brochure-final en opt
brochure-final en opt
& F “ We provide professional legal services, specializing in civil and commercial law and amparo , and corporate, banking and stock market law, in the area of litigation & F COMMUNITY INTEREST We provide our legal services at no charge, personally and impartially, to private individuals and non-government organizations and associations. SOME OF OUR CASES We have handled the following cases: CNI Canal 40, representing TV Azteca; Grupo Fertinal vs ING, claiming payment of insurance; Infored, representing Grupo Radio Centro; Bankruptcy of: Bufete Industrial (first petition of “concurso mercantil” in Mexico); Grupo Covarraand subsidiaries; Grupo Fertinal; Controladora Comercial Mexicana; Hipotecaria Su Casita. We have represented creditors in the following bankruptcy cases: Tribasa; CNI; Televisora del Valle de México; Iconsa; Controladora Comercial Mexicana. PARTNERS Lic. Carlos D. Villasante Santoyo Lic. Tómas A. Freyman Valenzuela ATTORNEYS LAW Lic. Angélica J. Torres Lázaro STUDENTS Itzel Torrano Rodríguez Alejandra G. Ramírez Suárez Miguel A. Ortega Arellanes AREAS OF PRACTICE We provide our customers legal services in the following areas: LITIGATION Civil Commercial Bankruptcy Family Inheritance Administrative Real estate leasing Corporate Insurance and bonding Amparo COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION Local International LEGAL AUDITS CONCILIATION & F Torcuato Tasso Dos 37 - PH, Col. Chapultepec Morales, México DF, 11570 / (55) 2624-3354