Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process


Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
© Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Model Development
Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a
process-based global ecosystem model
M. De Weirdt1 , H. Verbeeck1 , F. Maignan2 , P. Peylin2,3 , B. Poulter2 , D. Bonal4,5 , P. Ciais2 , and K. Steppe1
1 Laboratory
of Plant Ecology, Department of Applied Ecology and Environmental Biology,
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
2 Laboratory of Climate Sciences and the Environment (LSCE), Joint Unit of CEA-CNRS, L’Orme des Merisiers,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
3 Laboratory of Biogéochimie et Ecologie des Milieux Continentaux (BioEMCO), Thiverval-Grignon, 78850, France
4 INRA Kourou, UMR745 Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane, Campus Agronomique, 97387 Kourou Cedex, French Guiana
5 INRA Nancy, UMR INRA-UHP1137 Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestière, 54280 Champenoux, France
Correspondence to: M. De Weirdt (
Received: 23 December 2011 – Published in Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.: 24 February 2012
Revised: 7 August 2012 – Accepted: 9 August 2012 – Published: 6 September 2012
Abstract. The influence of seasonal phenology on canopy
photosynthesis in tropical evergreen forests remains poorly
understood, and its representation in global ecosystem models is highly simplified, typically with no seasonal variation
of canopy leaf properties taken into account. Including seasonal variation in leaf age and photosynthetic capacity could
improve the correspondence of global vegetation model outputs with the wet–dry season CO2 patterns measured at flux
tower sites in these forests. We introduced a leaf litterfall
dynamics scheme in the global terrestrial ecosystem model
ORCHIDEE based on seasonal variations in net primary production (NPP), resulting in higher leaf turnover in periods
of high productivity. The modifications in the leaf litterfall
scheme induce seasonal variation in leaf age distribution and
photosynthetic capacity. We evaluated the results of the modification against seasonal patterns of three long-term in-situ
leaf litterfall datasets of evergreen tropical forests in Panama,
French Guiana and Brazil. In addition, we evaluated the
impact of the model improvements on simulated latent heat
(LE) and gross primary productivity (GPP) fluxes for the flux
tower sites Guyaflux (French Guiana) and Tapajós (km 67,
Brazil). The results show that the introduced seasonal leaf
litterfall corresponds well with field inventory leaf litter data
and times with its seasonality. Although the simulated litterfall improved substantially by the model modifications, the
impact on the modelled fluxes remained limited. The seasonal pattern of GPP improved clearly for the Guyaflux site,
but no significant improvement was obtained for the Tapajós
site. The seasonal pattern of the modelled latent heat fluxes
was hardly changed and remained consistent with the observed fluxes. We conclude that we introduced a realistic
and generic litterfall dynamics scheme, but that other processes need to be improved in the model to achieve better
simulations of GPP seasonal patterns for tropical evergreen
As a major component of the global terrestrial carbon cycle,
intact tropical forests contribute a significant fraction of the
global carbon sink (Pan et al., 2011) and may also be vulnerable to drought in the future, causing a positive feedback on
climate change (Prentice and Lloyd, 1998; Tian et al., 1998;
Cox et al., 2000). Tropical forests are estimated to store 55 %
of the global forest carbon stock (Pan et al., 2011) and to account for 34 % of global terrestrial photosynthesis (GPP) according to Beer et al. (2010). It is still uncertain whether
wet tropical forests are a global carbon sink (Stephens et
al., 2007; Lewis et al., 2004; Phillips et al., 1998; Chambers and Silver, 2004; Luyssaert et al., 2008; Cramer et al.,
2004; Pan et al., 2011; Gloor et al., 2009; Lloyd and Farquhar, 2008), but they could turn into a source of CO2 for
the atmosphere due to drought-induced dieback (Cox et al.,
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
2004; Malhi et al., 2008, 2009b) or increased disturbances in
association with global environmental changes (Golding and
Betts, 2008; Phillips et al., 2009; Poulter et al., 2010).
Global vegetation models have however difficulties in reproducing the seasonality of CO2 fluxes for tropical evergreen forests (Baker et al., 2008; Saleska et al., 2003; Poulter et al., 2009). Using ORCHIDEE (Krinner et al., 2005),
a process-based carbon-water-energy model, Verbeeck et
al. (2011) showed that the seasonal cycle of net CO2 exchange (NEE) and latent heat flux could be brought in agreement with eddy covariance observations from two sites in
the drought-prone forests of the Amazon, by increasing the
soil rooting depth parameter in the model from 1.5 m to
10 m, hereby reducing modelled drought stress sensitivity
and maintaining high transpiration during the dry season
in the model. The model calibration study of Verbeeck et
al. (2011) also highlighted that phenological processes for
tropical evergreen forests were incorrect in the ORCHIDEE
model structure. In particular, the seasonality required for
the optimized parameters to match the flux observations suggested that a module that simulates leaf renewal would be
needed in the model before or at the onset of the dry season. The bias of seasonal fluxes found in the ORCHIDEE
model is common to other process-based ecosystem models
(Saleska et al., 2003).
The representation of seasonal variability in leaf phenology in most vegetation models is currently highly simplified. Unlike vegetation in temperate or dry regions, tropical
evergreen forests are not synchronised with each other in a
community-wide phenology (Chave et al., 2010) and global
vegetation models thus assume no seasonality in phenology
for tropical evergreen canopies (Botta et al., 2000; Poulter et
al., 2009; Maignan et al., 2011). It is however important to
model leaf turnover correctly, because this process not only
affects GPP but also drives litterfall, litter decomposition and
biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nutrients.
Tropical trees show a wide range of variation in leaf phenotypic behaviour between and within species, individuals,
locations and years (Malhado et al., 2009). Nevertheless,
high rates of leaf litterfall towards the end of the wet season and onset of dry season are well documented in various
rainforests sites (Bradley et al., 2011; Doughty and Goulden,
2008; Goulden et al., 2004; Borchert, 1998; Wright and
Cornejo, 1990; Nepstad et al., 2002; Chave et al., 2010).
Table 1 reports leaf litterfall measurements from 16 tropical
evergreen forests in the world that show distinct seasonal dynamics. Chave et al. (2010) reported a significant positive relationship between rainfall seasonality and litterfall seasonality for these and various other sites in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia and Panama. In Dimonika, DR Congo (Schwartz
and Tondo, 1988), the litter peak times with increased irradiance during the rainy season instead of during the dry
season which coincides with the presence of a thick, rainless, fog layer formed by the presence of the cold Benguela
Stream. Data from the locations in Table 1 all show increased
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
litterfall with increased radiation, except for Braga-Supay in
Peru (Nebel et al., 2001), which shows a litterfall peak in
the rainy season during the flooding period. A canopy response to increased light availability over the Amazon is also
suggested by satellite vegetation greenness index measurements that suggest a photosynthetic or phenological positive
and anticipatory response to elevated light levels during the
dry season (Huete et al., 2006; Myneni et al., 2007; Xiao et
al., 2005). Yet, the significance of satellite greening during
dry periods is a controversial subject (Myneni et al., 2007;
Poulter et al., 2009; Samanta et al., 2010a, b; Caldararu et
al., 2011).
This study aims to incorporate the seasonality of leaf litterfall observed at the sites listed in Table 1 into the ORCHIDEE model, with the aim to describe more adequately
the evergreen tropical forest phenology. Replacement of old
by young leaves during periods of high productivity is hypothesized to be the driving mechanism of the observed litterfall seasonality. We test whether this process can enhance
canopy photosynthetic capacity and increase the annual forest carbon gain in light-limiting conditions. Furthermore, it
is tested whether the introduced seasonal variability in leaf
properties leads to a better representation of GPP and latent
heat (LE fluxes) in the ORCHIDEE model.
The results of this modification in the model parameterizations were evaluated in detail at the flux tower site in French
Guiana (Bonal et al., 2008) in a forest with a short dry season
(2–3 months) and the flux tower site in Tapajós (km 67) with
a longer dry season (5 months). The effects of the leaf litterfall modification on leaf age distribution, photosynthetic capacity and leaf area index (hereinafter LAI) were quantified
and cross-validated using leaf litterfall and eddy covariance
LE and GPP measurements at both sites. Litterfall was validated with an additional long-term dataset from Panama. We
tested whether by including the changed canopy dynamics a
better representation of the seasonal fluxes and leaf litterfall
patterns was obtained.
Material and methods
Modelling strategy
The modelling strategy was chosen after a first exploration
of the relation between leaf litterfall data and meteorological
data for the Guyaflux and Tapajós (km 67) sites. Good correspondences between measured leaf litterfall and estimates
based on specific regressions of climate variables for both
locations (data not shown) were found. However, by introducing such regressions in a global vegetation model, the
site-specific empirical coefficients will not necessarily hold
at a larger scale. Therefore, a seasonal leaf litterfall flux
was introduced instead, assuming optimality in leaf turnover
(Hikosaka, 2005) and self-thinning of leaves (White, 1981)
with the effect of keeping leaf area index and leaf mass
San Ignacio de
40 km
north of Abidjan
Jenaro Herrera
Forest Reserve,
Dimona, 80 km
North of Manaus Amazonas
Barro Colorado
Juruena, Mato
Maraca Island
Banco, Abidjan
Jari landholding Pará
Colônia do
Apiaú Roraima
61◦ 010 W
05◦ 000 N
04◦ 030 W
05◦ 430 N
73◦ 440 W
54◦ 000 W
02◦ 000 S
04◦ 550 S
60◦ 000 W
2◦ 300 S
79◦ 510 W
58◦ 460 W
10◦ 250 S
09◦ 090 N
54◦ 570 W
02◦ 510 S
52◦ 540 W
61◦ 200 W
03◦ 200 N
05◦ 170 N
35◦ 000 W
07◦ 490 S
12◦ 230 E
59◦ 520 W
03◦ 080 S
04◦ 030 W
51◦ 400 W
00◦ 270 S
05◦ 230 N
61◦ 180 W
02◦ 340 N
04◦ 110 S
submontane moist
floodplain forest
semideciduous forest
lowland tropical wet
evergreen rainforest
evergreen rainforest
evergreen rainforest
terra firme planalto
evergreen, noninundated lowland
terra firme mixed hardwood/palm in riparian
terra firme
boundary rainforest
Atlantic rainforest
primary forest
riparian primary forest
terra firme
second half wet seasonstart dry season (Sep–
Nov) secondary peak
second half dry season
peak rainfall and flooding period (Feb–May)
dry season (Dec–Apr)
end of wet season-dry
season (Jun–Sep) secondary peak short dry
season (Feb–Mar)
before and during peak
radiation period (Nov–
dry season (Jan–Mar)
end of wet season
+ part of dry season
end of wet season + dry
season (Jul–Nov)
dry season (Jun–Sep)
dry season (May–Sep)
end of wet season + dry
season (Aug–Oct)
dry season (Oct–Mar)
dry season (Aug–Jan)
dry season (Aug–Oct)
dry season (Aug–Nov)
transition from wet to
dry season (Sep–Nov)
secondary peak end of
dry season (Mar–Apr)
peak period
and stony soil
succession of
small, elliptical
lower radiation
in dry season
due to fog
flat high
(150 km)
extensive timber extraction
28 Jul 1990–25 Jul 1991
1 Dec 1997–1 Dec 1998
25 Nov 1985–29 Nov 2010
19 Dec 2003–3 Jun 2010
24 Feb 1987–16 Feb 1988
1 Apr 1966–1 Sep 1968
1 Jul 1967–1 Oct 1969
1 Oct 1994–1 Oct 1995
11 Jun 1990–5 Jan 1994
1 Sep 2003–1 Aug 2004
14 Jul 2000–11 Jun 2005
17 Apr 1987–15 Apr 1988
1 Aug 2003–1 Sep 2005
1 Aug 1997–1 Feb 1999
1 Sep 2004–1 Oct 2005
23 Dec 1988–23 Dec 1989
Priess et al. (1999)
Nebel et al. (2001)
Wieder and Wright (1995)
(This study)
Schwartz and Tondo (1988)
Bernhard (1971)
Bernhard (1971)
Smith et al. (1998)
Sizer et al. (2000)
Selva et al. (2007)
Rice et al. (2004)
Scott et al. (1992)
Schessl et al. (2007)
Martius et al. (2003)
Barlow et al. (2007)
Barbosa and Fearnside (1996)
Table 1. Overview of litterfall time series in literature for tropical evergreen forests. Most datasets are reported in graphs and tables of the references. Tapajós (km 67) and Guyaflux
data are indicated (*). For each site, the country code (CC), site name, geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude degrees), mean annual rainfall (Pann , mm), altitude (m a.s.l.), period
of measurements and reference are reported. Annual average litterfall is given in Mg DM ha−1 yr−1 . Litterfall seasonality shows the difference between dry and wet season litterfall
relative to the mean annual litterfall in %. LM indicates whether leaves were separately measured (Y/N); forest type and remarks are also given. All forests are undisturbed unless
mentioned otherwise. Country code abbreviations: BR: Brazil, CI: Ivory Coast, DRC: Democratic Republic of the Congo, FG: French Guiana, PE: Peru, VZ: Venezuela.
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
constant through time. Leaf turnover is hence seen as a
mechanism for trees to enhance their light use by adapting photosynthetic capacity as a strategy to increase their
chances of survival in the strong competition of the crowded
forest. Leaf self-thinning is a consequence of the high density of leaves in the canopy of evergreen tropical forest stands
and implies that, when a new leaf is produced, an older, less
efficient, leaf will shed to prevent self shading and to sustain
canopy photosynthesis. The parameterization of daily leaf
litterfall in ORCHIDEE was modified by making the leaf litterfall proportional to the daily leaf net primary production
(NPPleaf ) in such a way that the carbon flux lost through
falling of the oldest leaves equals the carbon flux allocated
to the youngest leaves (see Sects. 2.2.3 and 2.2.4).
The canopy leaf biomass is hence modelled to be at steady
state, remaining constant at 391 g m−2 while leaf litterfall has
seasonal changes introduced that result in seasonal changes
in leaf age in ORCHIDEE. This is because leaf biomass is
linked to a leaf age class bookkeeping model (see Sect. 2.2.3)
that keeps track of the leaf age structure and that replaces
older leaves by new, young ones, created from NPPleaf . Carbon is allocated to the youngest leaf age class first, and then
ORCHIDEE leaf age is updated daily through leaf biomass
conversion from one leaf age class into the next one. The
seasonal changes in leaf age result in seasonal changes in
photosynthetic capacity, because the value of the latter is parameterized as a function of leaf age in ORCHIDEE as explained in Sect. 2.2.1.
The idea behind the introduced seasonal variation in Vc,max
is that this is a strategy of the vegetation to maximize carbon gains with minimum costs and to facilitate the use of
limiting resources, which is most likely light in tropical evergreen forest canopies (in addition to nutrients). The vegetation can enhance its light use by investing in fresh, more
efficient leaves which, to prevent self-shading, require coincident loss of other, older and less efficient ones (Ackerly,
1999; Killingbeck and Whitford, 2001; Malhi et al., 2011).
The increased light availability and resulting production in
absence of other limitations at the beginning of and during
the dry season hence drive an increased leaf turnover rate.
Simultaneously, the vegetation is expected to adapt nutrient
allocation to leaves in time to maximize photosynthesis and
minimize respiration.
This analysis aims to understand how changing leaf age
distribution drives seasonality in Vc,max and how it impacts
the resulting fluxes. It is possible to study the canopy seasonality of these ecosystems with different alternative hypotheses like seasonal changes in LAI or seasonal changes
of specific leaf area (SLA). Nevertheless, the hypothesis
here merely is focused on changes in Vc,max seasonal variation, unaccompanied by changes in LAI. The hypothesis
that seasonal GPP variations are driven by seasonal changes
of Vc,max only due to seasonal leaf turnover, with little or
no associated changes in LAI, is also supported by field
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
measurements of Brando et al. (2010) in Amazon and by De
Wasseige et al. (2003) in central Africa.
Additional to the new leaf litterfall parameterization which
drives phenology equations in the model by impacting the
rejuvenation of leaves, two standard ORCHIDEE parameter
values were modified for tropical evergreen forests based on
field inventory estimates in Neotropical forests (Malhi et al.,
2009a; Malhi et al., 2011). These two parameters are the
fraction of carbon allocated to leaves and the temperature response of fine root maintenance respiration.
ORCHIDEE is a global process-based vegetation model
(Krinner et al., 2005) that can be run in coupled mode as
a part of the IPSL-CM5 Earth system model (Marti et al.,
2010) and can be used to understand the interactions between
the atmosphere and biosphere and study feedbacks between
climate and vegetation cover change.
ORCHIDEE combines a surface-vegetation-atmosphere
transfer scheme with explicit parameterizations of ecosystem
carbon dynamics. The exchange of carbon, energy and water
fluxes between the atmosphere and the land surface is calculated with a 30-min time step (Ducoudré et al., 1993). The
carbon dynamics of ecosystems includes carbon allocation,
respiration and seasonal phenological processes, of particular interest to this study.
ORCHIDEE distinguishes 13 plant functional types, or
PFTs (Smith et al., 1997), varying from tropical to temperate or boreal forests, natural or agricultural C3 or C4 grasslands. PFT-specific parameter values (Sitch et al., 2003) and
different prognostic phenology schemes can be attributed.
The focus in this paper is on the phenology of PFT tropical broad-leaved evergreen (TrBE) forest, which, in the standard scheme, has no seasonal cycle in leaf litterfall included.
In this study the standard ORCHIDEE version is indicated as
ORCHIDEE STANDARD, while the modified model version
is further referred to as ORCHIDEE-TrBE (ORCHIDEETropical Broad-leaved Evergreen trees) version.
Photosynthesis formulation
Canopy photosynthesis is calculated at the leaf scale following the Farquhar et al. (1980) model. The formulation of
stomatal conductance follows Ball et al. (1987) where the
assimilation rate is linearly related to the CO2 concentration
gradient between atmosphere and the carbon fixation site inside the leaves. The coefficient of proportionality, or leaf
conductance, is a function of relative air humidity (%), net
assimilation rate and atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ball
et al., 1987).
The maximum carboxylation capacity of photosynthesis
(Vc,max ), further also called photosynthetic capacity, is parameterized as a function of leaf age. It increases from a low
initial value at leaf flushing to a PFT-dependent, prescribed,
Figures forests
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen
optimum value after full leaf expansion, stays constant at this
optimum until 50 % of a critical leaf age value is reached, and
then decreases to a lower value for the older leaves (Ishida et
al., 1999). Figure 1 schematically shows how Vc,max changes
as a function of leaf age, with 65 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1 the tropical evergreen optimum light-limited photosynthetic capacity (Krinner et al., 2005) for leaves at the top of the canopy.
The relationship between Vc,max and leaf age (Fig. 1) is supported by different studies (Ackerly and Bazzaz, 1995; Coste
et al., 2009; Kitajima et al., 1997; Kitajima et al., 2002) that
showed a decreasing photosynthetic capacity with leaf age
for tropical species. Furthermore, the relation is supported by
the findings of Steppe et al. (2011) and Chapin et al. (2002)
that reported on decreasing photosynthetic capacity with leaf
age due to modifications in leaf size, thickness, density, foliar
nitrogen content and lignin content in species worldwide.
ORCHIDEE includes an exponential decrease of Vc,max
with canopy depth according to the approach of Johnson and
Thornley (1984) for the scaling of the different horizontal
leaf layers to the entire canopy. There are four different leaf
age classes assumed in the model set-up, and an age class
weighed average value of Vc,max is used to calculate the overall canopy photosynthesis.
Net primary productivity and carbon allocation
Net primary productivity (NPP), calculated as the difference between photosynthesis and autotrophic respiration, is
attributed on a daily basis to five different biomass pools:
leaves, fine roots, coarse roots, aboveground woody biomass
and reproductive tissues (fruits and flowers). The fraction
of carbon that is allocated daily to each carbon pool can be
written as follows(Delbart et al., 2010):
falloc,pool =
with NPPpool the amount of carbon attributed to the biomass
pool and NPPtot the total NPP, the latter being calculated in
ORCHIDEE as production minus autotrophic respiration:
NPPtot = GPP−
i=1 growth,pooli
with Rmaint,pooli the maintenance respiration and Rgrowth,pooli
the growth respiration of the biomass pool i.
The carbon allocation scheme in ORCHIDEE is based on
environmentally coupled partitioning theory of the fractions
of NPP allocated to the different compartments in function of
the availability of light, nitrogen and water (Friedlingstein et
al., 1999). Inspection of the ORCHIDEE outputs for the PFT
tropical evergreen forest at several Amazon sites shows that
the fraction allocated to each pool remains constant throughout the year, the leaf allocation factor (falloc,leaf ) being 0.27,
indicating that resources are never limiting the modelled allocation factors. Only when LAI exceeds the maximum value
(LAImax ), preset to 7 in ORCHIDEE, NPP is no longer allocated to leaves but to woody biomass aboveground instead.
ORCHIDEE, leafleaf
capacity (V
(Vc,max )asisa dec,max) is determined
a age.
of leaf
slope ofbythe
curveleafis age
deterfunction ofas
The slope
of theage.
curve The
is determined
a critical
by which
a critical
is set to 730 days for
is set to
730 age
days parameter,
for tropical evergreen
tropical evergreen forests.
In this study, the values of two parameters of the allocation
scheme are modified for PFT TrBE. The first modified parameter value is falloc,leaf which is slightly increased from
0.27 to 0.30, supported by NPPleaf estimates reported by
Chave et al. (2008) for Nouragues in central French Guiana
and by the findings of Malhi et al. (2011) for 35 sites in tropical evergreen forests worldwide. The latter reported a fraction of 0.41 NPPtot allocated to the entire canopy (leaves,
flowers, fruits and fine twigs) that, assuming that the percentage of leaves is 73 % (Malhi et al., 2011), results in an
falloc,leaf value of 0.3. In addition, Malhi et al. (2011) found
low variances and small spatial differences in the fraction of
NPPtot allocated to the canopy in 35 tropical forest sites (linear fit with r 2 = 0.88, p < 0.0001).
The second modification was made in the parameterisation
of fine root maintenance respiration Rmaint,fineroots , which, by
adapting its temperature response, was decreased and hence
brought to be more close to field measurements (Malhi et
al., 2009a). Rmaint,fineroots is calculated in ORCHIDEE as a
function of temperature and biomass (Ruimy et al., 1996):
Rmaint,fineroots = Cmaint,r Bfineroots .
Bfineroots is the fine root biomass and Cmaint,r is the maintenance respiration rate, assumed to increase linearly with
root-zone temperature, as given by
Cmaint,r = C0,maint,r (1 + 0.12 Tfineroots ).
C0,maint,r is the base maintenance respiration rate
defined at 0 ◦ C for fine roots, set to a value of
1.67 × 10−3 g C g C−1 day−1 for all PFTs in the standard version of ORCHIDEE. The standard ORCHIDEE
Rmaint,fineroots of 12.43 ± 2.01 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 is twice as
high as field measurements of fine root respiration Rfineroots ,
5.57 ± 1.85 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at Manaus, Tapajós (km 67)
and Caxiuanã (Malhi et al., 2009a).
Hence, the
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
value Rmaint,fineroots was decreased by adjusting the parameter value C0,maint,r from 1.67 × 10−3 to a value of
0.5 × 10−3 g C g C−1 day−1 for PFT TrBE. The standard ORCHIDEE Rmaint,fineroots value is assumed to be valid for vegetation types worldwide, but Ruimy et al. (1996) however
also report on observations that indicate a lower sensitivity
to temperature of tropical plants than the temperate of the
boreal species (Loveys et al., 2003), which supports the adjustment in the parameter value C0,maint,r . Note that no structural changes were made in the model formulation for carbon allocation, so that only the parameter values falloc,leaf
and C0,maint,r for the TrBE PFT have been changed.
Standard ORCHIDEE leaf litterfall
The standard ORCHIDEE version (Krinner et al., 2005) assumes no seasonality in phenology for tropical evergreen
forests, and describes daily leaf litterfall as a function of leaf
age by:
A 4
1Bleaf = Bleaf min 0.99,
Acrit Acrit
with 1Bleaf the daily amount of carbon lost by the canopy
from leaf litterfall, Bleaf the leaf biomass, and 1t a daily time
step. The leaf litterfall rate depends on leaf age A and on the
critical leaf age Acrit parameter, which is set to a standard
value of 730 days for tropical evergreen forest PFT. The formulation of Eq. (5) implies that young leaves hardly lose any
biomass, while older leaves shed rapidly when they approach
the critical leaf age Acrit .
Equation (5) is applied separately to each of four leaf age
classes, each having a different leaf age A; the oldest leaf age
class loses the largest amount of biomass and the youngest
class loses the smallest amount. A leaf age class bookkeeping model keeps track of the leaf age structure and replaces older leaves by new, young ones that are created from
NPPleaf . Carbon is allocated to the youngest leaf age class.
Leaf ages by leaf biomass conversion from age class i to age
class i + 1 according to
1Bi→i+1 = Bi
with τ being a time constant defined by τ = Ancrit , n being
the number of leaf age classes (n = 4). The total daily leaf
litterfall is the weighed average sum of leaf turnover in each
of the four leaf age classes.
Leaf age distribution among the four age classes is updated daily (as also shown in the canopy box of the scheme
in Fig. 2), given the fraction of leaf biomass fi,t that enters
in leaf age class i on time t is calculated by
fi,t =
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the new leaf turnover scheme
Figure 2. Schematic
representation of the newThe
leaf amount
turnover scheme
of carbon
allo- in
The leaves
amount ofequals
carbon allocated
to youngest
leaves equals
to youngest
the amount
of carbon
lit- of
carbon lost
by litterfall
of oldest
The canopy
leaf biomass
conversion of
of the
of oldest
leaf biomass
leaf age
leaf age classes
with biomass
from younger
LAC to
older LAC
to older
LAC is as in the standard ORCHIDEE
is as inyounger
the standardLAC
fi,t−1 Bleaf,t-1 + 1Bi
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
fi,t−1 is the fraction of leaf biomass in age class i on time t −
1, and Bleaf,t-1 is the total leaf biomass, sum of biomass over
all age classes before the leaf age class distribution update.
1Bi is the change in biomass due to aging in age class i,
and Bleaf,t is the new total leaf biomass summed over all age
classes, after the leaf age class distribution update.
Modification in the ORCHIDEE leaf litterfall
The standard parameterization of litterfall based on leaf age
(Eq. 5) is replaced in this study by a leaf litter dynamics
model (scheme shown in Fig. 2) where the daily leaf litterfall carbon amount (1Bleaf ) is equalled to the carbon amount
allocated daily to the leaves (NPPleaf ):
1Bleaf = NPPleaf
if LAI > 6.
This means that, as soon as the maximum LAI value
is reached in the spin-up run, everyday exactly the same
amount of carbon is lost by leaf litterfall as the amount of
NPP allocated to the leaves (Sect. 2.3), resulting in a constant
overall leaf biomass, yet with varying leaf age distribution
throughout the season. According to Eq. (8), old leaves will
be immediately replaced by young ones, or the canopy loses,
for each amount of carbon of young leaf biomass formed, the
same amount of carbon by shedding its oldest leaves. Hence,
the leaf age distribution is altered through the conservation
equation imposed by Eq. (8). Consequently, canopy photosynthetic capacity is changed since it is linked to leaf age (see
Fig. 1).
Equation (8) also implies that the modelled pattern of leaf
litterfall times with modelled NPP pattern and that the leaf
turnover rate increases with increased NPPleaf . Hence, a seasonal pattern in leaf litterfall is introduced. As in the standard
version of ORCHIDEE, the average daily leaf litterfall is calculated as the weighed average sum of leaves fallen in each
of the four leaf age classes separately, and leaf age fractions
are recalculated as in Eq. (7).
Note that the standard ORCHIDEE maximum LAI for
tropical evergreen forest is 7.0 m2 m−2 , while, in the new
ORCHIDEE-TrBE version, the maximum LAI value is set to
Figure 3.
Seasonal patterns in SWdown, index of Soil water content (ISWC) and rainM. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen
fall at Guyaflux over 2004-2009 (data from Bonal et al., 2008 and from this study).
6.0 m2 m−2
(Eq. 8). The LAI value of 6 is supported by field
estimates from various authors that report different values for
tropical evergreen forests. Malhado et al. (2009) reported an
estimated mean LAI of 5.1 m2 m−2 measured across 50 experimental plots around the Tapajós (km 67) site. Juarez et
al. (2008) report an average LAI of 5.5 to 6.0 m2 m−2 at the
experimental site in Tapajós (km 83). At Guyaflux, the mean
plant area index (PAI, m2 m−2 ) of the inventory plots around
the Guyaflux tower measured with a LI-COR LAI2000 is estimated at 7.0 m2 m−2 (Bonal et al., 2008), but PAI is higher
than LAI because it includes the trunks and branches of the
trees around the measurement points. Bonal et al. (2008) report that PAI did not differ between the wet and long dry
period of 2005, and Malhado et al. (2009) could not detect
significant seasonal variation in LAI measurements.
Site descriptions
The Guyaflux tower site (5◦ 160 5400 N, 52◦ 540 4400 W) is located in French Guiana, South America, near Sinnamary, in
an experimental unit that covers more than 400 ha of pristine,
undisturbed wet tropical forest with about 140 tree species
per ha (Gourlet-Fleury et al., 2004). Soils in the study area
are mainly nutrient-poor acrisols (FAO-ISRIC-ISSS, 1998)
with estimates of clay and sand content in the 1 m deep horizon of 43 % and 48 % on top of the hills and 26 % and 65 %
on the sandy plateau (Bonal et al., 2008). There are two distinct rainy seasons: a moderate one from December to February and a stronger one from April to July. Of all sites reported
in Table 1, Guyaflux has the highest mean annual rainfall
(3041 mm). At Guyaflux, of the six years investigated, the
lowest amount of rainfall fell in 2004 (2756 mm) and 2007
was the wettest year (3550 mm). Rainfall variability during
the long dry season from September to November is high,
ranging between 60 mm in 2005 to 306 mm in 2007. Various
meteorological variables like down-welling short-wave radiation (SWdown W m−2 ), down-welling long-wave radiation
(LWdown , W m−2 ), air temperature (Ta , ◦ C) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD, kPa) at Guyaflux show seasonal variations
linked to annual rainfall variability, mainly driven by the
movement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. SWdown
is about 30 % higher in the dry months compared to the wet
months. Figure 3 shows seasonal patterns in SWdown , rainfall and the index of soil water content (ISWC). The latter
is calculated based on soil water content measurements conducted every two to three weeks in tubes inserted down to
2.6 m depth in the soil and distributed along a 1 km transect
(Bonal et al., 2008).
The Tapajós (km 67) tower site (2◦ 510 2400 S, 54◦ 570 3200 W)
is located south of Santarém, Pará, Brazil, near the river
Tapajós in an old growth moist Amazonian forest and described in detail by Saleska et al. (2003). Soils in the study
area are mainly heavy Belterra clay ferralsols (FAO)/oxisols
(USDA) interspersed with sandier patches and low organic
matter content (Quesada et al., 2012). The soils in the
Fig. 3. Seasonal patterns in SWdown , index of soil water content
(ISWC) and rainfall at Guyaflux over 2004–2009 (data from Bonal
et al., 2008 and from this study).
footprint of the tower contain approximately 68 % clay or
clay loam, 32 % sand or sandy loam (Silver et al., 2000).
The site is on a gently eastward sloping (< 1 %) plateau
that extends over 150 km. Tapajós mean annual rainfall
(2120 mm) is close to the mean of all sites reported in Table 1 (2161 mm). There is one distinct dry season (< 100 mm
rainfall per month) that extends from July to November. The
site shows signs of recovery from past disturbance that results in current high wood productivity over a wide area with
biomass increments of 3.7 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 and possibly loss
of soil carbon (Rice et al., 2004; Pyle et al., 2008).
The Barro Colorado Island (BCI) site (9◦ 090 N, 79◦ 510 W)
is located on a 15 km2 former hilltop located in the middle of
the Panama Canal. Soils in the area are mainly clay-rich,
yellow-brown oxisols that are < 50 cm thick. The island
holds lowland tropical moist forest vegetation (Holdridge
and Budowski, 1956) with both dry season deciduous and
evergreen broadleaf species. About 12 % of the tree species
shed their leaves during the dry season (Croat, 1978) causing
leaf litterfall to peak early in the dry season and to remain
high throughout the dry season (Wieder and Wright, 1995).
The dry season lasts approximately from mid-December to
mid-April. Mean annual rainfall (2600 mm), of which 95 %
falls in the wet season, is typical for lowland moist tropical forest, close to the mean of all sites reported in Table 1
(2161 mm).
Litterfall data
Litterfall at the Guyaflux site was collected approximately
every 20 days from December 2003 to December 2008 in
40 different traps distributed at the corners of 10 inventory
plots located in the footprint of the Guyaflux tower, and
for eight significantly representative traps (D. Bonal, personal communication, 2011) of these 40 from January 2009
to June 2010. Leaf litterfall was sorted from other litter
components (twigs, fruits or flowers) during the year 2004
(Hättenschwiler et al., 2008). Average annual total litterfall
is 4.7 Mg ha−1 yr−1 . Both total litterfall and leaf litterfall
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
Table 2. Goodness of fit evaluation statistics for standard (STAND) and modified ORCHIDEE (TrBE) modelled leaf litterfall evaluated
against field inventory leaf litterfall at Guyaflux (2.40 ± 1.38 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 ), Tapajós (km 67) (4.32 ± 1.86 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 ) and BCI
(4.25 ± 1.95 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 ).
Tapajós (km 67)
BCI, Panama
fraction show a peak at the beginning of the long and the
short dry seasons. Leaf litter was estimated from total litterfall by extrapolating the litterfall fraction of 2004 for every
year up to 2009 on the 8 traps dataset. This calculation resulted in an annual leaf litterfall of 2.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 which
is 33 % smaller than the average of 3.2 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 from
all sites reported in Table 1.
Litterfall at the Tapajós site was collected and sorted approximately every 14 days from July 2000 through June 2005
by Rice et al. (2004), and the dry matter contents of different litter types leaves, fruits and flowers, wood (< 2 cm) and
miscellaneous were reported. Assuming 50 % carbon content, average annual leaf litterfall was 4.31 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 .
Leaf litterfall for this site showed distinct seasonal dynamics
in 2002–2004 with peaks in the middle of the dry season of
each consecutive year.
Litterfall at the BCI site was collected and sorted every week from November 1985 to present. Leaves were
sorted from reproductive structures, fine wood and other
fine litter like insect frass. Average annual leaf litterfall is
4.25 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (assuming 50 % carbon content) showing distinct seasonal dynamics with peaks at the onset and
throughout the dry season of each consecutive year.
Pearson’s correlation
Eddy covariance data
Eddy covariance and meteorological 30 min data (Bonal et
al., 2008) have been recorded at the Guyaflux site since 2004
with sensors mounted 2 m above a 55 m high tower that was
built in an existing, natural 100 m2 gap. The mean tree height
at Guyaflux is 35 m, with emergent trees exceeding 40 m, and
the measurements cover a range of more than 1 km of undisturbed forest in the direction of the prevailing winds. At the
Tapajós (km 67) flux tower site, eddy covariance and meteorological 30 min data (Saleska et al., 2003) are recorded
above the canopy on a 64-m-high tower. Mean canopy height
is 40 m with emergent trees up to 55 m.
The eddy flux data were processed following the Euro flux
methodology described in Aubinet et al. (2000) using standard partitioning methodologies (Papale et al., 2006; Reichstein et al., 2005), where the threshold of friction velocity (u∗), below which nighttime NEE was correlated with
u∗, was applied. Negative GPP values during daytime were
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
removed (e.g. in 2005 at the Guyaflux site, two large negative
peaks, due to heavy rainfall events that strongly influenced
overall GPP profile, were removed). For daily GPP means,
only days with more than 80 % of half hourly data available
were retained.
Model evaluation
The leaf turnover mechanism imposed by Eq. (8) and the
parameter value changes described in Sect. 2.4 were implemented simultaneously in ORCHIDEE-TrBE. The ORCHIDEE output, with and without the new phenology mechanism, is evaluated in detail with field measurements of leaf
litterfall and eddy flux measurements from the Guyaflux site
and the Tapajós site. For both flux tower sites, modelled
Vc,max , leaf age and LAI patterns were examined. Additional
validation against leaf litterfall data was performed at BCI in
At the flux tower sites, ORCHIDEE was forced
with half hourly data of down-welling short-wave radiation SWdown (W m−2 ), down-welling long-wave radiation
LWdown (W m−2 ), air temperature Ta (K), specific humidity Qa (kg kg−1 ), wind speed u (m s−1 ), surface pressure Ps (Pa) and rainfall rate P (mm s−1 ) (Bonal et al.,
2008; Saleska et al., 2003). At the BCI site, the run was
forced by six hourly meteorological data of the ERA-Interim
global atmospheric reanalysis of the European Centre for
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECWMF) (Berrisford et
al., 2009). A spin-up run for all tree sites was performed for
230 yr until all carbon reservoirs reached steady-state equilibrium and NEE levels, soil carbon pools and total CO2
fluxes were stabilized. The soil depth was set at 10 m and the
root profile parameter Hroot at 0.1 according to Verbeeck et
al. (2011), corresponding to a root distribution that decreases
almost linearly with depth.
Standard and modified LE and GPP model outputs were
evaluated against eddy covariance (EC) measurements to
gauge model response to the modifications. GPP (daytime
08:00 h–16:00 h) and LE (daily 00:00 h–24:00 h) flux data
were analyzed. The goodness of fit metrics, root-meansquare error (RMSE), index of agreement (IOA) (Legates
and McCabe, 1999) and Pearson’s correlation of the seasonal
flux pattern of both GPP and LE and the GPP response to
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
(a) Guyaflux
(a) Guyaflux
(b) Tapajós km 67
(b) Tapajós km 67
5. LAI
time profile
with with
Fig. Figure
5. LAI
at (a) Guyaflux
and km
(grey) (grey)
at (a) Guyaflux
2004-2009 2004–2009
and (b) Tapajós
67) 2002–2004
standard ORCHIDEE and ORCHIDEE-TrBE. The dry period (<100 mm
The dry
period (< 100 mm month−1 ) is shaded. For Guyaflux, field
month-1) is shaded. For Guyaflux, field estimates of the mean plant area index
estimates of2 the
mean plant area index (PAI, m2 m−2 ) made at 16–
(PAI, m m-2) made at 16–18 May 2005 and 16–18 November 2005 based on 40
18 May 2005 and 16–18 November 2005 based on 40 measurements
measurements within inventory plots around the flux tower using LAI2000
within inventory plots around the flux tower using LAI2000 sensors
et are
al., plotted.
2008) are For
For Tapajós
km mean
67, mean
et al.,
(km 67),
variation from December 2003 to November 2004 measured using
Plant Canopy
et al.,
2009) is plotted.
Plant Analyser
et al., 2009) is plotted.
(c) BCI
4. Modelled and measured seasonal patterns of leaf litterfall
Figure 4. Modeled and measured seasonal patterns of leaf litterfall (MgC ha-1 yr-1).
(Mg C ha−1 yr−1 ). Field inventory measurements are compared
Field inventory measurements are compared with the standard model and the modified
with the standard model and the modified ORCHIDEE-TrBE leaf
ORCHIDEE-TrBE leaf litterfall at (a) Guyaflux from 2004 to 2009 (b) Tapajós km 67
at (a) Guyaflux from 2004 to 2009 (b) Tapajós (km 67)
from 2002
to 2004
(c) and(c)
from 1997
to 2008.from
to 2004
Barro Island,
1997 to 2008.
incoming radiation were analysed based on 10 daily running
Results and discussion
Improved leaf litterfall seasonality
The ORCHIDEE-TrBE resulting seasonal pattern in modelled leaf litter anticipates the peak in light availability seen
in the long and short dry seasons and coincides with the
timing of leaf litterfall of field inventory for BCI, Tapajós
and Guyaflux (Fig. 4). For all three sites, the RMSE decreased compared to the standard version and the Pearson’s correlation with observed litterfall increased, suggesting that an improved seasonal pattern was introduced by
implementing a productivity (NPPleaf ) driven leaf litterfall.
The summary statistics for the seasonal leaf litterfall pattern
at Guyaflux, BCI and Tapajós (km 67) site are given in
Table 2. With the new phenology, the modelled average annual leaf litterfall amount increases from 1.78 ± 0.07
to 2.91 ± 0.42 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at Tapajós (km 67), from
1.86 ± 0.00 to 3.38 ± 0.75 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at BCI and from
1.75 ± 0.04 to 3.10 ± 0.75 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at Guyaflux. The
modified leaf litterfall at these three sites is similar to
the 2.40 ± 1.38 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 leaf litterfall field inventory at Guyaflux but lower than the inventory estimates
of 4.25 ± 1.94 and 4.31 ± 1.86 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at BCI and
Tapajós (km 67) respectively, but similar to the annual leaf
litterfall of 3.2 ± 1.03 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 within uncertainties,
averaged over all sites in Table 1.
LAI is modelled to be constant at 6 m2 m−2 , which is the
predefined maximum value of the spin-up run. This value
is lower than the mean LAI of 6.9 m2 m−2 in the standard
version but more close to field inventory data ranging between 5.1 and 6 reported for the respective sites (Juaréz et
al., 2008; Malhado et al., 2009). Instead of showing small
seasonal changes, modelled LAI now remains constant due
to the balanced leaf allocation and litterfall (Fig. 5). The
standard version of the ORCHIDEE model would allocate
NPP to woody aboveground biomass when a maximum LAI
of 7.0 m2 m−2 is reached. With the new allocation, the
leaf carbon is kept constant and the spillover mechanism to
woody biomass carbon pool is no longer needed. The resulting aboveground wood production in ORCHIDEE-TrBE
is 2.96 ± 1.05 for Guyaflux and 1.83 ± 0.50 Mg C ha−1 yr−1
for Tapajós (km 67), which is on the order of magnitude of
the field inventory estimate of 2.02 ± 0.20 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 in
Caxiuanã (Almeida, unpublished data) and lower than the
field estimate of 3.81 ± 0.22 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at Tapajós (km
67) (Rice et al., 2004).
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
(a) Guyaflux
(b) Tapajós km 67
Vc,max (µmol CO2 m −2
annual time profile plotted along with
−1 ) mean
6. V6.c,max
(µmol CO2 m s ) smean
annual time profile plot(grey) at (a) Guyaflux 2004-2009 and (b) Tapajós km 67 2002tedstandard
along deviation
with standard
deviation (grey) at (a) Guyaflux 2004–
The dry
period (<100 and
(b) Tapajós
(km and
2002–2004 standard
ORCHIDEE-TrBE. The dry period (< 100 mm month ) is shaded.
Impact on leaf age distribution and Vc,max
The leaf phenology parameterization keeps track of leaf age
structure and replaces the old senescent leaves by new, young
ones, created from primary production assimilates. By including seasonal leaf litterfall dynamics as in Eq. (8), the proportions of young and old leaves within a vegetation canopy
change over seasons. At Guyaflux, increasing leaf litterfall in
the dry season causes a more pronounced seasonal change in
average leaf age (32 days younger in dry season than in wet
season, compared to 19 days for the standard ORCHIDEE).
Consequently, the mean leaf age decreases from 535 ± 7 to
324 ± 16 days. Leaf ages of 300 to 789 days for thirteen
species in French Guiana were reported by Coste et al. (2011)
for 2 to 4-yr-old seedlings in a greenhouse, while Reich et
al. (2004) report leaf ages between 76 to 1693 days for adult
Amazonian trees. The leaf age distribution and biomass by
leaf age class for standard ORCHIDEE and ORCHIDEETrBE are shown in Fig. 6. Due to the modification, proportionally more young leaves are present, which is mainly
achieved by a reduction of the biomass in the oldest leaf age
Younger leaves are assumed to have a higher photosynthetic capacity than older leaves in ORCHIDEE (Fig. 1). The
combination of the decrease of Vc,max with leaf age and the
new seasonal variation of the mean leaf age induces a seasonal cycle in canopy Vc,max (Fig. 7), which is more pronounced for the Guyaflux site than for the Tapajós site. The
leaf age decrease results in a Vc,max increase at the top of
canopy from 44 to 59 µmol m−2 s−1 and at the lower end of
the canopy from 14 to 20 µmol m−2 s−1 .
The canopy-integrated Vc,max values (Johnson and Thornley, 1984) are 23 µmol m−2 s−1 for the standard ORCHIDEE,
compared to 32 µmol m−2 s−1 for ORCHIDEE-TrBE. These
integrated values depend on the vertical canopy profile that
is assumed to be exponential for all PFTs in ORCHIDEE
(Johnson and Thornley, 1984). However, the observed vertical leaf profiles of nitrogen through the canopy from a site
in Amazon (Mercado et al., 2007) indicate a linear decrease
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
Fig. 7. Leaf biomass and leaf age distribution by leaf age class at
of Vc,max , less steep than that predicted by the exponential
function implemented in ORCHIDEE. The study of the impact of a linear decrease in the vertical canopy Vc,max profile
was beyond the scope of this work, but should be tested in
future studies.
Both standard and ORCHIDEE-TrBE modelled canopy
Vc,max fall within the wide range of values measured at the
Tapajós (km 67) site from 10 (bottom canopy) to 106 (top
canopy) µmol m−2 s−1 and fall within the range of values
currently used in global vegetation models for tropical forests
(43–82 µmol m−2 s−1 ; Domingues et al., 2005). The canopyintegrated modelled Vc,max value (23 to 32 µmol m−2 s−1 ) is
close to the value of 29 µmol m−2 s−1 reported by Kattge et
al. (2009) for oxisols, a tropical soil type that is very poor
in nutrients. The annual pattern in Fig. 7 shows a more
pronounced increase of Vc,max during the dry season compared to the wet season for ORCHIDEE-TrBE. Nevertheless, the introduced seasonality is modest, and corresponds
to the Vc,max seasonality that was inferred from eddy covariance measurements using an assimilation scheme with
ORCHIDEE (Verbeeck et al., 2011).
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
(a) Guyaflux
(b) Tapajós km 67
Fig. 8. Run-sequence 10-day moving averages at (a) Guyaflux and (b) Tapajós (km 67) including daytime data (08:00 h–16:00 h) of
Figure 8. Run-sequence 10 day moving averages at (a) Guyaflux and (b) Tapajós km 67 including daytime data (8h-16h) of
measured and modelled GPP and QLE 30 along with daily running mean shortwave downward radiation (SWdown) and monthly rainfall.
measured and modelled GPP and QLE−1
Dry periods are shaded in grey (< 100 mm month 30).along with daily running mean shortwave downward radiation SWdown and monthly
rainfall. Dry periods are shaded in gray (<100 mm month-1).
Impact on NPP
The decreased (fine root) maintenance respiration in the
modified model results in total NPP (NPPtot ) model outputs
for Guyaflux that are closer to field estimates made at various Neotropical evergreen rainforest sites. Indeed, Guyaflux
NPPtot increased from 7.7 ± 4.6 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 in the
standard ORCHIDEE version to 10.5 ± 7.0 Mg C ha−1 yr−1
in ORCHIDEE-TrBE, which is close to values reported
by Malhi et al. (2009a) (10.1 ± 1.4, 10.1 ± 1.4 and
10.1 ± 1.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for Manaus, Tapajós and Caxiuanã, respectively). Aragão et al. (2009) report an average NPPtot of 12.8 ± 1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for 10 sites in
Brazil, Peru and Colombia, and Malhi et al. (2011) report
an estimate of 12.4 ± 4.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for 35 tropical sites
worldwide. Nevertheless, we should keep in mind that making field inventory estimates of NPPtot is challenging. While
the above-ground component (wood productivity) is relatively well studied and quantified, below-ground components
are more difficult to quantify (Aragão et al., 2009).
Impact on latent heat
ORCHIDEE standard version was able to capture the seasonal patterns of latent heat both for Guyaflux and Tapajós
(Figs. 8 and 9). The changes in the ORCHIDEE-TrBE model
had only a minor impact on modelled latent heat. Therefore,
the modelled latent heat fluxes stayed consistent with the
measured data. At Guyaflux, the modelled LE corresponds
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
Figure 9. A separate simulation where the standard version was adjusted only for allocation and respiration (ORCHIDEE-R-
9. shows
A thatseparate
the altered GPPsimulation
pattern is entirely due
to seasonal the
changes standard
in V . Changing
the respirationwas
allocation has only
no significant
on GPP. Run-sequence
10 day moving
averages at Guyaflux
including daytime data (8hadjusted
(+ORCHIDEE-R16h) of measured and modelled GPP. Dry periods are shaded in gray (<100 mm month ).
ALLOC) shows that the altered GPP pattern is entirely due to
seasonal changes in Vc,max . Changing the respiration and allocation has no significant impact on GPP. Run-sequence 10-day moving averages at Guyaflux including daytime data (08:00 h–16:00 h)
of measured and modelled GPP. Dry periods are shaded in grey
(< 100 mm month−1 ).
well to the eddy flux-based estimates in the dry season and
is slightly higher in the wet season. At this site, mean latent heat increased from 111 ± 14 W m−2 to 117±17 W m−2
due to the modification. Both values are close to the annual mean of flux-derived GPP of 112 ± 14 W m−2 . At
Tapajós (km 67), mean latent heat increased marginally from
79 ± 12 W m−2 to 83 ± 13 W m−2 ; both values are close to
the annual mean of flux-derived GPP (87 ± 13 W m−2 ). Table 3 summarizes the evaluation statistics of seasonal latent
heat patterns for Guyaflux and Tapajós.
Impact on GPP
At Guyaflux, the increased Vc,max parameter value results in a GPP increase (38 ± 8 Mg ha−1 yr−1 versus
34 ± 6 Mg ha−1 yr−1 ) compared to the standard ORCHIDEE
version, which is close to the annual mean of flux derived GPP (37 ± 9 Mg ha−1 yr−1 ). Moreover, at Guyaflux
the six years of eddy covariance measurements showed a
higher GPP (mean of 3.03 g C m−2 s−1 ) in the dry season
(June through December) than in the wet season (mean
of 2.70 g C m−2 s−1 ). The ORCHIDEE-TrBE model better captures these dry and wet season variations (mean of
3.05 g C m−2 s−1 for dry season and 2.80 g C m−2 s−1 for wet
season) than the standard version (mean of 2.58 g C m−2 s−1
for dry season and 2.43 g C m−2 s−1 for wet season). Both
GPP model outputs showed an annual seasonal cycle with an
increase during the dry season that follows the seasonal pattern in SWdown (Fig. 8). However, the more pronounced wet
and dry season Vc,max variation (Fig. 6) results in a more pronounced relative dry season GPP increase in ORCHIDEETrBE, compared to the standard version, 27 % versus 23 %,
a response that is closer to the relative wet and dry season
GPP difference in flux data of 29 % seen at Guyaflux. At
this site, not only the average mean GPP value has improved
with the modified model (higher Vc,max value), but also the
seasonality in GPP has changed – although not drastically
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
– with dry and wet season variations better captured due to
more pronounced Vc,max variations. The resulting GPP response is supported by the findings of Brando et al. (2010)
that suggested that seasonal variation in leaf flushing and
hence canopy Vc,max , are associated with variations in GPP,
even when unaccompanied by associated changes in LAI.
Also at Tapajós, modelled seasonal variation did not
change significantly due to the modification (18 % versus
16 %), while the flux data show a difference of about 34 %
between highest and lowest GPP measurements (Fig. 9). At
Tapajós, there is no pronounced wet/dry season difference
seen in the GPP flux data. The model correspondence to flux
data improved due to the modification during the wet season,
but the end of wet season, beginning of dry season decrease
in GPP seen in the flux data does not correspond to either
ORCHIDEE model outputs. It is therefore clear that the discrepancy between measured and ORCHIDEE modelled GPP
at the Tapajós site during the dry season, which was already
observed by Verbeeck et al. (2011), could not be resolved by
adding litterfall dynamics only.
Table 3 summarizes the evaluation statistics of seasonal
patterns of GPP for Guyaflux and Tapajós. Due to the
modification, the Guyaflux new GPP model outputs were
closer to the eddy correlation-based estimates of GPP.
RMSE at that site decreased from 3.53 × 10−5 g C m−2 s−1
to 2.46 × 10−5 g C m−2 s−1 , and the Pearson correlation
increased from 0.64 to 0.66 and IOA from 0.63 to
0.78. Guyaflux wet season Pearson’s correlation (0.62) for
ORCHIDEE-TrBE GPP is higher than the dry season correlation (0.39), suggesting that the implementation in ORCHIDEE of some processes that typically occur in the dry
season, possibly drought stress, still needs improvement. At
Tapajós (km 67), the improved litterfall scheme was still not
able to improve the fit to the observed seasonal GPP pattern.
A separate simulation was made where the standard version was adjusted only for allocation and respiration (named
ORCHIDEE-AllocResp) to test the different impacts of the
altered litter model and the adjusted allocation and respiration parameters (Fig. 9). The simulations show that changing the respiration and allocation has no significant impact on GPP and that the altered GPP pattern is entirely
due to seasonal changes in Vc,max . ORCHIDEE-TrBE leaf
biomass (390 g C m−2 ) is lower than ORCHIDEE-AllocResp
leaf biomass (454 g C m−2 ), but it is the increased Vc,max that
results in higher GPP. Decreased respiration results in doubling of the fine root biomass (220 to 480 g C m−2 ).
Impact on GPP response to light
Light response curves were analyzed in detail for Guyaflux
(Fig. 10). The Guyaflux wet and dry season response curves
of GPP to SWdown for flux data and model outputs show a
nearly linear increase with increasing SWdown until a value
of approximately 500 W m−2 , after which the curve flattens and GPP does not increase any further with increasing
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
Table 3. Goodness of fit evaluation statistics for standard (STAND) and modified ORCHIDEE (TrBE) modelled gross primary production
(GPP) and latent heat (QLE ) evaluated against flux tower data at Guyaflux and Tapajós (km 67).
Tapajós (km 67)
Pearson’s correlation
3.53 × 10−5
2.46 × 10−5
2.70 × 10−5
4.97 × 10−5
Vc,max and leaf age and the Vc,max vertical canopy profile is
(a) dry season
By including tropical forest leaf litterfall and a coincident
leaf flush in ORCHIDEE, modelled GPP more accurately
represents eddy correlation-based estimates at the Guyaflux
site, suggesting that seasonal leaf litterfall is coupled to seasonal changes in productivity. At the Guyaflux site, in general, the fit to eddy correlation-based GPP flux estimates was
(b) wet season
improved and the results confirm that, at this site, by modifying canopy dynamics to benefit from increased production
due to favourable light conditions, a better representation of
the seasonal carbon flux patterns was made. Although the
simulated latent heat fluxes were consistent with the data at
both sites, the improved litterfall scheme was still not able
-2 -1
Figure 10.
at Guyaflux between
GPP (mmol Cbetween
m s ) fluxtower
10.The relationship
The relationship
at Guyaflux
GPP data to improve the fit to the observed seasonal GPP pattern at
(black), ORCHIDEE
the standard
(green) and the
modified Tapajós, indicating that other factors than a seasonally vary(mmol
C m s model
) fluxoutputs
ORCHIDEE-TrBE version (red) and SWdown (Wm ) from 2004 until 2009. Models are ing Vc,max might be driving the GPP response at this site. It
−2 ) from 2004
(red) (b)
(W mrainfall
plotted for dry season (a)version
and wet season
> 100mm); daily would therefore be interesting to test other hypotheses in fuuntil
means are calculated from daytime (8h-16h) data, hours with extreme rainfall (>40(b)
mm/h) ture work, like seasonal variations in SLA or LAI.
were omitted.
In this new version, carbon allocation to the leaves was
from daytime (08:00 h–16:00 h) data; hours with extreme rainfall
increased and more closely fits to field inventory estimates
(> 40 mm h ) were omitted.
for the Neotropics by lowering the maintenance respiration
of fine roots and increasing the fraction of carbon allocated
to leaves. The “overflow” mechanism of carbon to abovelight availability and a plateau GPPmax is attained. At these
ground woody biomass when a maximum LAI is reached in
high light levels, photosynthesis is limited by RuBisCO acthe standard model is no longer needed; with the introduced
tivity and Vc,max determines the level of maximum photomodification, the leaf biomass remains constant. Future work
synthesis that can be attained since there is a modelled lincan test the effect of the modification on aboveground woody
ear relation between Vc,max and light saturation. The higher
biomass, possibly for the whole Amazon basin. LAI is now
Vc,max value in ORCHIDEE-TrBE version (Fig. 6) results in
modelled to remain at a constant level; the canopy carbon
a higher GPPmax plateau in the response curve compared to
content hence is at steady state with a constant leaf biomass,
the plateau of the standard ORCHIDEE version.
but leaf age and Vc,max dynamics are constantly changing, re38sponding to seasonal changes in production, according to the
available resources and light availability.
4 Conclusions
We are aware that the self thinning approach that we apThe productivity-driven mechanism of seasonal leaf litterfall
plied here to undisturbed forests might be less applicable to
that was introduced in ORCHIDEE corresponds well with
secondary or disturbed forests that have not yet grown the
field inventory data for tropical forests and times with its seamaximum leaf biomass or LAI that can be attained inside
sonality. Although the new model simulates seasonal litterthe canopy under the given circumstances at the site. Future
fall and leaf biomass dynamics in a more realistic way, the
work should therefore test our productivity-driven approach
impacts on the simulated Vc,max patterns need to be explored
of modelling leaf litterfall for other tropical forest types, like
more in the future. A thorough study of the relation between
secondary forests or perhaps flooded tropical forests.
Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1091–1108, 2012
M. De Weirdt et al.: Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests
The analysis revealed a stronger dry season response of
GPP to light compared to the wet season response and a
higher sensitivity of GPP to changes in Vc,max in the dry season compared to the wet season. In future work, we could
also represent the true tropical evergreen canopy properties
in more detail by including a spatial gradient in Vc,max , possibly based on leaf nitrogen content measurements, and see
how it affects the carbon simulations.
Future analysis can be extended to other locations and
different tropical forest types, not necessarily light limited,
to see if we can reproduce the seasonal and also interannual variability in carbon uptake across the entire Amazon
basin or the central African forests by including productivitydriven leaf turnover.
Acknowledgements. This research is financed by the Belgian
Science Policy Office (Belspo) – Research Programme for EO,
STEREO II, Contract SR/00/135. We are grateful to L. Hutyra,
S. Saleska, and S. Wofsy for making the eddy flux and leaf litterfall
data of the Tapajós km 67 site available at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center. The authors would
also like to thank Joseph Wright and Helene Muller-Landau for
insightful comments and providing the leaf litter data at Barro
Colorado Island.
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