Director`s News - Shrewsbury Children`s Center
Director`s News - Shrewsbury Children`s Center
THE PARENT CONNECTION Volume 26 Issue #2 # #888 8 # October 2016 The Parent Connection Director’s News By Lesley Belanger & Rebecca Casey Important Dates October 10th – Closed Columbus Day Greetings, Happy Autumn! We are looking forward to enjoying the cooler weather and watching the trees turn beautiful colors! Our new school year is well under way and all of our teachers and students have settled into their new routines nicely. We are looking forward to many fun fall activities! The Annual Registration Fee is due October 3rd. Notices have been handed out and the fee remains unchanged at $50.00 per child. The Registration Fee is dedicated to the operating costs of the center that include annual liability and property insurance. Please do not include this fee with your regular tuition payment. Harvest/Halloween Parties will be Thursday, th th October 27 & Friday, October 28 . Each classroom will design and create their own costumes out of craft materials. They will then participate in a parade around school to show them off! There will be sign-up sheets on each classroom door for families interested in donating party goods. Please coordinate with the classroom teachers if you would like to signup, so they can provide you with any special information regarding classroom allergies. Thank you in advance, our parties are always so much fun with your help! We will be hosting a Family Fun Night in November. Please watch for postings around the school for the exact date! We cannot wait to see you there! We do NOT allow families into the building BEFORE 7:30am. This time is needed to allow teachers to arrive and setup the room for the day. All classrooms start their day between 8:45 and 9:00 am. We encourage all parents to have their children in their classrooms by 9:00 am. Please call the center before 9:00 am if your child is going to be out or in late so the teachers can order your child a lunch. Each time you call the center with questions or information regarding your child to please state your child’s first and last name as well as the name of his/her classroom or teacher. Monthly Tuition Payments are due before the first of each month. Weekly Tuition Payments are due one week in advance; please pay each Thursday morning by 9:00 am. Make sure your child’s name is on each tuition check to ensure that we credit the proper account with your payment. The parking lot has one way in and one way out. Please exit the parking lot closest to the shed. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY and BE AWARE OF OTHER CARS. There are always CHILDREN WALKING in the parking lot. Please REFFRAIN from talking on your cell phone while driving in the parking lot for safety reasons. Please remember - It is required by the state that all children have updated physicals and immunizations in order to attend the Center. Tuition ~ Please contact Mary Rose Casey directly for all tuition related questions; at (508) 755-3922 or We love hearing from our families. – Lesley and Rebecca Page 1 THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 Infant 1 By Debbie S., Debbie G., & Christine M. Our newcomers are adjusting very well to their new environment! They are busy making connections with their teachers and friends. We are excited to welcome two new children to our room this month: Mason and Ruby. 2 Aiden has begun to reach for the toys above him while playing on the activity mat. He really enjoys sitting in the entertainer, looking at himself in the mirror and watching bubbles float by as he sits in the Bumbo seat! Lila loves to listen to stories and look at pictures in the books we read to her. She has really enjoyed sitting in the Bumbo seat and taking in the world around her! We are gearing up for cooler weather by changing our summer wardrobe to comfy, cozy outfits. We will try to get outside as often as possible, weather pending! At the end of October, we will enjoy the school parade of all the Halloween costumes! Stella is up on all fours and trying to crawl. She continues to roll from, back to front and front to back! She loves to examine her hands and has now begun to move her fingers. She is working on waving! Reminder: please replenish your child’s basket with appropriate clothing as needed! Elin came into the room with lots of smiles. She really enjoys interacting with her teachers! She is always laughing and cooing! It is very important to remember to remove all shoes, especially boots before entering our classroom. Monthly Milestones Infant 2 By Courtney D. and Lai C. Welcome to fall! October is already here and we are all ready for a spooktacular month! This month we are going to have lots of fun decorating our room with many festive art projects. We will get ooey-gooey by finger painting with lime green and black to create Frankenstein and stomp around in white paint on black paper to make some silly ghosts. We will take full advantage of the beautiful, crisp weather by heading outside to explore the colorful trees and listen to the crunchy leaves blow around! Stay tuned for further information on making Halloween costumes! We would like to wish BIG Happy 1st Birthdays to our friends Matthew (10/10) and Tyler (10/24)! Lena enjoys laying under the activity mat and will even try some belly time for us.. We noticed on our first neighborhood walk that Lena loves the outdoors! Lena coos and babbles in response to those talking to her. We hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween with their little ones! Please feel free to share some pictures! Monthly Milestones Sebastian is officially walking! He enjoys dancing when we sing songs and building with the duplo blocks. Anthony is working very hard on finding his balance and is getting brave at letting go and trying to take some steps! He loves to bounce and jump in the entertainer! Julia has been doing a fantastic job walking with some help or with the push walker! She stands up on her own while picking up toys and squats back down! Jules has been using simple signs such as “please” and “more”. Way to go Julia! Tyler is almost walking! He can already walk half way across the room! He is doing great keeping up with his friends! Tyler likes to push the trucks all around the room chasing after his friends! Matthew has been practicing standing for short periods of time. He has been having a blast playing pee-a-boo inside the pop-up tent with his friends. Abram has been really enjoying listening to books. His favorite is Brown Bear, Brown Bear and he likes the That’s Not My Monkey touchy-feely books. Chase loves to turn around playing chase with his friends. All over the class, under the tables, through the tunnels he gets his friends to follow all while laughing and having lots of fun. It is very important to remember to remove all shoes, especially boots before entering our classroom. THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 Welcome Fall! September was a fun-filled month. We had lots of fun getting to know each other and exploring the classroom. Thank you to everyone for making some creative scrapbook pages! The children love to look at them and get so excited when we get to their page! Our Johnny Appleseed parties were so much fun! We wore our pot hats and made apple monkey bread to share with all our friends outside. It was very yummy! October is Fire Safety Month and the Shrewsbury Fire Department will be coming by to show the children their fire truck. We will be making fire hats and badges to wear when they get to climb into the truck. Watch our classroom walls for fall artwork. We will be making colorful leaves and pumpkins. You may even find some ghosts and spiders! We cannot wait to carve and decorate our class pumpkin as well. Our th th Harvest Parties will be October 27 and 28 ; please watch for sign-up sheets on our door. Our class will be making our own costumes. Could you please send in an oversized white t-shirt for your child to decorate? Thank you in advance! We would like to welcome Lila to our class. She is having fun with her new friends. Also, Cynthia (10/21) and Clark (10/28) are nd celebrating their 2 birthdays this month! We hope you both have fabulous days! The fall brings cooler weather. Please be sure to leave a jacket or sweatshirt for outside play. Just a reminder, the Center is th closed October 10 for Columbus Day! We are busy planning our Annual Food Drive which will take place during the first week of November. Details to come soon! Have a wonderful October! Toddler 1 By Beth S. and Sue R. 3 Toddler 1A By Sarah F. and Becca R. It is officially fall; although we are still enjoying summer-like weather. The children love going outside and have transitioned into their new rooms and routines smoothly. We learned all about farm life in September and got dirty painting pigs, gluing cotton balls on sheep and learning the animal names and their sounds. We also explored all about apples! We discovered all the colors apples grow in, as well as, how they feel! In October, we will continue to explore our classroom and welcome both a new friend and a new teacher to our T1A family! October is Fire Safety Month and we will be learning all about how to stay safe during a fire. The Shrewsbury Fire Department will visit us and let us climb in their firetruck! We will be busy creating our own Halloween costumes to wear during our school parade! We are excited to make spooky decorations for our classroom! Harvest Parties will be held on October 27th and 28th. Please watch our classroom door or sign-up sheets! Reminder: Our center is closed October 10th for Columbus Day! Happy October! THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 4 Toddler 3 Toddler 2 By Karen G. and Jill N. By Jen T. & Canisha B. Hello October! Fall has begun and before we know it the ground will be covered with snow again! With the cooler weather coming, we ask that you please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and has a warm sweater or jacket for outdoor play when needed. Weather permitting, we do go outside two to three times a day. September has flown by! All of the children are settling into the routine of their new classroom! We spent the first couple of weeks getting to know each other while learning the classroom rules. Towards the end of the month, we learned about our five senses and how they help us. The children enjoyed the last week of September when we discussed apples and celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s birthday. We baked Apple Monkey Bread and made special “pot” hats to wear just like Johnny Appleseed did! During the month of October, we would like to wish our friend John a happy birthday! He turns the big two on 10/10! We will discuss fire safety too and have a visit from the Shrewsbury Fire Department. Our Harvest Parties will be this month. We will discuss things such as pumpkins, scarecrows, ghosts and everything else spooky and fun to prepare for them. Please watch for signup sheets on our door! Parent participation is greatly appreciated and much needed to make our parties a great success! September has come and gone! Welcome FALL! Welcome apples, pumpkins and cooler days and nights! Fall is always a favorite in T3! We had fun in September making leaves for our tree! We explored all our favorite colors. We talked about friends and family, as well as, fall changes. Johnny Appleseed’s birthday was in September. made apple monkey bread and had a party outside to celebrate while we wore pot hats on our heads that we made as a tribute to him. All our friends in T3 seemed to enjoy the celebration We also have a new friend in our classroom who started in September. Welcome to SCC Gloria! We are happy to have you in our class! October is a very fun and busy month! We will be talking about fire safety and along with that having a visit from the Shrewsbury Fire Department. We will be exploring apples and pumpkins and having a harvest party. We will make some fall crafts such as paper bag pumpkins, pumpkin prints, corn cob paintings and pumpkin collages. We also will make some spooky art (ghosts, bats, monsters and spiders)! T3 will create our own costumes and having a parade (a SCC tradition!). We are excited to have a party and a fun and exciting week. October is so busy and we love it! Some dates to remember: 10/10 SCC is closed for Columbus Day 10/27th and 10/28th Harvest Parties 10/31 Our food drive begins. Please feel free to bring in a canned good or non-perishable item. Thank you in advanced for helping the needy in our community. Please send in sweaters or sweatshirts for your child as some mornings are cooler. Thank you and have a happy, safe October! Reminders: SCC is closed Monday 10/10 for Columbus Day. Please check your child’s folder daily. Fire Truck Visit TBA th Harvest Parties will be October 28 and th October 29 ! Have a Great Month! Fall Reading Leaf Jumpers by Carole Gerber introduces children to identifying leaves! Within its story, descriptions of eight common leaves are given! THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 5 Preschool 1 spiders and goblins decorating our classroom too! By Lusi D. and Taylor M. We wish Ben Haskins, Lanella and Chloe Happy 3rd Birthdays this month! Whoa! Time is flying by so quickly! Transition week went very well. All our new friends are adjusting wonderfully and we are all ready to jump in and have a fun and busy school year. September was full of fun and excitement. We met new friends and teachers and learned all about each other. During our morning meetings we love singing songs, counting the days on the calendar and discuss the theme for the week. We made lots of fun projects like mosaic school buses, finger paintings and family portraits. All the children really enjoyed making our “All About Me” books, with all our favorite things inside. They created beautiful paintings with their friends and made special friendship bracelets. We ended the month discussing apples, farms and animals to get us ready for a fun field trip to the apple orchard. We made applesauce, apple turnover and we even had an apple taste test to see what apple is our favorite! In October, the days are shorter, the nights are longer and fall changes are all around. We will be exploring the fall changes with different art projects using lots of seasonal colors. We will go on a nature walk where we will collect leaves and make a collage. October is fire safety month! The Shrewsbury firefighters will visit us and let us sit in a real fire truck. They will teach us to stop, drop and roll and what do to in case of a fire. At the end of the month, we will have our Harvest Parties on 10/27 and 10/28 where we will be making our own costumes for the parade. There will be many creative ghosts, Please remember as the weather gets a little cooler please dress your child appropriately. Our center is closed on 10/10 in celebration of Columbus Day. We hope everyone has a great month! week to learn about harvesting. We will talk about how different foods are grown and what some of our favorite foods are. Also this month, we will be talking about safety in our town. We will learn all about the ways to stay safe in our house, as well as, how to stay safe outside, especially when we are trick or treating. Our month will end with “getting ghouly” as we prepare our costumes for our parade and do some creep crawly hands on activities. We will also get to carve pumpkins as a fun class project! It’s really a fun time of year! We are excited to welcome three new friends to our classroom this month. Jessica, Sarah and Sophia we are looking forward to having you in our class! Reminders: Preschool 2 By Liz M. and Bonnie G. As the weather gets a little cooler please dress your child appropriately. 10/5 Field Trip to Tougas Farm September was a fun-filled month that was spent getting to know each other, meeting new friends and exploring our classroom. We kicked off the month of September learning all about our families. We discussed some of our favorite things to do with our family, where we live and who we live with. We even got to decorate a paper bag house. Next, we took a week to learn about apples, pumpkins and orchards. It sure was fun painting with apples and seeing the star in the middle. We also learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and played a sequencing game! Finally, we ended the month learning about seasonal changes. We made marble painted leaves and foil ball trees with fall colors. We also discussed what seasonal changes we see happening outside. SCC is closed 10/10 for Columbus Day! October is here and with it we are sure to have a fabulous month. We will begin the month learning all about colors, shapes and sizes. We will explore mixing colors, shape games and putting items in order by size. Next, we will take a The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed in at 1,502 pounds and was grown by Ron Wallace of Greene, Rhode Island! Thank you for continuing to label all of you children’s belongings! It is very helpful! Happy fall! Pumpkin Time! THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 Preschool 3 By Jen N. and Kristen M. Wow, September flew by! The month of September started out by welcoming new friends into our classroom. There was much to learn about each other, ourselves and what makes us individual and unique. We also spent time learning about our families and the homes we live in. We created houses and people. We welcomed fall on September 22, even though the weather certainly did not feel like it in the afternoon! October will start out by going on a field trip to Tougas Farm! We are looking forward to picking apples and riding on a bus! It will be exciting to see all the fall changes, such as the leaves changing colors, all the fall decorations and lots of yummy smells. We will be having our annual Harvest Parties at the end of the year! In which we get to have special treats and get to parade around the school with costumes that we make at school! We will enjoy some Halloween fun by exploring the guts of a pumpkin, reading fun creepy crawly stories. October is an exciting time! It is also fire prevention month. We will take time to learn all about fire safety and have a visit from the Shrewsbury Fire Department! We wish Jackson (10/1) and Ellie (10/12) happy birthdays this month! We hope you have wonderful days! Reminders: Please remember to bring your child’s sheets back to school after the weekend. 10/5: Field Trip to Tougas Farm SCC is closed 10/10 in observance of Columbus Day! Preschool 4 By Crystal H. and Katelyn S September was a busy month of getting to know each other. We were busy exploring the room during transition week and spent the week getting to know all of our new friends and teachers. We then spent a week learning all about ourselves. During All About Me week, we created self-portraits with crayons, paper, paint and glue. We then learned all about families, discussing different family dynamics, as well as, different kinds of houses. We made our own houses with paper, scissors and glue. We then loved our pets as we discussed how to care for them. We made cats out of paper, scissors, glue and googly eyes. We also made bird feeders to hang from trees. We then discussed fall changes. We learned about the changes of weather and scenery around us. We made colorful fall trees with paper, scissors and glue. October will be a busy month, as well. We will start the month with the theme Fall Harvest. We will go on our apple picking field trip during this week. We will then learn about emergency responders and have a visit from a real fire truck! We will end the month with bats, goblins, ghosts and preparing for our Harvest Parties! These parties will include a parade so the kids can show off their costumes they created at school. We will begin our Early Literacy Curriculum this month. This consists of small group activities after morning meeting. We do ask that you have your child at school for 9 each morning so they do not miss this important part of the day. We will also start letter of the week this month. We will practice the sounds of the letter of the week, as well as, the formation and we will even make lists of words that begin with that letter. We wish a happy birthday to Calvin (10/2)! We hope you have an amazing day! 10/5 will be our apple picking field trip to Tougas Farm Our Center is closed 10/10 in observance of Columbus Day. 6 THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 Kindergarten By: Mrs. Toohey, Sylvia and Michelle September was a busy month in Kindergarten. We are off to a great start! We spent time exploring our new classroom and learning “all about me”. We enjoyed drawing self-portraits, our families and, of course, our new friends. We also graphed the members in our family and interviewed our friends. We finished up the month welcoming fall, discussing seasonal changes, exploring leaves and learning about “chlorophyl”. Lastly, we explored apples, learned about Johnny Appleseed while celebrating his birthday and talked about the farm life. We made sheep, scarecrows and apple trees, of course! October brings many exciting adventures to Kindergarten! First, we will begin our formal reading and math curriculum. Each week, we will learn all about a new letter. There will also be a letter museum in our classroom. Each Monday, your child will 7 need to bring in an item beginning with the Letter of the Week. Their item will be added to the museum for the week. This month, we will learn the letters Cc, Oo, Gg and Aa. We will also learn about Columbus Day and fire prevention. At the end of the month, we will celebrate Halloween with a parade and a party. For new families, we celebrate by having the children make their own costumes here at school. There will be a sign-up sheet for special snacks and paper goods. Wow! That is a busy month! Happy Birthday wishes go out to Ishawn on October 19th! We hope you have a special day! Important Dates: 10/5 Apple Picking Field Trip to Tougas Farm 10/10 SCC Closed: Happy Columbus Day 10/28 Halloween Party and Parade TBA: Shrewsbury Fire Department Truck visit Have a great month! THE PARENT CONNECTION | October 2016 8 Notes: THE PARENT CONNECTION