March 2011 - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club


March 2011 - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
March 2011
Vintage Car Club
Region of the AACA
The Talepipe
Materials for the
Talepipe can be sent to:
or call
Roy Moosa,
The TALEPIPE is the newsletter of the
of the AACA
Incorporated as a California Nonprofit
Mutual Benefit Corporation
P.O. Box 714
Fallbrook, CA 92088
Car Club Scavenger Hunt
On Friday morning March 11th about 30 members of
the FVCC met at 8:30 in the Fallbrook PUD parking lot to
take part in the club’s scavenger hunt. The event had been
planned and the route designed by Joe and Jeanne Cusimano who, following the event, met all participants at Allen’s Alley Restaurant in Vista to tally the scores and make
the awards to the winners.
For those of you unfamiliar with scavenger hunts, this
is how it worked:
Teams of players (usually two people per car) were dispatched from the parking lot at intervals 3 to 5 minutes
apart. Each team had a sheet with directions of where to
go and what to do on the ride.
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Some sites required a stop and others just the
recording of a detail. Questions were asked on the sheet
and answers had to be filled in and handed in at the end
of the run. There were about 10 sites on the ride and at 3
of the sites the players were required to go into the building and make a purchase or pick something up. What had
been purchased or picked up had to be turned in at the
end of the run.
Accuracy and completeness of the answers determined the winners. This was not a timed event.
Upon arrival at the restaurant the sheets from each car
were given to the Cusimanos and the winners were determined. While the calculations were being made the club
members sat down at an outside patio area (which had
been reserved for the club) and ordered breakfast.
Stolen SOUTH of the BORDER
What Should I Do If My Car Is Stolen in Mexico?
After breakfast the Cusimanos announced the winners who were as follows:
1st place: Fred and Connie Ragland
2 place (tie): Chuck and Joan Oster, Monte and
Joan Voigt and Glen and Louise Patterson
5th place: Doug Nickerson and Mary Jane Paul
6th place: LLoyd and Darla Voorhees
The entire event lasted about three hours and by 11:30
most of the players had left the restaurant – but not before giving the Cusimanos a loud round of applause for
their efforts in putting this fun run together.
—-Tom Conley—-
Car Club Donates to Fallbrook Boys Rugby
If your vehicle is stolen in Mexico, contact the
Mexican authorities and make a police report. Note
report number and agency name. Obtain an original,
certified Mexican police report from the police
Upon your return to the U.S., contact the
California Highway Patrol at a local office. Bring your
identification and the certified, original Mexican theft
report. The vehicle must be currently registered in
the U.S. and the registered owner must live in the
U.S. Be sure to bring your identification.
What If my Stolen Car is Recovered in Mexico?
If you locate and recover your vehicle in Mexico,
notify the U.S. Customs inspector when crossing the
U.S. / Mexico border. You will be sent to a
“secondary inspection” area and either the California
Highway Patrol or San Diego Police Department will
dispatch an officer to examine your vehicle and
check your identification. The officer will release the
vehicle to the registered owner. This is an important
step. If you do not have the vehicle recovered and
released by a U.S. police department, you will be
driving a vehicle that is STILL reported stolen. You
could be stopped and detained!
Information source: San Diego Police Dept. police/about/autotheft.shtml
Glen Patterson of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
makes a check presentation to the Fallbrook Boys Rugby
Club in support of the team's efforts. Receiving the check
for the club are Keri Adams (left), Jarred Moore and
Coach Mike Majewski.
The rugby club has almost 100 boys playing from
U10 (under age 10) to U19 (under age 19) and has been
very successful at every level. The Boys High School
team went undefeated this season and successfully defended their Southern California title. The championship
victory over Cathedral 34-0 assured the boys a return to
the California state championship and National Championship in Utah. The team will host the State match versus
the top team from Northern California on May 14th and
then travel to Utah the following week-end to play for the
national title.
——Tom Conley——
There are many so-called “Green” small car
owners who think their tiny, practical,
no-nonsense vehicles are economical and
can go anywhere and do anything.
This owner learned that there some limitations
on what an eco-friendly vehicle can do.
One wonders why this carbon-footprint
conscious individual was driving in the mall
rather than walking?
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Kevin McGuire
Awarded AACA Scholarship
Kevin McGuire, a student member of the FVCC since 2006, was
awarded a $1000 Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA)
scholarship award. This award is provided to students to further
their education, simulate interest in AACA, and the history of vehicles in general. The Award was presented at the AACA Annual
Meeting in Philadelphia, February 12, 2011. Kevin was not able to
attend due to his school schedule.
Kevin and his parents, Michael and Annette, wish to thank
those FVCC members who wrote glowing letters of recommendation. Thank you, Bob Newkirk, David Bergeson, and Glen Patterson. The following is his essay from the scholarship application.
“My name is Kevin McGuire. Currently I am a sophomore at California
State University Fresno (transcripts enclosed) taking five classes as well
as working part-time on the school farm as a maintenance technician.
My declared major is Agricultural Education with an emphasis in Mechanized Agriculture. I plan to teach high
school students after graduating from Fresno State while working towards a Master’s degree in Agricultural Education at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I have always enjoyed taking things apart to figure out how they work and
then putting them back together to see if they work. My current job allows me to expand my knowledge in many
technical fields including electrical, masonry, metallurgy, woodworking, upholstery, and plumbing. I will rely on
these previously mentioned skills in the future when restoring antique automobiles, whether it is with my father or
one of my future students.
My parents first joined the AACA and Fallbrook Vintage Car Club (FVCC) in February of 2005. I became
interested in our local car club after hearing about the activities my parents participated in and subsequently
joined AACA as a student member (#886675) in 2006. Our family didn’t own an antique car yet but that was all
about to change when my father took us to look at a 1931 Graham Prosperity 56 Sedan. It wasn’t perfect by any
means but it was a good start for our family. My father and I meticulously looked over the drive train and made
some minor adjustments. Our car was now ready to be viewed by our fellow club members so we started to take
it to different club activities but it soon ran into some mechanical issues that have since been resolved.
Our family has become very involved in the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club. One year after joining the FVCC
I took on the daunting task of Newsletter Editor, as well as being a high school student. This required me to
photograph all club activities or correspond with a participant of the activity and acquire pictures. I had
to document the events that took place over the previous month as well as future planned events, provide some
educational material for the membership, publish officer reports, and print and distribute all newsletters to the
general membership. I took this responsibility on for a year and a half from 2007 to 2008. Our FVCC holds an
annual car show that is organized and orchestrated by the membership. I have participated in this event for the
past 5 years. I help set up the field layout for 300 cars by putting in stakes and flags to designate parking spots,
as well as assisting to park the cars. I have been a judge at the show in multiple categories each year for the
past 4 years.
I also attend car club events and meetings when I am home from college.
My parents and I were fortunate enough to make it back to Philadelphia in February 2008 to attend the
Annual AACA meeting. I participated in the Youth Program during the meeting which was a lot of fun and enjoyed helping some younger members. I also served as a representative on the Youth Committee Panel which
was brainstorming ideas of how to get youth more involved and interested in antique automobiles. I answered
questions and gave the attendees a youth’s viewpoint. I was awarded a 2007 Newsletter Achievement Award for
my proficiency as Newsletter Editor of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Tailpipe. My father and I took a judging
seminar which taught us how to judge antique automobiles according to AACA regulations which has been very
useful when doing judging at our annual FVCC car show. I wouldn’t trade my experiences gained at the Annual
AACA Meeting for anything. I learned invaluable skills that I have employed on numerous occasions.
My career goal, to teach high school students about mechanized agriculture, has many parallels to the
objectives of the AACA. The AACA’s drive to preserve the remaining farm machines and implements for future
generations is very important to me and the educational field because, as many people know, you learn from the
past, and learning about mechanized agriculture is no different. The best way to teach a student about a piece of
equipment is for the student to work with the equipment itself. My goal as a teacher is to be able to restore antique farm machinery with a class of students and hopefully pass on my love of antiques and history to future
generations. “
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The Three Cooke’s
The Cooke family members have always been known
for their love of foreign automobiles…except for one
member .
This year’s 2011 Car Show Poster shows the
Galloway filling station that used to be in
Fallbrook on South Main. (by Coldstone)
Special thanks to Mike Johnson for making this
poster possible.
Larry Cooke
Life Lessons to Remember...
John Cooke
There is always someone out there who has
a bigger truck than you.
Jean Cooke
Franklin and Danbury Mint die cast model
car collection for sale, 1/24 scale. 39 models
with o/box, 32 without box. All are over 15
years old, $20.00 per model, call for inventory
list. 760 458 8492, Chris Rinker
Don’t go where
you don’t
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Vehicle Cloning
Vehicle cloning is a scheme that uses counterfeit
documents to help sell stolen vehicles. The scam begins
when someone copies a vehicle identification number (VIN)
from a legally owned and documented vehicle sitting in a
parking lot or vehicle dealership. This VIN is then used as
the basis to create counterfeit VIN tags.
The next step in the cloning process is to steal a vehicle
similar to the one from which the criminal lifted the legitimate
VIN. The stolen vehicle’s legitimate VIN tag is replaced with
the counterfeit one. With this counterfeit tag, the stolen vehicle is now a “clone” of the original vehicle that was legally
owned and innocently parked in a lot. With the counterfeit
VIN tag, the stolen vehicle can easily be sold without detection by government agencies.
To complete the scenario, criminals will create counterfeit ownership documents for the cloned vehicle or obtain
the ownership documentation under false pretenses. They
use this phony documentation to sell the stolen vehicle to
an innocent purchaser.
Vehicle cloning is a highly lucrative crime. Car thieves
often travel across state and international borders to sell
cloned vehicles at the highest prices. Most licensing
agencies do not check for duplicate ownership when an
out-of-state ownership document is surrendered, so the
odds of discovery are low. It is also easy to simultaneously
insure the same VIN in different locations.
Fraud Indicators
• The insured policyholder purchased the vehicle with
Canadian documents.
• The vehicle was purchased for an unusually low price
or from out of state, and has an incorrect VIN.
• The vehicle is a new or late model with no lien holder.
• The vehicle was purchased from an individual running a
newspaper ad and using a cell phone number.
• The vehicle’s speedometer displays kilometer-perhours rather than miles-per-hour
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A True Woody
This custom wooden car rides on a 1986 Toyota
truck frame and gets power from a Chrysler 318 engine.
It is driven by an automatic transmission and has
merely 1,800 miles on its speedometer.
The whole body is made of cedar and its interior is
just as over-the-top as the exterior. The exhaust also kills
moths on contact.
Board of Directors
President... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Vice President... Mike McGuire 760-728-6430
Secretary…Bob Newkirk 760-728-2780
Treasurer…Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Past President…David Bergeson 760-731-3300
Calendar of Car Club Events
March 22, 2011:
General Meeting: 7pm
Women’s Club: 238 W. Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA. 92028
Hospitality: Vincent and Shawn Luchenta
Pre-Meeting: Greek Style Chicken,
904 S Main, Fallbrook, C A. 92028, 760-723-8050
Committee Chairs
April 12, 2011:
Board of Directors Meeting: 7pm
Louise Patterson 760-723-2818
Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Public Relations…
Tom Conley 760-723-8596
Outside Activities…
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Glen Patterson760-723-2818
John Waugh 760-723-0705
Ed Vivanco 760-451-0850
Special Events...
Fred Ragland 760-723-5324
Merchandise Sales…
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Connie Waugh 760-723-0705
Bill Muno 760-723-7200
Newsletter Editor…
Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Hosts: Wayne and Marty Warner, 2476 Palo Vista Road,
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028,
Car Show Committees
Car Show Chair…
David Bergeson 760-731-3300
Car Show Poster and Major Sponsors…
Mike Johnson...760-723-8286
Car Show Program…
Car Show Registration…
Bob Newkirk 760-728-2780
Car Show Field Layout…
Mike McGuire 760-728-6430
Car Show Swap Meet…
Frank Hainey 760-451-3041
Car Show Set Up…
Fred Ragland 760-723-5324
Car Show Parking…
Donald Kratzer 760-723-9548
Car Show Judging…
Tom Long 760-723-9833
Car Show Sale Items…
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Car Show Sign Committee
Marvin Van Voorst 760-728-6671
Car Show Raffle
Annette McGuire 760 728-6430
April 17, 2011
Avocado Festival
April 26, 2011:
General Meeting: Stuff Show Posters: 7pm
Women’s Club: 238 W. Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA. 92028
Hospitality: Dick and Jo Ziemer
Pre-Meeting: Servano’s,
1415 South Mission Road,
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028
May 10, 2011:
Board of Directors Meeting: 7pm
Hosts: Wendell and Lee Anne Whittinghill,
3714 Sarah Ann Drive, Fallbrook, Ca. 92028,
General Meetings
Monthly membership meetings are held at the Fallbrook
Woman's Club, 238 West Mission Road in Fallbrook on the 4th
Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled in advance. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM.
Pre-meeting Informal Dinner
An informal gathering of members is usually held at a
selected Fallbrook area restaurant prior to the general
meeting. Plan on arriving for dinner by 5:00 PM to insure
that you have time to eat and socialize.
Board Meetings
Board Meetings are normally held at a member's
home the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless
otherwise scheduled.
All FVCC Board Meetings are open to all members.
There is more to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club than just
a Car Show. Come and join us at the Board Meetings to
get more involved with your club or just to socialize.
If you need more information please contact one of
the club officers or committee chairs.
Membership Information
Membership information may be obtained by mail or from
any FVCC officer or chairperson. Membership Applications are also available on our
website at
Our email address is:
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Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
Region of AACA
P.O. Box 714
Fallbrook, Ca. 92088