Port Austin News


Port Austin News
Port Austin News
October 2016
Barbara King, Editor
P O Box 624
Poet Austin MI 48467
we can be found on:
thumbnet.net & Facebook
D I n n Restaurant
& Bar
PAAHS 300 Club Fundraiser a Huge Success
By Dennis Hafeli, Event Chairman
The Port Austin Area Historical Society is very pleased to
announce that, as of Saturday, September 3, all 300
tickets at $30.00 apiece have been sold. This is the first
time in years that this has happened, and the organization is extremely grateful, as all profits go toward
maintenance and upkeep of the museum. So far, fifteen
$100.00 prizes have already been raffled off over the
past three Saturdays, with the big drawing coming up
on Saturday, September 17, at 11:00 AM at the Farmers
Market. The first prize of $1,000.00 will be given away
first, followed by a $500.00 prize, two $250.00 prizes,
and ten $100.00 prizes. All winners are notified by
phone, but if you have purchased a ticket and are at the
Market on September 17, stop by the Farmers Market
and watch the action take place.
Grand Opening
Sunday October 16, 2016
12 / Noon until 5pm
New owners Steve and Teresa Erickson, their
son Phil and friend Glen Roth will be dedicating the newly re-opened world famous Garfield
Inn with a ribbon cutting ceremony, tours and
refreshments. State and local dignitaries will
also be attending. The Inn / restaurant / bar
will be open twelve months a year. They plan
to make the Inn as historically correct and comfortable as possible. Eric Sowders, the restaurant’s Chef, is well known for his clam chowder and fresh fish dishes. Steve and Teresa are
currently home hunting and plan to retire here
in Port Austin. Steve has owned several successful businesses including a restaurant. He
was also the Millington City Manager for seven
Steve says: “Everyone should serve
and get to know how their government really
works…the Good and the Bad. If good men do
nothing, nothing good will be done.”
“Last Minute Maintenance Funded Project”
The State of Michigan Department of Transportation
notified the Village of Port Austin office on August 29,
2016 that Astec Asphalt Inc. would be performing road
reconstruction on highway M25 south of Spring Street
and north of Grindstone Road starting September 8,
2016 at 8am. The work was completed September 9,
Port Austin News October 2016
page 1
The Port Austin News apologizes to Diane Maschke.
Diane submitted information for her candidacy to be a
member of the Village of Port Austin Council as a
Trustee in the September issue. However, the information was lost in our computer system and we were
never able to retrieve it. See page 7
A g e n c y, I n c
8561 Lake Street
P O Box 320
Port Austin MI 48467
Fax 989-738-5204
7217 N Van Dyke. Port Austin MI
Raegan 248-505-3087 or Dave 248-672-8284
Saturday September 17: Bar Party with a Circus Theme—
Wear a Costume and see King Louie the Camel
Tuesday, September 20, starts the Darts Tournament to be held every other Tuesday for the next ten weeks.
Saturday Evenings Paid-for–View UFC Fights will soon
be coming back to the “Garage Bar”
More winter events will be announced on Facebook.
A Christian Intervention Program to help people turn
their lives around will be held in the former Port Austin Air Force base dining hall starting Thursday, October
6, 2016. Life skills classes will be taught by Mike &
Stacey Lynch of the Cornerstone Ministries from Bad
Axe, and will be held from 1:00 to 2:00 pm on Thursdays and Fridays for 10 weeks, and are open to anyone
in the community. For more info: 989-738-8772
AA: Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings are held at 7pm
on Monday, Tuesday & Friday at the old Air Force base,
8170 Port Drive, (one mile south of Port Austin). For
more info call 989-550-1045 or 248-977-6461
Pointe Aux Barques Lighthouse Society semi-annual
open meeting is Saturday, September 17 at Lighthouse
Park at 10am. Every one is welcome. Learn what is
being done to further the “Thumb’s “ significance.
337 Main Street, Kinde, MI, (989) 874-4070
Fundraiser to benefit the North Huron Schools System
and the community. For more info call us or go to:
E-mail: info@kindepolkafest.org
Website: http://www.kindepolkafest.org
SEPT 17: Huron County Nature Center Fall Dinner
@ Community Room at the Nature Center Dinner at
6pm, Special program at 7pm $15 per person Tickets
required call 989-551-8400 www.huronnaturecenter.org
SEPT 19: Port Austin Township Board 7pm
8265 N. Van Dyke, Port Austin, MI 48467 Phone:
(989) 738-6808 FAX 738-7088 meetings are held 0n
the 3rd Monday of the month at the Township Hall.
SEPT 20: Pt Austin Township Library Board 9am
114 Railroad Street. 989-738-7212 Meets on the 3rd
Tuesday of the month at the libr ar y.
SEPT 20: Open Poetry Reading & Sharing 7pm
Location: the Port Austin Welcome Center. This is a
monthly 3rd Tuesday event April thru October. For
more information Contact 989-738-7641.
*SEPT 21: Port Austin Chamber of Commerce
September regular Month meeting 5:30 pm
*Annual meeting 6:30pm & officer election
2 Spring St, Port Austin MI 989-738–7600 Regularly
monthly meetings are held on the First Wednesday of the
month at the Port Austin always at the Welcome Center.
SEPT 24-26 GIRLS WEEKEND (see page 6)
SEPT 24 (Sat) & 25 (Sun): COUNTY MUSEUM TOUR.
At the Port Austin History Center from 11am-4pm On
Sunday, Kevin Roggenbuck will be sharing his Indian
artifacts collection. On Saturday and Sunday there will
be a “Laundry Day” at the Grindstone House. Brochures with locations and a map of the Huron County
Museums available at the Port Austin Welcome Center.
SEPT 28: U & I Club Meet at 8255 Nor th Van
Dyke. Meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of the month
at noon. McDonald Family Foods caters this event.
Lunch is $7.00. RSVP the Sunday prior to the meeting.
Call: 989-428-3705
SEPT 28: Pt Austin Historical Society 4-7pm presentsPASTA HOUSE DINNER & Brown Bag Raffle @ The
Kinde Pasta House Ballroom 337 Main Street, Kinde,
Michigan. Adults - $10 and kids ages 4-10 - $4. Tickets
for the dinner are available at the History Center, from a
PAAHS member, or at the door. Raffle tickets available
at the event.
All of these meetings are open to the public and subject
to change. Please confirm before planning to attend.
Port Austin News October 2016
page 2
Port Austin History Center
End of September &October Events 2016
1424 Pointe Aux Barques Road
Port Austin MI 48467
Open Saturday & Sunday 1-4pm
Saturday September 24 & Sunday September 25: COUNTY MUSEUM TOUR. 11am-4pm
On Sunday, Kevin Roggenbuck will be sharing his Indian artifacts collection. On Saturday and Sunday there will
be a “Laundry Day” at the Grindstone House. Brochures with locations and a map of the Huron County Museum
Tour can be found at the Port Austin Welcome Center.
Wednesday September 28: PASTA HOUSE DINNER & Brown Bag Raffle 4-7pm
Always a fun time for the whole family. All you can eat Pasta Dinner: Adults - $10 and Children ages 4 to 10
$4. Tickets for the dinner are available at the History Center, from a PAAHS member, or at the door. Raffle tickets available at the event. The Kinde Pasta House Ballroom is located next to the Kinde Pasta House restaurant at
337 Main Street, Kinde, Michigan
Thursday October 6: Public meeting of the Port Austin Area Historical Society at 7pm
Followed by refreshments at 7:45 and program at 8pm. October program is “The Past in Person”.
Professional story teller, Michael Deren, will appear as a 1941 Civilian Conservation Corps enrollee.
Earlier in the day, the Port Austin Area Historical Society is sponsoring a program at the North Huron
Elementary School for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders featuring Michael Deren who will appear as a 1840 Erie
Canal boat Captain telling the importance of the Erie Canal in the development of Michigan.
Port Austin News October 2016
page 3
What has PABLS done this season?
By Bill Bonner, President PABLS
The Pointe aux Barques Lighthouse
Society began the 2016 season with
a Memorial day opening and tower
climb. Our visitors and guests have been consistently
larger than previous years which speaks well for the
Museum and Huron County. The restoration of the
windows and doors is almost complete with some
final tweaking of the windows plus the addition of the
storm windows. The Road Commission did a great
job creating concrete bases for the four permanent
info-signs that have been installed on the grounds. A
sidewalk through the area is to come in the Fall or
early next Season.
The U S MATOA ship exhibit was installed just before the Festival and has been viewed by many.
The Festival was a big success on the first Saturday in
August even though we thought the crowd was smaller. Four of the six weddings scheduled have been
There have been more visitors at Pointe aux Barques
Museum than ever before. The Society volunteers
have put in many hours to make the visiting experience memorable. The Museum is open 10:00am to
7:00pm seven days a week. The third weekend in
September there will be a final tower climb for the
season from 10:00 to 5:00 Saturday and Sunday.
If you have not seen the only Lighthouse Museum
owned by Huron County, please come and see us.
Saturday September 17. 2016 at 10 am the second
semi-annual open meeting is to be held at the
Pointe aux Barques Lighthouse Park. Ever yone is
welcome to come and learn more of the past year’s
accomplishment and future plans.
Autumn Leaves
Russet, orange, gold and brown
are the colors of a tear;
the trees are weeping,
softly crying,
shedding mournfully
this year.
-from Impressions, 1993 by jane mayes
Port Austin News October 2016
page 4
Betsy Kish (L) and Jodi Nieschulz (R) State Park Supervisors pictured in
front of the beautiful brick fireplace in the Port Crescent Parks’ Office
Michigan State Parks Supervisors
The regular 2016 camping season is almost over except for
the cabins that are rented during the winter months. However,
the work of the State Parks Supervisors is far from complete.
Betsy Kish has worked for the Parks and Recreation Division for
38 years. For the past 29 years she has been the park supervisor at Port Crescent State Park. She oversees the park as well
as the Port Austin State Harbor. During this summer her staff
included four Park Rangers, a Harbor Master, thirteen State
Workers at the park and nine at the harbor. Betsy has a BS
degree in Parks & Recreation Resources from Michigan
State University. She says a degree is not a requirement of the
job but it opens more opportunity.
In the summer of 1998 Jodi Nieschulz came to work at Port
Crescent State Park as a seasonal State Worker with Betsy as
her supervisor. Jodi enjoyed the job so much she changed her
major from pre-med to Resource Ecology & Management. Jodi
holds a BS degree from the University of Michigan. Jodi has a
total of 18 years with the State Parks during which she was a
Park Ranger for two years, a Lead Worker for 12 years and has
been a Park Supervisor for the past four years.
Jodi oversees Sleeper State Park, Bay Port Boat Launch, Filion
Road Boat Launch, Fin & Feather Boat Launch, Sumac Island
Boat Launch and the Sanilac Petroglyphs Historic State Park.
During this summer her staff included three Park Rangers, one
Lead-worker, one secretary and 15 State Workers.
Parks Supervisors work year around. They have to be a “jack
of all trades.” During the winter with a very small staff they
remodel cabins, refurbish park amenities, write budgets and
complete the state’s numerous required reports, to name just
a few. These ladies have learned to do what has to be done.
They deserve much credit and respect for the pride we all have
in the cleanliness and beauty of local camping, boating and
recreation accommodations.
Both ladies said the aspect of their jobs they enjoy the most
is interacting with the many people they meet and working out
of doors. They also said the part they like the least is working
on the computer and having to stay inside. Betsy says while
the computer has simplified the paper work of the job, she
would rather be outside. Now reservations are made by going
to ‘Camping & Recreation’ of www.michigan.gov/dnr.
Every Spring a new staff is hired for the summer season. The
most important qualifications are dependability, common
sense and a focus on people.
Port Sanilac Lighthouse Held Open House
On September 10th, 2016, Jeff Shook, the new owner of
the Sanilac Lighthouse, held an open house to celebrate
the lighthouse’s 130 years of service. Jeff purchased the
Port Sanilac Lighthouse in December of 2015. With the
completion of major restoration work, it was the last
opportunity for the public to see the original 1886 classical lighthouse Fresnel Lens in place in the top of the
tower. The US Coast Guard will be replacing it with a
new LED light. The lighthouse is still an active aid to
navigation. It was only the second time in the lighthouse’s history that it has been open to the public for
tours. And the turnout was phenomenal.
Jeff Shook has strong ties to the popular Pointe aux
Barques Lighthouse located between Port Austin and
Port Hope just north of M25.
In 1848 Jeff’s Grandfather and Grandmother (Peter &
Catherine Shook, five generations back) were the first
lighthouse keepers at the new Pointe Aux Barques lighthouse. They had eight children, and upon his Grandfathers drowning on a shipwreck somewhere around the
Port Sanilac area, his Grandmother took over as light
keeper and became Michigan’s first female light keeper,
an honor Jeff is proud to talk about.
Since purchasing the lighthouse, extensive research and
planning have been done to restore and renovate the
lighthouse and out buildings, which includes the oil
house, well and the privy (out house), in order to do
everything historically correct. With major projects at
the lighthouse soon to be finished the classical lens will
be removed from the tower. This was a unique and rare
opportunity to see a classical lens still in operation.
There are very few classical lenses left in service as
most have been replaced with newer optics.
For more information about the Port Sanilac Lighthouse open
house, go to Facebook “Port Sanilac Lighthouse.”
Port Austin News October 2016 page 5
Girl’s Getaway Weekend September 23-25 2016
North Huron FFA
By Raegan Gembarski, Chapter President (Senior)
This is the second annual “Girl’s Getaway Weekend”
with Lots of Sales, Specials, and Activities !!
 Ladies Day at the Port Austin Farmers Market Sept. 24th
Free drawings for gift baskets & other merchandise donated
by Market Vendors—Watch for more details on times, places, etc. Detailed brochures will be available at all
participating stores and restaurants. All restaurants will be
open for business!
SEPTEMBER 24TH 8:30 a.m.
Veteran’s Waterfront Park, Port Austin
Join Pure Yoga & Pilates Revolution for a
Girls’ Weekend Event
SIGN UP ONLINE AT www.pureyogafitness.net or
Start your morning with a wonderful yoga practice offered
by Lisa & Betsy and join us afterwards at Pilates Revolution
for Mimosas and fruit cups and check out the studio!
(If it rains, we will move the yoga practice to the studio)
SEPTEMBER 24TH, 5:30 p.m.
On the beach at the Beachcomber Motel Port Austin
Join Pure Yoga, Pilates Revolution and The Questover
Assisted Living & Day Services for a Girls’ Weekend Event
Sign up online at www.pureyogafit.net
or www.pilatesrevolution.weebly.com
Join us for a relaxing hour of yoga on the beach and enjoy
the company of your friends with wine and cheese provided
by Jill Meeks of The Questover Assisted Living
(If it rains, we will move the yoga practice to the studio)
Local retail stores participating with special sales:
 Town & Country Casuals
 Lake Street Emporium
 Lisa’s Loft / Heins Hardware
 And many more
Shelley’s Bar & Grill:
“Chippendales” 9 pm
The Bird Creek Tap Room:
Live Music from 3-10 pm
Pumpkin Chuckin’ @ 5 pm
This summer, we were fortunate to have many students
stay active within the chapter. For example, we had a record setting year at the Huron Community Fair, with over 80
students showing their livestock. We had almost 40 pens of
hogs alone! One of the reasons we had such high participation, was due to the North Huron 4-H Club that was founded this past year. Our 4-H was chartered last January, in
order to keep membership at all levels active. The members have met monthly. Individually, we also had success.
Faith Yageman and Ben Zaleski were selected to participate
in the “Challenge 24”, a scholarship conference for future
agricultural educators, which makes both members eligible
for $10,000 in scholarships at Michigan State University.
Also, Faith Yageman and Courtney Stewart attended the
Washington Leadership Conference in Washington D.C.
While at this conference, students will spend four days in
our nation's capitol, learning about how they can make a
difference, and how they can bring back that change to enrich our local chapter. Personally, I was elected to a second
term on the Region III Officer Team, serving as the Region’s
Treasurer. For that, I was required to attend SLCRO, State
Leadership Conference for Regional Officers, put on by
Michigan’s National Officer Candidate.
At the end of last year, our 2016-2017 Chapter Officer
team was elected. I will be serving as president, Tammy
Kessel as Vice President, Meghan Goretski as Secretary,
Jessica Murawski as treasurer, Ben Zaleski as Reporter,
Shannon Grifka as Sentinel, Breezy Fischer as Parliamentarian, Faith Yageman as Historian, and finally Nick Craig as
our Student Advisor. We attended the Region III Officer
Training Camp, at Covenant Hills in Otisville, MI, that the
Regional Officers, including North Huron Alumni Lizzy Baranski and myself organized. While at Officer Training this
summer, my team and I decided on our theme for the 2016
-2017 school year, “Building Leaders, Leaving a Legacy.”
This phrase seemed obvious to choose, due to our past
successes. We want to leave a legacy for the new members
and give them a path to follow while building them up as
leaders to help them in their future endeavors.
As President, my goal this year is to see the chapter continues to grow and develop the way that it has in the past
years. Being able to see and be a part of every members’
individual progress is a rewarding experience that I hope to
see continue. Ultimately, the success of our chapter is
dependent on every member. Fortunately, we are lucky to
have students who are driven and are always willing to try
new projects. The support we have in the community is
invaluable. For us, prosperity is inevitable. Leave a legacy.
Port Austin News October 2016 page 6
Great Place to Eat and/or buy a drink
1. American Legion 8875 Hellems Road Offer ing a
Different Lunch Special Daily From 12/Noon until
2pm $5.00 989-738-1223
2. Buccaneer Den at Port Crescent 1890 Port Austin
Rd (M25). Open Monday thru Saturday 5-8pm.
Reservations appreciated 989-738-7175
3. Captain Morgan Grindstone 3337 Pointe aux
Barques Rd Grindstone City 989-738-7665
Open hours are listed on our Facebook Page
4. Fireside Inn 1146 Por t Austin Rd, 989-738-8232
Thursday 4-9 Friday & Saturday 4-10 Sunday 4-8
5. Garfield Inn 8544 Lake Str eet Pt Austin Hour s:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 4-9pm,
Saturday 11am-9pm, and Sunday 4-9pm.
(989) 738-5254
6. Joe’s Pizzeria 8725 Lake St Open Tues, Wed,
Thurs 4-9 Friday4-10 Saturday & Sunday 3-10.
Great Pizza, Spaghetti Beer & Wine available too.
(Take Outs order welcome call: 989-738-8711)
7. Razuco’s Lounge 7217 N Van Dyke. Fall/Winter
Hours: Closed Mon, Tue & Wed except for special
events. Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun open at 12/noon.
Call: 248-505-3087 or 248-672-8284
8. Shelley's Bar & Grill 8745 Pear son Road,
Grindstone City MI 989-738-5105 ATM located
inside the restaurant/bar most Credit Cards accepted Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials Take Outs
JJ’s Party Store next door to Shelley's: Full Line
of Groceries, Beer, Wine, Liquor, Ice, Firewood
and New & Exchange Propane Tanks.. Open 7 days
a week! Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8am-10pm
Friday & Saturday 7am-11pm Sunday 8am-9pm
My name is Marlene (Sosnoski) Jobe
and I am a candidate for a Trustee
position on the Port Austin Village
Council. I am a Port Austin High
School graduate. I returned to Port
Austin in 2013 as a retiree and a resident. It is my belief that it is time for
new ideas, accountability, and transparency in Village government. My
business, government, and experience
working with the Michigan State Legislature will bring additional insight to
the Village of Port Austin.
An example of a simple new idea and accountability can be
explained in my successful request to get the Council to prohibit parking along the July 4th Parade route.
In 2015, I convinced the Council to approve the “No Parking”
during the parade provision. This simple provision has made
the parade safer and more enjoyable for all. Unfortunately,
the Council has still not passed an Ordinance to ticket violators.
I believe I am a well qualified candidate and, if elected, will
work hard to address your concerns as well as continue
to make Port Austin a great place to live, work, play, and visit.
Dianne Maschke
Village Council Candidate
Dianne Maschke has been a
resident of Port Austin for over 50
years. She is a previous council
member. She is retired from the
State of Michigan. Dianne says:
“My goal is to represent our village
residents to the best of my ability. We have a community
that has so much potential seen and yet to see in the
future. I would love to help make Port Austin a safe,
happy, prosperous place with an atmosphere that we can
be proud to call our home.“ Diane is willing to listen,
watch and help mediate issues that are important to our
9. The Pasta House 337 Main St. Kinde MI
Open Mon-Thurs 11am-8pm, Fri & Sat 11am-9pm,
Sunday 9am - 8pm. To cater an event or to reserve
the Ball Room call 989-874-4070
10. The Stock Pot 8714 Lake Street Port Austin MI
989-738-7111 Carry Out Welcome. Homemade
Soups and Lunch Specials Daily. OPEN: Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
8am-2pm Saturday 6am-2pm ALSO Available:
Catering & Home Made Pies call: 989-551-8747
Pies are $10 each & choices are: Apple, Dutch Apple, Cherry, Lemon, Raspberry, Peach & Pumpkin.
11. The Tap Room @ Bird Creek Farms see ad >>>>
Open Friday @ 4,, Saturday @ 2,, Sunday @ 11
Port Austin News October 2016
page 7
OCT 18: Open Poetry Reading & Sharing at 7pm
 at the Port Austin Welcome Center. This will be the
last event until April 2017. For more information call
OCT 26: U & I Club
 Meets at 8255 North Van Dyke, meeting are on the
4th Wednesday of the month at noon. McDonald
Family Foods caters this event. Lunch is $7.00.
RSVP the Sunday prior to the meeting. Call: 989428-3705
Friends of the Library 7pm meet nor mally at the
 Port Austin Library 114 Railroad St 989-738-7212
on the First Tuesday of month –Next November 1st
OCT 5: P A Library 3pm pr esents “Seeking Sacred”
 14 Railroad St, 989-738-7212 Detroit Institute of
Arts compares different ways people time have used
works of art to hold, communicate and reinforce
ideas about religion, spirituality and cosmology.
OCT 5: Pt Austin Chamber of Commerce 5:30pm
 2 Spring St, Port Austin MI 989-738–7600 monthly
meetings are held on the First Wednesday of month
at the Port Austin Welcome Center.
OCT 6: Port Austin Area Historical Society 7pm
 Meetings are held on the First Thursday @ the P A
History Center, 1424 Pointe Aux Barques Rd.
Program @ 8pm (see page 3)
OCT 10: Village of Port Austin Council 6:30pm
 Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at the Village Hall at 17 West State St. Mailing: P.O. Box
336, Port Austin, MI 48467 - 989-738-5199. The
hall is open Monday-Friday8am-4pm. Closed 1-2pm
OCT 11: Thumb Arts Guild (TAG) 7pm meets on
 the 2nd Tuesday of the month at P.A. Welcome
OCT 13: Bible Church Homeless Coalition 6:30pm
 meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of month at
old Air Force Base. For details call Charlotte
Thuemmel 989-738-8772 or Norm Edwards 989738-7700
OCT 13: Huron Regional Water Authority meets
 2nd Thursday of month check first 989-738-5199
All of these meetings are open to the public and
subject to change. Please confirm before
planning to attend.
U & I Community Center
8255 N. Van Dyke, Port Austin 989-738-5080
"Hall Rental: 989-551-7712 "
 BINGO Every Monday at 6:15pm
 Human Development Commission Luncheons are
Every Tuesday & Thursday. Open to everyone 60 or
older. Must RSVP day before. Call 989-315-8050
Time: noon Price : $2.50 Euchre at 12:45
 The U & I Club will again will be sponsoring an
Over Night Gambling Trip May 10th-11th, 2017
To sign up please call 989-738-2444
U & I Club meeting are on the 4th Wednesday of the
month at noon. McDonald Family Foods Caters this
event $7.00. RSVP the Sunday prior to the meeting.
Call: 989-428-3705
0CT 14, 15, 16: Port Crescent State Park Harvest Festival…
Time: All Day Location: Port Crescent State Park,
1775 Port Austin Road, Port Austin, MI . Join us for
a haunting good time! Hear stories, enjoy s'mores
around the bonfire, pumpkin carving, sack races,
hayrides, trick-or-treating and more! Activities are
for campers only, except the hay rides, which are $1
per person per ride. For more details, call 989-7388663. Please Note: A Recreation Passport is required for entry into all Michigan state parks and
recreation areas and available at the event.
SEPT 14: Pt Austin Area Sewer & Water Auth 7pm
 Meet every 2nd Wednesday of month @ Village
Hall located at 17 West State St Port Austin. 989738-8366
OCT 12: North Huron Board of Education 5:30 pm
 meeting at the High School Media Center for more
information call: 989-874-4100
SEPT 17: Port Austin Township Board 7pm
 8265 N. Van Dyke, Port Austin, MI 48467 Phone:
(989) 738-6808 FAX 738-7088 meetings are held
the 3rd Monday of the month at the Township Hall.
OCT 18: Pt Austin Township Library Board 9am
 114 Railroad Street. 989-738-7212 Meets on the 3rd
Tuesday of the month at the libr ar y.
End of September & October Events”
8875 Hellems Road 989-738-1223
(just east of Port Austin, north of Pointe Aux Barques Road)
Sat. September 17, Jam Session 7:30pm
Wednesday Sept. 21 Stroganoff Dinner 5-8pm
Wednesday October 5 Salad & Pizza 5-8pm $7.50
(North Huron School Scholarship fundraiser last one)
Friday, October 7 Fish Fry 4-8pm $10
Saturday, October 15 “Wing Ding Fling” 5-8pm
(Presented by the Son of The Legion)
Followed by a Jam Session @ 7:30
MONDAYS -Open Euchre 1:00 pm
*(on going - Every Monday Thru April)
Horse Shoe pitching contests every THURSDAY
through the summer months on the grounds behind
the club house. Starts at 6pm.
Port Austin News October 2016 page 8
Port Austin
October 2016
Port Austin Post Office
114 Railroad St. Port Austin, Michigan
Mailing Address: P O Box 325 Port Austin MI 48467
OPEN: MON, TUES, WED & THURS 10-7 FRI 10-5 SAT 10-2
Farmer Mkt
8710 North St. Port Austin MI 48467
989-738-5264 800-275-8777 Fax: 989-738-8614
Window Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm Sat 9am-11am
P O Box Access Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm
Saturday 7:30am-11am Closed Sunday
Winter Hours effective October 1, 2016:
Mon & Tues & Thurs 10-6 , Wed 10-7, Fri 10-5, Sat 10-2
*1pm Euchre @
American Legion
*7pm Friends of
the Library @ Library
*5:30pm PA Chamber of Commerce
meets @ Welcome
*3pm P A Library
Seeking Sacred
*7pm Port Austin
*4-8 American
Historical Society
Legion Fish Fry @
Meeting-7:45 treats
Legion Hall
-8pm Program.
*7:30a American
Legion-Jam session
Farmer Mkt
10 *6:30pm Village 11
of Port Austin
Council meeting @
Village Hall
*7:30a American
Legion-Jam session
*Port Crescent
State Park Harvest Festival—all
*6:30pm Bible
Church Homeless
meets @ Air Force
*7:30 Addams Fami- *7:30 Addams Family Musical comedy
ly Musical comedy
@ Playhouse
@ Playhouse
*7pm TAG meets
@ Welcome Center
*1pm Euchre @
American Legion
*Port Crescent
State Park Harvest Festival—all
*Garfield Inn
Grant Opening
*7pm P A Township *7pm Open Poet- *7:30a American
Legion-Jam session
Board meets at
ry Reading at P. A.
Township Hall
Welcome Center
*2:00 Addams Fam- *1pm Euchre @
ily Musical comedy American Legion
@ Playhouse
*2pm Addams Family Musical comedy
@ Playhouse
*1pm Euchre @
American Legion
Trick or Treat
hours 5:30-7pm
* See event article for details
of Farmer Mkt
9am-1pm 2016
*Port Crescent
State Park Harvest Festival—all
Legion ‘Wing Ding
*Noon U & I Club .
*7:30a American
Legion-Jam session
*7:30 Addams Family Musical comedy
@ Playhouse
*7:30 Addams Family Musical comedy
@ Playhouse
Port Austin State Bank
62 East State Street, Port Austin MI
P.O. Box 360 Port Austin MI 48467
Fax: 989-738-5792 Phone: 989-738-5235
HOURS: Lobby & Drive Thru: Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm, Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday Drive Thru Only 9am-12:00 ATM and Night Deposit Anytime!
Port Austin News October 2016
page 9
Marnie Schwedler
Laura Polega
Ladies Apparel
110 E. Spring Street, Port Austin, Michigan
Hours September & October
Monday/Thursday/Friday 9 - 5. Saturday 9 - 4
Unique Fashions
Open any time by appointment - Call Marnie 989 550-8737
8510 Lake Street
Port Austin, 48467
Call or Email Jill directly:
Also Available:
Adult Day Services
Come visit us and see
for yourself !
Concierge Physician makes home visits . . .
Keeping you healthy and
saving your family worry and time.
Port Austin United Protestant Church
8625 Arch Street, Port Austin MI (989) 738-5322
Sunday services start at 9:15am.
Pinnebog United Methodist Church
4619 N. Pinnebog Road, Kinde, MI 48445 (989) 738-5322
Sunday services start at 11am.
Calvary Baptist Church
301 N. Channel Street Port Austin MI (989) 856-2145
Old Air Force Base—Regular Sunday Service 9am
St John Lutheran Church, NEW HOURS
4527 2nd St, Port Hope, MI 48468 (989) 428-4140
Sunday School/Adult Bible Study 9:15am
Sunday Services at 8am & 10:30am
Port Hope United Methodist Church
5421 Main St, Port Hope, MI 48468 (989) 479-6053
Saint Peters Lutheran Church
5098 Dwight St, Kinde, MI 48445 (989) 874-4181
Sunday School & Bible Study at 8:45am, Service at 10:30am
For other worship times go to:
Saint Michael Parish
8661 Independence Street, Port Austin MI
Saturday Mass 4pm Sunday Mass 10:30am
St. Mary Church
1709 Moeller Road, Dwight Township MI
Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
St. Edward Church
5083 Park St, Kinde MI Special Services only
Barbara King
Port Austin
Village Council
Before retiring in 2011, I
owned my own business
for over twenty years.
I have thirty three years
experience in human
I have been independently publishing the Port Austin
News since January of 2015. I am very thankful to
many of the people of this area for their time, encouragement and support.
To place an advertisement, make an announcement or alert the
staff of a news worthy item contact the Port Austin News at:
P O BOX 624
989-738-0122 or 586-707-1617
pt.a.news@aol.com or FACEBOOK
And I would like be of service our community in a
capacity where I can make a difference. Please vote
for me this November 8th for a Port Austin Village
Council Trustee position.
Port Austin News October 2016 page 10
Township Hall Project Up Date
On September 1, 2016, the Port Austin Township
Board held a special meeting to discuss the
architectural proposals they had received for the
construction of a new Township Hall and offices
on Hellems Road next to the sewer treatment
The two firms responding were the “Booms
Design & Engineering, PCL” and “Stiverson &
Associates, Inc.” The proposals were similar in
price ($8,000 and $10,000 respectively) .
The Booms’ proposal required hiring a civil,
mechanical and electrical engineer and would
not include sidewalk and driveway site plans.
The “Stiverson & Associates, Inc.” $10,000 bid
was accepted with all five board members voting
The Board consists of Darcie Finan-Supervisor,
Marsha Jimkoski-Treasurer, Debra HubbardClerk, Diane Jodoin-Trustee and Scott KasperTrustee.
This project has grown since the September issue
of the Port Austin News. Instead of a 1,400—
1,600 square ft building the architects figure it is
a 2,200 square ft building. Instead of the project
cost being between $150,000-$175,000, the architects project a cost of $300,000.
The Township Board has emphasized that they
are marching on a strict timeline and they are
moving forward with the land purchase at the
Hellems Road property and design work.
The Port Austin Village Board is also working in
parallel towards a proposal to combine resources
and potentially build a combined Township facility, a recreation center (supported by state grant
funding) and an outdoor covered facilities for the
Farmers’ Market. The Village has put together a
committee that is working on a feasibility study
to bring this multi-use facility into the Village
center. One of the options that is being considered is the expansion to, and restoration of the
Port Austin Gymnasium.
Port Austin New October 2016
page 11
Paid Political Advertisement
Paid Political Advertisement
Casey Bruce
Write-In Candidate
for Port Austin Village Council Trustee
My name is Casey Bruce and I have been member of
the Port Austin Village Council for three consecutive
terms. During this time I have sat on all of the committees in one capacity or another. I am currently the
senior member on the Council. I am also an active
member of the Downtown Development Authority or
DDA and have assisted in the completion of many
projects such as the full renovation of the Port Austin
State Harbor, Play-Scapes at all the Village parks, and
numerous other projects.
Unfortunately, I missed the deadline for getting my
name on the ballot to continue as a Village Council
member. However, I would like to continue serving our
community. I am a qualified "Write-In" candidate and I
would appreciate your vote this November.
Port Austin township
If for some reason you are not going to be able to vote
at the Township Hall November 8, 2016, it is not too
late to apply for an absentee ballot. To get an absentee
ballot go to the Township Hall at 8265 N. Van Dyke
Suite #2, contact the Township Clerk, Debra Hubbard,
between 10am-2pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday or call Debra at 989-738-6808.
Veteran leadership.
Fiscal responsibility.
FULL Transparency.
Please write in CASEY BRUCE for Port Austin Village
Council Trustee. Make sure you
connect the arrow or your vote will
not count.
Port Austin News October 2016 page 12