iTrent People Manager User Guide


iTrent People Manager User Guide
People Manager
User Guide
(including Holiday requests and Redirect)
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Login ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Screen layout .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Control Bar .............................................................................................................................................. 3
The Effective Date field ....................................................................................................................... 3
The Control Bar buttons...................................................................................................................... 3
Navigation trail.................................................................................................................................... 4
Object Pane ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Search.................................................................................................................................................. 5
Display pane ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Views ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Personal, Employment and Absence Information .............................................................................. 7
Home page .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Annual Leave Requests ........................................................................................................................... 9
The Redirect and Actions buttons..................................................................................................... 10
The Absence Calendar ...................................................................................................................... 12
Redirect my tasks .................................................................................................................................. 13
Reports .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Logout ................................................................................................................................................... 16
People Manager is a restricted level of access within iTrent which provides UWS staff with line
management responsibilities, the opportunity to view a range of employment information about
their staff.
Human Resources maintain details in the main iTrent core application for managers and those staff
(reportees) reporting to them across the organisational structure. People Manager displays current
position/job information for each member of staff and displays their organisation/continuous service
date. Historical employment information prior to 1st April 2012, is accessible only to staff in Human
Resources. If required, this can be requested from Human Resources.
With this application you will have access to view the following information for your direct reports:
View the organisational start date/date of continuous employment
View position/job details
View occupancy details (details of any contractual fixed term end dates)
View hours and basis (contractual working hours and employment status)
View salary details (salary for those not currently aligned to a payscale)
View grade information (details of the pay grade with minimum and maximum spinal
column points)
Working pattern
Costing information (salary cost code and percentage allocation)
View sickness absence details
View and run standard management reports
View holiday balances
Approve holiday requests
Access levels and audit trails will continue to be monitored by Human Resources on a regular basis.
Data Protection
The data contained in this system and its usage is subject to relevant legislation and the University’s
Data Protection Policy and Procedure.
Go to
Enter your User name and Password and click on Login
Your username will be your UWS email address before the @ (normally
this will be firstname.lastname) unless you have been allocated an
alternative and your password is your existing password used currently
to access the UWS ICT network.
Contact the iTrent System Administrator on if you have any problems logging in
Screen layout
Control bar
Navigation trail (breadcrumb)
Object pane
Display pane/
Home Page
(when you log in at first, you might see a message
that your list of reportees is being generated)
Control bar – runs across the top of the page and displays your user name and the current date at
the left, the Effective Date field, and control bar buttons at the right
Navigation trail – displays the path you have followed to get to the current screen and can be used
to move between screens, select a new one or return to the Home page
Object pane – displays the organisation structure and reportees/employees whose employment
details you have permission to view
Display pane – displays links to reports and forms that you have access to view, and displays output
for the selected reportee when a form is selected
Control Bar
The Effective Date field
Many additions and changes within iTrent require an Effective Date ie the date from which the
addition or change takes effect within the system.
This field also allows managers to view details ‘as at’ the date set in the field – for example, if you
want to view an employee’s Position Details as they were a few months ago, you would :
select the employee in the Object Pane;
select the Position Details option (under Employment Information) in the Display pane;
set the appropriate date in the Effective Date field
When entering dates in the Effective Date field, the following apply :
you do not need to enter slashes
you must enter numbers (iTrent will not recognise Feb as a month)
if you enter only the number 22 (and hit Enter), iTrent will assume this is for the
current month and year and will complete the rest of the date for you
if you enter 2202, iTrent will assume this is for the current year and will complete the rest of the
date for you
if you enter 220212, iTrent will assume this is in the current century and will
complete the rest of the date for you
if you enter the letter T, iTrent will assume you want to use today’s date
if you want to use a date from a previous century, you must enter the full date including the year
double-click on the Effective Date field to open a calendar
The Control Bar buttons
Full view
New View
your Self Service
New View – allows managers to open new ‘Display Pane’ areas (up to a maximum of 6) – this makes
it possible to view several items of data from different areas of iTrent at the same time without
replacing the original view
Full View – expands the ‘Display Pane’ to fill the whole desktop – this is useful when viewing the
larger forms available in iTrent – select the button again to switch back to normal view
Help – opens a standard Contents – Index – Search Help window
Self Service – opens the manager’s Employee Self Service information in a new window
Exit – logs you out of iTrent – you will be asked to confirm this action
Navigation trail
On log in, the Navigation trail displays a Home button and the
Organisation (UWS)
Select the People icon at the top of the Object pane
A Reporting step is added to the Navigation trail and a list of employees for two levels is displayed
(ie you will see your direct reportees and their reportees, if any)
Object Pane
The Object Pane displays a section of the iTrent Organisation structure. This is a dynamic diagram of
the structure of UWS within the iTrent system (note that this may differ slightly from the actual UWS
structure). The Organisation structure is read only and is created and edited by Human Resources.
Click on the People icon, then click on the plus icons + at the left to
expand each level
You will see two levels of reportees, ie the people who
report directly to you, and the people who report to any of
them (if any)
The Organisation structure elements here are :
Organisation – the top level of the structure
Contract – represents an employee
The Positions tick box and the Views drop down list on the Object pane allow you to view the
Organisation structure in various formats
This example is a Semi-hierarchical view, which includes
Positions and Posts
Unit – a department or division
Post – a job type or category
Position – represents an actual job – a blue chair is
a “filled position”
Select a reportee in the Object Pane, and select a form on the Display Pane – the relevant
information for the selected reportee is displayed in the Display Pane
If you select People Search from the Views drop down list (or sometimes if you select a link before
selecting a person) you will see a Search in the Object pane
Enter search criteria and select the attribute to
search on (eg Surname, Forename)
Click the magnifying glass – iTrent will search for
records which start with your search text
Clicking on the magnifying glass without entering
search criteria returns all results – you will be asked
to confirm that you want to search for everything
To add additional criteria to your search, click on the + button beside the magnifying glass
Click on a column heading to sort Search results
Select an employee from the search results then select an option from the Display pane – the
employee name and the selected option are added to the Navigation trail
Click on a section of the Navigation trail to move back to that screen
Click on Organisation to clear the trail and return to the Home Page
Display pane
The Display pane (on the right side of the screen) displays the details of the selected record or form
– note that the information on these screens is read only
Click on the Home button
to display the home page
(the full list of options) in
the Display pane
New View
If you want to view another screen but
do not want to lose the screen you are
currently working on, click on New View
Additional tabs appear at the bottom
right of the screen and you can move
between these “Views”
You can view different information about different employees on each View
Note – you can have a maximum of 6 Views open at the same time
Personal, Employment and Absence Information
Select the People icon, select an employee from the list and then select one of the Personal
Information, Employment Information or Absence Information links in the Display pane
The information is displayed for the selected employee :
You can select another employee from the list on the left to view their information
The Home icon at the bottom of each screen will return you to your list of options
The process for viewing Employment Information and Absence Information is the same – select a
member of staff then select an option – the information will be displayed on the Display pane on the
right of the screen
Note – you need to confirm the Effective Date for some of the Employment Information options
Home page
You can return to the Home Page at any time by clicking on the Home button at the left of the
navigation trail or the home icon which is available on most record and form screens
The options on the left of the
Home page are as follows :
Bookmarks are quick links to
pages – all of the bookmarks
that you will need are
available through the Links
section so Bookmarks are not
Links work in the same way
as Bookmarks but are linked
to a security profile – they
are defined by the System
Administrator so managers
with the same security profile
have access to the same Links
(these cannot be edited by
the user)
Out of office lists your reportees who have been identified in iTrent as being out of the office and
have a recorded absence (such as maternity leave/annual leave) – you can select the period you
wish to view
To do list details any tasks that require your attention, including holiday requests and Workflow
tasks that have been assigned to you – you will see a number in the bracket if you have any tasks
Processes displays any background processes that have been completed in the last 24 hours, such as
Reports, high level structure changes, Absence and Payroll calculations
Messages displays any current System alert or Message of the day – these are entered by a System
User settings have been set up by the system administrator and you have permission to change the
number of reportees you can view – this is currently configured to display two levels
To change the number of
levels, select User settings,
scroll down to the People
Manager section at the
bottom, enter the number
of reporting levels you
want to view and click Save
Annual Leave Requests
If one of your reportees
submits a new annual leave
request, or cancels an
approved annual leave
request through Employee
Self Service, you will receive
an email :
click on Log-in to access People Manager
- you will be asked to log in
Once logged in, select your To do list – the holiday request will be listed as a Task :
Click on the body of the task to
view the holiday request details
The Redirect and Actions buttons
if you select the tick box, two
additional buttons appear –
Redirect and Actions
the Actions button allows you to change the
Authorisation status of the request with one
click – note that if you do not authorise the
request, there is no option to add Notes
the Redirect button allows you to redirect the annual leave request to another
user of the system - click on the magnifying glass to search for the Recipient
then click on Save – you will see a message confirming that the task has been
redirected and it will be removed from your To do list
If you click on the body of the task in your To do list, you can view the details of the holiday request :
details of the holiday
request are displayed at
the top of the screen
holiday requests
are displayed in
the left hand pane
select an Authorisation status of
Authorised or Not Authorised
expand the Holiday balances
section to view the reportee’s
annual leave entitlement
you can enter a Reason if you
are not authorising the request
click Save to submit
your changes
When you click Save :
the reportee who submitted the holiday request will receive an email with your Authorisation
status and any notes that you added in the Reason field
you will see a Task(s) authorised confirmation message – a list of other authorised tasks is
displayed in the left hand pane
From here, you can click on the Home button at the bottom of the screen or at the top left, or Log
out if you have no other tasks to complete
The Absence Calendar
At any given time, you may wish to view all recorded absences for your reportees in a calendar
format (see User Settings on page 8 to change the number of reporting levels that are visible). You
can view these absences on an individual basis or view all of them at the same time. The calendar
will display all absences which are recorded in iTrent.
Select Organisation: UWS if required; click on the People icon and select Views – People search
Click on the magnifying glass and click OK to confirm that you want to search for everything – this
will produce a list of all of your reportees
you can click on Select all to view
details for all of your reportees, or
you can use the Ctrl key to select
specific individuals
select Absence Calendar on the Links page
you can select Full view
you can specify the Display
period you wish to view
expand the Calendar colour
options to view the colour key
hover on a calendar entry
to view details, or click for
additional options
Redirect my tasks
There is a Redirect my tasks option under the Absence Information section on the Links page – this
allows you to redirect particular tasks to particular people for a specified length of time, for example
if you are going on annual leave
select a Start date (and
End date if required)
select a Process type – if you
select Task processes, you also
need to select a Process
select a person to Redirect to, enter
your Password and click Save
You will see a message confirming that your changes have been saved
To change or cancel a redirect, select the Redirect my tasks option on the Links page
select the Redirect from the
list on the left hand pane
select Save to save any changes,
Delete to cancel the Redirect or
New to create a new one
The process of running and downloading a report in iTrent is the same for each type of report.
Select one of the Reports options from the Display Pane eg Run Absence Report – you will be asked
to select a specific report from the Object pane on the left (eg Absence Summary, as shown in the
example below) and enter the required information in the Display pane before clicking Run
Some information is entered by default but can be edited
Note that the blue fields are mandatory and must contain an entry
Some reports can be run for
an Employee, or for the Unit
(ie all of your reportees)
Select a report from
the Object Pane
Select specific information
for the report, such as to
and from dates
Click Run to run
the report
You will see a message confirming that the report is running, and a further message to confirm when
the report is completed
You can click on the link in this message to view
the Report screen
Or you can select the Report from the Processes
option on your home page
You can view reports produced at different times by selecting options from the ‘View output from’
drop down list at the top of the screen
On the Report screen, click the Download button – you will be given the option to Open or Save the
It is good practice to delete reports that are no longer required – on the report screen, tick the
Delete box at the right hand side beside reports which are no longer required, then click the Delete
button on the Display pane (above the home button)
The People and Structure reports are run in much the same way – note that you will be asked to
confirm the Effective Date for these reports
When you are finished, click on Log off at the top right hand corner of the screen – you will see this
Click OK – you will be
logged out of the system
and can close your
browser as normal