2015/2016 Report to the Community


2015/2016 Report to the Community
2015/2016 Report to the Community
Changing lives and
inspiring hope
since 1974
Accreditation achievement demonstrates D
This past year, Domestic Abuse Services Oxford successfully achieved accreditation from FOCUS Accreditation, a respected Cana-
dian organization, for a four-year period from 2015 to 2019. The three-year preparation process included a comprehensive review of
all of our programs and services and the development of policies, procedures and protocols to meet 184 rigorous standards in 14 key
domains covering all the agency’s activities and operations. These key domains are:
Ethical Practices, Rights and Responsibilities
Outcomes for Service Users
Healthy Relationships
Governance, Leadership and Accountability
Risk Management
Organizational Learning and Improvement
Human Resources
Community Connections and Partnerships
Health, Safety and Wellness
Records Management
Women’s Shelters and Support Services
The 184 standards are based on comprehensive
research and best practices for non-profits working
in the human services field. Intensive organizational
preparation was followed by a thorough inspection by
a FOCUS validation team which involved five validators on-site at DASO for three days. FOCUS Accreditation examines all aspects of how an organization
provides services – from how people are supported
to the effectiveness of the operations. The validators observed service provision, reviewed data and
collected input from many people who have a stake
in the services being provided. When the final report
was issued, DASO had scored an incredible 97% and
we are currently one of just three Violence Against
Women (VAW) shelter-based agencies in Ontario to
achieve this significant designation!
Some key strengths noted by the validators include:
• DASO programs and services are flexible and we are committed to meeting the needs of the women, children and families.
• Communication is positive, open, fluid and empowering.
• DASO’s Board of Directors is comprised of professionals with appropriate skills and experience.
• DASO’s strategic plan is thorough and action-oriented; our finances are managed effectively.
• DASO staff are noted as professional, creative problem solvers and the cornerstone of community initial VAW response.
• The shelter is warm, welcoming and well-maintained with fun and inviting children’s play areas.
• Leadership provided by the Executive Director was cited as a strength by many stakeholders within and external to DASO.
While achieving accreditation is a cause for pride and celebration, what exactly does it mean for the agency?
For those who have a stake in DASO it means “when an organization earns accreditation, all involved can be assured that the organization is transparent, accountable and committed to ongoing learning and improvement.” (from the Focus website)
For funders, donors and benefactors it means that DASO will continue to be responsible stewards of all funds and donations received
and will ensure they are appropriately distributed and used for the benefit of DASO’s Service Users.
For community partners it means that DASO management, staff and volunteers are dedicated, professional and collaborative; we are
enthusiastic leaders and partners in endeavours to build stronger, safer communities in Oxford County.
DASO’s commitment to quality service
For friends, supporters and the public at large it means DASO is an informed and committed leader and authority on issues related to
domestic abuse and/or homelessness; we provide information and assistance to all through our website, newsletters, crisis/information/support line and our violence education and prevention programming which includes Oxford County’s only 24/7, 365-day shelter
for women, children and teens impacted by domestic abuse and/or homelessness, and community and transitional programming
including domestic assault and sexual assault counselling.
For the women, children and teens in Oxford County impacted by domestic abuse and/or homelessness it means that DASO will
continue to offer high quality, relevant and accessible programs and services in a manner that is professional and confidential while
meeting individual needs and wants.
Our successful accreditation would not be possible without the efforts of the entire
DASO team: the volunteer Board of Directors, management and staff. Thank you to
all involved for your time, dedication and excellent work. The efforts made to earn
this designation will shape and refine the important work we do to end domestic
abuse and homelessness.
Rhonda Hendel Executive Director
Trudy Mauth
Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford - Financial Report
For the fiscal year April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
Residential $915,227
domestic abuse and homeless programs
Ministry of Community and
Social Services
Ministry of Health (LHIN)
Donations / Grants /
Foundations $989,070
Community Outreach
including counselling, group programs
and workshops for women, children and
adolescents, sexual assault counselling
and transitional and housing support
For a copy of our audited financial statement, please call 519-539-7488 ext. 236
How We Helped Those Impacted By Domestic Abuse
and/or Homelessness in Oxford County
Service statistics for the fiscal year April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
Residential / Emergency Shelter:
77 women with 57 dependent children/teenagers
Shelter residents ranged in age from newborn to 85.
Counselling Support including group and individual programming:
202 women and 90 children/teenagers
Sexual Assault/Abuse Counselling:
173 women age 16+
Transitional and Housing Support Services:
109 women with 67 dependent children
24-Hour Crisis/Information/Support Line, by phone and text:
1,245 calls
We know that our work helping women, chil-
dren and adolescents DOES make a difference.
One of the ways we know this is from the many
cards and letters from those who it is a privilege
and honour to serve. The following is excerpted
from a letter we received this past year from a
woman and her daughter:
“We now know that there are beautiful souls here
in the community with a genuine passion to make
a difference. You have impacted our lives and
we are so thankful. It is difficult to accept help
sometimes but you made us remember that even
in the dark there is light and a helping hand with
a smile. You made us feel like we were part of a
family, the DASO family which is a genuine,
loving and fun family. You are all incredible!”
2015/2016 Board of Directors
Trudy Mauth, Chairperson
Mary Anne Silverthorn, Vice-Chair
Liam McEnery, Treasurer
Margaret Long, Secretary
Francine Paquette
Nino DeLuca
Mary Roberts
Phyllis Eastlake
Marci Shelton
David Hilderley*
Kirsty Thomson
Bob Holmes
Paula Walton
Brad Ormsby*
We are deeply grateful for our funders, donors and
community friends and partners....
*resigned during the year
...including the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services,
Rhonda Hendel, Executive Director
Jen Weicker, Residential Services Manager
Karen Moritz, Business Manager
Heather Werby, Executive Assistant
the County of Oxford, the Ontario Ministry of Health (LHIN), the Oxford
Community Foundation – and for the many individuals, service clubs,
churches, businesses, foundations and all those who believe in our work.
Without you we could not offer our essential programs and services.
On the cover, clockwise from top left:
The gardens at our shelter are even more welcoming and colourful
thanks to the energetic staff team from Vuteq (pictured above) who
participated in the Oxford United Way Day of Caring.
DASO participated in the national “Faceless Dolls” project, led by the
Native Women’s Association of Canada to bring attention to the issue
of murdered and missing Aboriginal women. Marcy and Lisa display the
completed Faceless Dolls blanket.
Third party fundraisers - such as the huge garage sale organized by the
Women’s and Young Workers Committees of Unifor Local 88 - raise both
money and awareness of domestic abuse in the community.
DASO’s Woodstock shelter was especially magical the day it became
Hogwart’s! Weekly theme parties and activities organized by Brittany
provide fun and relaxation for the women and children escaping abuse.
Nathan and Nicholas are among DASO’s many thoughtful and generous
donors: the boys decided to celebrate their 8th birthdays by “helping
other people.” In lieu of gifts for themselves, they asked for items from
DASO’s wish list and brought them to the shelter.
Management Team
Staff Team
Sarah Brown
Brittany Campbell
Christina Crawford
Sarah Fenton
Jodie Flisak
Kim Kane
Allison Leger
Laura McCreery
Jenny Martin
Tanya Nielsen
Carole Page
Alex Patton
Marcy Stocking
Natalie Wood
Our staff team is strengthened by the contributions
of our amazing students and volunteers, who this
year included Betty, Rita, Gail, Kendra and Sara.
Many thanks for all your help!
Contract therapist: Karen Bourdeau
Changing lives and
inspiring hope
since 1974
SoupStock turned five! It was another fun, festive and tasty party as
well as a successful fundraiser thanks to all including our lead sponsor,
Scotiabank. Ody’s Restaurant won the Golden Ladle Award for 2015.
Executive Director Rhonda Hendel (right) had a chance to speak with Dr.
Helena Jaczek, Minister of Community and Social Services (Ontario), at
Queen’s Park on November 25, 2015 marking the International Day for
the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. The purple scarves
are sold by DASO as part of a provincial fundraising project coordinated
by the Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Homes.
DASO Business Manager Karen Moritz was a model at the Spring Fashion Show, featuring styles and accessories by Roberts Ladies Wear. It
was a sell-out success and an enjoyable evening thanks to the hard work
of the organizing committee led by Mary Anne Silverthorn.
975 James Street, Woodstock, Ontario N4S OA5
24-Hour Crisis/Information/Support Line:
519-539-4811 or 1-800-265-1938
TTY 519-539-1979 Text 519-788-9993
All other calls: 519-539-7488
Website: www.daso.ca
Email: info@daso.ca
Facebook: Domestic Abuse Services Oxford
Charitable registration no. 10821 9767 RR0001