Buxman, Karyn 5-27-14
Buxman, Karyn 5-27-14
2014 MDRT Annual Meeting e‐Handout Material Title: Speaker: Presentation Date: Amazed and Amused Karyn Buxman Monday, June 9, 2014 Main Platform The Million Dollar Round Table® (MDRT) does not guarantee the accuracy of tax and legal matters and is not liable for errors and omissions. You are urged to check with tax and legal professionals in your state, province or country. MDRT also suggests you consult local insurance and security regulations and your company’s compliance department pertaining to the use of any new sales materials with your clients. The information contained in this handout is unedited and errors, omissions and misspellings may exist. Content may be altered during the delivery of this presentation. © 2014 Million Dollar Round Table Million Dollar Round Table 325 West Touhy Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA Main platform speaker at the MDRT Annual Meeting | 858-603-3133 | Karyn@KarynBuxman.com High-content, high-entertainment programs Scan for post-conference custom materials. Also accessible via www.KarynBuxman.com/MDRT Below are pre-conference hand-outs. A little reminder to live “Amazed & Amused.” Amazed & Amused A selection from the book Amazed & Amused, by Karyn Buxman, CSP, CPAE To think with an Amazed and Amused mind— To love with an Amazed and Amused heart— To live with an Amazed and Amused spirit— This is my wish for you. To see the joy and wonder amid the pain— In a baby’s first cry or a loved one’s last breath. To buy your ticket and take the ride— To ride the rollercoaster with the wind in your hair, to walk through the haunted house with your heart in your throat. To delight in a child’s giggle— a perfect cup of coffee ~ your favorite song on the radio ~ an unexpected windfall ~ a penny on the sidewalk (heads up, for good luck) ~ a falling star ~ a good joke ~ a smile from a stranger. To speed-up, slow-down, or go-backwards— Whatever is required at the moment to keep yourself moving forward. To grasp the game of life— To play hard, win gracefully and lose honorably . . . and get up to play again and again and again. To embrace seeming negatives, trusting that they will turn out for the best— To see the humor in life’s absurdities. To be able to laugh at yourself. To have an attitude of gratitude and a forgiving spirit— To cast off resentment and regret, To practice acts of kindness . . . random or otherwise. To live each day Amazed and Amused— This is to achieve true success. This is to attain lasting significance. This is to experience genuine happiness. KARYN BUXMAN, CSP, CPAE | PROGRAMS & CONSULTING ON RELATIONSHIPS, RESILIENCE & COMMUNICATION LINKEDIN.COM/IN/KARYNBUXMAN | TWITTER.COM/KARYNBUXMAN | FB.COM/KARYNBUXMANSPEAKS KARYN@KARYNBUXMAN.COM | WWW.KARYNBUXMAN.COM | 858-603-3133 Living Amazed & Amused! 10 Ways to Use Humor for Success, Significance and Happiness 1. Be proactive. Humor by chance has benefits, but humor by choice creates results. Don’t wait for humor to happen by chance. 2. Set the tone for humor and establish high expectations. If you can pair these two things in the workplace, you will increase productivity, improve your staff’s outlook, improve the quality of your life . . . and boost your bottom line. 3. Seek humor from others. Even if you don’t have much of a sense of humor, by seeking humor from colleagues, friends, family and others—people will assume you have a sense of humor—and you’ll be gathering new material to share! 4. Be a humor collector. Start your own file of cartoons, quotes, jokes, props, and other fun items that make you smile. 5. Practice safe humor through B.E.T. (Bond, Environment, and Timing). Bond: The better your relationships, the safer your humor. Enviroment: Your audience is anyone who can hear, see or experience your humor. Timing: People find something funny when it’s no longer painful to them. 6. Raise your awareness. By asking yourself, “What’s funny around here?” you will begin to see and hear what other people are missing . . . like the Miami tourist who wanted to know, “Which beach is closest to the water?”! 7. Manipulate your environment. Surround yourself with items that increase the likelihood of your being amused—like funny knickknacks, toys, posters. Record for later viewing TV shows that make you laugh. Bookmark funny online videos or websites. 8. Manipulate your mindset. Practice what I call “comic vision.” Jerry Seinfeld made a fortune out of observing the quirkiness of everyday life. Other comics exaggerate, and others downplay. Practice twisting and turning your situation around until you can see it differently. 9. Step out of your comfort zone. Take a risk. Be a little silly. What better way to stretch beyond your comfort level? Look for playful opportunities—and take them! 10. Laugh at yourself. You can take your work seriously and still take yourself lightly. When you can learn to separate the two, you will be more more successful, significant and happier—and life will be more fun! KARYN BUXMAN, CSP, CPAE | PROGRAMS & CONSULTING ON RELATIONSHIPS, RESILIENCE & COMMUNICATION LINKEDIN.COM/IN/KARYNBUXMAN | TWITTER.COM/KARYNBUXMAN | FB.COM/KARYNBUXMANSPEAKS KARYN@KARYNBUXMAN.COM | WWW.KARYNBUXMAN.COM | 858-603-3133