A New Control Architecture for Robust Controllers in Rear
A New Control Architecture for Robust Controllers in Rear
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 1 A New Control Architecture for Robust Controllers in Rear Electric Traction Passenger HEVs Rafael Coronel B. Sampaio, Member, IEEE, André C. Hernandes, Member, IEEE, Vinicius V. M. Fernandes, Member, IEEE Marcelo Becker, Member, IEEE, and Adriano A. G. Siqueira, Member, IEEE, Abstract—It is well known that control systems are the core of Electronic Differential Systems (EDS) in EVs/HEVs. However, conventional closed-loop control architectures do not completely match the needed ability to reject noises/disturbances, specially regarding the input acceleration signal incoming from the driver’s commands, which turns the EDS (in this case) ineffective. Due to this, in this paper a novel EDS control architecture is proposed in order to offer a new approach for the traction system that can be used with a great variety of controllers (e.g. classic, artificial intelligence-based, modern/robust theory). In addition to this, a modified PID controller, an AI-based (artificial intelligence) neuro-fuzzy controller, and a robust optimal H∞ controller were designed and evaluated in order to observe and evaluate the versatility of the novel architecture. Kinematic and dynamic models of the vehicle are briefly introduced. Then, simulated and experimental results were presented and discussed. HELVIS-Sim simulation environment was employed to the preliminary analysis of the proposed EDS architecture. Later, the EDS itself was embedded in a dSpaceTM 1103 high performance interface board so that the real-time control of the rear wheels of HELVIS platform was successfully achieved. Index Terms—Electronic Differential System, HEV, Control System, Control Architecture, HELVIS mini-HEV I. I NTRODUCTION B ASED on the global warming issue and the potential depletion of the oil resources worldwide and following our tradition of carrying out researches focused on mobile robotics for transportation systems [1] we recently started studies on the substitution of conventional oil-based vehicles by HEVs (Hybrid Electrical Vehicles) [2] [3]. Important institutes [4] [5][6] and industries all over the world are investigating new technologies in this field and searching for skilled manpower resources, which is still very scarce. Grounded on that idea, we are giving the opportunity for undergraduate and graduated students to be in touch with HEVs technologies, becoming one of the first universities in South America to have a real line of research currently running in this area. The “Electric Wheels Project”, is supported by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANNEL) and the Innovation Center of the State of São Paulo Energy Distributor (CPFL). One of the aims of the group is to bring new technologies in Copyright (c) 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissions@ieee.org. Authors are with the University of São Paulo, Brazil, Engineering School of São Carlos (USP-EESC), Department of Mechanical Engineering (SEM), Mechatronics Group, Laboratory of Mobile Robotics (LabRoM), e-mail: (rafaelc@sc.usp.br, carmonaroom@gmail.com, viniciusvmf@yahoo.com.br, becker@sc.usp.br, siqueira@sc.usp.br). the development of electromechanical wheels to replace the conventional ones in preexisting passenger vehicles, turning them into series HEVs. Concrete results of such research were recently published [7], which has strengthened the group, encouraging the launching of the project, the design of a mini-HEV named HELVIS (Hybrid Electric Vehicle In Low Scale) [8] and the implementation of a parametric vehicular simulator named HELVIS-Sim [9], all of them have significantly expedited researches on HEVs, specially regarding the design and evaluation of 2WD/RWD (Two-Wheel Drive/RearWheel Drive) EDS (Electronic Differential System) [10] [11] for passenger EVs/HEVs [12]. Furthermore, such tools have proved to be valuable opportunities to encourage researchers and enthusiasts to develop a new generation of cleaner vehicles for the new century [13]. Many works in the literature bring relevant results for the EDS problem. When it comes to numerical analysis [14] and [15] works must be highlighted. Other works proposed either classic and non-robust controllers approaches [16] or very simple plant models [17] [18]. A magnetic flow algorithm was proposed in [19] while observers were proposed in [20]. The use of artificial intelligence-base controllers were described in [21] [22]. Besides of accurate models of the vehicle and the power train, the core of a well designed EDS lies in 1) the control system ability to quickly and properly apply the corrective actions and also in 2) its robustness against noises/disturbances/uncertainties. Maneuverability and stability are considered as direct functions of these two variables. Thus, the vehicle can ultimately follow Ackerman Geometry and minimize the slip phenomena [23] [7]. This work focuses on the design and in both simulated and experimental evaluation of an EDS for rear electric traction HEV that can be used with a great variety of control systems. In this case, the optimal H∞ robust controller for HELVIS EDS has shown to be highly effective [12]. However, the robust control theory demands the control architecture (and so the EDS architecture) to be rearranged. Thus, this work also proposes a new control architecture to match the EDS problem for the optimal H∞ controller [24] [25] [26] [27], which consequently allows the use of other control systems of different proposes. It is expected that such novel architecture leads the improvement of the EDS for a wide class of vehicles, including passenger cars. Thus, in order to show how in-depth and versatile the novel EDS module is in terms of performance and operability, two more distinct control approaches were also tested: one classical modified PID controller is outlined [28] [29] and one neuro- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 fuzzy control system [30] [31] [32] [33]. At the end, simulated and experimental results, both performed in HELVIS-Sim simulation environment and HELVIS mini-HEV are respectively presented and analyzed. 2 V̇cgx II. EDS P ROBLEM S TATEMENT A. Vehicle Dynamic & Kinematic Modeling The EDS formulation is based on a 2D rigid body dynamic model [7]. Figure 1 illustrates the body diagram of a front steering rear traction hybrid electric passenger vehicle and Table I shows all parameters that are involved in such model. l2 cosδ1 l2 cosδ2 + + l1 2 2 ! P4 (t) 1 P3 (t) + + bΩ m Vcgx + bΩcg Vcgx − 2cg 2 ! CψF sinδ1 Vcgy + l1 Ωcg − δ1 − bΩ m Vcgx + 2cg ! CψF sinδ2 Vcgy + l1 Ωcg − δ2 − bΩ m Vcgx − cg Vcgy − l2 Ωcg 2 − b2 Ω Vcgx 4 cg ! µg = Vcgy Ωcg − L (1) 2 V̇cgy 2Vcgx CψR = −Vcgy Ωcg − m µgl2 (sinδ1 + sinδ2 ) 2L ! CψF cosδ1 Vcgy + l1 Ωcg + δ1 − m Vcgx + 2b Ωcg ! Vcgy + l1 Ωcg CψF cosδ2 δ2 − + m Vcgx − 2b Ωcg − Ω̇cg = Fig. 1. Body diagram of a front steering rear traction hybrid eletric passenger vehicle. TABLE I TABLE OF THE VARIABLES INVOLVED IN THE MODEL Variable l1 l2 L µ g m Iz CψF CψT b r δ1,2 Rcg Ro Ri Vcg V3 V4 ω3 ω4 Ωcg U1..4 S1..4 P1..4 Description Distance between center of gravity/mass and front axle (m) Distance between center of gravity/mass and rear axle (m) Distance between axles (m) Coefficient of friction (-) Gravitational acceleration (m/s2 ) Vehicle mass (kg) Moment of inertia over z axis (kg · m2 ) Slip coefficient of the front wheels (-) Slip coefficient of the rear wheels (-) Axle’s length (distance between wheels) (m) Tire radius (m) Steering angles (rad) Instantaneous maneuver radius (m) Distance between the curve center and the outside wheel (m) Distance between the curve center and the inside wheel (m) Linear velocity of the vehicle at its CG (m/s) Linear tangent velocity of the left wheel (m/s) Linear tangent velocity of the right wheel (m/s) Angular velocity of the left wheel (rad/s) Angular velocity of the right wheel (rad/s) Vehicle angular velocity around the turning center (rad/s) Wheel longitudinal forces (N ) Wheel lateral forces (N ) Power applied to the wheels (W ) From the free body diagram of the vehicle it results the following dynamic equations that represent the kinematic behavior of the car: (2) µmgbl2 µmgl1 l2 (cosδ2 − cosδ1 ) − (sinδ1 + sinδ2 ) 4LIz 2LIz ! b P3 (t) P4 (t) − + bΩ 2Iz Vcgx + bΩcg Vcgx − 2cg 2 ! CψF Vcgy + l1 Ωcg b + δ2 − l1 cosδ2 + sinδ2 bΩ Iz 2 Vcgx − 2cg ! CψF b Vcgy + l1 Ωcg + l cosδ − sinδ δ1 − 1 1 1 bΩ Iz 2 Vcgx + 2cg ! 2Vcgx l2 CψR Vcgy − l2 Ωcg + 2 − b2 Ω Iz Vcgx 4 cg (3) The above equations are solved from the amount of power individually applied to both rear actuators and therefore, in practice, show how the control action will change the dynamic behavior of the vehicle. Considering exclusively the EDS problem, the desired angular velocities for both rear wheels must to be calculated and it can be obtained from two of the kinematic parameters which are the velocity of the car Vx and the maneuver radius Rcg respectively. The first one can be extracted from Eq. 1 and the second can be calculated from the steering angles which are related to the Ackerman Geometry, whose formalism is described in [23]. Finally, the calculated angular velocities of both rear wheels can be determined by using Eqs. 4 and 5 [7]. Vcg q 2 b 2 Rcg − l2 − (4) ω3 = Rcg r 2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 b Vcg q 2 2 Rcg − l2 + ω4 = Rcg r 2 (5) One important aspect is that, regardless of the dynamic model ability to predict the vehicle’s accelerations from the power that is applied to each wheel (which is very useful to simulation evaluation), it represents only an indirect measurement. In practical terms, the vehicle speed can be easily read from the CAN bus network embedded in the real scale car. The maneuver radius can be estimated by placing an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) close to the CG (Center of Gravity) of the vehicle. Real time IMU reading ensures the accuracy of the system even at small slip situations. This procedure is feasible and has been commonly accomplished in many experiments in “SENA Project” in Mobile Robotics Laboratory [1]. Such sensor fusion has proved to be useful and has been widely used in many mechatronics applications, including transportation systems. III. C ONTROL S YSTEMS D ESIGN & T HE N EW C ONTROL A RCHITECTURE The most important element of the EDS design is the control system that act over the adjustment of the electric wheels angular speeds. It is essential that the control system quickly provides the actuators with the correct amount of current in order to produce the least possible error and the least overshoot so that the wheel can roll without sliding. A great variety of control approaches based on different techniques match the EDS problem [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]. Thus, in this work three different control approaches has been proposed [7], as follows: • • • Classic approach, through the use of the modified PID equations; Artificial intelligence approach, through the use of the neuro-fuzzy controller; Robust approach, through the use of the optimal H∞ controller; A. Modified Classic PID Controller The implementation of a modified PID controller considers the rearrangement of the recurrence equations for a discrete PID controller, as described in [28], in order to improve the quality of the process response. One weighting variable is added to the proportional gain, as well as filters are implemented into both derivative and integrative terms [29]. It also considers the positional form with backward difference approximation to the integrative term (I) and Tustin approximation to derivative term (D), whose control laws for proportional, integrative and derivative terms can be respectively represented by: P (k) = Kp [βr(k) − y(k)]; I(k) = I(k − 1) + Kp T e(k − 1) Ti (6) (7) D(k) = 3 2Kp Td N 2Td − T N D(k − 1) + (y(k) − y(k − 1)) 2Td + T N 2Td + T N (8) Variable Kp is related to the proportional action, Ti refers to the integral action and Td is related to the derivative action. Variable r(k) is the reference (desired) value, y(k) is the process output signal and e(k) refers to the error. Variable T is the sample time, N is a scalar such that the realizability of the controller is ensured (in practice, values in the interval of 3 ≤ N ≤ 20 are commonly used). Proportional action fine tunning is achieved by inserting a parameter β over the reference signal [28] so that considerable improvement in both steady state error and transitory response are observed. The reset-windup effect occurs over the integrative action, and could be suppressed through the implementation of an anti-reset-windup filter [28]. Regarding the derivative action, it can also present an unexpected behavior regarding to the system’s stability in determined circumstances, e.g., high frequencies. At this point, derivative contribution adds a rising gain to the plant, which is commonly referenced as quick derivate effect. In this case, an anti-quick derivate filter is implemented in order to decrease the closed loop gain. It turns out that, from the derivative part in the PID controller (Eq. 8), the presence of one pole in the infinity is observed, which implies in the indefinite growth of the derivative gain as the frequency raises. That turns the system significantly unstable due to the saturation of the control output. The anti-quick derivate filter aims to add a pole to the derivative equation, in order to improve the controllability of the plant. B. A.I.-Based Neuro-Fuzzy Controller The design of a neuro-fuzzy controller is based on two distinct and very well defined stages [30] and is inspired in combining the benefits of the knowledge extraction provided by the fuzzy logic plus the low computational cost offered by the ANN (Artificial Neural Networks), which yields a very efficient class of controllers. The first stage regards the design of a fuzzy controller, involving fuzzification, inference and defuzzification, which originates a fuzzy control surface, consisting of two input and one output variables. The second stage consists in the process of training a neural network that can be able to learn how the fuzzy controller behaviors. Figure 2 illustrates all distinct parts that composes the design of the neuro-fuzzy controller. Phase (A) comprehends the establishment of the rule base, fuzzification, inference and defuzzification, so that the fuzzy control surface is generated (B). The vectors containing all data that define the fuzzy control surface are then sent to the ANN (C). It is expected that the neural network can reproduce the very same fuzzy control surface (D). 1) Fuzzification, Inference and Defuzification: Fuzzy logic executes a rule-based controller, instead of a model-based one. This approach is useful because even if a reliable model is available, non-linearities often raise in maneuvers [7]. The controller inputs are the angular speed error (E) and its IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 4 The MAX-MIN composition and center-of-gravity method were used in the defuzzification process [33]. Thus, the final result of the design of a fuzzy controller is illustrated in Fig. 4. Fig. 2. Illustration of the body diagram of the design of the neuro-fuzzy controller. derivative (dE). The control action defines the output (dU ). Fuzzification involves the representation and the decision making based on linguistic notations, as for inputs (E, dE) as well as for outputs (dU ). In our work, it is determined through the following variables: • • • • • • • NL: Negative Large NM: Negative Medium NS: Negative Small Z: Zero PS: Positive Small PM: Positive Medium PL: Positive Large Gaussian functions were used to represent the membership functions for E, dE and dU because when compared with other shapes (trapezoidal and triangular), they presented the best response. Mandani method was used to the inference process and a set of 49 rules were established, as one may observe on Fig. 3. The decision making procedure was based in those rules. Each combination between each value of E and dE corresponds to a particular control level dU . Fig. 3. Rules matrix established to the electric wheels control. Fig. 4. Fuzzy control surface as the result of the fuzzy design. 2) Feedforward Artificial Neural Network Training Process: Artificial Neural Networks present a satisfactory performance in terms of low computing cost. In particular, feedforward ANN are indicated in classification problems, where each input vector is associated to an output vector [30]. This affirmation perfectly meets the problem of controlling the electric wheels since there is a corresponding control output dU to each couple error-derivative E-dE. Thereby a four-layered feedforward ANN was designed with (Nc /2) + 3 hidden layers where Nc is the number of inputs. Such configuration presents superior performance compared to a three-layered feedforward ANN regarding the number of parameters that are necessary for the training process. Regarding the NN inputs and outputs, a pair (k) (k) of inputs x = (x1 , x2 ) was considered, representing the (k) error E and its derivative dE. Also, the output y = y1 , representing the increase/decrease in the control action [32], was also considered. A MATLABTM toolbox was used employing the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. it is important to highlight that the training performance was in compliance with MSE (Mean Square Error) criteria. 3) The Neuro-Fuzzy Controller: When the ANN training process is well succeeded, both control surfaces must be very similar (remember that the fuzzy control surface was reconstructed by the ANN). Figure 5-(a) shows the fuzzy control surface itself, obtained from the implementation of the fuzzy controller, whereas Fig. 5-(b) shows the surface provided by the ANN after the training process. It is clear that the four-layered feedforward neural network has reconstructed the original surface. This indicates that the ANN could successfully learn how to eventually provide the EDS with the proper control actions, as if it is in charge of a essentially fuzzy-based controller. The accuracy of the ANN can be quantified by comparing the then reconstructed control surface and the original one obtained by the fuzzy system. The MSE (Mean Square Error) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 (a) (b) Fig. 5. Obtained fuzzy control surface (a) the reproduced surface after the training process of the feedforward ANN. criteria was used to compute an mean error value of e ≈ 5 · 10−5 . C. Robust Optimal H∞ Controller The synthesis of the optimal H∞ controller was based on [24], [25], [26] and [27], considering the fact that the plant is stabilizable and detectable. Thus, the resulting augmented plant Gap , the respective block diagram is represented in Fig. 6. 5 disturbances/noises/uncertainties, it is necessary that the gains of S are low at low frequencies so that noises/disturbances rejection can be guaranteed, that is, |We S| ≤ 1. On the other hand, R gains must be low at high frequencies to achieve the same noise rejection level, that is, |Wu R| ≤ 1. The previous two robustness criteria are directly related to: 1) stability against model parametric variations, 2) stationary error → 0, 3) robustness even with open-loop uncertainties and variations, 4) robustness against noises which are inserted into the plant. Actually, the sensitivity function must ideally satisfy the peak sensitivity Ms and also the bandwidth ωb , so that the following relation must be respected: s (10) |S(s)| ≤ s Ms + ωb The closed-loop value for the bandwidth is such that ωb ≈ ωn . Also, for a good control design it is desirable that Ms does not reach high values. Values for both bandwidth and peak sensitivity are chosen empirically, observing the frequency responses and the natural frequency of the plant. Thus, the best values are Ms = 160 and ωb = 50. Thus, both weighting functions obtained through the γ-iteration algorithm and the robustness criteria are given by Eqs. (11) and (12) as follows: We (s) = 0.00625s + 50 s + 0.05 (11) s+1 (12) 0.1s + 9 · 108 From Eqs. (11) and (12) and all previous described procedures, the following controller K is achieved: Wu (s) = K(s) = Fig. 6. Augmented plant of the EDS module, representing the transfer function Tzw . The γ-iteration algorithm was employed, aided by a MatlabTM toolbox, through which the γ value is reduced until the optimal value of γopt is achieved so that, at the end of the procedure, both error and control action weighting functions (We and Wu , respectively) and the controller K(s) itself are obtained. Thus, the norm of the closed loop transfer function Tzw between w and z1,2 must satisfy the following condition: We S = We S < γ Tzw = (9) Wu KS Wu R ∞ ∞ Where We and Wu represents the weighting functions of the controller K . Values from γmin = 0.05 to γmax = 150 where used for the iterative process. The value of γ achieved is 0.1366, which is in compliance to the optimal H∞ aims to minimize the norm of the transfer function Tzw . Sensitivity function was given by S while R is the transfer function between the control action and the reference input. In order to guarantee stability and robustness relative to 5.103s2 + 4.592 · 1010 s + 1.714 · 1011 s3 + 7776s2 + 3.061 · 107 + 1.508 · 106 (13) D. The New Control Architecture Generally, the driver’s throttle input is intuitively added to the control signal, in an attempt to simply superimpose the control actions computed by the EDS. Such control architecture and strategy were proposed in [18] and is shown in Fig. 7. In the case of HELVIS EDS, the H∞ controller acts as a filter, degrading the driver’s acceleration input, turning any attempt to impose new acceleration commands into a noise [12]. Figure 8 shows the exploded view of the proposed architecture, which matches the EDS application with robust controllers. The kinematics block calculates T the desired left and right rear angular speeds ωld ωrd based on reading the T states of the state vector V˙x V˙y Ω˙x Vx Vy Ωx x y z . In practice, the driver’s throttle command β is considered as the representation of the desired speed of the vehicle (which, in turn, represents the angular speeds of the wheels). Similar to the calculus of the desired angular speeds based on the speed of the car Vx and on the maneuver radius (through reading data from IMU), the kinematics block calculates βr and βl using Eqs. 4 and 5. These results are used in order to provide the controllers with βr and βl as if they were the reference values IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 6 Driver’s Inputs - Controller + + + Throttle Input - Acceleration Steering HELVIS Kinematics Motor To Dynamics Blockset EDS HELVIS Dynamics - - Fig. 7. Unsuitable feedback block diagram due to the high ability of noise rejection by the H∞ controller. Steering Angles T ), since Vx in both equations is represented by ( ωld ωrd β. The states of the speeds are provided by the dynamics block c c c c T i i e e delivered to the from both voltage and current l r r l motors, which allows the estimation of the power involved T [Pl Pr ] for each wheel. As for the IMU data, it provides the EDS with real measurements regardless of a possible tire slipping, which turns the overall system more accurate and robust. The control loop is then rearranged so that the throttle input is the signal with highest priority. However, the subtraction of the desired speeds, provided by the kinematics and based on the dynamics of the vehicle, ensures that the driver’s throttle command is assured. Thus, in practice, the controller senses the resulting error: d c e = 2βl,r − ωl,r − ωl,r Steering Command Control System Control System Driver Driver Left Motor Right Motor Encoder Encoder Fig. 8. (14) 5 4.5 Novel EDS control architecture proposed in this work. Throttle Input HELVIS Control Architecture Conventional Architecture Throttle Input Computed T Where ωlc ωrc is the vector with the measured values for both rear wheels angular speeds. The efficiency of the the new proposed control architecture over the conventional one could be attested in a bench test experiment where the performance of both approaches could be evaluated. As this paper is related and focused on robust controllers, both the new architecture and the conventional one were submitted to such experiment with the optimal H∞ controller in charge of the EDS, while the driver input command was subject to observation. Figure 9 shows that, in fact, the throttle input is rejected as a noise, when the architecture of Fig. 7 is employed. Indeed, any attempt to request new acceleration inputs (continuous curve) will be degraded (dotted curve), since it is considered an external disturbance. Regardless of the magnitude of the throttle input command, the H∞ controller always acts in order to minimize such disturbance, converging the throttle signal to a minimum value. That is, the architecture proposed in Fig. 7 cannot be applied to our case ultimately. The figure still shows that the proposed architecture in this work preserves the throttle command imposed by the driver, which is input intact to the kinematics block (dashed curve). Angular Speed (rad/s) 4 3.5 3 2.5 Throtthe Input Degrading 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (s) Fig. 9. Behavior of the throttle input signal using the novel proposed HELVIS control architecture. IV. S IMULATION AND E XPERIMENTAL T OOLS All following tests concerning the proposed architecture for the EDS as well as the three control approaches are first evaluated in simulation environment and then analyzed through experimental tests. Thus, a simulation toolbox and a low scale HEV are next presented. A. The HELVIS mini-HEV Platform As both dynamic and kinematic models for the vehicle are parametrized and the calculus of the desired angular speeds are essentially linear, which allows the scalability of the EDS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 module, all experimental tests were extended to a mini-HEV platform named HELVIS (Hybrid Electric Vehicle In Low Scale), which has been successfully constructed and has been presented in VPPC 2011 [8]. The HELVIS platform, Fig. 10, is a low scale rear electric traction series HEV endowed with a steering mechanism (that is in compliance with Ackerman Geometry). The vehicles’s EDS is part of a 2WD/RWD (Two-Wheel Drive/Rear-Wheel Drive) electric drive train [11], composed by two DC motors each one with planetary gears which can deliver 10W of power to each rear wheels. The general architecture of the HELVIS drive train is shown in Fig. 11. It can be classified as a series hybrid drive train, since an electrical coupler handles the power incoming from two distinct sources, in this case, the battery and the generator [10]. In this configuration, the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) deals with many functional tasks, e.g., incoming data from sensors, battery SOC (State of Charge), IC engine RPM and, obviously, the EDS powering and data processing. Some of the most important constructive parameters of the HELVIS platform are listed in Table II. 7 DC Motors IC-Engine Magnetic Encoder Generator Steering Mechanism Fig. 11. General architecture and physical parameters of the series-hybrid HELVIS mini-platform. Fig. 10. The HELVIS mini-HEV 2WD/RWD series platform. TABLE II HELVIS CONSTRUCTIVE PARAMETERS . Variable mass wheelbase (distance between axles) track (distance between wheels) center of mass (x) center of mass (y) radius of the wheels moment of inertia Value 4 335 214 107 55 60 0.087475 Unit Kg mm mm mm mm mm Kg · m2 useful SimulinkTM -based simulator named HELVIS-Sim, is briefly presented [9]. HELVIS-Sim is a parametric simulator that emulates, among many other functions, the HELVIS platform EDS module. Besides, as the simulation architecture is basically constructed over a set of blocks, SimulinkTM perfectly fits to this project, since it eases the insertion of brand new blocks and also the integration to our dSpaceTM real time interface board to run the experimental evaluation of HELVISSim [8]. In this paper, the focus is on the control of the EDS module. HELVIS-Sim considers the driver’s input commands, vehicle both dynamics and kinematics, sensors, actuators, control systems, signal conditioning, and other functions. It is important to emphasize that this simulator allows users to experience different classes of controllers in the torque split up problem. The HELVIS-Sim EDS architecture is displayed in Fig. 12. In this figure, one may observe that the EDS related modules are displayed, such as torque and wheel speed calculation, control system, motor dynamics, kinematics & dynamics, drivers commands, and steering mechanism. V. E VALUATION OF R ESULTS FOR THE EDS C ONTROL & N EW A RCHITECTURE B. The HELVIS-Sim Simulation Environment In the case of EVs/HEVs, a simulation tool can be even more useful if one considers the fact that EVs/HEVs component parts are not easy to be obtained since those types of vehicles are not as trivial as conventional vehicles are. In this context, a simulation tool can aid engineers and students in the development and manufacturing of specific pieces for general and also for a specific function in an EV/HEV. Henceforth, an Since bench tests have proved the efficiency of the new control architecture over the conventional one, the EDS has been set up with the proposed architecture. Then, it was submitted to both simulated and experimental tests. The EDS performance could be evaluated while the three previously designed controller were individually applied. Two situations were observed, both for simulation and experimental tests, as follows: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 EDS 8 Lateral & Longitudinal Forces Torque & Wheel Speed Calculation Frictional Forces HELVIS Dynamics Control Module Accelerations Steering Mechanism + Magnectic Sensor Transfer Function Throttle Motors Dynamics HELVIS Kinematics Steering Command Drivers Inputs Performance Analysis Anti-Slip Control EDS Controller Evaluation Trajectory Control Fig. 14. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 12. General architecture and functional blocks of HELVIS-Sim simulation environment. • • Case I: Acceleration of the platform from zero to 2 m/s with both sides steering and maximum steering angle; Case II: Gradual attenuation of the acceleration percentage from 2 m/s following sinusoidal pattern with both sides steering and maximum steering angle; A. Results Achieved from the HELVIS-Sim 1) Case I: Acceleration of the platform from zero to 2 m/s with both sides steering and maximum steering angle: Figure 13 shows the results obtained from the control of the EDS by the modified PID controller, where it is visible that the system adjusts the rear wheels speeds as the maneuver occurs. One may also observe a minimum value for the steady state error and quick response. Figure 14 shows the expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds. Fig. 15. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 16. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 13. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Figure 15 shows the response of the process of control of the EDS by the neuro-fuzzy controller. A millisecond-order response delay occurs as the steering maneuver runs, although the steady state error is not present. Figure 16 illustrates the expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds. Figure 17 shows the results of the control of the EDS by the optimal H∞ controller. Both steady state error and time delay are not sensed as the vehicle is subject to steering. The expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds can be observed in Fig. 18. 2) Case II: Gradual attenuation of the acceleration percentage from 2 m/s following sinusoidal pattern with both sides steering and maximum steering angle: Figure 19 shows the responses of the adjustment of both rear wheels angular speed IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 17. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 18. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. by the modified PID controller during the steering maneuver. Both steady state error and response delay are not observable. The expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds can be observed in Figure 20. Figure 21 shows the results of the control of the EDS by neuro-fuzzy controller during the steering maneuver and also the speed variation. A millisecond-order delay is noted. As a result of it, a very small steady state error is also perceptible. Figure 22 shows the expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds. Figure 23 shows the results obtained from the optimal H∞ controller. It is seen that the controller provides high accuracy and quickness in response, which eliminates both steady state error and response delay. Figure 24 shows the expanded view of the response of the rear wheels angular speeds by the optimal H∞ controller. An important quantitative analysis can be drawn based on Tab. III data. This table presents the steady error, time delay and overshoot mean values acquired in HELVIS-Sim simulations. Such review can reveal important data which can significantly determine the choice of the controller that best fits the EDS application. In this case, all three controllers present satisfactory values for the three parameters under analysis, although the optimal robust H∞ controller performance presents the best overview at all. Thus, it can also be concluded that the novel proposed architecture perfectly matches the EDS problem, turning it possible to embed different controllers. 9 Fig. 19. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. Fig. 20. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. Fig. 21. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. TABLE III C ONTROL P ERFORMANCE Q UANTITATIVE C OMPARISON TABLE IN S IMULATION (M EAN VALUES ). Controller PID NF H∞ Steady State Error (%) 0.8% 0.8% 0.1% Time Delay (ms) 18 35 6 Overshoot (%) 0.02 0.034 0.003 B. Experimental Results Achieved from the HELVIS Platform Experimental results followed the very same inputs previously used to the simulated evaluation of the EDS from HELVIS-Sim environment. Communication between the real IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 22. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. 10 speeds. It is possible to observe that as the vehicle speed increases and the vehicle steers, the controller follows the desired values for the calculated/desired angular speeds. Moreover, the EDS alternates the module of the reference signal, as the vehicle changes the steering direction, which is also followed by the controller. Figure 26 shows the expanded view of the response of both measured rear wheels angular speeds. It is possible to observe that, indeed, the modified PID controller appropriately responds to the demands of controlling the actuators. It is also observed that both time delay and steady state error are minimum and acceptable. Figure 27 reflects the behavior of the EDS under the adjust of the neuro-fuzzy controller. It is notable that the control of the actuator is satisfactorily accomplished. Low levels of steady state error and overshoot are observed. The expanded view in Figure 28 shows that the control actions drive both measured angular speeds to correctly follow the reference as the vehicle’s speed changes and the steering maneuver occurs. The resulting curves for both rear wheels angular speeds controlled by the optimal H∞ controller can be observed in Figure 29. In this case the noise suppression can be clearly noted. Especially in Figure 30, one may note that, in fact, the optimal H∞ controller is able to reject noises and disturbances that can eventually or purposely be inserted into the control plant. Neither steady state error nor time delay response are observed. Moreover, high control effort is observed, especially at low frequencies. Fig. 23. HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. Fig. 25. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 24. Expanded view of the HELVIS-SIM simulation response for the proposed EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. EDS and the control module was achieved by using a high performance dSpaceTM 1103 optical fiber interface board. Control of both motors was individually accomplished through two different PWM channels whose duty cycle is of approximately 12kHz which is reasonable to a real time application such as the EDS control. Once again, the following cases were evaluated: 1) Case I: Figure 25 shows the EDS response whereas the modified PID controller adjusts both rear wheels angular 2) Case II: Figure 31 shows the behavior of the EDS under the control of the modified PID controller. As in Case I, it is noted that the controller provides the EDS with sufficient control actions accordingly to project specifications. The low frequency responses and the consequent control effort is observed in Figure 32, which does not result in any deterioration in the attempt to maintain the speed of the actuator. Figure 33 shows the control responses of the EDS by the neuro-fuzzy controller. The controller appropriately follows the reference values for the angular speeds resulting in a quasi-zero steady state error and no significant overshoot levels. When it comes to the time delay response, it is neither observed (Fig. 34). The system responds appropriately even at low frequencies, and the control effort also keeps the wheels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 26. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 27. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. 11 Fig. 29. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. Fig. 30. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. no overshoot, as well as a very quick time response. Fig. 28. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a constant speed and steering maneuver. speeds in compliance with the correct calculated speeds. Finally, Figure 35 shows the EDS response by applying the optimal H∞ controller for the same case. The control robustness can be noted, such that the noise that is inserted into the process is suppressed. The expanded view of the control responses can be seen in Figure 36. It is observed that the H∞ presents a high ability to reject the external disturbances. Furthermore, the control effort and the controller precision leads the EDS to a quasi-zero steady state error and Fig. 31. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. As for the experimental quantitative performance analysis, it is noted from Tab. IV that all three controllers present very satisfactory mean values during experimental tests. This fact directly reflects the vehicle performance since the combination of low levels of steady state error, time delay and overshoot guarantees a more stable and more maneuverable car. Moreover, it expresses the accuracy of the overall EDS while working with the novel proposed architecture, which proves that it can embed controllers from various classes and IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 Fig. 32. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the modified PID controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. Fig. 33. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller , to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. 12 Fig. 35. Experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller , to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. Fig. 36. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the optimal H∞ controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. VI. C ONCLUSION Fig. 34. Expanded view of the experimental response for the HELVIS platform EDS module, adjusted by the neuro-fuzzy controller, to a speed on sinusoidal pattern and steering maneuver. approaches. TABLE IV C ONTROL P ERFORMANCE Q UANTITATIVE C OMPARISON TABLE D URING E XPERIMENTS (M EAN VALUES ). Controller PID NF H∞ Steady State Error (%) 0.12% 0.18% 0.07% Time Delay (ms) 7 12 5 Overshoot (%) 0.032 0.048 0.0045 Both EDS and the new control architecture proposed in this work directly and deeply contributes to the development of EVs/HEVs regarding improvements in the power train/traction system. Although other control approaches can handle the problem of the electronic differential control even with MIMO systems, the focus of this research is to allow the design of an electric wheel, which can independently replace the conventional rear wheel in conventional passenger vehicles. The proposed architecture is grounded in the fusion between a high performance IMU sensor and kinematic and dynamic parametric models, which turns the design of the EDS perfectly scalable to other 4WD rear traction vehicles. Despite the fact that all tests have been run in a low scale vehicle, it is feasible to be embedded in a full scale electric and Ackermanbased rear traction vehicle. Both simulated and experimental results show that the novel control architecture presents good results, regardless of the type and nature of the controller. Therefore, the resulting EDS system is extremely flexible in terms of control. Furthermore, it presents a general in-depth solution to be used with any kind of control system, in any circumstances. In terms of visibility, the proposed architecture module allows clear vision of how the information flows into the context of the EDS module. As for the HELVIS platform and HELVIS-Sim simulation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 58, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2012 environment, both are concrete contributions of this research. They can potentially help spreading the new paradigms of a new and cleaner transportation paradigm. 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