Spring 2015 - Al Sigl Community of Agencies


Spring 2015 - Al Sigl Community of Agencies
Spring 2015
CP Rochester
Epilepsy-Pralid, Inc.
Medical Motor Service
National Multiple Sclerosis Society,
Upstate New York Chapter
Rochester Hearing
and Speech Center
Rochester Rehabilitation
Access to Inclusive Sports
Benefits Beyond the Green
“Once I entered the gym at Elmwood, I saw people
in wheelchairs shooting baskets, exploring adaptive
cycles, and using an adaptive golf cart,” remembers
Shawn Ranney, a fourth grade teacher who first
learned about SportsNet at an Adaptive Sports Expo
years ago after surgery for a condition which affects
the spine. “I golfed before my surgery and I really
enjoyed getting out on the course. I thought those
days were over,” Shawn continues. “There, in that
gym, I thought, wow, this could happen.”
SportsNet offers more than a dozen year-round
adaptive sports and physical activity programs—
cycling, outrigger canoeing, fencing, power soccer,
wheelchair basketball—name nearly any sport and
SportsNet staff and volunteers have likely hosted a
game, session, or skill-building clinic for it. A great
example of the benefits of our collaborative model,
program participants from each of Al Sigl’s Member
Agencies take part in activities offered by SportsNet,
which is now jointly sponsored by Rochester
Rehabilitation, CP Rochester, and Al Sigl
Community of Agencies.
Last summer, SportsNet received a new adaptive golf
cart to help the program reach more people in the
community. The gift was purchased with funds raised
by Sports Committee volunteers as part of Al Sigl’s
45th annual golf tournament. Richard Chiarenza of
Frontier Management generously matched the funds
raised by the event’s helicopter hole-in-one, piloted
by volunteer David Spoleta. Each year, tournament
proceeds help fund Member Agency projects helping
individuals stay connected, live on their own, have
access to safe and reliable transportation, and more.
—continued on back page
This issue of broadcast is
generously underwritten by:
Independent Senior Living
“This gift really embodies
how our community is working
together to help this program
grow and serve even more
individuals of all abilities.”
—Anita O’Brien, SportsNet
A Year of Growth
As spring blooms forth across our six campuses, there is a
feeling of renewed energy for our collaborative mission as
others near and far take notice.
The benefits of collaboration are becoming more apparent
in this changing nonprofit landscape. I recently spoke at
a conference in Buffalo. As a result, several nonprofit
mental-health agencies there are looking at the possibility
of replicating Al Sigl Community’s organizational model,
according to an article in Buffalo Business First. They are
exploring partnerships including both nonprofit and for-profit
entities to help lower expenses for business services, training
and conference room space while sharing knowledge and
best practices.
Taking the conversation even further, Tom O’Connor, our
Vice President of Operations, and I look forward to speaking
at “Connecting Possibilities” this June in Vancouver. This
international conference, hosted by the Nonprofit Centers
Network, links organizations like Al Sigl to discuss best
practices among leaders in the growing shared spaces
and services sector.
Trevor receives Clinical and Early
Intervention services from CP
Rochester’s Augustin Children’s
Center. For his second birthday, his
parents included a note in the party
invitations asking guests, instead of
buying toys, to consider making a
contribution to the organization that
has helped Trevor and so many other
children. The idea was so well received
by friends and family that they made
the same request this year when Trevor turned 3. Happy Birthday, Trevor!
This year CP Rochester added two pre-K classes serving Trevor and friends,
as well as enhanced autism services for people of all ages. The classrooms
provide much-needed space for this popular, fully inclusive, program serving
children with and without disabilities®. Augustin Children’s Center is accepting
applications for the fall semester. To schedule a tour, please call Julie Stark
at 585.334.6000 ext. 1200.
CP Rochester’s expansion of autism services is the direct result of a growing
community need. Enhancements may include a diagnostic and treatment clinic,
early childhood educational services, community-based services, respite, and
caregiver support services. On Friday, September 18, Happiness House and
CP Rochester will host an Autism Conference in Canandaigua. Temple Grandin
will be the keynote speaker. To learn more,
please visit CPRochester.org.
Al Sigl is the oldest and one of the largest Centers in the
network. What made good sense over 50 years ago in
Rochester is now a growing movement in North America.
Congratulations to our good friend
Peter Carpino on his retirement as
President of United Way of Greater
Rochester. Peter’s ten years of
leadership helped to sustain our
Member Agencies and hundreds of
important community services across
our region. He fostered the growth
of the Synergy Fund investments, a valuable resource
for strategic planning and collaboration. Al Sigl and our
Member Agencies have benefited from Synergy Fund
grants which have fostered new affiliations and deepened
cooperative programming and shared services.
Thank you, Peter, for a job well done!
This issue is brimming with good news, new programs,
new spaces, and new equipment. We could not achieve
more together without your support!
Thank you!
Sweet Success
Congratulations to our friends at Epilepsy-Pralid on the success of the 2015
Chocolate Ball! The Convention Center’s grand hall sparkled as over 300 guests
sampled the spectacular cakes and bid on silent auction items. Keynote speaker
Raquel Hulster (third from right) brought the crowd to tears during her heartfelt
tribute to her son Cody and the support they received from EPI. The evening
raised almost $90,000 for kids, adults, and families living with epilepsy.
To learn more about Epilepsy-Pralid,
including community education
and outreach programs and
upcoming events, please
visit epiny.org.
Creating Connections
In the early 1970s, there
were 97,000 Monroe
County citizens of 60
years of age and older.
Today, there are more
than 122,000. Reliable
door-to-door transportation
helps seniors access critical
services, including nutrition
programs. To meet this
growing need, each year Medical Motors transports more than 500 seniors
to over 14 different programs, five days a week.
One of the centers served is the Ibero American Action League’s “Centro
de Oro.” Eloisa Rivera of Ibero’s Family Services division says, “I cannot
praise the services highly enough. Uriel Santiago, who transports our
seniors from their homes to the Center, is so very kind and thoughtful.”
Uriel feels the same way about his Ibero passengers. A Rochesterian
for over 40 years, he says “I love to talk with the people I drive and
hear about what they are doing and what is going on in
their lives. I have been driving for Medical Motors for
seven years, and every day of working is very
rewarding to me. I don’t think I have ever missed
a day of work. I enjoy my job.”
To learn more about transportation services
for seniors, please visit MedicalMotors.org.
Celebrating a More Inclusive
Each spring, Rochester
Rehabilitation’s Employment
Connection and the Job
Development Network (JDN)
host an Employer Recognition
and Networking Breakfast.
The inspiring event honors
area businesses partnering
Rochester Rehabilitation’s Shana Baker
with Employment Connection
a smile with Amy Manners and Bonita
to help adults of all abilities
Vitale, who were both recognized at the event
successfully find and keep
jobs of their choosing. In addition to recognizing their collaborative
partners, Employment Connection staff share helpful information
for employers and provide networking opportunities.
Those recognized this year included Adecco of Rochester, Aerotek
Commercial Staffing, All About You Homecare, Atria Senior Living
Facility, Canfield & Tack, CooperVision, Jewish Senior Life, and
Thermo- Fischer Scientific Inc.
To learn more about Rochester
Rehabilitation’s Employment
Connection, please visit
Child’s Play With a Purpose
Lending a Helping Hand
Research shows that early
evaluation and intervention can
significantly improve a variety
of different skill sets, including
a child’s communication,
cognitive, social, and motor
skills. To help meet a growing
demand for multi-disciplinary
early intervention (EI) and
preschool services, Rochester
Hearing and Speech Center recently created a new Motor Therapy Room.
The expansion supports RHSC’s many programs for children age 5 and
under. The unique space allows highly trained staff, including occupational
therapists, physical therapists, speech pathologists, and special education
teachers, to work together to meet each child’s needs.
In December, the
National MS Society,
Upstate NY Chapter
hosted a successful
MS Service Day.
Volunteers visited
the homes of nine
people living with
MS to assist them
with chores that
A National MS Society Upstate New York Chapter
have become a
volunteer gives kitchen cupboards a fresh coat
challenge. While the
of paint on MS Service Day
weather prevented
outdoor work, volunteers painted, repaired drywall, cleaned,
organized, assisted with holiday décor and even baked cookies.
The next MS Service Day will be June 6, 2015 where volunteers,
in addition to indoor activities, may assist with tasks like gardening
or window washing. To take part as a volunteer or support a team
as a sponsor for this inspiring day of service, please contact
A recent Al Sigl Sports Committee grant funded the purchase of a
multi-purpose swing, a rocking barrel, an equilibrium board, and a scooter
board ramp, designed to help improve balance, coordination and build core
stability as well as improve attention and focus. Through what appears to be
child’s play, these tools support very specific therapies
that boost gross and fine motor skills. In addition to
allowing multiple therapists to address different elements
of each child’s skill development, the group classroom
setting promotes social development as well. To learn
more about RHSC’s early intervention programs, please
call Beth McLellan at 585.271.0680 ext. 1437, or
RHSC’s preschool programs, please call Valorie Stotz
at 585.271.0680 ext. 1299.
Thank you to everyone who signed up for
Walk MS on Sunday, May 3 in Genesee
Valley Park. Every connection counts.
To help support Walk MS, please email
Hillary.Upton@nmss.org or call
585.271.0801 ext. 70330.
Community Champions
Al Sigl Community of Agencies has lost two
treasured friends.
Georgia Potter Gosnell passed
away in December. Georgia
and her late husband, Thomas
Hale Gosnell, distinguished
themselves as philanthropic
leaders individually and
together. Georgia and Tom
Gosnell supported Al Sigl for
nearly 30 years. They were
charter members of Al Sigl’s
President’s Circle of Hearts,
and they provided support to
every major capital campaign. Tom served as a founding
member of the Al Sigl Board of Governors and was
elected to the Honorary Board.
Following Tom’s passing in 2009, Georgia continued
to provide great care for our work together. In 2010,
she made a generous gift to name a building on the
Wolk Campus in honor of her beloved Tom. And just
days before her passing she let us know of her
intention to make another meaningful gift.
Last November, when Georgia was recognized as
Rochester’s Outstanding Philanthropist, she praised
Rochester’s “legacy of giving.” Georgia made this
legacy her own as she took beautiful care of Al Sigl
and our work together for thousands of children and
adults with disabilities® and special needs.
William G. vonBerg was a
corporate CEO, a civic leader,
and a powerful force for good.
You wanted Bill on your side, and
when you had him you had his
full attention and great strength.
Al Sigl was lucky to have Bill
on our team for over 30 years.
He first volunteered with a
handful of fellow business
leaders to turn around a stalled
capital campaign for the first expansion at the Elmwood
Campus in the early 1980s.
In 1986, Bill joined Al Sigl’s Board of Trustees and became
Chairman in 1988. During his tenure he oversaw another
new wing at Elmwood Campus and the construction
of the Hale Building at Winton Campus.
In 1998 Bill joined the Board of Governors of the Al Sigl
Foundation. He was a member of the Honorary Board,
and he regularly participated in the annual gathering
of past Chairs where he regaled everyone with great
stories and happy memories.
Bill vonBerg was a great friend. He used his considerable
talent and influence to help Al Sigl achieve more together.
He was a generous benefactor whose treasure followed his
gifts of time and talent. He made a difference at Al Sigl and
throughout the Rochester community.
Bright Lights
Celebrating 25 Years with a New Tradition
In 1991, the idea of asking for JustOne dollar raised more
than a few eyebrows. Yet the simplicity—reach out to
everyone in the community and ask for an amount that
anyone can give—took hold. In all, that first year generated
over 12,000 responses. This year, we received nearly that
number of envelopes in the first seven days! Many thanks
to our generous neighbors and our true-blue sponsors
for 25 wonderful years!
Al Sigl marked this special anniversary
with a brand new event on February 25
at Ox and Stone. The Al Sigl Council
challenged fellow volunteers on the
Boards of Trustees and Governors to a
celebrity bartending event with the three
groups raising over $12,500 in tips by
night’s end. The large crowd in attendance
cheered on all three groups, yet a very
generous gift made in the last few minutes
Event volunteers Tommy Wilmot, Kathleen Whelehan,
of the event in honor of Al Sigl Council
Duffy Hickey, Karen Gallina, Joe Morelle Jr., Phil Andolina
and Mike Lentine (front) celebrate at Just One Night
member Lauren Gallina brought the YP
Photo: Hype Booth
group, now in its second year, out on top!
We raise our glass to our volunteers, generous event sponsors—Hype Booth,
Ox and Stone, Gregor Schuler, Bill Shaheen of Whitney & Company, and
Yelp—and everyone who attended this fun new Fe-blue-ary tradition. Thank you!
On the Move
Al Sigl would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest neighbors, The Advocacy
Center, as they joined LDA Life and Learning Services at 1650 South Avenue earlier this
year. The two agencies became formally affiliated in early 2014, and plan a full merger to
form one organization which will have a new name. Both The Advocacy Center and LDA
were founded by families of people with disabilities®, and both have a service philosophy
based upon customized solutions developed in response to the goals of each individual
and family. To learn more, please call 585.546.1700.
Honors and Memorials
Heartfelt thanks to every one of
our good friends for your generous
support. To view online, please
visit alsigl.org/OurThanks. Our
appreciation as well to the thousands
of others who supported our work
together without sharing their names.
In Honor of:
Carolyn Beich
Medical Motor Service
Barbara and Mike Bucci
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Andolina
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Dr. Barry R. Culhane
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Daniele
Dr. Lara Evans
Ms. Bette M. Heger
Dr. Christine Licata
Mr. J. Robert Maney
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Maruggi, PhD
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mr. James H. Norman, Sr.
Dr. Daniel B. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Steven O. Russell
Ms. Peggy W. Savlov
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stookey
Ann B. Fladd
Mr. Frederick W. Fladd
Monica and Tom Golisano
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Lois A. Goodman
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers &
Mr. James C. Pugliese
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Howitt
Dr. & Mrs. E. David Appelbaum
Daniel M. Meyers
Dr. Jeanne E. Grove
Mr. Peter T. Mendick
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Stookey
Dr. William M. Valenti
Mrs. Jean Williams
Daniel M. Meyers &
James C. Pugliese
Mrs. Louise W. Epstein
Marie Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leach
Alex Noel
Veson Nautical
Scott Perkins and Carol Irwin
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Krista & Ron Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Seideman
Doschonelle Rundt
Ms. Sandra Geiger
Harry Salis
Mrs. Jean Williams
Bonnie & Bob Thompson
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Justin Vigdor
Mr. & Mrs. Steven O. Russell
Sandy Wehner
Mr. Daniel Lange
B. J. Yudelson
Ms. Susan T. Hollis
In Memory of
Dr. Chloe Gray Alexson
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mary E. Astrella
Ms. Marian Ashbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Blood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Turner
Dr. Donald L. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Stewart Barris
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
John B. Biemiller
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
James R. Boldt
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Caroline C. “Nina” Boylan
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Jacob L. Braverman
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Lucy Brisky
Mr. & Mrs. Randy S. Schuster
David Francis Butler
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Devin D. Caccamise
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Caccamise
Ralph Patrick Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Murray
Donn J. Calabrese
Al Sigl Sports Committee
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Ms. Debra J. Salmon
& Mr. Eric Huppert
Dr. James I. Campbell
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Giorgio Cilento
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gaffney
Victoria Cirrincione
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Sarah B. Clapper
Mr. David R. Clapper
Kathleen A. Collins
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
William Parker Cowgill
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
N. Scott Curry
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Baker
Kenneth P. Dalle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ferretti
Ms. Kathleen Maginnity
Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Pyhtila
Ms. Jean Vandenberghe
Ms. Ruth W. Wagner
Elizabeth “Betsy” Daly
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Joseph T. Deane
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Lazio, Jr.
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Ms. Debra J. Salmon
& Mr. Eric Huppert
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Contino
Catherine Ann Nealy DiNoto
Al Sigl Sports Committee
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Andolina
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nealy
Gennaro J. “Jerry” DiSano
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Dr. David A. DuBois
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Emil Stanley Duda
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Betty Eldred
Mrs. Matilda L. McLeod
Thaddeus Ernst
Ms. Ann C. Christ
Ms. Catherine Lesio
LiDestri Foods, Inc.
Mr. Dan Morelli
Mr. & Mrs. Martin T. Sorge
Ms. Donna M. Stein
Ms. Donna Yanicky
Charles A. Eygabroad
Mrs. Lucy H. Eygabroad
Harold S. Feinbloom
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Joseph A. Floreano
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Peggy Fortune’s Aunt
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Sharon L. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Turk Francis
Karen M. Gaffney
Mrs. Kelly A. Gryglewicz
Rose Gagliano
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Pollard
Dorothy Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Randy S. Schuster
Susan Getz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Getz
Kandy Giblin
Mr. Peter H. Giblin
Tom & Katie Giblin Love
Elizabeth M. “Bette” Gorman
Mr. Walter B. D. Hickey, Jr.
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Georgia P. Gosnell
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Fogel
Mr. Walter B. D. Hickey, Jr.
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Clara B. Granger
Mr. & Mrs. Duane N. Granger
Rose A. Guido
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Albert
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
David R. Gulvin
Mr. & Mrs. Randy S. Schuster
Kathleen Hallman
Ms. Norma Francipane
Daniel G. Hayes
Ms. Mary Ann Hamill
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Peter Babcock Heinrich
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Patricia Heslor Heinsler
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Amy Hinz
Joyce Hall-Sargent
Elsie Hogan
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
John Illig
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Linda Interlichia
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Charlotte “Babe” Irish
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Pat Kreckel
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. Nusbaum
Thomas Lanni
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Joan M. Lathan
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Walt Le Fevre
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gaffney
Evelyn Lennon
Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Kellett
Herbert Liebich
Ms. Sandra L. Badura
Ms. Marilyn Berkebile
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Bruinsma
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Campbell
Ms. Dorothy H. Cook, Bambilyn
Copeland, Linda Curley, &
Tamara Liebich-Lantz
Mr. & Mrs. David Curley
Friends for Fellowship—First
Presbyterian Church of Ontario
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Lochner
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McKenna
Ms. Joeanne Gale Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Santo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Scoppa
Sam R. Lipari
Al Sigl Sports Committee
Mr. & Mrs. John Antonacci
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Fenlon
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Arthur P. MacKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Gay R. Maney
Mr. J. Robert Maney
Charles G. McKenna
Al Sigl Board and Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Gallina
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mr. Richard W. McGrath, CPA, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven O. Russell
Lily Meyers
Ms. Nancy A. Neal
Edward Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gaffney
Margaret L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Brandt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Braverman
Ms. Sarah A. Cardonio
Ms. Chris Diegert
Dr. & Mrs. Elmar H. Frangenberg
Lee Gaby
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Gallina
Ms. Mary Girard
Mr. Walter B. D. Hickey, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth Hinkston
Mr. & Mrs. Will Hinkston
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Honan
The Hudson Family
Mr. Rodney S. Koziatek
& Ms. Mary E. Lippa
Mrs. Dorothy Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Langie, Jr.
Mr. Richard W. McGrath, CPA, P.C.
Ms. Marilyn A. Means
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
& Mr. James Pugliese
Ms. Mary Ann Pavone
Mrs. Jessica Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Pullen
Mr. & Mrs. Steven O. Russell
Ms. Debra J. Salmon
& Mr. Eric Huppert
Mr. & Mrs. Randy S. Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. Russel G. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
Mr. & Mrs. Miles R. Van Buren
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Wallenhorst
Ms. Kathleen R. Whelehan
George R. “Buz” Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gaffney
Marcia Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Burton S. August, Jr.
Ryan Nelson
Mr. Tim N. Tompkins
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Phyllis Nolan
Rochester Americans Booster Club
Angelo V. Nole, Sr.
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Lynda Oliver’s Brother
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Treiber
John J. Paglia
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Peter Perrault
Mr. William R. Perrault
Ruth M. Platt Pickett
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Sean Posadi
Mr. & Mrs. John Georgetti
William Reigelman
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Charlotte Rummel
Mr. & Mrs. Randy S. Schuster
Dr. Richard Satran
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Lyric Savlov
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Nancy Blue Schiller
Mr. Kenneth D. Bliss
& Mr. Philip M. Bartell
Ms. Constance Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Glen P. Moscoe
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Robbins
Mr. Harry Romine
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Steele, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Steele
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thoman
Jack F. Smith
Dr. Barry R. Culhane
& Dr. Christine Licata
Ms. Marcia M. Stillman
Benjamin E. Solin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Newman
Robert L. Sproull
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Joan “Tiny” Stettner
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson E. Almeter
Mr. Ron Almeter & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Crist
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Fairbrother
Hilton Sno-Flyers
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton F. Osborn
Ms. Cheryl S. Schoen
Mr. Joseph P. Swift
Mr. Kenneth W. Swift
Chrysalis Varlan
Ms. Ellen deBuono
William G. vonBerg
Al Sigl Board and Staff
Judy & Steve Meyer
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Ms. Debra J. Salmon
& Mr. Eric Huppert
Marie J. Weider
Mr. & Mrs. David Braverman
Mitchell T. Williams
Mrs. Muriel D. Steinberg
William Bates Wilmot
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Mary Gilmore Wilson
Mr. Daniel M. Meyers
Dorothy Wolfe
Mr. Wayne W. Wolfe
A Big
Thank You
Al Sigl Community of Agencies is a collaborative community network that
provides high-quality, cost-effective real estate and business services, while fostering community
awareness and philanthropic support to a growing array of organizations that serve children and
adults with disabilities® and special needs.
Mark Your
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
1000 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 300
Rochester, NY 14620-3098
Rochester, NY
Permit No. 740
Al Sigl Tennis Benefit
Midtown Athletic Club
Sunday, June 7
Al Sigl Sports Classic
Golf Tournament
Midvale Country Club
Monday, June 8
Fine Tastings for
Al Sigl Community
Locust Hill Country Club
Wednesday, September 16
Plan Now to Help
Ensure Al Sigl’s Future
The Al Sigl Society was created to
honor good friends who are helping
to secure our organization’s
future through planned giving.
You, too, can help ensure that the
Al Sigl Community of Agencies
continues to provide accessible
and welcoming spaces for future
generations of children and adults
with disabilities® and special needs.
There are many ways to structure a planned gift to Al Sigl including
options that increase your income, provide cash to help you plan your
retirement, shelter your heirs from taxes, or deliver a tax deduction.
Perhaps the easiest way to make a gift is to name Al Sigl in your will.
Or you might consider a Charitable Gift Annuity that will provide income,
provide a tax deduction, and assist in your estate planning. Your lawyer,
financial planner or tax advisor is the best person to help you realize
your goals of caring for your family and honoring Al Sigl.
When you decide to support Al Sigl through a planned gift, you can
be assured that your gift will have an impact for many years to come.
If you have already included Al Sigl in your estate plans, please let us
know so that we can honor you now for your generosity, and you can
enjoy knowing how much we appreciate your gift.
For more information about planned giving, please contact David
Walbaum at 585.442.4102 x8980 or dwalbaum@alsigl.org.
Inclusive Sports —continued from cover
At the cart’s unveiling, Anita O’Brien of SportsNet shared how the adaptive
cart is just one part of the program’s commitment to developing more
community-based inclusive recreation options.
Through a partnership with Eagle Vale Golf Course, SportsNet provides
community outreach and clinics to help raise awareness. Chris DeVincentis,
Eagle Vale’s golf pro who has hosted adaptive golf clinics with SportsNet for
seven years, smiled as the new cart made its debut on the course.
After meeting Chris in the Elmwood Gym during that Expo years ago, Shawn
attended a golf clinic at Eagle Vale. Since then, Shawn has started to golf
again on his own with friends and family using the adaptive carts they
have on-site each summer.
To learn more about adaptive golf or SportsNet’s many other recreational
programs, please visit rochesterrehab.org.
Shawn hit the links
at Al Sigl’s 2014 golf
tournament with an
adaptive golf cart
This year’s tournament
is June 8th. Players of
all abilities are welcome!
Sign up today at alsigl.org.