season! For those who have aspirations in the higher grades, I wish you the best of luck. For the rest who are staying for the title defence, let’s continue where we finished and make 2012-13 as enjoyable as 2011-12. FIFTH GRADE BATTING AVERAGES Player D. Monaghan M. Newman T. Carruthers S. Turki A. Crosland M. Todd C. Edgar T. Cockburn T. Cooper D. Richtor C. Kinghorne T. Bangs B. Armstrong Mtch 17 16 11 16 9 18 7 13 19 14 11 11 6 Inn 16 16 11 17 8 14 6 12 17 14 12 8 5 45 N.O. 5 1 1 3 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 H.S. 90* 105 111 41 37 40* 31 49 36 28 30 17* 12 Runs 427 545 318 248 138 152 95 189 246 171 137 33 30 Avge 38.82 36.33 31.80 17.71 17.25 16.89 15.83 15.75 14.47 13.15 11.42 8.25 7.50 ALSO BATTED Player M. Perry R. Klemt J. Colley A. Coleman A. Chapman A. Jackson J. Hand T. Beverley C. Bangs Inn 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 N.O. 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Runs 112 90 49 17 13 12 11 10 8 Player T. Gooch D. Stickland C. Stobo A. Lines M. Fonseka J. Skilbeck A. Fleming D. Leiboff J. Partridge Inn 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N.O. 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Runs 7 7 7 5 4 2 0 0 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player T. Carruthers M. Newman Scores 111, 70* 105, 60, 58, 55 Player D. Monaghan M. Perry Scores 90*, 79, 67 65 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 5th 4th 2nd 7th 4th 10th 2nd 6th 5th 7th 10th 8th 1st 3rd 1st 5th 1st 4th Runs 111 87 83 83 81 80 76 76 68 68 62 * 61 60 58 56 56 52 50 Batsmen Thomas Carruthers* - Tristan Cooper Michael Perry - Tristan Cooper* Tom Cockburn* - Max Newman Max Newman - David Monaghan* Max Newman - Thomas Carruthers* David Monaghan - Matt Todd* Carl Kinghorne - Max Newman* Max Newman - David Monaghan* Thomas Carruthers* - Tristan Cooper David Monaghan* - Carl Kinghorne David Monaghan* - Thomas Bangs* Carl Kinghorne - David Monaghan* Saahil Turki* - Corbin Edgar Saahil Turki* - Max Newman Corbin Edgar* - Jack Colley Max Newman* - Tristan Cooper Corbin Edgar - Saahil Turki* Max Newman* - David Monaghan Opponent St George Sydney North Sydney Mosman Blacktown Sutherland (SF) Bankstown Western Suburbs Sydney University (GF) Penrith Western Suburbs Sutherland (SF) Blacktown Eastern Suburbs Hawkesbury Randwick Petersham (QF) Campbelltown-Camden Northern District BOWLING AVERAGES Player M. Perry M. Todd T. Gooch B. Armstrong D. Monaghan T. Carruthers T. Cooper T. Bangs O 25.5 210.5 27 36 145.5 47.1 21 113.4 M 2 18 5 6 17 11 19 11 R 59 485 75 102 355 186 77 298 46 W 9 59 7 8 26 13 5 19 Aver 6.56 8.22 10.71 12.75 13.65 14.31 15.40 15.68 Best 5/16 6/31 2/3 4/23 5/8 4/19 2/19 5/21 R/O 2.28 2.30 2.78 2.83 2.43 3.94 3.67 2.62 A. Crosland D. Richtor 35.1 49 9 14 83 174 5 6 16.60 29.00 2/28 2/7 C. Bangs A. Jackson A. Fleming J. Hand C. Stobo D. Leiboff 1/62 1/63 0/23 0/29 0/34 0/42 ALSO BOWLED C. Edgar D. Stickland C. Kinghorne A. Lines T. Cockburn D. Nirthankumaran 4/61 3/55 2/9 2/17 2/22 2/52 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player M. Todd D. Monaghan M. Perry Figures 6/31, 6/52, 4/14, 4/14, 4/23, 4/29, 4/67 5/8 5/16 Player T. Bangs T. Carruthers B. Armstrong Figures 5/21 4/19 4/23 Player D. Richtor T. Carruthers Catches 7 7 WICKET-KEEPING Player M. Newman C. Kinghorne Catches 13 3 Stumpings 8 0 MOST CATCHES Player T. Cooper S. Turki M. Todd Catches 9 8 7 47 2.36 3.55 SIXTH GRADE (COLTS) REPORT David Millar As the Gordon community, including the victorious 5th Grade side, watched the Colts knock off the final 60 runs for victory against Penrith at Chatswood Oval, they witnessed the boys claim back-to-back premierships. A fantastic effort from all involved! Last year it was my pleasure to write about an undefeated premiership, and whilst we weren’t able to replicate that performance, this season contained so many highlights and saw many new players begin their careers at Gordon. It is no surprise that Gordon has had another successful year in the Club Championship. With a continued influx of young talent to the club, many players have been spurred on by the healthy competition for places in the Grade sides and have performed strongly this year. Therefore, it was understandable that 5th Grade performed so well over the season and claimed their Grade Premiership as well. This year’s competition comprised 12 teams, from the Grade clubs in Sydney, and followed a similar format to the Grade competition, playing 16 rounds, qualifying finals, semi-finals and then a grand final, before we secured the silverware for another year. We lost a couple of games in the early part of the season, including a forfeit, which meant we were playing catch up in the second half of the season. With the weather often influencing the outcomes, and a couple of draws where we could have picked up maximum points, we were one point off finishing the season as minor premiers. Sydney University fell at the first hurdle and so we assumed top spot going into the semi-finals and then on to the Grand Final at Chatswood Oval. The rest of this report looks at each game and focuses on the key moments that made our season what it was, before looking at the individual performances by the core squad of Colts players that represented the Stags in 2011/12. Round 1 – Sydney 35 (24.2) defeated by Gordon 1/36 (7.2) Heading down to the picturesque Birchgrove Oval was a pleasant way to start the season. Although there were a couple of new faces, the Colts team had many familiar players from last year's premiership side. Winning the toss, we sent Sydney in to bat, as they were short a couple of players. An inspired initial spell from Dave Monaghan (3/8), followed by Tom Bangs (4/7) restricted them to just 35 after Matt Todd ran out the final batsman. It took only 7.2 overs for Andrew Coleman (25*) to knock off the runs. Our season was underway, with 2 bonus points. Round 2 – Gordon 259 defeated by Blacktown 9/262 Our first home game for 2011/12 was against a strong Warriors side. After winning the toss and batting, our innings never got going until Carl Kinghorne (81) and Dave Millar (54*) put together an 8th wicket partnership to lift the team to a respectable total. We knew we’d need to bowl well but Blacktown frustrated our opening bowlers and it wasn’t until Danuka Rathnayake (4/41) and Hugh Selby (2/32) were brought into the attack that we began to make inroads. However, a combination of dropped catches and big hits saw 48 the 10th wicket partnership put on over 60 to get the Warriors home. Not a great start to defending our premiership. Round 3 – Gordon 7/304 dec. defeated Parramatta 159 & 77 outright Round 3 saw Gordon take on Parramatta at home. Things got off to a bit of a shaky start before Coleman (44) and Iqbal Ahmed (40) brought the team to 5/123. Fill-in Teshan Weragama contributed a valuable 45, but it was the partnership of the two Leiboff boys that set Gordon up for the win. Dave scored a beautiful unbeaten 100 and Jason a very secure unbeaten 30, before the declaration at 7/304. The bowlers all chipped in and Parramatta fell for 159 in the first innings leaving the Colts approximately 50 overs to chase the outright. This was duly claimed - Parramatta all out for 77 in the second innings, with Adam Aarons taking 6/19 for the match and the pick of the bowlers. Round 4 – Sydney University 9/243 dec. defeated Gordon 84 & 5/123 Round 4 saw one of those ups and downs that cricket often offers. After an outright win the week before, Gordon found themselves fighting to stave off an outright loss against Sydney University at St Pauls. The deck didn’t offer much help on the second day and Gordon fell for 84 in the first innings, chasing 9/243 declared. The second innings was a better effort and Gordon closed the day at 5/123 led by Paul Woodford (55*). Best bowlers were Bangs with 3/39 and Ahmed with 3/72. Round 5 – Randwick-Petersham Green defeated Gordon on forfeit Unfortunately due to the unavailability of players in higher grades, Gordon was unable to field a Colts side in this round against Randwick-Petersham. Round 6 – Gordon 7/311 (50) defeated Western Suburbs 123 (38.3) Round 6 saw a return to the one day format against Wests at home. Gordon batted first, after winning the toss, and closed their innings at 7/311 led by Coleman (118), Tim Van Zuylen (64) and Ahmed (49). Wests were unable to put up a fight and in the end were all out for 123 in the 39th over with the wickets shared evenly: 7 bowlers each picking up one wicket plus 3 run outs. This was the first of three times that Gordon would play Wests in the season (including once in the finals) and set the tone for the two later encounters. Round 7 – Gordon 9/189 (50) defeated Penrith 162 (47) Round 7 saw Gordon in a one day match at home to Penrith. Gordon batted first and the batsmen were restricted to 9/189 off the 50 overs. Youngster Reagan Klemt showed the Gordon boys just how good a batsman he will be with a commanding 48. Reagan was ably supported by Dave Leiboff (39) and Aarons (27). Despite a low score, Gordon’s total proved too much for Penrith who were bowled out for 162 in the 47th over, Aarons continuing his great form with the ball to claim 3/21, supported by Deva Nirthanakumaran (2/25) and Iqbal Ahmed (2/44). 49 Round 8 – Gordon 4/350 (50) defeated Mosman 195 (47.5) We were again at home for a one dayer. This time however it was against a very young Mosman side (the team comprised predominantly their Green Shield line up). The young team offered no real resistance and it was great to watch 17 year old Reagan Klemt play an amazing innings of an unbeaten 168. He was joined at the death by fellow 17 year old Ben Leighton (51 no) and the two of them put on 146 in under 15 overs before the innings closed at 4/350. Mosman showed no real attempt to chase the total and in the end were all out for 195 in the 48th over with Dan Stickland and Ben Armstrong the pick of the bowlers, taking 3/20 and 2/32 respectively. Round 9 – UNSW 184 (50) defeated by Gordon 211 (46.5) A revamped, and much smaller, David Phillips South, was the venue for our postChristmas encounter against UNSW. After a strong start, led by Kinghorne (57), the team lost 6/25 to find themselves at 8/141 and with plenty of work to do. Dave Leiboff (36) and Millar (30*) helped the team limp through to 211, before Leiboff claimed an early wicket to put UNSW on the back foot. A partnership developed and it wasn’t until Aarons (4/36) and Leighton (2/35) were returned to the attack that the Stags went through the UNSW middle order and tail. Round 10 – Blacktown 118 (45.5) defeated by Gordon 2/119 (24.5) Heading out to Whalan for a rematch against the Warriors, we saw most of the previous game’s opposition playing next door in the 4th Grade fixture! Batting first, a much weaker Blacktown side failed to get going, with Bangs (4/15) and Aarons (2/13) the chief destroyers. Mark Fonseka (54*) and James Partridge (32) brought us home with a wet sail to get 2 bonus points. Round 11 – Gordon draw with North Sydney After winning the toss, the heavens opened up and after a few hours of poker and roast chicken sandwiches, the match was abandoned. Round 12 – Randwick-Petersham Gold 100 (40.2) defeated by Gordon 7/104 (21) In an attempt to get more bonus points, we sent Randwick-Petersham in to bat first on a good track. Leiboff and Stickland bowled well, but it wasn’t until Millar (3/23), Nirthanakumaran (3/11) and Ahmed (2/2) tightened the screws that we thought we’d done enough to ensure a solid victory. Whilst the final outcome would lead one to believe the victory was an emphatic one, we lost wickets regularly along the way and it was only when Brendan Gray (24) took the game by the scruff of the neck that we really got on top. Round 13 – Gordon 5/109 (26) defeated Sydney 191 (38.2) on run rate Again the weather played a part in this match and we must acknowledge the enthusiasm with which the Sydney players competed in the game after the torrential rain. Remembering the earlier victory, we sent Sydney in and were quickly on top. However, a fill in player for Sydney, who had played First Class cricket in India, tore our bowling apart in the middle overs. Ahmed (6/57) was able to take wickets at regular intervals to 50 eventually restrict them to 191. Fonseka (42) played a fantastic opener’s knock, keeping the score ticking over whilst Saahil Turki (30*) played a sensible innings. When combined, these two players got us over the line, with a couple of big hits by Aarons at the end. Round 14 – Gordon 2/165 (25.2) defeated Western Suburbs 164 (50) Looking at the competition ladder we knew that we needed a couple of big wins to try to edge out Sydney University from top spot. Consequently we sent Western Suburbs in with Nirthanakumaran (1/20) and Dave Monaghan (3/30) leading the charge. Wickets were otherwise shared, but special mention must go to Michael Falk (2/17) and Ahmed (1/23), who both bowled beautifully in tandem for their full allotment of 10 overs. It was an absolute pleasure to watch. The same could be said for Coleman (90) as he went in search of the 2 bonus points on offer. He and van Zuylen (42) were ruthless with anything that was short, full or wide. With two runs to get and one ball left in the 25th over, Coleman tried for a massive hit, only to be caught in the deep. It would have been fitting for him to be there at the end. Round 15 – Randwick-Petersham Green 132 drew with Gordon 0/73 In what could have been our chance to secure 10 points, the weather gods turned against us and we ended up with nothing. They won the toss and Stickland (4/11) and Ahmed (3/55) were the pick of the bowlers. However, everyone bowled beautifully and economically, including when they put on a solid middle order partnership to get themselves out of some early trouble. Millar had a day out in the field, bagging 4 catches in the slips - such was the control of the bowlers. Fonseka (33*) and van Zuylen (30*) took to the attack in the dying stages of the first day. Unfortunately, as the rain poured the following Saturday, we could only look back at what could have been. Round 16 – Gordon 9/169 (50) defeated Parramatta 119 (35.1) In a less than inspiring performance with the bat, a partnership between Coleman (29) and Kinghorne (32) was looking dangerous before Coleman was run out and the innings almost petered out. Ahmed (5/32) and Edgar (2/8) helped the Stags out of a tight spot and came through bowling Parramatta out for 50 runs less than our score and picking up a bonus point, leaving us just one point behind Sydney University. Qualifying Final – Gordon 4/195 defeated Western Suburbs (191) What ended up a comprehensive victory to the Stags was a lot closer in practice. Winning the toss, we sent Western Suburbs in to bat. Leiboff (2/47) and Nirthanakumaran (2/56) did the lion’s share of the bowling with them both picking up vital top order wickets, including their dangerous skipper. Ahmed’s (2/27) good control brought about a couple of wickets and some sharp fielding all around the ground brought us 3 more. When it came time to bat, Fonseka and Coleman were dismissed early and it wasn’t until van Zuylen (109*) and Kinghorne (33) began to look comfortable at the crease that the rest of the side started to relax. In a powerful display of batting, van Zuylen looked formidable as he dispatched balls to all parts of the ground and led the side off the ground and into the semi-finals. 51 Semi Final – Gordon 297 defeated Sydney University 145 Following the qualifying final, the news spread that North Sydney had defeated Sydney University and we were now the number one side left in the finals race. This meant we played Sydney University at Chatswood Oval and whilst the result looked lopsided, as it did in the qualifying final, at the end of Day 1, it was anyone’s game. Fonseka (23) and Coleman (22) threw away starts until James Dedman (80) and Dave Leiboff (22) steadied the ship before and after the luncheon interval. Ahmed (19) was unfortunately run out before Jason Leiboff (33) and Millar (49) combined to see the side through to the second new ball. With a bit of extra movement, Jason was undone by a lethal inswinger, before Millar was caught trying to put some extra runs on the board. Stickland (16) and Nirthanakumaran (10*) put on another vital 30 runs to frustrate the Sydney University side and keep them out in the field for another 45 minutes. Whilst we couldn’t break through in the 8 overs left in the day, Sydney University took the opportunity to wipe 30 runs from the total in the fading light. After a rev up from Jim Cattlin before the start of day 2, it was a wide short ball from Nirthanakumaran (3/14) that picked up a wicket with his second ball. Whilst fortuitous, there was nothing lucky with the second one, just two balls later, yorking their number 3 batsmen and putting them right on the back foot. Dave Leiboff (3/34) then came to the party and between the two of them had Sydney University at 6/69. Following this, the batsmen looked to put some respectability into the scorecard by grinding out the next 50 runs over the following two and a half hours. Ahmed (3/32) eventually broke through, which then became a couple more and closure to the innings and a progression into the Grand Final. Grand Final – Gordon 164 and 1/64 defeated Penrith 97 and 130 Another Grand Final for the Colts, at Chatswood, against a side we had a fantastic battle against under David Gray a few moons before. Penrith won the toss and it wasn’t long before our bowlers put them on the back foot. Leiboff bowled nine fantastic overs conceding just 3 runs for his 2 wickets and setting the tone for the day. Stickland (3/8) continued where Leiboff finished off and, with wickets from Aarons and Millar, we had Penrith reeling at 8/67. Whilst we continued to apply the pressure, Penrith composed themselves and added another 30 runs before Ahmed (3/29) finished off the tail. We knew that Penrith was a bowling side and we braced ourselves for the inevitable assault from their openers. Fonseka, Coleman and van Zuylen went early and it was left to Dave Leiboff (69) and Ben Armstrong (15) to resurrect the situation. Armstrong, Ahmed and Aarons then fell in quick succession and left us teetering at 6/72. This brought Jason Leiboff (17) to the crease and the brothers got us across the line in the first innings. Dave Leiboff continued into the second day, with the assistance of the lower order, and helped put us in a strong position in his Man of the Match performance. Bowling a second time, we needed to balance aggression with defence, knowing Penrith would need to overcome a 65 run deficit, set a target and bowl us out again to win the Metropolitan Cup. Three early wickets to Nirthanakumaran (3/31) buoyed us with enthusiasm. However, Penrith rallied and played an attractive style of attacking cricket to take them to 3/100 at the tea break. It was after that break that the wheels began to fall off. Ahmed (4/30) picked up one shortly after the break and then two run outs, a direct hit to Millar lying on the ground and a simple one to Armstrong from short mid-wicket, 52 plus a wicket to Aarons (1/8) and the stage was set for Ahmed to take the final 3. We left the ground filled with anticipation of closing out the match with all of 5th Grade and the club officials looking on. Van Zuylen played his natural game and after 4 overs we were 27 without loss, chasing 64. This was the dream start to a tricky little total. Unfortunately van Zuylen (26) fell at this point but Fonseka (19*) and Coleman (19*) were able to knuckle down and see us home to victory within 10 short overs. A fantastic way to chase down those runs and a satisfying result!! It was a great couple of days that reflected the performance of the side throughout the year and a thoroughly deserved victory for the Colts team. With the trophy safely secured for a second time in as many seasons, and many memories that will last a lifetime, the Colts celebrated their successful season well into the night alongside the 5th Grade premiers. Similar to previous years, our players stood tall when it counted. We were fortunate with a few coin tosses, but each time I sent the opposition in, the bowlers did their job and demolished the top order quickly and applied a stranglehold over the rest of the batsmen. Our catching in front of the wicket was nigh on faultless and Andrew Coleman’s efforts behind the stumps were fantastic. A massive thank should go to our Beauchamp groundsman, Matt, for his fabulous work under Glenn. The Beauchamp track was always in stunning condition and the outfield was maintained remarkably throughout the season. This is also an opportunity to formally thank Jim Cattlin for all of his help throughout the season. It made a big difference having someone at the ground there to help ensure that the Gordon District Cricket Club continued to warmly welcome and remain hospitable towards their opponents throughout the season. I would like to extend the thanks of the team to the selectors Mark, Geoff, Mick and Tony. Managing the Colts team from week to week was difficult, especially considering the number of unavailable players and the changes in the higher grades, as well as all of the ineligible players during the finals. Their efforts were tireless and they deserve much of the credit for continually finding players to ensure the team performed strongly each round. Andrew Falk continues to be a rock throughout the season for the entire club and it would be remiss of me not thank him profusely for his assistance. Throughout the season there were over 35 players who donned the creams and took the field for the Colts and I would like to thank them all for their invaluable contributions throughout the entire season. Special thanks must go to all those players who filled in for us to ensure the Colts remained competitive without the regular allotment of players. We had a fantastic team atmosphere throughout the season and the following is a brief outline of the contributions of the core squad of players: Mark Fonseka Providing invaluable assistance to his skipper, Mark’s contributions were not limited to those with the bat. Mark continued to score runs when it counted and, although he didn’t have a brilliant season with the bat, it was very pleasing on a personal note to have Mark at the crease when the winning runs were scored in the Grand Final. Although I’m sure 53 he would have liked to have scored more runs and had the opportunity to play in the higher grades, all of the boys loved having him around to keep things lively. Tim van Zuylen Coming back from a season in England we were hoping for big things from “VuVu” and he didn’t disappoint with his big hitting, aggressive attitude to batting and success. There were many moments when the rest of the team just sat back and marvelled at what he could do with the willow. Although he had a slow start he came into form at the business end of the season. A brilliant hundred in the Qualifying Final followed by a rapid 26 in the second innings of the Grand Final delivered us out of a couple of potentially precarious positions. With a greater maturity in his shot selection at the beginning of his innings, I look forward to celebrating Tim’s successes in 2012/13 and in many seasons to come. Andrew Coleman Filling in as skipper for most of the first half of the season, Andrew presided over some big wins and led from the front with a century against Western Suburbs before a blistering 90 against them later in the season. Like Mark, I’m sure that “Elton” would have loved some more runs by the end of the season. A big pre-season in 2012/13 should help this as work commitments will continue to mean it will be hard for him to get regular practice during the season. 21 dismissals behind the stumps, as well as a wicket and catch in the field proved his all-round qualities. It was fabulous having such a reliable keeper in Colts. Ben Armstrong Coming back to the side after a successful crack at the HSC, Ben’s performances were neither as strong nor consistent as last season. I’m looking forward to the day when it all comes together with his batting and he scores a big century in 2012/13. This season Ben took wickets up the grades but was often too good to find the edge of our opposition batsmen. Whilst I’m sure that his contributions with bat and ball were not as great as he would like his fielding continued to be impeccable and 14 catches and 4 run outs contributed to the successes of the team. This should never be underestimated or overlooked. Dave Leiboff Following a man of the match performance in last year’s Grand Final, Dave backed it up again with a similar performance in this year’s decider. What a fantastic effort! Dave’s batting, always strong, came to the fore this season, with 100* against Parramatta and then 69 in the Grand Final. As for his bowling, the consistency throughout the season saw him take a wicket in every game except two, saving his best performances for each of the finals games, capping it off with 2/3 from 9 overs early in the Grand Final. Dave is a great competitor and a fantastic clubman and the GDCC is a far better place for having him around. I look forward to many more years playing alongside Dave. Iqbal Ahmed After a year in hiatus, Iqbal return to GDCC ready to apply his craft against unsuspecting batsmen. Unsurprisingly he experienced a slow start to the season but came home with the wettest sail of the competition, taking 27 wickets during February and March. This included a brilliant spell against Sydney (6/57), Parramatta (5/32) and against Penrith in the Grand Final (3/29 and 4/30). His batting was the opposite, with almost all of his runs coming before Christmas. 12 catches, some off his own bowling, and plenty of 54 suggestions and help for his captain meant that Iqbal was perhaps the player of the year and perhaps the entire competition. Congratulations, mate. Adam Aarons Coming back after Christmas I was blown away by the transformation in Adam’s bowling. Thanks to the hard work of the club coach, Ed Howitt Jnr, a re-modelled bowling action led to over 20 wickets in the season. What’s more, when he wasn’t taking wickets, he was keeping an end tight and applying pressure for his teammates at the other end. I was so pleased to see the development in his game. It would be great to see this same consistency in his batting during 2012/13. Jason Leiboff Jason played up until Christmas, being at the crease when his brother made 100 against Parramatta and making some handy contributions with the ball. An injured shoulder kept him out of many of the rounds after Christmas but he was rushed back for the Semi Final and Grand Final where he made an important 33 and 17, as well as taking a wicket and a couple of catches. It was a great performance which, together with his brother, provided the Leiboff clan of onlookers, and his skipper, with immense pleasure and gratification. Hopefully 2012/13 will be one of full fitness and success for Jason. Carl Kinghorne Whilst Carl ended up playing in the 5th Grade premiership side, he made some significant contributions to our side; 81 against Blacktown and 57 against UNSW were both constructed when the side needed them the most. It would be remiss of me not to mention the work he did behind the stumps when Andrew Coleman was unavailable. A tidy, natural keeper, who kept wicket in the 5th Grade premiership, his 4 catches included some absolute gems. A larrikin within the side, nothing made me happier than hearing he was brought on to bowl in a 5th Grade game and took two opposition wickets. Plenty of work in the off-season will see Carl move on to bigger and better things in 2012/13, with more consistent batting and some big scores in store. Dan Stickland In his first season at the club, Dan has fitted in perfectly at the Stags. 14 wickets at 13 meant that opposition rarely had a chance to get settled before being sent on their way. In the first couple of games that I captained Dan, he was frustrated by his lack of success with the ball. He was doing everything right and I was happy with his job. I encouraged him to enjoy the successes of his teammates because that is what is going to deliver you the most joy out on the field. Soon after, he picked up 4 wickets against RandwickPetersham and another 3 against Penrith in the final and we were right in there celebrating with him. It would be remiss of me not to mention Dan’s batting. 16 and 11 in the semi-final and final helped to maintain the pressure on the opposition and push the games out of their reach, when a cheap wicket would have let them back in. Dan is a good cricketer and great team mate. I hope Dan will be around the club for many years to come and I look forward to his performances with the ball and contributions with the bat. Deva Nirthanakumaran With more wickets (22) than runs (18), it would be easy to pigeonhole Deva but before I discuss his bowling, I’d like to dwell on his batting for a little bit. Hardly called on throughout the season, Deva batted 6 times for 4 not outs, a run out and only once was he dismissed by a bowler. His contributions with Dan in the Semi Final and Final are not to be underestimated. Perhaps in 2012/13, I’ll have to slide myself further down the order. 55 Anyhow, back to the bowling. I think that Deva would agree that his first half of the season wasn’t fantastic and it was only towards the end of the season that he began to get that murderous angle and movement back into his bowling. Amongst his 8 finals wickets were two in the first over of the second day against the minor premiers, Sydney University, which ripped their heart out and swung the game in our favour. He was most certainly a great asset to our side Dave Millar Out for most of the first half of the season, I inherited a team that needed to perform consistently in the second half to retain our silverware. Having a bit of luck with the coin, the bowlers often had first chance to display their wares on some green pitches throughout a wet season. As such, I didn’t need to bat very often in 2011/12. Coming in down the order, there were a couple of not outs that helped the side out of some tight spots and then another score in the Semi Final. A lean performance with the ball, with only 8 wickets, but 14 catches and a handful of run outs led to enjoyment in the field. However, to be honest, it was an absolute pleasure to play with such a great bunch of guys. It was a privilege to be captain of a premiership winning side – going back-toback! Once again I would like to thank all of the players, – including those who played the odd game to help out – the officials and selectors, the supportive parents and the other players within this brilliant club. Your commitment, interest and involvement with the Colts made this season all the more memorable. UP GORDON, GET FAH YOU BAH! SIXTH GRADE – COLTS BATTING AVERAGES Player D. Millar D. Leiboff C. Kinghorne T. Van Zuylen A. Coleman M. Fonseka J. Leiboff I. Ahmed D. Nirthanakumaran A. Aarons Mtch 11 14 6 12 16 14 9 16 14 14 Inn 5 10 5 14 17 16 5 15 6 10 N.O. 3 3 0 3 2 3 1 2 4 2 56 H.S. 54* 100* 81 109* 118 54* 33 49 10* 27 Runs 152 314 212 326 430 365 82 229 18 69 Avge 76.00 44.86 42.40 29.64 28.67 28.08 20.50 17.62 9.00 8.63 ALSO BATTED Player R. Klemt J. Dedman P. Woodford B. Leighton T. Warragamba J. Partridge B. Armstrong S. Turki J. Hand D. Stickland D. Rathnayake Inn 2 2 3 2 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 N.O. 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Runs 216 103 61 51 45 40 35 30 27 27 25 Player B. Gray S. Mart T. Bangs H. Selby D. Thomson R. All church C. Jackson C. Edgar J. Ham Z. Middendorf L. Borg Inn 1 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 N.O. 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Runs 24 22 19 14 14 13 7 4 2 2 1 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player R. Klemt A. Coleman T. Van Zuylen D. Leiboff C. Kinghorne Scores 168* 118, 90 109*, 64 100*, 69 81, 57 Player J. Dedman P. Woodford D. Millar M. Fonseka B. Leighton Scores 80 55* 54* 54* 51* BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 5th 3rd 1st 1st 8th 8th 7th 4th 8th 1st 1st 4th 4th 2nd 9th 3rd 3rd 3rd Runs 146 * 119 105 104 97 * 97 84 78 74 73 * 70 61 60 59 59 58 57 53 Batsmen Reagan Klemt* - Benjamin Leighton* T. Van Zuylen* - C. Kinghorne T. Van Zuylen – A. Coleman* Mark Fonseka* - James Partridge David Leiboff* - Jason Leiboff* Carl Kinghorne - David Millar* David Leiboff* - Teshan Weragama Reagan Klemt* - Iqbal Ahmed Jason Leiboff - David Millar* M. Fonseka* - T. Van Zuylen* Mark Fonseka - Saahil Turki* James Dedman* - David Leiboff Andrew Coleman - Iqbal Ahmed* Carl Kinghorne* - Andrew Coleman David Leiboff - David Millar* Andrew Coleman - Reagan Klemt* Timothy Van Zuylen* - Reagan Klemt Andrew Coleman - Hugh Selby* Opponent Mosman Western Suburbs (QF) Western Suburbs Blacktown Parramatta Blacktown Parramatta Mosman Sydney University (SF) Randwick Petersham Green Balmain Inner Sydney Tigers Sydney University (SF) Parramatta UNSW UNSW Mosman Penrith Western Suburbs BOWLING AVERAGES Player D. Mongahan T. Bangs D. Stickland O 14 62 67.1 M 2 21 15 R 38 141 127 57 W 6 14 11 Aver 6.33 10.07 11.55 Best 3/8 4/7 4/11 R/O 2.71 2.27 1.89 A. Aarons I. Ahmed D. Nirthanakumaran D. Leiboff D. Millar J. Leiboff 97 162.1 141 148.4 76.5 39.3 13 25 30 35 18 3 284 568 386 372 196 165 21 38 20 19 8 5 13.52 14.95 19.30 19.58 24.50 33.00 4/12 6/57 3/11 3/34 3/23 1/11 A. Coleman J. Skilbeck R. Allchurch R. Klemt J. Hand C. Kinghorne M. Fonseka T. Van Zuylen L. Borg 1/5 1/12 1/17 1/28 1/28 0/3 0/10 0/10 0/32 ALSO BOWLED D. Rathnayake C. Edgar T. Weragama M. Falk H. Selby S. Kasthuriarachchi B. Leighton B. Armstrong P. Woodford M. Todd 4/41 2/8 2/9 2/17 2/35 2/36 2/50 2/110 1/0 1/4 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player I. Ahmed T. Bangs D. Stickland Figures 6/57, 5/32, 4/30 4/7, 4/15 4/11 Player A. Aarons D. Rathnayake Figures 4/12, 4/36 4/41 Player T. Van Zuylen J. Leiboff A. Aarons Catches 7 6 5 WICKET-KEEPING Player A. Coleman C. Kinghorne Catches 17 4 Stumpings 4 0 MOST CATCHES Player D. Millar B. Armstrong I. Ahmed Catches 14 12 11 58 2.93 3.50 2.74 2.50 2.55 4.18 POIDEVIN GRAY SHIELD REPORT Steve Colley In what was considered a disappointing season for a very talented Under 21 PG’s team there was a lot of promise shown throughout the season, in particular towards the end. With a welcome addition to a few new recruits Scott Heany, Max Newman, Logan Weston, Alex Jackson, and return of Chad Soper, a very strong team on paper was put together. The boys started slowly with the 20/20 format up first, winning none of the first three, which resulted in us already severely behind the eight ball in the competition. We didn’t really grasp the concept of 20/20 and looked forward to the 50 0ver format. In this format the team was a lot more successful winning the last three games in a row convincingly thus showing the potential that this very talented team possessed. We played as a team and were able to apply pressure right throughout the innings not letting the opposition get away from us in the field. This had been a problem in the twenty twenty’s and the first 50 over game against Parramatta. The batting group was led by Justin Avendano scoring 254 runs at an average of 64 and he was the reason for a lot of the team’s success in the back half of the season. The bowling group welcomed the return of Chad Soper who found some exceptional form throughout the season and crucial in the wins this team had, as a result he was able to work his way back into the First Grade team where he continued this success. Alex Jackson, the find of the season, solved our spinner problem by bowling accurately and consistently asking questions of the batsmen, he picked up key wickets and stopped the flow of runs. I am very excited for this team next season as they have an incredible amount of talent and started to click on and off the field as time progressed. POIDEVIN GRAY SHIELD BATTING AVERAGES Player J. Avendano H. Carmichael S. Colley K. Colley L. Weston J. Liddle D. Smith M. Newman C. Soper Mtch 5 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 Inn 5 5 6 6 6 3 5 3 4 N.O. 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 59 H.S. 126* 30 69 39 26* 29 22 6 3* Runs 254 112 171 131 88 42 54 16 11 Avge 63.50 37.33 28.50 21.83 17.60 14.00 10.80 8.00 5.50 ALSO BATTED Player T. Carruthers C. Bromwich Inn 2 1 N.O. 1 0 Runs 20 16 Player S. Heaney J. Kidd Inn 2 2 N.O. 2 0 Runs 2 0 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player J. Avendano Scores 126*, 85 Player S. Colley Scores 69 BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 3rd 1st 5th 2nd 3rd 2nd Runs 107 * 96 76 74 70 62 Batsmen J. Avendano* - L. Weston* Kris Colley - Steve Colley* Justin Avendano - Logan Weston* Steve Colley - Justin Avendano* Jordan Liddle - Justin Avendano* Kris Colley* - Henry Carmichael Opponent Sydney Bankstown Parramatta Sydney Parramatta Manly-Warringah BOWLING AVERAGES Player C. Soper J. Kidd D. Smith A. Jackson H. Carmichael O 44.4 16 47 40 38.2 M 4 1 5 3 2 R 239 88 223 163 201 W 14 5 9 5 6 Aver 17.07 17.60 24.78 32.60 33.50 Best 5/40 2/29 2/29 2/51 2/31 ALSO BOWLED S. Colley S. Heaney T. Carruthers 2/100 2/201 1/18 K. Colley J. Avendano 0/16 0/38 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player C. Soper Figures 5/40 Player Figures Player H. Carmichael Catches 4 WICKET-KEEPING Player M. Newman Catches 6 Stumpings 1 MOST CATCHES Player L. Weston Catches 4 60 R/O 5.35 5.50 4.74 4.08 5.24 A.W. GREEN SHIELD Derek Borg – Manager The season got off to an excellent start with coach Bruce Edgar returning, along with four players from the 2010/11 team – Chris Spratt, Connor Jackson, Jack Colley and captain, Lachlan Borg. With James Partridge and Saahil Turki also playing in their second year of Green Shield, expectations were high. We kicked off the season with a home game against Sydney and after they posted a respectable 9/204, we knew we wouldn’t have it all our own way. In this game, the attack unearthed a new leader, in underage tearaway Sean Campbell (3/19 off 9). James Partridge also signalled he was going to be a more than handy all round prospect at his new club, taking 2/24 off 10. In what was an extremely professional chase, the boys passed Sydney’s score, 7 wickets down, with nearly 5 overs to spare. Jack Colley (46), Connor Jackson (34) and Chris Spratt (31) all made valuable contributions. On to round two and another home game, this time against Mosman on a sticky wicket. Captain Borg maintained his perfect record, losing the toss and Mosman had no hesitation sending us in. The total of 145 off 47 overs (Borg 25, Turki 24, Jackson 22) was probably better than it looked, but Mosman were to have the better conditions to bat in. Another clinical performance in the field, led by wicket keeper Max Papworth, saw us roll Mosman for just 92 in 43 overs (Campbell 2/12 off 10, Will Calov 2/17 off 6 and Lachlan Mactier 2/10 off 6). Round 3 and we had to travel – to Fairfield-Liverpool, with conditions making any play at all look doubtful. We were fortunate that Rosedale Oval has such incredible drainage and managed to get a 36 over per side game in, when many were washed out. Borg finally called correctly and put Fairfield-Liverpool into bat, on what was an incredibly good wicket given all the rain that was about. Fairfield-Liverpool batted rather circumspectly, getting to 8/139 off their allotment. The outfield was slow, and the boundaries long though, so we had a fight on our hands. Campbell again led the way with 3 wickets and was ably supported by Rohan Siva, Partridge and Mactier who took 1 each. A couple of critical run-outs (Colley and Partridge) were also important. Connor Jackson was amongst the runs, but not the kind which were going to help us secure a win, and had to sit out the batting innings. Some excellent bowling from FairfieldLiverpool made the chase extremely uncomfortable, with none of our bats looking comfortable until Harry Middlebrook (26) and Max Papworth (10) combined to put the pressure back on the opposition with some aggressive running and intelligent hitting. Unfortunately, we fell 8 runs short of the target, 8 wickets down. Our first loss of the season, but we were far from disgraced. Off to Bankstown next round, where rain threatened again. The skipper pulled up lame before the match and was unable to bowl, but Campbell, Middlebrook and Calov all stood up, taking 3 wickets each and dismissing Bankstown for 149 off 50 overs. Connor Jackson was promoted to open the batting, reunited with his partner at the top of the order from last season, Chris Spratt, and they were in a hurry to get home. The opening partnership of 122 (Jackson 53 not out off 72 and Spratt 76 off 65) ensured we passed Bankstown in the 26th over, just one wicket down - an excellent tonic for the loss against Fairfield! 61 Back home to Killara against UNSW, who were undefeated at that stage and looking the goods. We won the toss and elected to have a bat. Excellent partnerships of 61 between Colley (54) and Borg (100) and 98 between Papworth (35) and Borg, took us to a competitive total of 8/248 off our 60 overs. UNSW came out and showed their quality, by putting on a 100 run opening stand at about 5 an over, and we were in trouble. Middlebrook finally got the breakthrough after the tea break, but we were still under the pump. Under doctor’s instructions not to bowl, and weary from his excellent innings, the skipper decided it was time to bring himself on. In a spell that turned the match, he took 3/12 off 6 overs, including the prize wicket of UNSW captain Tom Jagot. UNSW panicked and went from 3/170 to all out for 231 on the 57th over. Middlebrook (2), Partridge, Calov and Siva all took pressure wickets, ably supported by some brilliant and committed fielding. This was one to remember and the song was finally sung with gusto! Fronting up two days later against Manly, was always going to be tough, physically and emotionally and Manly’s results to date belied their true ability. We won the toss and batted, but only managed 175 on a good track (Partridge 49, Spratt 39, Papworth 23). Despite some tight bowling (Middlebrook 2/28, Borg 1/24 and Campbell 1/26), the total was never going to be enough, and Manly passed us 4 down in the 51st over. The injury toll mounted in this game, with Middlebrook and Campbell also feeling the effects of gruelling cricket schedules. The final round promised much and delivered.........and some! We ventured to Parramatta, with both sides needing a win to advance to the qualifying finals. Parramatta won the toss and batted on an absolute belter. With Borg unable to bowl, and Campbell only bowling 1 over before succumbing to injury, it had the potential to be a long day. Harry Middlebrook again stepped up, despite carrying shin splints, leading the attack with 4/31 and was ably supported by Will Calov who took 2/37. Our bowling depth was truly tested, 9 players taking their turn to have a crack, and Parramatta’s innings was mercifully closed at 8/268. The first two wickets combined for partnerships of 76 and 72 respectively, to put us in the game. Spratt (49), Jackson (54) and Colley (41) all batted well, but we still had a lot of work to do and we continued to lose wickets at regular intervals. Until the man they call the closer, Max Papworth strode to the crease. Max’s 23 not out was as good an innings as you will see to chase down a score, guiding Gordon to victory with the tail, 9 wickets down, on the final ball of the day and catapulting us into the finals in 5th place. UNSW again, this time at Village Green. The day got off to an excellent start, winning the toss and Will Calov tearing through UNSW’s top order. Unfortunately, exhausted and injured, we let UNSW out of jail, allowing them to go from 8/138 to all out 233 off their 60 overs. All the bowlers toiled manfully, 4 wickets to Calov and 3 to Partridge the highlights. It was more than we had hoped to chase, but we were still in it. However, regular wickets again hurt us and we finished up all out for 168 (Borg 32, Jordan Farrell 30, Siva 20 not out). This signalled the end of a fine season, with lots of highlights and a team that built a reputation in the Green Shield competition as one that played good, tough cricket, while always upholding the traditions and spirit of the game - a fact commented on by several opposition team officials. Huge thanks go out to coach Bruce Edgar, who once again, captured the imagination and respect of the players. His knowledge of the game and commitment to play in the right 62 spirit, are second to none, and that shone through clearly in the way the boys carried themselves. Corbin Edgar’s experience and cricket knowledge added yet another string to Bruce’s coaching bow this season and the boys loved having him around. To the Gordon committee members in Michael Falk, Andy Falk, Paul Stephenson and Tony Wilson, thank you so much for all your support. You are the heart and soul of a great club. A. W. GREEN SHIELD BATTING AVERAGES Player L. Borg C. Spratt C. Jackson J. Colley R. Siva M. Papworth S. Turki J. Farrell J. Partridge H. Middlebrook S. Campbell Mtch 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 5 8 7 8 Inn 7 8 7 8 4 6 7 4 7 6 7 N.O. 2 Runs 4 N.O. 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 H.S. 100 76 54 54 20* 35 30 30 49 26 21 Runs 224 243 181 197 53 115 116 68 103 49 49 Avge 32.00 30.38 30.17 28.14 26.50 23.00 19.33 17.00 14.71 12.25 8.17 ALSO BATTED Player W. Calov Inn 2 Player L. Mactier Inn 2 N.O. 1 BEST BATTING PERFORMANCES Player L. Borg C. Spratt Scores 100 76 Player J. Colley C. Jackson Scores 54 54, 53* BEST PARTNERSHIPS Wkt 1st 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd Runs 122 98 76 72 61 58 Batsmen Connor Jackson* - Chris Spratt Lachlan Borg* - Max Papworth Chris Spratt - Connor Jackson* Connor Jackson* - Jack Colley Jack Colley - Lachlan Borg* Saahil Turki - Jack Colley* 63 Opponent Bankstown UNSW Parramatta Parramatta UNSW Sydney Runs 3 BOWLING AVERAGES Player S. Campbell H. Middlebrook L. Borg W. Calov J. Partridge L. Mactier R. Siva O 64 57 51 58.1 55 42.1 54 M 17 6 7 8 10 4 11 R 151 197 128 232 197 170 198 W 13 11 7 12 8 4 4 Aver 11.62 17.91 18.29 19.33 24.63 42.50 49.50 Best 3/19 4/31 3/12 4/56 3/50 2/10 1/20 ALSO BOWLED J. Farrell S. Turki C. Jackson 2/55 0/14 0/20 C. Spratt J. Colley 0/30 0/33 Player W. Calov Figures 4/56 Player R. Siva Catches 6 BEST BOWLING PERFORMANCES Player H. Middlebrook Figures 4/31 WICKET-KEEPING Player M. Papworth Catches 13 Stumpings 1 MOST CATCHES Player C. Spratt Catches 7 64 R/O 2.36 3.46 2.51 3.99 3.58 4.03 3.67 GORDON DISTRICT JUNIOR CRICKET CLUB _____________________________________________________ Steve Bibb-Convenor It was another very successful and rewarding season for all players as the Gordon Junior Cricket Club underwent many changes and introduced some exciting initiatives. Success came in many forms this season. In terms of pure results, there were two championship winning Gordon Junior teams. The U16/17 Reds completed a successful season in which they dominated the opposition by winning the competition. The U14/15 Blacks also powered to victory to cap another very strong season. Considering we do not grade players, this is a great achievement for Gordon Juniors. The other successes came off the field with many new and exciting initiatives put in place to unite the club, encourage player numbers and ensure everyone has fun learning and playing cricket for Gordon Juniors. These changes will lay the foundations for the club into the future. Our inaugural Back to Cricket Day launched the season. Hundreds of players, managers, coaches and parents attended to collect shirts, caps and kits at Beauchamp Oval at Chatswood. Impromptu games of cricket broke out and everyone enjoyed a sausage sizzle. This was the club coming together for the first time to mark an encouraging start to the season. Thanks to Kingsgrove Sports, we also gave away a $150 gift voucher and 20 $10 gift voucher to lucky players. This season also saw our kits upgraded for the first time in a number of years. Teams were given extra training equipment including baseball mitts and target stumps. Gordon Juniors also launched a club song thanks to the musical skills of our in2cricket co-ordinator, Mark Ham. Set to Waltzing Matilda the words contain a simple message: We play for Gordon We play for Gordon We play for fun under Australia's southern sun Every ball, every run We'll do our best 'til we are done We play for Gordon And we play for fun! The song and details are on the Gordon Juniors website. Another major step forward this season came with the outstanding website. Many teams made the most of the site posting match reports and photos making Gordon Juniors by far the best website in the NSJCA competition. Each week, an Around the Grounds report brought players up to date on the achievements of all Gordon Junior teams. Other general news and information can also be found on the site. Our thanks must go to David Millar and the Senior club for their hard work and to Estelle Conoplia for taking the role of dedicated webmaster. 65 Registrations were also online for the first time as we took a major step forward into the digital age. Improving the standard of our parent coaches is one of our major goals. We are lucky to have the dedicated Mark Ham working with our coaches and other keen parents. This season we ran a Coach the Coaches session where Mark took coaches through drills to use with their teams. Next season we will increase the level of training and support to our coaches. The Senior club, thanks to Ed Howitt, provided extra coaching for our teams. The coaching emphasis is on the younger groups as we look to build the Junior Club from the U9s up. Our enormous thanks go to James Kennedy, who coached the U9 Blues, and Cam Eccles, who coached the U9 Whites as well as helping other Junior teams. Harry Evans also helped out. The players and parents are extremely grateful for the support. With such rich resources on hand, we will continue to push ahead with this extra coaching next season. This season there were 14 Gordon Junior teams - down on a high of 18 teams last season. With numbers expected to fall away in the older age groups, the committee decided to rebuild from the younger age groups at the start of the season. A targeted recruitment drive paid dividends and we saw the number of Under 9 teams jump from one last season to four excellent teams this season. It’s hoped this big increase will be repeated again next season setting the club on a long path of sustained growth in player numbers. The season ended on a fantastic high with the introduction of a revamped Presentation Day. More than 350 players, siblings and parents turned up for a big afternoon of fun, presentation and prizes. Mark Ham and parents ran catching and longest hit competitions while our friends at Chatswood Junior Rugby put on the sausage sizzle. A bat signed by all 22 member of the NSW cricket team was raffled and won in the sunshine. The highlight was the announcement of the winners of the two major awards. We’re very pleased to say the Mall Hall Award for player of the season went to Ben Dowling from the Under 10 Reds. Ben scored 170 runs – with seven retired not out - to finish third on the aggregate for the Under 10 competition. The Clyde Coltman Award for outstanding achievement went to Jason Manoharan, from Under 14 Blue, who averaged 137 with the bat and passed 1,000 runs and 50 wickets as a Gordon Junior. Another major initiative this season was to recognise players who have played 50 and 100 games for Gordon Juniors. An on-line Honour Board lists these players. The following players received a special plaque at Presentation Day for passing 100 games for Gordon Juniors: Harrison Black Nick Avramides Daniel Annakin Tim Herbert James Suttor Matt Forti Dylan Santone Alexander Gan 66 Alexander Irvine Tom Richards Aidan Casey Mitch O’Donnell Thanks to the Senior club including Jim Cattlin, Andy Falk, Ian Packman, Ed Howitt and Paul Stephenson for all their support of the Junior Club. Finally, the following people should be recognised for the behind the scenes work on the Junior committee: Bryan Dean – Assistant Convener Mark Ham – in2Cricket co-ordinator and coach Scott Hinton – NSJCA representative Andrew Chitty – training ground co-ordinator Pip Oxenham – clothing co-ordinator Raj Prasad, Judy Cotton and Andrew Dainton – registrars We look forward to another bumper season in 2012/13. Premiership teams U14/15 Black Team Premiers – names L to R (12) Max Purcell, Matt Dainton, Mitch O’Donnell, Harry Wallace, Harry Purcell, Jake Veale, Max Thomas, James Suttor, Dylan Santone, Tom Leaver, Nick Taylor, Dan Clarke, (absent - Tim Webber) 67 U 16/17 Red Champions – names L to R (13) Murray Black (Manager), Matt Varjavandi (Captain), Harrison Black, Matt Lording, Will Calov, Nick Avramedies, Tim Herbert, Daniel Anakin, David Sheldon, Jono Hain, Ryan Ludowyke, Matt Forti, Gus Verhoeven, Frank Denyer In2Cricket ___________________________________________________Mark Ham, Co-ordinator Gordon in2Cricket had a successful and resurgent 2011-12 season with numbers up an enormous 150% on last year. This took our participant numbers to 75 in total, so it was all hands on deck to make the program work. Thanks to the enthusiastic and dedicated team of coaches and parents, we were able to provide a wonderful first cricketing experience for players and families. These future Gordon representatives, coaches and parents worked together to produce a fun, safe and educational environment. Like all good innings, it was vital that the reinvigorated program got off to a solid start. This was provided by both the Junior, Women’s and Senior Club’s enthusiasm for the program. With this synergy in place it was up to us to get the runs on the board. The Juniors website provided an user friendly way to recruit and enroll kids into the program. Credit must go to Dave Millar for his patience and professionalism in his role. His worth cannot be underestimated and I personally thank him for not treating me like the techno-idiot that I truly am. Steve Bibb and the Junior committee provided the framework and ethos on which to build the culture of the program. Pinnacle amongst these ideals, was the fact that cricket 68 is about enjoyment first, with a main goal to instill a lifelong love of cricket for players and their families. Other ‘physical’ changes included the recording of the Juniors club song “We Play For Gordon And We Play For Fun” Set to the tune of Waltzing Matilda, complete with backing from The Royal Australian Navy Band. The in2Cricket kids and parents would sing this at the end of each session with great gusto. It is a great way to end each session on a high and re-enforce that cricket is all about fun with your mates! In purely numbers terms our breakdown of participants was as follows 7 x 4 year olds 20 x 5 year olds 32 x 6 year olds 15 x 7 year olds 1 x 9 year old Of these numbers teams were broken down into 8 teams with a maximum of 10 in each team. Teams were grouped in like ages and schools where possible. Most pleasing was the ‘bottom line’ of 75 players from a massive 27 schools and kindergartens within the area. Whilst referring to teams, another innovation was the naming of the teams after Gordon and NSW current and past stars. The Gordon connection was made through teams Emery, Nicholson and Packman. NSW teams were Clarke, Watson, Warner, Lee and Haddin. The naming of the teams this way is another way to instill in the kids that there is a pathway for their cricketing dreams and that Gordon will be a big part of it if they wish. I would like to acknowledge the assistance of Brent Adams from Cricket NSW who assisted with recruiting and targeting local schools on our behalf. Gordon Juniors also assisted in a strong recruiting campaign. In terms of this year’s numbers, it bodes well for recruiting for both the junior club and the In2cricket program in 12-13. Projected numbers for in2Cricket in season 2012-13 are 120. With an increase in support from Cricket NSW and targeting our pool of 27 schools, this number should be achieved. One aspect of the program that will be addressed was the lack of girls participating. Cricket NSW has been very strong in supporting girls in cricket and we will be spending more time and resources on increasing the interest of local girls in our sport. This point provides a great segue for the two marvelous Gordon Women’s Club members who were my senior coaches every weekend - Kirsten Levy and Felicity Trinh. Through Jessica Henry’s encouragement and organizational skills, she was able to secure Felicity and Kirsten’s services on a weekly basis. Jess also attended the first week to help out and we cannot thank her, and the Women’s Club enough for the support given. 69 Despite the fact that Kirsten and Felicity had their own Women’s grade matches to attend on Saturdays, they were always available. Not only were they reliable and punctual, both ladies showed exceptional coaching and leadership skills throughout the entire season. The girls were ably supported by a group of equally talented instructors from the Gordon Junior Club - Alex and Cecilia Gan, Luke and Jim Ham. All these young players gave up a sleep-in to help the kid’s be there best every week. The program could not have worked without their input. It would be remiss of me not to public thanks and acknowledge the fine work of the previous coordinator Michael Berman for his experience and passion over many years. Fortunately Michael was on hand to assist me with advice and tips that were invaluable to me in my maiden season in the in2Cricket cauldron. Gordon Senior club, through did try to assist with players. One first year Gordon player, Michael Perry, did assist a couple of times but the pressure of getting to grade matches makes using players from the senior club nearly impossible. Most pleasing on the coaching side was the fantastic parents that stepped in to coach the kids. These parents were nothing short of amazing! Without their direct input the program would not have worked and we, as a club, must, and do thank them wholeheartedly. Furthermore, these enthusiastic parents will form the core of our future Junior Coaches, ensuring the Junior club not only recruits good players but great coaches too. With this in mind, I have instigated a subsidy program to assist coaches attain their Level 1 coaching qualifications. Those who have flagged their interest will attend courses over the off season. In closing, the future for the program looks bright. It is my intention to focus on key recruiting areas - girls and the local Asian community - for the season 2012-13 season. I plan too to widen the base of Junior Coaches used over the course of the season. Finally I would like to thank the GDCC committee for having the faith in me to run the program and providing the support when and where needed. Most importantly I would like to acknowledge Steve Bibb for his outstanding support and leadership of the Junior Club. By providing a strong link and sense of ‘belonging’ to our club at such a young age will make the Gordon Club a force to be reckoned with for many, many seasons. 70 G.D.C.C. PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1976/77 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1980/81 1981/82 1982/83 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 PREVIOUS WINNERS Marshall Rosen 1994/95 David Fenton 1995/96 Allan Poole 1996/97 Graham King 1997/98 David Bennett 1998/99 Andrew Hunter 1999/00 Rowan McGregor 2000/01 Martin Reynolds 2001/02 Peter Murphy 2002/03 Simon Rorke 2003/04 Phil Emery 2004/05 Phil Emery 2005/06 Andrew Martyr 2006/07 Glenn Hendricks 2007/08 Steve Milne 2008/09 Luke Mason 2009/10 Mal Hall 2010/11 Matt Kelly 2011/12 Ross Toohey Kurt Morrison Ed Howitt Jnr Rhys Soper James Packman Rob Radley Ed Zelma Matt Michael Chris Fryar Shayne Lin James Packman Ed Zelma Craig Simmons Brendan McDonald Matthew Nicholson Nick Dowsley Ed Howitt Jnr Matthew Todd PLAYER OF THE YEAR POINTS TOP SIX 2011/2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Matt Todd Ed Howitt Ben Garratt Adam Cubbage Harry Evans Iqbal Ahmed Matt Todd, Player of the Year 2011/12 71 1158 1122 1079 921 911 869 PRESENTATIONS 2011-12 SEASON Award Description Winner/Player Victor Trumper Player of the Year Matthew Todd Charles Macartney 1st Grade Performances Harry Evans W.A. “Bert” Oldfield Lower Grade Performances David Monaghan Dick Guy Under 21 Performances Jordan Liddle Phil Emery Green Shield Performances Lachlan Borg Clyde Coltman Junior Performances Jason Manoharan (U14 Blue) Mal Hall Junior Cricketer of the Year Ben Dowling (U10 Red) Brian Taber All Round Performances Max Newman Charles Harris Clubman of the Year David Leiboff Special Awards Club Record – 5th Grade Most Wickets (59) and Bowling Average 8.22 Matthew Todd 500 Wickets All Grades – 527 Ed Howitt 1st Grade 4th wicket Partnership Record 213 – Reece Bombas (143*) & Harry Evans (124) 5th Grade 10th wicket Partnership Record 80 – David Monaghan (79) & Matthew Todd (40*) Hat trick – 2nd Grade Hat trick – 4th Grade Ben Garratt James Kidd 5 catches in 1 innings - 1st Grade James Packman Batting Award (600 runs 1st Grade, 500 runs lower grades) 664 – 1st grade 568 – 2nd Grade 564 – 2nd/3rd Grades 545 – 5th Grade 519 – 2nd Grade Harry Evans Blair Lindsay Brett Rosen Max Newman Jordan Liddle Bowling Award (40 wickets 1st Grade, 35 wickets lower grades) 38 wickets – 3rd grade 38 wickets – 6th Grade Ed Howitt Iqbal Ahmed 72 APPRECIATIONS To our major Sponsors – Peter Horwitz (the Horwitz Group), Hickman & Ritchard, Mortgageport, The Orchard Tavern, Riboni Constructions and Business Online Matters (BOM). To our other Sponsors – Century 21 Cordeaux Marshall, Activate Cricket Centre, Echo Hill Wines, Hardware & Systems Sales Pty Limited, Drakco Insurance Brokers Pty. Ltd., APC Logistics Pty. Ltd, Elliot House, PropertyLink Pty. Ltd., Hunt & Hunt Lawyers, QC Communications, ProActive Image and Trendsetter Travel & Cruise Centre. To the Councillors and Officers of the Willoughby City Council and the Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council for their cooperation and assistance during the season. To our Honorary Auditor, Peter Cronin To Graham King for providing the Career Statistics in this report and for his continuing work on the Club history. To the Managers and Coaches of the Gordon Junior Teams. To David Gilbert, Ian Field, Roy Formica and the staff of Cricket N.S.W. To Richard Cook and the Management Committee of the Sydney Cricket Association. To Paul Stephenson, David Millar and Tom Cockburn for continuing to develop, update and operate the Club’s world-renowned website. To our First Grade Manager, Mike Beverley. To our Second Grade Scorer, Dick Huey. To the Third Grade Scorer and Manager, Ed Howitt (Snr). To all those who helped with afternoon teas throughout the season including the Packman’s, the Beverley’s, the Roughley’s, the Poole’s, Sally Sweeney, Kerrie Lewis & Agnes Smith To Club Coach Ed Howitt Jnr, with assistance from Michael Falk, Batting Coaches Mark O’Neill, Bruce Edgar To Sam Buono and Ed Howitt (Snr) for their work as Practice Coordinators. To the Green Shield Coach, Bruce Edgar and Manager Derek Borg To the Poidevin Gray Manager Iain Beverley. To the groundsmen – Glenn Paull (Chatswood Oval), Matt Kong (Beauchamp Park) and Tim Pittilo (Killara Park.) To all those who have contributed to this report. 73 DONORS Mike Beverley Sam Buono Bryan Dawson John Dedman Mrs. Marjorie Evans Ernie Ferris AM JP Bill Havercroft Geoff Hickman Michael Kennedy Keith McDonald Don McMillan Peter Rowley Bates SPONSORS Peter Horwitz (The Horwitz Group) Hickman & Ritchard Financial Services Riboni Constructions Pty Limited Mortgageport The Orchard Tavern Hardware & Systems Sales Pty Limited Activate Cricket Centre Business Online Matters (BOM) ProActive Image Century 21 Cordeau Marshall Advanced Community Management EchoHill Wines APC Logistics Pty. Ltd. Drakco Insurance Brokers Pty. Ltd. Elliot House PropertyLink Hunt & Hunt Lawyers QC Communications Trendsetter Travel & Cruise Centre CAPITAL GRANTS Cricket NSW Cricket Australia Australian Sports Foundation 74 Geoff Schwartzkoff Alan Templeman Wen Trading – Karl Wentzel Tony Wilson CONGRATULATIONS To the following Clubs for their Premiership honours in 2011/2012 :- GRADE COMPETITION Club Championship 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 1st Grade Limited Overs Competition 1st Grade 20/20 Comp. Poidevin-Gray Shield A.W. Green Shield Manly-Warringah District CC Sydney University CC Sydney University CC Sutherland CC Sutherland CC Randwick Petersham CC Randwick Petersham CC Sutherland CC St George CC SHIRES COMPETITION Club Championship 1st Grade Shires 2nd Grade Shires 3rd Grade Shires 4th Grade Shires Frank Gray Shield Strathfield CC Lane Cove CC Warringah CC Burwood Briars CC Lane Cove CC Warringah CC WOMEN'S COMPETITION Club Championship 1st Grade LO 1st Grade T20 2nd Grade LO 2nd Grade T20 3rd Grade LO 3rd Grade T20 Brewer Shield LO Brewer Shield LO St George-Sutherland CC Bankstown Sports CC Bankstown Sports CC/Universities CC St George-Sutherland CC St G-Suth/Camp’town-Camden CC St George-Sutherland CC St George-Sutherland CC Penrith CC Penrith CC/Sydney CC 75 CAREER RECORDS OF CURRENT GRADE PLAYERS BATTING (Minimum of 1,000 Runs in All Grades) (Inc L/O & 20/20 Stats) FIRST GRADE No. of Seasons Comp Played Inns Iqbal Ahmed Justin Avendano Iain Beverley Reece Bombas Steve Colley Adam Cubbage Nick Dowsley Cameron Eccles Harry Evans Ben Garratt Ian Higgins Ed Howitt Mitchell Kleem Greg Lewis Jordan Liddle Shayne Lin Blair Lindsay Damon Livermore James Packman Brett Rosen Dan Richtor Elliot Richtor Anthony Shermam Julian Stephenson Tjaard Tait Matt Todd Harry Turner 13 5 5 8 6 7 7 5 6 9 8 22 10 2 4 9 5 18 16 13 9 7 18 9 4 16 5 ALL GRADES 1 72 87 55 51 38 24 28 33 21 97 210 34 22 47 42 47 - 76 Runs Avge Comp Inns Runs Avge 2 1465 2285 1270 1215 1236 444 536 1024 351 2309 6152 565 352 702 505 530 - 2.00 20.35 26.26 23.09 23.82 32.53 18.50 19.14 31.03 16.71 23.80 29.30 16.62 16.00 14.94 12.02 11.28 - 122 71 72 132 98 65 70 80 81 136 96 235 158 33 55 98 85 266 264 165 84 87 251 74 47 152 53 2374 1637 1465 3701 2815 1453 2124 2437 2760 3912 2343 5719 4634 1024 1410 2384 2349 8031 7755 3787 1728 2752 6350 1044 1316 1701 1527 19.46 23.06 20.38 28.04 28.72 22.35 30.34 30.46 34.07 28.76 24.41 24.34 29.33 31.03 25.64 24.33 27.64 30.19 29.38 22.95 20.57 31.63 25.30 14.11 28.00 11.19 28.81 CAREER RECORDS OF CURRENT METROPOLITAN CUP PLAYERS BATTING (Minimum of 1,000 Runs in Grade & Metro Cup) GRADE TEAMS Iqbal Ahmed Andrew Coleman Mark Fonseka David Millar Hugh Selby GRADE & METRO CUP TEAMS No. of Seasons Played Inns Runs Avge Inns Runs Avge 13 3 4 9 10 122 30 28 28 53 2374 620 608 702 902 19.46 20.67 21.71 25.07 17.02 135 45 47 52 78 2603 1050 1168 1470 1482 19.28 23.33 24.85 28.27 19.00 CAREER RECORDS OF CURRENT GRADE PLAYERS (Cont’d) BOWLING (MINIMUM OF 58 WICKETS IN ALL GRADES) (INC L/O &20/20 STATS) FIRST GRADE Number of Seasons Played Justin Avendano Charlie Bangs James Campbell Adam Cubbage Adair Durie Patrick Effeney Ben Garratt Ed Howitt James Kennedy Elliot Richtor Anthony Sherman Chad Soper Julian Stephenson Will Sweeney Tjaard Tait Matt Todd 5 4 6 7 8 5 9 22 8 7 18 4 9 10 4 16 ALL GRADES Wickets Runs Avge Wkts Runs Avge 11 31 10 35 87 30 0 28 96 88 440 877 471 1357 2278 976 6 632 2995 2935 40.00 28.29 47.10 38.77 26.18 32.53 84 90 168 121 256 120 64 527 162 78 95 80 193 146 58 432 1783 1652 2977 3082 5032 2161 1234 11815 4051 2376 2046 2185 4913 3627 1249 10404 22.33 18.36 17.72 25.47 19.66 18.01 19.28 22.42 25.01 30.46 21.54 27.31 25.46 24.84 21.53 24.08 77 22.57 31.20 33.35 CAREER RECORDS OF CURRENT METROPOLITAN CUP PLAYERS (Cont’d) BOWLING (MINIMUM OF 60 WICKETS IN GRADE & METRO CUP) FIRST GRADE Number of Seasons Played Iqbal Ahmed David Millar Deva Nirthanakumarara 13 9 3 GRADE & METRO CUP TEAMS Wickets Runs Avge Wkts Runs Avge 174 43 42 4953 1056 785 28.47 24.56 18.69 212 113 62 5521 2152 1171 26.04 19.04 18.89 78 CLUB RECORDS Aggregate and Average Records for a Season (Minimum of 300 runs and 30 wickets) FIRST GRADE Batting: Batting: Bowling: Bowling: Aggregate: Average: Most Wickets: Average: C. Simmons C.J. Tozer (491) R. Guy C. Kelleway (41) 958 122.75 71 9.65 2007-08 1920-21 1967-68 1927-28 734 107.00 125 7.63 2010-11 2006-07 1942-43 1942-43 774 90.00 78 5.97 2006-07 1990-91 1922-23 1946-47 645 70.50 85 7.18 1974-75 1974-75 1957-58 1959-60 663 88.00 59 8.22 1970-71 1969-70 2011-12 2011-12 SECOND GRADE Batting: Batting: Bowling: Bowling: Aggregate: Average: Most Wickets: Average: C. Eccles B. Rasool (535) J. Prowse J. Prowse (125) THIRD GRADE Batting: Batting: Bowling: Bowling: Aggregate: Average: Most Wickets: Average: M. Kelly R. Radley (360) R. Ellsmore K. Ryan (33) FOURTH GRADE Batting: Batting: Bowling: Bowling: Aggregate: Average: Most Wickets: Average: W. Dellow W. Quigley (423) C. Alderdice G. Elkan (55) FIFTH GRADE Batting: Batting: Bowling: Bowling: Aggregate: Average: Most Wickets: Average: J. Shattock S. Blockley (352) M. Todd M. Todd (59) 79 CLUB AGGREGATE RECORDS Completed Career Innings BATTING – FIRST GRADE – over 3,000 runs 1. S.J. Carroll 1939-66 320 2. C.G. Macartney 1905-34 166 3. J. Potter 1936-60 229 4. J. Packman 1996-12 210 5. M. Rosen 1965-80 157 6. F. Fordham 1925-45 181 7. M. Cant 1987-97 154 8. W.A. Murray 1963-77 164 9. P. Emery 1982-99 153 10. H.B. Taber 1956-78 162 11. K.Morrison 1993-04 178 12. R. Boyce 1913-36 116 13. Brian Thompson 1958-76 152 14. C.E. Kelleway 1922-34 75 15. M. Falk 1972-86 150 16. J.G. Lush 1940-49 98 Completed Career Innings BATTING – ALL GRADES – over 5,000 runs 1. R.E. Lowing 1940-82 407 2. S.J. Carroll 1939-67 327 3. B.C. Sheidow 1932-67 314 4. D. Livermore 1992-12 266 5. C.G. Macartney 1905-34 166 6. F. Fordham 1922-45 256 7. J. Packman 1996-12 264 8. J. Potter 1934-61 274 9. C. Ashton 1943-73 333 10. S.C. Trumper 1909-43 277 11. M. Rosen 1960-80 194 12. C. Berenger 1975-01 292 13. H. Watts 1914-43 265 14. A. Sherman 1993-12 250 15. J. Quigley 1941-68 231 16. M. Cant 1987-02 179 17. J.B. Shea 1932-52 251 18. J.C. Morrison 1949-70 265 19. Brian Thompson 1957-77 249 20. E. Howitt 1989-12 235 21. G.B.V. King 1949-82 342 22. M. Falk 1969-10 240 23. M. Kelly 1989-11 175 24. W.A. Murray 1963-89 206 25. J. Baker 1956-81 261 26. H. Crow 1941-61 262 80 Runs Average 11,314 7,984 6,211 6,152 5,662 5,528 5,284 4,715 4,684 4,137 3,646 3,502 3,452 3,441 3,242 3,119 35.36 48.10 27.12 29.30 36.06 30.54 34.31 28.75 30.61 25.54 20.48 30.19 22.71 45.88 21.61 31.83 Runs Average 12,681 11,686 8,387 8,031 7,984 7,833 7,755 7,362 7,323 6,943 6,754 6,747 6,629 6,350 6,394 6,208 5,896 5,800 5,784 5,719 5,645 5,489 5,452 5,443 5,387 5,344 31.16 35.74 26.71 30.19 48.10 30.60 29.38 26.87 21.99 25.06 34.81 23.11 25.02 25.30 27.68 34.68 23.49 21.89 23.23 24.34 16.51 22.87 31.15 26.42 20.64 20.40 27. K.D. McDonald 1950-67 208 BOWLING - FIRST GRADE - over 200 wickets Career Wickets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. R. Guy C.G. Macartney R. Giddey J.N. Campbell R. Stobo P. Antman B. Shortland L.C. Hynes D. Connell K.Morrison Barry Thompson J. Todd M.J. Nicholson B. Bell Percy Dive Wally Wilson C.E. Kelleway 1957-75 1905-34 1946-60 1925-38 1983-94 1973-85 1906-20 1934-46 2000-11 1992-04 1966-76 1968-78 1992-09 1950-63 1915-25 1932-48 1922-34 742 569 452 400 385 347 325 300 294 275 265 252 228 227 224 223 220 BOWLING - ALL GRADES -over 300 wickets Career Wickets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. G.B.V. King J. Prowse R. Guy C. Alderdice A. Poole C.G. Macartney R.M. Stobo C. Ashton P.G. Bovey E. Howitt R. Giddey A. McElroy M. Todd J.N. Campbell G. Elkan P. Antman A. Walsh K.Morrison L.C. Hynes D. Connell A. Wilson C. McMurray B. Shortland P. Murphy G. Hickman W. Hendricks 1949-82 1926-51 1953-76 1940-73 1969-91 1905-34 1981-10 1943-73 1955-77 1989-12 1946-60 1971-86 1992-12 1924-38 1957-77 1972-85 1964-80 1989-04 1929-46 2000-11 1961-74 1968-77 1906-20 1981-97 1981-96 1981-99 1,121 1,105 955 872 575 569 566 535 530 527 469 452 432 415 402 397 389 375 370 360 347 336 335 321 320 319 81 5,000 24.04 Runs Average 12,364 8,266 9,451 8,516 8,217 7,297 7,318 5,602 7,274 8,185 5,700 5,793 4,009 5,032 4,478 4,300 4,151 16.66 14.53 20.91 21.29 21.34 21.03 22.52 18.67 24.74 29.76 21.51 22.99 17.58 22.17 19.99 19.28 18.87 Runs Average 16,222 14,726 15,796 13,051 10,526 8,266 11,260 8,606 7,598 11,815 9,690 7,521 10,404 8,835 5,792 8,188 6,350 10,647 7,014 8,870 7,235 4,876 7,517 6,208 7,233 6,091 14.46 13.33 16.54 14.97 18.31 14.53 19.89 16.09 14.34 22.42 20.66 16.64 24.08 21.29 14.41 20.62 16.32 28.39 18.96 24.64 20.85 14.51 22.44 19.34 22.60 19.09 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. B. Eastment Barry Thompson R. Ellsmore Syd Smith J. Todd G. Schwartzkoff S. Kavanagh 1948-64 1961-76 1911-27 1916-26 1968-79 1955-77 1970-93 315 315 310 307 302 301 300 5,884 6,683 4,790 3,861 6,688 6,195 5,401 18.68 21.22 15.45 12.58 22.15 20.58 18.00 PARTNERSHIP RECORDS PARTNERSHIPS OVER 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Runs Wicket Grade Season 326* 284 279 273* 268 263 263* 261 259 256 253 244 244 243 239 236 235* 231 230 227 226 224 220 218* 218 217* 216 213 208 206* 206 204 204 204 203 203 202 3rd 2nd 3rd 6th 3rd 1st 2nd 1st 1st 5th 1st 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st 4th 4th 3rd 3rd 1st 4th 3rd 5th 7th 5th 7th 3rd 4th 4th 3rd 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th 8th 2nd 1st 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 3 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 1986-87 2009-10 1934-35 1989-90 1998-99 1921-22 1990-91 1973-74 1962-63 2000-01 1945-46 1977-78 2006-07 1925-26 1976-77 2010-11 2005-06 2001-02 2003-04 2006-07 2005-06 1935-36 1922-23 1919-20 1925-26 2003-04 1986-87 2011-12 2008-09 2006-07 1948-49 1920-21 1929-30 2010-11 1913-14 1964-65 1984-85 82 M. O’Neill – P. Emery S. Colley – H. Evans F. Cummins – F. Fordham S. Day – K. Roberts G. Tullia – N. Cutler Joe Taylor – A.G. Moyes M. Cant – P. Emery J. Cattlin – I. Davis J. Bendon – D. Lewarne J. Packman – E. Howitt J. Quigley – B. Sheidow D. Quigley – P. Smith B. Rasool – S. Hinton N. Phillips – C. Macartney C. Berenger – M. Berman K. Colley – A. Crosland R. Hokin – D. Livermore G. Lipshitz – A. Sherman N. Barrett – M. Makepeace B. Rasool – D. Livermore J. Cashman – J.O’Neill-Fuller N. Carr – F. Leonard R. Boyce – G. Chapman E.A. Dwyer – A. Diamond N. Phillips – E. Frendin R. Campbell – S. Lin M. O’Neill – P. Emery R Bombas – H Evans K. Colley – H. Carmichael S. Sajdeh – B. Marvell J. Quigley – J. Shea Joe Taylor – C. Hosking C. Macartney – W. Vaughan H. Turner – T. Tait C. Macartney – G.E. Jordan J. Cattlin – H. Tebbutt G. Death – C. Gray 38 39 202 202 5th 5th 2 2 1988-89 2006-07 P. Gregson – K. Roberts J. Cashman – M. Michael PARTNERSHIP RECORDS FOR EACH WICKET *Denotes unbroken Partnership ALL GRADES Runs 263 284 326* 236 256 273* 218 203 136+ 101 Gd 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 Wicket 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 1921-22 2009-10 1986-87 2010-11 2000-01 1989-90 1919-20 1913-14 1932-33 1997-98 Joe Taylor – A.G. Moyes S. Colley – H. Evans M. O’Neill – P. Emery K. Colley – A. Crosland J. Packman – E. Howitt S. Day – K. Roberts E.A. Dwyer – A. Diamond C. Macartney – G.E. Jordan C. Brown – K. Frazer T. Packman – B. Hutchinson FIRST GRADE Runs 263 263* 326* 213 220 273* 218* 203 136 90 Wickets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 1921-22 1990-91 1986-87 2011-12 1922-23 1989-90 1919-20 1913-14 1932-33 1964-65 Joe Taylor – A.G. Moyes M. Cant – P. Emery M. O’Neill – P. Emery R Bombas – H Evans G. Chapman – R. Boyce S. Day – K. Roberts E.A. Dwyer – A. Diamond C. Macartney – G.E. Jordan C. Brown – K. Frazer P. Johnson – G. Forsaith SECOND GRADE Runs 253 284 268 235* 256 168 145 163 117 94 Wickets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 1945-46 2009-10 1998-99 2005-06 2000-01 1951-52 1990-91 1961-62 1967-68 2002-03 J. Quigley – B. Sheidow S. Colley - H. Evans G. Tullia – N. Cutler R. Hokin – D. Livermore J. Packman – E. Howitt R. Lowing – K. McDonald M. Danckert – S. Hutton J. Haines – B.McKinnon J. Cattlin – C. Leadle A.Boorer – A.Parry-Okeden 83 THIRD GRADE 239 180 187 204 181 167 191 162 95 89 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1976-77 2005-06 2003-04 2010-11 2008-09 1960-61 1955-56 2005-06 1940-41 1949-50 C. Berenger – M. Berman J. Waller – D. Goldsmith N. Barrett – J. Cashman H. Turner – T. Tait D. Livermore – H. Angus J. Morrison – C. Stevens B. King – G. Steward J. Hosking – M. Wiese H. Butters – K. Sheahan J. Pelquest – S. Anson FOURTH GRADE 259 181 244* 236 175 155 217* 138 103 101 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1962-63 1970-71 1977-78 2010-11 1959-60 1982-83 2003-04 1968-69 1999-00 1997-98 J. Bendon – D. Lewarne R. Hawtree – S. Kavanagh D. Quigley – P. Smith K. Colley – A. Crosland E. Ferris – G. Schwartzkoff S. Kavanagh – D. Laundry R. Campbell – S. Lin R. Ireland – J. Hailes S. Selva – T. Hopkins B. Hutchinson - T. Packman FIFTH GRADE Runs 158 145 206* 208 185 136 138* 134 74 80 Wickets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 1985-86 1983-84 2006-07 2008-09 1990-91 1993-94 1999-00 1992-93 2004-05 2011-12 S. Roberts – D. Shepherd R. Haron – R. Norton S. Sajdeh – B. Marvel K. Colley – H. Carmichael C. Berenger – A. Swan M. Hall – G. Carroll N. Barrett – A. Edington M. Hall – C. Rosen S. Brand – A. Fry D. Monaghan – M. Todd 84 POIDEVIN-GRAY SHIELD Runs 215 233 151 136 126 97 86 129 85 52 Wickets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 1935-36 2008-09 1991-92 2003-04 1995-96 2004-05 1967-68 2007-08 1960-61 1987-88 J. Shea – R. Collins S. Colley – R. Bombas A. Gilchrist – P. McLean M. Makepeace – J. Cashman J. Moss – P. Crocker J. Cashman – S. Hinton P. Horwitz – R. Ireland N. Cheadle – W. Sweeney P. Johnson – G. Elkan M. Taber – S. Hutton AW GREEN SHIELD Runs 241 165 187 158 143 129 105 79 73 50 Wickets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Season 2008-09 2007-08 1959-60 1955-56 1951-52 1951-52 1948-49 1999-00 2002-03 1966-67 J. Liddle – J. Avendano T. Lamont – A. Shaw P. Johnson – J. Haines F. Munro – G. Schwartzkoff K. Eastwood – G. Doherty K. Eastwood – S. Everett K. Leggett – K. Eastwood A. Quinliven – J. Benson W. Sweeney – P. Crawford A. Falk – D. Fellows 85 SCORES OF 200 OR MORE FIRST GRADE C.G. Macartney C.G. Macartney A.G. Moyes C.J. Tozer 227 224* 218 211 1913-14 1906-07 1921-22 1920-21 N.E. Phillips J.G. Lush M.D. O’Neill 202 201* 200* 1925-26 1947-48 1986-87 201* 200 200* 2006-07 1958-59 2001-02 210 1918-19 201* 1936-37 212* 2007-08 SECOND GRADE B. Rasool J. Packman W. Dunn W. Gerdes 236* 204 203* 201* 2006-07 2000-01 1915-16 1925-26 B. Rasool J. Quigley A. Sherman THIRD GRADE A.E. Carroll C. Diamond 228* 225 1906-07 1938-39 F. Matthews JUNIOR GRADE H. Davis 206 1933-34 J. Lawrence AW GREEN SHIELD K. Eastwood 320 1951-52 T. Lamont 86 500 RUNS OR MORE IN A SEASON FIRST GRADE C.G. Macartney F.A. Iredale V. Trumper F.A. Iredale C.G. Macartney V. Trumper C.G. Macartney C.W. Hosking R.C.M. Boyce C. Kelleway N.E. Phillips N.E. Phillips J.M. Taylor R.C.M. Boyce J.M. Taylor F Fordham F. Fordham F. Fordham F. Cummins B. Robinson S. Carroll C. Solomon J.G. Lush S. Carroll C. Solomon F. Fordham C. Solomon J. Potter J.G. Lush J. Minter S. Carroll J. Potter S. Carroll S. Carroll K. Eastwood S. Carroll S. Carroll J. Potter S. Carroll R.N. Harvey S. Carroll B. Dawson W. Murray W. Murray B. Taber P. Johnson L. Wilson B. Thompson W. Murray M. Rosen J. Cosgrove M. Rosen 672 547 518 525 715 504 824 501 682 653 544 594 779 534 572 611 696 589 674 597 618 822 775 662 717 534 569 502 501 721 723 587 562 690 577 637 724 505 607 572 629 501 520 584 514 602 552 501 659 641 635 623 1906-07 1906-07 1909-10 1910-11 1913-14 1913-14 1914-15 1920-21 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 1925-26 1929-30 1929-30 1930-31 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1938-39 1940-41 1941-42 1941-42 1941-42 1942-43 1942-43 1943-44 1946-47 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1960-61 1963-64 1966-67 1967-68 1967-68 1968-69 1968-69 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1970-71 1971-72 W. Murray M. Rosen B. Thomas M. Rosen J. Cattlin M. Rosen C. Drake M. Rosen M. Falk P. Romaines R. McGregor G. Evans P. Emery M. O’Neill M. O’Neill M. Cant K. Roberts M. Cant M. Cant A. Gilchrist M. Cant M. O’Neill G. Hayne M. Cant G. Hayne P. McLean M. Cant G. Hayne R. Toohey R. Soper M. O’Rourke M. O’Rourke R. Tucker J. Packman C. Fryar J. Packman D. Livermore J. Packman C. Simmons J. Packman M. Michael C. Simmons J. Packman C. Simmons J. Packman R. Hokin J. Packman R. Bombas B. Casson R. Bombas H. Evans G. Lewis 87 560 503 636 592 591 556 536 814 546 665 573 669 579 538 602 511 625 512 612 518 756 618 630 576 750 547 666 689 559 751 636 516 564 562 772 730 682 710 711 586 502 864 772 958 565 547 671 507 559 614 664 525 1971-72 1973-74 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1980-81 1982-83 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 SECOND GRADE F. Brand B. Brodie R. Rodgers W. Baker R. Loder G. Thomas R.C.M. Boyce J. Shea R. Lowing J. Shea J. Quigley R. Lowing J. Cattlin D. Gray S. McDowell 715 630 524 503 571 598 572 633 598 533 525 509 512 545 503 1916-17 1918-19 1918-19 1923-24 1924-25 1926-27 1926-27 1941-42 1941-42 1948-49 1957-58 1957-58 1968-69 1979-80 1979-80 J. Calder R. Radley G. Tullia A. Sherman B. Rasool B. Garratt S. Colley B. Garratt H. Evans B. Lindsay H. Evans C. Eccles J. Avendano B. Lindsay J. Liddle 628 556 508 604 535 518 614 513 502 500 623 734 504 568 519 1984-85 1992-93 1993-94 2001-02 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 515 509 583 511 559 553 566 559 774 586 567 515 692 543 1970-71 1971-72 1979-80 1991-92 2000-01 2001-02 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2008-09 2008-09 637 559 561 2003-04 2006-07 2010-11 THIRD GRADE A.E. Carroll F. Matthews A. Osborne S. Butcher R.C. Cooney B. Smith L. Lynch F. Tranor K.D. McDonald K.D. McDonald R. Lowing R. Lowing R. Lowing R. Lowing 577 630 556 621 549 540 530 581 538 525 509 694 606 654 R. Lowing R. Lowing C. Peiffer M. Kelly M. Cant D. Goldsmith M. Kelly M. Kelly M. Kelly J. Hosking B. Garratt A. Sherman B. Rosen D. Livermore 1906-07 1918-19 1918-19 1923-24 1926-27 1944-45 1944-45 1945-46 1954-55 1957-58 1963-64 1966-67 1968-69 1969-70 FOURTH GRADE C. Ashton W. Dellow W. Snowden 514 645 510 1968-69 1974-75 1986-87 M. Reynolds M. Kleem M. Kleem FIFTH GRADE J. Shattock A. Barnes 663 546 1970-71 1978-79 A. Barnes M. Newman SHIRE TEAMS 88 507 545 1981-82 2011-12 D.A. Dorhauer G. Lee 512 508 1926-27 1926-27 H. Crow 515 1945-46 COLTS TEAM A. Brown C. Reynolds H. Davies L. Lawrence H. Davies C. Roy C. Roy C. Roy D. Medcalf D. Evans B. Fulford A. Brown L. Lynch A. Brown H. Hedstrom 565 502 803 674 536 753 626 718 562 500 611 608 531 644 649 C. Ashton W. Downes E. LeCouteur R. Chadwick A. Pye J. Horsfield R. Lowing M. Reynolds F. Duncan A. Peterson A. Lauder C. Purcell H. Rorke 1932-33 1932-33 1933-34 1936-37 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1939-40 1941-42 1942-43 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 645 521 521 703 580 541 517 700 630 529 506 516 512 1951-52 1952-53 1956-57 1964-65 1971-72 1971-72 1977-78 1983-84 1983-84 1985-86 1985-86 1990-91 1990-91 CITY and SUBURBAN TEAMS (VETS TEAMS) C. Mayo R. Rodgers 825 955 1913-14 1923-24 R. Rodgers R. Ellsmore O.S. Smith R. Rodgers R. Rodgers R. Rodgers R. Rodgers W. Gerdes R. Rodgers R. Rodgers J. McDowell R. McDowell 847 527 733 610 817 1013 587 517 569 578 573 682 1924-25 1924-25 1925-26 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1930-31 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 N. Cunningham 575 1934-35 B. McDowell R. McDowell B. McDowell K. McDowell J. McDowell B. Smith B. Smith B. McDowell B. Smith R. McDowell R. Hutchison C. Coltman C. Coltman T. Gatty J. Quigley J. Quigley 89 650 665 535 530 508 505 553 552 795 631 515 642 596 507 980 601 1935-36 1937-38 1937-38 1937-38 1937-38 1937-38 1938-39 1938-39 1939-40 1939-40 1948-49 1954-55 1955-56 1958-59 1964-65 1965-66 VARIOUS GRADES 1ST G H. Massey W. Baker W. Gerdes B. Watson W. Gerdes W. Vaughan S. Trumper S. Trumper N. Smith B. Sheidow J. Shea C. Diamond S. Carroll R. Lockrey F. Fordham F. Tranor R. Lowing B. Sheidow B. Ferguson B. Ferguson C. Ashton R. Lowing A. Scott R. Lowing K. McDonald E. Ferris J. Pym J. Cattlin J. Shattock C. Drake L. Blackman D. Quigley B. Hayward C. Drake S. McDowell W. Quigley G. Corben J. Pym C. Berenger R. McGregor S. Rorke P. Rowley-Bates M. Kelly M. Danckert N. Berman P. Gregson 403 345 394 296 146 39 467 23 175 534 212 51 263 381 230 156 38 2ND G 166 503 119 179 143 326 364 476 46 498 112 78 46 35 163 467 303 322 296 276 285 509 26 512 153 272 351 183 306 78 573 181 399 87 7 231 461 78 154 132 382 3RD G 378 215 4TH G 276 247 393 143 227 115 288 581 190 281 420 525 92 334 438 195 299 363 204 142 477 148 176 26 162 121 65 93 425 423 412 129 465 470 67 473 143 61 472 90 366 5TH G TOTAL 544 718 522 524 537 622 510 515 523 513 521 505 511 515 580 616 565 518 584 585 677 506 705 665 551 530 529 550 600 539 502 655 598 582 577 166 689 537 539 619 727 597 563 120 590 540 509 533 Season 1913-14 1923-24 1923-24 1925-26 1926-27 1928-29 1929-30 1932-33 1936-37 1937-38 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1939-40 1942-43 1945-46 1946-47 1946-47 1947-48 1951-52 1953-54 1953-54 1953-54 1957-58 1957-58 1957-58 1965-66 1968-69 1971-72 1973-74 1973-74 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1982-83 1985-86 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1ST G M. Kelly R. Radley M. Kelly G. Tullia E. Zelma J. Moss M. O’Rourke T. Conde M. Rayner M. O’Rourke D. Falk W. Charlton J. Packman R. Radley A. Sherman G. Carroll M. Cant A. Sherman M. Michael M. Reynolds D. Goldsmith M. Rayner D. Goldsmith J. Cronin M. Makepeace J. Cashman S. Lin R. Hokin D. Livermore J. O’Neill-Fuller M. Kleem J. Cashman R. Hokin B. Rasool A. Sherman M. Kleem B. Garratt S. Hinton K. Jones R. Hokin E. Richtor B. Garratt B. Rosen C. Eccles S. Colley D. Livermore B. Garratt R. Kenner 8 76 43 378 364 192 597 251 280 214 87 15 287 48 6 272 431 385 49 152 116 294 188 57 458 6 93 2ND G 108 556 428 508 337 232 147 209 427 3RD G 511 4TH G 223 291 13 295 37 181 329 230 142 15 604 152 17 217 160 318 328 108 241 70 478 365 535 25 250 335 37 518 8 100 614 148 376 316 83 273 559 421 191 553 458 436 183 231 362 18 146 264 476 328 145 515 49 567 101 559 143 381 453 10 692 105 19 543 92 26 250 513 91 5TH G TOTAL 619 564 504 551 560 610 511 500 619 610 546 501 557 609 527 502 574 619 573 553 570 504 618 502 653 114 609 79 555 600 539 626 543 527 517 651 616 608 592 544 524 523 500 575 700 663 639 635 606 281 557 Season 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 H. Evans H. Evans N. Dowsley D. Livermore S. Colley M. Kleem B. Lindsay J. Avendano B Rosen M. Newman 1ST G 39 103 371 2ND G 502 623 18 418 189 3RD G 485 150 124 291 2 4TH G 269 504 376 321 188 1 5TH G TOTAL 541 726 102 605 568 560 56 501 560 506 564 545 546 Season 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 PLAYERS WHO HAVE TAKEN 50 OR MORE WICKETS IN ONE SEASON FIRST GRADE C.G. Macartney B. Shortland P.W. Dive B. Shortland S.C. Freeman A.C. Lawrie P.W. Dive J.N. Campbell J.N. Campbell W. Wilson R. Giddey D. McDonald 51 51 56 53 51 58 54 55 55 55 50 55 1910-11 1912-13 1915-16 1917-18 1918-19 1922-23 1923-24 1930-31 1932-33 1943-44 1949-50 1958-59 R. Guy R. Guy R. Guy R. Guy R. Guy R. Guy R. Guy Barry Thompson A. Hunter R. Stobo 56 67 57 71 55 57 52 51 51 64 1961-62 1964-65 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1970-71 1971-72 1974-75 1981-82 1990-91 51 61 53 125 74 52 66 50 60 1940-41 1941-42 1941-42 1942-43 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1948-49 1974-75 56 78 62 65 1921-22 1922-23 1923-24 1924-25 SECOND GRADE F. Brand S. Clarke H.F. Watson S. Fuller S. Francis T. Stenning T. Stenning R. Anderson J. Prowse J. Prowse 66 54 52 51 80 50 64 50 50 52 J. Prowse H. Crow J. Prowse J. Prowse J. Prowse J. Prowse J. Prowse J. Prowse A. Poole 1917-18 1918-19 1918-19 1922-23 1923-24 1925-26 1926-27 1932-33 1933-34 1935-36 THIRD GRADE H.J. Emms G.R. Dettman L. Parkin W.T. Forster 68 52 65 73 C.M. Geddes R. Ellsmore S. Smith Jnr S. Smith Jnr 1910-11 1910-11 1914-15 1920-21 92 P. Bates J. Minogue K. Anderson D. Duncan J. Sutherland B. Lobb D. Cochrane 50 60 50 50 58 62 58 1926-27 C. Ashton 1929-30 C. Alderdice 1929-30 J. Ogden 1941-42 G. King 1942-43 G. King 1943-44 G. King 1944-45 FOURTH GRADE 54 50 59 63 61 64 1952-53 1959-60 1965-66 1966-67 1970-71 1971-72 R. Guy C. Alderdice W. McDonald C. Alderdice G. Elkan G. King K. Jones 60 84 57 77 55 55 53 1954-55 C. Ashton P. Bovey 1957-58 1957-58 P. Bovey A. Walsh 1958-59 1959-60 G. King 1961-62 G. King 1964-65 FIFTH GRADE 50 50 50 50 53 51 1966-67 1971-72 1973-74 1974-75 1979-80 1981-82 A. Adair S. Kavanagh 51 57 1969-70 1973-74 59 2011-12 52 50 63 50 50 1937-38 1946-47 1947-48 1968-69 1968-69 J. Clarke 56 54 1928-29 B. Lobb 58 68 1930-31 B. Lobb 51 86 1936-37 B. Lobb 50 71 1936-37 W. Havercroft 50 55 1937-38 W. Havercroft 53 50 1937-38 H. Strath 56 72 1939-40 R. Wildes 53 66 1941-42 G. Sadler 57 58 1943-44 B. Peden 52 53 1943-44 A. Kemeny 51 54 1949-50 G. Sadler 50 57 1951-52 51 1951-52 CITY and SUBURBAN TEAM (VETS TEAMS) 1952-53 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1961-62 1962-63 1966-67 1974-75 1982-83 1982-83 1984-85 1986-87 M. Todd SHIRE TEAMS J.N. Campbell A.M. Sargeant E. Harding D. Cochrane D. Cochrane 51 50 54 84 84 1924-25 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1936-37 R. Murray B. Lobb B. Lobb P. Bovey A. Walsh COLTS TEAM D. Cochrane K. Oldry G. Wilson R. Carroll S. McPherson R. Carroll B. Lobb D. Evans J. McGrath J. Roarty A. Martin A. Martin J. Clarke G. Gerdes S.M. Clarke W. Langley R. Ellsmore R. Ellsmore R. Ellsmore R. Rodgers 54 71 64 59 74 54 50 1913-14 1914-15 1918-19 1924-25 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 G.R. Dettmann L. Debus R. Rodgers L. Debus H. Poll L. Debus B. McDowell 93 64 73 59 75 57 61 67 1929-30 1930-31 1932-33 1933-34 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 J. McDowell B. Smith J. McDowell B. Smith 62 56 51 61 1935-36 H. Barnby 1937-38 T. Gatty 1937-38 T. Gatty 1938-39 VARIOUS GRADES 1ST G T.W. Forster R. Ellsmore T. Stenning P. Bates J. Prowse R. Anderson J. Prowse G. Thame J. Godwin G. Thame H. Crow C. Alderdice G. Wearne C. Alderdice R. Werner B. Eastment C. Alderdice M. Goodridge F. Ward B. Eastment A. Wilson J. Todd A. McElroy G. Mackie C. McMurray G. King G. Elkan C. Peiffer G. King H. Chapman D. Fenton A. Hunter A. Poole A. Durie 2ND G 3RD G 7 34 50 2 18 50 50 7 35 49 61 48 31 46 16 4 18 5 3 16 9 14 8 39 17 25 1 37 15 44 1 26 29 10 4TH G 5TH G Season 53 50 54 52 53 55 68 55 50 54 64 60 54 57 53 55 52 50 51 55 52 58 51 50 50 55 50 55 51 51 53 67 52 52 1918-19 1923-24 1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 1932-33 1933-34 1935-36 1936-37 1939-40 1941-42 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1950-51 1952-53 1953-54 1953-54 1956-57 1959-60 1963-64 1968-69 1971-72 1971-72 1971-72 1973-75 1973-74 1974-75 1974-75 1974-75 1977-78 1981-82 1981-82 2010-11 48 15 12 23 27 3 35 25 24 9 37 49 6 45 5 30 42 26 33 18 44 1 37 9 8 33 36 18 1939-40 1964-65 1967-68 TOT 50 35 5 41 17 51 3 7 60 65 60 16 49 45 WICKET-KEEPING - MOST DISMISSALS FIRST GRADE I. Beverley Stumped 13 Caught 34 Total 47 2008-09 Total 53 1974-75 OTHER GRADES G. Verco Stumped 9 Caught 44 94 PLAYERS WHO HAVE SCORED A CENTURY AND TAKEN 10 WKTS IN A MATCH D. Tutton 112 Runs 5/38 and 6/46 5th Grade 1967-68 PLAYERS WHO HAVE TAKEN 10 WKTS IN AN INNINGS T.W. Forster D. Horsfield T. Gatty 3rd Grade 3rd Grade City & Suburban 10/18 10/26 10/54 1920-21 1962-63 1969-70 OTHER ITEMS HIGHEST SCORE 1ST XI 7 for 571 in 220 minutes v University 1941-42 HIGHEST INDIVIDUAL SCORE K. Eastwood 320 A.W. Green Shield XI 95 1951-52 GORDON’S REPRESENTATIVE PLAYERS IN TEST MATCHES While a Gordon Member After Playing for Gordon Before Playing with Gordon Charlie Macartney Ken Eastwood Frank Iredale Vic Trumper (*) Matt Nicholson Morrie Sievers Johnny Taylor Adam Gilchrist Sid Barnes Charles Kelleway (*) Barry Knight (**) Bert Oldfield (*) Graeme Watson Ray Robinson Scott Styris (***) Neil Harvey (*) Daniel Flynn (***) Brian Taber Ian Davis Trevor Chappell Phil Emery Beau Casson * Also a Test Representative before becoming a member of Gordon ** Played Test cricket for England *** Played Test cricket for New Zealand IN FIRST CLASS MATCHES While a Member of Gordon Charlie Macartney Norval Campbell Brian Taber Robert Hickson (*) Norman Fox Marshall Rosen Tom Hartigan Harold McQuirk Ian Davis Vic Trumper (*) Bert Watson Graeme Watson (*) Bert Shortland Ray Robinson Trevor Chappell (*) Claude Tozer (*) LC (Bob) Hynes Mark O’Neill (*) Johnny Taylor (*) Sid Carroll Phil Emery Charles Kelleway (*) JG (Ginty) Lush Richard Stobo Bert Oldfield (*) Jack Pettiford Matt Nicholson (*) Norbert Phillips (*) Sid Barnes (*) James Packman Percy Dive Neil Harvey (*) Craig Simmons (*) George Chapman Dick Guy Beau Casson (*) * Also a first-class representative before becoming a member of Gordon After Playing for Gordon Harry Savage Ray Boyce Roy Loder Fred Edwards Tom Parsonage Ken Eastwood Ron Harvey Tony Steele Stuart Webster Allen Anderson Michael Cox Russell McCool John Davison Kevin Roberts 96 Adam Gilchrist Greg Hayne Jon Moss Will Smith Josh Poysden Before Playing for Gordon Frank Iredale EA (Chappie) Dwyer Gother Clarke Percival Penman Gordon Black AG (Johnnie) Moyes Keith McPhillamy Douglas Reid EL (Gar) Waddy G.A. (Goldie) Thomas Frank Devenish-Meares Frank Cummins Dan Gee Sam Everett Harold Cranney Ben Salmon GS (Jimmy) Down Cyril Solomon John Flynn Morrie Sievers Austin Diamond Jim Minter Joe Taylor Bill Englefield * For England ** For New Zealand *** For English County Teams Peter Trethewey Geoff Forsaith Barry Knight (*) Ross Collins Paul Romaines (***) Dean Cosker (*) Anurag Singh (***) Alun Evans (*) Rod Tucker Scott Styris (**) Daniel Flynn (**) MEMBERS WHO HAVE PLAYED IN NEW SOUTH WALES SECOND XI or COLTS (FUTURES LEAGUE) Hynes, L.C. Kennedy, J. Knight, A. Lush, J.G. McCool, R. McDonald, B McLean, P. Munro, F. Murray, W.A. Nicholson, M. O’Neill, M.D. Cox, M. Davison, J Dive, P. Eastment, B. Eastwood, K. Emery, P. Evans, G. Evans, H. Fisher, J. Gilchrist, A. Guy, R. Adlam, W Andrews, B.F. Antman, P. Bell, B. Bombas, R. Bray, J. Campbell, J.N. Cant, M. Carroll, S. Casson, B Colley, S. O’Rourke, M. Packman, J Roberts, K. Robinson, R.H. Rosen, M. Simmons, C Soper, R Stobo, R. Taber, H.B. Thomas, R. Vaughan, W. AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT CRICKET ACADEMY GRADUATES 1991 - Adlam, W. 1992 - Gilchrist, A. 1992 - Roberts, K. 1993 - Davison, J. 1995 - Nicholson, M. 1996 - Nicholson, M. MEMBERS WHO HAVE REPRESENTED AUSTRALIA IN INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CRICKET Adlam, W. Gilchrist, A. Roberts, K. MANAGER, AUSTRALIAN XI 1921 - S. Smith 1926 – S. Smith 97 Nicholson, M. OFFICE BEARERS SEASON 1905-06 1906-09 1909-10 1910-15 1915-16 YEARS 1 3 1 5 1 PRESIDENT R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black SECRETARY R. Hickson T. Hartigan T. Hartigan T. Hartigan T. Hartigan (D. Campbell 1916-17 1 R. Black 1917-21 1921-22 1922-25 1925-26 4 1 3 1 R. Black R. Black R. Black R. Black 1926-27 1927-28 1 1 R. Black R. Black 1928-30 1930-35 1935-40 1940-47 1947-51 1951-55 1955-56 1956-60 1960-66 1966-68 1968-69 2 5 5 7 4 4 1 4 6 2 1 1969-70 1970-77 1977-78 1978-82 1982-83 1 7 1 4 1 R. Gordon R. Gordon F. Petrie J. Bales J. Bales J. Bales L. Evans L. Evans P. Harrison P. Harrison (P. Harrison (H. Crow H. Crow H. Crow R. Guy R. Guy B.C. Sheidow 1983-86 1986-88 1988-89 3 2 1 B.C. Sheidow W.A. Murray W.A. Murray 1989-90 1 W.A. Murray 1990-92 1992-96 1996-00 2000-03 2003-05 2005-07 2007-12 2 4 4 3 2 2 5 P. Davison P. Davison B. Strang I.C. Carroll I.C. Carroll I.C. Carroll A.J. Falk (S. Smith S. Smith S. Smith W. Gerdes (W. Gerdes (A. Moyes A. Moyes (A. Moyes (K. Dorhauer K. Dorhauer P. Harrison P. Harrison P. Harrison P. Harrison P. Harrison G. King B. Sheidow B. Sheidow B. Sheidow B. Sheidow B. Sheidow B. Sheidow L. Wilson J. Baker (G. Mackie (W.A. Murray W.A. Murray A. K. Poole (A.K. Poole (W.A. Murray (J. Cameron (G. Hickman G. Hickman W. Hendricks W. Hendricks A.J. Falk A.J. Falk A.J. Falk R.J.W. Cattlin 98 TREASURER E. Brooks E. Brooks T. Butler W. Renshaw (W. Renshaw (F. Grace G. Martin G. Martin P. Dive S. Smith (S. Smith (H. Hinton H. Hinton H. Hinton H. Hinton H. Hinton H. Hinton H. Hinton W. Govers R. Barnes R. Barnes R. Barnes R. Barnes J. Horsfield L. Wilson L. Wilson K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. McDonald K. Crocker K. Crocker J. Edington I. Packman I. Packman STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MAY 2012 2010/2011 $ 2011/2012 $ 21,795 620 46,823 8,594 14,327 13,800 15,000 47,385 (394) 19,808 1,282 2,625 INCOME: Subscriptions Subscriptions Associate Members Sponsorships & Donations Cost Recovery Ground Hire & Web Site General Grant - Sydney Cricket Assoc. Coaching Grant - NSW Cricket Assoc. Development Grant - Cricket Australia Junior Development Subscriptions & Other Income Profit (Loss) from Juniors Social Functions Profit (Loss) from Social Functions Profit from GDCC Golf Day Function Profit from 100 Club Sale of Club Merchandise Catering & Sundry Income 190,165 Total INCOME 26,073 784 39,510 7,449 14,332 14,490 13,000 47,477 666 180 19,611 4,300 0 4,768 192,604 EXPENDITURE: 43,710 14,022 10,611 4,482 38,701 31,969 2,351 528 16,667 4,468 1,490 3,578 2,527 3,780 3,000 Coaching Expenses Cricket Academy Expenses Cricket Material Depreciation on Plant & Equipment Ground Hiring Charges Junior Development Expenses Player of the Round Postage, Phone, Merchant Fees & Charges Printing Shorts, Shirts & Caps Spirit of Cricket Promotion SCA Premiers Annual Dinner Sundry Expenses Trophies Web Site Expenses Donation to Starlight Foundation (Q’land Flood Appeal) 42,000 14,030 8,295 5,107 33,576 50,299 2,950 3,930 1,328 9,286 5,215 859 2,219 477 4,957 3,000 181,884 Total EXPENDITURE 8,281 95 OPERATING SURPLUS FOR YEAR Bank & Other Interest 4,976 140 8,376 TOTAL SURPLUS FOR YEAR 5,116 187,628 69,328 ACCUMULATED FUNDS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 77,704 77,704 ACCUMULATED FUNDS AT END OF YEAR 82,820 99 GORDON DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. 2010/2011 $ 77,704 77,704 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MAY 2011 Accumulated Funds Total Funds 2011/2012 $ 82,800 82,800 Represented by: 36,030 16,075 300 CURRENT ASSETS Cash at Bank - General Account Debtors Key Deposits 53,920 10,520 300 19,954 Stock - Club Merchandise At Cost as per Stocktake 31st May 2012 18,661 72,359 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 83,403 10,419 NON CURRENT ASSETS Plant & Equipment at Written Down Value 13,893 10,419 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 13,893 82,778 TOTAL ASSETS 97,296 5,074 CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors & Accruals 14,476 5,074 TOTAL LIABILITIES 14,476 77,704 TOTAL NET ASSETS 82,820 100 Auditor’s Report to the Members of the GORDON DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. To the Members, Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. Scope I have audited the financial report of the Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. for the year ended 31st May 2012 as set out on pages 1 to 2. The Gordon District Cricket Club’s committee is responsible for the financial report. I have conducted an independent audit of the financial report to express an opinion on it to the members. My audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial report is free of material misstatement. My procedures included examination of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial report, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures were undertaken to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards, other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia, the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) and the association's constitution. This is done so I can present a view that is consistent with my understanding of the Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. financial position, the results of its operations and its cash flows. Qualification Receipts from donations and other fundraising activities are a significant source of revenue for the Gordon Cricket Club Inc. The Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. has determined that it is impractical to establish control over the collection of donations and other fundraising activity revenue prior to entry in its financial records. Accordingly, as the evidence available to me about revenue from these sources was limited, my audit procedures for donations and other fundraising activity revenue had to be restricted to the amounts recorded in the financial records. Therefore I am unable to express an opinion on whether donations and other fundraising activity revenue obtained by the Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. are complete. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. Audit opinion In my opinion (except for the effects on the financial report of such adjustments, if any, as might have been required had the limitation on our audit procedures referred to in the qualification paragraph not existed), the financial report presents fairly in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards, other mandatory professional reporting requirements, the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) and the association's constitution the financial position of Gordon District Cricket Club Inc. as at 31st May 2012, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended. Peter E Cronin Chartered Accountant Sydney 21st June, 2012 101 GORDON DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. STATEMENT BY THE COMMITTEE In the opinion of the Members of the Committee: (a) the accompanying Income and Expenditure Statement is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the results of the Club for the year ended 31st May 2012; (b) the accompanying Balance Sheet is drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Club as at 31st May 2012; and (c ) at the date of this statement there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Club will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due. Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Committee A J Falk R J W Cattlin Dated at Sydney this 25th day of June 2012. 102 Gordon District Cricket Club, Women’s Division ANNUAL REPORT 2011/12 103 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS Sydney Cricket Association, Women’s Competition Club Championship – 2nd! Twenty20 – Semi Finalists Brewer Shield Twenty20 - Runners-up 3rd Grade Limited Overs – Semi-Finalists 1st,2nd Grade & Brewer Shield Limited Overs Minor Premiers & Runners-Up 3rd Grade Northern Sydney Girls Cricket Association St Gordon Shield Team – Semi-Finalists St Gordon Cup Team – Semi-Finalists 104 Major Sponsor 446 Victoria Ave & 1 Thomas St Chatswood Membership from just $5.50 for one year! Thank you for your ongoing outstanding support 105 Thank you also to Buy all of your cricket and soccer gear at Kingsgrove Sports “North Shore” Store 481 Pacific Highway, Artarmon (Underneath Barbeques Galore) 106 OFFICE BEARERS EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Jessica Henry DEPUTY PRESIDENT Nicky Paterson TREASURER Lisa Chan SECRETARY Emma Doutreband SUB COMMITTEES SCA DELEGATE Creon Cambitzi NSGCA DELEGATE Bryce Thompson ARCHIVES Jessica Henry GROUNDS Michael Sherwood PUBLICITY Jessica Davidson POSITIONS HELD IN OTHER ASSOCIATIONS SCA Cricket NSW Jessica Henry Chair, Women’s SubCommittee Jessica Henry Women’s Committee U/18 Team Manager 107 REGISTER OF MEMBERS PATRON Lisa Sthalekar VICE PRESIDENTS Anne & Rudi Anneveld Ian Carroll Ken & Sylvia Clark Stirling Hamman Edward Howitt Snr. David Lawson Keith Maclaine Bernard & Louisa Perry Gerry Richards Robin Chan Steven Bird Creon Cambitzi Jim Cattlin Andrew Falk Stephen Heath Edward Howitt Jnr. Alan Patrick Glenn Shaw Rhonda Smyth Bryce Thompson Grace Chan John Trinh LIFE MEMBERS Denise Anderson Marilyn Brown Jessica Henry Jodie Davis Geraldine Rieper Karen Hill Erica Sainsbury Bronwyn Calver Angela O’Neil Christine Corbett HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Audrey Annetts Neville Annetts* Dr. Haren Sthalekar (* Deceased) FINANCIAL MEMBERS Allana Benson Maddie Bing Emma Bradwell Lauren Cambitzi Mathilda Carmichael Lisa Chan Edwina Chappel Annelie Chapple Heidi Cheadle Annika Clayton Erin Coggins Noni Cole Annabel Flitcroft Alice Forbes Sehhaj Grewal Amitoj Grewal Emma Griffin Lauren Hamman Tracy Hancock Eleanor Harper Helen Hathaway Ellen Hawkes Shannon Heath Saskia Horley Alice Dalgleish Jessica Davidson Kristen Dorsch Emma Doutreband Melissa Fisher Rebecca Hudson Hannah Jakrot Jessica Kaye Victoria King Joanna Lawson Kirsten Levy Emily Leys Alexandra Lukins Keely Mackenzie Jessie Maclaine Shivani Meta Jocelyn Morgan Naomi Nel Katie O'Sullivan Nicky Paterson Hannah Perry Emma Pope Aranee Ramachandran Elizabeth Richards Annabel Rigby Annette Rigby Victoria Saville 108 Nicole Shaw Alyce Sherwood Emma Sherwood Emma Spencer Sophie Spencer Lisa Sthalekar Emma Thompson Phoebe Thompson Gemma Thornton Felicity Trinh Hannah Trollip Carly Ussher Serena Vinzenz Lucy Walburn Jane Warrilow Kristy Williams REPRESENTATIVE PLAYERS AUSTRALIA (Southern Stars) Lisa Sthalekar AUSTRALIA U23 (Shooting Stars) Hannah Trollip NEW SOUTH WALES Lisa Sthalekar Hannah Trollip NEW SOUTH WALES 2ND XI Hannah Trollip (Captain) Heidie Cheadle Emily Leys TASMANIA Emma Thompson NEW SOUTH WALES U18 Hannah Trollip (Captain) Mathilda Carmichael ACT U18 Victoria King 109 PRESIDENT’S REPORT And here ends our 30th Season! What a history! Our 30 seasons have yielded: 25 Premierships (1st grade – 9, 2nd - 5, 3rd – 2, 4th – 3, 5th – 1, Brewer – 2, Juniors – 3) Sydney Cricket Association Club Championships – 7 (last won in 1996/97. Time for another!) 8 Club Presidents (yours truly leading the way at 16.... and apparently counting!) 9 Australian players – Karen Price, Denise Annetts, Sally Griffiths, Sally Moffat, Bronwyn Calver, Lisa Sthalekar, Alex Blackwell, Kris Britt, and Shannon Cunneen. Around 600 players have donned the MIGHTY RED cap We’ve also had players represent Australian Youth (now Shooting Stars) NSW at all levels, ACT, Tasmania, South Australia, Ireland, Holland and even the West Indies! I have fond memories of our most successful season in 2003-04 when we achieved premierships in 1st, 2nd, 4th Grade and juniors. If I recall correctly Brewers also made the final and lost on the last ball of the match by which time 1st and 2nd Grade had finished their matches. We had multiple players on mobiles listening to a ball-by-ball commentary from Brewer Shield. Exciting stuff! These days we would simply post updates on our Facebook page! Over the 27 seasons I have been involved, management of the club has evolved somewhat thanks to the wonders of technology. Handwritten and posted results have been replaced by entry into MyCricket The annual report from laborious word processing or typing to wonderful Microsoft Office then shared electronically. No more down on hands and knees manually collating and stapling pages together. Photos can be shared electronically Stories and news can be shared on Facebook and our website Registration is online Teams are filled up via SMS, FB and email rather than having to sit on the phone all night trying to catch players at home on the land line! Fees can be paid electronically! Culottes and long socks have been replaced by the more practical long pants Off-white gear has been replaced by our distinctive coloured clothes Pretty much the only things that haven’t changed are players going out to have fun and do their best, we rely on volunteers to run the club, and finally, the Mighty Red Cap...... although even that has moved from the old woollen baggy to the more practical (and cheaper!) baseball cap! Now that I have shown my age let’s move on to “now”! We once again achieved enormous success in 2011-12. Although we haven’t added to the premiership list we did achieve a fantastic second place in the Sydney Club Championship. 110 This is testament to our all-round ability and the fact we operate as a true Club rather than as individual teams with players frequently moving between teams. Every single team made the finals series. Wow! 3rd Grade flew the flag in both the T20 and Limited Over finals. Although we finished in the “runner-up” column and definitely didn’t play at our best in the limited over final it was a top effort. Well done to ALL teams for such a successful season. Congratulations and thank you to the Leadership Team of Hannah Trollip, Emma Doutreband, Nicky Paterson, Emma Sherwood, Jessie Maclaine and Eleanor Harper for leading the way as Captains of their respective teams. Captaining a team is not an easy job that comes with offfield responsibilities as well. Major Sponsor I’ve said it all before and I’ll say it again, as an amateur sporting club we rely on the generosity of partners such as Chatswood RSL Club to keep us “in the black”. Cricket is an expensive sport and the exceptionally generous support of the RSL Club makes it possible for us to maintain player fees at a reasonable rate while still ensuring we have all the gear and access to good facilities. A match ball alone for 1st Grade now costs over $60 (hence me being paranoid over the balls ladies!!! They are gold!). In addition to the very significant financial support, we have access to Club facilities for our meetings, AGM and function nights. We’ve consumed lots of schnitzel after training and the odd liquid refreshment after matches. We have also enjoyed the support of CEO Tony Snowsill, President Barry Fisher, Director Peggy Wilton, and Operations Manager Andrew Hoschke has provided huge support and always with a smile. The RSL plays a huge part in our ongoing success and our ability to provide a full pathway from juniors through to 1st Grade. Sponsors Thank you to Harry Solomons, Julie Muir and Blake Tolmie from Kingsgrove Sports. We definitely enjoy having a store on our doorstep in Artarmon! Your assistance with equipment and clothing is appreciated. Stephen Heath, S.R. Heath Accounting funded Player of the Week vouchers for 1st and 2nd Grade - very well received. Rhonda Smyth, Business Marketing Plus hosted and maintained access to our online registration application. Filling the Representative Ranks As always the Reds made their mark in the Rep ranks from Junior DCA Mollie Dive and Peden Shields through to NSW and Australia! 111 Earlier in the report you will have seen the full list. Special congrats to Hannah Trollip who debuted for the Australian Shooting Stars on their tour to NZ. Some Highlights Hannah and Lisa scoring centuries in the same match in compiling a record partnership Nicky’s maiden century (I missed it but apparently it was good!) The emergence of a number of talented young players such as Saskia Horley, Annabel Flitcroft, Annika Clayton and Eleanor Harper to name a few Brewer’s demolishing the opposition within an hour of the match commencing and before El Prez could take any video (I’m sure it would have made great footage!) What I recall most is the genuine and spontaneous entertainment and enjoyment of the season. Batters heading out without bats, trying to put helmets on while forgetting to take their cap off (no names!), freakish catches, significant sledging.... always of ourselves (much more fun!) and never the opposition! We also consumed 1,000’s of jelly snakes... the staple of any true cricketer’s diet! 3rd Grade even adopted our own “Gordon Granny”. “Norma” and “Two’s” grandma Cath hardly missed a game and cheered us on in her own match shirt and club jacket. We’ll win a premiership for you next season Cath! One thing we rarely saw was sunshine! How wet was it?! Very frustrating at times and we unfortunately became experts in dealing with sodden, smelly and muddy pitch covers. The Volunteers You’ve heard it from me before, this Mighty Club doesn’t run itself. We have an army of wonderful volunteers who help us out daily. Thank you doesn’t really cover it. Nonetheless THANK YOU to: Bryce Thompson – The man behind the NSGCA Junior Comp and our St Gordon Junior Teams. This season he added “Brewer Rescue Man” to his repertoire by ensuring there were always juniors on hand to supplement Brewers. Lisa “Jackie” Chan – Mdm Treasurer who also assisted in any other way possible whenever we needed it. Could be found around a cricket field cheering teams on whether she was playing or not! Nicky “Noodle” Paterson – Deputy President who not only assisted but provided plenty of entertainment along the way! Emma Doutreband – Stepped in at the last minute to fill our vacant secretary role Anton Cole – Manager extraordinaire of Brewer Shield. I always looked forward to the weekly motivational emails that also contained pitch and weather reports! Keith Maclaine – Brewer Coach frequently spotted pacing the boundary! Ian Chappel – Scorer and general supporter of 3rd Grade Edwina “Eddie” Chappel – enormous contributor to the NSGCA Comp 112 Steven Bird – Coached and supported the St Gordon Cup Team despite not having a daughter in the team Emma “Norma” Sherwood and Jane “Dopey/ Jano/ Bobsie” Warrilow for doing a fantastic job with the website. We definitely unearthed editorial talent here! Michael “Mick” Sherwood for jumping into the Grounds Convenor role and managing engagement with the local councils Jess “Davo” Davidson – Publicity Officer (hope to see you on the field more next season Davo.... we missed you!) Kelvin King, Luana King, Liz Trollip, Liz Swinburn, and Glenn Shaw for assistance to our youngest-ever 1st Grade team Peter Bradwell, Nathan Horley, Wendy MacDonnell, Sean O’Sullivan and Mike Spencer for assistance to the Brewers Phi Walburn and Simon Rigby for assistance to the Shield Team Andy Falk, and Jim Cattlin from the Men’s Club. Congrats on your 5th Grade Premiership! Kate Evans and Ian Field from the Sydney Cricket Association Glenn Shaw deservedly received the “Volunteer of the Year” award after six seasons of scoring, coaching and general assistance. He has also spent countless hours sopping wet pitches and shifting very ugly covers! Another success of the 2011-12 season was unearthing a great new Club Coach in the form of former NSW player Mechelle Hare. Mechelle did a great job and our training attendances, when not washed out, were very strong. The Coach was even coerced onto the field by 1st Grade during peak representative time. I’m told she proved a great boundary sweeper and avoided having to bat or bowl! Afterwards she was heard to whisper “now I really am a Mighty Red” and we hope to have her with us for many seasons to come! Thanks everyone for your tremendous support. Thank you to our sponsors, spectators, volunteers and most importantly our players for making the Mighty Reds such a great Club! 30 seasons down.... here’s to a CENTURY of seasons! Bring on 2012-13! Go the Mighty Reds! Jessica Henry President 113 SECRETARY’S REPORT The end of yet another exciting but frustrating season of cricket has come. Some fantastic cricket played by the mighty Reds in the T20 competition was unfortunately interrupted by rain. This unfortunately saw the T20 Semi-Final weekend being washed out for Brewer which was disappointing. There was a silver lining with all grades reaching the Semi Finals in their limited over competitions. Unfortunately we were all pipped at the posted and no teams were able to go on and win their respective titles. Despite the disappointing end to our fairy-tail Semi Final qualifications this year’s commitment at training and throughout the year was rewarded with Gordon finishing 2nd in the Club Championship! A huge thank you must be extended to Cricket New South Wales (CNSW) for holding another very successful Bash for Cash weekend. This was held at the Raby ovals on the opening round of the 1st Grade T20 competition. This day gave all clubs the opportunity to raise funds for their clubs and help promote women’s cricket. Our 1st grade team raised $440 for Gordon with twenty two 4’s hit. Well done girls! Not only were we able to raise money, we were able to donate funds to the McGrath Foundation. Our brilliant 3rd Grade team led from the front and held their own Pink Stumps day. With the enthusiastic attitudes we were able to donate $100 and help raise awareness for such a wonderful cause and a disease that affects 1 in 9 Australian women. Our junior girls where again in the great hands of Bryce Thompson. Bryce, with some handy help from Felicity Trinh and Emma Doutreband, saw the girl’s skills and love for the game develop in leaps and bounds! The combined Gordon and St Ives Clubs joined forces this season with West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Cricket Club allowing the girls to play 20 overs of competitive cricket, rotating bowlers, batters and wicketkeeper every few overs. The future is looking bright as Bryce has again worked tirelessly developing the girl’s skills and talent. Our Brewer Shield team saw a young team take the park this year with a large core of players moving up into Second Grade. The young team was up for the challenge as they finished third overall in the T20 and Limited overs competitions. These fantastic results wouldn’t have been possible without the gallant efforts of super-coach Keith Maclaine and super-manager/dad Anton Cole. Thank you must also be extended to all the girls and parents who made this possible! A larger number of our Junior and Brewer Shield players were selected in the following CNSW Academy (formerly Emerging Breakers) Squads: U/13’s Pip Carey (St Ives) U/14’s Saskia Horley, Phoebe Thompson U/15’s Eleanor Harper, Jessica Howards U/16’s Annika Clayton, Noni Cole, Victoria Saville Special congratulations must be extended to Saskia Horley as she was moved up from the U/13’s squad to the U/14’s! Well done Saskia! 114 Third grade was again lead by Emma Sherwood. Emma tackled this season head on with her side. They performed well to only be pipped at the post by the competitive St George side in both the T20 and Limited Overs finals. Well done girls! Second grade was led by Nicky Paterson who was back and fighting fit following a knee injury. The team played some gutsy cricket and fought their way through to the Semi-Finals in the T20 and Limited overs competitions. With Nicky and Bec’s exceptional performances with the bat and the fast and furious bowling from Flick Trinh and Lauren Cambitzi, Second grade was a force to be reckoned with and made their mark on the competition. Thank you to all the girls who worked tirelessly every weekend to ensure that all teams took the park on club days following rain and to helpers Creon Cambitzi and John Trinh. Hannah Trollip has once again shown everyone that she is the future of women’s cricket. Her maturity as a player, combined with her leadership skills were tested this season, as we fielded the youngest First Grade team in the Sydney Women’s Competition this season with an average age of just 20 years. First grade worked together this season, taking down some big teams to make their way to the Limited Overs Semi-Final only to be taken down by Bankstown. A gallant effort wasn’t quite enough but as acting Captain, I was very proud to wear the red hat as every girl put in a huge effort. A big thank you must be extended to Liz and Jonathan Trollip, Liz Swinburn and The King Family for their scoring and assistance during the season. Without the continued support and encouragement from Glenn and Gina Shaw, and Stephen Heath this season wouldn’t have been as successful as it was. Thank you all! Congratulations to Hannah Trollip for being selected in the Shooting Stars U/23 Australian Team, as well as being selected by CNSW to play for two months in the New Zealand National League competition. Congratulations to the following girls in First Grade who were selected in the following representative teams: NSW U/18’s Hannah Trollip and Mathilda Carmichael NSW 2nd XI Hannah Trollip, Emily Leys and Heidie Cheadle NSW Breakers Squad Lisa Sthalekar and Hannah Trollip Southern Stars Lisa Sthalekar Further congratulations must be extended to Lisa Sthalekar who was named joint winner of the Belinda Clark Medal after her fantastic season with the New South Wales Breakers team. She has also been ranked by ICC as the number one bowler in One Day Internationals. Well done Lisa!! Chatswood RSL’s sponsorship and support is invaluable. In 2011-12 we received $10,000 in sponsorship. Thank you to CEO Tony Snowsill and his Board for continuing to support our great Club. Harry Solomons, CEO Kingsgrove Sports, is a major supporter of women’s cricket and we thank him and his team at their North Shore Store, including Blake Tolmie. 115 Acknowledgements: I would like to extend a huge thank you the following volunteers for contributing to another fantastic season: Club President Jess Henry, without her commitment our club would fail to exist. Treasurer and Social Committee Lisa Chan: ensuring that our club functions are awesome and balancing the books! Grounds Convener Michael Sherwood: without your work we wouldn’t have parks to play! Webmasters Emma Sherwood & Jane Warrilow: keeping our website informative and up to date! Thank you to club coach Michelle Hare for your enthusiastic and informative training sessions. Thank you to GDCC President Andy Falk for your support this season and also to Secretary Jim Cattlin for coordinating training, covers and grounds. Thank you to Ian Field and Kate Evans from Cricket Operations, CNSW, for ensuring we have a well-managed and competitive women’s competition year after year. And last but definitely not least, a massive thank you to all the members of our club; players, parents and supporters. Without every one of you, we would be able to call ourselves the Mighty Reds. Emma Doutreband Secretary 116 TREASURER’S REPORT BANK RECONCILIATION Cash Book Balance 28/05/2011 Surplus $24,324.62 Year to Date Book Balance $1,982.81 28/05/2011 $26,307.43 Bank Statement Balance $28,276.23 Add O/S Deposits $‐ STOCK oN HAND Size 14 XS S M L XL XXL OS Qty Unit Cost Stock Value Item Caps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 $ 25 $ 150 Match Shirts - Standard 0 0 1 2 9 0 0 0 12 $ 45 $ 540 Training Shirts - Standard 0 0 4 8 3 5 1 0 21 $ 20 $ 420 Match Pants 0 1 4 6 4 5 1 0 20 $ 45 $ 900 Jackets - Standard 8 7 9 5 3 5 0 0 30 $ 25 $ 750 Shorts 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 9 $ 20 $ 180 8 10 12 14 16 Match Shirts - Women 0 5 7 10 0 2 4 2 25 $ 45 $ 1,125 Training Shirts - Women 0 0 1 9 8 8 1 0 27 $ 20 $ 540 Size 18 K12 Balls - Red King 25 $ 31 $ 764 Balls - Zenith 20 $ 16 $ 313 Balls - Special Test 16 $ 38 $ 605 Practice Balls 12 $ 20 $ 235 Kooka 4 Piece Match Kooka 4 Piece Training Incrediball Total Stock Value 5 $ 68 $ 340 12 $ 22 $ 262 7 $ 10 $ 69 $ 7,191 97 117 PROFIT & LOSS For the Period 29/5/11 to 25/5/12 INCOME: Subscriptions CA Grants Sponsors' Donations Bank Interest & Other Interest Uniforms Fundraising Social Functions/ Catering Sundry GST Total Income EXPENDITURE: Advertising & Publicity Cricket Material Social Functions/ Catering Ground Hiring Charges Scholarships Fundraising Postage, Telephone, Duties, Printing etc. Website Maintenance Uniforms Bank Fees Coaching Trophies Donations Sundry GST Total Expenditure $10,818.13 $5,800.00 $10,043.20 $2.65 $2,277.30 $1,131.81 $345.44 $440.00 $2,120.05 $32,978.58 $$6,761.19 $3,315.13 $7,694.69 $1,000.00 $156.82 $254.54 $1,611.55 $2,087.73 $13.00 $3,559.10 $811.30 $972.73 $561.20 $2,196.79 $30,995.77 Surplus ( Deficit ) $1,982.81 118 FIRST GRADE Back Row: Shannon Heath, Nicole Shaw, Emma Doutreband (VC), Lisa Sthalekar Front: Hannah Trollip (C), Emma Thompson, Heidie Cheadle, Jo Lawson, Emily Leys, Mathilda Carmichael Absent: Kristy Williams, Victoria King, Maddie Bing, Lauren Hamman, Hannah Perry This season has been one of improvement for our team. After a slow start to the season, we gained significant momentum after the Christmas break. We placed ourselves in a position where we could make the Twenty20 semi-finals with a win in the last round (that was ultimately washed out), and made the 50 over semi-finals. However, beyond the results, we have improved our competitiveness as a team, and there have been more glimpses as to the kind of cricket that we are capable of producing. When we started hitting our straps in the middle of the season, it was due to a real team performance. Everyone contributed one way or another to the success of the team. This resulted in some impressive team performances, most notably beating a strong St GeorgeSutherland by 1 run, with many players out and our finals chances resting on the result. Throughout the season there have also been some stand out individual performances. These include: 50 overs: Lisa Sthalekar’s 126 against Universities, enabling us to get to a score of 329, chasing a monumental 349. Hannah Perry posting 57 in her comeback match. 119 An outstanding partnership between Emma Doutreband and Lisa Sthalekar of 101 against eventual premiers Bankstown, taking us from 6/73 to 7/174, allowing us to post a competitive score of 212. Emma Doutreband’s 3/6 against Universities. Mathilda Carmichael’s batting form towards the end of the season, with scores of 56, 46 and 39 in her last three 50 over games, including the semifinal. Twenty20: EmilyLeys68notoutagainstSydney. Heidi Cheadle 68 not out against St George-Sutherland. Emma Doutreband 3/15 against Sydney. Jo Lawson 2/10 against Sydney, and many valuable contributions with both bat and ball. Whilst these may be the individual highlights, one of the reasons that these are possible is due to the ‘unsung heroes’. These are people that play their part week-in, week-out, and are the cornerstone of any success that we have. People like Shannon Heath and Nicole Shaw are great examples of this; they play crucial roles, often unheralded but certainly not unnoticed. The 2011/12 First Grade Team: Hannah Trollip Emma Doutreband Maddie Bing Mathilda Carmichael Heidi Cheadle Lauren Hamman Shannon Heath Victoria King Jo Lawson Emily Leys Hannah Perry Lisa Sthalekar Nicole Shaw Emma Thompson Kristy Williams We would also like to acknowledge the people that stepped up to play for us throughout the season when we had people unavailable. We really appreciate your contribution. On that note of thanks, we would like to acknowledge the work of Mechelle Hare as club coach, who has assisted us at training. We also thank Jess, Nicky and Lisa Chan for the tremendous work that they put into the club and first grade team that enables us to put a competitive team on the park each week. 120 Once again, thanks to the parents and friends who came to support us, particularly Kelvin and Luana King, and the 2 Liz’s, Trollip and Swinburn, who have scored for us this season. I would like to say a big thank you to Emma Doutreband, who, on top of having a great season, is the ultimate team player and did a fantastic job as captain for the games that I was away. Finally and most importantly, thanks to the team. It is often stated that for a team to be successful, they have to enjoy each other’s company and have fun. If that were to be completely true, then we would be premiers! However there is no doubt that our team spirit is one of the main reasons for our improvement this season, and if we can continue to develop as a team and work hard at our cricket skills, then we can progress to the next level and become one of the leading teams in the competition. Go the Mighty Reds! Hannah Trollip First Grade Captain STATISTICS FOR FIRST GRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Batting Bing, Madelaine Carmichael, Mathilda Chan, Lisa Cheadle, Heidie Doutreband, Emma Hamman, Lauren Heath, Shannon King, Victoria Lawson, Joanna Leys, Emily Paterson, Nicky J Perry, Hannah Shaw, Nicole Sthalekar, Lisa Thompson, Emma Trollip, Hannah Williams, Kristy Mch Inn Agg NO 6 3 9 2 11 10 203 0 2 1 4 1 15 15 239 1 14 10 87 3 10 9 53 1 13 12 95 4 10 5 5 4 15 12 58 4 15 14 261 1 1 1 0 0 7 6 212 1 14 7 12 2 9 7 415 0 2 2 64 0 11 10 396 0 8 6 46 3 121 50 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 HS 6* 56 4* 67* 40 14 28* 3* 23* 68* 0 40* 6 126 35 141 19 Avg C 9.00 1 20.30 2 N/A 1 17.07 1 12.43 7 6.63 2 11.88 4 5.00 4 7.25 1 20.08 4 0.00 0 42.40 0 2.40 1 59.29 3 32.00 1 39.60 6 15.33 2 Wk C St 3 4 STATISTICS FOR FIRST GRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Player Mch Cambitzi, Lauren Carmichael, Mathilda Cole, Noni Doutreband, Emma Hamman, Lauren Heath, Shannon King, Victoria Lawson, Joanna Leys, Emily Perry, Hannah Shaw, Nicole Sthalekar, Lisa Sthalekar, Lisa Thompson, Emma Trinh, Felicity Williams, Kristy Wkts Mdns Runs 5i 3 1 0 1 11 7 2 258 1 0 0 6 14 4 298 17 10 3 0 92 6 0 0 14 10 4 0 114 15 7 2 203 15 11 3 377 7 4 1 124 14 3 0 215 4 2 0 28 9 7 3 156 2 1 0 63 2 0 0 20 8 5 6 127 Avg Best Overs 0 1.00 1/1 1 0 36.86 3/51 43 0 N/A n/a 1 0 62 17.53 3/6 0 30.67 1/0 12.3 0 N/A 0/14 1.2 0 28.50 2/19 16 0 29.00 2/10 36 0 34.27 2/12 62.1 0 31.00 2/31 27 0 71.67 1/11 31.1 0 14 2/18 5 0 22.29 2/18 43.1 0 63.00 1/28 6 0 N/A 0/6 3 0 25.40 2/20 28.1 AWARD WINNERS PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Lisa Sthalekar BATTING Aggregate & Average Lisa Sthalekar (415 runs @ 59.29) BOWLING Aggregate & Average Emma Doutreband 17 wkts @ 17.53 122 FIRST GRADE PLAYER OF THEYEAR 2011/12 Player Points Sthalekar, Lisa 665 Trollip, Hannah 586 Leys, Emily 561 Doutreband, Emma 447 Cheadle, Heidie 409 Carmichael, Mathilda 363 Perry, Hannah 322 Lawson, Joanna 178 Heath, Shannon 155 Williams, Kristy 151 Hamman, Lauren 128 King, Victoria 125 Thompson, Emma 94 Shaw, Nicole 72 Bing, Madelaine 24 Chan, Lisa 19 Cambitzi, Lauren 15 123 SECOND GRADE Back: Mel Fisher (with Sharlotte!), Ellen Hawkes, Annelie Chapple, Keely Mackenzie Middle: Gemma Thornton, Felicity Trinh, Emma Sherwood Front: Bec Hudson (VC), Lana Benson, Lauren Cambitzi, Nicky Paterson (C), Victoria King Absent: Alice Dalgleish With a total of 3215 runs scored, 196 wickets snared, 66 catches taken, 11 run outs, 9 stumping’s and 4 washouts (could have been 6 had we not spent hours diligently ensuring the grounds were playable) - season 2011-12 has come to an end. We finished 4th in the T20 format and a fantastic 2nd in the 50 Over competition losing to Campbelltown-Camden in the Semi-Final. We enjoyed a wonderful season with many highlights, and along the way we had an incredible amount of fun. Sledging was common, although it was never aimed at the opposition! One was certainly reminded (over and over again) should a catch have been dropped……..The team gelled from day one and our level of team spirit and camaraderie was unparalleled. Season highlights included: Bec Hudson – My second in command who provided invaluable support. Bec kept wicket taking 6 catches and 2 stumping’s. Bec was also our opening bat and the main contributor to our run tally. Bec has deservedly won the SCAWC Player of the Year as well as the Batting Aggregate Award. Bec scored 487 runs (avg 40.6) this season – an absolutely amazing feat – scoring 262 runs (avg 52.4, HS 60, R3 vs Bankstown) in T20 and 225 runs (avg 32.1, HS 54*, R7 vs Bankstown) in 50 Overs. Gemma ‘Chip’ Thornton – Our second opener, joining Gordon this season. Gem scored an impressive 201 runs this season with a HS of 58 in 50 Overs (R5 vs Sydney) and 34* 124 in T20 (R11 vs CC). Gem also took 5 catches and never remembered to bring a water bottle! Ellen ‘Birdie’ Hawkes – My 3rd in command when Bec was away. Ellen also joined Gordon this season. Ellen scored 138 runs this season with a HS of 70 vs Sydney, R5 (50 Overs). Ellen also took 3 catches and was very helpful in reminding me how to catch. Lauren ‘Lozza/Twiggy’ Cambitzi – Loz is a genuine all-rounder who has grown from strength to strength with the bat this season. Loz top scored with 38* (R5 vs Sydney), took 4 wickets with best figures of 1/3 (R5 vs Sydney) as well as taking 3 catches. Allana ‘Lana’ Benson – Our opening pace bowler who took 16 wickets this season – 8 apiece for both T20 (economy 5.4, best figures of 3/20, R14 vs ND’s) and 50 Overs (economy 3.0, best figures of 3/23, R7 vs Bankstown). Mel ‘Sushi’ Fisher – Complemented Lana as the second opener and who was the only bowler to request a solitary fielder on the on-side! Mel took 13 wickets this season but was unlucky not to snare more. Her figures include – T20: 1 wicket with a best of 1/8 vs ND’s (R14, economy 5.3) and 50 Overs: 12 wickets with a best of 2/9 vs Sydney (R5, economy 2.6). Mel also took 6 catches and was entertaining with the bat. Felicity ‘Flick’ Trinh – Whether opening the bowling or coming in at 1st drop, Flick was sure to confuse the opposition with her swing and excellent length. Season highlights include: T20, 5 wickets (economy of 6.6) with best figures of 2/16 (R15 vs Bankstown) and 50 Overs, 12 wickets (economy of 1.6) with best figures of 3/1 (R18 vs Sydney). Flick was responsible for ensuring we did our 3-2-1 GORDON!! and wanted to get the award for the most team spirit (her own words…..). Flick came second in SCAWC Bowling Aggregate and also took 3 catches. Alice ‘Ricky’ Dalgleish – Also known as Ballet Alice (Pirouette is a fielding position), Alice swapped her spikes for dance shoes halfway through the season after gaining a role in Jekyll and Hyde, the Musical. Alice was our spinner who played 9 games before heading off to Broadway (well, the concourse in Chatswood). Alice had best figures of 2/29 vs St.George (T20, R12) and 3/10 vs CC (50 Overs, R2). Carly ‘Carlos’ Ussher – Only played a few games in 2nd Grade but was always entertaining, especially her use of band aids…..Carly was handy with both bat and ball taking 2/23 vs St-George (T20, R12) and 1/0 vs ND’s (50 Overs, R17). Keely ‘Keels’ Mackenzie – Another player who couldn’t play the whole season but who made an impact when she did play taking season best figures of 2/40 (T20, R4 vs ND’s) and 4/2 (50 Overs, R17 vs ND’s). Shannon ‘Shanno’ Heath – Last year’s 2nd Grade captain who has deservedly been promoted to 1st Grade. Shanno helped us out a number of times this season scoring an impressive 62* vs CC (50 Overs, R2) after coming back from a knee reconstruction and 34* vs St-George (T20, R12). Being an all-rounder Shanno shone with the ball taking 3/15 vs CC (T20, R11). Shanno also took 2 catches and had 1 run out. 125 Nic ‘Coley’ Shaw – A 1st Grade player who willingly helped out when needed and who showed her experience taking 10 wickets in only a handful of games. Coley had season best figures of 2/8 vs Bankstown (T20, R15) and 3/19 vs Bankstown (50 Overs, R20). Although Coley also contributed with the bat it is her laugh (giggle) that is priceless. Victoria ‘Stumpy’ King – A lover of Crocs (just try to take them off her!) but a fantastic player who also helped us out. Stumpy had season best figures of 2/2 vs Bankstown (T20, R15) and 3/4 vs Sydney (50 Overs, R18). Stumpy also took 5 catches – one was a screamer at short midwicket despite having a bleeding nose! Stumpy requested a mention in the report so here goes – “I would like to take this opportunity to mention Stumpy…..”. Emma ‘Normie’ Sherwood – “CLEARLY THE BEST PLAYER THAT I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE TO WATCH OR PLAY WITH” – her words, not mine! Our 3rd Grade captain who bats with style and finesse scoring 44 vs ND’s (50 Overs, R10) and 80 vs Sydney (T20, R13). Normie laments her ball placement after Jackie Chan (sub-fielding) took a catch preventing Normie from reaching a milestone. Another allrounder, Normie also took 2/12 vs St-George (T20, R1) as well 2 catches. Tracy ‘Hankers’ Hancock – Always economical, Hankers took 3/15 vs Bankstown in R7 (50 Overs, with an economy of 2.0). Lisa ‘Jackie’ Chan – Always bubbly and smiling, Jackie is a fantastic Club person. Although playing most of her games in 3rd Grade, Jackie also starred for us with season best figures of 3/21 vs Sydney (T20, R13) and 2/3 vs Sydney (50 Overs, R5). Jackie also took 4 catches, well, 5 if you include Normie’s…… Hannah ‘HP’ Perry – Another player with a wealth of experience who helped us out. HP took 2/7 vs Bankstown in R7 (50 Overs). I would like to thank Jess ‘Fingers’ Henry, Jess ‘Davo’ Davidson, Jessie Maclaine, Jess, er, Maddie Bing, Annelie ‘GHA/Anns’ Chapple, Kirsten ‘Spud’ Levy, Alyce Sherwood, Kristen Dorsch, Liz ‘Viv’ Richards, Addie Chappel, Annika Clayton and Noni Cole for your invaluable contributions this season. On a personal note – I was happy to score my first century this season with 106* vs Sydney (50 Overs, R5). I also scored 65 in T20 vs ND’s (R4). Despite some sledging I also managed to hold onto 9 catches (no stats on how many were dropped!). This season would not have been made possible without the following fantastic individuals (in no particular order): John Trinh and Creon Cambitzi: Our scorers, helpers with covers, scoreboards, drinks, warming up etc. Their help was invaluable and certainly made my job a lot easier. El Prez, Jess Henry: Jess organised the teams every week ensuring we had full teams to take the park. Jess has once again deservedly won the Club Woman of the Year accolade for her tireless and selfless work running our fantastic Club. 126 Annelie: Our Super super-sopperer who got down and dirty ensuring we got on the park when the odds were against playing. What’s his name…..Noni’s Dad…..Anton Cole: Despite having his own Brewer team to worry about and manage, Anton was always available to help with covers, especially on the eve of our semi-final with storm clouds looming. Umpires and SCAWC Sub-Committee: Without you all we wouldn’t have such a successful competition – Thank you. Andy Falk and Jim Cattlin: President and Secretary of GDCC – thank you for your support of our Club. Mechelle Hare: New to our Club this season as Head Coach, we have all gained so much from Mechelle’s knowledge and experience. Jackie Chan and Emma Doutreband: Treasurer and Secretary – Thank you for doing such a fantastic job behind the scenes in running our Club so well. Parents and supporters: Thank you for your cheers from the side and for driving your little darlings around. To my team - I have thoroughly enjoyed being your captain this season. We have certainly had many laughs along the way. As you know, I firmly believe in the use of all ‘f-words’ – fun, fantastic, fabulous, freakish (as in catch), frogs (as in red lollies), fair (as in everyone deserves a fair go) and four (more runs on the board). And of course, I couldn’t have made it through this season………without you….! (cue the music…….). 3-2-1 GORDON……..!!!!! Nicky Paterson, Captain 127 STATISTICS FOR SECOND GRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Batting Benson, Allana Bing, Madelaine Cambitzi, Lauren Chan, Lisa Chapple, Annelie Davidson, Jessica Fisher, Melissa Hancock, Tracy Hawkes, Ellen Heath, Shannon Henry, Jessica A Hudson, Rebecca King, Victoria Levy, Kirsten Mackenzie, Keely Maclaine, Jessie Paterson, Nicky J Perry, Hannah Shaw, Nicole Sherwood, Emma Thornton, Gemma Trinh, Felicity Ussher, Carly Clayton, Annika Wk Wk Mch Inn Agg NO 50 100 HS Avg C C S 16 9 38 3 0 0 16* 6.33 2 3 3 20 0 0 0 16 6.67 1 14 10 111 2 0 0 38* 13.88 3 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 5 2 22 1 0 0 18* 22.00 1 2 2 9 0 0 0 6 4.50 3 18 8 33 4 0 0 12* 8.25 6 2 1 4 0 0 0 4 4.00 1 15 11 160 1 1 0 70 16.00 3 8 8 138 3 1 0 62* 27.60 2 2 2 18 0 0 0 16 9.00 0 16 16 487 4 5 0 60 40.58 0 6 2 4 4 10 2 0 0 4 5.00 5 1 1 16 0 0 0 16 16.00 1 6 3 8 1 0 0 4 4.00 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 17 15 368 3 2 1 106* 30.67 9 3 3 46 0 0 0 27 15.33 3 9 7 48 3 0 0 16* 12.00 1 8 8 251 1 1 0 80 35.86 2 15 15 201 2 1 0 58 15.46 5 16 3 4 2 0 0 2* 4.00 3 7 4 24 2 0 0 8* 12.00 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 128 STATISTICS FOR SECOND GRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Bowling Benson, Allana Cambitzi, Lauren Chan, Lisa Clayton, Annika Cole, Noni Dalgleish, Alice Fisher, Melissa Hancock, Tracy Heath, Shannon King, Victoria Levy, Kirsten Mackenzie, Keely Perry, Hannah Perry, Hannah Saville, Victoria Shaw, Nicole Sherwood, Alyce Sherwood, Emma Thornton, Gemma Trinh, Felicity Ussher, Carly Mch Wkts Mdns Runs 5i Avg 16 16 9 272 0 17.00 14 4 3 139 0 34.75 8 11 2 77 0 7.00 1 1 0 17 0 17.00 1 0 0 20 0 N/A 9 10 1 124 0 12.40 18 13 9 308 0 23.69 2 4 4 28 0 7.00 8 4 0 24 0 6.00 6 13 8 81 0 6.23 2 1 0 19 0 19.00 6 8 1 90 0 11.25 1 2 3 27 0 13.50 3 3 3 64 0 21.33 1 0 0 8 0 N/A 9 10 8 112 0 11.20 1 1 0 20 0 20.00 5 3 1 16 0 5.33 8 0 0 3 0 N/A 16 13 209 0 12.29 17 7 5 2 116 0 23.20 AWARD WINNERS PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Rebecca Hudson BATTING Aggregate & Average BOWLING Aggregate Average Rebecca Hudson 487 runs @ 40.58 Felicity Trinh 17 wkts @ 12.29 Victoria King (13 wkts @ 6.23) 129 Best Overs 3/20 69 1/3 35.4 3/21 18.4 1/17 2 0/20 3 3/10 25 2/9 88.3 3/15 14 3/15 8 3/4 37.5 1/19 2 4/2 19.4 2/27 10 2/27 15 0/8 3 3/19 41 1/20 4 2/12 5 0/3 1 3/1 77.2 2/23 17 SECOND GRADE PLAYER OF THEYEAR 2011/12 Player Points Hudson, Rebecca 732 Paterson, Nicky J 603 Sherwood, Emma 351 Fisher, Melissa 318 Benson, Allana 308 Trinh, Felicity 304 Thornton, Gemma 301 King, Victoria 280 Heath, Shannon 253 Hawkes, Ellen 230 Chan, Lisa 225 Cambitzi, Lauren 216 Shaw, Nicole 213 Mackenzie, Keely 141 Perry, Hannah 136 Ussher, Carly 114 Hancock, Tracy 79 Davidson, Jessica 54 Levy, Kirsten 46 Chapple, Annelie 37 Bing, Madelaine 35 Clayton, Annika 30 Henry, Jessica A 18 130 THIRD GRADE Back: Jane Warrilow, Edwina Chappel, Annette Rigby, Lisa Chan, Alyce Sherwood, Liz Richards (VC), Erin Coggins Front: Kristen Dorsch, Tracy Hancock (VC), Emma Sherwood (C), Jess Henry, Kirsten Levy What a thoroughly enjoyable and successful season for third grade. We had a couple of new Gordon players don their bright red caps to join the returning third grade team. What a combination we proved to be, reaching the grand finals of both the Twenty20 and limited over competitions. Although we fell just one game short in both formats, being dual grand finalists is a great achievement that the girls can be very proud of. More importantly, third grade played with great team camaraderie this season. The girls were always supporting one another, encouraging from the sidelines even if things didn’t always go according to plan. Our commitment in the field was second to none. Umpires often commented on our excellent team spirit and congratulated us on the way that we conducted ourselves within the spirit of the game. Third grade team this year consisted of: Emma “Norma” Sherwood (c) Tracy “Hankers” Hancock (vc) Liz “Viv” Richards (vc) Lisa “Jackie” Chan Edwina “Eddie” Chappel Erin “Coggsy” Coggins Kristen “Kris” Dorsch Jess “Fingers” Henry Kirsten “Spud” Levy Annette “Riggers” Rigby Alyce “Two” Sherwood 131 Jane “Bobbsie” Warrilow I would like to extend a huge “Thank you” to the players who didn’t play every game, but whose contributions were still invaluable to third grade’s success. Lauren Cambitzi, Annelie Chapple, Annika Clayton, Noni Cole, Jess Davidson, Helen Hathaway, Ellen Hawkes, Jessie Maclaine, Aranee Ramachandran and Carly Ussher gave up various Saturday afternoons lending us their skills. Thanks girls! Eddie Chappel was of great assistance this year in terms of cricket admin work. No sooner had the first game of the season started that Eddie volunteered to look after the season’s worth of admin tasks that are required post-game. The team and I owe a huge thank you to Eddie for doing a great job by making sure that our achievements on the field were reflected accurately off the field. Proving quite a duo, it was Eddie’s dad Ian who regularly volunteered to score. It is a facet of the game that, honestly, I sometimes forgot about! Ian would quietly and unassumingly pick up scorebook duty. Thanks Ian. Also thanks to Erin Coggins, Liz Richards and Kirsten Levy who scored for us in Ian’s absence. I would like to acknowledge and thank the Executive Committee for their tireless work behind the scenes. A huge amount of effort is required to keep such a well-established and successful club functioning. From managing equipment and coordinating ground hire, to running preseason schedules and putting on presentation nights, the volunteers who make up the committee do a wonderful job. Their work allows us players to simply turn up and play the game we love. A special thank you must also be given to Club President and legend Jess Henry. Without her efforts, Gordon Women’s would not be able to enjoy the success that it does. Congratulations to First, Second and Brewer Shield teams on their respective successful seasons. What a great club performance to have all teams reach the finals stage of the competition. The success of all our teams suggests that something big is building for Gordon. Watch out for the Mighty Reds in 2012/13! On a final note, I would just like to say thanks to all the players, parents, grandparents and supporters who turned out on a Saturday afternoon. You all made captaining this team so enjoyable. See you next season! Go the Mighty Reds! Emma Sherwood Third Grade Captain 132 STATISTICS FOR THIRDGRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Batting Cambitzi, Lauren Chan, Lisa Chan, Lisa Chappel, Edwina Chapple, Annelie Clayton, Annika Coggins, Erin Cole, Noni Davidson, Jessica Dorsch, Kristen Hancock, Tracy Hathaway, Helen Hawkes, Ellen Henry, Jessica A Levy, Kirsten Maclaine, Jessie Ramachandran, Aranee Richards, Elizabeth Rigby, Annette Sherwood, Alyce Sherwood, Emma Ussher, Carly Warrilow, Jane Mch Inn Agg NO 1 1 7 0 4 2 5 0 10 5 6 1 12 7 20 3 5 5 66 2 6 6 23 3 12 7 57 1 4 2 11 1 2 1 9 0 14 14 145 1 14 14 274 6 4 1 11 0 3 3 95 2 13 9 117 1 14 9 122 0 1 1 8 1 3 14 9 10 15 7 13 1 7 3 10 15 5 9 9 29 1 116 366 35 105 0 3 1 3 7 2 4 133 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HS 7 5 5 17 31* 15 41 11.1 9 31* 50* 11 50* 44 30 8* Wk Wk C C S 7 1 2.5 1.50 1 5.00 0 22.00 1 7.67 3 9.50 1 11.00 1 9.00 2 11.15 11 34.25 2 11.00 0 95.00 1 14.63 2 13.56 2 5 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 12* 1 30* 40* 18 31* 9.00 7.25 0.50 16.57 45.75 11.67 21.00 Avg 0 1 0 3 7 3 1 5 4 STATISTICS FOR THIRDGRADE - SEASON 2011/12 Bowling Cambitzi, Lauren Chan, Lisa Chappel, Edwina Clayton, Annika Coggins, Erin Cole, Noni Davidson, Jessica Dorsch, Kristen Hancock, Tracy Hathaway, Helen Henry, Jessica A Levy, Kirsten Maclaine, Jessie Richards, Elizabeth Sherwood, Alyce Sherwood, Emma Ussher, Carly Warrilow, Jane Mch Wkts Mdns Runs 5i Avg 1 0 0 5 0 N/A 10 13 5 102 0 7.85 8 1 1 85 0 85.00 6 6 5 60 0 10.00 12 14 3 128 0 9.14 4 4 1 32 0 8.00 3 1 1 52 0 52.00 14 15 6 162 0 10.80 14 19 85 0 17 5.00 4 0 0 20 0 N/A 8 0 0 22 0 N/A 6 3 1 39 0 13.00 1 0 0 1 0 N/A 7 0 0 11 0 N/A 10 2 2 49 0 24.50 15 8 5 86 0 10.75 7 5 5 101 0 20.20 13 13 8 123 0 9.46 Best Overs 0/5 2 4/2 38.4 1/15 16 2/2 22 3/7 33.5 2/10 13 1/16 10 2/1 46 4/14 50.4 0/9 3 0/1 2.3 2/5 10 0/1 1 0/1 4 1/1 16 2/1 28 2/3 23 3/1 42.4 AWARD WINNERS PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Tracy Hancock BATTING Aggregate & Average:Emma Sherwood (366 runs @ 45.75) BOWLING Aggregate & AverageTracy Hancock (17 wkts @ 5.00) 134 THIRD GRADE PLAYER OF THEYEAR 2011/12 Player Points Hancock, Tracy 609 Sherwood, Emma 591 Dorsch, Kristen 535 Warrilow, Jane 315 Coggins, Erin 282 Levy, Kirsten 272 Chan, Lisa 216 Sherwood, Alyce 191 Richards, Elizabeth 179 Clayton, Annika 158 Ussher, Carly 155 Henry, Jessica A 147 Hawkes, Ellen 135 Cole, Noni 86 Chapple, Annelie 81 Davidson, Jessica 54 Chappel, Edwina 35 Cambitzi, Lauren 22 Hathaway, Helen Ramachandran, Aranee 11 Maclaine, Jessie 8 Rigby, Annette 1 9 135 BREWER SHIELD Back: Annika Clayton, Naomi Nel, Phoebe Thompson, Victoria Saville, Eleanor Harper, Emma Bradwell Front: Annabel Flitcroft, Noni Cole, Jessie Maclaine (C), Saskia Horley, Katie O’Sullivan The SCA ran two competitions within Brewer Shield, with T20 and limited overs (40 overs a side) fixtures running concurrently through the season for the 9 teams. We played each opposing team once in each format, making 16 scheduled matches for the season. This not only provided variety, but also gave the Gordon girls two trophies to aim for. It was all-in-all a very successful year, with Gordon finishing in 3rd place on both tables, thus establishing our credentials in both formats. It was however a tragedy that the weather robbed us of a chance to contest for a championship, with the semi-finals of both competitions washed out. We had some memorable victories and some tightly fought losses but to finish ahead of 6 other teams in each format was a credit to the competiveness and the cricket talent in this side. This was all the more impressive given our meagre squad of 11 players, only three of whom had played Brewer shield regularly the previous year. The low numbers forced us to constantly bring junior players up to fill shortages. This required a lot of chasing each week by Anton (Manager) and Bryce (junior coach) to ensure we could take the field with a competitive outfit. On the positive side, we were able to expose 6 of our talented junior girls to the Brewer shield environment and turf wickets. This will pay dividends next season as this experience is invaluable for girls making the transition to senior cricket. 136 Socially we had a happy and harmonious group of young ladies who enjoyed each other’s company and supported each other whenever the going got a little tough. It was a joy to listen to the on-field banter and watch the celebrations after wickets were taken. Team highlights There were several Team highlights worth mentioning for which the girls should be particularly proud: Our first victory against Northern Districts in three seasons, during the T20 tripleheader at Chatswood Oval in Round 4 Chasing a run rate victory during the rain-affected match at Bankstown when our innings was reduced to 24 overs. The double bonus point victories against Sydney and Blacktown in the latter stages of the 40-over competition, which helped propel us into semi-final position Individual highlights There were also some exciting individual player highlights worth a special mention: Annabel and Noni dismantling Blacktown for 18 runs in the last competition round – taking 5 and 4 wickets respectively during an incredible opening spell when 8 of the 9 wickets were clean bowled and the other was LBW. Jessie almost single-handedly took the Sydney batting line up apart in Round 6 at Blacktown International Sports Park, taking 4 wickets plus 3 catches, when they were rolled for 56. Annabel and Saskia’s 62 cumulative runs versus Northern Districts in the Round 2 40over fixture was the highest 5th wicket partnership in the competition this season. Annika’s 4 wickets for 6 off just three overs in the T20 match against ND’s in Round 4 Saskia’s 4 wickets for 4 off 7 overs (4 maidens), against Campbelltown-Camden in Round 1 Tori walked to the wicket with one ball remaining and four runs needed to win the Round 9 T20 clash with St George. She delivered with a mighty slog through square leg, much to the jubilation of her team mates and spectators. Jess Howard was the first player from the West Ryde Rovers club to play for Gordon (against Bankstown in Round 4). She showed us how easy it could be, taking 3 wickets for 9 runs off six overs. Strange/Funny Moments We at first appeared to have successfully run down Universities 99 runs in the T20 match at Beauchamp in Round 8. However after pulling the stumps; leaving the pitch and allowing 30+ dogs and soccer players onto the ground, the Umpires realised our batter had not left the wicket after being given out on the penultimate ball. Persuaded to replay the last ball (to avoid an awkward protest) a gallant Sophie Spencer was run out 137 on the replay to end the match in a 99 run tie. (This was the strangest finish to a match I’ve ever experienced and I partly blame myself for the mix-up.) The cricketing gods were smiling at us on the 11th March. We started the day in 6th position, but after a double bonus point victory against Blacktown and some fortuitous results in the other matches, we leap-frogged three teams to secure 3rd position on the table by the end of the day and just in time for the semis. The washed-out semi the following week confirmed the gods were only toying with us. The best facilities we encountered were at the Blacktown International Sports Park in Round 6 against Sydney. The girls revelled in the expansive change rooms, airconditioned scoring room, clean toilets, and well-appointed practise nets. Unfortunately we were so distracted by the comfortable conditions and the demolition of our opposition that we failed to notice Annika’s little brother smothering the pristine tactical white board in the change room with permanent marker. Oops – sorry about that! (Mystery of life #37: Why do people ever leave permanent markers near white boards?!?) Player profiles Emma Bradwell – held down the wicket-keepers role all season (except during a holiday break in December). Emma continues to improve her skills behind the stumps and took the highest number of catches (6) for a keeper in the competition. She was also a very useful middle order batter – her 21 against Campbelltown-Camden in Round 2 a highlight. Annika Clayton - was the team motivator and could often be heard encouraging the girls with her enthusiastic chants, regardless of how far she might have been from the wicket. Annika is a talented player and Emerging Breaker. She regularly opened the bowling with her fast outswingers and often filled in for 3rd grade, where she also took wickets. Annika’s tally for the season was 18 wickets and 127 runs in 18 matches across Brewer Shield, 3rd & 2nd grade. Credit also goes to mother, Karina and father, Michael for getting Annika to all those matches. Noni Cole - played 20 matches this season (the only player in the Club to play in all four grades) and applies good skill to all cricket disciplines. Noni is the ultimate team player. We relied on her to frequently open the batting for Brewer (which she did competently and without complaint). However she probably had more success with her bowling and finished the season strongly, taking a total of 18 wickets across the grades & 6 catches – the highlight being her 4 wickets for 8 runs in the last round against Parra-Blacktown. Noni has exceptional fielding skills, plus took on wicket-keeping duties when Emma was away. Annabel Flitcroft – we were very grateful Annabel chose Gordon for her first season of women’s cricket. She’s a talented player in all facets of the game. She opened the bowling for Brewer and held down the important No. 3 batting role. She was the quiet achiever in the side and improved steadily through the season, finishing the summer strongly with both bat and ball. Annabel completed the season with 103 runs, 13 wickets plus 3 catches. Her 5 wickets for 4 runs (all clean bowled) against Blacktown was the best bowling performance by any girl in Brewer this season. 138 Saskia Horley - only turned 12 during the season, but played the game well beyond her years. ‘Choppy’ is an emerging talent and clearly has a successful cricket career ahead of her. She was 6th on the Competitions list of run scorers in the limited overs competition, scoring a total 165 runs at an average of 27.5 (with 5 not outs). She proved very versatile with bat in hand. I could use her to open in T20 matches or hold down the important middle order position in the 40-over games. Her off-spin bowling was also greatly relied upon in the longer format – with her 4 wickets for 4 runs from 7 overs against Campbelltown-Camden a stand-out. Jessica Kaye’s talent was sorely missed in the latter half of the season, when she succumbed to ongoing injury after some promising cameo innings in the earlier T20 fixtures. Jessie Maclaine – was the team captain and did a wonderful job in that role, by making sure the girls were prepared, organised and encouraged at all times. It was a pleasure coaching this Team when I had such a competent captain. Jess took on her familiar opening batting role in the 40-over matches, which she did confidently while amassing 124 runs for the season. She also excelled in the field & with the ball, taking 14 wickets for Brewer plus 7 catches. Naomi Nel – is a delightful young lady and a genuine fan of the game - yet hadn’t played cricket before this season. Despite limited opportunities, Naomi improved greatly over the course of the summer and I was particularly impressed with the progress of her ground fielding. Naomi contributed more than she probably realised to the team harmony and social environment and we were all thrilled when she scored her first run and took the first wickets of her cricket career. Katie O’Sullivan – came from the junior ranks but decided early to be a permanent member of the Brewer squad. She was already playing at a good standard for this competition but improved markedly during the season, despite the limited opportunities. Her bowling was deceptive and batting sound on all occasions, highlighted by a tenacious 23 against Bankstown in the rain-affected run chase in Round 4. Well done Katie. Victoria Saville – was the team’s pinch hitter and secret weapon whenever fast runs were required. Tori’s not one to let a bad ball get past her and could strike with good timing and venom. Her best moment was the last-ball four to steal the match from St George in the T20 Round 9 and a swift 25 (off 18 balls) against Universities in the 40-over Round 7. Tori’s season stats were 75 runs at 10.7, plus she took 5 wickets with her medium fast in-swingers. Emma Spencer – was a delight to have in the team this season and a versatile cricketer. Emma juggled several other activities including the start of her HSC year, but still managed to play 11 matches for Gordon. Emma partnered Jessie several times in the 40-over opening batting role and played a couple of really good innings. Her signature match was against CampbelltownCamden in Round 1 where she scored 18, took 2 wickets and threw a run-out. Many thanks also to Phoebe Thompson, Eleanor Harper, Lucy Walburn, Serena Vinzenz, Sophie Spencer and Jess Howard who assisted us during the Season and contributed significantly to our success. 139 Special thanks We had a terrific parent group this year, many of whom juggled their daughter’s varied other sporting commitments to make sure they fronted up on Sunday afternoons for cricket. Without their commitment and support we could not have sustained a healthy and happy cricket environment for our daughters. I’d like to take this opportunity to single out some parents for special mention: Anton Cole – took on the role as team manager and despite not having any particular experience for the role, proved to be exceptional. Anton kept us well informed at all times, supported with most of the team logistics and importantly chased hard all season to make sure we got to the ground and were ready to play with the maximum number of players available on the day. He was one of the best team manager’s I’ve experienced in cricket. Bryce Thompson – we were most fortunate to have Bryce working his communications magic to ensure we had a full team on the park most weeks. Through his efforts we were able to expose 6 talented junior players to the Brewer Shield competition. I also came to rely on him for warm-up drills and general advice on the multiple occasions that Phoebe was picked in the side. Thank you Bryce. Peter Bradwell, Nathan Horley, Wendy MacDonnell, Sean O’Sullivan and Mike Spencer for your help with scoring, ground preparation, pitch cover folding and an assortment of other duties during the year. In summary, thanks to Jess Henry and the Club Committee for your support, enjoy the Winter and hope to see you all return for more cricket next season. Go the Mighty Reds! Keith Maclaine Coach Anton Cole Manager 140 STATISTICS FOR BREWER SHIELD - SEASON 2011/12 Batting Bradwell, Emma Clayton, Annika Cole, Noni Flitcroft, Annabel Harper, Eleanor Horley, Saskia Kaye, Jessica Maclaine, Jessie Margalit, Thea Nel, Naomi O'Sullivan, Katie Saville, Victoria Spencer, Emma Spencer, Sophie Thompson, Phoebe Vinzenz, Serena Walburn, Lucy Bowling Clayton, Annika Cole, Noni Flitcroft, Annabel Harper, Eleanor Horley, Saskia Howard, Jessica Maclaine, Jessie Margalit, Thea Nel, Naomi O'Sullivan, Katie Saville, Victoria Spencer, Emma Spencer, Sophie Thompson, Phoebe Vinzenz, Serena Walburn, Lucy Mch Inn Agg NO 12 7 42 1 13 9 104 1 15 10 65 1 12 9 103 1 5 2 4 0 14 11 165 5 8 5 22 1 15 13 116 5 1 1 2 0 14 7 2 1 15 8 49 1 13 9 75 2 12 8 53 0 2 2 0 1 5 2 13 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 5 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HS 21 21 18 44 3 33 9 22 2 1 23 25 18 0 9 0 3 Mch Wkts Mdns Runs 5i Avg 13 11 3 127 0 11.55 15 5 153 0 10.93 14 12 13 7 97 1 7.46 7 5 1 58 0 11.60 14 8 9 96 0 12.00 1 3 1 9 0 3.00 15 7 184 0 13.14 14 1 0 0 6 0 14 2 0 54 0 27.00 15 5 2 73 0 14.60 13 5 4 147 0 29.40 12 4 0 71 0 17.75 2 0 0 16 0 N/A 10 3 0 44 0 14.67 2 2 0 24 0 12.00 3 1 0 43 0 43.00 141 Wk Wk Avg C C S 7.00 1 5 0 13.00 0 7.22 5 12.88 2 1 2.00 0 27.50 1 5.50 0 14.50 7 2.00 0 0.33 0 7.00 2 10.71 2 6.63 2 0.00 0 6.50 1 0.00 0 2.50 0 Best Overs 4/6 37.4 4/8 51.5 38.3 5/4 2/20 18 4/4 34 3/9 6 4/16 49.4 0/6 3 1/15 5.5 2/9 22 2/22 33.4 2/10 17.2 0/4 4 2/17 12.2 2/10 7 1/15 9 BREWER SHIELD PLAYER OF THEYEAR 2011/12 Player Points Maclaine, Jessie 431 Cole, Noni 350 Flitcroft, Annabel 343 Horley, Saskia 300 Clayton, Annika 269 Saville, Victoria 180 O'Sullivan, Katie 154 Spencer, Emma 143 Bradwell, Emma 132 Harper, Eleanor 79 Thompson, Phoebe 73 Howard, Jessica 45 Nel, Naomi 32 Vinzenz, Serena 30 Kaye, Jessica 22 Walburn, Lucy 20 Margalit, Thea 2 AWARD WINNERS PLAYER OF THE YEAR Jessie Maclaine BATTING Aggregate & Average BOWLING Aggregate (equ) Average Saskia Horley (165 runs @ 27.50) Noni Cole (14 wkts @ 10.93 Jessie Maclaine (14 wkts @ 13.14) Annabel Flitcroft (13 wkts @ 7.46) 142 ST GORDON SHIELD JUNIORS We had nine girls return from the previous season and we welcomed three new to Gordon players, Annabel, Eleanor and Lucy. After a few games, Katie O’Sullivan moved up to Brewer Shield full time and Ruby Taylor dropped out. We moved up a grade to the Shield competition and started slowly against last year’s premiers (who have 3 girls in Year 12!); however we steadily improved, eventually finding our mojo, using aggressive field placements to put pressure on the opposing batters. We caught well, with 4 of the top 6 fielders in the competition in terms of catches taken. Pressure became our mantra and we finally cracked a win against Castle Hill RSL. It turned out to be the first game win for a number of the girls. All the girls contributed to the team, bowling equal overs and where possible retiring early so everyone could get a bat. We finished the season with 4 wins, 2 draws, 6 losses and 3 byes. We came third, making the semi-finals, which unfortunately were washed out. The team always played competitive cricket, with good spirit and enjoyed themselves. Jacqui Cary; 5 runs@2.5, 1 wkt@94.0 Pip Cary; 80 runs@16.0, 4 wkts@23.25, 5 catches Eleanor Harper; 150 runs@25, HS 53*, 10 wkts@6.7, 3 catches, 1 ro Hannah Jakrot; 10 runs@2.0, 2 wkts@43.0 Jocelyn Morgan; 11 runs@1.83, 5 wkts@21.0 Katie O’Sullivan; 30 runs@10.0, 1 wkt@61.0, 1 ro Annabel Rigby; 26 runs@6.5, 1 wkt@84.0, 1 catch Sophie Spencer; 100 runs@14.29, 6 wkts@14.17, 4 catches Ruby Taylor; 8 runs 143 Phoebe Thompson; 106 runs@21.2, 5 wkts@15.0, 2 catches, 1 ro Serena Vinzenz; 61 runs@12.2, 2 wkts@71.0, 1 catch Lucy Walburn; 115 runs@23.0, 3 wkts@45.0, 4 catches, 2 ro My thanks go to Phil Walburn for managing us so well and taking photos. Thanks also to all the parents who scored including Ed, Kate and Phil. Thanks to David for helping with throw downs collecting cones and running training when I was not available. A big thanks you to Simon Rigby who umpired most games and to Ed for umpiring as well. Thanks to all parents who helped with drills, cones, pitch clearing and driving other team members to/from training and games. A special thank you to Eleanor who captained the team very well. She always showed consideration for her teammates and lead the team from the front. Finally I’d like to thank the club as a whole, who are so supportive of the juniors, especially at training. Thanks also to Jess for her continued commitment to the juniors. I’d also like to thank Mechelle for her willingness to answer my coaching questions. Bryce Thompson Coach Junior Coordinator AWARD WINNERS COACH’S AWARD Sophie Spencer (100 runs, 6 wkts, 4 catches) BATTING Eleanor Harper (150 runs @ 25.00) BOWLING Eleanor Harper (10 wkts @ 6.70) 144 ST GORDON CUP JUNIORS We had nine girls in the Cup (Incrediball) Competition. Unfortunately, only West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook had an opposing team, so it was hard to have a competition per se. Pre-Christmas, the girls played pairs cricket and worked on their skills. Post-Christmas, we changed to play more T20 game format cricket and a test match series was arranged with St Gordon being the runners-up. The team comprised; Yvonne Harrison Alexandra Lukins Amitoj Grewal Sehhaj Grewal Emma Griffin Shivani Mehta Emma Pope Lucinda Smith Prudence Smith My thanks go to Steven Bird from St Ives JCC for coaching the girls, even without a daughter playing. Thanks to Emma and Felicity for coaching pre-Christmas. Thanks also to all the parents who lugged the kit around and generally helped organise the team. I trust the girls enjoyed their cricket. I am hopeful other clubs can form a few more team and increase their player numbers next season. 145 CLUB PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2011/12 (1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade and Brewer Shield) Player Points Player Sherwood, Emma 942 Ussher, Carly 269 Hudson, Rebecca 732 Cambitzi, Lauren 253 Hancock, Tracy 688 Sherwood, Alyce 191 Sthalekar, Lisa 665 Saville, Victoria 180 Paterson, Nicky J 603 Richards, Elizabeth 179 Trollip, Hannah 586 Lawson, Joanna 178 Leys, Emily 561 Henry, Jessica A 165 Dorsch, Kristen 535 O'Sullivan, Katie 154 Chan, Lisa 460 Williams, Kristy 151 Perry, Hannah 458 Spencer, Emma 143 Clayton, Annika 457 Mackenzie, Keely 141 Doutreband, Emma 447 Bradwell, Emma 132 Maclaine, Jessie 439 Hamman, Lauren 128 Cole, Noni 436 Chapple, Annelie 118 Cheadle, Heidie 409 Davidson, Jessica 108 Heath, Shannon 408 Thompson, Emma 94 King, Victoria 405 Harper, Eleanor 79 Hawkes, Ellen 365 Thompson, Phoebe 73 Carmichael, Mathilda 363 Bing, Madelaine 59 Flitcroft, Annabel 343 Howard, Jessica 45 Fisher, Melissa 318 Chappel, Edwina 35 Levy, Kirsten 318 Nel, Naomi 32 Warrilow, Jane 315 Vinzenz, Serena 30 Benson, Allana 308 Kaye, Jessica 22 Trinh, Felicity 304 Walburn, Lucy 20 Thornton, Gemma 301 Hathaway, Helen 11 Horley, Saskia 300 Ramachandran, Aranee 9 Shaw, Nicole 285 Margalit, Thea 2 Coggins, Erin 282 Rigby, Annette 1 146 Points SCAWC AWARDS 2nd Grade Player of the Year: Rebecca Hudson Batting Aggregate: Rebecca Hudson Bowling Average: Victoria King 3rd Grade Player of the Year: Tracy Hancock Batting Aggregate: Emma Sherwood Bowling Average: Tracy Hancock Brewer Shield Wicket keeping Dismissals (equal) Emma Bradwell TROPHIES PERPETUAL TROPHIES Club Player of the Year – to be decided by statistical records of the season’s performances by each individual player, including all performances by an individual regardless of the grade in which the performance was attained. Club Woman of the Year – One vote to each member of the club. It is envisaged that this award will go to the person who has done the most for the club over the past season through assistance in club administration, assistance offered to other club members to help them in their cricket careers, a person who displays club loyalty and who supports club social functions. Player performance, though it should be considered, is not to be rated above the forementioned. Volunteer of the Year (introduced 2007/2008) – awarded to a non-player who the Club Executive Committee feel has made the biggest contribution to the Club over the past season. Most Promising Player – to a young member of the club the Executive believes shows the most promising future; the current season’s performances and representative honours compared to the previous season are to be taken into consideration. Encouragement Award – to the person judged by the Executive to be the most improved player. All aspects of their game are to be considered, and current season’s form compared to the previous season is to be taken into account. 147 NON-PERPETUAL TROPHIES To be awarded in each grade: Most Promising Player 1 – batting average 2 – batting aggregate 3 – bowling average 4 – bowling aggregate 5 – Player of the Year 6 – Player’s player (judged by each team) 1982/83 Encouragement Award N/A 1983/84 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 Not awarded Angela O'Neil Taryn Keir Martha Winch Michelle Reid Genevieve Whitlam 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Player of the Year Jo Fitzsimmons Volunteer of Year N/A Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Hilary Coolican Karen Price Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Megan Payne Elanore Drynan Therese Pares Donna Little Jessica Henry Vicki Selden Denise Annetts Sue Heard Geraldine Rieper Chris Corbett Therese Pares Robyn Culey Lisa Sthalekar Bronwyn Calver Jane Warrilow Debbie Collins Debbie Collins N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Charlotte Anneveld Narissa Dolbel Susan Daniel Kate Blackwell Krystle Clark Hilary Stiel Susan Daniel Frances Dickson Vicki Heydon Melissa O'Brien Ellie Bradshaw Jane Warrilow Chris Corbett N/A Jessica Henry Jessica Henry Cathie Elsworth Jennie Baldwin Robyn Culey Bronwyn Calver Melissa O'Brien N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tegan Clarke Hannah Perry Neha Sharma Alex Vaughan Stephanie Lum Therese Pares Donna Little Amy Buttsworth Bronwyn Calver N/A N/A Alex Julien Siobhan Luczak Anna Reid Jess Lamb Donna Little Bronwyn Calver N/A Lauren Hamman Kate Griffith Lia Fayle Angela Lennard Kristy Williams Donna Little Shannon Heath N/A Shannon Heath Sarah Frost Melissa Penn Rachel Lodge Donna Little Charlotte Anneveld N/A Mathilda Carmichael Rebecca Hudson Erin Coggins Rachel Lodge Nicky Paterson Bronwyn Calver Creon Cambitzi Hannah Trollip Emma Doutreband Nicole Shaw Ramya Rajkumar Nicky Paterson Emma Sherwood Keith Maclaine 148 Club Woman 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Hannah Trollip Elizabeth Howell Felicity Trinh Stephanie Hickman Elizabeth Richards Ellen Dobrijevic Jessica Henry Emma Sherwood Gerry Richards Emily Leys Joanna Lawson Allana Benson Erin Coggins Lauren Cambitzi Lisa Chan Hannah Trollip Bryce Thompson Heidie Cheadle Victoria King Gemma Thornton Kirsten Levy Annika Clayton Jessica Henry Emma Sherwood Glenn Shaw ANN MITCHELL SCAWC CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY 1984/85 1985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 GORDON BALMAIN GORDON CAMPBELLTOWN GORDON UNITED UNITED UNITED MARRICKVILLE UNITED GORDON GORDON GORDON GORDON BALMAIN BALMAIN BALMAIN BALMAIN UTS BALMAIN UTS BALMAIN UTS BALMAIN ST GEORGE-SUTHERLAND ST GEORGE-SUTHERLAND 2006/07 ST GEORGE-SUTHERLAND 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 BANKSTOWN BANKSTOWN ST GEORGE-SUTHERLAND ST GEORGE-SUTHERLAND ST GEORGE SUTHERLAND GO THE MIGHTY REDS! 149