AGENDA - City of Highwood
AGENDA - City of Highwood
CITY OF HIGHWOOD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order 1. Roll Call 2. Public Hearing - None 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. Regular City Council: April 8, 2015 3.2. Regular City Council: May 5, 2015 3.3. Regular City Council: June 2, 2015 3.4. Regular City Council: June 16, 2015 3.5. Regular City Council: January 19, 2016 3.6. Committee of the Whole: January 19, 2016 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 5. Review of Bill Warrant List 5.1. 02/02/2016 AP Warrant List 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business 7.1. Consideration of an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the City of Highwood Appearance Code (310 Green Bay Road – Disotto) 7.2. Consideration of a Motion Approving a Purchasing Policy for the City of Highwood 7.3. Consideration of an Ordinance on Salary and Compensation for the City of Highwood for the FYE 2016 Budget Year 7.4. Consideration of a Motion Authorizing the Expenditure of an Amount Not to Exceed $19,500 for the Purchase of Cameras for Police Vehicles from Martel Electronics, Inc. 7.5. Consideration of an Ordinance Authorizing the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois to Borrow Funds from the Public Water Supply Loan Program 7.6. A Discussion on the One-Way Restrictions on Clay Avenue and Lakeview Avenue 7.7. A Discussion on Revising the Existing Highwood Liquor Code 7.8. A Discussion on the FY 2017 Draft Budget 8. Executive Session (If Necessary) 9. Adjournment 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 1 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corrected Minutes CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Call to Order by Mayor Pecaro at 8:15 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Linari, Peterson, Slavin Absent; Alderman Levi Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Ferolo, Assistant to City Manager Marquez, Administrative Assistant Keane, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. 3.2. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Falberg to approve the City Council: March 17, 2015 as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve the Committee of the Whole: March 17, 2015 as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) The Plan Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals have joint meetings scheduled for April 15th and April 29th, 2015. Beginning May 1, 2015 there will be a combined new commission. 5. Approval of Warrant List: 5.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Linari to approve the 04/8/2015 AP Warrant List as presented. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Peterson, Slavin, Fiore, Feddermann, Linari, Falberg No: ----Absent: Alderman Levi 6. Public Input – Items Not On Agenda 7. Mayor’s Report The 911 Referenda passed with a vote of just shy of 70%. The Mayor thanked the staff for their efforts. 8. Committee Reports Long Term Planning Committee: Alderman Falberg reported on the proposed angle parking changes for Lakeview Avenue. Lakeview would be a one-way northbound street and Clay would be a one- 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 2 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 8, 2015 Page 2 of 4 way west bound street. There is also a proposal to change the parking restrictions end of two hour limit to 7:00 P.M. two hour limit, thus eliminating employees from parking on the street for a length of time and thus allowing for patrons to park on the streets rather than the employees. Enforcement has been reviewed. 9. Treasurer’s Report 10. Clerk’s Report Action Items 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business Omnibus: Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to take an omnibus vote for 12.1., 12.3., 12.4., 12.5., 12.7., 12.8., 12.9., and 12.11, All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Linari, Peterson, Slavin No: --Absent: Alderman Levi Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Linari to authorize the passing the following resolutions through an omnibus vote. The resolutions are: 12.1., 12.3., 12.4., 12.5., 12.7., 12.8., 12.9., and 12.11. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Linari, Peterson, Slavin, Fiore, Feddermann, Falberg No: ----Absent: Alderman Levi 12.1. 15-R-19 A Resolution Authorizing a Renewal of Blue Cross / Blue Shield Health and MetLife Life Insurance Coverage 12.2. 15-O-17 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Linari to waive the first reading and approve An Ordinance Amending Section 3-6A-2 of the Highwood City Code to Provide for an Increase in the Electric Utility Tax. All present voting aye, motion passed. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Grice, Linari, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin, Feddermann No: ---Absent: Alderman Levi 12.3. 15-R-20 A Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Webster Place Townhomes (20 Webster Ave/ 25 Clay Ave – Building Review, Landscape and Parking Lot Review) 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 3 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 8, 2015 Page 3 of 4 12.4. 15-R-21 A Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Aperion Care (50 Pleasant Avenue – Landscape and Sign) 12.5. 15-R-22 A Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Performance Factory Training (PFT) (525 Bank Lane – Wall Sign) 12.6. 15-O-18 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Slavin to waive the first reading and approve An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of a Surplus 2000 Jeep Cherokee Owned by the City of Highwood. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Peterson, Slavin, Linari, Fiore, Feddermann, Falberg, Grice No: ---Absent: Alderman Levi 12.7. 15-R-26A A Resolution Waiving the Fee For Special Event Permits for the Highwood Chamber of Commerce 12.8. 15-R-23 A Resolution Awarding the 2015 Capital Improvement Program Contract to Glenbrook Excavating & Concrete Contractors in the Amount of $4,840,697.97 for Option 2, Contingent on Loan Approval From IEPA 12.9. 15-R-24 A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Spend Up To $19,995 on Regular Landscape Mowing, Edging, Landscape Bed Weeding and Basic Trimming through Scopelliti Landscaping. 12.10. 15-R-27A Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Grice to authorize A Resolution Directing Staff to Negotiate an Agreement with Kurtz Paramedic Services, Inc. or Another Contractor to Provide Employees to Supplement Full-Time Firefighters and Ensure Highwood Maintains Minimum Manning Requirements. Motion passed. Mayor Pecaro asked if there was further discussion or comment from the fire union. David Mohry inquired as to the status of the non-binding referendum of the public that was brought up at a previous meeting. He also reiterated from the Committee of the Whole Meeting comment that 25-50% of their group is significant. Battalion Chief Mohry also mentioned that Highwood Police Officer Anthony Napolitano was elected to the positon of 41st ward alderman in the City of Chicago last night. Firefighter/Paramedic Jonathan Weber shared that he worked for Kurtz Paramedic Services in the past for approximately three years, stating he saw many employees come and go during his time with the company. He further stated he enjoys working with the other employees at the City of Highwood. Alderman Linari suggested working as a group to solve issues over the next 30 days, and spoke of forming the committee as suggested earlier. The Mayor reiterated he would be willing to be a part of the committee. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 4 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 8, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Grice, Feddermann, Alderman Slavin first passed, then voted yes No: Aldermen: Fiore, Linari, Peterson Absent: Alderman Levi Attorney Ferolo explained it passes with a vote of 4 to 3 as it is not a contract. 12.11. 15-R-25 A Resolution Setting Forth the Schedule of Regular Meetings for the Mayor and City Council of the City of Highwood for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 13. Executive Session 14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session 15. Adjournment Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 8:33 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Karin J. Baruffi Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and Approved by Council on: _________________ 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 5 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corrected Minutes CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Call to Order by Mayor Pecaro at 7:35 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Peterson, Slavin Absent: Alderman Fiore Also Present: City Manager Coren, Assistant to City Manager Marquez, Finance Director Jelonek, City Attorney Ferolo, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Newly Elected Officials – Oath of Office sworn in by Judge Emilio Santi 3.1. Alderman – Christophe Lee Grice – 2 Year Term 3.2. Alderman – Eric Falberg – 2 Year Term 3.3. Alderman – Matt Feddermann – 2 Year Term 3.4. Alderman – Andy Peterson – 4 Year Term 3.5. Alderman – Michael S. Fiore – 4 Year Term 3.6. Alderman – M. Brad Slavin – 4 Year Term 4. Review of Minutes to be Approved 4.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the City Council: April 21, 2015 minutes as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 4.2. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Slavin to approve the Committee of the Whole: April 21, 2015 minutes as presented. All present voting aye by voice vote, motion carried. 5. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 5.1. Appointment of Planning and Zoning Commission Members Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Pete Biagi – 1 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Anthony J. Bilotti – 1 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.2. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 6 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 5, 2015 Page 2 of 5 Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Falberg to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Chris Meyer – 1 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.3. Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Sonja Feddermann – 2 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, except Alderman Feddermann whom abstained, motion carried. 5.1.4. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Paul Martinez – 2 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.5. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Ferguson Mills – 2 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.6. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Roman Beluch – 3 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 5.1.7. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Frank Camporeale – 3 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice mail, motion carried. 5.1.8. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Feddermann to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Paul Fabbri – 3 Year Term. All present voting aye, by voice mail, motion carried. 5.1.9. There will be a training session held by the City’s law firm of Klein, Thorpe, & Jenkins for the Commission members. 6. Approval of Warrant List: 6.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the 05/05/2015 AP Warrant List for payment as presented. All present voting aye, motion carried. 7. Public Input – Items Not On Agenda Jason Noga: FF/Paramedic, has been with the City of Highwood for 11 years and is currently the union president. Mr. Noga stressed the importance of the safety and well-being of the citizens and personally does not feel contracting out services is effective. He stated the City of Highwood’s ISO rating is 3 which is the same as Highland Park’s. Mr. Noga feels with contract employees the standards would be lower. He is asking for the 7 full time employees. Paul Consola: a Lieutenant with Frankfurt Fire District shared that the rate of turnover with the contracted employees is tremendous. Frankfurt Fire District used the contracted employees as a stepping stone to build up their department, and now they no longer utilize Kurtz contacted employees. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 7 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 5, 2015 Page 3 of 5 Pat Devaney, President, and Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (AFFI): Discussed the lifesaving activities performed by the Fire Department personnel on a regular basis, and the need for continual training and experience. There are many aspects required to become a fire fighter paramedic which include, but, not limited to, physical agility and written test for cognitive skills to provide top notch service. Michael Byrne Sr.: Highwood Police Department: His prior employment was a detective with the homicide division, among other positions for 28 years with the Chicago Police Department. He stated he feels the working relationship between the Highwood Police Department and Fire Department is one of the finest as well as the services provided by the Highwood Fire Department. Officer Burns also mentioned that Anthony Napolitano who served for 5 years Chicago Fire Department and was a parttime officer with Highwood, is now serving Chicago as the 41st Ward Alderman. Suzie O’Neill: Safety should be the utmost concern, not bargain shopping for personnel. She is asking that the Council not go through with the contracted employees. She wants the Fire Department to remain intact. Jonathan Weber: Fire Fighter/Paramedic with Highwood Fire Department: Mr. Weber stated he worked for Kurtz prior to employment with the City. He had planned on staying here and wanted to move closer to this area. He felt there should not be a profit made by an alternative provider. He stated as a Kurtz employee, he was only given a physical and background test. Mr. Weber stated to come to Highwood, there were 35 persons for the testing day, of which only 11 were chosen for the list. There was a physical agility test as well as a psych exam that last 3 hours. Therefore, making sure anyone who was hired for Highwood is not only physically, but mentally ready for the job, which is dangerous. He further stated it took 1 week to get the background check information returned. He stated Highland Park staff have voiced issues with contracted employees and coming in to Highwood on a Mutual Aid calls, Laurie Goldstein: Ms. Goldstein stated she had questions regarding the issue, although the Mayor did explain that this was a time for the public’s input and unfortunately not a time to have a dialogue with the Council. Ms. Goldstein stated she has read things, and wanted to know if someone on the Council had a personal relationship with Kurtz. She asked what could the town do to impact the turnover rate, and then inquired as to what is the turnover rate. She is curious about the terms of the contract, and wanted to know if it was a 3 year contract. She wanted to know if similar North Shore communities were also outsourcing. She also inquired as to whether Kurtz had been sued and if so, when, why and the results. Jeremy Sugal: Fire Fighter, Vice President of the Frankfort union. Mr. Sugal strongly urged against a contract, stating those employees tend not to care about your town nor apparatus and creating a separation within the Fire Department. Nick Simzera, Fire Fighter, Engineer and President of the Frantkfort union stated that contracting does not work. Mr. Simzera stated the contracted employees to not take care of the way in which they use the apparatus. Rosa Stefani: suggested a referendum to the public regarding the issue. Mayor’s Report Red Oak School 3rd grade students participated in tours of City Hall this week, including the Council Chambers, Police Department, and Fire Department Apparatus. Oak Terrace School will be touring City Hall in the near future. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 8 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 5, 2015 Page 4 of 5 8. Committee Reports 9. Treasurer’s Report 10. Clerk’s Report Action Items 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Slavin to modify the following ordinance for the directions of the one-way streets. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 12.1. 15-O-22 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to waive the first reading approve with modifications an Ordinance Amending Section 7-4-5 ‘OneWay Streets and Alleys’ of the Highwood Code to Create One-Way Street Restrictions on Lakeview Avenue and Clay Avenue to Accommodate Additional Parking the in the Downtown District. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Peterson, Slavin Absent: Alderman Fiore Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to modify the following ordinance for section 20, for the hours of live music outdoors. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 12.2. 15-O-23 Moved by Alderman Feddermann seconded by Alderman Grice to waive the first reading and approve with modifications an Ordinance Amending Section 5-7-1 (B): ‘Noise” of the Highwood Code to Permit Hours in Which Live Music Can Be Played in Business and Residential Districts. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Feddermann, Falberg, Peterson, Slavin Absent: Alderman Fiore The live outdoor music is limited to 11:00 P.M. on weekends and 10:00 P.M. on weekdays. 12.3. 15-R-29A Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Grice to authorize a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement and the Existence and Formation of the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System by Intergovernmental Cooperation. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Peterson, Slavin Absent: Alderman Fiore 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 9 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 5, 2015 Page 5 of 5 12.4. 15-R-30 Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to authorize a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Aperion Care (50 Pleasant Avenue – Pergola). All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Peterson, Slavin, Falberg, Grice Absent: Alderman Fiore 13. Executive Session 14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session 15. Adjournment: Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Slavin to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Karin J Baruffi, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved by Council on: 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 10 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corrected Minutes CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Call to Order by Mayor Pecaro at 7:45 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Ferolo, Assistant to City Manager Marquez, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve the City Council: May 19, 2015 as presented. All present voting aye, motion carried. 3.2. Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Falberg to approve the Committee of the Whole: May 19, 2015 as presented. All present voting aye, motion carried. 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 5. Approval of Warrant List: 5.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the 06/02/2015 AP Warrant List for payment. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin 5.2. Moved by Aldermen Falberg, seconded by Aldermen Feddermann to approve the 06/02/2015 Grainger Invoices for payment. All Aldermen voting yes, except Alderman Grice abstained. Motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin Abstained: Alderman Grice 6. Public Input – Items Not On Agenda 7. Mayor’s Report Mayor Pecaro thanked the Bruce Bertucci for coordinating the Memorial Day services in front of City Hall which included the Highland Park High School band. 8. Committee Reports 9. Treasurer’s Report 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 11 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 2015 Page 2 of 4 10. Clerk’s Report Action Items 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business 12.1. 15-R-33 Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Falberg to authorize a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Terla Beauty and Barbershop (419 Sheridan Road – New Front Entry Door). All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin The new entry will be constructed of glass and aluminum rather than wood. 12.2. 15-R-34 Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Falberg to authorize a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Formerly Gabe’s Backstage (212/216 Green Bay Road – Building Rear Exterior Improvements). All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Slavin, Peterson, Fiore, Feddermann, Falberg, Grice 12.3. Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding The Humble Pub (336 Green Bay Road – Awning) This resolution will be discussed in two (2) weeks. 12.4. 15-R-26 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to authorize a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Lake County Application for a Community Development Block Grant to Increase Parking On Clay Avenue. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin 12.5. Consideration of an Ordinance Updating the Adoption of the International Energy Conservation Code from the 2006 to the 2012 Edition and the Illinois Plumbing Code from the 2004 to the 2012 Edition This ordinance will be at City Hall for review and be presented at the 7-7-15 Council Meeting. 12.6. Consideration of an Ordinance Deleting Section 10-1-4-9 of the Highwood City Code to Eliminate Amendments to the Illinois Plumbing Code 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 12 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 2015 Page 3 of 4 This ordinance will be at the City Hall for review and be presented at the 7-7-15 Council Meeting. 12.7. Consideration of an Ordinance Deleting Section 10-1-4-6 of the Highwood City Code to Eliminate Amendments to the Energy Conservation Code This ordinance will be at the City Hall for review and be presented a the 7-7-15 Council Meeting. 12.8. 15-O-34 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Amending Section 1-6 “Official and Corporate Provisions” to Eliminate Wording on Election Wards. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Slavin, Peterson, Fiore, Feddermann, Falberg, Grice 12.9. 15-R-27 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to authorize a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from Paramedic Services of Illinois, Inc. to Provide Personnel to Meet Manning Requirements in the Fire Department Effective July 1, 2015, subject to approval of contract by City Manager or Attorney. Motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Slavin No: Aldermen: Fiore, Peterson 12.10. Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Falberg to approve a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Highwood and Highwood Towers Developers, LLC for the property at 700 N Sheridan Road. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin 12.11. 15-0-35 Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Falberg to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development, Approving the Rezoning of a Property from B-1 to PUD, and approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat for a Planned Unit Development at 700 Sheridan Road. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin The project will need to be presented at an Appearance Review Committee Meeting. 12.12. 15-O-36 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Amending Section 4-10-9: Number of Liquor 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 13 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 2015 Page 4 of 4 Licenses in the Highwood City Code to Add a Class 2 License. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin 13. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to go into Executive Session at 8:07 P.M. to discuss 2.C1 and 2.C2. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Peterson, Feddermann, Slavin, Fiore, Grice 14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session will be sealed until no longer sensitive. 15. Adjournment: Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to Adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Karin J. Baruffi, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and Approved by Council on: 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 14 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Corrected Minutes CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem: Moved by Alderman Fiore, Seconded by Alderman Feddermann to appoint Alderman Falberg Mayor Pro Tem. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin, Falberg Call to Order: by Mayor Pro Tem Falberg at 7:36 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pro Tem Falberg, Aldermen: Peterson, Slavin, Feddermann, Fiore, Grice Absent: Mayor Pecaro Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Jablecki, Budget Manager Jalonek, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the City Council: June 2, 2015 minutes, as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 3.2. Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Committee of the Whole: June 2, 2015 minutes as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 4.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Slavin to approve the Mayor’s Appointment of Alderman Feddermann to the Long Term Planning Committee. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 4.2. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the Mayor’s Appointment to the Highwood Library Board Member, Catherine Regalado (May 2015 – April 2018). All present voting aye, motion carried. This will be Catherine Regalado’s third term. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Slavin, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Falberg 5. Review of Bill Warrant List 5.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to approve the 6/16/2015 AP Warrant List as amended with the Inacomp LLC payment of $2,900.00 rather than $29,000.00. All present voting aye, motion carried. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 15 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 16, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Vote; Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Grice, Peterson, Fiore, Slavin, Falberg 6. Public Input – Items Not On Agenda 7. Mayor’s Report 8. Action Items 9. Committee Reports 10. Treasurer’s Report Clerk’s Report 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business 12.1. 15-R-35 Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Commercial License Agreement with Three Barrels Studios for Use of Vendor Space in the Highwood Commuter Train Station, pending the approval of the Metra. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Grice, Falberg, Slavin 12.2. 15-O-37 Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore to waive the first reading approve an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the City of Highwood Appearance Code (336 Green Bay Road – The Humble Pub LLC) with the changes to the date, address and name. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Slavin, Fiore, Grice, Feddermann, Peterson, Falberg 12.3. 15-O-38 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Slavin to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Fire Department Vehicles Owned by the City of Highwood. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Slavin, Grice, Feddermann, Peterson, Falberg 12.4. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to accept A Motion Accepting the Engagement Letter from BKD to Conduct the Audit of Financial Statements for FYE 2015 in an Amount Not To Exceed $43,600. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Peterson, Feddermann, Slavin, Grice, Falberg 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 16 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 16, 2015 Page 3 of 3 12.5. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Adopting the Prevailing Wage Rates for Laborers, Workers, and Mechanics Employed by the City of Highwood. Motion fails. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Peterson, Feddermann No: Aldermen: Slavin, Grice, Falberg Attorney Jablecki stated ordinance fails and must be passed by end of June 2015 as it is a statutory requirement. 13. Executive Session 2. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session 3. Adjournment: Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pro Tem Falberg adjourned the meeting at 7:45 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Karin J. Baruffi, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and approved by Council on: 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 17 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. Call to Order by Mayor Pecaro at 7:36 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Jablecki, Assistant to City Manager Marquez, Management Assistant Keane, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Grice to approve the Regular City Council: January 5, 2016 as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 3.2. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Grice to approve the Committee of the Whole: January 5, 2016 minutes as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 5. Approval of Warrant List: 5.1. Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Slavin to approve the 01/19/2016 AP Warrant List as presented. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Peterson, Slavin, Grice, Feddermann, Fiore, Falberg 6. Public Input – Items Not On Agenda 7. Mayor’s Report 8. Committee Reports The Finance Committee met last week and Alderman Grice presented an overview. Currently all the roads in Highwood are being catalogued as to the cracking, scheduling, and dates the roads had work completed, and to their current conditions, plus placing them on a grading system for future work required. As per City Manager Coren the sanitary sewer, alleys, and parking lots are not included in the catalogue process. The Long Term Planning Committee meeting will be scheduled in the near future. 9. Treasurer’s Report 10. Clerk’s Report Action Items 11. Unfinished Business 12. New Business 12.1. Moved by Alderman Peterson, Seconded by Alderman Grice to authorize the resolution as approved by the Appearance Review Committee. Consideration of a Resolution 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 18 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 19, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Front Entry Storm Door at 317 Waukegan Ave. motion did not carry. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Peterson, Grice No: Aldermen: Falberg, Slavin, Feddermann, Fiore Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Peterson to reconsider a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Front Entry Storm Door at 317 Waukegan Ave. motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Peterson, Grice, Mayor Pecaro No: Aldermen: Fiore, Slavin, Falberg Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to authorize a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Front Entry Storm Door at 317 Waukegan Ave. motion did not carry. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Grice No: Aldermen: Slavin, Falberg, Fiore, Peterson Discussion ensued prior to each of the votes regarding storm or screen doors in the business district. Although the Appearance Review Committee (ARC) approved the replacement of the door, the appearance of the less expensive, residential door was discussed. Assistant to City Manager Marquez stated the plan reviewer had expressed as per the regulations, since the door was a replacement door. It was felt the door deterred from the look the City wants for their commercial area. 12.2. 16-O-04 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Falberg to waive first reading and approve an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the City of Highwood Appearance Code (260 Green Bay Road – Barrel Crossing). All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Falberg, Grice, Slavin, Feddermann, Peterson 12.3. 16-R-02 Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Peterson to authorize a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Wall Sign and Lighting at 552 Sheridan Road - The Art of Beer. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin, Falberg, Grice 12.4. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Grice to waive the competitive bidding and Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from Visu-Sewer to Line the Sanitary Sewer Between Sheridan Road and Green Bay Road in an Amount not to Exceed $31,000.00. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Peterson, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 19 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 19, 2016 Page 3 of 3 12.5. 16-O-05 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive the first reading and approve as amended an Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-7-V: Class 12 License to Allow License Holders to Serve Wine and Beer Beyond Wine and Beer Tastings. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Peterson, Slavin, Grice, Falberg, Feddermann City Attorney Jablecki reviewed the amendments which are: to remove item sub-section 2 in its entirety, first paragraph sub-section 3 to remove “by customers with a representative of licensing present for wine and beer tasting”, and under item 1 section 4 to remove the phrase to be given away in the first sentence and the entire last sentence. 12.6. 16-O-06 Moved by Alderman Grice, seconded by Alderman Peterson to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Amending the Highwood City Code Relative to Personal Wireless Telecommunication Facilities in Public Rights-Of-Way. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen: Grice, Peterson, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Slavin 13. Moved by Alderman Feddermann, seconded by Alderman Grice to go in to Executive Session to discuss 2C1, 2C2, and 2C11. All present voting aye, motion carried. Vote: Yes: Aldermen Feddermann, Grice, Fiore, Peterson. Slavin, Falberg 14. Moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Fiore to end executive session and Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session will be sealed until no longer sensitive. All present voting aye, but voice vote, Motion carried. Executive session ended at 8:25 P.M. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to Reconvene the Regular City Council Meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro reconvened the meeting at 8:26 P.M. 15. Adjournment Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 8:27 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Karin J. Baruffi, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and Approved by Council on: 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 20 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Call to Order by Mayor Pecaro at 6:04 P.M. 1. Roll Call Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Grice, Falberg, Feddermann, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Jablecki, Assistant to City Manager Marquez, Management Assistant Keane, Deputy City Clerk Baruffi 2. Public Hearing - None 3. Review of Minutes to be Approved 3.1. Regular City Council: January 5, 2016 3.2. Committee of the Whole: January 5, 2016 Both the Regular and the Committee of the Whole Minutes from January 5, 2016, will be passed at the Regular Council Meeting. 4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro) 5. Review of Bill Warrant List 5.1. 01/19/2016 AP Warrant List The Burris invoice of $3400.00 was discussed, as well as the audit cost of approximately $40,000.00 for all department. It will be this year that the City goes out to bid for auditors. 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business 7.1. Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Front Entry Storm Door at 317 Waukegan Ave This is a replacement door which has been approved by the Appearance Review Committee. City Manager Coren clarified that any change or replacement according to current code within the business district requires approval of the Appearance Review Committee. 7.2. Consideration of an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the City of Highwood Appearance Code (260 Green Bay Road – Barrel Crossing) Appearance Review Committee has approved the new signage. This ordinance will be passed at the Regular City Council meeting. 7.3. Consideration of a Resolution Approving and Accepting an ARC Recommendation Regarding Wall Sign and Lighting at 552 Sheridan Road - The Art of Beer The current banner is only temporary will be removed once with the new wall signage of corrugated brush metal. The new sign will be approved at the Regular City Council Meeting. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 21 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE January 19, 2016 Page 2 of 3 7.4. Consideration of a Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a Proposal from VisuSewer to Line the Sanitary Sewer Between Sheridan Road and Green Bay Road in an Amount not to Exceed $31,000 Discussion ensued. Attorney Jablecki clarified the Council would need to waive competitive bidding and pass the ordinance by a 2/3 majority. This particular line is runs under a commercial establishment and the railroad tracks from Sheridan Road to Green Bay Road. During recent work requiring the clearing of the sanitary line there were cracks noticed in the piping which also are in need of repair, as stated by City Manager Coren. The line is around 75 years old. Although other quotes were investigated, Visu-Sewer was the only company whom specialized in this type of work. There is approximately 275 linear feet of 10” with one middle manhole in the parking lot behind the cleaners, and approximately 125 linear feet of 12” that runs from Bank Lane under the tracks to Green Bay Road. Discussion ensued. In order to pass this motion, City Attorney Jablecki stated the need to waive competitive bidding and it must be passed by majority. 7.5. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-7-V: Class 12 License to Allow License Holders to Serve Wine and Beer Beyond Wine and Beer Tastings Alderman Peterson questioned some of the language in the ordinance. Discussion ensued. The ordinance will be amended for passage. It was decided by Council to look at the liquor ordinances in general to review regulations and verbiage. 7.6. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending the Highwood City Code Relative to Personal Wireless Telecommunication Facilities in Public Rights-Of-Way The telecommunication facilities would be looking to be located on ComEd or telephone poles. The City is looking to license the carriers which would allow the ability for the City to have some control via the permitting process. 7.7. A Discussion on Health Insurance Pooling This self-insured insurance pool comprised of multiple communities is called the Illinois Public Benefits Cooperative. Currently, there are twenty (20) employees on the City insurance of Blue Cross Blue Shield. Discussion ensued. 7.8. A Discussion on a Draft Procurement Policy Management Assistant Keane presented an overview of the proposed procurement policy. Discussion ensued. It was determined this policy should be an additional policy and not a portion of the personnel manual. 7.9. A Discussion and Review of a Draft Business Packet Management Assistant Keane presented an overview of the proposed new business packet. Discussion ensued. Some of the suggestions a checklist that would be guidelines only, but to contact the City to navigate the checklist, to simplify the first page, and whom to contact for services. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 22 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE January 19, 2016 Page 3 of 3 7.10. A Discussion on Celebrate Highwood’s Formation and Status Celebrate Highwood would like to officially incorporate and in the future become a non-profit 501C organization that is tax exempt. This would also enhance the boundaries or clear the lines of the functioning body. 7.11. A Discussion on Allowing Streets Cafes in Areas with Narrow Sidewalks Discussion ensued. Some of the issues were of safety, the existing sidewalk cafe license, proposed fees, and hold harmless agreements, to create temporary visual pleasing safety barriers for the eating areas. It was suggested to bring the proposed plan to the Appearance Review Committee for their input. 8. Executive Session (If Necessary 9. Any Action Coming out of Executive Session 10. Adjournment Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Feddermann to adjourn the meeting. Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 7:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted Karin J. Baruffi, Deputy City Clerk Reviewed and Approved by City Council on: 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 23 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice 1ST AYD CORP Invoice: PSI16627 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description PW SUPPLIES 01-41-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE Vendor Total for: 1ST AYD CORP ADRIAN MARQUEZ Invoice: 012116 Inv. Date 01/05/16 $659.71 Due Date 02/04/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $7,128.56) MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 01-11-562 TRAVEL EXPENSE Vendor Total for: ADRIAN MARQUEZ 01/21/16 $12.42 List #132 Amount $659.71 $659.71 01/21/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $126.48) $12.42 $12.42 AFLAC Invoice: 560062 FEB 2016 INSURANCE 01-00-218.06 AFLAC WH PAYABLE Vendor Total for: AFLAC AMEDEO GRECO Invoice: 012516 $332.15 02/01/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $4,966.51) ARBITRATION 01-14-533.1 CITY ATTY - GEN C Vendor Total for: AMEDEO GRECO ART QUEST, LTD Invoice: 011016 02/01/16 01/26/16 $2,292.00 $332.15 01/26/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) FLORAL ARRANGEMENT 01-11-928 MISCELLANEOUS EXP Vendor Total for: ART QUEST, LTD $332.15 $2,292.00 $2,292.00 01/09/16 $55.00 01/09/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $215.00) $55.00 $55.00 AT&T Invoice: 010716-2060 JAN-FEB 2016 SERVICES 01-21-556 DISPATCHING Vendor Total for: AT&T BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. Invoice: 0184153 Invoice: 0184154 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 01/07/16 $450.73 02/01/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $4,055.19) IEPA LOAN APPLICATION ASST 51-00-532 ENGINEERING 2015 CIP ASST. 51-00-532 ENGINEERING $450.73 $450.73 01/21/16 01/21/16 $415.00 01/21/16 01/21/16 $8,100.46 $415.00 $6,054.28 Page 1 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 24 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description 15-00-532 ENGINEERING SERVI Vendor Total for: BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD Invoice: 011516-4088 FEB 2016 INSURANCE 01-11-451 HEALTH INSURANCE 01-21-451 HEALTH INSURANCE 01-51-451 HEALTH INSURANCE 51-00-451 MEDICAL INSURANCE 53-00-451 HEATLHCARE - GARB Invoice: LKV/038085 LOADER REPAIR 01-41-512 REP & MAINT - EQU 02/01/16 01/18/16 $1,301.98 $24,646.74 $24,646.74 01/18/16 $1,301.98 $1,301.98 ELECTRICAL REPAIR SUPPLIES 01/08/16 01/08/16 $195.73 ELECTRICAL REPAIR SUPPLIES 01/11/16 01/11/16 $57.90 01-41-516 REP & MAINT - STR 01-41-516 REP & MAINT - STR $195.73 $57.90 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $408.45) NORDSTROM FUND REIMBURSEMENT 78-00-258.11 NORDSTROM ESCROW Vendor Total for: CANDY BARUFFI CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Invoice: 123115-4212 01/15/16 $2,940.27 $17,082.47 $479.84 $3,448.85 $695.31 $8,515.46 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $8,909.21) Vendor Total for: C.E.S. (GURNEE) CANDY BARUFFI Invoice: 012016 $2,046.18 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $216,877.56) Vendor Total for: BURRIS EQUIPMENT C.E.S. (GURNEE) Invoice: LKV/038039 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $216,278.51) Vendor Total for: BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD BURRIS EQUIPMENT Invoice: SI37667 Inv. Date List #132 Amount $253.63 01/20/16 $40.25 01/20/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $934.16) WATER USAGE 51-00-519 WATER USAGE CITY $40.25 $40.25 12/31/15 02/08/16 $1,363.83 $1,363.83 Invoice: 207551 WESTERN AVE CRACK SEALING 01/11/16 01/11/16 $707.50 Invoice: 207552 WESTERN AVENUE CRACK SEALING 01/11/16 01/11/16 $528.75 01-41-515 REP & MAINT - ST 01-41-515 REP & MAINT - ST Vendor Total for: CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 $707.50 $528.75 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $12,147.19) $2,600.08 Page 2 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 25 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice COMCAST CABLE Invoice: 010816-2616 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description JAN-FEB 2016 INTERNET SVCS 51-00-571 UTILITIES Vendor Total for: COMCAST CABLE Inv. Date 01/08/16 $2.00 Due Date 02/05/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $6,205.39) List #132 Amount $2.00 $2.00 COMED Invoice: 011316-8009 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS Invoice: 011916-4012 NOV 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 15-00-658 LIGHTING 15-00-658 LIGHTING Vendor Total for: COMED COMPASS MINERALS Invoice: 71436384 SALT 01-41-573 MISC SERVICE CONT $19.76 01/19/16 01/19/16 $3,414.91 $3,414.91 01/13/16 $6,915.81 $3,434.67 02/13/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $13,982.35) DEC 2015 GAS SERVICES 01-11-571 UTILITIES 01-21-571 UTILITIES 01-51-571 UTILITIES Vendor Total for: CONSTELLATION ENERGY SVCS (INTEGRYS) DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES Invoice: 48739150 02/29/16 $19.76 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $37,067.58) Vendor Total for: COMPASS MINERALS CONSTELLATION ENERGY SVCS (INTEGRYS) Invoice: 1626031-01 01/13/16 $299.02 $299.02 $881.82 $6,915.81 03/14/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $4,989.30) JAN-FEB 2016 COPIER LEASE 01-21-573 MISC. SERVICE CON Vendor Total for: DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES 01/14/16 01/23/16 $283.69 $6,915.81 $1,479.86 $1,479.86 02/15/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,595.78) $283.69 $283.69 DEMUTH, INC. Invoice: HP3084 Invoice: HP3103 Invoice: HP3104 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 SANITARY LINE WORK 51-00-516 REPAIR & MAINT HY HYDRANT REPAIRS 51-00-516 REPAIR & MAINT HY EVERTS STORM/SANITARY WORK 51-00-516 REPAIR & MAINT HY 12/04/15 01/03/16 $3,085.00 01/05/16 02/04/16 $2,400.00 01/05/16 02/04/16 $7,500.00 $3,085.00 $2,400.00 $7,500.00 Page 3 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 26 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description Vendor Total for: DEMUTH, INC. DIAMBRI & CARAVELLO Invoice: 26623 Invoice: 26624 Due Date (Fiscal YTD Payments: $142,820.00) DEC 2015 LEGAL SERVICES 01-14-533.5 CITY PROSECUTOR - DEC 2015-JAN 2016 LEGAL SVCS 01-14-533.5 CITY PROSECUTOR - Vendor Total for: DIAMBRI & CARAVELLO ENTRE SOLUTIONS II Invoice: 2016-1005 Inv. Date $12,985.00 01/14/16 01/26/16 $577.50 01/14/16 01/14/16 $1,185.00 $577.50 $1,185.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $17,558.50) JAN 2016 EQUIPMENT INSTALLMENT 01-21-556 DISPATCHING Vendor Total for: ENTRE SOLUTIONS II 01/14/16 $287.00 $1,762.50 01/14/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,870.00) FIRST ENERGY SOLUTIONS Invoice: 011116-8417 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS Invoice: 011116-8422 List #132 Amount $287.00 $287.00 01/11/16 01/11/16 $1,700.87 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/11/16 01/11/16 $25.45 Invoice: 011216-8418 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/12/16 01/12/16 $46.03 Invoice: 011216-8419 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/12/16 01/12/16 $41.38 Invoice: 011216-8423 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/12/16 01/12/16 $218.12 Invoice: 011316-8421 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/13/16 01/13/16 $104.48 Invoice: 011516-8420 DEC 2015-JAN 2016 ELECTRICAL SVCS 01/15/16 01/15/16 $212.94 51-00-571 UTILITIES 51-00-571 UTILITIES 51-00-571 UTILITIES 15-00-658 LIGHTING 01-51-571 UTILITIES 15-00-658 LIGHTING 15-00-658 LIGHTING Vendor Total for: FIRST ENERGY SOLUTIONS FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. Invoice: 125983 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 $25.45 $46.03 $41.38 $218.12 $104.48 $212.94 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $4,102.90) WATER SAMPLE TESTING 51-00-518 WATER ANALYSIS Vendor Total for: FIRST ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. GW & ASSOCIATES, PC Invoice: 1601108 $1,700.87 01/11/16 $108.00 $2,349.27 02/10/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $972.00) DEC 2015 FINANCE CONSULT SVCS $108.00 $108.00 01/15/16 01/15/16 $5,750.00 Page 4 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 27 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description 01-11-531.1 ACCOUNTING 51-00-531.1 ACCOUNTING 53-00-531.1 ACCOUNTING SERVIC Vendor Total for: GW & ASSOCIATES, PC HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Invoice: 3105384 Inv. Date Due Date List #132 Amount $3,737.50 $1,725.00 $287.50 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $51,891.54) $5,750.00 REC CENTER SUPPLIES 12/17/15 02/01/16 $332.05 Invoice: 4104907 TRASH CAN FOR METRA STATION 12/16/15 02/01/16 $15.23 Invoice: 5102571 PD SUPPLIES-BATTERY CHARGER 01/04/16 02/01/16 $149.00 Invoice: 7571163 ADMIN SUPPLIES 01/12/16 02/01/16 $29.79 01-51-511 REP & MAINT - BUI 01-51-515 PARK MAINTENANCE 01-41-511 REP & MAINT - BUI 01-21-512 REP & MAINT - EQU 01-11-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES Vendor Total for: HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES ILLINOIS PUBLIC RISK FUND Invoice: 32726 $105.38 $226.67 $15.23 $149.00 $29.79 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $1,906.12) MARCH 2016 WORKERS COMP 01-51-465 WORKERS COMP INS 01-11-465 WORKERS COMP INS 01-21-465 WORKERS COMP INS 01-22-465 WORKERS COMP INS 51-00-454 WORKER'S COMP INS 01-41-465 WORKERS COMP INS Vendor Total for: ILLINOIS PUBLIC RISK FUND 01/13/16 $87.32 $48.51 $2,891.20 $10,419.95 $1,474.70 $4,482.32 $526.07 03/01/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $203,098.00) $19,404.00 $19,404.00 JULIE, INC. Invoice: 2016-0778 ANNUAL FEE JULIE LOCATES 01-41-573 MISC SERVICE CONT Vendor Total for: JULIE, INC. 01/11/16 $1,558.40 01/11/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $1,558.40 $1,558.40 LEAF Invoice: 6242962 FEB 2016 COPIER LEASE 01-11-654 EQUIPMENT LEASE E Vendor Total for: LEAF Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 01/21/16 $269.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $1,111.33) 02/20/16 $269.00 $269.00 Page 5 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 28 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice LITTLE TOMMY'S PLUMBING SHOP Invoice: 1640-24984 Invoice: 1640-24985 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #132 Amount SEWER RODDING 01/05/16 01/05/16 $320.00 SEWER MAINTENANCE 01/05/16 01/05/16 $159.00 51-00-528 CLEANING & TELEVI 51-00-528 CLEANING & TELEVI Vendor Total for: LITTLE TOMMY'S PLUMBING SHOP $320.00 $159.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $8,483.00) MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY Invoice: 389620 WATER SAMPLE TESTING 51-00-518 WATER ANALYSIS Vendor Total for: MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABORATORY 01/14/16 $65.00 $479.00 02/14/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,770.00) $65.00 $65.00 METLIFE Invoice: 011916-0001 FEB 2015 INSURANCE 01-11-452 LIFE INSURANCE 01-21-452 LIFE INSURANCE 01-22-452 LIFE INSURANCE- F 01-41-452 LIFE INSURANCE 01-51-452 LIFE INSURANCE 51-00-452 LIFE INSURANCE Vendor Total for: METLIFE MOLLY KEANE Invoice: 011516 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 01-11-562 TRAVEL EXPENSE EQUIPMENT PARTS 01-51-512 REP & MAINT - EQU 01/15/16 $15.87 SNOW PLOW REPAIR 01-41-512 REP & MAINT - EQU $356.80 $356.80 01/15/16 $15.87 $15.87 01/12/16 $65.48 01/12/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MUTUAL SERVICES OF HIGHLAND PARK Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 02/01/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: MOWER WORKS MUTUAL SERVICES OF HIGHLAND PARK Invoice: 518864 $44.60 $231.92 $44.60 $8.92 $8.92 $17.84 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,952.52) Vendor Total for: MOLLY KEANE MOWER WORKS Invoice: 141772 01/19/16 $65.48 $65.48 01/11/16 $95.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $3,130.01) 01/11/16 $95.00 $95.00 Page 6 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 29 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice NAPA AUTO PARTS Invoice: 890388 Invoice: 891386 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description Inv. Date Due Date List #132 Amount CAP SCREWS 01/11/16 01/11/16 $22.68 WD SUPPLIES 01/20/16 01/20/16 $6.99 01-41-513 REP & MAINT - VEH 01-41-512 REP & MAINT - EQU Vendor Total for: NAPA AUTO PARTS $22.68 $6.99 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,129.12) $29.67 PRINTLINK Invoice: 279310 PERMIT PAPER & ENVELOPES 01-44-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-11-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES Vendor Total for: PRINTLINK PRO DATA PAYROLL SERVICES Invoice: 357891 CHECK & W-2 PROCESSING 01-11-531.3 PAYROLL SERVICE OCT 2015-JAN 2016 PRINTING CHARGES 01-11-573 MISC. CONTRACT SE 11/11/15 COURT REPORTER SVCS 78-00-258.68 TELANDER 218 NORT 78-00-258.69 MURPHY 320 BURCHE 78-00-258.71 SILENUS 552 SHERI 01-22-563 TRAINING Vendor Total for: RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 01/20/16 $594.90 01/20/16 01/06/16 $161.75 $594.90 $594.90 01/06/16 $161.75 $161.75 01/10/16 $348.28 $284.78 $360.99 01/10/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,740.50) FD UNIFORMS $119.00 $119.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) Vendor Total for: RANDY BARINHOLTZ, CSR RAY O'HERRON CO., INC. Invoice: 1603864-IN 01/13/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $3,023.20) Vendor Total for: PROVEN BUSINESS SYSTEMS RANDY BARINHOLTZ, CSR Invoice: 011016 $75.00 $44.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $98.00) Vendor Total for: PRO DATA PAYROLL SERVICES PROVEN BUSINESS SYSTEMS Invoice: 287237 01/13/16 01/19/16 $70.90 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $3,616.44) $994.05 $994.05 02/19/16 $70.90 $70.90 Page 7 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 30 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice REGIONAL EMERGENCY DISPATCH Invoice: 184-16-02 FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description FEB 2016 DISPATCH SERVICES 01-22-556 DISPATCHING Vendor Total for: REGIONAL EMERGENCY DISPATCH RITA KACINSKIENE Invoice: 123015 Invoice: 16-181567 01/15/16 $6,255.13 Due Date 02/14/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $43,882.41) DEC 2015 CLEANING SERVICES 01-11-573 MISC. CONTRACT SE 01-21-573 MISC. SERVICE CON Vendor Total for: RITA KACINSKIENE S.E. SNOW & ICE CONTROL INC. Invoice: 15-181509 Inv. Date 12/30/15 $300.00 $300.00 15-00-653 STREET SALT & SAN 01/09/2016 SNOW PLOWING 15-00-653 STREET SALT & SAN Invoice: 16-181604 01/11-01/12/16 SNOW PLOWING SVCS Invoice: 16-181621 1/15/16 SNOW PLOWING SERVICES 15-00-653 STREET SALT & SAN 15-00-653 STREET SALT & SAN Vendor Total for: S.E. SNOW & ICE CONTROL INC. $6,255.13 $6,255.13 12/30/15 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $4,900.00) 12/28/15 SNOW PLOWING SERVICES List #132 Amount $600.00 $600.00 12/31/15 12/31/15 $7,380.00 01/11/16 01/11/16 $1,200.00 01/13/16 01/13/16 $3,808.00 01/15/16 01/15/16 $7,719.00 $7,380.00 $1,200.00 $3,808.00 $7,719.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $5,601.60) $20,107.00 STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLY Invoice: 1467832461 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/18/15 02/15/16 $3.30 Invoice: 1468294601 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/18/15 02/15/16 $8.39 ADMIN SUPPLIES 01/12/16 02/15/16 $63.76 BLDG DEPT COPIES 01/13/16 02/15/16 $5.74 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/18/15 02/15/16 $.53 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/29/15 02/15/16 $9.19 Invoice: 20720 Invoice: 20806 Invoice: 25+88+6882 Invoice: 57856 01-11-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE 01-11-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES STERNBERG LIGHTING Invoice: 34405 Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 $8.39 01-11-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE 01-44-554 PRINTING $63.76 $5.74 01-11-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES $.53 01-11-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES Vendor Total for: STAPLES OFFICE SUPPLY $3.30 $9.19 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,755.92) LIGHT FIXTURE AND PIECES 01/11/16 $90.91 02/10/16 $2,623.00 Page 8 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 31 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST Vendor Invoice FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Description Inv. Date 01-41-516 REP & MAINT - STR Vendor Total for: STERNBERG LIGHTING Due Date List #132 Amount $2,623.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $.00) $2,623.00 SYNCB/AMAZON Invoice: 085941977283 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/23/15 12/23/15 $396.81 Invoice: 176034628086 ADMIN SUPPLIES 12/23/15 12/23/15 $26.56 01-11-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE 01-11-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE Vendor Total for: SYNCB/AMAZON TOWN OF FORT SHERIDAN MHA Invoice: 011816 NEWSLETTER INSERT $85.00 FEB 2016 INSURANCE BENEFITS 01-00-218.09 EMPLOYE VISION WH 01/18/16 FD SUPPLIES 01-22-652 OPERATING SUPPLIE FD UNIFORMS 01-22-653 UNIFORMS 01/19/16 $209.08 01/19/16 $127.57 02/15/16 01/06/16 $445.49 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,551.70) $209.08 $209.08 02/19/16 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,093.58) GENERAL FUND MOTOR FUEL TAX WATER & SEWER GARBAGE FUND $85.00 $85.00 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $1,789.37) Vendor Total for: WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, INC Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 $423.37 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $390.00) Vendor Total for: WAREHOUSE DIRECT OFFICE PRODUCTS WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, INC Invoice: E1407539 01/18/16 01-11-553 PUBLISHING/ADV/PR Vendor Total for: VISION SERVICE PLAN OF ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE DIRECT OFFICE PRODUCTS Invoice: 2948118-0 $26.56 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $2,387.79) Vendor Total for: TOWN OF FORT SHERIDAN MHA VISION SERVICE PLAN OF ILLINOIS Invoice: 011916-0001 $396.81 $127.57 $127.57 02/06/16 $445.49 $445.49 $74,414.78 $25,946.65 $29,910.85 $982.81 Page 9 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 32 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST FEBRUARY 2, 2016 ESCROW FUND Grand Total: Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 List #132 Amount $1,034.30 $132,289.39 Page 10 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 33 of 106 HIGHWOOD - AP WARRANT LIST FEBRUARY 2, 2016 A/P Manual Check Posting List Postings from all Check Registration runs(NR) since last Check Voucher run(NCR) Invoice Description Check: No Date Vendor List #132 Reg # Amount TRAVELERS Invoice: 011216 2016 RENEWAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 01-11-573 MISC. CONTRACT SE Vendor Total for: TRAVELERS $1,294.00 01/19/16 134 (Fiscal YTD Payments: $1,294.00) GENERAL FUND Grand Total: Generated by the Locis Software...printed 01/28/16 048359 $1,294.00 $1,294.00 $1,294.00 $1,294.00 Page 11 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 34 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD ORDINANCE ___________ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD APPEARANCE CODE (310 GREEN BAY ROAD – DISOTTO) ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON THE ___ DAY OF_____________, 2016 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois on this _____ day of ______ , 2016 City-wide Aldermen Mayor: Charlie Pecaro Eric Falberg City Clerk: Vacant Matt Feddermann City Treasurer: David Gonzalez Mike Fiore Chris Grice Andy Peterson M. Brad Slavin City Attorney: James V. Ferolo Klein, Thorpe, Jenkins, Ltd 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 35 of 106 ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIATION FROM THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD APPEARANCE CODE (310 GREEN BAY ROAD – DISOTTO) BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: A variation to Code 10-3-6-7.B.2.C. (1) Illuminated "box signs" are not permitted… based on variance 10-3-6-7.A.1.a.(3) ...sign is consistent with the overall purpose of this chapter.. In accordance with the recommendation made by the ARC attached hereto as Exhibit A and the proposal attached hereto as Exhibit B. SECTION 2: A variation to Code 10-3-6-7.B.3.c. ... [sign] shall not project more than twelve (12) inches from the wall upon which it is attached... based on variance 10-3-6-7.A.1.a.(3) ...sign is consistent with the overall purpose of this chapter. In accordance with the recommendation made by the ARC attached hereto as Exhibit A and the proposal attached hereto as Exhibit B. SECTION 3: The City Council further accepts the recommendation made by the ARC attached hereto as Exhibit A and hereby approves the application for the awning and sign package as depicted in the proposal attached hereto as Exhibit B. SECTION 4: Except as provided herein, Applicant shall comply with all other applicable provisions of the City of Highwood Appearance Code. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. SECTION 6: Any and all ordinances, sections or subsections of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: In the event any part or parts of this Ordinance shall be found to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 36 of 106 ADOPTED this day of , 2016, pursuant to a roll call vote as follows: Eric Falberg _____ M. Brad Slavin _____ Mike Fiore _____ Andy Peterson _____ Matt Feddermann _____ Chris Grice _____ AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Highwood this _____ day of__________, 2016. ______________________________ Mayor Charles Pecaro ATTEST: ________________________________ Deputy City Clerk ACKNOWLEDGMENT I, the undersigned, being the Petitioner for the variation of the subject premises, do hereby acknowledge the reasonableness of the terms and conditions set forth in this Ordinance and hereby accept the said terms and conditions and hereby agree to fully comply with each and every one of said terms and conditions. Dated this day of , 2016. By: Petitioner 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 37 of 106 EXHIBIT A Appearance Review Committee January 26, 2016 7:00 PM Meeting Action Items The ARC recommends Council approval of the proposed wall (roof line, reverse illuminated), door, and hanging logo signage and the design element Italian phrasing on the awning apron, for disotto, 306 Green Bay Road, per the drawings and photos submitted. The design element script will be consistent in script type and case and 8" maximum height. The logo sign will project 18" perpendicular to wall above doorway. Logo sign: The ARC recommends a variance to Code 10-3-6-7.B.2.C. (1) Illuminated "box signs" are not permitted. based on variance 10-3-6-7.A.1.a.(3) ...sign is consistent with the overall purpose of this chapter. The ARC recommends a variance to Code 10-3-6-7.B.3.c. ...[sign] shall not project more than twelve (12) inches from the wall upon which it is attached... based on variance 10-3-6-7.A.1.a.(3) ...sign is consistent with the overall purpose of this chapter. All recommendations were unanimous. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 38 of 106 316 N. GREEN BAY ROAD Paese che vai, usanza che trovi? PIATTI IL vino e' un alimento 310 Green Bay Road Highwood, Illinois 60040 FRONT FACADE (LOOKING SOUTHWEST) Davanti Enoteca 306 N. GREEN BAY ROAD INTERIOR REMODELING FOR: EXHIBIT B chi trova un'amico trova un tesoro Owner: Francesca's Restaurant Group 2200 E. Devon Ave. Suite 250 Des Plaines, IL 60018 (773) 334-8368 SIGNAGE INFORMATION PROPOSED OSED SIGNAGE - EAST ELEVATION Paese che vai, usanza che trovi? PIATTI IL vino e' un alimento VARIANCE REVIEW 01-20-16 SIGN REVIEW 01-19-16 No. Issue Date E GR EN B R AY OA D SITE PLAN PROPOSED SIGNAGE - NORTH ELEVATION © COPYRIGHT 2015-16 MICHAEL WEBER ARCHITECT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SHEET TITLE: PROPOSED DISOTTO SIGNAGE VARIANCE REQUEST Project No: Sheet #: Scale: As Noted Date: 10-15-15 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 39 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT A motion approving a purchasing policy for the City of Highwood. BACKGROUND/HISTORY Currently the City of Highwood purchases from vendors based on past practice, spending limits and State of Illinois law. As an example, department heads are authorized to spend up to $1,000, the City Manager is authorized to spend up to $10,000, the City Council must approve expenditures over $10,000, and bidding on public works projects is required over $20,000. Staff is looking to bid multiple services along with many other regional municipalities this year. As there is no formal authority to do so and because it is useful to have a policy on purchasing and procurement. The Finance Committee reviewed the policy on January 14, 2016 and the Committee of the Whole reviewed it on January 19, 2016. STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving the purchasing policy. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION Not approving the policy would be an alternate consideration. ATTACHMENTS -Final Purchasing Policy 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 40 of 106 City of Highwood, Illinois Purchasing Policies & Procedures 2/2/2016 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 41 of 106 1. Introduction The purpose of this purchasing manual is to provide the City of Highwood staff with guidelines and direction for the acquisition of goods and services. When used along with good judgment and common sense, these policies and procedures will allow the City to obtain needed supplies and services efficiently and economically. This manual is intended to be a general guideline for purchasing activities and these policies must be adhered to by City Employees. Employees as well as non-employees who carry out the functions of the City are expected to read and acknowledge understanding of the policy manual. Employees with questions or who need help dealing with specific situations not covered by the manual should contact the Finance Director or City Manager for assistance. The City Manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day adherence to these policies; however, the City Council will be the final authority regarding interpretation and enforcement of any of the provisions of this manual. Failure to follow the procedures outlined in this manual may lead to disciplinary action in accordance with the provisions of the City of Highwood Personnel Policy Manual. 2. Purchasing Policies 2.1. Code of Ethics Transactions relating to the expenditure of public funds require the highest degree of public trust to protect the interests of the City and the residents of City. Because of this, City of Highwood employees must strive to: 1. Ensure public money is spent efficiently and effectively in accordance with applicable state statutes, regulations and City policies. 2. Refuse gifts or favors from current or potential suppliers (see City of Highwood Personnel Manual Section 15.6). 3. Purchase generic goods over brand names when pricing is more favorable. 4. Never allow purchase orders for identical goods or services to be split to avoid City Council required approval which circumvents the established policy. 5. Purchase without favor or prejudice 6. Ensure all potential supplies are provided with identical adequate information to provide their quote or offer and equally distribute any subsequent information to all bidders. 7. Establish and follow procedures to ensure fair and equal consideration is given to each potential supplier of goods or services and that selection is based on the lowest total cost or responsible bid. 8. Provide prompt and courteous responses to all inquiries from potential or existing suppliers. It will be the responsibility of the City Manager to determine is a violation of the Code of Ethics has occurred. If disciplinary action is necessary, it shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the Personnel Manual. 2.2. Conflict of Interest It will be a breach of ethical standards for an employee to participate directly or indirectly in the purchasing process when the employee knows that: 1. The employee is employed by or otherwise has a financial interest in a bidder, vendor or contractor involved in the procurement transaction; or 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 42 of 106 2. The employee, the employee's partner, or any member of the employee's immediate family has a financial interest in or holds a position with a bidder, or contractor such as an officer, director, trustee, partner or the like, or is employed in a capacity involving personal and substantial participation in the procurement transaction; or 3. The employee, the employee's partner, or any member of the employee's immediate family has a financial interest arising from the procurement transaction; or 4. The employee, the employee's partner, or any member of the employee's immediate family is negotiating, or has an arrangement concerning, prospective employment with a bidder, vendor or contractor. The employee’s immediate family is defined as a spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, and any other person living in the same household as the employee. A financial interest includes any ownership or investment interest including stock, partnership shares and limited liability company memberships, as well as loans, bonds or other financial instruments that are secured by an entity’s property of revenue. It will be the responsibility of the City Manager to determine if a violation of this Conflict of Interest policy has occurred and if disciplinary action is necessary in accordance with the City’s Personnel Manual. 2.3. Gifts & Gratuities No employee will permit any influence by vendors which could conflict with the best interest of the City or prejudice the City’s reputation. Expenditures of City funds to vendors will not by intention personally benefit any person employed by or holding an official capacity with the City. As such gifts and gratuities may only be accepted in accordance with Section 15.6 of the City of Highwood Personnel Manual. If there is any doubt about the propriety of accepting a gift, the matter should be referred to the Department Head who will, if necessary, discuss the matter with the City Manager. 2.4. Approval of City Purchases No employee shall purchase goods or services on behalf of approval as required by this policy. All purchases require appropriate Department Head. Purchases over $1,000 require approved by the Department Head and City Manager prior to $10,000 require City Council approval. the City without first obtaining advanced approval from the a purchase order and must be purchase. Any purchases over Department Heads are responsible for operating within their annual budgets approved by the City Council. Items which would exceed the appropriated amount may not be ordered, except with prior approval by the City Council or through additional appropriations. Department Heads are also responsible for all expenditures charged to their individual operations, and must document their approval of all disbursements before payment can be made. 3. Competitive Quotes & Policy Exceptions Employees are responsible for obtaining quotes for purchases in the instances outlined below. Purchase requisitions expecting expenditures of $1,000 and above should be submitted through the appropriate channels. Requisitions submitted without the required quotes or a satisfactory explanation of why quotes were not obtained (e.g. sole source, emergency, standardized vendor etc.) will be rejected to the originator without approval. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 43 of 106 • Up to $999 - Two verbal quotes are required; however, employees are encouraged to seek additional quotes when possible. • $1,000 - $9,999 - Three written quotes must be obtained and submitted along with a purchase order. The quotes must be listed in the notes of the purchase requisition. Written records regarding the dates, contacts and quotes received will be retained in the department’s files for auditing purposes. • $10,000 & Above - City Council approval is required for all contracts or purchases equal to or above this dollar amount. • $20,000 & Above - Must be competitively bid in accordance with State law. Items purchased more than once during a fiscal year (e.g. forms, copier supplies, etc.) do not need quotes every time a purchase is made. 3.1. Joint Purchasing Employees are encouraged to obtain goods and services that have already been competitively bid through the State of Illinois, Lake County, or other joint purchasing/bidding arrangements with governmental units. Department Heads should review the items offered through these programs before seeking other vendors whenever possible as well as ensure quality goods or services are sufficient to meet the City’s needs and that pricing is competitive. Employees are encouraged to make known other opportunities for joint purchasing, such as those with other units of local government, as they become available. Items obtained through the above joint purchasing agreements are not subject to requirements for seeking competitive quotes or bids, though the joint purchasing or bid over $20,000 must comply with State law. However, purchases $10,000 or more must be approved by the City Council as described above. 3.2. Sole Source Purchases Contracts for parts, supplies or equipment that are available only from a single source are referred to as sole source purchases. Sole source procurements may arise from the following circumstances: • Equipment for which there is no comparable competitive product or which is available only from one supplier • Public utility services from natural or regulated monopolies • A component or replacement part for which there is no commercially available substitute, and which can be obtained only from the manufacturer • An item where compatibility is the overriding consideration, such as computer software • A used item that becomes immediately available for which no other comparable items are available at such a comparable price. Sole source purchase items are not subject to requirements for seeking competitive quotes or bids. However, purchases $10,000 or more will be presented to the City Council for approval prior to acquisition. 3.3. Emergency Purchasing 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 44 of 106 Emergencies are defined as events that could not have been foreseen where immediate action is necessary to safeguard the public’s health and safety. In case of an emergency which require the immediate purchase of commodities or contractual services, the City Manager may secure in the open market at the lowest obtainable price any commodities or contractual services, including those costing more than $10,000 without council approval. In the absence of the City Manager or his/her designee, the Chief of Police or the Finance Director may secure in the open market at the lowest obtainable price any commodities or contractual services costing no more than twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) without City Council approval. Documentation of the emergency and the need for immediate action will be presented to the City Council in a reasonable period of time following resolution of the crisis. 4. Competitive Bidding & Requests for Professional Services 4.1. Formal Bid Required All purchase orders or contracts for supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services, and all public improvement contracts involving the expenditure of more than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), will be left to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Sealed bids will be sought when a good or service is anticipated to cost more than $20,000 either individually or in aggregate purchases made over the course of one fiscal year. 4.2. Bid Documents It is the responsibility of the respective departments to prepare the bid documents Questions relating to the preparation of bid documents should be directed to the City Manager. All bid documents must contain the following information: 1. Contract period, bid deposit, bond requirements, drawing requirements, and date, time and location of bid opening. 2. Bid Notice 3. General Terms, Conditions and Instructions 4. All contractor certification forms (e.g., certification that bidder has not been banned from bidding on contract as a result of a violation of either 720 ILCS 5/33E 3 or 5/33E 4.) 5. Bid Proposal After the document has been prepared, it must be reviewed and approved by the applicable department head before it is sent to the City Manager or their designee for review. After approval of the completed bid document by the City Manager or designee, the City Manager’s office will be responsible for forwarding the legal notice to a newspaper of local circulation for publication. Such advertisement must be published once. The publication cannot be less than ten calendar days prior to the day fixed for opening the bids. Where the advertisement is for a public improvement, the published notice only requires a general description of the work to be done or the materials to be furnished, but detailed drawings, plans, profiles and specifications must be made available and placed on file in the office of the City Manager or their designee prior to the first publication of such advertisement and must at all times be open to public inspection. In such advertisement, the right to reject any or all bids will be expressly reserved. 4.3. Additional Requirements Additional requirements may be held on a bid-to-bid basis. Such requirements could include but is not limited to bid deposits and pre-bid meetings 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 45 of 106 4.3.1.Sealed Bids All companies or individuals who wish to bid on a good or service must submit their bids in a sealed envelope with the following information on the face: bidder’s name, address, subject matter of bid, designated date of bid opening and hour designated for bid opening. 4.3.2.Surety Bonds Surety bonds will be required for construction services or significant building improvements. A surety bond, issued by a surety company, stipulates a legal, written obligation to guarantee 100% payment for any financial loss caused by default of the contractor. It grants an assurance as to the performance and successful completion of the terms of the contract and assures payment of the taxes, licenses or assessments associated with the contract to the City of Highwood. 4.4. Bid Opening Procedures All bids must be received before the deadline on the day of the bid. No bids are to be accepted after the deadline for accepting bids. Sealed bids will be opened publicly by the responsible City employee at the time published in the legal notice with at least one other employee present to serve as a witness and tabulate the bid results. A bid tabulation form must be completed. All opened bids will be open to public inspection. 4.5. Post Bid Opening Requirements After the bid opening has taken place, the responsible employee must draft a report which includes the bid tabulation and recommends which company should be awarded the bid. The recommendation should be supported by responsive and responsibility measures outlined below. Responsive Measures 1. Bidder compliance with previous and existing laws and ordinances related to the contract or service. 2. Response to the exact requirements of the bidding invitation. 3. Ability to work cooperatively with the City and its administration. 4. Past experience between the bidder and the City or other entities which evidences the bidders responsibility, character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, efficiency & cooperation. Responsibility Measures 1. Ability and skill of the bidder to perform the requirements/services within the contract and within the specified time, promptly and without delay. 2. Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder. 3. Performance quality of previous contracts for services. 4. Financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service. 5. Quality, availability, and adaptability of the supplies. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 46 of 106 6. Ability of the bidder to provide future maintenance and service. 7. The number and scope of conditions attached to the bid. All bid files must be maintained by the respective department issuing the proposal. The bids should be filed and available for access when necessary. Following City Council approval of the contract, the applicable department will notify all bidders of the bid results and will contact the successful bidder to have the City’s contract signed and to obtain surety bonds and certificates of insurance when required. Signed contracts, certificates of insurance and surety bonds must be obtained from the contractor before work begins. It is the responsibility of the applicable department to ensure that the City’s contract has been signed, and certificate of insurance and surety bonds are obtained before work begins. 4.6. Waiver of Competitive Bidding The City Council, by a two-thirds vote of all the Alderman holding office, may waive the bidding procedures and enter into a contract or agreement. A statement justifying the need for a bid waiver must be included in the agenda memo sheet for review by the City Council. 4.7. Requests for Professional Services Some contracts, by their nature, are not adapted to award by competitive bidding. Examples include, but are not limited to, contracts for the services of individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the education, experience or character of the individual is a significant factor in determining their ability to meet the City’s needs. These contracts generally result from a request for proposal (RFP) solicited from consultants for “Professional Services.” The City is required by the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act (50 ILCS 510) to follow specific procedures when hiring an architect, engineer or land surveyor. The procedures must be followed unless 1. The City has a satisfactory relationship for services with one or more firms, or 2. An emergency situation exists and an architect, engineer or land surveyor must be selected in an expeditious manner, or 3. The cost of such services “is expected to be less than $25,000.” If none of these conditions apply, the City must solicit proposals and adhere to the following requirements: 4.7.1.Public Notice The City must place an advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation throughout the City, requesting a statement of interest in the specific project and further requesting statements of qualifications and performance data from those firms. Such advertisement must state the day, hour and place the statement of interest and the statements of qualifications and performance data will be due. 4.7.2.Selection Procedure Selection shall be performed and measured on the same basis as described above in Chapter 4, Section 5. The City may conduct discussions with and require public presentations by firms deemed to be the most qualified regarding their qualifications, approach to the project and ability to furnish the required services. If a price has not already been specified, the City will attempt to negotiate a contract at a fair and reasonable compensation, taking into account the estimated value, scope, complexity, and professional nature of the services to be rendered. If fewer than three (3) firms submit letters of interest and the City determines that one or both of those firms are so qualified, the City may proceed to negotiate a contract. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 47 of 106 4.7.3.Contract Negotiation The City will prepare a written description of the scope of the proposed services to be used as a basis for negotiations and will negotiate a contract with the highest qualified firm at compensation the City determines in writing to be fair and reasonable. 5. Payment Processing 5.1. Purchase Orders 5.1.1.Regular Purchase Orders Purchase orders will be required for all items estimated to cost $1,000 or more individually or in aggregate. Employees will be responsible for planning for purchases exceeding $1,000 in advance, and should allow sufficient time to have a purchase order issued. All qualifying purchases will require the issuance of a regular purchase order to the vendor before an order for goods or services is filled. No employee will have the authority to purchase items on the City’s behalf without first obtaining the required approvals from supervisory staff or the City Council where applicable. 5.1.2.Blanket Purchase Orders Blanket Purchase Orders may be issued for regularly recurring purchases of like-kind commodities from a single approved vendor or utility bills. In instances where a blanket purchase order has been issued to a vendor, it is not necessary to process a regular purchase order in advance of obtaining the goods or services. Utility bills under blanket purchase orders do not undergo the traditional invoice processing and are instead processed directly by the account payable clerk. After the purchase has been approved within the department, the invoice must be sent to the accounts payable clerk referencing the blanket purchase order for processing. 5.1.3.Change Orders to Purchase Orders After an existing purchase order is issued to the vendor, it may become necessary to change it to include additional quantities, or other unforeseen circumstances not known when the purchase order was originated. When this occurs, the employee who completed the original requisition will process another requisition for the change order. The new requisition shall note the original purchase order number for which the change is being made and briefly explain the need for the change. After the requisition is received and approved by the Department Head and City Manager it will be added to the original purchase order and a change order will be issued to the vendor. Any changes above $1,000 require employees to follow the guidelines established in Chapter 3 of this manual to ensure that the purchase is still competitive. Also any change orders to original contracts of $10,000 or more require the prior approval of the City Manager and City Council. For more information, please refer to the financial policy on change orders included in this manual. 5.2. Prepayments The City does not pay for goods and services until the goods are received or the service is rendered except in the following situations: 1. Deposits on certain jobs or activities when approved by the Department Head and City Manager. 2. Memberships, training, and books or periodicals. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 48 of 106 3. Payments to local, State, and Federal government entities. 4. Service and maintenance contracts where necessary. 5. Approval by the Finance Director or City Manager. 6. Approval by the City Council. 5.3. Manual Checks Manual checks are interim checks issued to vendors as payments for goods delivered or services performed. The checks are issued between normal accounts payable cycles when an emergency or other extenuating circumstance as determined by the Finance Director makes it impractical or unreasonable to process the payment following normal payment methods. Utility bills under blanket purchase orders may also be issued manual checks to avoid late fees. As the name implies, manual checks are labor intensive and time consuming to issue, therefore, their use as a method of payment must be restricted to unique or special circumstances. Other reasons to issue manual checks includes; 1. Checks less than $10,000 which have been approved by the City Manager and which meets the criteria of being necessary and in the best interest of the City to do so to prevent interruption in business operations which could be counterproductive or have negative consequences to the City. 2. Checks greater than $10,000 whereby the Board has previously approved the vendor and contract amount. 3. An emergency which could affect the health and welfare of the City whereby quick action is needed to protect the public interest. All requests for manual checks must be processed by submitting requests in writing with proper documentation including invoice or contract, purchase order is required, account number against which it is being charged and an explanation for the need of the check. The form must also include the signature of the applicable Department Head and City Manager. 5.4. Petty Cash This policy sets forth procedures for the handling of petty cash monies at the City Hall. It further establishes the procedures for reporting petty cash disbursements by department to the Department of Finance as well as reimbursements to each petty cash box. The following policy and procedural guidelines have been established to promote a more efficient and accountable petty cash operation. All departments within the City are responsible for abiding by this policy. There are no exceptions. 5.4.1.Petty Cash Disbursements to Employees No one is allowed to take money from petty cash without a petty cash request form and a receipt which must be signed in advance by the appropriate supervisor. The petty cash request form must also be signed by the employee who will receive the money. If a petty cash request form is submitted without a receipt (e.g. money is requested before a receipt has been obtained), the person disbursing the money must mark “HOLD” on the receipt form and the employee must bring back a receipt no later than the next business day after the money is spent, along with the change (if applicable). At this time, the “HOLD” is crossed off the receipt form, it is marked paid, the proper dollar amount is written down and the receipt is put in the petty cash box. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 49 of 106 If a receipt is submitted with the petty cash request form, the employee is reimbursed and no further action by the employee is needed. At this time, the petty cash request form is marked “PAID” with the date on it and put in the petty cash box. All receipts must be original. If desired, copies may be made and kept by each individual employee, but the original must be given to the respective person responsible for petty cash. If for some reason the employee did not obtain a receipt for submittal with the petty cash request form, supervisory approval MUST be noted on the petty cash receipt form. 5.4.2.Reimbursing the Petty Cash Box The person responsible for the petty cash box not only disburses petty cash to various employees but they also must reconcile the petty cash box and request petty cash reimbursements by the payables deadline. It is recommended that this be done on an as needed basis but not less than bi-annually. The maximum amount of petty cash allocated shall be established by the City Manager. To seek Petty Cash Reimbursement a summary listing of all petty cash transactions for the applicable period of time must be attached to the individual receipts and signed by the respective department head and given to the accounts payable clerk for processing. Upon receipt of the above information, the accountant will forward the form to the Finance City Manager and then Accounts Payable Clerk for payment. The envelope with the petty cash request forms and receipts is then attached to the file copy of the check that was cut for reimbursement and is stored with the accounts payable files. Any questions regarding these procedures may be directed to the Finance Director. 5.5. House Accounts The City has established House Accounts at certain local vendors for making purchases. An authorized list of employees will be provided to each vendor. Individual and monthly purchase limits will be established with the vendors and amended as necessary. Authorized employees making purchases on house accounts will be required to sign as an authorized purchaser. As with all purchases made on the City’s behalf, goods purchased on house accounts are exempt from sales tax. This should be pointed out to the sales clerk to prevent sales tax from being charged on all purchases made with the card. If necessary, employees may still obtain copies of the City’s tax exempt number to provide to any requesting vendors. Detailed receipts for goods or services purchased with a commercial card must be submitted to accounts payable immediately following the date of purchase along with the account for which the items should be charged. Credit memos for returned items must be submitted to accounts payable immediately following the date of return along with the account for which the items should be credited to. 5.6. Accounts Payable Vouchers All requests for payment must be submitted in writing to the accounts payable, preferably through a formal invoice from the vendor. Invoices must be coded with the account from which they will be paid and signed off on by the department head or their designee prior to being processed for payment. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 50 of 106 Reimbursements to City employees for expenses incurred (requires approval of Department Head and Finance Director or City Manager). All reimbursement requests must be made by completing the Employee Reimbursement Form. 5.7. Regular & Recurring Expenditures Regular purchase orders will not be required for those expenditures deemed as regular and recurring such as payment of monthly charges for utilities and water purchases. Annual blanket purchase orders will be prepared for such expenditures. 6. Financial Policies Change Order Policy 6.1. Change Orders increasing or reducing Original Contract Price by less than $10,000: Change orders which increase or reduce the original contract price by less than $10,000 must be approved by the City Manager or his/her designee. The City Manager may at his/her discretion require change orders less than $10,000 to be approved by the City Council. A change order (and all subsequent change orders) must be submitted to the City Council for approval if it increases an original contract amount by $10,000 or more when combined with all other change orders previously approved. In these instances, departments will be responsible for following the procedures described below in section 6.2 for submitting change orders to the City Council. 6.2. Change Orders increasing the Original Contract Price by $10,000 or more: Change orders which increase an original contract by $10,000 or more require the approval of the City Manager and City Council. In instances where it is impractical to delay a project waiting for City Council approval, the City Manager may at his/her discretion approve change orders up to $25,000 with City Council approval to follow. This is necessary to prevent holding up the progress of a project. In these instances, departments should follow the procedures for submitting change orders to the City Council as outlined below. Change orders requiring City Council approval will be placed on the City Council’s agenda and will be accompanied by the following: 1. An agenda memo sheet explaining the original project cost and explanation as to the reason for the change in project cost. The account number to be charged should be identified as well as any resulting budget overages or shortages and necessary budget amendments. 2. A memorandum explaining the need for the contract revision. Change orders must be numbered sequentially and must bear the signature of the Department Head. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 51 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT An ordinance on salary and compensation for the City of Highwood for the FYE 2016 budget year. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The City of Highwood is required to pass an ordinance depicting the funded positions and compensation ranges for employees. The City also regularly reviews the budget and positions regularly to insure the compensation schedule helps to meet the goal of attracting and retaining employees that can provide exceptional service to Highwood residents. This ordinance provides a change in classification for the Management Assistant to Senior Management Analyst, which more accurately reflects the qualifications and duties required of the position. STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this ordinance. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION Not approving is an alternate consideration. ATTACHMENTS -Salary Ordinance -Exhibit with funded positions and salary ranges. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 52 of 106 CITY OF HIGHWOOD ORDINANCE ___________ AN ORDINANCE ON SALARY AND COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD FOR THE FYE 2016 BUDGET YEAR ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON THE ___ DAY OF_____________, 2015 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois on this _____ day of ______ , 2015 City-wide Aldermen Mayor: Charlie Pecaro Eric Falberg City Clerk: Vacant Matt Feddermann City Treasurer: David Gonzalez Mike Fiore Chris Grice Andy Peterson M. Brad Slavin City Attorney: James V. Ferolo Klein, Thorpe, Jenkins, Ltd 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 53 of 106 ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD FOR THE FYE 2016 BUDGET YEAR BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: The salaries of the elected officials of the City of Highwood have previously been set as follows and shall remain at such levels until changed in accord with applicable law. POSITION SALARY Mayor Alderman City Clerk City Treasurer $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 SECTION 2: The positions set forth on Exhibit A are hereby created and the compensation of the non-elected officers and employees of the City of Highwood from the effective date of this ordinance, for the remainder of the fiscal year ending April 30, 2016 and until this ordinance is amended or superseded shall be as set forth on Exhibit A. Unless otherwise indicated the stated compensation is annual and payable in either 24 or 26 equal installments over said period. SECTION 3: The City Council may modify the positions, number of employees, salaries or wages by amendatory or superseding ordinance, including an ordinance adopting an annual budget. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 54 of 106 SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect as of passage, and shall subsequently be published in pamphlet form as provided by law. ADOPTED this _____ day of___________, 2016, pursuant to a roll call vote as follows: Eric Falberg _____ M. Brad Slavin _____ Mike Fiore _____ Andy Peterson _____ Matt Feddermann _____ Chris Grice _____ AYES:______________________________________________________________ NAYS:______________________________________________________________ ABSENT:___________________________________________________________ APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Highwood this _____ day of__________, 2016. ______________________________ Mayor Charles Pecaro ATTEST: ________________________________ Deputy City Clerk 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 55 of 106 City Manager Police Chief Fire Chief Public Works Director Water Superintendent Deputy Police Chief Deputy Fire Chief PW Foreman Assistant to City Manager Water Plant Operator Building Official Senior Management Analyst Police Records Clerk Utility Building Clerk Water Plant Worker Maintenance Worker Management Assistant PT Patrol Officer PT Firefighter PT Community Service Officer PT Crossing Guard PT Assistant Rec Dir PT Rec Assistant PT Rec Worker PT Maintenance Worker Lieutenant Battalion Chief Firefighter/Paramedic Patrol Officer Number of Number of Positions FYE 2015 Positions FYE 2016 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Salary Min Salary Max $116,699 $95,480 $95,480 $95,480 $79,568 $79,568 $79,568 $63,973 $63,973 $63,973 $63,973 $57,436 $43,500 $43,500 $43,500 $42,436 $42,436 $24/hr $17/hr $22/hr $13.40/hr $9.50 $13.90/hr $13.90/hr $13.90/hr Per Contract Per Contract Per Contract Per Contract 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 1 Variable Variable 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 Variable Variable 1 $97,850 $77,250 $77,250 $77,250 $66,950 $66,950 $66,950 $45,320 $45,320 $45,320 $45,320 $43,325 $32,960 $32,960 $32,960 $28,325 $28,325 $22/hr $17/hr $16/hr Variable 1 1 Variable Variable 1 2 5 9 Variable 1 1 Variable Variable 1 2 2 9 $12.60/hr $8.68 $12.88/hr $10.00/hr $10.00/hr Per Contract Per Contract Per Contract Per Contract 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 56 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT A motion authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $19,500 for the purchase of cameras for police vehicles from Martel Electronics, Inc. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The cameras in police vehicles are regularly failing. The operation of these cameras are critical because in a court setting for a driving under the influence arrest, attorneys may try to argue that a police camera that fails to work should be construed as evidence that the police did not follow proper protocol during an arrest. It may also reduce liability in the event an arrestee claims a police action that did not occur. Staff solicited quotes from three companies. The lowest responsible bid came from Martel Electronics, who sells a system that is also compatible with body cameras. This is important because the State of Illinois may compel all municipalities to implement the usage of body cameras in the near future. Staff hopes to be able to use one system for all video recording in the future. STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION The City could delay the purchase of police vehicle cameras until body cameras are available and get one comprehensive system. ATTACHMENTS -Three quotes -Camera brochure 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 57 of 106 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 58 of 106 Integrated GPS Mapping l.4GHzWireless Microphone System Direct to SDXC Card Technology Absolutely Unbeatable Value N® Video Systems • 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 59 of 106 ...1... . "' .. , Cost less than any other comparable system! Guaranteed Reliable 5Yl:AR LIFETIME SYSTEM SDXCCard Warranty* Warranty* HD Quality Video With the ability to rernrd up to 4 eameras simultaneously at 120 Frames 1s1er Second at 01 720x480 resolution, a PRO-VISION'" Solid StatelnCar Video System will provide the absolute best video quality. Wireless ,11e Transfer & Remote Viewing With this feature, you are able to rnpy any video file remotely while the system is operating either by manually or automatiGally downloading the vide9 files. Remote Viewing allows you to wateh, in real time, tl'le view that is being rec0rdecl b;y the PRO-VISION' Solid State In-Car Video System through a Wi-F-i, 3G, or 4G c:e:q nnettion. Enhanced Event Marker Button 'fhis optional, enhanc:ed feature allows event Alarm Video of a specific incident to be recorded for quick, future review. As an addecl bonus, a ouilt in status ligl'lt will receive a remote c:ontrol signal, and indicate the system is functioning properly. ,•ff GPS# Integrated GPS Map,,ing By simply connecting an optional PRO-VISION® GPS Antenna, you will know your vehicle's k>cation and speed. Use the incluclecl PRO-VISION'" Viewing Software and your video will also display with an integrated GPS Map. The GPS Antenna will also enable the use of the systems Max Speed Setting to trigger event Alarm Video when a selected speed is ac:hieved. Industry Leading Rear Seat View With an qptional Super Wide Angle Mini-Dome Night Vision Camera, a PRO-VISION'" Solid State In-Car Video System will provide industr;y leading rear seat video c:overage in any lighting condition. Contact us to learn more or to schedule an on-site demonstration! 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 60 of 106 Direct to SDXC Card Video Recording Typical in-car video systems require the purchase of expensive servers and computer systems to transfer, store and convert video evidence. These systems require multiple, time consuming video transfer steps. The PRO-VISION®Solid State In-Car Video System records Background and Event Alarm Video directly to the same removable SDXC Card. This reliable, simple and efficient configuration will save time and money over server based systems. SDXC Card to Computer Video Viewing 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 61 of 106 WI ...._.I _____ 3 /;orms of Video Capture #1 Constant Background Video When act ivated by the vehicle's ignition, the PRO-VISION® Solid State In-Car Video System will begin to loop record up to 260 hours of Background Video to the SDXC Card. #2 Event Alarm Video Event Video ean be triggered five ways including a cledicated momentary on/off switch, overhead lights on/off ?witch, Auciio Body Pack, Marker BLJtton and GPS. When triggered, more than 15 minutes of Pre and Post Event Alarm Video may be rec;:orded to the SDXC Gard. If part of an incident is not captured in t he Event Alarm Video, the Constant Background Video is available to review or copy from the same SDXC Card Simultaneous Record & Playback The PRO-VISION® Solid State In-Car Video System is capable of previously recorded video playback while still recording new video. #3 JPEG Image File Use t he ind uded PRO-VISION®Viewing Software and a still image with an available Integrated GPS Map can be saved as a JPEG file from either Constant or Event Alarm Video. 0 REC PbAY pROVSN4 12:10:00 f'ROVSN4 f'ROVSN'4 f'P.OVSN<l 12:15:00 12:20:00 12'.25:00 fROV5N4 l2'..30:00 fROVSN4 12:35:00 f:RCNSN4 12:40:00 f'ROVSN4 12:45:00 fRCNSN4 12:50:00 ~OVSN4 12:ss:oo Smart Video File Management ;=: g:: pROVSN4 13:10:00 f'ROVSN4 13:15:00 fROV9J4 ll.20.-00 fROVSN'l 13:25:00 ff1,0VSN4 13:30:00 ~OVSN4 13:3:5:00 fRCNSN4 13:40:00 .PflOVSN4 13:45:00 J,,.,,.,,...,..,~ , ......,,........, 12:15:00 12'.20:00 12'.25:00 12:n-OO 50,713 KB 48,128 KB 12:40:00 12:45:00 37,959 KB 26, ll2 KB 3'1,794 KB 3'1,7S6KB 39,660 KB 12:50:00 33,536 KB 12:55.-00 u:00:00 48,606 KB 54,Q76 ra 13:15:00 13:20:00 13:25:00 13:30:00 13:35:00 50,713 KB 48,l28KB 37,959KB 26,112 KB 34,794 KB 13:'40:00 13:45:00 13:50:00 34,756 KB 39.660 KB 33,536 KB 12".35:00 =: ~~: -:it'>~VO r:::1,""""""" ........ 3 "-·l 12011-00-293 ~ JAi- _::] ""' 0 Contact us to learn more or to schedule an on-site demonstration! 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 62 of 106 , High Resolution Camera The PRO-VISION® Solid State In-Car Video System includes a Compact, Full Color, 480 TV Line, 27x Zoom Dash Camera. ) 27x Optical Zoom Automatic Night Mode Sony®Super HAD CCD 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 63 of 106 2.4 GHz Digital Wireless Microphone System 1000-2000 ft. range Built-in Microphone Lapel Microphone Leather Belt Pouch 4 Alert Modes for System Active or Out of Range Vibrate & Beep • Vibrate Beep Visual Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery • 8 Hours ofTalkTime 14 Hours of Stand by Time • Fully Recharges in 3 Hours Two Wireless Microphone Systems can be paired to one vehicle! Laptop, LCD, or Display Mirror In-Car Noise Canceling Microphone Constant In-Car Audio can be recorded with the optional Remote Mounted In-Car Microphone. Use the imfoded PRO-VISION®Viewing Software and audio from either the In-Car Microphone or the Body Pack System G,m be selected during video review. An optional Laptop IAterface Module, 5.0" or 7.0" LCD, or 4.3" Rearview Mirror Monitor will allow you to view the PRO-VISION ® Solid State In-Car Video System recording in real time. With an optional IR Remote Moclule, a display screen will also allow playback of previously recorded video while still recording new video. Contact us to learn more or to schedule an on-site demonstration! 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 64 of 106 Reliable • Simple Popular Options & Accessories: Single Camera (System# DVR-704LE) Includes: • Solid State DVR • Lockable Cage • SDXC Memory Card • 27X Zoom Dash Camera Affordable™ • • In-Car Microphone Kit ... DVR-716 • 5.0"LCD Monitor Kit ... PM-1600S • Lockable Enclosure .. . DVR-715 • Laptop Viewing I Configuration Kit • SDXC Card Reader ... DVR-102 • SDXC Memory Card . .. DVR-714 • Event Marker Button ... DVR-710 • GPS Antenna ... DVR-750 • Wireless Microphone System • 1Om AV Cable • Software &Guides • Additional Camera Kits sold separately. Please select a second, third or fourth camera kit from the chart below. • There are no camera substitutions when ordering a Single Camera System. • See your PRO~VISION• Representative for additional options and accessories. PRO-VISION® Solid State In-Car Video System 5 YEAR System Warranty • LIFETIME SDXC Card Warranty If you are installing your own system(s), an LCD Monitor Camera Aiming I System Configuration Kit (part# DVR-105) or a Laptop Viewing I Configuration Kit (part# DVR-107) is recommended. These are the same kits used by PRO-VISION" Installation Teams. With either a LCD Monitor or Laptop Interface to aim the camera(s) and configure system settings, your installation is ensured to be fast and simple. 6.S"(L) x 4"(W) x1"(H) E)ctruded Aluminum * 260 hrs with basic, 30fps, one camera setting. ,, I I ' With the best selection of rugged, reliable cameras in the industry, PRO-VISION® has the right camera to meet any video coverage requirement! See your PRO-VISION® Representative for additional camera position options. s ;, 1: ~ A 27x Zoom Dash Camera. B Dome Night Vision Camera ·!i! -~l f ~ ,:E .§ ;,,.§ ~~ N/A Variable Color -1 /4 CCD 480TVLines No O.Slux 0 Glass No Metal/Screw Type 4.25" (L) x 2.s· (W) x 2.s· (H) Aluminum DVR-122 2.8mm Color-1/3 CCD 420TVLines Yes O luxat 35' 24 Glass Yes Metal/Screw Type 3.75"(dia)x3.0"(H) Aluminum c Super Wide Angle Mini-Dome Night Vision Camera DVR-136 t.9mm Aspheric Color - 1/3 CCD 420TVLines Yes Olux Glass Yes Metal/Screw Type 2" (L) x 2" (W) x 1,54" (H) Aluminum D Rear Deck Camera DVR-131 3.6mm Color - 1/3 CCO 420TVLines No 1.0lux Glass Yes Metal/Screw Type 2,65"(L) x 1.Sn(W) x 1.S"(H) Aluminum DVR-123 2.Bmm Color-1 /3 CCO 420TVLlnes Yes o luxat40' Glass Yes Metal/Screw Type 3.75" (L) x 2,25" (W) x 2.S" (H) Aluminum E Night Vision Roof Cam era 28 ' All kits include a camera and 70m AV Cable. I Wireless Microphone High Impact ABS Yes-Leather Local Sales & Support by: - An American Corporation PRO-VISION®Video Systems Rugged, Reliable Rear Vision & Video Recording Systems™ ,.: ii 800.576.1126 • ~ [!] .00 . 862S-B Byron Commerce Drive S.W. Byron Center, Ml 4931 S USA P 616.583.1520 • F 616.583.1522 Email us through our website! Specifications and design subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2014 PRO-VISION, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PRO-VISION aggressively protects all products and copyrighted materials with patents and trademarks. Solid State LE Literature ... part# PL-5700 revOl/74 All PRO-VISION®Production, Customer Service, Warranty Claim and Repair Facilities are located in the United States and may be reached toll free! 800.576.1126 • PRO-VISION® Video Systems • 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 65 of 106 ) Martel Electronics, Inc. 23221 E. La Palma Ave. Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (800) 553-5536 Quotation # 212910A Quotation Date 12/21/15 I Sales 56553 I Warehouse B/0 Shi Item# QUOTATION Total Wt. Phone Number (847) 432-2151 Qty Terms Source Reference# /JAS Ordered By Pag Ship Bill CHIEF CHARLES WERNICK HIGHWOOD ~OLICE DEPARTMENT 17 HIGHWOOD AVENUE HIGHWOOD, IL 60040 Customer No. I1 Zon Pkg 0.0 0 Un. Price Description Ds Ship Via UPC Amount 2995.0000 14975.00 REAR SEAT NIGHT VISION CAMERA NEWACCESSORIES 0.0000 0.00 1459 REAR SEAT MICROPHONE NEWACCESSORIES 0.0000 0.00 5 1903 AUTO WIFI DOWNLOAD ADAPTER & FIRMWARE V2 DC3 399.0000 1995.00 1 1853 MVSl - 4 TERABYTE EVIDENCE COMMAND STATION DC3 1199.0000 1199.00 1 1902 AUTO WIRELESS DOWNLOAD STARTER KIT V2 DC3 999.0000 999.00 5 2033 DC3 DIGITAL CRUISER DC3 5 1460 5 MERCHANDISE QUOTATJON TOTAL$ SHIPPING & HANDLING$ QUOTATION TOTAL$ 19168.00 186.25 19354.25 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 66 of 106 _JI Quotation Expiration: 60 Days Terms: Net 30 Days FOB Point: Destination C~fl,·''u""·J 11375 W. Sam Houston Parkway South #800 Houston, TX 77031 P. 281-925-0488 [ F. 281-925-0535 Quote# Highwood Police Dept (Highwood, IL) 17 Highwood Ave Highwood, IL 60040 Lt. Bill Raffe SCFS-01-20 1 I 1 • • .. , $176.00 $ 160.00 Additional 64 GB USB Pen DJive $165.00 $ WARR-FS-002 WARR-FS-003 FUSION 2nd Year Support and Warranty FUSION 3rd Year Support and Warranty WLJC-26 CO BAN C-CUBE SOLUTION - Software License with First Year Technical Support WMAIN-123 CO BANC-CUBE SOLUTION ANNUAL RENEWAL - Software Maintenance and Technical Support I I 1 $293.00 $ ···- I • 150.00 ... 266.00 CC UBE Server Remote Setup L1RN-04 TRAINING- 2HR REMOTE WEB TRAINING LFEE-050 LFEE-053 LFEE-054 LFEE-055 Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping - • 5 5 $800.00 $1,330.00 $750.00 150.00 5 $250.00 $ 160.00 10 • $50.00 $25.00 $ $15.00 $150.00 25.00 $1,600.00 $1,080.00 $540.00 540.00 In-Car Equipment (EDGE, M7 MDC, M7 VMDC, ALPR) Fusion or 6-bay dock for bodycam Bodycam or single/double dock for bodycam Back Office Hardware (Server, Auto DVD, Interview, Jail) Each $20,665.00 $150.00 $250.00 $ I LSET-50 5 $4,546.00 $ 4, 133.00 I ' 12/24/2015 Prepared by: FUSION IN-CAR SYSTEM 4.3" touchscreen monitor GPS Smart Power Module (SPM) w/ UPS 64 GB USB pen drive High Definition video camera Clear-View snapshot camera Backseat wide angle IR camera Wireless (WiFi) upload module, 802.11 a/gin Wireless microphone Built-in microphone plus covert backseat microphone Crash sensor One year limited hardware warranty SYSFS-02 Date 695624-1 5 Total List $0.00 $125.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,775.00 -$3,735.00 $27,040.00 $27,040.00 Terms /Conditions I Assumptions: COBAN Technologies, Inc. 11375 W Sam Houston Pkwy S # 800 Houston, Texas 77031 Equipment Price 27,040.00 $1.00 Purchase Lease or Finance Agreement 24 month payment 36 month payment 48 month payment 60 month payment $1,229.51 $836.08 $639.77 $521.87 ALL PAYMENTS ARE SUBJECT TO AN APPROVAL & APPLICABLE TAX - Semi-annual & annual Terms available - Unsecured lease with no blanket liens, loan covenants, or additional collateral required - Payments are fixed for the term with no annual financial review or early call by lender 12/24/2015 Page 1 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 67 of 106 f4RE & VISTA Price Estimate j 415 Century Parkway Allen, TX 75013 (800) 605-6734 I Agency Name: Contact Person: Contact Info: Date: 4RE In-Car System and Options 4RE-200-GPS-PAN . !4RE ELITE Quantity 4RE In-Car Camera System. Includes GPS, High definition Panoramic X2 (720P) forward facing camera, Infrared color cabin camera, DVR, integrated 200GB automotive grade hard drive, 16GB USB removable thumb drive, cabin microphone, 900 MHz Hi Fidelity wireless microphone, hardware & cabling, 1 yr. warranty. IUpgrade to 4RE Elite. Adds support for up to 6 cameras. !4RE Audio Expansion IUpgrade to Audio Expansion. Adds support for dual Hi Fi Mies. !MOBILE APP !4RE Mobile App. Laptop interface software. 4RE Interview System and Options 4RE-200-DOM-JNT I Highwood PD Lt. Rafferty January 26, 2016 MSRP 5 $ 0 0 0 $ Extended 24,975.00 MSRP Quantity 4RE Interview Room Camera System. Includes dome camera, microphone, DVR, integrated 200GB automotive grade hard drive, 16GB USB removable thumb drive, desktop stand & cabling, 1 yr. warranty and rmote viewing software. Supports the addition of a Direct Direct Extended 0 $ $ 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ second camera. Price does not include installation. ICAM-BST-101-NEW ICAM-I NT-PIR-COV ! CAM-INT-PJN-103 !4RE Interview Room Dome Camera with audio !4RE Interview Room Covert Camera !4RE Interview Room Pinhole Camera 4RE Motorcycle System Quantity 4RE-64S-GPS-VTY 4RE-64S-GPS-HND 4RE-64S-G PS-HAR 4RE Motorcycle Camera System. Includes GPS,Waterproof Display, Waterproof standard definition camera, DVR, integrated 64GB solid state hard drive, 16GB USB removable thumb drive, 900 MHz Hi Fidelity wireless microphone, hardware & cabling and 1 yr. warranty. $ !4RE In-Car 802.lln Wireless Kit, SGHz (2.4GHz is available) J4RE, Power Over Ethernet/ Gigabit 4-port Switch Quantity I I Camera Configuration Options IDesktop Charging unit for Wireless Transmitter !TRANSMITTER !Wireless Transmitter (additional/ replacement) 4RE Hardware Warranties !Warranty, 4RE, In-Car, 2nd Year (Months 13-24) !WAR-4RE-CAR-3RD !Warranty, 4RE, In-Car, 3rd Year (Months 25-36) 1WAR-4RE-CAR-4TH IWarranty, 4RE, In-Car, 4th Year (Months 37-48) IWAR-4RE-CAR-5TH I warranty, 4RE, In-Car, 5th Year (Months 49-60) iWAR-4RE-5YR-BUN !4RE 5 Year No-Fault Hardware I Software Bundle, Years 1- 5 Evidence Library 4 Web 4RE Device License and Combo-Discount License Evidence Library 4 Web 4RE In-Car Device License Includes 1st Year o So ware Maintenance Miscellaneous Options and Accessories !CUSTOM 1 I I I $ $ 0 I I $ $ 0 Radar Interface Cable (Stalker, Decatur Genesis I and II Select, Kustom Ea le or Ra tor MPH Bee 3 !Trade-In Credit, if applicable IUsed for additional items, offers or discounts 0 I I I $ $ $ 0 0 I I I I I 5 5 0 0 0 1,000.00 Direct Extended Direct Extended MSRP Direct Extended MSRP Direct 220.00 220.00 789.00 110.00 385.00 I I I I I $ Quantity $ 0 $ $ Extended $ 180.00 MSRP 0 0 Extended $ $ 180.00 MSRP Quantity 5 Direct 345.00 MSRP Quantity 1styear1"s included with a new4RE purchase. !WAR-4RE-CAR-2ND !Trade-In 0 MSRP I I Quantity I Dual Wireless Mies. Includes second wireless microphone kit. 1DESKTOP CHARGER RADAR CABLE 5 Quantity I I Microphone Options KEY-EL4-DEV-001 $ 5,830.00 0 ICAM-BST-102-NEW ! Infrared Color Cabin Camera, Additional IWGA00485 IAuxiliary Camera 1DUAL MIC UPGRADE Extended 0 Wireless Video Transfer and Networking Options IHDW-ETH-SWT-001 Direct 0 4RE-64S-GPS-BMW !4RE-WRL-KIT-05C MSRP 0 Direct 750.00 Extended 85.00 Total 4RE Equipment,_!_$___2_s_,2_2_s_.o_o..,! Manual Adjustments Subtotal: UPS Ground Shipping: Quote valid for 30 days $ $ 28,225.00 125.00 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 68 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT An ordinance authorizing the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois, to borrow funds from the public water supply loan program. BACKGROUND/HISTORY In 2015 the City of Highwood completed several major infrastructure projects. Originally included in the projects was repainting the water tower, but this was cancelled due to the bid documents not meeting the requirements for IEPA loans. The City needed to pass an ordinance authorizing the total amount of the IEPA loans. The City of Highwood is in the middle of the process of including the water tower repainting project in these loans. As part of this process, the authorized amount of the loans needs to be increased to accommodate the $700,000 anticipated cost of repainting the water tower. This ordinance accomplished this requirement. STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approving the ordinance. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION Not approving the ordinance would be an alternate consideration. ATTACHMENTS -Ordinance 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 69 of 106 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING LOAN AGREEMENT ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF HIGHWOOD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TO BORROW FUNDS FROM THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY LOAN PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois, operates its public water supply system (“the System”) and in accordance with the provisions of Section 6(a); Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the Local Government Debt Reform Act, 30 ILCS 350/1 et seq. (collectively “the Act”); and WHEREAS, the MAYOR and CITY COUNCIL of the City of Highwood (“the Corporate Authorities”) have determined that it is advisable, necessary, and in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to improve the System, including the following: REHABILITATE THE CITY’S ELEVATED TANK together with any land or rights in land and all electrical, mechanical or other services necessary, useful or advisable to the construction and installation (“the Project”), all in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the consulting engineers of the City of Highwood, which Project has a useful life of 15 years; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of construction and installation of the Project, including engineering, legal, financial and other related expenses is $700,000, and there are insufficient funds on hand and lawfully available to pay these costs; and 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 70 of 106 WHEREAS, the loan shall bear an interest rate as defined by 35 Ill. Adm. Code 662, which does not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond Authorization Act, as amended, 30 ILCS 305/0.01 et seq., at the time of the issuance of the loan; and WHEREAS, the principal and interest payment shall be payable semi-annually, and the loan shall mature in 20 years, which is within the period of useful life of the project; and WHEREAS, the costs are expected to be paid for with a loan to the City of Highwood from the Public Water Supply Loan Program through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the loan to be repaid from the revenues of the System and the loan is authorized to be accepted at this time pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the City of Highwood is authorized to borrow funds from the Public Water Supply Loan Program in the aggregate principal amount of $700,000 to provide funds to pay the costs of the Project; and WHEREAS, the loan to the City of Highwood shall be made pursuant to a Loan Agreement, including certain terms and conditions between the City of Highwood and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Corporate Authorities of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF PREAMBLES The Corporate Authorities hereby find that the recitals contained in the preambles are true and correct, and incorporate them into this Ordinance by this reference. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 71 of 106 SECTION 2. DETERMINATION TO BORROW FUNDS It is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Highwood to construct the Project for the public health, safety, and welfare, in accordance with the plans and specifications, as described; that the System continues to be operated in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.; and that for the purpose of constructing the Project, it is hereby authorized that funds be borrowed by the City of Highwood in the aggregate principal amount (which can include construction period interest financed over the term of the loan) not to exceed $700,000. SECTION 3. ADDITIONAL ORDINANCES The Corporate Authorities may adopt additional ordinances or proceedings supplementing or amending this Ordinance, providing for entering into the Loan Agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, prescribing all the details of the Loan Agreement, and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of the System, so long as the maximum amount of the Loan Agreement as set forth in this Ordinance is not exceeded and there is no material change in the project or purposes described herein. Any additional ordinances or proceedings shall in all instances become effective in accordance with the Act or other applicable laws. This Ordinance, together with such additional ordinances or proceedings, shall constitute complete authority for entering into the Loan Agreement under applicable law. However, notwithstanding the above, the City of Highwood may not adopt additional ordinances or amendments which provide for any substantive or material change in the scope and intent of this Ordinance, including but not limited to interest rate, preference or priority of any other ordinance with this Ordinance, parity of any other ordinance with 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 72 of 106 this Ordinance, or otherwise alter or impair the obligation of the City of Highwood to pay the principal and interest due to the Public Water Supply Loan Program without the written consent of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. SECTION 4. LOAN NOT INDEBTEDNESS OF CITY OF HIGHWOOD Repayment of the loan to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency by the City of Highwood pursuant to this Ordinance is to be solely from the revenue derived from the revenues of the System and the loan does not constitute an indebtedness of the City of Highwood within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation. SECTION 5. APPLICATION FOR LOAN The MAYOR is hereby authorized to make application to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for a loan through the Public Water Supply Loan Program, in accordance with the loan requirements set out in 35 Ill. Adm. Code 662. SECTION 6. ACCEPTANCE OF LOAN AGREEMENT The Corporate Authorities hereby authorize acceptance of the offer of a loan through the Public Water Supply Loan Program, including all terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement as well as all special conditions contained therein and made a part thereof by reference. The Corporate Authorities further agree that the loan funds awarded shall be used solely for the purposes of the project as approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 73 of 106 SECTION 8. AUTHORIZATION OF MAYOR TO EXECUTE LOAN AGREEMENT The MAYOR is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Loan Agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The Corporate Authorities may authorize by resolution a person other than the MAYOR for the sole purpose of authorizing or executing any documents associated with payment requests or reimbursements from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in connection with this loan. SECTION 9. SEVERABILITY If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 10. REPEALER All ordinances, resolutions, orders, or parts thereof, which conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. THE REST OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 74 of 106 Adopted by the Corporate Authorities on ________________________, 2016. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: _________ _________ _________ ATTEST ___________________ APPROVED ___________________ ___________________________ Clerk ______________________________ Mayor 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 75 of 106 CERTIFICATION I, , do hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Highwood. I do further certify that the above and foregoing, identified as Ordinance Number , is a true, complete and correct copy of an ordinance otherwise identified as An Ordinance Authorizing Loan Agreement, passed by the City Council of the City of Highwood on the ___ day of __________ 2016, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Highwood on the same said date, the original of which is part of the books and records within my control as Clerk of the City of Highwood. Dated this day of , 20 . Clerk of the City of Highwood 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 76 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT A discussion on the One-Way restriction on Clay Avenue and Lakeview Avenue. BACKGROUND/HISTORY Alderman Feddermann asked Staff about the status of the Clay Avenue and Lakeview Avenue one-way restrictions. This has been brought up informally at Committee of the Whole meetings in the past. Clay and Lakeview became one-way streets on July 1, 2015. The reason for the move was to increase the number of parking spaces the streets could accommodate, as it would allow employees within the business district to park on both sides of the road instead of just on one side. Some residents and businesses have expressed opposition to this change while others have expressed support. STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION For discussion only. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION For discussion only. ATTACHMENTS -Communication to residents dated May 15, 2015 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 77 of 106 May 15, 2015 Dear Sir or Madam: The City of Highwood is continually looking to improve parking and traffic flow in the community, especially around the downtown. Currently on Clay Avenue and Lakeview Avenue there is enough space to accommodate seventy (70) vehicles, which residents can obtain permits for overnight and employees can use during certain hours. We recently had a survey completed, which showed that if Lakeview and Clay Avenues were made ‘One-Way’ streets, the capacity of the parking would increase to ninety five (95) vehicles. As we are continually looking to add parking options and this was determined by the Long Term Planning Committee and City Council as an excellent option. The best direction for the ‘One-Way’ restriction was to allow traffic to flow East on Clay Avenue and South on Lakeview Avenue. This is because traffic turning onto Sheridan Road will use the intersection at Walker Avenue which is controlled by a stop sign. Adding additional turning vehicles at the intersection of Clay and Sheridan where there is no stop sign was less desirable. This new traffic pattern will be effective beginning July 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact me at (847) 432-1931. Respectfully, Scott Coren CITY OF HIGHWOOD City Manager 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 78 of 106 AGENDA MEMO Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 ISSUE STATEMENT A discussion on revising the existing Highwood liquor code. BACKGROUND/HISTORY At the January 19, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting the City Council discussed simplifying and condensing the code on liquor licenses, as the existing restrictions have evolved to be inconsistent, arbitrary, and cumbersome to enforce. As staff reviewed and simplified the code, a number of policy questions came up and staff is looking for direction on each of the following: -Does the City Council wish to require that some license holders serve food during alcohol sales? -Does the City Council wish to differentiate between bars that serve food and restaurants? -Currently the code differentiates between restaurants that serve alcohol and sell bottles of wine as well. Do we want to continue that differentiation? -If a bar or restaurant has a license allowing for the sale of a bottle of wine or beer at retail for consumption off premises, should they be restricted from selling spirits as well? -Does the City Council wish to make changes to the hours of operation for license holders? -Does the City Council wish to restrict the sale of small bottles of alcohol? -Does the City Council wish to regulate internet sales of alcohol? -Does the City Council wish to restrict the sale of bottles of wine based on price? -The example code allows for the sampling of alcohol for grocery stores and liquor stores. Is this the intent of the City Council? -The initial license fee allowing for the sale of beer and wine for consumption and at retail (e.g. Art of Beer, Cellar Gate) is $500 lower than the initial license fee for an establishment that cannot sell at retail. Shall these initial fees be flipped? STAFF/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION For discussion only. ALTERNATE CONSIDERATION For discussion only. ATTACHMENTS -Example modified liquor license classifications 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 79 of 106 Liquor License Code Update - DRAFT Class A: Restaurant or Bar, Full License (Santi’s, Teddy O Brien’s, Humble Pub, Wooden Nickel, 210, Toadstool, El Buren, Ballaro, Nite N Gale, Tacos El Norte, Buffo’s, Del Rio, Las Tres Hermanas, Curry Hut, Scotty’s, Lucky Fish, 310 Green Bay Road) Class B: Restaurant or Bar, Full License with Wine or Beer retail sale (Longitud315, Froggy’s French Café, Miramar, Washington Gardens, Tap House, Jay Lovell’s) Class C: Restaurant or Bar, Beer & Wine Only (Clucker’s, Jin 28, Mean Weiner, Starbucks) Class D: Restaurant or Bar, Beer & Wine Only with Beer & Wine retail sale (Cellar Gate, Art of Beer, Maria’s Bakery) Class E: Liquor Store (Joseph’s Liquor, Jerry’s Liquor, North Shore Wine and Spirits) Class F: Convenience Store with Liquor (Highwood MiniMart) Class G: Convenience Store with Beer and Wine Only (Bucky’s and Pastificio) Class H: Grocery or Retail Store with Liquor (Walgreens) Class I: Non-Profit (Bocce Club) Class J: Catering (Froggy’s Catering) Class K: Special Event 4-1-7: Classification of Licenses A. Class A License: Restaurant or Bar Full License 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer, wine and spirits on premises only. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 17. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. 4. The initial fee for a Class A license shall be $10,000. The annual fee for a Class A license shall be $3,160. B. Class B License: Restaurant or Bar Full License with Retail Wine or Beer 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer, wine, and spirits on premises. The license holder may also sell bottles of wine or beer in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 6. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. 4. Spirits may not be sold on the premises in their original package for consumption off premises. 5. The initial fee for a Class B License shall be $10,000. The annual fee for a Class B license shall be $3,160. C. Class C License: Restaurant or Bar, Beer and Wine Only License 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer and wine, but is not authorized to sell spirits. The sale of beer and wine must be on premises. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 4. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 80 of 106 4. The initial fee for a Class C license shall be $2,500. The annual fee for a Class C license shall be $1,465. D. Class D License: Restaurant or Bar, Beer and Wine Only with Retail Wine or Beer 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer and wine on premises, but is not authorized to sell spirits. The license holder may also sell bottles of wine or beer in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 3. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. 4. Spirits may not be sold on the premises in their original package for consumption off premises. 5. The initial fee for a Class D license shall be $3,000. The annual fee for a Class D license shall be $1,875. E. Class E License: Liquor Store 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer, wine and spirits in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale, but not for consumption on the premises. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 3. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 2:00 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. On January 1 (New Year’s Day), alcohol sales may not be conducted between 4:00 AM and 9:00 AM. 4. The dispensing of samples of beer, wine or spirits for promotional or advertising purposes is allowed with the approval of the liquor commissioner or his designee. A BASSET certified person shall oversee the promotional event and distribution of samples. The licensee shall perform an identification check of each person to whom a sample is dispensed. The samples shall be consumed on the premises and not carried outside the premises. 5. The initial fee for a Class E license is $10,000. The annual fee for a Class E license shall be $3,160. F. Class F License: Convenience Store with Liquor 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer, wine and spirits in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale, but not for consumption on premises. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 1. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 2:00 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. On January 1 (New Year’s Day), alcohol sales may not be conducted between 4:00 AM and 9:00 AM. 4. The alcohol sales shall be incidental to and not the primary business for the licensee. The sale of alcohol shall not exceed 25% of the total sales on the premises. 5. The initial fee for a Class F License is $10,000. The annual fee for a Class F license shall be $3,160. G. Class G License: Convenience Store with Beer and Wine Only 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 81 of 106 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer and wine in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale, but not for consumption on premises. The sale of liquor or spirits is prohibited. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 2. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 2:00 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. On January 1 (New Year’s Day), alcohol sales may not be conducted between 4:00 AM and 9:00 AM. 4. The sale of beer and wine shall be incidental to and not the primary business for the licensee. The sale of alcohol shall not exceed 25% of the total sales on the premises. 5. The initial fee for a Class G License is $5,000. The annual fee for a Class G License is $740. H. Class H License: Grocery or Retail Store with liquor. 1. License holder is authorized to sell beer, wine and spirits in the original package as the manufacturer intended for sale, but not for consumption on premises. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 1. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 2:00 AM and 9:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. On January 1 (New Year’s Day), alcohol sales may not be conducted between 4:00 AM and 9:00 AM. 4. The sale of alcohol shall be incidental to and not the primary business for the licensee. The sale of alcohol shall not exceed 15% of the total sales on the premises. 5. The dispensing of samples of beer, wine or spirits for promotional or advertising purposes is allowed with the approval of the liquor commissioner or his designee. A BASSET certified person shall oversee the promotional event and distribution of samples. The licensee shall perform an identification check of each person to whom a sample is dispensed. The samples shall be consumed on the premises and not carried outside the premises. 6. The initial fee for a Class H license is $10,000. The annual fee for a Class H license is $7,000. I. Class I License: Non-Profit 1. A Class I license is issued to a non-profit club and authorizes the sale of beer, wine and spirits on premises only. 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 1. 3. Alcohol sales may not be conducted between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM Monday through Friday, or 3:00 AM and 5:00 AM Saturday or Sunday. 4. A Class I license allows for the sale of alcohol to club members and guests in public and private rooms, including privately sponsored parties, lunches, dinners, receptions and similar gatherings. 5. The initial fee for a Class I license is $100. The annual fee for a Class I license is $100. J. Class J License: Catering License 1. A Class J license shall authorize the sale and service of alcoholic liquor by a ‘caterer retailer’ as defined in 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1-3.34. It shall allow the holder to serve alcoholic liquor as an incidental part of a food service that serves prepared meals. The caterer retailer shall sell alcoholic liquor for consumption only as part of a catered event and only during the catered event. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 82 of 106 2. The number of licenses allowed shall be 1. 3. The initial fee for a Class J license is $1,000. The annual renewal fee for a Class J license is $1,000. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 83 of 106 Committee of the Whole February 2, 2016 Draft Budget Discussion The Finance Committee and Staff have completed a first draft of the FYE 2017 budget. While each year presents its own complications and uncertainties, this budget is especially tough to forecast with two unknowns: the resolution of the fire department referendum and the uncertainty with the State of Illinois budget. With these outstanding items in mind, the Finance Committee and Staff put together the following budget and will offer a recommended contingency for each variable. The proposed draft budget includes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • No new loans or debt Total operational expenditures anticipated to decrease in each of the next three years $125,000 dedicated annually to street and sidewalk repairs ($25,000 spent in FYE 2014) An additional $35,000 to replace sewers that collapse in roadways Crack sealing maintenance in the amount of $86,000 $14,000 in the legal fund and $25,000 in the building fund to allow the City to comprehensively review and address the residential zoning in the community Planned funding of police body cameras Funding of strategic assistance for managing and advising on public works projects Staff and Command management training for the Police Lieutenant $10,000 for replacement of the carpet in City Hall $10,000 in Parks & Recreation to replace old garbage cans $50,000 for new and replacement signage in the community Additional funding of community service officers to enforce codes, inventory housing stock and be more proactive on property maintenance The draft budget includes a sufficient reserve so that if the fire department referendum does not pass, the City will be able to operate through FYE 2017 with a 90 day reserve. However, if the referendum does not pass and the State of Illinois reduces the Local Government Distributive Fund by 50%, as has been proposed in the past, the City of Highwood would drop below the desired reserve. Additionally, if the referendum passes but the State of Illinois reduces the Local Government Distributive Fund by 50%, the City of Highwood would be approximately at its reserve requirement at the end of FYE 2019. With this budget discussion, Staff would like to work with the City Council to prioritize additional projects and expenditures in the event the referendum passes and the State of Illinois finds a compromise that does not jeopardize local funding to this great degree. Some projects could include advancing infrastructure projects and maintenance, strategic land purchase, or reducing taxes. 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 84 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE FY16 BUDGET $ 5,000,714 $ 4,899,096 $ 5,010,240 $ 5,000,714 $ 4,899,096 $ 5,010,240 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES ADMIN/FINANCE LEGAL POLICE FIRE FIRE ALARM (DEPT. 23) STREETS BUILDING PARKS & RECREATION NARCOTICS DUI 2% FIRE INSURANCE PARKING TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL 419,397 136,892 1,853,703 1,293,034 99,953 746,709 81,140 155,251 813 2,653 2,327 9,982 $ 4,801,854 465,540 194,600 1,876,701 1,282,326 54,861 617,354 109,750 140,508 4,500 10,000 - $ 4,756,140 470,510 165,600 1,852,556 1,380,992 59,220 645,436 123,106 122,527 2,800 6,500 4,805 $ 4,834,052 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 198,860 142,956 176,188 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 925,991 1,124,851 1,124,851 1,124,851 1,267,807 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ $ $ 1,301,039 FY17 DEPT MAINT BUDGET COUNCIL FY18 FY19 REQUEST REQUEST DISCRETIONARY FORECAST FORECAST 4,832,228 $ 4,732,228 $ 100,000 $ 4,740,508 $ 4,767,558 4,832,228 $ 4,732,228 $ 100,000 $ 4,740,508 $ 4,767,558 493,102 194,600 1,962,943 1,078,589 54,861 777,919 134,750 155,643 4,500 7,500 - $ 4,864,408 493,102 180,600 1,962,943 1,078,589 54,861 591,919 109,750 145,643 4,500 7,500 - $ (32,180) 1,268,859 $ 102,820 1,301,039 $ 4,629,408 14,000 186,000 25,000 10,000 - 1,403,859 $ (135,000) 1,301,039 $ 235,000 527,049 190,600 2,229,775 742,848 54,861 633,410 109,750 151,293 4,500 7,500 - $ 4,651,587 510,547 190,600 2,060,696 769,098 54,861 626,385 109,750 157,243 4,500 7,500 - $ 4,491,180 88,922 276,378 - 1,268,859 1,357,781 (135,000) $ 1,357,781 $ 1,634,159 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 85 of 106 City of Highwood pg 1 of 2 FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - REVENUE FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT REVENUE LOCAL TAXES REAL ESTATE TAX - CORPORATE REAL ESTATE TAX - PD PENSION REAL ESTATE TAX - FD PENSION REAL ESTATE TAX - NSSRA UTILITY TAX - TELECOM UTILITY TAX - ELECTRIC UTILITY TAX - NATURAL GAS 2% FOREIGN FIRE TAX GASOLINE TAX SUB-TOTAL LICENSE REVENUE LIQUOR LICENSES VEHICLE LICENSES BUSINESS LICENSES GREASE TRAP FEES OTHER LICENSES SUB-TOTAL PERMIT REVENUE BUILDING PERMITS PARKING REVENUES CABLE FRANCHISE FEES VALET PARKING PERMITS MISC PERMITS SUB-TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE STATE INCOME TAX PERSONAL PROPERTY REPL TAX GRANTS SALES TAX - REGULAR SALES TAX - HOME RULE LOCAL USE TAX SUB-TOTAL $ 693,461 249,579 138,721 39,515 131,280 158,155 129,990 7,192 21,169 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 755,000 268,154 120,346 45,000 130,000 131,000 95,000 7,400 112,500 $ DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST 755,000 268,154 120,346 45,000 130,034 129,189 95,000 7,400 116,001 832,452 268,533 92,615 45,000 115,000 130,000 95,000 2,000 100,000 $ COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY 832,452 268,533 92,615 45,000 115,000 130,000 95,000 2,000 100,000 FY18 FORECAST $ - 832,452 287,330 99,098 45,000 110,000 130,000 95,000 100,000 FY19 FORECAST $ 832,452 307,443 106,035 45,000 110,000 130,000 95,000 100,000 1,569,063 1,664,400 1,666,123 1,680,600 1,680,600 - 1,698,880 1,725,930 128,053 142,055 7,475 1,750 42,801 110,000 140,000 7,500 2,500 30,000 110,000 140,000 7,500 1,500 39,452 110,000 140,000 7,500 1,500 30,000 110,000 140,000 7,500 1,500 30,000 - 110,000 140,000 7,500 1,500 30,000 110,000 140,000 7,500 1,500 30,000 322,133 290,000 298,452 289,000 289,000 - 289,000 289,000 48,967 49,016 48,769 3,500 5,950 92,400 45,000 46,000 3,000 2,000 110,000 45,000 51,000 3,000 3,725 90,000 35,000 46,000 3,000 2,000 90,000 35,000 46,000 3,000 2,000 - 90,000 35,000 46,000 3,000 2,000 90,000 35,000 46,000 3,000 2,000 156,201 188,400 212,725 176,000 176,000 - 176,000 176,000 554,338 5,990 515,509 628,755 117,571 535,095 7,000 518,000 704,444 104,857 567,525 7,500 518,000 660,000 119,991 551,310 7,300 518,000 660,000 127,018 551,310 7,300 518,000 660,000 127,018 - 551,310 7,300 518,000 660,000 127,018 551,310 7,300 518,000 660,000 127,018 1,822,163 1,869,396 1,873,016 1,863,628 1,863,628 1,863,628 1,863,628 - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 86 of 106 City of Highwood pg 2 of 2 FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - REVENUE FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FINES & FORFEITURES COURT FINES POLICE FINES PD BOOT, ADMIN, VEHICLE STORAGE PD SEIZED VEHICLES DUI FINES ZONING/PLANNING FEES BUILDING FEES & REIMBURSEMENTS RENTAL INSPECTION FEES MISC FEES & FINES NORDSTROM FUND AMBULANCE SERVICE SUB-TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES TFSC 2H AGREEMENT SALE OF PROPERTY TESTING FEES ALARM SYSTEMS & CALLS FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS RECYCLING REBATE MISC CHARGES FOR SERVICE SUB-TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS LEASE PROCEEDS ANTENNA RENTALS MISC PROPERTY RENTAL REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS PARK/REC RENTALS SPECIAL RECREATION DONATION SPECIAL EVENT MISCELLANEOUS INCOME SUB-TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/(USES) TRANSFERS IN PROCEEDS FROM LOAN SUB-TOTAL TOTAL REVENUE $ FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY FY18 FORECAST FY19 FORECAST 52,624 28,226 1,750 24,750 35 3,900 6,808 68,240 9,887 13,014 59,967 75,000 38,500 2,000 40,000 5,300 2,500 6,000 50,000 5,000 66,000 61,005 29,115 1,800 30,150 35 3,150 8,171 60,000 8,186 98 63,239 55,000 30,000 2,000 25,000 2,500 6,000 60,000 5,000 10,000 55,000 30,000 2,000 25,000 2,500 6,000 60,000 5,000 10,000 - 55,000 30,000 2,000 25,000 2,500 6,000 60,000 5,000 - 55,000 30,000 2,000 25,000 2,500 6,000 60,000 5,000 - 269,200 290,300 264,948 195,500 195,500 - 185,500 185,500 106,310 920 115,225 1,027 250 500 105,600 7,500 - 65,000 110,000 1,541 200 100,000 100,000 1,500 - 100,000 1,500 - 100,000 - 100,000 1,500 - 100,000 1,500 - 223,732 113,600 176,741 201,500 101,500 100,000 101,500 101,500 1,687 363,104 5,500 58,278 176,935 13,472 1,775 17,471 1,000 767 316,000 6,000 10,000 140,000 8,000 316,000 6,000 12,684 175,509 5,175 1,000 259,000 6,000 10,000 140,000 8,000 1,000 259,000 6,000 10,000 140,000 8,000 - 1,000 259,000 6,000 10,000 140,000 8,000 1,000 259,000 6,000 10,000 140,000 8,000 2,000 2,102 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 638,222 483,000 518,236 426,000 426,000 - 426,000 426,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,000,714 $ 4,899,096 $ 5,010,240 $ 4,832,228 $ 4,732,228 02 CW Agenda Page 87 of $ 02 2016100,000 $ Packet 4,740,508 $ 106 4,767,558 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SALARIES OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FICA MEDICARE IMRF WORKERS COMP AUTOMOTIVE ALLOWANCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTING AUDITING PAYROLL SERVICE COMPUTER SUPPORT OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE PUBLISHING/ADV/PROMO PRINTING DUES TRAVEL EXPENSE TRAINING MEALS $ 151,392 178 151,570 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 163,465 5,000 168,465 $ 168,000 2,000 170,000 DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 171,496 5,000 176,496 $ 171,496 5,000 176,496 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST $ - 177,715 5,000 182,715 FY19 FORECAST $ 182,885 5,000 187,885 37,882 585 1,541 9,214 2,387 18,740 407 1,128 25,632 510 3,300 10,135 2,370 18,252 1,477 500 35,000 458 189 10,540 2,465 20,400 612 282 24,697 510 3,300 10,943 2,559 21,180 8,017 2,000 24,697 510 3,300 10,943 2,559 21,180 8,017 2,000 - 28,402 510 3,400 11,328 2,649 21,926 8,819 2,000 32,662 510 3,500 11,649 2,724 22,546 9,701 2,000 71,886 62,176 69,946 73,206 73,206 - 79,034 85,292 9,184 10,000 39,306 28,975 4,283 16,576 2,458 1,320 4,168 1,384 3,593 6,712 116 125 67 12,500 5,000 48,300 39,000 4,300 12,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 14,500 1,000 6,000 300 22,934 2,500 48,300 39,000 4,300 18,000 7,631 1,794 6,312 1,051 1,094 12,000 500 5,000 150 14,500 5,000 48,300 39,000 4,300 15,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,500 1,000 6,000 300 14,500 5,000 48,300 39,000 4,300 15,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,500 1,000 6,000 300 - 14,500 5,000 48,300 39,000 4,300 15,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,500 1,000 6,000 300 14,500 5,000 48,300 39,000 4,300 15,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,500 1,000 6,000 300 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 88 of 106 UTILITIES MISC SERVICES CONTRACTS LIABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT LEASE EXPENSE AUTOMOTIVE FUEL/OIL BANK CHARGES CREDIT CARD FEES SPECIAL EVENT FUND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES REFUNDS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY15 2,050 FY16 2,200 FY16 ESTIMATED 1,821 26,826 7,065 2,199 3,112 202 1,071 4,122 163 500 5,252 26,000 17,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 500 1,500 4,500 100 100 5,600 23,500 5,633 2,500 3,870 3,000 1,000 500 1,155 4,821 100 200 5,600 23,500 17,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 1,000 500 1,500 4,500 100 100 5,600 23,500 17,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 1,000 500 1,500 4,500 100 100 5,600 - 23,500 18,700 3,000 2,500 3,000 1,000 500 1,500 4,500 100 100 5,600 23,500 20,570 3,000 2,500 3,000 1,000 500 1,500 4,500 100 100 5,600 180,829 234,900 224,264 233,400 233,400 - 235,300 237,370 15,112 - 6,300 10,000 - 10,000 - - 30,000 - - 15,112 - 6,300 10,000 10,000 - 30,000 - 419,397 $ 465,540 $ 470,510 $ FY17 2,200 DEPT MAINT BUDGET 2,200 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY - FY18 2,400 FY19 2,600 493,102 $ 493,102 $ - $ 527,049 $ 510,547 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 89 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - LEGAL DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT LEGAL CITY ATTORNEY - GEN CORP MATTERS CITY ATTORNEY - RETAINER CITY ATTORNEY - PERSONNEL CITY PROSECUTOR - PROSECUTION CITY PROSECUTOR - RETAINER LEGAL ZONING LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET 33,671 29,791 46,975 26,455 - $ 136,892 $ 144,000 35,000 9,600 6,000 - $ 194,600 $ FY17 REQUEST 115,000 35,000 9,600 6,000 - $ 165,600 $ DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST 130,000 35,000 9,600 20,000 - $ 194,600 $ COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES 130,000 35,000 9,600 6,000 - $ 180,600 $ - FY18 FORECAST $ 140,000 35,000 9,600 6,000 - $ 140,000 35,000 9,600 6,000 - $ 190,600 $ 190,600 14,000 14,000 FY19 FORECAST 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 90 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - POLICE DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SALARIES - FULL TIME SALARIES - PART-TIME OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FICA - POLICE POLICE PENSION CONTRIBUTION MEDICARE - POLICE IMRF - POLICE WORKERS COMP - POLICE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE LEGAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING SERVICE OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE PUBLISHING/ADV/PROMO PRINTING DISPATCHING DUES TRAVEL TRAINING UTILITIES MISC SERVICE CONTRACTS INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE $ 776,066 94,747 120,347 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 841,000 65,000 75,000 $ 717,794 150,000 65,000 DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 881,968 75,000 85,000 $ 881,968 75,000 85,000 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST - $ 907,732 75,000 85,000 FY19 FORECAST $ 934,964 75,000 85,000 991,160 981,000 932,794 1,041,968 1,041,968 - 1,067,732 1,094,964 157,576 3,377 6,951 9,942 249,579 13,073 4,782 24,276 152,498 3,000 11,500 4,195 268,154 11,847 4,746 42,524 170,000 3,200 8,000 11,904 268,154 13,526 5,094 42,000 186,702 3,000 11,500 12,000 268,533 15,109 5,094 45,198 186,702 3,000 11,500 12,000 268,533 15,109 5,094 45,198 - 205,372 3,000 11,500 12,000 287,330 15,482 5,404 49,718 225,909 3,000 11,500 12,000 307,443 15,877 5,566 54,690 469,556 498,464 521,877 547,135 547,135 - 589,807 635,986 4,361 520 9,766 3,556 5,052 193 7,912 687 633 171,601 17,446 5,526 1,857 16,016 - 5,000 1,750 10,000 1,000 7,000 700 6,000 400 1,000 143,000 15,000 500 14,000 600 14,500 - 13,295 8,387 20,000 525 4,326 158 13,541 447 348 162,986 15,383 500 7,010 1,628 16,982 - 5,000 3,000 20,000 1,000 7,000 500 6,000 400 700 167,677 15,000 500 14,000 1,500 14,500 - 5,000 3,000 20,000 1,000 7,000 500 6,000 400 700 167,677 15,000 500 14,000 1,500 14,500 - - 5,000 3,000 5,000 1,000 7,000 500 6,000 400 700 174,637 15,000 500 10,000 1,500 14,500 - 5,000 3,000 7,000 1,000 7,000 500 6,000 400 700 180,397 15,000 500 10,000 1,500 14,500 - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 91 of 106 ACCOUNT LIABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES UNIFORMS AUTO FUEL/OIL MISCELLANEOUS SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY15 ACTUAL 13,452 1,492 5,709 9,029 24,729 - FY16 BUDGET 24,374 2,100 5,000 10,000 30,000 - FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL 9,986 1,082 6,662 6,740 18,711 - 299,537 291,924 308,691 328,777 328,777 - 319,237 329,747 75,313 18,137 30,000 75,313 - 12,000 75,313 1,881 5,000 40,063 - 5,000 40,063 - - 55,000 198,000 - - 93,450 105,313 89,194 45,063 45,063 - 253,000 - 1,853,703 $ 1,876,701 $ 1,852,556 $ FY17 REQUEST 25,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 - DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST 25,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 - COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES - FY18 FORECAST 27,500 2,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 - FY19 FORECAST 30,250 2,000 5,000 10,000 30,000 - 1,962,943 $ 1,962,943 $ - $ 2,229,775 $ 2,060,696 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 92 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - FIRE DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SALARIES - FULL TIME SALARIES - PART-TIME OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WORKERS COMP FICA PENSION MEDICARE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EMS EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIRE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COMPUTER SUPPORT OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE PUBLISHING/PROMO PRINTING COMMUNICATIONS/OTHER DISPATCHING DUES TRAVEL TRAINING UTILITIES MISC CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OSHA TESTING LIABILITY INSURANCE $ 411,488 321,044 26,818 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 278,466 186,250 20,250 $ 240,000 480,000 103,362 DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 219,000 91,800 - $ 219,000 91,800 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST $ FY19 FORECAST - $ - - 759,350 484,966 823,362 310,800 310,800 - - - 43,274 2,253 7,908 87,493 20,793 138,721 11,288 311,731 20,956 2,500 16,055 116,000 12,250 120,346 7,032 295,139 15,845 872 8,000 116,000 29,760 120,346 11,939 302,761 2,000 150 16,055 38,021 5,692 92,615 4,507 159,039 2,000 150 16,055 38,021 5,692 92,615 4,507 159,039 - - - 99,098 99,098 106,035 106,035 16,918 915 15,666 10,368 15,458 11,468 500 69 10,296 323 60 2,283 21,966 7,375 9,697 264 33,600 528 24,431 15,000 1,500 20,000 6,000 15,240 4,000 400 8,000 75 75 2,000 20,000 13,000 8,000 100 322,250 3,400 7,121 9,731 2,562 24,726 6,171 17,487 20,769 200 3,131 447 272 912 91,652 8,000 15,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 4,000 3,000 93,000 468,750 17,000 15,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 4,000 - - - - 643,750 - 663,063 - 4,328 3,192 12,002 1,500 17,000 3,000 93,000 468,750 17,000 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 93 of 106 1,823 1,063 21,089 10,462 2,331 3,360 1,100 20,000 12,000 1,000 FY16 ESTIMATED 1,116 1,820 10,286 5,735 1,000 218,952 483,621 3,000 18,600 - 3,000 18,600 FY15 OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES UNIFORMS AUTO FUEL/OIL MATERIAL/SUPPLIES/FIRE PREV SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY16 1,293,034 $ 1,282,326 $ 4,000 - 4,000 - COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY - 244,035 608,750 608,750 10,835 - 10,835 - 1,380,992 DEPT MAINT BUDGET FY17 $ 1,078,589 $ FY18 FY19 - - - 643,750 663,063 - - - - - - - - 1,078,589 $ - $ 742,848 $ 769,098 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 94 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - FIRE ALARM DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT OPERATING COSTS OTHER PROFESSIONAL SVCS $ SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT DEBT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 11,168 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 30,000 $ 34,359 DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 30,000 $ 30,000 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST $ 30,000 FY19 FORECAST $ 30,000 11,168 30,000 34,359 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 63,924 24,861 24,861 24,861 24,861 24,861 - 24,861 24,861 88,785 24,861 24,861 24,861 24,861 - 24,861 24,861 99,953 $ 54,861 $ 59,220 $ 54,861 $ 54,861 $ - $ 54,861 $ 54,861 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 95 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - STREETS DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SALARIES - FULL TIME SALARIES - PART-TIME OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FICA MEDICARE IMRF AUTO ALLOWANCE WORKERS COMP SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE STREET & SIDEWALK REPAIR STORM SEWER REPAIR STREET LIGHT REPAIRS ENGINEERING FEES OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAVEL TELEPHONE PUBLISHING PRINTING TRAINING DUES UTILITIES STREET LIGHTING MISC SERVICE CONTRACTS $ 164,861 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 95,593 10,000 32,964 FY17 REQUEST 20,887 95,593 10,000 17,000 185,748 122,593 138,557 111,482 8,667 500 3,058 5,927 1,386 10,955 20,000 4,500 138 2,000 8,591 2,009 16,627 55,000 107,959 50,493 11,205 35,105 23,552 10,320 35,392 25,447 7,992 1,500 2,355 12 1,841 11,625 39,968 22,813 8,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 125,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 2,250 500 2,500 500 4,000 90,000 32,789 456 1,296 11,260 2,633 21,939 (50) 37,637 $ DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST $ 84,482 10,000 17,000 $ 54,482 10,000 17,000 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ 30,000 FY18 FORECAST $ FY19 FORECAST - 86,116 10,000 17,000 $ 87,800 10,000 17,000 81,482 30,000 113,116 114,800 2,000 500 3,058 5,052 1,181 9,778 14,407 2,000 500 3,058 5,052 1,181 9,778 14,407 - 2,000 500 3,058 7,013 1,640 13,574 15,848 2,000 500 3,058 7,118 1,665 13,776 17,432 88,864 35,976 35,976 - 43,633 45,549 14,888 14,241 8,312 525 115,000 45,000 13,160 5,000 4,000 1,551 66 500 500 3,371 60,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 125,000 45,000 15,000 25,000 4,000 2,250 500 500 500 4,000 90,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 125,000 45,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 2,250 500 500 500 4,000 90,000 20,000 - 8,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 125,000 45,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 2,250 500 500 500 4,500 90,000 8,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 125,000 45,000 15,000 5,000 4,000 2,250 500 500 500 4,500 90,000 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 96 of 106 MISC HAULING DIRT DUMP INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE LIABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES - BUILDING & GROUNDS UNIFORMS TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AUTO FUEL/OIL EQUIPMENT RENTAL FORESTRY EVERTS PARK COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION HOLIDAY LIGHTING REIMBURSABLE MISC EXPENSE SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY15 4,966 14,880 246 12,035 1,781 667 7,522 17,517 2,543 12,500 3,928 1,585 4,456 - FY16 5,000 4,807 250 15,000 2,500 700 6,000 17,000 3,000 20,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,000 FY16 ESTIMATED 5,000 17,000 250 10,109 293 1,500 8,000 10,000 1,752 22,000 6,000 5,000 741 93 313,754 384,507 373,849 499,700 67,969 71,280 - 15,000 44,761 - 44,166 - 44,761 - 44,761 - 86,000 - 139,249 59,761 44,166 44,761 44,761 86,000 746,709 $ 617,354 $ 645,436 $ FY17 5,000 17,000 250 15,000 2,500 700 58,000 10,000 3,000 25,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,000 DEPT MAINT BUDGET 5,000 17,000 250 15,000 2,500 700 8,000 10,000 3,000 25,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,000 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY 50,000 - FY18 5,000 18,700 250 15,000 2,500 700 8,000 10,000 3,000 25,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,000 FY19 5,000 20,570 250 15,000 2,500 700 8,000 10,000 3,000 25,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 1,000 429,700 70,000 431,900 433,770 44,761 - 32,267 - 44,761 32,267 691,919 $ 591,919 $ 186,000 $ 633,410 $ 626,385 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 97 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL PART TIME BUILDING FULL TIME BUILDING OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FICA MEDICARE IMRF WORKERS COMP UNIFORM ALLOWANCE AUTOMOTIVE ALLOWANCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING FEES LEGAL SERVICE TFS ASSESSMENT PLANNING - COM DEV OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POSTAGE TELEPHONE PUBLISHING/ADV/PROMO PRINTING DUES TRAVEL EXPENSE TRAINING $ 23,403 - FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ - $ FY17 REQUEST - $ - DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST - 23,403 - - 3,348 60 8 1,583 370 3,020 - - - 8,389 - 1,317 692 5,070 117 57 - 5,000 500 250 - - $ COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES - $ - FY18 FORECAST $ FY19 FORECAST - $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,170 5,110 500 200 - 5,000 500 250 - 5,000 500 250 - - 5,000 500 250 - 5,000 500 250 - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 98 of 106 95,000 - 20,000 25,000 84,000 - 20,000 84,000 - COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY 25,000 - 109,750 123,106 134,750 109,750 400 - - - 400 - - - FY15 UTILITIES PART TIME INSPECTION SERVICES MISC SERVICES CONTRACTS LIABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES AUTOMOTIVE FUEL/OIL EQUIPMENT REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES REFUNDS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY16 ESTIMATED FY16 FY17 38,017 839 357 199 2,284 - 20,000 84,000 - 20,000 946 180 48,948 - 81,140 $ 109,750 $ DEPT MAINT BUDGET 123,106 $ 134,750 $ FY18 FY19 20,000 84,000 - 20,000 84,000 - 25,000 109,750 109,750 - - - - - - - - 109,750 $ 25,000 $ 109,750 $ 109,750 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 99 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SALARIES - FULL TIME SALARIES - PART-TIME OVERTIME SUB-TOTAL BENEFITS HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FICA MEDICARE IMRF WORKERS COMP TRAVEL ALLOWANCE SUB-TOTAL OPERATING COSTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE OTHER MAINTENANCE - SPEC. REC. PARK MAINTENANCE POSTAGE TELEPHONE PUBLISHING UTILITIES MISC SERVICE CONTRACTS LIABILITY INSURANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS AWARDS & TROPHIES SUPPLIES - BLDG & GROUNDS AUTOMOTIVE FUEL EQUIPMENT LEASE $ 36,901 - FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 43,562 - $ 43,500 - DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 44,482 - $ 44,482 - COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ FY18 FORECAST - $ - 45,816 - FY19 FORECAST $ 47,191 - 36,901 43,562 43,500 44,482 44,482 - 45,816 47,191 5,898 129 1,301 2,264 530 1,565 733 600 5,962 125 2,200 2,701 632 1,478 2,732 600 5,556 125 816 2,697 631 1,400 1,200 600 6,566 125 2,200 2,758 645 1,478 2,339 600 6,566 125 2,200 2,758 645 1,478 2,339 600 - 7,551 125 2,300 2,841 664 1,523 2,573 600 8,684 125 2,400 2,926 684 1,568 2,830 600 13,020 16,430 13,025 16,711 16,711 - 18,176 19,817 15,917 1,421 3,200 1,787 45 833 16,706 1,500 50 - 8,000 1,000 4,000 50 1,000 12,500 8,141 300 525 - 4,497 108 3,411 50 1,217 9,555 1,632 95 600 - 8,000 1,000 4,000 50 1,000 12,500 8,500 300 600 - 8,000 1,000 4,000 50 1,000 12,500 8,500 300 - - 8,000 1,000 4,000 50 1,000 12,500 9,350 300 600 - 8,000 1,000 4,000 50 1,000 12,500 10,285 300 600 - 600 - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 100 of 106 NSSRA MISC EXPENSE MISC EXPENSE - SPEC. REC. SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL THREE YEAR CAPITAL PLAN DEBT VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,838 FY17 45,000 3,500 DEPT MAINT BUDGET 45,000 3,500 80,516 66,002 84,450 8,216 - - 8,216 - - FY15 52,538 3,117 FY16 45,000 - 97,114 155,251 $ 140,508 FY16 ESTIMATED 42,000 $ 122,527 $ COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY - FY18 47,000 3,500 FY19 49,000 3,500 84,450 - 87,300 90,235 - - 10,000 - - - - - 10,000 - - 145,643 $ 145,643 $ 10,000 $ 151,293 $ 157,243 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 101 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - NARCOTICS DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT OPERATING COSTS MISCELLANEOUS $ SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL DEBT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET 813 $ - $ DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST - $ - $ COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES - $ - FY18 FORECAST $ FY19 FORECAST - $ - 813 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 813 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 102 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - DUI DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT OPERATING COSTS OTHER PROFESSIONAL SVCS MISCELLANEOUS $ SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 447 FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET $ 2,000 - $ 500 - DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 2,000 - $ 2,000 - COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST $ - 2,000 - FY19 FORECAST $ 2,000 - 447 2,000 500 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 2,000 2,206 2,500 2,300 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 2,206 2,500 2,300 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 2,653 $ 4,500 $ 2,800 $ 4,500 $ 4,500 $ - $ 4,500 $ 4,500 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 103 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - 2% FOREIGN FIRE DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT OPERATING COSTS MISCELLANEOUS $ SUB-TOTAL CAPITAL EQUIPMENT SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET 2,327 $ 7,500 $ 4,000 DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST $ 5,000 $ 5,000 COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES $ - FY18 FORECAST $ 5,000 FY19 FORECAST $ 5,000 2,327 7,500 4,000 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 2,500 2,500 2,327 $ 10,000 $ 6,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ - $ 7,500 $ 7,500 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 104 of 106 City of Highwood FY17 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL FUND - PARKING DEPARTMENT FY15 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY16 ESTIMATED ACTUAL FY16 BUDGET DEPT MAINT BUDGET REQUEST FY17 REQUEST COUNCIL DISCRETIONARY EXPENDITURES FY18 FORECAST FY19 FORECAST OPERATING COSTS MISCELLANEOUS $ 9,982 $ - $ 4,805 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 9,982 $ - $ 4,805 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 105 of 106 Administration/Community Development Department Vehicle No. 1 Year 2010 Make Jeep Model Wrangler Type 4WD Equipment/ Vehicle Vehicle Acquired 2015 Anticipated Life Replace 3 Years Yes Do Not Replace Purchase Price seizure vehicle FY 2014 Administration Department Sub Total Replacement Costs by Year FY 2015 $ - FY 2016 $ - FY 2017 $ - $ FY 2018 - $ $ $ $ - - - - FY 2019 $ - $ FY 2020 15,000 $ 15,000 FY 2021 $ - $ FY 2022 - FY 2023 $ - $ $ FY 2022 - $ $ - $ $ FY 2024 - $ FY 2025 - $ - $ - FY 2023 18,000 $ FY 2024 - $ FY 2025 - 18,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2024 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2025 - $ - $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2024 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2025 - $ - $ - - Water Department Vehicle No. 1 Year 2007 Make Chevy Model Impala Type Vehicle Equipment/ Vehicle Vehicle Acquired 2013 Anticipated Life Replace 4 Years Yes Do Not Replace Purchase Price $ - Water Department Sub Total Replacement Costs by Year FY 2014 $ - FY 2015 $ - FY 2016 $ - FY 2017 $ $ $ - - - $ FY 2018 18,000 $ $ 18,000 $ FY 2019 - - FY 2020 $ $ FY 2021 - - $ - Police Department Vehicle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2003 Make Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Ford Model Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger Crown Victoria Type Police Admin Police Admin Police Police Police Police Police Police CSO Equipment/ Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Acquired 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2013 Anticipated Life 6 years 6 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 2 years Replace Do Not Replace Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Replace with PD Vehicle Turndown Purchase Price $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ 26,000 $ - Police Department Sub Total Replacement Costs by Year FY 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2015 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2017 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - - - - FY 2018 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 198,000 $ FY 2019 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2020 33,000 33,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 66,000 $ FY 2020 750,000 18,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2021 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2022 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 198,000 $ FY 2023 - Fire Department Vehicle No. Rescue 37 Ambulance 37 Truck 37 Year 1987 2006 2001 2011 2000 2001 2001 Make Pierce Lance Ford Smeal Zoll MAKO Motorola Model Type Custom Rescue PumpeFire Engine Rescue Ambulance Ambulance Type 2 Quint Aerial Ladder Defibrillator Monitor/Defibrillator Breathing Air Compressor/Fill Station "Jaws of Life" Extrication Equipment HTC150 Portable Radios Equipment/ Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Acquired 2013 2006 2001 2011 2000 2001 ? Anticipated Life 7 years 10 years 20 years 7 years 15 years 10-15 years ? Replace Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Do Not Replace Purchase Price $ 29,000 ? Grant ? ? Grant? ? Fire Department Sub Total Replacement Costs by Year SHOULD WE ELIMINATE? FY 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2015 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2016 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - - - FY 2017 $ - - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2018 170,000 25,000 42,000 60,000 18,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2019 18,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 315,000 $ 18,000 $ 768,000 $ FY 2021 750,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2022 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 750,000 $ - $ FY 2023 - Public Works Department Vehicle No. Year 1998 2012 2013 1997 1992 1992 1993 2008 2008 2007 2005 2015 Make Hyundai Case Ford Ford Elgin Ford International Kubota Felling Holder Ford Ford Model 98740 SV250 F350 F350 FY 2014 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2015 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FY 2016 $ $ $ - Public Works Department Sub Total Replacement Costs by Year $ $ $ Total Department Replacement Costs by Year FY 2014 $ - E350 4900 F350 F450 Type Loader Skidsteer Pickup & Plow Dump Truck & Plow Street Sweeper Box Truck Dump Truck & Plow Excavator Trailer SW Plow/Blower/Salt Spreader Pickup & Plow Dump Truck/Plow/Salt Spreader Equipment/ Vehicle Equipment Equipment Vehicle Vehicle Equipment Vehicle Vehicle Equipment Equipment Equipment Vehicle Vehicle Acquired 1998 2012 2013 2000 1992 2005 2007 2008 2008 2007 2005 2015 Anticipated Life 9 years 13 years 12 Years 14 Years 12 Years 9 Years 7 Years 12 Years 17 Years 8 Years 12 Years 10 Years Replace Yes Yes Yes Do Not Replace Eliminate - Outsource Plowing Eliminate if Outsource Sweeping Eliminate - Use Pickups Yes Yes Yes Eliminate - Outsource Plowing Yes Purchase Price $ 86,875 $ 39,685 $ 40,400 $ 27,000 $ 68,000 $ $ 12,500 $ 40,485 $ 6,795 $ 55,000 $ 35,000 $ 71,155 - - FY 2015 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2017 $ $ $ $ - - - FY 2016 $ - $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - FY 2017 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2018 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ FY 2019 - FY 2018 FY 2019 531,000 $ 18,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2020 50,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2021 74,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2022 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50,000 $ 74,000 $ - $ $ FY 2023 - FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 899,000 $ 824,000 $ 198,000 $ 18,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 2024 110,000 74,000 - $ $ $ $ $ FY 2025 45,000 45,000 - $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,000 90,000 184,000 $ 190,000 FY 2024 FY 2025 184,000 $ 190,000 02 02 2016 CW Agenda Packet Page 106 of 106