2013 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
WHY WE’RE HERE M O N ROE CO M M U NI T Y CO L L EGE F O UND A TIO N 2 012 0 12 - 2 01 0 13 3 A N N UA A L R EP E P OR O RT ROBIN ’80 AND TIMOTHY ’80 WENTWORTH Our Chance to Create Hope and Opportunity For alumni Robin ’80 and Timothy “Tim” ’80 Wentworth, giving back to Monroe Community College is about giving students hope for the future and the opportunity to start college. For Tim, attending MCC was about taking responsibility. “Robin and I didn’t have the choice not to engage if we wanted a better life,” he says. “MCC was our chance. Our chance to transfer to a four-year school. Our chance to have a career rather than a job.” As students, Tim and Robin worked hard, kept each other motivated, and developed their talents and love of music. As successful alumni and parents, they are creating hope and opportunity for others with the help of the Monroe Community College Foundation—motivating students to set higher goals and “engage in the bigger world.” “Education is the way to achievement in life and social mobility, no matter where you start,” Tim says. “MCC allows people, especially those who may have lost hope, a place to start.” In 2009, Robin and Tim gave music and business students hope through an endowed scholarship fund. They also gave the college a magnificent Steinway piano on which students learn, compose and perform. This spring, the Wentworths extended their support through their most recent gift of $2.25 million—the largest gift in college history—to establish the Wentworth Family Scholarship program at MCC. The scholarship program will give 40 students per year, in perpetuity, the opportunity to become educated at MCC—producing graduates who will collectively impact the future of our community. Robin hopes “this scholarship empowers students who can someday help others in a similar fashion.” According to Tim, “To hear students say that they have set higher goals than they have ever had before … and begin to have a vision of themselves as motivated and willing to give back. That’s what we want to hear back from students.” To give students hope and a place to start. This is why we’re here. “Ten years from now, I hope people can look back and say this gift was a seed in what is now a very big forest. We are on the ground floor of creating very bright futures.” — TIMOTHY WENTWORTH ’80 “Gifts change the lives of our students. This gift changed the lives of the donors.” — DIANE L. SHOGER CONTENTS A COLLECTIVE "WE" 02 Why We’re Here 29 Faculty Grants 04 VSE Executive Summary 30 Special Event Donors 05 Audited Financial Statements 33 Honors and Memorials 08 Monroe Community College Foundation Board of Directors 2012-2013 36 Distinguished Giving Societies 10 37 Present, Past and Future: 30 Years of Leadership Endowments and Annual Scholarships 39 MCC Foundation Staff 40 MCC Trustees and Officers 11 Every Bright Future Needs a Strong Foundation 12 Outstanding Major Giving 13 Annual Fund Donors 26 MCC Faculty, Staff and Retiree Donors Private and corporate donors, volunteers, friends, Foundation directors and MCC Foundation staff generate inspiring results for MCC students each year. As individuals and as representatives of organizations, we make a commitment to MCC and are rewarded each time we witness the transformative impact public higher education has on students, families and employers. Lives are changed through our efforts and the scholarships and innovative programs we make possible each year. This is why we’re here. WHY WE’RE HERE “One of the reasons we are successful as a Foundation is because we listen carefully to the voices of MCC students and faculty. Hearing a student explain how a scholarship changed his or her life re-energizes our commitment. Learning how faculty takes teaching to the next level at MCC keeps us informed, inspired and impressed. They remind us why our work is vitally important to the future of our community.” — DAVID J. MACK CEO, MACKTRACK EXECUTIVE CONSULTING SERVICES; CHAIR, MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS “Thank you for supporting the Monroe Community College Foundation. It has become abundantly clear that community colleges are no longer silent partners in an ever-changing educational partnership that must respond to quick-moving trends, dramatic economic swings and unforeseen challenges. Our partnerships with private and corporate philanthropists and foundations keep MCC responsive to student and community needs. ” — DIANE L. SHOGER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MCC FOUNDATION ANNE M. KRESS DANIEL J. BURNS, DIANE L. SHOGER, DAVID J. MACK — ANNE M. KRESS PRESIDENT, MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE “Over the past seven years, I have had the opportunity to talk with students to whom a scholarship meant the world—literally. While some may choose to measure return on investment in terms of economic impact and increased earning potential, nothing comes close to the pure joy shown on the faces of those who receive a chance to complete a college degree.” — DANIEL J. BURNS REGIONAL PRESIDENT, M&T BANK; CHAIR-ELECT, MCC FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 “Recently, story after story has called into question the value of a college degree. While we might hope that the value of MCC is self-evident, the reality is that the world seems to have adopted the old institutional research saying, ’In God we trust, all others must bring data.’ Thanks to Foundation supporters and the scholarships they make available, more students benefit from an MCC education and have a measurable economic impact on our community. Your investment in our students is truly adding value to their lives and to our region; because of your generosity, we all benefit. Thank you!” 3 VSE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2012 VOLUNTEER SUPPORT OF EDUCATION (VSE) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Charitable gifts to colleges and universities in the United States rose 2.3 percent in 2012, to $31 billion, according to the results of the annual Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey conducted by the Council for Aid to Education (CAE). The VSE began collecting data in 1957 and is considered the gold standard of information for both public and private four-year institutions nationwide, with 85-90 percent of all charitable giving to higher education reported. The following summary highlights the Monroe Community College Foundation’s ranking when compared with SUNY community colleges, as well as all public associate degree-granting institutions in the county. UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2011 Cash and cash equivalents $251,130 $503,472 $84,799 $839,401 $1,152,126 Funds held for deferred giving 122,344 — — 122,344 129,737 — 3,080,180 6,559,677 9,639,857 8,663,309 (1,194,282) 1,194,282 — — — 17,745 2,808,864 116,077 2,942,686 1,285,134 375 240,929 4,903 246,207 219,389 Other receivables — — — — 18,034 28,593 — — 28,593 24,083 14,774 — — 14,774 19,460 — 160,000 — 160,000 160,000 $(759,321) $7,987,727 $6,765,456 $13,993,862 $11,671,272 UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2011 $378,648 — — $378,648 $338,155 Other accounts payable 49,163 — — 49,163 96,951 Deferred giving obligations 63,395 — — 63,395 31,746 Line of credit - Field House — 670,200 — 670,200 870,200 Deferred revenue 20,034 — — 20,034 5,000 Total liabilities 511,240 670,200 — 1,181,440 1,342,052 (1,270,561) - - (1,270,561) (528,863) Temporarily restricted - 7,317,527 - 7,317,527 4,396,442 Permanently restricted - - 6,765,456 6,765,456 6,461,641 (1,270,561) 7,317,527 6,765,456 12,812,422 10,329,220 $(759,321) $7,987,727 $6,765,456 $13,993,862 $11,671,272 ASSETS Investments Interfund activity TOTAL SUPPORT ENDOWMENT MARKET VALUE #5 among SUNY community colleges #5 among SUNY community colleges #22 among public associate’s institutions surveyed #38 among public associate’s institutions surveyed Accrued interest on pledges receivable UNRESTRICTED GIFTS ENROLLMENT (COLLEGE) Prepaid expenses and other assets #1 among SUNY community colleges, for the #3 among SUNY community colleges, for the fifth Fixed assets - net consecutive year fourth consecutive year #30 among public associate’s institutions surveyed #6 among public associate’s institutions surveyed = $130,668 Endowment 8% = $200,118 Unrestricted 15% = $353,449 Special Events 18% = $431,075 Restricted 54% = $1,305,884 5% Capital Initiatives 5% 8% 15% 54% 18% 1% Due to college Unrestricted 7.84% 13.14% Total net assets (deficit) 55.42% 22.91% TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT): Parents 0.68% TOTAL SUPPORT = $2,421,194 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES: DONATED BY = $16,480 Alumni 7.84% = $189,809 Foundations 13.14% = $318,250 Others 22.91% = $554,719 Corporations 55.42% = $1,341,936 Real estate held for sale LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) DONATED FOR 4 Pledges receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges of $133,000 and $127,000, respectively 5 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 2012 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED 2012 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL PUBLIC SUPPORT: $355,893 55,138 375 $2,926,696 19,518 111,813 $281,276 4,593 $3,563,865 74,656 116,781 $1,235,560 49,693 138,841 Total public support 411,406 3,058,027 285,869 3,755,302 1,424,094 REVENUE: 204,035 818,356 1,022,391 (980,671) - 209,779 818,356 334,871 431,075 178,662 1,972,743 - 188,771 1,086,754 330,981 382,661 176,553 2,165,720 - Total public support and revenue 2,342,429 3,099,747 285,869 5,728,045 3,589,814 718,951 15,721 271,757 48,068 172,694 106,079 334,871 4,686 1,672,827 178,662 178,662 - 718,951 15,721 450,419 48,068 172,694 106,079 334,871 4,686 1,851,489 639,431 64,337 443,199 90,561 154,234 14,914 330,981 5,028 1,742,685 669,602 2,921,085 285,869 3,876,556 1,847,129 EXPENSES: M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 6 $503,041 4,686 (818,356) 5,028 (1,086,754) (1,657,552) (26,818) 18,034 (4,510) 40,493 (47,788) 31,649 15,034 38,074 880,684 141,056 (4,236) 46,651 53,118 13,639 5,000 557,227 (158,192) (158,192) 234,673 (2,183) 232,490 (200,000) (500,000) NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (320,118) 289,717 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - BEGINNING 1,281,863 992,146 961,745 1,281,863 839,401 122,344 1,152,126 129,737 $961,745 $1,281,863 Pledges receivable Accrued interest on pledges receivable Other receivables Prepaid expenses and other assets Due to college Other accounts payable Deferred giving obligations Deferred revenue Net cash flows from operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Investment activity - net Purchases of fi xed assets Net cash flows from investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Repayment on bank line of credit CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - ENDING OTHER ITEMS: (1,373,836) (19,518) (17,946) (1,411,300) - 17,946 17,946 (1,373,836) (19,518) (1,393,354) (1,322,556) (21,532) (1,344,088) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (741,698) 2,921,085 303,815 2,483,202 503,041 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) - BEGINNING (528,863) 4,396,442 6,461,641 10,329,220 9,826,179 (1,270,561) 7,317,527 6,765,456 12,812,422 10,329,220 NET ASSETS (DEFICIT) - ENDING $2,483,202 Change in net assets Adjustments Depreciation Unrealized gain on investments RECONCILIATION OF TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS TO STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Cash and cash equivalents Funds held for deferred giving TOTAL M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 5,744 334,871 431,075 178,662 950,352 980,671 Support to college Transfer of donated property Restriction reclass Total other items 2011 CHANGE IN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES: Interest and dividends Unrealized gain on investments Contributed services Special events Management fee Total revenue Net assets released from restrictions Public Support and Revenue Over Expenses 2012 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Gifts and donations Gifts-in-kind Discounts on pledges Payroll and fringe benefits Professional services Management and general Public relations Special events Uncollectible accounts Contributed services Depreciation Total expenses FOR THE YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2012 AND 2011 7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS MCC FOUNDATION DIRECTORS Matthew Augustine, president and chief executive officer, Biodrill Technical Solutions Kevin T. Stickles ’88, vice president of store operations, Human Resources, Wegmans Food Markets Jack P. Baron, president and chief operating officer, SweetWater Energy, Inc. Charles J. Vita, senior vice president-group leader, Commercial Services, Canandaigua National Bank Martin K. Birmingham, president and chief executive officer, Five Star Bank Donna B. Wenk, vice president, Strategic Development, 10n2 Technologies Essie Calhoun-McDavid, chief diversity and community affairs officer, Eastman Kodak Company (retired) J. Christine Wilson, president, Realty Quest, Inc. Jack Cannon, chief executive officer, Cannon Industries, Inc. Philip Yawman, regional vice president, Frontier Communications Jill M. Cicero, principal, Jill M. Cicero and Associates Jeffrey W. Coke, president, VarData LLC *Flor M. Colón, associate general counsel, Xerox Corporation Jeffery A. Davis, president, Elmer W. Davis, Inc. John L. DiMarco II, president and chief operating officer, The DiMarco Group, LLC Kevin D. Flynn, partner, Martino Flynn, LLC Wayne K. Gilman, assistant controller, Eastman Kodak Company; vice president, finance, Rochester Area Hospitals Corporation (retired) First row (left to right): Sandra Parker, Donna Wenk, John Lovenheim, Elaine Michael, Howard Konar, Bernice Hatch, Simon Braitman, Essie Calhoun-McDavid, Lori Van Dusen, Lauren Dixon, Wayne Gilman, John DiMarco, II. Second row (left to right): Jeremy Wolk, Warren Rosenbaum, Matthew Augustine, Ed Parrone, S. Jay Popli, Jan Wiranowski, Sergio Esteban, Charlie Vita, Kevin Stickles, Gary Squires, Philip Yawman, Diana Lauria, Len Redon, Lee Patterson, Dan Burns, Anne Kress, David Mack, Jeff Coke, Diane Shoger, Scott Kogler, Jeff Davis, Jill Cicero, Joseph Klein, Bill Hughes, Jay Judson, Naomi Silver. MCC FOUNDATION OFFICERS David J. Mack, chair, chief executive officer, MackTrack Executive Consulting Services Laurence C. Glazer, governance chair, chief executive officer, Buckingham Properties, LLC Daniel J. Burns, chair-elect, regional president, M&T Bank William M. Hughes, at-large, chief executive officer, HPA Consulting Group, Inc. John T. Smith ’71, immediate past chair, chairman and chief executive officer, Brite Computers Emerson Fullwood, secretary, corporate vice president, executive chief staff and marketing officer, Xerox North America, Xerox Corporation (retired) Diane L. Shoger, executive director, Monroe Community College Foundation EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Robert E. Brennan ’70, legal affairs chair, partner, Trevett Cristo Salzer & Andolina, P.C. Richard C. Brienzi ’78, at-large, executive vice president and chief financial officer, Ovation Payroll, Inc. Lauren Dixon, at-large, chief executive officer, Dixon Schwabl Sergio Esteban, P.E., at-large, chief executive officer, LaBella Associates, P.C. Howard Konar, at-large, president, Konar Properties Anne M. Kress, Ph.D., president, Monroe Community College, ex officio Todd M. Oldham, MBA, college liaison, vice president of economic development and innovative workforce services, Monroe Community College Lee Patterson ’70, alumni chair, director of sales and marketing, Retail Division, Rochester Colonial Manufacturing (retired) Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79, special events chair, president, Telecomp, Inc. John L. Bartolotta, director emeritus; vice president and group manager, Commercial Loan Division, M&T Bank Kenneth D. Bell, director emeritus; regional director, The Community Preservation Corporation Simon Braitman, co-founder, Simcona Electronics Corporation (retired) R. Carlos Carballada, commissioner of economic development, City of Rochester Bernice E. Hatch, community volunteer Allen G. Casey, director emeritus; president, M/E Engineering, PC Hiram Hernandez, Sr., chairman and president, First Capital Payments Frank J. Chiaino, director emeritus; chief operating officer, Fibertech Networks Donald E. Jeffries ’71, president and chief executive officer, VisitRochester José J. Coronas, director emeritus; general partner, Trillium Group, LLC Junius R. Judson II, principal, SWBR Architects & Engineers, P.C. R. Thomas Flynn, director emeritus; president emeritus, Monroe Community College Joseph Klein, chairman, Klein Steel Service, Inc. Daniel M. Garr, director emeritus; president, Greene Douglas, Inc. (retired) Dolores K. Kruchten, president, Document Imaging, Kodak Alaris Diana M. Lauria, associate director of reunion giving, University of Rochester John E. Lovenheim, chief executive officer, Great Lakes Press (retired) Brian D. McMahon, vice president, manufacturing, MWI, Inc. Elaine Michael, president, ESM Associates Sandra A. Parker, chief executive officer, Rochester Business Alliance Edward G. Parrone, chief executive officer, Parrone Engineering S. Jay Popli, executive vice president, Popli Design Group *Neil F. Rohrer, vice president, Core Payroll Sales, Eastern U.S., Paychex Warren B. Rosenbaum, partner, Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Robert L. King, director emeritus; president, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Arnold Klinsky, director emeritus; vice president and general manager, WHEC TV (retired) John R. Kraus ’65, vice president, Branding and Non-traditional Advertising, Wilmorite Management Group Robert N. Latella, Esq., partner, Hiscock & Barclay, LLP Stephen D. Natapow, director emeritus; president, Natapow Realty Corporation Harris H. Rusitzky, director emeritus; partner, The Restaurant Group, LLC Peter A. Spina, Ph.D., president emeritus; Monroe Community College John G. Thompson ’64, chief financial officer, Imaging Automation, Inc. (retired) Mary K. Thompson, director emerita; community volunteer Leonard E. Redon, past chairs’ liaison, deputy mayor, City of Rochester James F. Shaw, CPA, Davie Kaplan, CPA, P.C. *James M. Sydor ’71, president and owner, Stefan Sydor Optics Richard S. Warshof ’68, development chair, area vice president for marketing and business development, Paychex, Inc. (retired) James J. Ward, director emeritus; vice president, Bausch & Lomb (retired) Naomi Silver, president and chief executive officer, Rochester Community Baseball, Inc. Donald D. Welt, director emeritus; president, Welt Associates Lori A. Van Dusen, audit chair, founding partner, LVW Advisors Mark Siwiec, realtor, Nothnagle Realtors Jan Z. Wiranowski, professor of mathematics, Monroe Community College Gary L. Squires ’76, president, Manning Squires Hennig, Co., Inc. Alice Holloway Young, Ed.D., honorary trustee and chair emerita; Monroe Community College M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 Jeremy Wolk, treasurer and finance chair, attorney, Nixon Peabody LLC Scott M. Kogler, CPA, investment chair, Davie Kaplan, CPA, P.C. FOUNDATION COUNCIL *New Director (term 2013-2016) 8 9 P R E S E N T , P A S T A N D F U T U R E: 3 0 Y E A R S O F L E A D E R S H I P EVERY BRIGHT FUTURE NEEDS A STRONG FOUNDATION Chairs of the MCC Foundation Board of Directors are leaders and philanthropists who help shape our community and its future. Since 1983, these dedicated individuals have given generously of their time and resources in order to keep public higher education accessible and quality-focused. Their dedication and tireless advocacy inspires current and prospective supporters to prioritize the MCC Foundation among charitable organizations. We are here because of generous and caring volunteers and role models— for supporters and especially for MCC students. CHAIRS OF THE MCC FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS James P. Walsh Joined the Board: 1983 Served as Chair: 1983-1984 Stephen D. Natapow Joined the Board: 1986 Served as Chair: 1990-1993 Vanburen N. Hansford, Jr. Joined the Board: 1983 Served as Chair: 1984-1986 John T. Smith ’71 Joined the Board: 1990 Served as Chair: 1993-1996 Daniel M. Garr Joined the Board: 1986 Served as Chair: 1986-1988 Robert E. Brennan ’70 Joined the Board: 1990 Served as Chair: 1996-1998 John L. Bartolotta Joined the Board: 1984 Served as Chair: 1988-1990 James J. Ward Joined the Board: 1987 Served as Chair: 1998-2002 Appointed to Foundation Council: 2010 Leonard E. Redon Joined the Board: 1998 Served as Chair: 2002-2005 Richard S. Warshof ’68 Joined the Board: 1991 Served as Chair: 2005-2007 Howard Konar Joined the Board: 1997 Served as Chair: 2007-2009 John T. Smith ’71 Joined the Board: 1990 Served as Chair: 2009-2011 David J. Mack Joined the Board: 2002 Served as Chair: 2011-2013 Daniel J. Burns Joined the Board: 2005 Begins service as Chair: 2013 Inspired by two White House initiatives and the State University of New York’s emphasis on economic revitalization and enhanced quality of life, the MCC Foundation has made funding of student scholarships its primary focus. A proven investment, scholarships support our region’s economic growth while helping to ensure that our best and brightest can reach their potential here at home. OUR GOAL IS CLEAR. Every deserving student will receive the scholarship support they need to complete their educational goals at Monroe Community College. This is why we’re here. IN 2012-2013, THE MCC FOUNDATION: A W A R D E D E S TA BL ISHE D $802,354 665 20 NEW IN AID TO MCC— SCHOL ARSHIPS SCHOL ARSHIP AN INCREASE OF 8.1% TO MCC STUDENTS F INCREASED THE NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS BY Past, present and current Chairs of the MCC Foundation Board of Directors celebrate their decades of service and commitment to MCC students. Left to right: David J. Mack, John T. Smith ’71, Robert E. Brennan ’70, Howard Konar, Richard S. Warshof ’68, James J. Ward, Leonard E. Redon and Daniel J. Burns. 35% U N D S GREW THE MCC FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT TO $10 MILLION “To assist those students who need financial support to achieve their life goals. This is why we’re here.” — DAVID J. MACK M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 TRANSFERRED 11 OUTSTANDING MAJOR GIVING ANNUAL FUND DONORS The following donors made a major gift to the Monroe Community College Foundation during the past year and, by doing so, created exceptional educational experiences at Monroe Community College. This is why we’re here. $2,250,000 $50,000 – $99,999 Individuals Individuals Robin ’80 & Timothy ’80 Wentworth Dawn & Jacques Lipson Corporations/Foundations $500,000 Foundation Corning Incorporated Foundation $250,000 – $499,999 Individual James M. Sydor ’71 Foundation Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation $100,000 – $249,999 Individuals Pamela A. ’79 & Arunas A. Chesonis Michael Krupnicki ’85 Corporations/Foundations Excellus M&T Bank/The M&T Charitable Foundation Rochester General Foundation Siemens Industries, Inc. Unity Health System University of Rochester Medical Center Duda Family Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. Monroe Community College Association $20,000 – $49,999 Individuals Katherine & Michael Bartholomay Anthony D. Conte David Schottler Jan Z. Wiranowski Anonymous Corporations/Foundations Ames-Amzalak Memorial Trust The Community Foundation Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation Datrose Industries Elmer W. Davis, Inc. Horizons at Harley Horizons National Student Enrichment Program, Inc. LeChase Construction Services LLC M/E Engineering, P.C. Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation National Geographic Society Education Foundation New York Propane Gas Association Nu-Way Auto Parts Anonymous $5,000 – $19,999 Individuals Mary & George Bauer Jill M. Cicero & Paul D. MacAulay Barbara & Tom Clark Dolores & Raymond Coates José & Karen Coronas Vernita & Emerson Fullwood Cynthia & Wayne Gilman Bernice E. Hatch Richard A. Kaplan Anne M. Kress & Edward B. Davis, III Bob & Chris Latella Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim Essie Calhoun-McDavid & Bernard McDavid Elaine S. Michael Sandy Parker & Dutch Summers Edward G. & Mary Kay ’94 Parrone Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 The Family of Mary Porcari Brady Surekha & Deven Rajparia Harold & Sally Riley Sharon Kelly Sayers ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Walker Christine & Jim ’92 Wheeler J. Christine Wilson & Mary K. Collins Melanie & Jeremy Wolk Anonymous Corporations/Foundations Dixon Schwabl Max & Marian Farash Charitable Foundation Pivcon, Inc. UA Local 13, Plumbers and Pipefitters United Way of Greater Rochester West Webster Volunteer Firemen’s Association Zweigle’s Inc. Anonymous “The Thompson Family Scholarship changed my life and the lives of my four children.” — KERRI GUZMAN, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAJOR Inspired by a $100,000 matching gift pledge from John ’64 and Mary Thompson, a group of MCC Foundation Directors launched the STAR Power Women’s Giving Initiative in May at a reception hosted by MCC President Anne M. Kress. The initiative seeks to raise $20,000 per year ($100,000 total) over five years to secure the match and reinforce the fund that has touched the lives of nearly 900 students, mostly single parents, since 1995. At press time, the goal had already been exceeded! SUPER STAR ($12,500) Cynthia & Wayne Gilman ROCK STAR ($5,000) Jill M. Cicero & Paul D. MacAulay Dixon Schwabl Vernita Fullwood Bernice E. Hatch Anne M. Kress & Edward B. Davis, III Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim Essie Calhoun-McDavid & Bernard McDavid Elaine S. Michael Sandy Parker & Dutch Summers Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 Sharon Kelly Sayers ’72 Lori VanDusen J. Christine Wilson & Mary K. Collins Melanie & Jeremy Wolk Zweigle’s Anonymous DAZZLING STAR ($2,500) RISING STAR ($500) Flor & Bobby Colón James & Daria Shaw Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Donna Wenk Susan & Dave Gurak Peggy Weston Byrd & Ralph Byrd Gretchen & Mick Wood LUCKY STAR ($1,250) Diana M. Lauria Kathy & Rich Parrinello LUMINARIES Theresa M. Carter Mrs. Beverly A. French Ms. Mary Kress Dolores & Brad Kruchten Dr. Alice Holloway Young Anonymous STABINS SOCIETY $5,000+ Individuals George & Mary Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Emerson U. Fullwood Howard Konar Anne M. Kress & Edward B. Davis, III Stuart R. Porter Susan & Bob Touhsaent Mr. Jan Z. Wiranowski Corporations/Foundations Alvin F. & Ruth K. Thiem Charitable Foundation American Gas Association The College at Brockport Daemen College Donald F. & Maxine B. Davison Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation First Niagara Bank Foundation GEICO Hilbert College Houghton College Keuka College Le Moyne College Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation Max & Marian Farash Charitable Foundation Max A. Adler Charitable Foundation, Inc. Medaille College - Rochester Campus Monroe Community College Monroe Community College Association Native American Education Foundation NYS Police Troop E Golf Tournament Niagara University PepsiCo Inc. Roberts Wesleyan College Simon & Josephine Braitman Family Supporting Foundation, Inc. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates The Statler Foundation UNICON / RCCI William & Sheila Konar Foundation Xerox Corporation PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE $1,000 – $4,999 Individuals Tom ’76 and Holly ’90 Anderson Cerri A. Banks ’97 Lisa R. & John P. Baron Katherine & Michael Bartholomay G. Christopher Belle-Isle ’67 Gail & Ted Bouk George D. Braddon Robert ’70 & Donna ’86 Brennan Richard C. Brienzi ’79 Daniel J. Burns Margaret ’74 & Theodorus ’74 Bus Mr. Jack Cannon Diane & Al Casey Jill M. Cicero & Paul D. MacAulay Alan J. Cobb ’68 Karen M. ’76 & James J. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Coke Alex Cole Mr. Peter Collinge Flor & Bobby Colón José & Karen Coronas Sally Damon Turner Jeff & Patt y Davis Mr. John L. DiMarco, II Lauren Dixon & Mike Schwabl Jacalyn D. Erickson ’74 & Ed Warner Sergio Esteban Joan R. Ewing Ernest S. Flagler ’10 Mr. Mieczyslaw Flur Thomas & Kate Flynn Ms. Judi Fonzi Mrs. Josephine L. Fratangelo Beverly A. French Cynthia & Wayne Gilman Jane & Larry Glazer Dr. Janet J. Glocker Etsuko & Kenneth Goode Lou Gramm ’71 Bernice E. Hatch Hiram Hernadez, Sr. Dr. Bett y J. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hughes Don ’71 & Nancy Jeffries Mr. Junius R. Judson, II Mr. Richard A. Kaplan Terry Keys Dr. Kevin R. Kimber Mr. James Korneliusen Dolores Kruchten Michael Krupnicki ’85 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. ’73 Lambiase Dr. Lewis Lansky Bob & Chris Latella Beatriz B. Lebron ’04 Dawn & Jacques Lipson Mr. Thomas J. Lobene Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim Mr. Arthur E. Lowenthal David J. Mack Dr. Peter A. Manzi Joseph T. Marchese Joseph T. Marchese, Jr. Essie Calhoun-McDavid & Bernard McDavid Michael McDonough Mr. Ernest J. Mellas Elaine Michael Nancy J. & Kenneth J. ’77 Mihalyov Elizabeth S. & Lucien A. Morin Jyoti & Mahendra Nanavati Todd Oldham Jeffrey Oliver Ms. Patricia A. O’Neill Jodi Oriel ’93 Dr. & Mrs. Emeterio M. Otero Jean & Dick Ottalagana Edward G. & Mary Kay ’94 Parrone Lee J. Patterson ’70 & Ellen M. MacLeod Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 Frank H. Peace S. Jay Popli Denise & Leonard Redon Mr. Gary J. Rivoli ’66 Nathan & Susan Robfogel Marjorie Rolleston Warren & Pam Rosenbaum Dr. L. Louise Rozwell Richard Ryther Charles Salamone Ted Scardino ’84 Thomas & Hilary Schroeder Mary D. Seebach Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius V. Sewell Sandra Shatzel ’64 James & Daria Shaw Barbara M. & Robert H. Shaw Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Ms. Naomi Silver Hezekiah N. Simmons Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Jean & Andy Sperr Gary ’76 & Catherine Squires Patricia A. Stevens ’68 Kevin T. Stickles ’88 Richard A. Swartzel James M. Sydor ’71 Brett ’91 & Carol Ann ’95 Thompson Mary & John ’64 Thompson Lori Van Dusen and Ronald Boillat Vincent Vezza ’64 Drs. Saroj and T.K. Viswanathan Mr. John B. Wadach Jim & Bev Ward Charis & Richard S. ’68 Warshof Mr. Theodore Whitford, Jr. ’68 Lawrence Williams Kimberley D. Willis ’91 J. Chistine Wilson & Mary K. Collins Melanie & Jeremy Wolk Dr. Alice Holloway Young Anonymous (2) Corporations/Foundations The Baron Family Foundation Brite Computers Cannon Industries, Inc. Cornell/Weinstein Family Foundation Dixon Schwabl Elmer W. Davis, Inc. ESM Associates ETS National Community College Advisory Council First Niagara Bank The Forum The Gleason Works Golden Memories Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies KeyBank LaBella Associates, P.C. Lean Sourcing LLC Lift Bridge Book Shop Manning Squires Henning Co. The M&T Charitable Foundation M/E Engineering, P.C. MCC Bookstore Paychex, Inc. Pivcon, Inc. Rochester Hotel Association Rochester Regional Veterans Business Council, Inc. Rubens Family Foundation SPX Foundation SWBR Architects St. Bonaventure University Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Trevett Cristo Salzer & Andolina P.C. The Vanguard Group Foundation Var Data LLC Vector Marketing Corporation The Warren Fund Wegmans Women’s Club of Webster MONROE COUNCIL $500 – $999 Individuals Ms. Christine A. Abbott Carol H. Adams Allen R. Angel Mr. Matthew Augustine John & Jackie Bartolotta Shannon M. Bielaska ’77 Marty & Jill Birmingham Miriam T. ’72 & Harold Bogdonoff Ms. Donna C. Burke Christine Cass ’92 Dr. Anthony Caterisano Jack & Harriet Caton Diane Cecero & Mark Whelan Mary Ellen Clark Kimberley & Bruce Collins Cynthia L. Cooper Donald D’Alessandro ’73 Sumati Devadutt Edward & Carol Ann DiCesare Geraldine Z. Doucette M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 12 STAR POWER! The following individuals, corporations and foundations gave generously to the MCC Annual Fund during 2012-2013. As the lifeblood of the college, the MCC Annual Fund ensures higher education at the college is accessible, exceptional and innovative—designed to enable MCC graduates to successfully transfer to the four-year institution of their choice or directly enter the workforce. This is why we are here. 13 ANNUAL FUND DONORS ANNUAL FUND DONORS EDUCATION PIONEER SHARES HISTORY, CREATES FUTURES MCC Honorary Trustee and Chair Emerita Alice Holloway Young, Ed.D. made a multidimensional planned gift to the MCC Foundation in November 2012—once again touching the lives of future MCC students and putting some of the youngest in our community on the path toward college. Her gift will inspire students through three endowed funds: a scholarship fund for students with “untapped potential,” an academic innovation fund to support Corporations/Foundations Delta Nu Omega Community Foundation & Delta Nu Omega Chapter of AKA Sorority, Inc. Inter County Association of Western New York National Christian Foundation Vigilant Solutions, Inc. DEAN’S LIST $250 – $499 Individuals Kowanda Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Kathleen A. Baxter ’94 Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Bell Mr. Akram Bou Ayash Tracey & Mike Britton Toni & Douglas W. ’84 Brooks Patricia K. & Douglas J. ’67 Brown Andria L. Bryant Paul Bush Susan Cable & Donald A. Tubman Mike Carlino Daniel T. Christner ’05 John & Barbara Cotnam Alexis Dallo Mrs. Eleanor Davis Bruce Devlin Lance & Hope ’84 Drummond Ann M. Coffey-Durbin & Thomas F. Durbin Nicole Edwards Ms. Brenda J. Ellison Phyllis Everett Mrs. Satenik Farid Mary Jo ’87 & David H. ’86 Fatke Marcia Faulkner Roben A. & John B. Findlay Shirley & Robert Flanigan Mr. Kevin D. Flynn Mrs. Toni F. Fontaine ’74 Marie France Cozzetta C. Franklin Andrea Giuffre ’70 Kathleen Hartgrove Mr. & Mrs. George Herren Ms. Cynthia Hinman Mr. Jonathan Hladchuk Ms. Emily Huling Richard Janzso Ms. Lena Johnson Joe & Dale Klein Scott Kogler Sheila & William Konar Jack Kramer Sharon & Arthur Lagendyk Dawn C. (Harris) LaMay ’67 Melody M. Landberg ’75 Diana M. Lauria & Thomas Koziol Kristin Bilinda Leathersich Dr. Alan T. Lefor Ray & Patricia Macera Fred ’82 & Jill McCullough Mr. Leo S. Mengel Dana K. Miller ’76 Frank Milligan Ken Montgomery Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Linda Murphy Rachel B. Mutter-Leonard Claire Nabrotzky Roberta Nichols Mr. Gerard Nobiling Dawn & Marten Olenski Kenneth Lynn Payne ’75 Anita L. ’88 & Philip J. ’88 Pelletier Jim & Bonnie Petrosino Tod Porter ’76 Chuck ’66 & Eloise Puls Patricia Quick Paul Rector ’85 Ann & Robert W. Riemer Renee & Gary Rigoni Elizabeth Ripton Douglas ’93 & Kimberly Rivers Vincent J. Rotella John ’68 & Joan Ruppersberger Mr. Gregory P. Sak ’74 Lisa Schlachter ’79 Diane Scott Peter Singh Maureen & Bill Skehan Bett y P. Smith ’82 Nancy J. Speedy Ms. Thandie Sykes ’94 Bill ’69 & Marie Taillie Ted & Nataliya Thompson Grace Tillinghast Rose Turgeon Donald Van Leuven ’76 Mr. Christopher P. VanVessem ’84 Jayne E. Villard Taine M. Vinci ’79 Mr. Robert H. Waechter ’81 Tramond G. Wallace Ann D. Weintraub Jack ’72 & Kathy Wheeler James Winston ’75 Gretchen & Mick Wood Marlon Yander Mrs. Debra S. Yestrebi Mrs. Cheryl A. Young Anonymous Corporations/Foundations Boy Scouts of America, Troop 163 Klein Steel Service, Inc. Martino Flynn, LLC Monroe County – DHS Cares Committee The Pike Company Selling Strategies, Inc. W.P. Taillie Service, Inc. ASSOCIATES $100 – $249 Individuals Ms. Maha Abdallah Suzanne N. Adrion Dean R. Agnello ’73 Mr. Michael D. Agostinelli Nancy Alamo ’75 Miss Deborah Alimentato ’84 Isameldin Altoom Jean B. ’81 & Bruce V. Anderson Vanessa Anderson ’88 Lorena Anoceto Rachael Baker August Valarie Avalone Sheryl Avery Lita W. ’81 & Thomas L. Bagley Margaret & John Bailey Marlene & Keith Baker Susan D. ’89 & David M. Baker Anne F. Barker Gloria Barnett ’70 Mr. Peter T. Barnum Mrs. Shirley Barone Ms. Barbara J. Barr Wendy L. Barr ’78 Pam Barrale & Libby Ford Cecily Barrington ’72 Judith Bartels Ms. Carol B. Bauerschmidt Donald A. Beech Tauria Bennett Charles ’84 & Rose ’94 Benoit Lawrence Berardi Robert & Shirley ’85 Berry Rose Brown-Bickel & Samuel Bickel Donnessia M. Black Ms. Linda M. Black-Ochsenbein Diane M. and Paul E. Blair Thomas Bodine Susan Boland Mark Bonsignore Ms. Karen E. Desjardin ’83 Kathleen A. ’88 & Gary DeWitt John ’68 and Virginia DiGiovanni Richard J. DiMarzo Ms. Linda M. DiStefano ’97 Ms. Jenita E. Dobbs-Billings Bonnie S. Doell ’71 MaryJoe Dombek Anmarie Donlin Fields ’01 Julius Dorsey Marianne Dorsey Shareese A. Dotson Donald T. Dowling ’64 Ms. Tanya L. Downs Vaughn Drake Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss William M. Drumwright Sud Duhart Mr. & Mrs. ’66 Paul V. Dwyer II Linda S. Eastman ’95 Karen E. & Howard G. Ebersman Ms. Maria Echaniz Gary Egan Brenda Embrey Ms. Joanne Siegle & Dr. Reuben Epstein Ms. Florine A. Erbland Luz Estrada Thomas F. Fantigrossi, Jr. ’74 Professor & Mrs. Laurence Feasel Carolyn & Tony Felicetti John A. Ferguson ’73 Marie Morin Fetzner & Charles T. Fetzner Mariene Fine Mr. Jeffrey T. Fink ’72 David & Maryann Fish John D. Fitzpatrick Laurie Flanagan Judith ’75 & Kevin Fleissig Mr. Gregory T. Flood Ms. Clianda A. Florence Ms. Shabria Flowers Orpah Ruth Francis ’76 Ms. Karen M. Frank ’92 Sarah Frasier Ms. Diane D. Frasure ’89 Mrs. Richard L. Freeman ’86 Charles M. Frenz, Jr. Robert Levine & Rise Friedman Keith G. Galfo ’80 Teresa & Daniel ’85 Gallagher Rita & Dave Garretson Ms. Virginia Geer-Mentry Dave Ghidiu ALUMNUS WITH SPARK This spring, Mahany Welding Supply President and MCC alumnus Mike Krupnicki ’85 launched the Krupnicki Family Scholarship for Excellence in Welding with a $100,800 pledge. The scholarship will prepare students to earn their certification in order to fill growing workforce demand for welders. Krupnicki has been the driving force behind MCC’s welding and fabrication certificate program since 2007—educating future welders at the Rochester Arc & Flame Center he founded in 2012. Mr. John R. Ghidiu Janice & Anthony ’76 Giardino M. Christine Gibson ’95 Tony Giovannetti Philip S. Glickman, Esq. Judith ’77 & Wilbur Gorley Scott Gosert Ellen & Nick Gozik Ms. Susanne A. Grigsby ’87 Chet Grzelak Ms. Victoria L. Hage ’72 Patrick T. Haggerty Ms. Lynnette Hale Richard & Catherine ’77 Hall Judy Hall Mr. John C. Hargather ’73 Tiffany Hargrett Joyce C. ’78 & Stuart Harris Mr. Thomas J. Harris James Hart Joyce & Philip Hart Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk Bernold Amy Hawke Ms. Virginia Hebda Ms. Janie R. Heberle ’89 Mr. Neil E. Herendeen Mr. Mark J. Herzog ’76 Mark Hilyard Denise Holman Patricia M. & James R. ’75 Huber Anna Marie Hughes ’84 Mr. Mark S. Hurley Monica Hurley Mr. Bernie Iacovangelo Rachell Ingram Lisa Inzana John & Jacqueline Inzinga Sherrill Ison Ms. LaRita Ivery Jeffery Jackson ’12 Gregory Jahn Mary D. Jeffries Linda M. & Phillip K. ’90 Johnson Tyrone Johnson Patsy Jones Rebecca Jones Pat Joram ’12 Tumba A. Kalumbwe Michael Kane Kim & Edward Kay Mr. Wayne T. Keim ’77 Teresa & Dennis ’78 Kennelly Ms. Norma Jean Kenney ’80 Bok S. Kim Vikki Kolb ’04 Anne M. Korenstein Linda ’70 & Joseph Kozelsky Ms. Mara Kozelsky Valerie Kuhn Sandra Labega Ann M. & Richard M. ’71 Lafford Mr. Timothy M. LaForest ’92 JuliaKay ’99 & Roger F. Lareau Melinda ’75 & Terry Larrington Ms. Carole A. Laskey ’98 Ms. Maggie L. Latimer Joanne & Richard Laudisi Henry Douglas Laughton ’68 Ms. Kathryn Laughton ’86 Dr. Kathy G. Lawton Valerie A. ’72 & Larry J. Lazzaro Dr. Bridget Lee Mr. Frank LePore ’84 Beverly L. Lewin ’75 Patricia ’69 & Larry Liddington Hillary Lincourt Ann Lindley Gill Ms. Laurie Littlefield ’72 Mrs. Josephine M. Lombardo ’73 Roy F. Lomicka Sharon R. & Andrew N. ’94 Lonthair Mr. Kenneth J. Lord ’09 Audrey ’90 & Michael ’77 Loria Michelle Lowe Ms. Eileen M. Ludwig ’85 Brenda ’90 & Jim Lyness Stephen K. Mack ’81 Richard F. Mackey Mr. Timothy M. Maggio Richard A. Mahar Martha Maher-Garcia Jeff Maillie Mr. Kuc Majak Ms. Marsha A. Major ’67 Teresa Malli Nick Mammarello Ida J. Mangione ’77 Ms. Jacqueline J. Manning ’74 Mr. John Marchioli Denny Marra ’73 Irene L. & Jesu ’76 Marrero Hasana D. Martin ’96 Marie & Thomas Marton Melanie A. Mason ’06 Frank Mastrodonato ’75 Julie Ferency Matson ’79 Marie Mattison Ms. Rebeka J. Mazzone M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 14 Individuals, continued Dover & Charlotte ’81 Downing Ms. Janet Ekis ’92 Barbara R. Ellis ’90 Jane ’68 & Dan Garr Diane & Peter Hammar Dr. J. Derek Harrison Raymond J. Hasenauer Richard Hite Robert ’74 & Carolyn Hoffman Mrs. Donna N. Hunt ’77 Ms. Gloria D. Hunter Loretta Kloda Mrs. Patricia Kuby ’73 Lynn ’77 & Mark ’76 Kulzer Alberta & Cecil Lee Carlos Maldonado Donald Marthage ’71 Carol & John Matteson Carole McGhan-Hicks ’77 Thomas Montulli ’64 Mr. William A. Mulligan ’75 James & Lois Norman Timothy & Michelle O’Brien Jennifer & Mark ’90 Pastorella R. John & Patricia Perrin Alan & Janice Resnick Susan M. Salvador & Chuck Koffenberger Laurel & Kurt Sanger James Schwender David J. Sharkey Rilda S. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Brent W. Stromwall Karen & Skip Warren Chester ’73 & Francine Watson Wendy ’78 & Stephen Watt Mark Werner ’72 Mike ’76 & Debbie West Gregory ’04 & Marcus Wilson Phil & Cheryl Yawman Erik Zeise MCC’s Education Department and our community’s future teachers, and a fund to support Horizons at MCC. The Horizons program serves the educational needs of children in kindergarten through 8th grade during the summer months. Through planned giving, Dr. Young created a lasting tribute to her parents’ commitment to education and an enduring legacy for MCC and the students she loves. Dawn V. Borgeest ’76 Mr. Gregg A. Bouchard Susan & Richard Bowman Kathie A. ’82 & William J. ’81 Breen Peter Breitsch Jean M. Breitung Ms. Susan M. Brewster ’83 Paul W. Briggs Alan Brightman ’75 Robert D. Brown Thelma Brown Twanda Buckingham Patricia M. Burgess Carol Burritt ’70 Barbaranette Butler Mr. Carl R. Byers ’83 Mr. Miguel Calderon Norma & Anthony ’83 Campbell Michelle Capellupo James M. Chappell ’85 Eleanor S. Cherin Allison Childers Ms. Rebecca D. Christner Ms. Cornelia J. Cimbalo ’76 Ms. Tatiana Clader ’03 Dave Claffey Cathleen E. Clancy Margaret M. Clark ’76 Todd J. Clausen C. Patricia & Ronald A. ’70 Cocquyt Ann M. Coffey-Durbin & Thomas F. Durbin Essie Coley Rosanna Condello Gail Connell Richard Connett Paula Z. ’78 & Gary A. Cook Corinne M. Coon ’64 Gregory Coons ’97 Anquinette Cray ’96 James R. Cronmiller Valerie Crouch Jane M. Cummings ’91 Annmarie Cymerman Margaret M. Dailey ’04 Gail ’74 & Bradley Damon Gordna Daskalovski Judy A. Davis ’99 Ms. Carmen De Avila ’76 Thomas R. DeCory ’83 Richard & Sheila Degus Debra A. ’77 & Dennis W. ’71 Delaney Diane J. Dell ’88 Ms. Pamela Delyser 15 ANNUAL FUND DONORS ANNUAL FUND DONORS RECOGNIZED LEADERSHIP MCC Foundation Council member Al Casey and MCC Foundation Executive Director Diane Shoger were recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for their leadership. Casey received the CASE District II’s Robert L. Payton Award for Voluntary Service for his leadership, volunteerism and philanthropy in support of MCC and its students. Shoger received CASE District II’s Professional of the Year Award for her exceptional work and innovative leadership that drive the success of the MCC Foundation. JPMORGAN O G CHASE C S ROCS OCS THE FUTURE Individuals, continued Kathryn McArdle Ms. Sharon E. McCarroll ’80 John R. & Joanna S. McCarthy Ms. Katherine M. McCarthy ’78 Patricia & Mark McElroy Donna McGee Douglas McGraw Roxanne Mcgregor Ms. Lynn M. McLean ’91 Lucy K. Meaway ’11 Tom Meek ’69 Nicholas R. Meli ’84 Charlotte ’05 & James Melvin Kathleen & David ’76 Memmel Richard J. Menke Marie R. ’74 & Joseph A. Merenda Dulcie L. Meyer ’96 Dr. Edward D. Mills Mr. Don Milton Steven Minurka Ms. Aidah Mirembe Charles Mollenkopf Mr. Matthew Montgomery Diane & Daniel ’74 Montondo Dorothy Montulli ’64 Marion Moore Sukari N. Moore Anne F. Morley ’04 Eileen Morris Darylann Mott ’80 Mr. Otto Muller-Girard, Jr. ’87 Shannan L. & Thomas D. Myers Arlene ’02 & James Nanry Cathy & Thomas Napier Mr. Gabriele Napolitano Sharon Scurlock Lindsey Sengle Sharon Sens William M. Setek, Jr. Karen Shaw ’78 Cheryl Sherry Lena Y. Shiao Dr. Marvin & Mrs. Joan Shulman Phyllis ’88 & Greg C. ’79 Siembor Mr. William D. Sigismond Ms. Jean Sikora Louis Silvers Tracy J. & Mark A. Simons Kate Smith Reginald B. Smith Ms. Terrylynn Smith ’68 Kathleen Smithers Mr. Lawrence G. Smykla Mrs. Jill F. Snyder Daniel Soboleski Lissette Soto Ivy & Ronald Space Mr. William A. Spahn ’82 Christine Spain-Taylor Andrea Spaulding Charles H. Speirs Jim Spillane John F. Stabile Annie L. Stackhouse Ms. Mary R. Staie Sally Stapley Elise M. Steele Mary Lee & Donald J. ’74 Stein Cynthia A. Sullivan Joy & Trevor Supersad Frank Surace ’89 Steve & Cheryl Swartout Ralph & Ruth ’84 Szweda Minnie Taggert Dorothy Tatum Douglas Taylor ’64 Gail & Ken Terhaar Mr. Dan R. Thies Debbie & Timothy Thomas Mr. John Tillinghast Donna L. & William A. Torpey Alexander Torres Sharon Trenkler ’65 Ms. Florence Tripi Joseph Tubiolo ’11 Joseph Tumminelli Charles S. Turner Clayton ’86 & April Turner Lisa M. & Kevin L. ’89 Twitchell Wayne Uter Mr. John F. VanDemortel Patricia VanOrman William Vargas Anthony ’73 & Joanne ’81 Ventura Ms. MacClurg Vivian ’65 Mary ’83 & Glenn Wadsworth Mr. Bennie Walker Joan Wallace Ms. Alice Washington Debra Watson ’85 Bess Watts & Anne Tischer Brian ’94 & Colleen Weaver Steve Weider Kim M. Weilert Judith ’84 & Michael ’85 Welch Mr. Thomas Welk Peggy Weston Byrd & Ralph Byrd David Whitmore ’78 Mr. Gregory M. Williams ’73 Coliss Wilson Lois W. Winslow ’82 Mr. Alan Wolfanger ’88 Charlotte J. & Norman J. ’65 Wright Jacqueline ’78 & Richard Zuber Anonymous (4) Corporations/Foundations The Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bauman’s Farm Market GE Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Greater Rochester Association of Realtors, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving Millbrook Farms LLC Tee’s & Specialties Thomson Reuters Ravenwood Golf Club Runner Butter LLC ADDITIONAL GIFTS UNDER $100 Individuals Ms. Donna M. Abby ’75 Anna Abel Christine Accorso Tammy Adams Michael W. Aikens ’89 Janice Albert ’84 Ms. Jen Alessi Coretta Alexande Debra ’08 & David Alimentato Susan & Douglas Allen Ms. Luva K. Alvarez April Amodei Cynthia A. Anderson ’82 Nancy Anderson ’77 Martha F. Andres ’78 Christine Anthony Linda ’82 & Fernando Antonio Ms. Kimberly A. Aquila Debbie J. Archambeau Annemarie Arnone Ms. Adriann C. Ashley Mary M. ’77 & Mark S. Avery Matthew Avery Dr. Javier Ayala Deborah L. ’77 & Walton T. ’76 Ayer Leigh Ann & Robert Babcock Millie Bacher ’90 Karen Baird Catherine Baker Diane & Richard ’68 Baker Ms. Heather M. Baleno ’97 Irene & David Barber Kesha Barnes Kyle P. Barone ’05 Gayle Barrett ’81 Mrs. Nicole M. Barrows ’02 Jill Bartkovich Kathryn Fowler Barton ’75 Mr. Arthur R. Bartosch ’83 Mr. & Mrs. James A. ’78 Battaglia Carol A. Battles Mr. James J. Battoglia ’77 Mr. James F. Bauman ’75 A. Beckwith ’84 Judy C. Beers Ms. Maryjo Beers-Takash ’73 Mr. Mark R. Bellavia Kimberly Benedetto Ms. Barbara A. Bennett Ilene S. Benz Rachel Benzing Stephanie L. Benzing ’10 Joseph E. Berger Hannah Lee ’81 & John Berry Judy ’80 & Bob Bertram Pamela Bialaszewski Ms. Sandra A. Bialaszewski ’90 Susan Bielinski Andrew Binder Jana Bishop Vasttee Blue Karen & Keith Bock Mr. James R. Boehler Mr. Michael Boehme Ms. Kathleen Bolton Amy Bombard Somprasong Boonroong ’03 Kathleen Donna Borbee Zak Borden Cristie Borst Dr. William M. Boylin ’71 Lawrence Bradshaw ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bradshaw Patricia R. & Ronald D. ’72 Bradt Kathleen J. Brady ’74 Warren A. Brady ’83 Mrs. Joy E. Braselton Karen A. ’92 & Scott R. Bready Jeanne ’83 & Gerard ’73 Brien Geraldine Briggs Michael Broderick ’79 Kathleen K. Bromley Patricia K. & Douglas J. ’67 Brown Jean M. Brown Mr. Michael M. Brown Ruth E. Brown Teresa Brown Kim Browning Michelle M. Bruzee Melissa Burley ’07 Ann Schippers Burns ’78 Ms. Paula V. Burnside Ms. Michele V. Burwell Beverly Buscemi Carmen C. Bush Lori A. Byington Sheila Byrd Barbara Calamia Douglas R. Caliri ’81 Mildred C. Murphy-Cama ’73 Mary & Alex Cameron Connie M. Campisi Diane S. ’77 & Michael E. Campoli Mr. Scott R. Canaan Ms. Margaret F. Cappello ’94 Mr. Avandro R. Cardilli ’71 Mr. Richard P. Carey and JoAnn Carey Ms. Rosita Caridi-Miller Mr. Ryan R. Carr ’02 Suzanne Carroll ’84 Mr. Thomas G. Carroll Elvira & Daniel ’70 Caruso Suzanne Cassata, DDS ’82 Veronica Castillo Sylvia Castro Mr. Theodore D. Catlin ’78 Mr. Richard A. Chamberlin ’78 Ms. Zena B. Chambers ’07 Diane Cheasty Ms. Susan H. Chen ’92 Tatyana Chervonyak Valerie M. & Ernest L. ’72 Child Loretta Chrzan-Williams ’78 William Cibulka Mr. Charles Clarke Mr. Willie J. Clemons ’03 SECRET TO HER SUCCESS Recent MCC Alumni Hall of Fame inductee Cerri A. Banks, Ph.D. ’97 advised the Class of 2013 to “find and accomplish your noble purpose and then find more than one. … Decide what you will offer a world that needs so much.” During her Commencement keynote, she described how her educational journey began at MCC’s Damon City Campus, setting the foundation for her current role as vice president for student affairs and dean of the college at Mount Holyoke College in South Hampton, Massachusetts. She believes her success in the field of education is a direct result of starting at MCC. “You represent all ages, social classes … and ways of thinking. You are the United States of America, a living example of this nation’s diversity.” — CERRI A. BANKS, PH.D. ’97, 2013 MCC COMMENCEMENT KEYNOTE Lorne Cohen ’82 Jeffrey D. Colby Jennifer R. & John M. Condame Vivian ’73 & David Condello Cheryl ’00 & Donald ’82 Confarotta Dennis & Sharon Conheady Mr. Andrew Conley Richard Connett Patricia ’71 & Thomas Conrad Barbara Cook Lorie Cook ’70 Laura Coriddi ’02 Ms. Geraldine Cornell ’90 Ms. Susan H. Corrie Mr. James M. Cortina ’70 Rene Coss David Coye & Jean Green Eva M. Crawford Lawrence Cresswell ’79 Jason Croft ’94 Thomas Cronmiller Kathleen & David Crowe Clarabelle Cruz Ms. Donna V. Cummings ’89 B.J. Cunningham ’76 Robert R. Cunningham Susan L. & Robert F. ’72 Cunningham Roxanne & Lawrence Curtis Mr. Gary A. Czerkas ’79 Prudence P. Damia ’86 Mary Ann Dannhauser ’98 Ms. Lynn E. Darkow ’86 Ms. Nashaw Davis Mark A. & Susan L. ’91 Davis Ms. Susan E. Davis Carl Davy Grace Dean Mr. Ward A. Dean Ms. Genevieve A. DeClerck ’97 Cheryl Deeley Elizabeth ’91 & James DeFranco Dr. MaryAnn DeMario Ms. Mary R. Dematteo ’87 Kathleen Dermody Katherine E. DeRusso Carol M. Derycke ’92 Winsone Desouza Suzanne M. Dettman ’66 Mr. Robert E. Dezen ’75 Mariella & George ’86 Diaz Deborah & Richard DiCesare Susan ’76 & James Diermeier Ms. Kathleen A. Dietz, R.N. ’80 Mr. Vincent DiGaspari Mr. Rocco DiGiovanni Joanne DiMarco Mr. Ronald A. DiRaimo ’76 Ms. Cynthia L. Dise ’73 Ms. Tami M. Divers M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 16 JPMorgan Chase gave $50,000 to the MCC Foundation in July to support the ROC the Future initiative— a collaboration of more than 100 community organizations, including MCC, that aims to create a cradle-to-career educational pipeline that aligns existing resources to provide better support to children and their families. Its goal addresses the need for improved student outcomes that lead to college and career readiness. This gift allows MCC to serve as a base of operations for ROC the Future and provides the necessary infrastructure so the program can have an immediate impact on the future of Rochester’s children. Lulu Nash Toni L. ’80 & Mark R. Nelepovitz Mr. Thomas L. Nelson, Sr. ’82 Elizabeth Neureiter-Seely Mr. James C. Nichols ’76 Ms. Debbie Oberhofer Michael P. O’Connell Patrick J. O’Connor ’95 Rose C. & Thomas J. Oldfield Mary E. ’75 & Richard E. ’67 O’Toole Mr. Michael G. Otto ’86 Bliss E. Owen ’80 Ms. Mary L. Pabrinkis ’74 John and Mary Pace Michael Paiz Joanne K. & Thomas E. ’65 Palmer Nancy ’87 & Steve ’75 Parmeter Dan Parry Jane E. Passamonte ’94 Ms. Dolores Pasto-Ziobro Gregory A. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Brent H. Penwarden Rosemary & Anthony ’73 Pergolizzi Theresa Perticone ’98 Varda & Larry ’75 Peskowitz Ms. Jenny B. Petersen Jack S. Phillips Ms. Letitia Pickering ’74 Carol A. Piendel ’80 Mr. Leonardo Pino ’86 Elizabeth Pixley Alan M. Plath Ms. Donna Pogroszewski ’78 Karen & Steven Polo Ms. Carol Porras ’77 Alan Powell ’78 Bethel Ann & Richard G. ’65 Powers Mr. Gregory G. Powhida Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Prestianni John T. Privitera ’66 Mr. Thomas M. Privitere ’73 Michael & Amy ’75 Quattrociocchi Brenda L. Quick ’06 Mary Quinlan Terese & Peter Quinn Terese A. Quinn ’06 Steven T. Ralph ’94 Ms. Martha L. Ramsay ’87 Nancy Rawlins ’83 Ms. Lois T. Reddick Mr. Stephen M. Reed ’77 Gloria & John E. ’73 Reynolds Cindy L. & William T. ’77 Reynolds Mr. David K. Richardson ’73 Debra & Zacarias ’85 Rivera Barbara Robinson ’75 Mr. Chad J. Robinson ’95 Dale ’92 & Marion Robinson Dick & Bea Rosenbloom Charles & Sandra Ruff Raymond T. Ruff Martin Rumscheidt Bud & Joan Rusitzky Ms. Kathleen M. White-Ryan & Mr. Michael F. Ryan, Jr. ’73 Louise N. ’85 & Richard S. ’67 Sadowski Ms. Elizabeth R. Sanders ’84 Luis Santiago ’79 Cherie & David ’74 Sarachan Marcia Savage Sharon Kelly Sayers ’72 Ms. Nancy C. Schiano Phyllis S. ’07 & Brian A. ’80 Schirano Dr. & Mrs. James Schuster 17 WHY WE’RE HERE ANNUAL FUND DONORS ANNUAL FUND DONORS ADDITIONAL GIFTS UNDER $100, CONTINUED ROC THE DAY FOR MCC The ROC the Day for MCC 2012 campaign raised $10,375 in 24 hours in December—a 20 percent increase over 2011. MCC Foundation Directors S. Jay Popli and Naomi Silver motivated donors through their $2,500 challenge match. Foundation Directors joined alumni, faculty, students, administrators, retirees and friends in securing the matching gift. The MCC Association/MCC Bookstore and Sodexo also played key roles in the success of this year’s campaign. Manning Squires Hennig Co. Anita D. Manuele Dr. Maryann Marino Biology Dept. Michael Miller Deborah A. Mohr Kathleen A. Moyse ’94 Susan M. Nupp Mary A. O’Reilly ’81 Dr. & Mrs. Emeterio M. Otero Jennifer & Mark ’90 Pastorella Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 S. Jay Popli Jodell A. Raymond Sharilyn Rediess Deneen D. Rhode Beth S. Saffer ’69 Susan M. Salvador & Chuck Koffenberger Jane E. Scudder Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Naomi Silver Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Sodexo, Inc & Affiliates Valerie L. Thornberg ’11 Kara J. Tierney Susan Tingey Ann & Thomas Topping Charis & Richard S. ’68 Warshof Gretchen & Mick Wood Anonymous MCC FOUNDATION ALUMNI PROGRAM SPONSORS Sponsors of the MCC Foundation Alumni Program offer generous support of recent and upcoming graduates and are visible on campus during special celebrations leading up to and including MCC’s annual Commencement ceremony. The MCC Foundation thanks the following for their unique support of student success and achievement at MCC. OVER $10,000 GEICO $5,000 LEVEL The College at Brockport Daemen College Hilbert College Houghton College Keuka College Le Moyne College Medaille College Niagara University Roberts Wesleyan College $2,500 LEVEL St. Bonaventure University Ms. Jennifer Gardinier Mary Gardner Elizabeth A. & Charles A. ’78 Garlock Anne Garretson Rosemary Garretson Ms. Elizabeth A. Garrisi Glenn Gates Ms. Carol A. Gayeski ’98 Mrs. Barbara J. Genier ’02 Mr. Dennis R. Gent ’71 Jacqueline A. Germano ’87 Nancy M. & James J. Gertner Paul Gerwitz George Getman Catherine M. Ghidiu Mr. John Ghidiu Ms. Patricia H. Giblin Barbara J. & David R. ’05 Gill H. Claire Gladwell ’75 Chris Gleason Teresa Ann ’84 & James R. Godfrey Danielle Goforth Ms. Amy L. Goldman Michael Gonzalez Ms. Susan M. Goode Roberta & Edward J. Gough Ms. Monica M. Graham ’05 Ms. Joan E. Grakowsky Ms. Nancy Gramkee-Cuer David Graupman Mr. Jared Green Joan Green Junnie J. Green Ms. Amy Greer Donna & Gary Grella Mrs. Vivian V. Griego ’76 Patricia & Albert ’71 Griepsma Judy Griffith Joanna & Michael R. Grosodonia David ’70 & Susan Groth Susan Gurak Lenila Haag ’76 Mr. Stephen A. Hakes Ms. Mary L. Hallett Ms. Christine E. Hamlin ’86 Christopher Hamm Mr. James P. Hanrahan ’73 Melissa Harrel Jim ’80 & Donna Harrington Mr. Christopher A. Harris ’08 James B. Harrison Mark W. Harrison Mr. Steven J. Hart ’75 Amanda Hartman Dale Hartnett Anna Hasimaj Kathleen & Robert Hauck Kevin M. ’98 & Gina Haughan Holly & Sam Havens Ms. Sharon A. Hawkins Cynthia E. ’81 & Thomas M. ’75 Heagerty Judith A. Heberle ’79 Mr. Michael A. Heel Jean & Gary Heinsler Ms. Ramona Henderson ’79 Ms. Susan L. Henning Michael Henrichs Mr. Collin Sheridan Henrie Ms. Carmen M. Hernandez Ms. Kathlyn Herzog Mr. Robert H. Herzog Mr. Douglas S. Heyden Amy M. Hibbard Gretchen Hicks Barbara L. & Robert L. ’69 Hill William ’89 & Nancy Holland Randy Horning Maria E. ’90 & Robert W. ’90 Horrocks Jean & Robert Huber Janel Hunley Ms. Wendy J. Huntone ’78 Ms. Lisa K. Huson ’75 Janine Huussen Ms. Colette A. Hyde ’95 Makenzie L. Ikeler Ms. Taunja L. Isaac ’05 Ms. Mildred E. Jacque ’75 Mr. Randy A. Jacque ’74 Jay Jeffries David & Christine Jehle Nancy M. Jemison ’73 Eric Johannisson Cynthia & Michael Johnson Joseph & Inez Johnson Linda ’81 & H. Wilson Johnson Lynda Johnson Ms. Jill E. Johnston ’85 Anita Jones Rainey Jones Mr. Anthony E. Joseph ’72 Sandy Jurkiewicz Mark K. Kaleta ’80 Margaret Kaminsky Hava Kapidzic Nico & Staci Karagosian Naomi Karolinski Deborah A. ’02 & Joseph J. Kashmer Mr. John M. Kavanaugh Ethan Kelley Philip J. Kellogg ’81 Judith ’86 & Robert Kelly Felix K. Kemboi Ms. Maria Kendig Karen Kester Ms. Carol A. Kier ’72 Ms. Virginia C. Kimball ’66 Kyle & Cindy Kindle Barbara Ann King ’86 Ms. Latrenda S. King ’96 Dr. Robert N. King Ms. Mary H. Kirkendale ’79 Ms. Anne K. Kirkpatrick Ms. Denise M. Klein Ms. Joyce B. Klemmer ’76 Mallory Knapp Darlene Koehler Mary Kolbuc Andrea Kords ’81 Mr. Dietmar T. Kost ’81 Kirsten M. Krasz Ms. Marlene Kreiley ’90 Mrs. Maureen E. Krenzer ’80 Kevin Krueger Wanda Kudaj ’95 Christopher K. Kumar Deborah ’81 & Peter Kummer Mrs. Lynne M. Kurz ’84 James B. Labb ’85 Elizabeth Laidlaw Bett y J. Lamb ’70 Michael LaMothe Alyssa M. Lasch Ms. Dorothy B. Latone Mr. Neil E. Laundry Joanne Laurini Katherine A. Lazary ’76 Joanne Lazore Charles D. Leary ’73 Julian Lee Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey LeGere Kathryn M. ’81 & Robert B. Lemcke Ms. Sonja Lenhard Richard J. Leppert Melvin Levin ’65 David M. Levine ’77 Ms. Mary M. Lewczyk ’87 Gail A. & Jerome J. Lewis Ms. Cassie L. Lewis-Getman Mr. Willie J. Lightfoot ’97 Joyce A. Lippa Ms. Barbara Litterio Ms. Bonnie Lloyd ’66 Mr. Joseph E. Lo Tempio ’71 Anna Lorenz Warren Love Dr. Jeanne Loysen ’66 Shannon Luce Ms. Alberta Pace Luce & Mr. Thomas J. Luce ’80 Marie Lyman Dr. William J. Lynam Mary M. ’73 & Gerald Lynch Kim Lyons Carolyn Mabb Kyle W. Madden ’07 Mrs. Kristin M. Magin Jenifer & Timothy ’92 Mahan Ellen Z. Mahler ’85 Paul Maier Mimi Maiuri Dale ’70 & Nancy Mallory Patricia ’84 & Peter Mancuso Anthony Mangione Susan & Allan Manley Mrs. Anita D. Manuele Maryann & Dale Marino Brian Martin George C. Mastrodonato Mr. & Mrs. James A. Matteson Mary Ann & Richard P. ’74 Mattice Ms. Peggy A. Mazzullo Luba McCann ’75 Helen McCarthy Susan McCrossen ’98 Ms. Maxine M. McDonald ’86 Mr. Timothy J. McDonnell Ms. Margaret A. McDougall ’66 Mary F. ’77 & Michael R. McEntee Joyce K. & Jeffery J. McGrath Tom McGrew Kimberly McKinsey-Mabry ’95 Margaret & John ’66 McNall Christopher ’96 & Janet ’95 Mears Mr. Bruce Mellen Gilberto Mendez Juan Mendez Mrs. Eileen N. Merberg ’82 Ms. Andrea S. Mercier ’80 Sandra L. Merritt Arlene Meyer Jennifer Michaud Mr. Clair Milburn ’64 David Miller Mr. Gary M. Miller Michael Miller Patricia Miller Ms. Sondra M. Miller ’88 Colleen Milner ’95 Jill Misterka ’79 Remegia A. Mitchell Mr. Ross F. Mittiga ’72 Mary L. Moffit ’86 Ms. Deborah A. Mohr Christine M. Mojsej ’04 Suzanne B. ’94 & Charles L. Montante Ms. Elizabeth A. Moore, RN ’70 May Moore Fe Moran Patrick Moreland Leslie Ann ’85 & John M. Morelli Lucien A. Morin, II Amy L. Moritz Mike Morone Lucille P. ’10 & Norman R. Morrill Carole Markley Morris ’88 Mr. Craig Morris Jennifer L. Morris Professor Karen L. Morris William R. Morris Ms. Nancy Moses Latrelle Mosley Sheranda Moss Ms. Kathleen A. Moyse ’94 Vicki A. ’88 & Thomas M. Mucher Bill Mulligan, Jr. ’71 Ms. Mary T. Murphy Mrs. Susan L. Murphy ’74 Mildred C. Murphy-Cama ’73 Erika L. Muscato Susanne E. Muscato Amy Myer Edna Mae ’86 & Donald L. Nadeau Kenneth R. Napierala Diane Navarro Ms. Tammy N. Nazarko D’Nita Nelson Mrs. Nancy E. Newman ’80 Ms. Terrene C. Nicastro ’97 Meghan Nieznanski ’10 Mr. Howard T. Nix ’70 Pearline & Gerald Noble Donna Noce ’76 & Jack Stanton Ms. Mary Pauline Nolan Ms. Susan M. Noonan Ms. Susan M. Nupp Betsy O’Brien Colleen M. O’Brien Mr. Juan C. Ocasio ’81 Patrick T. O’Connor ’83 & Lisa Stiler-O’Connor Ms. Karen Olek ’74 Ms. Dalia M. Oliver ’88 Ms. Patricia S. O’Neil ’78 Maria Opaczewski Mrs. Mary A. O’Reilly ’81 James M. O’Sullivan ’77 Barbara J. ’88 & George J. Ottenschot Linus E. Otto ’68 Barbara ’84 & James Ozminkowski Laurie A. ’90 & Todd E. Packer Diego Pagan Connie & Jim Palermo Nancy & James Palermo John ’69 and Ann Palermo Stephen T. Palmer ’97 UNSURPASSED COMMITMENT AND LEADERSHIP: M&T BANK M&T Bank’s commitment to the success of the MCC Foundation is unsurpassed since 1983. In addition to M&T Bank’s sponsorship of the annual Gold Star Gala, Salute to Excellence and Scholarship Open events, bank representatives have given personally of themselves as community leaders and as private philanthropists. They value meeting M&T Scholarship recipients in return as part of their involvement. Incoming MCC Foundation Board of Directors Chair Daniel J. Burns is the sixth consecutive M&T Bank representative to serve on the Foundation board. CONGRATULATIONS to Al Casey, M/E Engineering, and Daniel J. Burns, M&T Bank, for receiving awards from the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Genesee Valley Chapter in November 2012. Casey, a member of the MCC Foundation Council, and his company were recognized with the Outstanding Corporation award. Burns, Foundation Board chair-elect, received the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser award. The Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation, sponsor of the Summer Youth Sports Program at MCC, was recognized as the Outstanding Foundation at the awards ceremony. M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 20 Christine A. Abbott Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Robert ’70 & Donna ’86 Brennan Tracey & Mike Britton Jack Cannon Diane Cheasty Rosanna Condello Cynthia L. Cooper Robert R. Cunningham Lauren Dixon Dover & Charlotte ’81 Downing Janet Ekis ’92 Elmer W. Davis, Inc. Lisa & Robin Fluman Virginia Geer-Mentry Dave Ghidiu Susan & David Gurak Bernice E. Hatch Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk Bernold Michael A. Heel Collin Sheridan Henrie Eric Johannisson Junius R. Judson, II Naomi Karolinski Dr. Anne M. Kress & Mr. Edward B. Davis, III LaBella Associates, P.C. Elizabeth Laidlaw Diana M. Lauria Alberta & Cecil Lee MCC Bookstore David J. Mack Kyle W. Madden ’07 Andrew Dixon ’75 Tamara & Norman Dixon Ms. Kimberly Ann Dodson ’11 Nancy Doll Dorothy A. Donaldson Thomas A. Donnellan Ms. Linda J. D’Onofrio ’66 Sandra J. Doorley Ms. Jacqueline S. Dorsey Eileen M. Doyle ’73 Margaret Doyle ’85 Kimberly A. Dudrak Bett y A. Duhart ’08 Valerie Dulmage Nancy S. Dupra ’97 Martin Dvorin Mr. & Mrs. ’66 Paul V. Dwyer II Jeffrey I. Ebel Kathleen Ebeling ’04 Margaret Elliott Ecklund ’79 Dale Edwards James Ekis Stephanie Eldred Lisa & Joel ’87 Elliot Laura Emerson Christina Engels Vattana ’82 & Sounthone E. Vattana ’85 Mr. David L. Erbland ’97 Ms. Jeanne M. Erway Ms. Susanne B. Esan Mr. David J. Evans Mr. William W. Eve ’70 Mr. Thomas P. Everetts Mr. Ronald H. Eygabroad Barbara & Neil Fagenbaum Sharon Falkenstein Linda & Douglas ’78 Farina Mr. Moses Farley Marion J. & William H. Farr Marlene Farrington Steven Farrington James Fasino ’72 Loretta & Philip Fedele Sharon Feldman ’79 Peter Fellegara Susan Fenn Ms. Linda S. Fetter ’91 Cristin Finch Judy Finch ’80 Barbara S. & Alan L. ’76 Fine Thomas A. Fitzak Charles Fitzgerald ’71 Mr. Timothy FitzMorris ’86 George Fleck Lisa & Robin Fluman Jayne Flynn ’78 Mr. Bruce Folz ’84 James M. Foos Lynda G. Foti ’98 Brend Sage Frank & John P. Frank ’91 Mr. Richard T. Frank Lynne ’87 & Andrew ’87 Freeman Ms. Carolyn B. French ’74 Cynthia Frew ’86 Julianna & Aaron Frisch Jeremy Fromm Melissa Debra Fromm Ron Fugle Lisa Fuino Patricia A. ’74 & Francis J. Gacioch Yohannes Gahsu Donna Gallmeyer M. Veronica & Leslie ’83 Gambee Nancy & Joseph Garbarino Ms. Divina D. Garces 21 ANNUAL FUND DONORS MATCHING GIFTS GIFTS IN KIND Bank of America Charitable Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation GE Foundation Gannett Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Merck Partnership for Giving SPX Foundation The Scholarship Foundation Thomson Reuters The Vanguard Group Foundation Xerox Corporation Individuals Alex Cole Dr. Kevin R. Kimber Rachel B. Mutter-Leonard Jeffrey Oliver Lawrence Williams Five Guys Frito-Lay, Inc. Jines Restaurant, Inc Nu-Way Auto Parts Pomodoro Grill and Wine Bar Ravenwood Golf Club Runner Butter LLC Siemens Industries, Inc. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates 2Vine Wegmans Tee’s & Specialties Anonymous Corporations/Foundations Cheesecake Factory Chili’s Restaurant Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse Dixon Schwabl In spite of extensive efforts to avoid errors and omissions in this year’s honor roll of contributors, mistakes may occur. If your name is listed incorrectly, missspelled or omitted, please notify the MCC Foundation immediately at 585.262.1500. Gifts recieved after August 31, 2013, will be included in next year’s annual report. HOPE IN RESPONSE TO A TRAGEDY In response to the tragic loss of West Webster Fire Department volunteers MCC alumnus Lt. Michael “Chip” Chiapperini ’89 and student Tomasz Kaczowka on December 24, 2012, the Wheeler Family of Naples, Florida, reached out to the MCC Foundation and established a memorial scholarship. The Lt. Michael J. Chiapperini and Tomasz M. Kaczowka Memorial Scholarship, established with a $10,000 pledge, honors their service and sacrifice by providing support to students enrolled in MCC’s Fire Protection Technology program—supporting the success of our community’s next generation of firefighters. The Wheelers’ gift motivated many in the college family to also support the fund. Employees of Brite Computers’ Public Safety Division Computing Group, which worked often with Chiapperini and considered him a friend, gave more than $1,000 to the fund. Brite Computers owners John ’71 and Justin Smith matched the employee donations. Brite corporate partner Vigilant Solutions also contributed $500. In August, the West Webster Volunteer Firemens’ Association contributed $15,000 to the fund to help endow it in perpetuity. "Assisting young men and women to earn a degree in Fire Protection Technology, and to eventually have a career in firefighting, is something I know Chip and Tomasz would be proud of." — KEN SMITH, WEST WEBSTER VOLUNTEER FIREMEN’S ASSOCIATION GIFTS FOR WEST WEBSTER FIRE DEPARTMENT M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 “Through all of this, what is really important is that when we look back years from now, Chip and Tomasz’s sacrifice, their dedication and their selflessness will still be recognized through this scholarship.” — CHRISTINE WHEELER JIM AND CHRISTINE WHEELER “This is so near and dear to our hearts. … We recognize that we would not be able to live the lives we do without people like Mike and Tomasz. Tragic occurrences leave an impact. We rely heavily on those firefighters, and they paid with their lives.” — JUSTIN SMITH, BRITE COMPUTERS BRITE COMPUTERS 22 $50,000 AND ABOVE Duda Family Foundation ASSETS FOR INDEPENDENCE $25,000 AND ABOVE Assets for Independence (AFI) is a unique, new opportunity for MCC that combines federal and private scholarship funds to assist deserving students with a demonstrated financial need. Th rough AFI, eligible MCC students could be provided up to an 8:1 match of funds they have saved to pay for their own education. Thanks to the generosity of the following private partners, MCC was able to apply for a federal grant to bring the benefits of the AFI program to our students. Mr. Jan Z. Wiranowski $10,000 AND ABOVE Bob & Chris Latella $5,000 AND ABOVE Mary & George Bauer José & Karen Coronas Mr. Richard A. Kaplan ANNUAL FUND DONORS ANNUAL FUND DONORS JUKE BOX HERO Award-winning musician, songwriter, and MCC Alumni Hall of Fame member Lou Gramm ’71 launched his autobiography, Juke Box Hero: My Five Decades in Rock ’n’ Roll (Triumph Books) at MCC in May. More than 300 fans were captivated during a live interview and performance of Gramm’s greatest hits. Fans also spoke individually with Gramm and received a signed copy of the book, co-written with Scott Pitoniak. Gramm gave a portion of the proceeds to the Foundation to support those following in his footsteps at MCC. “I was a determined young man. I had a vision for my life and I followed it.” — LOU GRAMM ’71 Ruth ’83 & Lloyd Relyea Karen ’86 & James Reynolds Ms. Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Ms. Deneen D. Rhode Ms. Delia H. Rhodes Ms. Barbara A. Richardson Laura Ricketts Elise Rittenhouse Scott W. Rivard Ms. Mary C. Rizzo George J. Robbins ’82 Mr. Daniel E. Robertson Diana M. Robinson Ms. Dolores Robinson Tammie M. ’89 & Ronald A. Rodgers Brunilda Rodriguez Rosa Rodriguez David H. Rogachefsky ’71 Michael Rogers JoAnn Romano-Egan ’80 Sonia Romantini ’77 Mr. Bryan J. Roof Katherine S. Root ’78 Marcia & Harry Rosenfeld Thomas ’77 & Kathleen ’77 Ross Tom Rotolo ’76 Anna Rounseville Joy Ruetz Mr. Thomas W. Ruganis Ms. Katie Marie Ruggero Janis Ruhe Mr. Stephen W. Ruiz ’88 Lucinda A. Rumble Joyce G. Rumpf ’74 Nicholas Russo Ms. Carol Rutigliano ’86 Robert J. Ryan Jane & Warren Ryther Louis Sabo Rick Sadwick Beth S. Saffer ’69 Cheryl & Mark Sanders Joanne D. Sarver ’84 Ms. Elaine C. Sauer ’82 Penny L. Sayles Ms. Eleanor K. Scheid Frances P. & Kevin M. ’89 Schenk Sylvia A. ’89 & Joseph N. Schepisi Mr. Paul J. Schiliro, CPA ’82 Ms. Nancy A. Schlinger Carol & Peter Schmitz George Schnabel ’81 Kelly Schneider Mrs. Geraldine P. Schnell Susan M. Schnorr Mrs. Janet Schomske ’77 David Schottler Steven L. Schultz ’72 Margaret M. Schwab ’94 Robert ’69 & Nancy Schwab Ms. Dorothy J. Schwind Eileen F. Scorgie Geraldine Scott ’73 Ms. Megan Scott ’09 Michaela Scott Shirley ’67 & John W. ’70 Scripture Ms. Jane E. Scudder Mr. Anthony J. Scuderi ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Manson Scull Barbara P. Scullard ’87 David Seaman Ms. Monica M. Seaman ’90 Ms. Lori B. Selenchik ’80 Mr. John T. Sempowski Ms. Martha L. Sempowski Sheila & Gus Sepulveda John Setchell Judith Sether ’95 Lynne A. ’83 & Thomas N. Shannon Barbara J. & James L. Shapiro Ms. Susan Sharp Carolyn ’10 & David Shaw Gary & Maia ’69 Shaw Ms. Shirley B. Shaw Cynthia Shear Janet ’69 & Michael Sheehan Mr. Michael B. Sheehan ’72 Kathleen A. Sheridan-Henrie Ludmila Shevchuk Teresa Shipman Wilma L. & Martin I. Sickels Kathryn L. Siegl ’90 Ms. Linda Phillips & Mr. Lee W. Sigelow ’78 James C. Silco ’72 Margaret A. ’66 & Daniel T. Silver Mr. Carl C. Simms ’80 Marybeth Sinnott Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer David Smith & Cathy Smith ’97 Erwin Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. ’70 Smith James M. Smith ’73 Joel ’72 & Maria Smith Linda J. & Kenneth J. ’68 Smith Mary A. ’74 & William P. Smith Ms. Nancy Smith Sue A. & Gregory L. Smith Robert J. Snedden Patricia Snell Mrs. Melinda M. Solazzo Barbara ’87 & Gerald Soltas Ms. Nancy J. Soregi Ms. Sandra J. Southwell ’04 David Spicer Mr. Stephen B. Spiggle ’79 Dr. Peter A. Spina Robert & Patt y Spinelli Courtney Belluccio Sprague ’00 Mr. Raymond W. Sprague Ms. Carol A. Stafford ’74 Ms. Kim Starr Robert Steele ’86 Vladimir Stefanovic Dr. Richard T. Stevens Christine Stokes ’73 Ms. Cindy A. Storace ’00 Ms. Patricia M. Storms Susan E. Strickland Sheila Strong ’98 Connie & Matthew Strub Sue Swart Ms. Mary E. Sweeney ’80 Mary Lou Swicklik Judith Swikehardt Annette M. ’91 & Scott F. Swinter Marjorie & Frederick Switzer John Sylvester ’84 Mr. Joseph A. Synowski Jason S. Szymanski Mr. Thien Chi Tang David J. Tannascoli Jeannine M. & Richard V. ’76 Tantalo Wennie Tao Linda ’75 & Robert Tapogna Dr. Timothy Tatakis Ms. Christine Tatelbaum Bridget M. ’89 & A. Thomas Taverna Nancy A. ’75 & James J. Tavino Ms. Lesia A. Telega Ms. Josephine Temms ’00 Susan M. & Timothy J. Terhaar Mr. Gary W. Terziani Veronica P. Thacker ’77 Shannon Tharp Sandra L. ’86 & Bruce A. Thayer Ina Mae & Rolvix Thompson Mark Thompson Valerie L. Thornberg ’11 Mr. Michael G. Tiano ’88 Marie ’81 & Mark ’79 White Anna M. ’73 & Richard Wilbert Carey ’75 & Leonard Wilcox Jackie Wilke Ms. Carol M. Wilkinson ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Willard Ms. Karen M. Williams ’82 Ms. Patricia Ruth Williams Robert J. Williams ’85 Ms. Alice E. Wilson Gloria & Keith Wilson Nancy E. Wilson Sandra J. & William C. ’77 Wing Lois W. Winslow ’81 Ms. Jacaline P. Wolf, RN ’79 & Gary R. Wolf ’72 Susyn A. Wood Tillman ’82 Ms. Joan M. Woodcock ’76 Marshall Wren Bonnie & Clifton Wright Mrs. Dorothy A. Wright ’82 Kenneth Wright Ms. Bett y J. Wright-Tucker Mr. David Yanatsis Ruth Yeo Jean Young ’82 Ms. Wendy Y. Young ’03 Janis Yovanovich ’90 Nancy ’86 & Dag Ytreberg Ms. Janice J. Zaccardo Paula Zanatta Mr. Arthur C. Zapesochny Carol & John Zatkiewicz Mr. Andrew P. Zeller ’09 Ms. Linda L. Ziegler Ms. Luanne T. Zimmer ’96 David & Alicia ’92 Zona Ms. Nicole Marie Zoyhofski Anonymous (10) Corporations/Foundations AAWCC Brightskye Associates Federated Clover Investment Advisors Joseph C Wilson Magnet High School Sunshine Fund M G Car Club Marketplace Suzuki, Inc. Ridge Culver Ladies Auxiliary The Scholarship Foundation Unit 7402 Civil Service Employees Association Zonta Club of Rochester FOUNDATION ALL STARS Each year, the dedication of certain donors causes them to stand out from the crowd. These donors support not only the Annual Fund, but all three major special events. Their loyalty is shown in their consistent, year-round support that clearly illustrates their dedication to and passion for making high-quality higher education accessible to every deserving student. Please join in appreciation for the Foundation All Stars. Brite Computers/Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Cannon Industries, Inc./Jack Cannon The DiMarco Group LLC/John L. DiMarco, II Dixon Schwabl/Lauren Dixon & Mike Schwabl Anne M. Kress & Edward B. Davis, III LaBella Associates, P.C./Sergio Esteban M&T Bank/Daniel J. Burns M/E Engineering, P.C./Diane & Al Casey Manning Squires Hennig Co./Gary ’76 & Catherine Squires Parrone Engineering/Edward G. & Mary Kay ’94 Parrone The Pike Company Popli Design Group/S. Jay Popli Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin SWBR Architects/Junius R. Judson, II Jim and Bev Ward Melanie and Jeremy Wolk/Nixon Peabody, LLP Louis S. & Molly B. Wolk Foundation Woods Oviatt Gilman, LLP/Warren & Pam Rosenbaum GOLF BALLS ON PARADE The MCC Foundation and the MCC Association were proud to participate in Golf Balls on Parade—a community relations arts project and charitable initiative produced by Dixon Schwabl. MCC professors Kathy Farrell and Peter Monacelli designed the MCC golf ball displayed on the Brighton Campus. In addition to renewing pride in our community, a portion of the sponsorship proceeds of each golf ball supports the Golisano Children’s Hospital, Reach for the Green and the Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection. Sponsorship of the MCC golf ball also benefitted the MCC Annual Fund. M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 24 Mr. John Panara ’76 Ms. Carole J. Parasida Mr. Bharat Patel April Patterson Mary Ann C. & Serafino A. ’97 Pavone Daniel C. Payne ’89 Michael A. Pealo Lori L. Peck ’74 Mr. Castulo V. Peguero Ms. Lorraine Pellitteri ’05 Laura N. Penman James Perdue Kathleen Perry Oldehoff ’73 & Kenneth Oldehoff Wendy A. & George S. ’71 Petsos Judy Pfeifer Ms. Laura C. Pfenninger Robert S. Piazza LuAnn & Kenneth R. Picciano Mary A. Piehler ’97 Mr. Daniel J. Pike Joseph Placious ’95 John Plaza Cynthia J. ’84 & Arthur J. ’80 Plotzker Ronald A. Plummer Ms. Christyne Polle Dennis Porter ’68 Ms. Denise I. Post Mrs. Lori A. Pownall ’85 Ms. Kathleen T. Prince ’90 Karen & Douglas E. ’80 Proctor Mary Jo ’69 & John Provenzano Christine Provost Monica ’68 & Michael ’68 Quagliata Mrs. Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Kathie Quinlan ’81 Marian R. Quinlan ’93 Ingrid & Richard Quinn Ms. Susan Quinn ’77 Donna Ramer ’06 Ms. Jessica Ramirez Rhonda L. & Kevin X. ’91 Ramph Michael C. Randazzo Linda Ranslow Mrs. Anne C. Rasch ’69 Mr. Nathan E. Rathbun Ms. Jodell A. Raymond Ms. Johanna K. Rebres ’96 Ms. Sharilyn Rediess Ms. Michelle R. Redonnet ’93 Carol J. Reed Robert P. Reese Ms. Kara J. Tierney Susan Tingey Mr. James M. Tischer ’71 Ms. Dorothy Tisdale ’04 Dianna L. Tonetti Ann & Thomas Topping Mrs. Jody Torcello ’04 Ralph M. Toscano, Jr. ’67 Frank S. ’79 & Melanie K. Towner Francine ’84 & Anthony Tramonto Laura & John D. ’85 Triou Ms. Eva M. Tripp ’69 Ms. Joanna Tsai Dr. Raphael & Sherry Tshibangu Kendra ’74 & Roger Tuttle Lawrence Tyndall ’83 Thomas Uhl ’66 Ms. Margo J. Umhofer ’89 Kim Urso ’88 Mr. Todd M. Uthman Richard H. Vacchetto Jasmine M. Valle Jessica Valle Ms. Meghan J. Van Houten ’12 Ms. Laraine VanBlarcom Matthew C. VanGelder Peggy VanKirk Lynn M. ’84 & Michael R. Vannest Mr. Edward A. Varel, Jr. ’91 Joanne M. & Rev. Brian D. ’79 Vasey Christina Engels Vattana ’82 & Sounthone E. Vattana ’85 Omayia Vellon Mary T. & Peter L. ’65 Versprille Phyllis Vinciguerra ’90 Mr. Samuel J. Vizzini Jan & Doug Volland Ms. Karin L. Waddell-Fusili Mary Innes Wagner ’83 Mr. & Mrs. Barry Walker Christine Walker ’01 Ms. Melissa D. Wallace ’95 Nancy Warner Ms. Sandra A. Warren ’07 Ms. Kristen Waterstram-Rich ’74 Ella Watson Barbara & Curtis ’75 Watts Caren M. & Eric J. ’92 Weaver Jeffrey & Debra Weber David Weisensel ’73 Ms. Susan L. Weiss ’80 Nathan Welton Ms. Shirley Wentzell-Keene ’85 Floyd Wesley Stephanie J. West Margaret M. Whelehan Mr. Robert J. Whitbeck ’75 Lisa & John White 25 FACULT Y, STAFF AND RETIREE DONORS FACULTY, STAFF AND RETIREE DONORS Those privileged to educate and guide the success of Monroe Community College students—the college’s faculty, staff and retirees—are always among the first to renew their support of the MCC Annual Fund and MCC Foundation special events each year. They do so believing in the mission of MCC—seeing firsthand how a gift to the MCC Foundation significantly impacts student lives and MCC’s ability to deliver exceptional academic and co-curricular programs. Listed below are the faculty, staff and retirees who gave generously to the MCC Annual Fund in 2012-2013. Diane Cheasty Marilyn Christian Barbara Christoff Loretta Chrzan-Williams ’78 Charles Clarke James J. Coffey Karen M. Coffey ’76 Peter Collinge Kimberley Collins Amanda Colosimo Rosanna Condello Cheryl N. Confarotta ’00 Richard Connett Barbara Connolly Anthony D. Conte Cynthia L. Cooper Laura Coriddi ’02 John D. Cotnam James R. Cronmiller Jane M. Cummings ’91 Robert R. Cunningham Janet Dalke ’96 Susan E. Davis Richard Degus Sumati Devadutt Joanne DiMarco Renee K. Dimino Audra Dion Kimberly Ann Dodson ’11 Thomas A. Donnellan Marianne Dorsey Charlotte Downing ’81 Eileen M. Doyle ’73 William W. Drumright Martin Dvorin Sharon Dwyer Maria Echaniz Gary Egan Janet Ekis ’92 Barbara R. Ellis ’90 Brenda Embrey Marcia Faulkner Laurence W. Feasel Anthony Felicetti Marie Morin Fetzner Matthew A. Fetzner Cristin Finch Marlene Fine Robert Flanigan Lisa Fluman R. Thomas Flynn Toni F. Fontaine ’74 Andrew W. Freeman ’87 Julianna Frisch Marcia Fugate Jane L. Garr ’68 Elizabeth A. Garrisi Virginia Geer-Mentry James J. Gertner Dave Ghidiu Dr. Janet J. Glocker Ellen Gozik Alice M. Gray ’07 Chet Grzelak Susan Gurak Sarah K. Hagreen ’96 Judy Hall Christopher Hamm Christopher A. Harris ’08 Dr. J. Derek Harrison James Hart Peggy Harvey-Lee Michael A. Heel Betty J. Hopkins Sharon L. Insero Sherrill Ison Jonathan Iuzzini Katherine E. Jenkins Eric Johannisson Clayton W. Jones Pat Joram ’12 Anthony E. Joseph ’72 Margaret Kaminsky Maureen McElliott Karolinksi Naomi Karolinski Linda Kayhs Patricia Kennedy Terry Keys Dr. Kevin R. Kimber Cindy Kindle Anne K. Kirkpatrick Denise M. Klein Loretta Kloda Anne M. Korenstein Jack Kramer Dr. Anne M. Kress Elizabeth Laidlaw Anthony H. Lambiase Dr. Lewis Lansky Dr. Kathy G. Lawton Alberta Lee Brian Legg Anthony Leuzzi Dr. Barbara Lovenheim Rosemary Lubey Martha Maher-Garcia Dale Mallory ’70 Nancy Mallory Anita D. Manuele Dr. Maryann Marino Jennifer Markham Brigitte Martineau Mark McBride Sandra M. McCormack Susan McCrossen ’98 Fred McCullough ’82 Michael McDonough Kimberly McKinsey-Mabry ’95 Ernest J. Mellas Frank Milligan Dr. Edward D. Mills Remegia A. Mitchell Deborah A. Mohr Kristy Mooney Graves Lucille P. Morrill ’10 Eileen Morris Professor Karen L. Morris Nancy Moses Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Susan L. Murphy ’74 Elizabeth Neureiter-Seely Gerard Nobiling Donna Noce ’76 Mary Pauline Nolan Susan M. Noonan Susan M. Nupp Patricia A. O’Neill Mary A. O’Reilly ’81 Patricia A. Ornt ’92 Todd Oldham Jodi Oriel ’93 Dr. Emeterio M. Otero Barbara Robinson ’75 Brunilda Rodriguez Vincent J. Rotella Dr. L. Louise Rozwell Scott E. Rudd Raymond T. Ruff Richard Ryther Rick Sadwick Charles Salamone Dr. Susan M. Salvador David A. Salvatore Christyn M. Sanagursky Laurel T. Sanger Phyllis S. Schirano ’07 Geraldine P. Schnell James Schnell David Schottler James Schwender Eileen F. Scorgie Sharon Scurlock Elaine C. Seitz William M. Setek, Jr. Dr. David D. Shaw Karen Shaw ’78 Lena Y. Shiao Diane L. Shoger William D. Sigismond Louis Silvers Hezekiah N. Simmons William R. Skehan Betty P. Smith ’82 Joan M. Smith ’70 Kate Smith Sue A. Smith Jill F. Snyder Nancy J. Soregi Nancy J. Speedy Charles H. Speirs Dr. Peter A. Spina Dr. Richard T. Stevens Elizabeth M. Stewart Sheila Strong ’98 Shawn C. Swank Ralph A. Szweda Gail Terhaar Kara J. Tierney Mary E. Timmons Susan Tingey Ann Tippet Mary Jo Toepfer Dr. Ann V. Topping Jody Torcello ’04 Sherry Tshibangu Kendra D. Tuttle ’74 Richard H. Vacchetto Taine M. Vinci ’79 Dr. Saroj Viswanathan Michele A. Vitale ’07 Janice Volland John B. Wadach Bill Wagoner Barry V. Walker Sandra A. Warren ’07 Rochelle Watson Bess A. Watts Steve Weider Sue Welch Margaret M. Whelehan Carol M. Wilkinson ’71 Patricia Ruth Williams Kimberley D. Willis ’91 Gregory A. Wilson ’04 Nancy E. Wilson James Winston ’75 Jan Z. Wiranowski Gretchen D. Wood Linda L. Ziegler Alicia M. Zona ’92 Anonymous (6) GIFTS IN HONOR OF BOSS’S DAY Valarie L. Avalone Lynn M. Rivers Peggy Harvey-Lee Lori B. Bartkovich ’00 James Murphy Mary M. Lynch William Sigismond Donna Noce ’76 Dr. Susan D. Baker ’89 Julianna Frisch Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Sharon L. Insero Maryjo Toepfer Todd Oldham Paula V. Burnside Hezekiah N. Simmons Sherry A. Parks Terry Keys Joanne DiMarco Dolores Pasto-Ziobro Karen Chin ’00 Brenda A. Smith Hue Thi Dao ’93 Dr. Anne M. Kress Diane L. Shoger Vice President Staff Vilma I. Patterson DCC Student Services Registration/Financial Services John M. Striebich Lucille P. Morrill ’10 Holly Cicconi-Eggleston Human Resources Team Alberta Lee Human Resources Team Sandra A. Warren ’07 Anne J. Perry Sue A. Smith Kimberley Collins Melissa Burley ’07 Sue A. Smith Annette L. Leopard Margaret L. Scata Diane R. Wilson Cynthia L. Cooper Toni F. Fontaine ’74 Paul F. Lucas Laura C. Pfenninger Marianne Dorsey Vickie Alessandra Joyan Nolan ’82 Martha Maher-Garcia Human Resources Team Dr. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Patricia H. Giblin Eileen F. Scorgie Michael J. Bates ’03 Lori B. Bartkovich ’00 Dr. Dale V. Doty Brunilda Rodriguez Charlotte Downing ’81 Deborah Alimentato ’84 Marlene Fine Graduation Certification Office Staff Kristen Fragnoli Nancy J. Soregi Bertram Gamory Judy Miller Cheryl W. Mahoney Jenny B. Petersen Dale Mallory ’70 Joanne DiMarco Dr. Michael McDonough Melissa Burley ’07 Susan Nupp Remegia A. Mitchell Susan E. Davis David T. Moore Tina Massey Linda Williams Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Human Resources Team Daniel E. Robertson Judy Miller Dr. Ann V. Topping DCC Student Services DCC Student Services Management Team Peggy VanKirk Office of Online Learning Debra Watson ’85 ETS Computer Programmers Richard Ryther Julianna Frisch Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Julie Ann White DCC Student Services Rick Sadwick DCC Student Services Patricia Williams Susan E. Davis Dr. Susan M. Salvador Julianna Frisch Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Richard Ryther Linda L. Ziegler Gretchen Wood Cheryl Castronovo Raymond Shea Lynn M. Rivers Diane L. Shoger Cheryl Castronovo Susan Gurak Gretchen Wood Alicia Zona ’92 Tracy Wyant Patricia Joram M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 26 Christine A. Abbott Christine Accorso Carol H. Adams Suzanne N. Adrion Debra A. Ake Debra Alimentato ’08 Vanessa Anderson ’88 Allen R. Angel Christine Anthony Valarie Avalone Dr. Javier Ayala Linda W. Baker Susan D. Baker ’89 Anne F. Barker Michelle M. Bartell Dr. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Lori B. Bartkovich ’00 Carol A. Battles Kathleen A. Baxter ’94 Donald A. Beech Donald J. Bell G. Christopher Belle-Isle ’67 Ilene S. Benz Joseph E. Berger Robert L. Berry James R. Boehler Susan Boland Gail O. Bouk Joy E. Braselton Michael A. Britton Tracey A. Britton Kathleen K. Bromley Douglas W. Brooks ’84 Douglas J. Brown ’67 Robert D. Brown Patricia M. Burgess Donna C. Burke Melissa Burley ’07 Paula V. Burnside Carol Burritt ’70 Carmen C. Bush Rory Butler ’81 Susan Cable Christine Casalinuovo-Adams Cheryl Marie Castronovo Diane M. Cecero H. David Chamberlain Stephen T. Palmer ’97 Dolores Pasto-Ziobro Mark J. Pastorella ’90 Donna L. Pellnat ’77 Ann P. Penwarden John Perrone ’70 Jenny B. Petersen Bonnie Petrosino James A. Petrosino Laura C. Pfenninger Chris Piro ’72 Elizabeth Pixley Donna Pogroszewski ’78 Stuart R. Porter Holly J. Preische Vincent Prestianni Nancy A. Price Thomas Proietti Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Dr. Sherry D. Ralston Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Deneen D. Rhode Delia H. Rhodes Renee Rigoni Elizabeth Ripton Douglas J. Rivers ’93 Mary C. Rizzo 27 FACULT Y GRANTS A total of $27,951 in grants was awarded to the following MCC faculty and staff in order to take the MCC learning experience to the next level in 2013-2014. BOOK SCANNER FOR STUDENTS—$5,295 Katherine E. Jenkins, Libraries Providing user-friendly technology to assist students with completing assignments while allowing librarians to direct attention to students with deeper reference questions regarding research. STUDENT-CENTERED ENHANCED CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY—$2,375 Marcia A. Marriott, Ph.D., Business Administration & Economics Continuing to introduce real-world collaborative technology into multiple business courses to further develop the critical thinking skills in our students. QUARTZ MICROPLATES & MULTICHANNEL PIPETTES—$6,576 Christopher D. Wendtland, Biology Increasing students’ exposure to scientific equipment and time in productive, post-laboratory discussion, thereby increasing their career and higher-education marketability. CARNEGIE HALL PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE—$5,000 Roland D. Fisher, Ph.D., Visual and Performing Arts Increasing life experience in vocal performance in a way unparalleled for the majority of performers while also increasing students’ marketability in the music world. CAREER FOCUS—$850 Ivan A. Matthew, Human Services & Student Services Center, Damon City Campus Guiding students through a reliable career and education decision-making model to help them choose either a major or career path—enabling students to make informed decisions by combining self-assessments, career and major exploration, action planning and decision making in one comprehensive product. FLIPPING CHEMISTRY CLASSROOMS AT MCC—$3,636 BUILDING PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS SUSTAINABLY—$4,219 John B. Wadach, Engineering Science and Physics Allowing more Engineering Science students to create their own printed circuit boards with safety, speed and reliability. Michael J. McDonough, Ph.D., chair, Academic Services Rebecca Babcock, Admissions Michelle Bartell, Hospitality Thomas Blake, English/Philosophy Jack Cannon, MCC Foundation Board of Directors Ryan Clemens, Chemistry and Geosciences Hiram Hernandez, MCC Foundation Board of Directors Joseph Klein, MCC Foundation Board of Directors Remegia A. Mitchell, ex-officio, Grants Naomi Silver, MCC Foundation Board of Directors Daniel Tyree, Anthropology/History/Political Science/Sociology M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 Kara J. Tierney, Chemistry and Geosciences Facilitating the production of highly efficient and fluid instructional videos will help improve student learning and retention in a variety of Chemistry courses at MCC. MCC FOUNDATION’S ANNUAL GRANTS COMMITTEE 2012-2013 29 SPECIAL EVENT DONORS SPECIAL EVENT DONORS 23RD ANNUAL SALUTE TO EXCELLENCE 15TH ANNUAL GOLD STAR GALA GOLDENEYE GALA, A DOUBLE-O BLOWOUT PRESENTED BY M&T BANK The Salute to Excellence dinner held at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center in November 2012 was remarkable for many reasons: deserving honorees, more guests than ever before, a new fundraising record and the debut of a new Salute award, an original glass sculpture by artist Milon Townsend. The MCC family applauded Salute honoree Corning Incorporated Foundation for its leadership, philanthropy and partnership to attract more students to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and career technical fields. Donald McCabe, Jr., senior vice president of manufacturing and performance excellence for Corning Incorporated, served as the honorary event chair. Corning Incorporated Foundation President Karen C. Martin accepted the award. Students participating in optics programs at local high schools and at MCC attended the event and enjoyed opportunities to network with local employers. The applause continued as guests were reminded of the many accomplishments and contributions of MCC alumni as Cerri A. Banks, Ph.D. ’97, Richard C. Brienzi ’79 Peter Monacelli ’73 and James M. Sydor ’71 were inducted into the MCC Alumni Hall of Fame. Alumni continue to be the greatest source of pride and inspiration for the college and MCC Foundation supporters. HONORARY COMMITTEE Corning Incorporated Democrat and Chronicle Dixon Schwabl Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Jackie Roarke, Bausch & Lomb John T. Smith ’71, Brite Computers Todd Liebert, Clark Patterson Lee Hiram Hernandez, Sr., First Capital Payments John Lynch, First Niagara Bank Martin Birmingham, Five Star Bank Phil Yawman, Frontier Communications Howard Konar, Konar Properties Sergio Esteban, LaBella Associates, P.C. Michael & Eloise Myers Michael Mandina, Optimax Systems, Inc. Michael Bechtold, OptiPro Systems LLC Rick Aab, Ovation Payroll William W. Destler, Rochester Institute of Technology Jame M. Sydor ’71, Stefan Sydor Optics, Inc. Paul DiGregorio, United Lens Company, Inc. Richard Nastasi, Universal Photonics, Inc. SILVER M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 30 The DiMarco Group LLC M/E Engineering, P.C./Parrone Engineering/SWBR Architects M&T Bank The Pike Company WinnDevelopment Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP BRONZE Bausch & Lomb Brite Computers Clark Patterson Lee First Capital Payments First Niagara Bank Five Star Bank Frontier Communications Konar Properties LaBella Associates, P.C. Michael & Eloise Myers Optimax Systems, Inc. OptiPro Systems LLC Ovation Payroll Rochester Institute of Technology Stefan Sydor Optics, Inc. United Lens Company, Inc Universal Photonics, Inc. PATRON TABLES AccuCoat Advanced Glass Industries The Brienzi Family Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Cannon Industries, Inc. Davie Kaplan, CPA, P.C. EFP Rotenberg ESM Associates/Bernice E. Hatch ITT Lumetrics Manning Squires Hennig Co. Anita ’88 & Phil ’88 Pelletier/ Melanie & Jeremy Wolk Richardson Gratings Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Business Alliance Rochester Precision Optics LLC Unit 7402 Civil Service Employees Association University of Rochester Medical Center BENEFACTORS Bergmann Associates The Bonadio Group Richard & Sheila Degus Mr. Art Finocchario Cynthia & Wayne Gilman Bernard & Essie (Calhoun) McDavid Ernie & Lynn Mellas Monroe Community College Association Professor Karen L. Morris Sheriff Patrick O’Flynn (O’Flynn Campaign Fund) Lee J. Patterson ’70 & Ellen M. MacLeod Popli Design Group Nathan & Susan Robfogel Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer J. Michael Smith Patricia A. Stevens ’68 Grace Tillinghast Trevett Cristo Salzer & Andolina P.C. Wells Fargo Advisors Dr. Alice Holloway Young CONTRIBUTORS Jill M. Cicero & Paul D. MacAulay Cosmo Optics, Inc. Andrew Dixon ’75 Elizabeth A. & Charles A. ’78 Garlock LeChase Construction Services LLC Lightforce Technology, Inc. Paychex, Inc. RBC Capital Markets Corp. Ms. Megan Scott GIFT-IN-KIND Constellation Brands, Inc. Corning Museum of Glass Craig Iamon The gala, held in April 2013 at the Country Club of Rochester, shattered previous event records, raising more than $200,000 (net) and creating 47 named scholarships to support student success at MCC. M&T Bank returned as the presenting sponsor for the 8th year in a row. Honorary Chairs Danny and Stency Wegman, and Dinner Chairs Duff y Palmer and Foundation Director Mark Siwiec, helped create the most creative and successful event in Foundation history. Dixon Schwabl’s creative team transformed the Country Club of Rochester into a casino royale, villain’s lair and an alpine wonderland. Charles Benoit ’84 greeted and entertained guests as fictional supervillain Ernst Stavro Blofeld from James Bond films. TITLE UNDERWRITER M&T Bank DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation GOLDFINGER Home Properties SKYFALL Cornell’s Jewelers The DiMarco Group LLC Dixon Schwabl M/E Engineering, P.C./Parrone Engineering/SWBR Architects The Pike Company MOONRAKER Constellation Brands, Inc. Konar Properties LaBella Associates, P.C. Lois S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation Manning Squires Hennig Co. Nothnagle Realtors Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer Simcona Electronics Corp. MI6 The Baron Family Foundation Brite Computers Brown & Brown of New York, Inc. Buckingham Properties LLC Canandaigua National Bank and Trust Davie Kaplan CPA, P.C. Bernice E. Hatch Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk Bernold Dawn & Jacques Lipson Mahany Welding Nixon Peabody LLP Paychex, Inc. Popli Design Group Rochester Red Wings Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP PRE-GIVING PARTY HOSTS Courtney Dixon-Vahue & Matt Vahue Bernice E. Hatch Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk Bernold Melanie & Jeremy Wolk CONTRIBUTORS Erik P. Behr Dawn V. Borgeest ’76 Penny A. Dentinger John L. DiMarco, II Jordan Dixon Dixon Schwabl Nellie & Wade Hedegard MWI, Inc. Isabel & Richard Miller Lee J. Patterson ’70 & Ellen M. MacLeod Suzanne Piotrowski Jason M. Ruffino Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Jennie Viggiani & Kevin McGuire Pam Viggiani & Robert Cole Jim & Bev Ward Wegmans Gretchen & Mick Wood GIFTS-IN-KIND Christine Accorso Dr. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich CMI Communications Diane M. Cecero Constellation Brands, Inc. Laura Coriddi ’02 Cornell’s Jewelers Robert R. Cunningham DePrez Travel Lauren Dixon & Mike Schwabl Elmwood Dental Group JQ Cigar Hut Kevin & Stephanie Johnson President Anne M. Kress Diana M. Lauria Mahany Welding Elaine Michael Monroe Community College Professor Karen L. Morris Next Door Bar & Grill The PGA of America Parrone Engineering Edward G. & Mary Kay ’94 Parrone Donna Pogroszewski ’78 Red Barn Gentlemen’s Apparel Restaurant 2Vine Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Rochester Community Baseball Hezekiah N. Simmons Mark Siwiec & Duff y Palmer Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith James M. Sydor ’71 Bill Wagoner Xerox Corporation M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 GOLD Three hundred guests walked the red carpet as they entered the fictional world of James Bond at the Monroe Community College Foundation’s GoldenEye Gala, A Double-O Blowout presented by M&T Bank. 31 HONORS AND MEMORIALS SPECIAL EVENT DONORS 29TH ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP OPEN The Monroe Community College Foundation’s 29th Annual Scholarship Open, held at the beautiful Country Club of Rochester in June 2013, raised a record $116,000 (net) to support scholarships for deserving MCC students. Gary Squires ’76 of Manning Squires Hennig returned as event co-chair and was joined by Fritz Odenbach of The Dolomite Group. The following donors believed one of the best ways to honor or memorialize a family member or friend was through a gift to the MCC Foundation. Honors and memorials are Annual Fund gifts. Donors of $1,000 or more are also recognized as members of leadership giving societies within the overall MCC Annual Fund Donor listing. MCC graphic arts student Andrew Hill shared his story about how receiving the Native American Education Scholarship changed his life. His story inspired guests to raise their hands and give $37,000 during the Scholarship Call facilitated by Don Jeffries ’71. IN HONOR OF This year’s tournament winners were the Siemens team of Adam Rich, Dan Mathewson, Juan Blanco and Steven Napierski, capturing the Low Gross trophy with a score of 60. The LeChase Construction Services team of David Langoff, Ray Sattora, Tom Sullivan and Steve Thompson were the Low Net Winner with a score of 55. Archie Durfee captured the prize for men’s longest drive and Cathy Healy was the women’s winner. Anthropology, History, Political Science & Sociology Department Sumati Devadutt Louis J. Andolino Donald A. Beech Cerri A. Banks ’97 Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 Donald A. Beech Sumati Devadutt “I want to thank you all for what you are doing for people like me. … I realized I didn’t have to accept what life offers me. I can be whatever I want to be.” — ANDREW HILL, GRAPHIC ARTS MAJOR B&L Wholesale Supply, Inc. Conifer Realty LLC Siemens Industries, Inc. Popli Design Group/Anita ’88 & Phil ’88 Pelletier Schuler-Haas Electric Corp. Siemens Industries, Inc. Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Brite Computers/Solu Technology Partners M/E Engineering, P.C. M&T Bank HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR FLAG SPONSORS BRONZE UNDERWRITERS Brown & Brown of New York, Inc. Gallina Development Corp. First Capital Payments Manning Squires Hennig Co. Parrone Engineering/ SWBR Architects The Bonadio Group Harter Secrest & Emery LLP International Union BAC Local 3 NY LaBella Associates, P.C. The Pike Company Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates SCHOLARSHIP AND DINNER FOURSOMES GOLD UNDERWRITERS Cannon Industries, Inc. The DiMarco Group, LLC/ ADMAR Supply SILVER UNDERWRITERS M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 32 ESL Charitable Foundation 19TH HOLE SPONSORS G & J Contracting, Inc. O’Connell Electric Co. CART SPONSOR Popli Design Group (S. Jay Popli) VarData LLC SILENT AUCTION SPONSORS Valley Cadillac FOURSOME WITH FLAG SPONSORS Bergmann Associates The Dolomite Group Elmer W. Davis, Inc./ Ovation Payroll Five Star Bank Frontier Communications Gilbane Building Company Hewitt Young Electric Klein Reinforcing Services LeChase Construction Services LLC Associated Builders & Contractors Castle Pack Power/Finger Lakes System Chemistry Crosby-Brownlie, Inc. EFP Rotenberg J.T. Mauro Co., Inc. LoMonaco Associates Postler & Jaeckle Corp. Rochester Automobile Dealers Assoc. Russell P. LeFrois Builder, Inc. CONTRIBUTIONS T&T Materials GIFTS IN KIND Bellagio Resort and Casino Brite Computers Brothers Collision & Mechanical Buffalo Bills Daniel J. Burns Al Casey The Country Club of Rochester DiMarco Constructors LLC The Dolomite Group Lauren Dixon & Mike Schwabl Elmer W. Davis, Inc. Geva Theatre Center Lucas Greenhouses MAX of Eastman Place MCC Bookstore MCC Foundation Staff M/E Engineering, P.C. Mahany Welding Malchos Laserwash Marlin Brothers The PGA of America Parrone Engineering Pepsico Food Service Pepsico Warehouse Sales East Division Popli Design Group Gail Riggs Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates SWBR Architects Tantalo Photography Valley Cadillac G. Christopher Belle-Isle ’68 William D. Sigismond Douglas J. Brown ’67 Christopher P. VanVessem ’84 Peter W. Collinge Diane Cecero & Mark Whelan Marie Morin Fetzner Christine Accorso Donna Pogroszewski ’78 David L. Garretson Ronald H. Eygabroad Loretta & Philip Fedele Anne Garretson Rita & Dave Garretson Thomas W. Ruganis Dr. & Mrs. James Schuster Susan E. Strickland Lesia A. Telega Anonymous Dr. Janet J. Glocker Zonta Club of Rochester Howard Konar Sheila & William Konar Dr. Anne M. Kress Debra ’08 & David Alimentato Tom ’76 & Holly ’90 Anderson Dudley L. Bailey ’76 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich John & Jackie Bartolotta Mary Anne & Robert D. Brown Paula V. Burnside Carol A. Cascarano Hyeyeon Cicconi-Eggleston Cynthia Clark Inman Elizabeth A. Clapper ’04 Rosanna Condello Brenda Davies Tammy Dicks Renee K. Dimino Kimberly Ann Dodson ’11 Dover & Charlotte ’81 Downing Sergio Esteban ETS National Community College Advisory Council Marlene Fine Julianna & Aaron Frisch Mary C. Gilligan ’79 Wayne & Cindy Gilman Lajuane Green Linda M. Hall Christopher A. Harris Michael Heel Catherine Higgins Sharon L. Insero Darrell K. Jachim-Moore Maureen McElligott Karlnoski Anne M. Lanzafame Kim Susan Laurion Alberta & Cecil Lee Lynetta MacGregor Martha Maher-Garcia Helen Mahon Joseph T. Marchese Bill Moehle Lucille P. ’10 & Norman R. Morrill Susan M. Nupp Polizzi Family Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Toni Robbins Dr. Susan M. Salvador & Chuck Koffenberger James Schwender Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Hezekiah N. Simmons William R. & Maureen A. Skehan Sue A. & Gregory L. Smith Gary ’76 & Catherine Squires Gail & Ken Terhaar Grace Tillinghast Jody Torcello ’04 Donna J. Utter Sandra A. Warren ’07 Rochelle Watson Dr. Wanda Willard Gretchen & Mick Wood Dr. Alice Holloway Young Hency Yuen-Eng Linda L. Ziegler David & Alicia ’92 Zona Anonymous Joseph T. Marchese Kathleen K. Bromley Dr. Michael J. McDonough Sumati Devadutt Justin L. McLellan Joseph Tubiolo ’11 Shirley Meyer Gregory Jahn Lucien A. Morin Marie Morin Fetzner & Charles T. Fetzner Linda ’70 & Joseph Kozelsky Lucien A. Morin, II Tammy N. Nazarko Anonymous Sandra A. Parker Dawn V. Borgeest ’76 Jennifer L. Pastorella Mark Pastorella ’90 Richard H. Ryther Susan D. ’89 & David M. Baker Michelle M. Bartell Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Carol A. Battles Kathleen A. Baxter ’94 Donald A. Beech G. Christopher Belle-Isle ’67 Ilene S. Benz Judy ’80 & Bob Bertram Mr. Etienne Blaakman Kathryn ’99 & John Blain Kathleen Donna Borbee Mrs. Joy E. Braselton Robert ’70 & Donna ’86 Brennan Judy & Dave Bulin Ms. Donna C. Burke Melissa Burley ’07 Allison Childers Marilyn Christian James Colley Mr. Peter Collinge Kimberley & Bruce Collins Rosanna Condello Cheryl ’00 & Donald ’82 Confarotta Richard Connett Cynthia L. Cooper Janet Dalke ’96 Richard & Sheila Degus Ms. Audra Dion Dover & Charlotte ’81 Downing William W. Drumright Mr. & Mrs. ’66 Paul V. Dwyer II Karen E. & Howard G. Ebersman Thomas & Kate Flynn Julianna & Aaron Frisch Linda L. & John P. Galati Dr. Janet J. Glocker Sharon L. Insero Linda Kayhs Patricia Kennedy Dr. Robert N. King Ms. Denise M. Klein Rosemary Lubey Jennifer Markham Mr. Mark McBride Susan McCrossen ’98 Kimberly McKinsey-Mabry ’95 Monroe Community College Association Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Donna Noce ’76 & Jack Stanton Ms. Susan M. Noonan Jodi Oriel ’93 Ms. Dolores Pasto-Ziobro John Perrone ’70 Chris Piro ’72 Pivcon, Inc. Ms. Nancy A. Price Donna ’76 & Tom Proietti Mrs. Dawn M. Quatro ’91 Dr. Sherry D. Ralston & Mr. James E. Ralston Linda Ranslow Renee Rigoni HONORS AND MEMORIALS HONORS AND MEMORIALS Ms. Mary C. Rizzo Mr. Daniel E. Robertson Barbara Robinson ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ryther Jane & Warren Ryther Susan M. Salvador & Chuck Koffenberger David A. Salvatore Laurel & Kurt Sanger James C. Schwender Raymond & Carolyn Shea Ms. Diane L. Shoger & Mr. Timothy M. Coughlin Mr. William D. Sigismond Hezekiah N. Simmons William R. & Maureen A. Skehan Bett y P. Smith ’82 Joan M. Smith ’70 Sue A. & Gregory L. Smith Ms. Nancy J. Soregi Nancy J. Speedy Dr. Peter A. Spina Elizabeth M. Stewart Tee’s & Specialties Ms. Maryjo Toepfer Ann & Thomas Topping United Way of Greater Rochester Mr. Wayne Uter Ms. Sandra A. Warren ’07 Ms. Carol M. Wilkinson ’71 Kimberley D. Willis ’91 Mr. Jan Z. Wiranowski Janet B. Zinck ’88 Dr. Susan M. Salvador Monroe Community College Association David A. Schottler Paula V. Burnside Peter Collinge Donna Noce ’76 & Jack Stanton Richard Ryther John M. Summers Dawn V. Borgeest ’76 Rita & Alfred Stein Miriam T. ’72 & Harold Bogdonoff Mary & John Thompson ’64 Ted & Nataliya Thompson Nathan Welton Nathan Welton Julie White Maryann & Dale Marino Dr. Alice H. Young Delta Nu Omega Chapter Community Foundation, Inc. Delta Nu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Robert F. Allis, Sr. Lynnette Hale Patricia Bessey Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Marcel E. Blaakman Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Mark Bogdonoff Dr. Alan T. Lefor Donald B. Borbee Susan & Douglas Allen Greater Rochester Association of Realtors, Inc. Naomi Karolinski Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey LeGere Marketplace Suzuki Inc. Susan L. Murphy ’74 Erin Leigh Brooks Gail & Ted Bouk Toni & Douglas W. ’84 Brooks Lou Edna Buggs Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Bailey B. Burritt, III Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Anne Cabot Putnam Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Anne Marie Carmenaty Kathleen A. Moyse ’94 Michael J. Chiapperini Karen & Keith Bock Boy Scouts of America Troop 163 Jean M. Brown William Cibulka Todd J. Clausen Nancy Doll Sandra J. Doorley Peter Fellegara Richard T. Frank Jean & Robert Huber Richard J. Leppert Patricia & Mark McElroy Cathy & Thomas Napier Nancy & James Palermo Gregory A. Patterson LuAnn & Kenneth R. Picciano Ronald A. Plummer Karen & Steven Polo Ridge Culver Ladies Auxiliary Scott W. Rivard Susan M. Schnorr Robert J. Snedden Rochelle Watson West Webster Volunteer Firemen’s Association Lisa & John White Anonymous Jozef Chlebowski Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Sylvalan Frederick Plimpton Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Carol Cloos Judy Hall Sophie Freedland Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Michelle Collins William W. Drumwright Maureen McElligott Karlnoski Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Renee Rigoni Jean A. Crane Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III James Schwender Corinne Crelley Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Linda Curran Katherine & Michael Bartholomay Scott Bowlby Donna C. Burke Diane Cheasty Janet Dalke ’96 Marie De Rosa ’78 Marianne Dorsey Janet Ekis ’92 Marcia Faulkner Peter Fellegara Marlene Fine Lynne ’87 & Andrew ’87 Freeman Dr. Janet J. Glocker Terra Heigl Cynthia Hinman Sherrill Ison Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Jacquelyn A. Miller Nancy Moses Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Patricia A. Ornt ’92 Jenny B. Petersen Kimberly S. Phelps Holly J. Preische Karen S. Rheinheimer ’89 Elizabeth Ripton Marjorie M. Rowe Nancy Schlinger James Schwender Jean Sikora Maureen & Bill Skehan Bett y P. Smith ’82 Jody Torcello ’04 Taine M. Vinci ’79 Michele A. Vitale ’07 Nancy E. Wilson Anonymous JoAnn Demler Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Nancy Fortunato Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Robert A. Fratangelo Shirley & Robert Flanigan Josephine L. Fratangelo Richard A. Mahar William M. Setek, Jr. Marion M. Freeman Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Michael A. Heel Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Kendra ’74 & Roger Tuttle Dr. Henry P. French, Jr. Kimberly Ann Dodson ’11 Gustav J. Garay, Ph.D. Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III C. Thomas Gilbert, III Diane Cheasty Peter Collinge Cynthia L. Cooper Dr. Janet J. Glocker Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III MCC Information and Computer Technologies Department Todd Oldham Geraldine P. Schnell Benarta Glickman Philip S. Glickman, Esq. Gary & Maia ’69 Shaw Clara Guenther Sheila Weinberg Russell Hardy Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Howard Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Paul Harrington Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III James Schwender Gilbert J. Hatch Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk Bernold Harvey M. Heel Dover & Charlotte ’81 Downing Galen J. Herren ’89 Mr. & Mrs. George Herren Harriugson Donald Hooks Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Jennifer F. Jaruzel Dr. Kathy G. Lawton Robert L. Josey Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Tomasz M. Kaczowka Karen & Keith Bock Boy Scouts of America Troop 163 Jean M. Brown William Cibulka Todd J. Clausen Nancy Doll Sandra J. Doorley Peter Fellegara Richard T. Frank Jean & Robert Huber Richard J. Leppert Patricia & Mark McElroy Cathy & Thomas Napier Nancy & James Palermo Gregory A. Patterson LuAnn & Kenneth R. Picciano Ronald A. Plummer Karen & Steven Polo Ridge Culver Ladies Auxiliary Scott W. Rivard Susan M. Schnorr Robert J. Snedden Rochelle Watson West Webster Volunteer Firemen’s Association Lisa & John White Anonymous Patti L. Kelly Diane S. ’77 & Michael E. Campoli Cynthia & Michael Johnson Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School Sunshine Fund Marlon Yander Pamela Kone Ilene S. Benz Cathleen E. Clancy Holly & Sam Havens Peggy A. Mazzullo Douglas McGraw Mary Quinlan Gail & Ken Terhaar Helen Kramacyk Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Arno Kress Susan D. ’89 & David M. Baker John & Jackie Bartolotta Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Bell Joy E. Braselton Cannon Industries, Inc. Peter Carpino Diane & Al Casey Diane Cecero & Mark Whelan Loretta Chrzan-Williams ’78 Kimberley & Bruce Collins Amanda Colosimo Rosanna Condello Cynthia L. Cooper Daniel M. DeLaus, Jr. Dixon Schwabl David & Nance Fiedler Cynthia & Wayne Gilman Susan Gurak Katherine E. Jenkins Junius R. Judson, II Kyle & Cindy Kindle LaBella Associates, P.C. Alberta & Cecil Lee Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim M/E Engineering, P.C. The M&T Charitable Foundation Michael McDonough Elaine Michael Remegia A. Mitchell Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Mary A. O’Reilly ’81 Dr. & Mrs. Emeterio M. Otero Edward G. & Mary Kay ’94 Parrone Dolores Pasto-Ziobro The Pike Company Donna Pogroszewski ’78 Nathan & Susan Robfogel Dr. Susan M. Salvador & Chuck Koffenberger Laurel & Kurt Sanger David Schottler Eileen F. Scorgie Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin William R. & Maureen A. Skehan Paul S. Speranza, Jr. Sheila Strong ’98 Bob & Amy Tait Gail & Ken Terhaar Grace Tillinghast Drs. Saroj & T.K. Viswanathan Sandra A. Warren ’07 Charis & Richard S. ’68 Warshof Jan Z. Wiranowski Gretchen & Mick Wood Linda L. Ziegler Sandor E. Nyerges Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Warren Sarley Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Patricia A. O’Neill Eva M. Crawford Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III James Schwender Mary Lou Swicklik Gary & Maia ’69 Shaw Viola Schweikert Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Carmen & Emeterio Otero, Sr. Anita D. Manuele Peter F. Patall Ruth E. Brown Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Dr. Bridget Lee Connie & Jim Palermo James Schwender Alan B. Shaw Rilda S. Shaw Matthew Simmons Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Charles W. Smith Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Virginia Smith Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Dennis A. Pelletier Inter County Association of Western New York Andrew J. Sperr ’94 NYS Police Troop E. Golf Tournament Jean & Andy Sperr Mary Porcari Brady ’72 The Family of Mary Porcari Brady Mary Sprouts Dr. Janet J. Glocker Edward Stanek Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Elizabeth Lee Wise Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Carmen Powers Cynthia L. Cooper Kathleen K. Bromley Dr. Janet J. Glocker Naomi Karolinski Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Laurel & Kurt Sanger James Schwender Steven J. Lesko, Jr. Maria Echaniz Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Trevor Regan Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III John Tillinghast Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Barbara Lohr Eileen M. Doyle ’73 Anthony E. Joseph ’72 Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Richard Riley Shannan L. & Thomas D. Myers Anthony H. Lambiase, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony H. ’73 Lambiase Mel Le Bar Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Helen M. Lomicka Roy F. Lomicka Joan Claire Maher Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Dominic P. Montulli ’64 Diane & Peter Hammar Richard A. Mahar Dorothy Montulli ’64 Thomas Montulli ’64 Lee J. Patterson ’70 & Ellen M. MacLeod Alfred David Moorman Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Emmeline R. Morris Dr. Janet J. Glocker Deborah J. Sak Michael LaMothe Gregory P. Sak ’74 Urano Joseph Salvador Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Diane Cheasty Thomas & Kate Flynn Dr. Janet J. Glocker Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Dr. Joan C. Mullaney Donna Pogroszewski ’78 Linda L. Ziegler Edwyna Samdperil Miriam T. ’72 & Harold Bogdonoff Robert A. Sanders Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Evelyn M. Sarley Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Vicky Sutton-Thomas Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Bartkovich Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Rudy Verzuh Nancy J. Speedy Robert Watkins Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Kathleen Weston Hickey Peggy Weston Byrd & Ralph Byrd Leslie Wetherbee, Jr. Akram Bou Ayash Dorothy Whittingham Anne Kress, Ph.D. & Edward B. Davis, III Otis E. Young William M. Setek, Jr. Robert Zajkowski Anonymous Richard Zwitzer George D. Braddon Richard J. DiMarzo Raymond J. Hasenauer Arthur E. Lowenthal R. John & Patricia Perrin Selling Strategies, Inc. Richard A. Swartzel M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 34 Raymond C. Shea Carol H. Adams Rosanna Condello Dr. Janet J. Glocker M/E Engineering, P.C. Dolores Pasto-Ziobro Richard Ryther Hezekiah N. Simmons IN MEMORY OF 35 ENDOWMENTS AND ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS DISTINGUISHED GIVING SOCIETIES Planned giving is a smart way to reduce the tax burden on an estate and maximize an estate’s value to beneficiaries. By including the MCC Foundation in your will or naming the Foundation as a beneficiary on a retirement plan or life insurance policy, you will reap the tax benefits now while supporting the future of public higher education in our community. Be sure to contact the MCC Foundation regarding your decision to make a planned gift so that you will be recognized as a member of the Alice Holloway Young Society. One of the most valuable benefits of an MCC education is its affordable tuition. For hundreds of students, however, tuition still remains a barrier to enrollment. In today’s economy, helping students and families answer the question of how to pay for college is more important than ever before. MCC is committed to providing scholarships to help offset the rising costs of education; donors to the MCC Foundation play an important role in delivering on that promise. ALICE HOLLOWAY YOUNG SOCIETY Founding Trustee and Board Chair Emerita Alice Holloway Young, Ed.D. was among the first to believe that a community college would benefit Rochester and its people. She helped launch the college in 1961 and remains dedicated today to the vital role public higher education plays in creating a bright future for our community. The Alice Holloway Young Society was established in 1994 to recognize individuals who have advised the MCC Foundation of their intent to benefit the college through a planned gift. Members of the Alice Holloway Young Society include: Brenda & Paul Babitz Mary Anne & Robert D. Brown Kathy & Dan Cholish Mr. Anthony D. Conte Anne C. & Walter H. ’78 Cutler Thomas & Kate Flynn Beverly & Dr. Pete French Jane ’68 & Dan Garr Dr. Janet J. Glocker Nancy P. Jones Gilbert & Joyce Jordan Judy & Joe Klarberg Loretta Kloda John H. Koch Ms. Pamela D. Korte Mr. ’73 & Mrs. Anthony H. Lambiase Clara & John Lloyd Thomas J. Lobene ’75 Patrick S. Madama Joseph Mancini Suzanne McKim ’65 Lieutenant William H. Nash Ms. Patricia A. O’Neill Jodi Oriel ’93 Frances Osborn Kathleen E. Pavelka ’79 Mr. Gary J. Rivoli ’66 Dr. G. Jeremiah Ryan James C. Schwender Mary D. Seebach Diane L. Shoger & Timothy M. Coughlin Patti Soltys ’72 Charles H. Speirs Dr. Peter A. Spina Mr. Earl A. Tieppo Jim & Bev Ward Janet & John Westerberg Peggy Weston Byrd & Ralph Byrd Mr. Jan Z. Wiranowski Dr. Alice Holloway Young Anonymous E. KENT DAMON LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETY The Monroe Community College family remains grateful for the philanthropy and friendship of the late E. Kent Damon, MCC trustee emeritus and director emeritus of the MCC Foundation. Mr. Damon was instrumental in establishing the MCC Foundation and believed that private giving was imperative to the college’s future. Mr. Damon is remembered through this giving society that recognizes the cumulative support of the MCC Foundation over a donor’s lifetime. The society recognizes donors at three giving levels. DAMON LEGACY $1,000,000 AND ABOVE DAMON HERITAGE $500,000 TO $999,999 Alvin F. Thiem & Ruth K. Thiem Charitable Foundation Bausch & Lomb Josephine & Simon Braitman Anthony D. Conte Corning Incorporated Foundation Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation Nancy Hallauer Johnson The Estate of John H. Koch DAMON BENEFACTOR $100,000 TO $499,999 Brite Computers Citizens Bank, N.A. The Community Foundation Corning Tropel Corporation Mr. & Mrs. E. Kent Damon The Davenport-Hatch Foundation, Inc. The DiMarco Group LLC Donald F. and Maxine B. Davison Foundation Thomas & Kate Flynn Beverly & Dr. Pete French Frontier Communications General Motors Cynthia & Wayne Gilman Dr. Janet J. Glocker Glover-Crask Charitable Trust Halcyon Hill Foundation Harris Corporation Bernice E. Hatch IBM Corporation Jack G. Lubelle Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. The Kilian J. & Caroline F. Schmitt Foundation Howard Konar Sheila & William Konar Michael Krupnicki ’85 LeChase Construction Services LLC Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim The Estate of Jack G. Lubelle M/E Engineering, P.C. Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation The Estate of Irene Kelly Mason Max A. Adler Charitable Foundation, Inc. The Estate of Marcia W. McDowell National Geographic Society Education Foundation D. Robert Nicholson Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A. Jean & Richard Ottalagana Gerald C. Pfrengle The Pike Company The Family of Mary Porcari Brady Dr. Faith Prather Rochester General Hospital Foundation, Inc. SWBR Architects Siemens Industry, Inc. The Statler Foundation The Estate of David W. Stewart Strong Memorial Hospital James M. Sydor ’71 Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Tycos Life Science Lori Van Dusen & Ronald Boillat Verizon Drs. Saroj & T.K. Viswanathan Jim & Bev Ward Charis & Richard S. ’68 Warshof Mr. Jan Z. Wiranowski ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS 292-Baby Infant Scholarship Fund Athletic Excellence Scholarship The Babitz Family Scholarship Bausch & Lomb Scholarship Sarah Bentivegna Scholarship Mark Bogdonoff Memorial Scholarship W. David Borden Scholarship for New Students Boylan Brown Scholarship for Paralegal Studies Elbert “Al” Butler Memorial Scholarship The Anne Marie Carmenaty Memorial Scholarship Fund Cavanna Student Leaders Scholarship Carol Cloos Memorial Scholarship The Fannie and Sam Constantino First Generation Scholarship Linda Curran Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund The DiMarco Family Scholarship John L. Dougherty Memorial Scholarship Ebersman Family Scholarship Educational Technology Services Scholarship Robert A. Fratangelo Memorial Scholarship Mary and Ted Freeman Scholarship Beverly and Dr. Henry “Pete” French, Jr., Scholarship for Excellence in History Henry Pierson “Peter” French III Scholarship Frontier Communications Scholarship Jane L. Garr Nursing Scholarship General Scholarship Fund Irwyn Glazer Memorial Scholarship Bonnie Glickman Memorial Scholarship Dr. LeRoy V. and Lillian E. Good Presidential Scholarship Carl S. Hallauer Scholarship for Criminal Justice Hattie Harris Scholarship Harris Corporation Scholarship for Women in Technology Gilbert J. Hatch Scholarship Phyllis M. Hazen Scholarship Donald W. Holleder Scholarship Arnold L. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Arnold L. Johnson Scholarship The Gilbert and Joyce Jordan Scholarship for English Doris H. Kevin Memorial Scholarship Thomas R. Kissel Memorial Scholarship Mary P. and John H. Koch Scholarship Sydney Koret Scholarship for Human Services Judith Gale Kowba Memorial Scholarship The William H. Lagerway and Faith Prather Scholarship in Photography Ann Laughren Memorial Scholarship Ann and Helen Laughren Memorial Scholarship Dawn and Jacques Lipson Endowed Scholarship for Nursing Jack G. Lubelle Scholarship Max Lubelle Memorial Scholarship Rebecca Glick Lubelle Memorial Scholarship Daniel E. Lyons Memorial Scholarship Joe Mancarella Memorial Soccer Scholarship Juliane Marino Memorial Scholarship Fund for Student Nurses Irene Kelly Mason Scholarship Matt Matteo Scholarship MCC Bookstore Student Leaders Scholarship MCC Nursing Alumni Scholarship Marcia W. McDowell Hospitality Scholarship MG Car Club of Western New York Scholarship Joan and George C. Monagan Athletic Scholarship Dominic P. Montulli Memorial Scholarship Thomas T. Mooney Scholarship Lucien A. and Elizabeth S. Morin Scholarship M&T Bank Endowed Scholarship Jyoti Nanavati Endowed Scholarship Natapow Family Foundation Scholarship Richard A. Neubauer Scholarship D. Robert Nicholson Scholarship O’Hanlon Family First Responders Scholarship Kathleen E. Pavelka Student Leaders Scholarship Pete Pavia – MCC Men’s and Women’s Basketball Scholarship Dennis A. Pelletier Memorial Scholarship Robert E. Pledger Memorial Scholarship Stuart R. Porter and Joyce R. Porter Scholarship Presidential Scholarship for Academic Excellence funded by Howard and Anne Konar Presidential Scholarship for Academic Excellence funded by Marcia W. McDowell Presidential Scholarship for Academic Excellence funded by the Estate of David W. Stewart The Joseph P. Richardson Scholarship for New Students Riedman Student Leaders Scholarship Richard Riley Scholarship Battalion Chief William J. Robertson Memorial Scholarship The Robinson Family Student Leaders Scholarship Rochester McDonald’s Hospitality Scholarship in Memory of Richard M. Guon Ronald McDonald House Memorial Scholarship for Ronald L. Bittner Milton J. Ruterbusch Scholarship Deborah Sak Memorial Scholarship Salute to Excellence Scholarship Teresa C. Schottler Memorial Scholarship Alan B. Shaw Memorial Scholarship for English Barbara M. and Robert H. Shaw Music Scholarship Sgt. Robert M. Skelton, Jr., Memorial Scholarship The Bett y P. Smith Scholarship for Returning Adult Students Janet Buchanan Smith Scholarship Joanne D. and John T. Smith Scholarship Claude Woodrow and Mary Geneva Smith Scholarship Patricia Flynn Soltys Scholarship Charles H. Speirs Scholarship Andrew “AJ” Sperr Scholarship Samuel J. Stabins Scholarship Stabins/Gannett Foundation Scholarship Ronald J. Starkweather Memorial Scholarship Statistics Scholarship John Thompson Family Scholarship Time Warner Communications Scholarship Tooling and Machining Scholarship The Michael VanValkenburgh Scholarship The Dr. Viswanathan Dental Hygiene Scholarship Robin and Timothy Wentworth Scholarship Richard Westerberg Memorial Scholarship Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Scholarship Jan Z. Wiranowski Endowed Scholarship Wiranowski Universal Humanism of Hope Scholarship Jan Z. Wiranowski Renaissance Scholarship Richard Zwitzer Memorial Scholarship M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 36 Pamela A. ’79 & Arunas A. Chesonis /Chesonis Family Foundation Deborah and John L. DiMarco, Sr. Eastman Kodak Company Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Gleason Family Foundation Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation Monroe Community College Association Mary & John ’64 Thompson Robin ’80 & Tim ’80 Wentworth Xerox Corporation Xerox Foundation M&T Bank/The M&T Charitable Foundation MVP Health Care James P. Nichols Rochester General Hospital Time Warner Communications Unity Health System University of Rochester Dr. Alice Holloway Young Oceanographer Dr. Robert Ballard (pictured above) and educator Dr. Arlene Miller Smith were keynote speakers for Scholars’ Day 2013. Scholars’ Day at MCC celebrates academic excellence and showcases outstanding student and faculty research at both our Brighton and Damon City campuses. 37 ENDOWMENTS AND ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS ENDOWED FUNDS AND PROGRAMS AWARE Tuesday/Thursday Award R. Carlos Carballada Daycare Endowment Citizens Bank Future Optics Endowed Chair Henry P. French, Sr., Endowed Chair in Business Administration and Economics Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Project Endowed Fund ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS M ON RO E C OM MUN I TY C OL L E GE F O UN DAT I ON AN N UA L R E PO RT 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3 38 ACCA John Kecskes Memorial Scholarship American Gas Association Scholarship Americorp Fund Assets for Independence Scholarship Fund James A. Barber Memorial Scholarship James P. and Katherine Benton Dollinger Walsh Nursing Scholarship Mary Porcari Brady Emergency Nursing Student Support Fund Erin Leigh Brooks Student Fund for Human Services Lt. Michael J. Chiapperini & Tomasz M. Kaczowka Memorial Scholarship Citizens Bank Foundation’s Optics in Our Community Scholarship Clark Family Nursing Scholarship Computer Information Systems Scholarship David Raymond Coates Memorial Scholarship Carmela and Antonio Conte Memorial Scholarship Donald Cook Music Scholarship Regina Cornell Scholarship Corning Incorporated Foundation Scholarship for Optics Linda Curran Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald F. & Maxine B. Davison Foundation Scholarship John L. Dougherty Memorial Scholarship Helen Elam MCC Scholarship Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship Farash Foundation First in Family Scholarship Ilene and David Flaum Scholarship R. Thomas & Kate Flynn Scholarship Fund Emerson U. and Vernita Fullwood Scholarship John Ganey Memorial Scholarship General Scholarship Fund Gloria Dean Glass Memorial Fund John Gmitter Scholarship Richard E. Gray, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Deputy Galen J. Herren Memorial Scholarship MCCF IBERO-American Action League Scholarship Jennifer Jaruzel Memorial Biology Scholarship Jefferson Avenue Revitalization Education Initiative Scholarship Fund The Gilbert and Joyce Jordan Scholarship for English The Krupnicki Family Scholarship for Excellence in Welding The William H. Lagerway and Faith Prather Scholarship in Photography Tony Lambiase, Jr. Memorial Firefighter’s Scholarship Jonathan Michael Lansky Fund for Disabled Students LeChase Constructions Services LLC Scholarship Fund Dawn and Jacques Lipson Scholarship for Nursing Excellence M&T Bank Presidential Scholarship for Academic Excellence M&T Bank Scholars Program M&T Bank Scholarship for Advanced Manufacturing/Optics Dr. Erich Marchand Chess Scholarship Juliane Marino Memorial Scholarship Fund MCC Employee Alumni Scholarship MCC Student Association Scholarship McMurry Scholarship McRae-Lesko Engineering Scholarship for East High Students M/E Engineering, P.C. Scholarship Program Mary Lou Miller Memorial Scholarship Elisa Mlynar Scholarship for Sign Language Interpretation Monroe County Association of Chiefs of Police Scholarship Thomas and Annie Murray Memorial Scholarship Jyoti Nanavati Scholarship Native American Education Foundation Scholarship Fund NYS Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Michael C. & Judith F. Oldham Engineering Science Scholarship Frances P. Osborn Student Fund Carmen Vargas Otero and Emeterio Otero, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Paralegal Studies Scholarship Pete Pavia Men’s & Women’s Basketball Scholarship Phi Theta Kappa Alumni Scholarship Robert R. Philip Memorial Scholarship (MG Car Club) Pivcon Scholarship Popli Design Group Scholarship Presidential Scholarship for Academic Excellence Thomas P. Proietti Scholarship Shivlal and Vijyaben Rajparia Memorial Scholarship Fund Suki Regoni Memorial Scholarship The Nate Riley Memorial Scholarship for History Students Rochester Hotel Association Scholarship Rochester Operators McDonalds Association Corporation Scholarship Dr. Raymond T. Ruff, Jr. Accounting Award Rusitzky Book Fund Frances Hubbard Schenck Nursing Scholarship Teresa C. Schottler Memorial Scholarship Murph Shapiro Excellence in Coaching Award Virginia Shea Nursing Scholarship Timothy J. Sherbinski Memorial Scholarship Beverly Skutt Radiologic Technology Scholarship The Snowball Scholarship for Service-Learning The Snowflake Scholarship Charles H. Speirs Scholarship Ellsworth M. Statler Scholarship Award The Alvin F. and Ruth K. Thiem Foundation Nursing Scholarship Thiem General Scholarship Trevett, Cristo, Salzer & Andolina Dual Credit Program John J. Trevisan Student Leadership Award The UA Local 13 Scholarship for HVAC Students John N. Warren Memorial Scholarship Robin and Timothy Wentworth Scholarship Western New York Dental Group Scholarship Wolk Faces of the Future Scholarship Fund Women in Technology of Digital Rochester The Women’s Club of Webster Nursing Scholarship Xerox STEM Scholarship Fund Robert C. Zajkowski Memorial Scholarship for Music ANNUAL FUNDS AND PROGRAMS ACE Program College Readiness Pilot Program Corning Incorporated Foundation Optics Enrollment Program Corning Incorporated Foundation Optics Lab Equipment Program Corning Incorporated Foundation Optics Marketing Program Corning Incorporated Foundation Optics PreCollegiate Program Phyllis Cotner Library Fund Davenport-Hatch Child Care Grant Domestic Violence Prevention Grant The Gateway to HVAC/R Grainger Program Alice Holloway Young Teaching Internship Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Project Honors Program Horizons Summer Enrichment Program Klarberg Human Services Internship Matrix Geography Grant MCC Summer Youth Sports Program (SYSP) Men’s Soccer Fund National Geographic Grant Optical Systems Technology Program Optics/Photonics Career Path Project The Presidential Fund for Educational Innovation Rochester Parent Network (292-BABY) ROC the Future (STRIVE) Toyota T-Ten Student Fund Veterans Program Restricted Fund Xerox STEM SPECIAL EVENTS SCHOLARSHIPS 23rd Annual Salute to Excellence Bausch & Lomb Brite Computers Clark Patterson Lee Corning Incorporated Democrat and Chronicle The DiMarco Group LLC Dixon Schwabl Excellus BlueCross BlueShield First Capital Payments Five Star Bank Frontier Communications Konar Properties LaBella Associates, P.C. M/E Engineering, P.C./Parrone Engineering/ SWBR Architects Michael & Eloise Myers OptiMax Systems, Inc. OptiPro Systems LLC Ovation Payroll The Pike Company Rochester Institute of Technology United Lens Company, Inc Universal Photonics, Inc. WinnDevelopment Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP 15th Annual Gold Star Gala Lisa R. & John P. Baron Daniel J. Burns Cannon Industries, Inc. Mr. R. Carlos Carballada CMI Communications Constellation Brands, Inc. Lisa & Walter Critchley Armand D’Alfonso John L. DiMarco, II (The DiMarco Group) The DiMarco Group LLC Perry & Kristen Duckles Sergio Esteban David & Nance Fiedler Thomas & Kate Flynn Steven Gordon Bernice E. Hatch Ms. Karen Hatch & Dr. Dirk M. Bernold Home Properties Ann Marie & Marc L. Iacona Jonathan J. Judge Konar Properties LaBella Associates, P.C. Louis S. and Molly B. Wolk Foundation Dr. Barbara & John Lovenheim Robert Luken M&T Bank M/E Engineering, P.C./ Parrone Engineering/SWBR Architects Manning Squires Hennig Co. Nothnagle Realtors Edward J. Pettinella The Pike Company Janet Remizowski Simcona Electronics Corp. Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Anthony M. Soprano ’92 Gary ’76 & Catherine Squires Kevin T. Stickles ’88 Tammy ’80 & William Strassburg The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation 29th Annual Scholarship Open Robert ’70 & Donna ’86 Brennan Richard C. Brienzi ’79 Brite Computers Brown & Brown of New York, Inc. Cannon Industries, Inc. Diane & Al Casey Richard & Sheila Degus The DiMarco Group LLC Phil DiMartino ESL Federal Credit Union Elmer W. Davis, Inc. First Capital Payments Frontier Communications Rich Funke G & J Contracting, Inc. Gallina Development Corp. Joseph T. Genier ’70 International Union BAC Local 3 NY Don ’71 & Nancy Jeffries Junius R. Judson, II Kathleen Pringle Group, Inc. LaBella Associates, P.C. M/E Engineering, P.C. M&T Bank Manning Squires Hennig Co. Edward Meagher Monroe School Transportation, Inc. Fritz Odenbach Parrone Engineering/SWBR Architects Susanne & John ’70 Perrone The Pike Company Schuler-Haas Electric Corp. Siemens Industries Inc. Joanne & John T. ’71 Smith Larry Smith Gary ’76 & Catherine Squires Tim Thaney Tony Tortorella United Carpet Tom Wojik MCC FOUNDATION STAFF Cheryl Castronovo, special events secretary Mark J. Pastorella ’90, director of development Diane L. Shoger, executive director Kim Dodson ’11, development secretary Christyn M. Sanagursky, assistant director of development Gail Terhaar, development secretary Lisa Fluman, information specialist Elaine Seitz, receptionist Gretchen Wood, associate director of development Susan Gurak, chief financial officer Karen Shaw ’78, alumni and annual giving coordinator Alicia M. Zona ’92 administrative assistant and secretary to the board of directors Melissa Ormond, data entry/accounting clerk MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION The Monroe Community College Foundation was established in 1983 to secure private sector support to supplement and enhance public funding at Monroe Community College. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit corporation that solicits, accepts, manages, invests and distributes contributions and communicates with donors and prospects regularly. It serves as a repository for all private, non-governmental gifts and support received on behalf of the college. MCC FOUNDATION STAFF MISSION STATEMENT Monroe Community College is a dynamic learning community where access, excellence, and leadership are the College’s hallmarks. Our mission is to educate and prepare diverse learners to achieve scholarly, professional, and individual success within a local and global context. The College serves as a catalyst for innovation, economic development, lifelong learning, and civic engagement. MCC BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Kenneth G. Goode, chair director, Monroe County Office of Government and Community Affairs (retired) John L. Bartolotta, vice chair administrative vice president, Commercial Lending, M&T Bank Susan M. Fenn ’13, student trustee Jeffrey R. Adair president, Monroe County Legislature Richard W. Hannon director, Special Projects, Office of the Mayor, City of Rochester Howard Konar president, Konar Properties Barbara P. Lovenheim professor emerita, Monroe Community College John R. Parrinello, Esq. attorney, The Parrinello Law Firm, LLP Grace S. Tillinghast co-owner, The Battery Allen K. Williams associate realtor, Magellan, Inc. A UNIT OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK The State University of New York is the largest comprehensive university system in the United States, educating nearly 463,000 students in more than 7,500 degree and certificate programs, and more than 1.8 million New York state citizens in professional development and personal enrichment programs, on 64 college and university campuses. There are nearly 3 million SUNY alumni worldwide. To learn more about how SUNY creates opportunity, visit www.suny.edu. ANNUAL REPORT PRODUCTION STAFF Editors: Cynthia Cooper, Gretchen Wood Writer: Rosanna Condello Photographers: Vasiliy Baziuk ’04, Bailey Burritt, Jeremy Case, Ken Pamatat Designer: Dixon Schwabl Printer: Cohber Press, Inc. YOUR GIVING OPTIONS Whether it is a student you want to motivate, a loved one you wish to honor or an educational program you would like to see expanded, the MCC Foundation is here to help. To give to MCC and increase the impact public higher education has on our community, please consider the following giving options available through the MCC Foundation: ESTABLISH AN ENDOWMENT. Endowments are donated funds that are invested in perpetuity. Principal-generated earnings fulfill the scholarship fund’s charitable intent as established by the donor when the gift is made. If you are eager to see your gift impact lives now and in the future, establishing an endowment is a wise choice. MAKE A GIFT IN HONOR OR IN MEMORY OF SOMEONE. To make your gift, call 585.262.1500, send your gift (check or money order made payable to the MCC Foundation) to MCC Foundation, Damon City Campus, 228 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604, or donate online at www.monroecc.edu. SPONSOR, PARTICIPATE IN OR VOLUNTEER FOR OUR UPCOMING EVENTS. 24th Annual Salute to Excellence, November 14, 2013 16th Annual Gold Star Gala, April 26, 2014 30th Annual Scholarship Open, June 23, 2014 CONSIDER A GIFT-IN-KIND, GIFTS OF PROPERTY OR PLANNED GIVING. Gifts to the MCC Foundation take on many forms, from unique auction items to real estate. Planned giving is the process of incorporating charitable giving into an overall personal estate plan. Through careful planning and support from the MCC Foundation, you can achieve your philanthropic goals and benefit your personal financial position, supplement your retirement or provide additional support to your family. BENEFIT FROM A CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY. M ON ROE CO MM UN I T Y C OL L E GE F OUN DATI O N A N N U AL RE P OR T 2 01 2 -2 0 1 3 40 For those who want to maintain or possibly increase their income while making a gift to support public higher education at Monroe Community College, the MCC Foundation can help achieve both goals through its Charitable Gift Annuity program. HONORARY TRUSTEES Ilene L. Flaum Wayne K. Gilman Robert D. Hursh Robert N. Latella, Esq. Richard F. Mackey John R. McCarthy Claire S. Montgomery Nathan J. Robfogel, Esq. Lois R. Tucker Richard S. Warshof ’68 Alice Holloway Young, Ed.D. OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE Anne M. Kress, Ph.D., president Jeffrey P. Bartkovich, Ph.D., vice president, Educational Technology Services Michael J. McDonough, Ph.D., provost and vice president, Academic Services Todd M. Oldham, MBA, vice president, Economic Development and Innovative Workforce Services Hezekiah N. Simmons, MBA, chief financial officer and vice president, Administrative Services Richard H. Ryther, interim vice president, Student Services A gift annuity is an agreement between a donor and the MCC Foundation in which the donor transfers an asset to the Foundation and, in return, the Foundation makes lifetime payments to the donor. Benefits of a charitable gift annuity can be impressive. Donors receive an immediate income tax deduction and avoid upfront capital gains tax upon transfer. For assistance, please contact Mark Pastorella ’90, director of development, at 585.262.1509 or mpastorella@monroecc.edu. Monroe Community College is committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal educational opportunity, employment, and access to services, programs and activities, without regard to an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction. Employees, students, applicants, or other members of the college community (including but not limited to vendors, visitors, and guests) may not be subjected to harassment that is prohibited by law, or treated adversely or retaliated against based upon a protected characteristics. © 2013 Monroe Community College A copy of the latest annual report may be obtained from the Monroe Community College Foundation, 228 East Main Street, Rochester, N.Y. 14604 or from the Charities Bureau, Department of Law, 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10271. All gifts made through the MCC Foundation are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Pledges may be paid in installments. MCC faculty and staff may also take advantage of payroll deduction. MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION 1000 East Henrietta Road Rochester, New York 14623-5780 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Rochester, NY Permit No. 92 Choose to make a difference. Scan this code with your smartphone and make your gift today! For more information on giving options, contact the MCC Foundation at 585.262.1500 or visit us online at www.monroecc.edu. www.facebook.com/MCCFoundation www.twitter.com/MonroeCC www.youtube.com/MonroeCCRochester