
This year’s “ONE & ONLY” was one of the Best!
Gung-ho retailers
“hungry” for information are the diamonds of our industry -- the movers and
shakers that know what is required to be successful and
they make it happen!
If you were one of the diamonds present at the 2008
Las Vegas VDTA/SDTA Convention, aren’t you glad you
attended? It was an amazing show, and we hope you
returned to your business with renewed energy and
business knowledge.
The 27th Annual VDTA/SDTA Trade Show & Convention was held February 20-23 at the Las Vegas Convention
Center. Show activities began bright and early on February
20 as various sewing machine companies kicked off their
private machine training sessions. On the floor care side,
IQAir North America taught its intensive IQAir Air
Cleaner College, while HOST conducted its comprehensive course on HOST Carpet Care.
Dealers eager to learn the latest in the central vacuum
arena began gathering mid-morning for the Central
Vacuum Installation & Service Seminar. Instructed as a
hands-on training at a local Las Vegas home, this seminar
attracted its usual large crowd. Special thanks go to H-P
Products, Inc. for being this year’s sponsor of the class.
Another convention highlight on February 20 was the
participation of our industry in the 11th Annual Bernie
Epstein Charity Golf Tournament, held at the scenic
Silverstone Golf Club, on the north side of Las Vegas.
More than 60 golfers participated in the event, all of them
there to enjoy their love of golf with industry friends in
support of the association’s scholarship fund. Prizes and
goodies for each golfer were donated by various companies within the industry. The proceeds were donated to the
VDTA/Bernie Epstein Scholarship Fund. (See the page 12
for details on who the top golfers were that day!)
A special Sewing Educators Alliance meeting convened
in the afternoon, with guest speaker Rita Farro of Clinton,
IA, presenting “Sew, Teach, Travel.” Farro has been a
teacher, sewing machine dealer, and now does marketing
for the American Sewing Expo in Novi, MI, and serves as
a consultant for the Sewing & Stitchery EXPO in
Puyallup, WA. Farro spoke on the basic elements of a
good pitch piece and shared her ideas on how to increase
sales at in-store seminars.
Floor Care Professional
Farro said the three main opportunities for sewing
teachers are with stores, guilds, and consumer shows. Then
she proceeded to explain how educators can work with
each segment to build their careers. Her audience was an
interactive group that enjoyed sharing their own experiences in business.
“There was a lot of energy in the room and we had a
mix of store owners and teachers in attendance, including
Janet Pray of the American Sewing Expo,” said Farro.
“What made this meeting worthwhile was that everyone in
attendance was able to share their own point of view and
express their thoughts. It was great to get those ideas
flowing because teachers are an asset and an investment for
any sewing machine dealership!”
Opening Ceremonies
A Big Hit on New Night!
As the daytime activities drew to a close, attendees
made their way to the Ballroom at the Las Vegas Hilton
for a first-time VDTA/SDTA Welcome Reception, Awards
Ceremony & Cocktail Party. VDTA/SDTA President Judy
Patterson was the Master of Ceremonies, welcoming all to
the 2008 Convention. Awards were presented that evening
to people who have tremendously supported our industry.
Among those who received honors were the 2008 Charity
Golf Tournament sponsors, the 2008 Hall of Fame
inductees, this year’s VDTA/Epstein Scholarship winners,
the 2008 seminar instructors, and the VDTA/SDTA
members celebrating 20
years of membership.
A first-time industry
award was also presented
on stage this year to
Rocco Waldhelm of
A Plus Vacuum in Indian
Trail, NC, for earning all
President Judy Patterson presents
award to Rocco Waldhelm.
of the points necessary to
complete the VDTA/
SDTA Dealer Certification Program. Waldhelm was
presented with his certificate of achievement and holds the
distinction of being the first to receive the honor.
April 2008
“We congratulate Rocco on this special award,” said
Patterson. “His dedication toward accumulating the
necessary points to complete the program shows he is
committed to bettering himself as a dealer and improving
his business. Now as his customers enter his store and see
his Certification Award on display, it will reinforce in their
mind that he is a qualified, reputable businessperson they
can depend on. We hope to award many more of these
certification awards in the future.”
The Welcome Reception and Awards Ceremony drew a
standing room only crowd. The record turnout of attendees was tremendous, and it seems that all enjoyed gathering together on a new night!
As awards ended, cocktail time began. It was wonderful
to watch old friends gather and new friends meet. All the
socializing built up excitement for the coming day’s events
and programs. Thank you to DOMEL for again cosponsoring the Cocktail Reception this year. The food and
beverages were enjoyed by all!
Kizer & Bender Reel in BIG Crowd
Rick Kizer &
Georganne Bender of
SPEAKING! kicked the
day off strong February 21
with their dynamic
presentation “Prospering
in Turbulent Times.”
These two retail and
marketing experts shared
their strategies, tactics, tips
and techniques to improve
operations, thrill customers, and dramatically improve your bottom line. A full
house listened and walked away with great ideas they
could immediately implement in their businesses.
Reflecting on their experience at the VDTA/SDTA
Show, Kizer and Bender said, “The VDTA/SDTA Convention was a wonderful experience for us. Everyone was
upbeat and excited to share ideas they’ve used in their own
stores. It’s always a thrill to speak to a crowd of gung-ho
retailers who are ready to do whatever it takes to grow
their businesses. The energy in the auditorium that
morning was palpable; and strong enough to light up the
Las Vegas Strip!”
After their keynote, Kizer and Bender followed up with
another seminar that focused on powerful ideas to keep
customers close. Dealers were able to attend that or any of
the other classes on the agenda. A huge variety of educaApril 2008
tional offering were available. Some of the topics covered
included vacuum motor technology, indoor air quality
marketing, steps to bullet-proof your business, the art of
“adding up add-ons,” selling embroidery, and selling
heaters. Other classes focused on creating a new profit
center, cleaning for health, measuring things most important in business, and cleaning up by helping others clean.
New this year, thanks to Tacony Corporation, was an
afternoon certification course for Riccar dealers. All
Riccar dealers attending were able to gain their Tandem
Air Certification. The session included a three-step
approach to understanding, demoing, and servicing
Tandem Air vacuums.
Show Floor Heats Up!
As foot traffic hit the show floor, exhibitors worked
hard demoing their latest and greatest products. This year
the show floor housed over 500 booths, several of which
were first time exhibitors. The result was happy dealers
and satisfied vendors. Dealers were busy “touching, trying,
and ordering” new products and programs. The manufacturers and vendors, large and small, were happy to hear
feedback on their products, answer questions, and sign up
new dealers. Attendees, in turn, were happy to work the
best deals they could get -- after all, there were tremendous show specials offered that made the trip worthwhile!
Suck-Cess 2008 -- A True Success!
Eye of the Tiger lyrics pumped up the excitement as the
morning Suck-Cess program got underway on February
22. This year’s Suck-Cess was titled “Get It Together” and
this panel of speakers had it together. They included Alex
Giftos of Cadillac Vacuum, Sandy Berkshire of Stuart’s
House of Vacuums, Claude Whitacre of The Sweeper
Store, and Chuck Bruce of Bruce’s Sew Handy. This topnotch team shared key insights on what it takes to succeed
in the vacuum business. Gracing the stage as MC to
welcome the audience and introduce the speakers was the
one and only, Bill Mackler of M&M Quality Vacuum.
Recapping the first segment of the program, Giftos said,
“It always amazes me how many people have a plan for
exactly what will happen the day they die, but they have
no plan for what happens between now and then. If you
fail to plan, you plan to fail. Once you get your plan
down, you need to apply some effort. That requires time.
And no one really looks at the wise use of a person’s time
quite like Stephen Covey does in, The 7 Habits Of Highly
Effective People. By following Covey’s examples, people
can easily live the life of their dreams.”
Continued on page 10
Floor Care Professional
Coincidently, Berkshire’s
ing. Financing has truly made a
“We enjoyed seeing all the new
presentation focused on her
difference in our bottom line. We
products and meeting new people.
store’s call to action for a plan -see customers spending more and
We also enjoyed the hospitality,
a plan for change.
doing so more often when they
food and networking!”
Explaining, Berkshire said,
have our private label credit card
-- Richard & Brenda Studer
“Stuart’s House of Vacuums was
in their wallets. The phrase I hear
Lockport Vacuum
a well-known, established
so often is ‘How do we bring
business, so autopilot worked
new customers into our stores?’
OK for us for a period of time. But autopilot doesn’t work But are we capitalizing on the customers that are already
so well when you’re approaching a storm.”
coming to our stores? What are we doing to show appreThe key to real business growth is change, according to ciation to those that have spent money in our stores? By
Berkshire. She said, “For many, change seems difficult,
doing something a little different than the competition, we
but change involves little more than letting go of past
can use our customers as our best and least expensive form
assumptions and trying new things. It’s about showing
of advertising.”
yourself and others different ways to approach the same
A variety of other classes were also held the morning of
February 22. The topics focused on areas such as demoing
Berkshire’s suggestion is that dealers should examine
sewing machines, taking advantage of VDTA/SDTA
themselves, their stores, and their methods of doing
member benefits, getting certified in central vacuum
business; then sincerely consider whether there are areas
installation, selecting a “green” air purifier, hosting
that can use some revamping.
embroidery events, advertising, and creating a customer
“Take a look at things strategically and then tactically
implement those changes,” she said. “Consider change as a
An additional certification course was offered during
good thing, as a positive element of your future success.”
the afternoon, this time catering to the Simplicity dealers.
After a standing ovation for Berkshire, it was
Those who attended were able to gain their Tandem Air
Whitacre’s turn to inspire. He told about his days as an in- Certification.
home vacuum cleaner salesman….and what he learned. He
talked about “price elasticity” and how to sell at higher
Dealer Appreciation Debut
prices to increase profits. He also talked about “positionA new event
ing” yourself as an expert.
this year was the
Whitacre shared, “You position yourself as an expert so
Dealer Appreciayou can make a recommendation and not a pitch. Who
tion Social Event
recommends? Experts, doctors, trusted advisors. You want on the afternoon
to change the customer’s image of you from ‘that vac guy’ of February 22.
to ‘a trusted advisor who recommends the best thing for
This social event
me.’ The difference is profound. Sales become expected
took place in the
and effortless.”
exhibit hall and
The finale presentation by Bruce focused on “loving
featured a variety
your customer all the way to the bank.” In retrospect, he
of food, bevershared, “It was my pleasure to speak to a group of profesages, treats and
sionals in our industry, many that have exceeded the
fun for the dealers attending. Food stations and beverage
accomplishments of my store. The VDTA and membership carts were placed in the hall and inside some of the cois growing to new heights as was evident in the 2008
sponsoring exhibit booths. It was a great way for the
convention. The camaraderie and networking of dealers
sponsors to express their gratitude to the dealers.
and manufacturers exceeded any that I can remember.”
Other perks of the afternoon included extended exhibit
The general focus of Bruce’s speech was on relationhall hours as well as many door prize drawings, sponsored
ship building to make true advocates of your customers.
by the exhibitors. Among the prizes awarded courtesy of
He said, “We use our financing program as an opportuVDTA/SDTA was something everyone loves -- CASH!
nity to share with our customers how they can save us
Our lucky cash winners were Susan Clemenza of Boyd
money and how they can benefit with interest free financSewing & Vacuum, Audra Quimby of Don’s Vacuum
10 Floor Care Professional
April 2008
Villa, Larry Butz of Cutter Vac, and Frank Grenard of
Frank’s Vacuum Cleaner Sales.
Additional winners drawn from the VDTA/SDTA door
prize box during Dealer Appreciation were Jim Barnhardt
of J&R Vacuum & Sewing, winning tickets to a show at
the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, and Dean Dixon of Mister
Sew-Vac, winning tuition to the Ultimate Explosion Boot
Camp in Baltimore, MD, this May 2008.
Sew-Cess 2008 closes the show in style!
The show closer was the much anticipated Sew-Cess
2008 Program. This year’s panel of presenters had valuable insight to share on a variety of business topics. The
panel included Cathy Daum of Quilt Beginnings, Paul
LaPonte of Quality Sewing & Vacuum, and John Douthat
ofAllBrands.com. MC of the program was Ricky Brooks
of RNK Distributing.
Recapping topics, Daum spoke on how promotions
increase sales and how to create a marketing strategy and
promotional plan that works. When Daum opened Quilt
Beginnings, there was only one other quilt shop in town.
Now there are 12 within 40 miles. In order to continue
growing her business, she decided to focus on sewing
machine sales. She tripled that side of her business from
18 percent of total sales to over 40 percent. This resulted
in doubling her total revenues over the past four years.
Daum said, “There are many things you can and should
do on a daily basis to encourage customers to return.
Beyond friendly service, offer loyalty programs, classes,
birthday discounts, coupons, sales events, monthly clubs,
block of the month programs, and/or charity sewing days.
All of these are designed to bring customers back into
your store on a regular basis.”
Not every promotion has to cost a lot of money,
according to Daum. She recommends focusing on your
best customers and giving them special incentives to shop.
“Try something as simple as mailing a $10 gift certificate to your top 150 customers,” she said. “That can
generate thousands of dollars of revenue with very little
Daum’s additional advice is to offer the customer
different pricing packages because it helps them feel good
about their purchase decision and gives you added revenue
without losing margin.
“Always offer a basic package that is low price based.
Bundle that with popular accessories to give the customer
a sense of a bargain, and be sure to discount the accessory
package,” she added. “Very few customers will purchase
just the basic package because the perceived better value is
April 2008
in the bundle. You will get a great price, and they will get
a great package.”
Daum’s final piece of advice: “Remember that our
customers are our greatest asset!”
She said, “Without them, we can not remain in business.
Treat them fairly, reward them for shopping, and stand
behind your products. It’s a great formula for success.”
“Be More Impulsive” was LaPonte’s segment of SewCess 2008. He shared a six-step program guaranteed to
help dealers make more money in 2008. LaPonte recommends being nice to your customers, showing them
something new every time they visit, showing more highend products, motivating your staff to make more sales,
turning your repair buisness into a sales business, and
contacting your existing customers consistently and
“Marketing in the 21 st Century” was the topic Douthat
covered while he was on stage. Sharing his expertise in the
area, Douthat said, “Dealers and manufacturers must be
more aggressive about capturing exploding search engine
traffic for independent dealer stores through online local
listings, directories, dealer locators, referrals, and e-mail
campaigns...none of which require a Web site. For dealers
with Web sites, maximizing inbound links and posting
verified customer product reviews will elevate search
engine results and page rank better than anything they can
do. Free Google Analytics will measure your Web site
traffic by direct, referral, search engine and many other
parameters over any time period. For dealers with
online shopping carts, Paid Ad words Advertising with
Free Google Analytics will measure cost per click, revenue
per click, ROI, etc. on every single category, brand and
model number you have Google Ads for.”
Douthat said the industry must “Broad Band” together
to increase independent dealer market share.
He concluded, “Independent dealer Web sites must place
more emphasis on localization, greater knowledge,
customer services, ‘long tail’ product selections, accessories, combos and packages, classes and events which the
mass merchants, shopping channels and big box stores
cannot compete with.”
Sew-Cess MC Ricky Brooks said it best when he
commented, “The 2008 VDTA/SDTA Trade Show &
Convention was, as always, attended by dealers hungry for
information and looking for new, innovative products. It’s
no wonder that the dealers who attend every year are
among the most successful people in the industry.”&
Mark your calendars for the next VDTA/SDTA Trade
Show & Convention; March 12-14, 2009, in Las Vegas.
Floor Care Professional
2008 VDTA/Bernie Epstein
Scholarship Tournament golfers
brave elements for great cause
Scott Wells of VDTA presents Cody Young
of Carmen’s Distribution with the prize for
Closest to the Pin.
For only the second time in the 12-year
history of the VDTA/Bernie Epstein
Scholarship Golf Tournament inclement
weather put a damper on the event.
Temperatures dipping below 50 degrees,
wind gusts of up to 20 mph, clouds and a
light drizzle made for an even more
challenging round of golf. More than 60
golfers braved the elements, and a few of
the most hearty even wore shorts, to raise
money for the college scholarship program.
First place gross
Winning Teams
Golfers (l to r) Dean Petrosewicz of VCP,
Dustin Lee of Don Aslett’s Cleaning Center
and Bill Gilbert of Austin Vacuum.
Scott Wells of VDTA congratulates Lars Cole
of Miele for Longest Drive.
2008 Champions (l to r) Russ Minick,
Electrolux HCP (Beam), Roger Smith,
Ametek, Winston Lindsay, III, Lindsay
Mfg. and Bill Hinderer, (Tacony)
12 Floor Care Professional
The team who shot the lowest round
without handicap was sponsored by
Ametek. Shooting the low round of 58
were Bill Hinderer from Tacony, Winston
Second place low gross
Lindsay, III from Lindsay Manufacturing,
Russ Minick from Electrolux Central
Vacuum Systems (Beam) and Roger Smith
of Ametek. The team was presented with
winning trophies, and will have their
names inscribed on a new championship
plaque that will be on permanent display in
the VDTA/SDTA Hall of Fame.
The second place low gross team was
sponsored by Carmen’s Distributing and
First place net
featured Lynn Fehrer of ProTeam and
Jason Geehring, Scott Schmidt and Cody
Young of Carmen’s.
First place net score, which includes a
handicap, was achieved by the team of
Greg Paul from The Vac Shop and Frank
Scrofani and Ralph Scrofani from
Hillsborough Vacuum. Second place net
score went to another Ametek sponsored
team. There were four teams tied for
second place net, but after a tie-breaker,
the winning team of Natalie Fraser from
Second place net
Lindsay Manufacturing, Dave Hanks from
Aqua Air Wet Dry Vacuums and Pete Pavlick and Denise Schier from
Ametek was awarded the plaques.
Other prizes given out included the Longest Drive, which went to
Lars Cole of Miele and Closest to the Pin, which went to Cody Young
of Carmen’s.
VDTA/SDTA would like to thank all of the golfers and hole
sponsors for their participation and would like to invite everyone to
participate in next year’s golf tournament, March 11, 2009. &
April 2008
Perfect Products receives terrific
reviews on PowerTeam canister!
This year’s VDTA Show was a tremendous
success for Perfect Products. The company
launched its new PowerTeam canister with
terrific reviews. The dealers were actually
thanking Perfect Products for coming out with a
vac store only line which will enable them to sell
a unit where they do not have to compete with
the Internet and/or large box stores while
making maximum profits.
The Perfect PowerTeam canister has 21st
Century technology, featuring Ametek Advantek
motor (WOW! -- 125 inches of water lift),
HEPA filtration for beyond green cleaning, 15inch cleaning path geared power nozzle, fingertip on/off control electric hose, all metal body
construction, all chrome trim top handle, easy
locking/easy retraction cord rewind, rubber
coated non marking wheels, super deluxe sixpiece tool set, all packaged in a full colored
professional pictured box. The machine is built
to last!
The Perfect Beyond Green Uprights were also featured at the VDTA
Show. True certified HEPA media
filtration top fill filter bags complete
their line of commercial uprights.
This revolutionary top fill design
allows the user to have HEPA filtration without removing or cleaning
hard-to-remove, bulky filters that
clog instantly. Just throw out the filter bag when
full and replace with the new one. These machines feature patented built-in magnet, 50 foot,
three wire cord, six position carpet adjustment
knob, four bristle aluminum brushroll, perfect
see-through fan chamber, heavy duty metal
switch and virtually indestructible fan and base.
They also have 870 watt motor, with heat
overload protection, quick release top cord clip,
all metal hood, hardened steel handle bail and
ergonomic handle.
Perfect Products goal is to give the consumer
the best possible product, all features included,
maximum profits for the dealers and the newest
technology available. Keep looking for more of
their new products coming your way in the
upcoming months. Call your local Perfect
Distributor today for more details. ™
April 2008
“I’ve attended the show over 20
straight years and I think I got more
out of this one than most. I was
especially impressed with the SuckCess
seminar. The vendors, presenters and
seminars were top notch. I am a little
disappointed that we have to wait a
whole year to do it again. Next year
I’m going to go a little earlier and
attend more seminars. Congrats on a
job well done.”
-- Kevin Edman
City Wide Vacuum
Floor Care Professional
HYLA recaps 2008 VDTA
Las Vegas Show
This year’s VDTA Convention was an exceptional opportunity for HYLA U.S. Gassmann,
Inc. to exhibit the HYLA NST Cleaning System.
HYLA uses only water as its filter and is still the
only water-based cleaning system with a selfcleaning separator.
Since introducing HYLA to the American
market in 1996, HYLA representatives met many
visitors and exhibitors from all over the U.S. and
Canada who had never heard of or seen a HYLA NST Cleaning System before.
Although HYLAs are sold only through direct selling independent distributors,
they are able to offer HYLA Deodorizer & Air Fresheners as well as HYLA
Four Seasons Fragrances to select vac shops. Many free samples were offered
at their exhibition booth. All of HYLA’s products are especially formulated for
water-based vacuums.
Mr. Hartmut Gassmann said, “Our appreciation is extended to all of our
visitors and to the VDTA team for a well-organized show.” ™
“I have not missed a VDTA Trade
Show (winter one) for more than 19
years now. They are one of the best
ways for any company to stay up to
date with new products, new ideas,
and with meeting the many friends
that you create along the way. The
keynotes are a real bonus and this
year was no exception. Networking
opportunities abound. Keep up the
good work!”
-- Gary Phillips
Gary’s Vacuflo
14 Floor Care Professional
JMM Software releases TRS 10 at
2008 VDTA Show
At the 2008 VDTA/SDTA Show, JMM
Software, Inc. unveiled the latest and greatest
version of its acclaimed Point of Sale software,
Total Retail Solution (TRS 10). This release has
been in development for over a year and has
been eagerly anticipated by sewing and vacuum dealers alike for some time.
The JMM Software booth was busy the entire show, demoing the new features
of the software.
One of the long awaited features is the new touchscreen interface. This
simpler way to control the program makes it very easy to ring up a sale and
perform other common functions without having to use the mouse or keyboard.
They have also improved their screen designer feature to allow even further
customization of the screens, including the ability to change the size and the
text of the controls, and to remove rarely-used controls from the screens. These
new features allow for a simpler, cleaner interface, making it even easier to
learn the system and to train new employees.
Another way that they have made the system easier to use is
the addition of a new “Quick Pick” function. This new feature
allows the retailer to easily create pre-set buttons, which makes
it simple to sell commonly-sold, but difficult-to-barcode
products, such as embroidery floss and vacuum belts, by
simply touching the desired product button on the screen. You no longer need to
spend time looking up product codes in a book.
Other new features include custom pop-up notes for customers, improved
serialized inventory tracking, historical inventory levels, automatic pricing, and
much more. This is all in addition to TRS’s rich set of features, making it a
leading Point of Sale system for sewing and vacuum stores for the past 10
years. For more information about TRS, visit online at www.jmmsoftware.com,
or call 1-888-795-4566. ™
April 2008
Brick and mortar and eCommerce~
Tie it all together to maximize revenue!
“It was POS•IM’s first time at the VDTA/SDTA Show and it
turned out to be a great experience! Our team was greeted with open
arms and much enthusiasm,” said Micro Solve Inc. President Susan
Besand. “ From the sound of things many of you had been looking for
a great Point of Sale solution… and here we are!”
POS•IM’s eCommerce solution was a topic discussed in depth with
many attendees. eCommerce can be quite overwhelming at first
glance! There is so much to learn. A Web site presence can be used as
a valuable support to your brick and mortar store and it can also be an
important revenue stream for your business.
Whether you have an established Web site for online sales or
you are just in the planning
stages, the key to success is
having a shopping cart that is
fully integrated with your POS
and inventory management
system. In other words -- everything is tied together! Orders
automatically download into the
POS system, and inventory stock
levels are updated on the Web site
so the availability is always
current. As new items are added
they are automatically uploaded
(including photo) so they appear
on your Web site.
Not all POS systems have the
capability to interface with your
shopping cart and not all shopping carts can communicate with
your POS systems. That is where
the POS•IM eCommerce Service
steps in. Its revolutionary
shopping cart system integrates
directly with POS•IM software
for automatic inventory uploads
and seamless order processing.
In case you missed Micro Solve at the show, here’s how it works.
ePOS•IM facilitates the communication between your retail store
POS•IM database and your eCommerce shopping cart. The communication begins on a push/pull basis where ePOS•IM will “push”
inventory information to the Web site and “pull” orders from the Web
site into the POS•IM database.
Besand added, “The show was lots of fun. POS•IM will definitely
be there again next time! But don’t wait until then…contact us today
to see how we can implement a solution to increase the success of
your business!”
You can contact Micro Solve Inc. at 1-877-908-0908, 1-503-8857467 in Oregon, or visit www.micro-solve.com. ™
April 2008
“I enjoyed the food, exhibitors and
meeting my reps. It was truly a
learning experience -- meeting others,
learning from them and networking!”
--Anders Berg
Floor Care Professional
Robert Thomas LP enjoys
fantastic show at VDTA 2008
“Overall, the planning and
scheduling of the convention this
year was excellent. The schedule
accomodated full day seminars,
receptions, dealer appreciations,
award ceremonies, and good
exhibit hall hours. Innovative
products were all over the place! I
was like a kid in a candy store!”
-- Bill Dedich
Vacuum Express
The sales team from Robert Thomas
LP had a fantastic experience at the
VDTA Show in Las Vegas! There was
high traffic through their booth and
they received a lot of interest in their
Cleaning System.
“This was our second year in a row
at the show and the dealers are recognizing that Robert Thomas is here to
stay and that we know what it takes to
be successful with today’s consumer lifestyle!” said
Regina Roman, regional sales manager. “The dealers
were impressed by our consistent, innovative and
clean corporate identity that could be seen in our new
booth design, brochures, in-store displays, user video,
and Web site (www.rothovac.com). This year, we
revealed two new in-store displays to feature the
ROTHO TWIN TT. They will be available for the
dealers in Spring 2008. We are offering two different
sizes depending on space available in the store. The
large display allows the dealer to display both the wet
and dry vac accessories. This display also features a 10-inch LCD monitor that
runs a three minute video highlighting several of the ROTHO TWIN TT’s
capabilities. We received so much positive feedback about the TWIN TT and
our in-store displays that we believe this will be a huge asset to our dealers.”
Roman added, “The VDTA did an excellent job in organizing an easy,
exhibitor-friendly event. We would like to thank all of the dealers who visited
our booth and helped to make the show so successful. Congratulations to David
McKinnis with Coastal Sew & Appliance in Wilmington, NC, who won the free
ROTHO TWIN TT that was raffled at the show!” ™
Huff Industries Inc. enjoys
successful VDTA Show
“This year, I really enjoyed the
technical training and networking
opportunities at the VDTA Show.”
-- Tim Young
South Coast Vacuflo
16 Floor Care Professional
The Las Vegas Show in 2008 was a tremendous
success for Huff Industries.
Bryan Huff of Huff Industries Inc. shared, “We
were able to make new contacts as well as meet with
existing clients. The chance to meet people face-toface in this industry is very important. I love
doing business with people and being able to put a
face to the name. We were able to bring our products to the floor and explain them to people who
were new to them. This is so valuable to
our business. Giving people a chance to have a oneon-one conversation and answer any questions they
may have gives us an edge in this competitive
market and the VDTA Show makes this happen!”
Huff Industries looks forward to another great
year with their distributors and hopes to see you
again in 2009. ™
April 2008
It’s not a Trade Show –
it’s a Family Reunion!
Editor’s Note: Steve Lindsey, territory sales manager for IQAir North America,
writes the following in review of the 2008 VDTA/SDTA Convention. (Steve can be
contacted directly at 1-562-903-7600, extension 106.)
“I’m at my desk here at IQAir headquarters with my morning coffee. I’m
reflecting on great memories of the exciting week we enjoyed at this year’s
VDTA Convention. This was my second year to lead IQAir’s class on ‘CREATING A NEW PROFIT CENTER’ where we show vacuum dealers how to add
and market air purifiers to their existing product lines, and why IQAir has the
best air purification systems to add to their inventory. IQAir President Frank
Hammes also taught his popular course, ‘AIR CLEANER COLLEGE,’ an
everything-you-need-to-know seminar on air cleaner technology and how IQAir
equipment compares to that of other top-of-the-line brands.
The IQAir booth at this year’s show was the hub of activity with old dealers
coming by to say ‘hi’ and new vacuum dealers coming by to learn more about
IQAir products. With so many old
and new friends -- the VDTA Show
definitely feels more like a family
reunion than that of a traditional
trade show. It was a time for all of
us to put faces to voices of friends
we have worked with for months or
more and have the opportunity to
visit face-to-face for the first time.
One thing that couldn’t be
missed at the IQAir booth this year
was the Perfect 16. This year,
IQAir added their new Perfect 16
whole-house air purifier sales to
vacuum shops and the excitement
about these new sales was definitely running high among our
dealers. We heard many stories
from our dealers about how the
Perfect 16 had helped their customers’ lives -- and we even heard from dealers
who were using their air purifier knowledge to improve the lives of their own
(Just a reminder: IQAir dealers have until May 30 to take advantage of the
50% Off IQAir Family Discount on a Perfect 16 Installation for their own home.)
The ParticleScan was another big hit at this year’s show. We sold all of our
available ParticleScanners the very first day of the show, which speaks volumes
about the effectiveness of our ParticleScan as a powerful sales tool for selling
high-end vacuum cleaners and IQAir air purifiers.
A highlight of the IQAir dealer training seminars came when Frank Hammes
announced the winners of two tickets to Cirque Du Soliel’s MYSTERE. Jerry
Cook from North Carolina and Charles Moore from Missouri both joined IQAir
staff for the show.
We got a great deal of positive feedback from dealers at the show. They told
us how much they appreciate IQAir’s high level of dealer support. Many told us
how they themselves were astounded with how much IQAir has increased their
shop sales. The thing we liked hearing the most, though, was having the dealers
tell us how excited they were to sell IQAir products.” ™
April 2008
“Kizer and Bender
were GREAT!”
-- Larry Butz
Cutter Vac
Floor Care Professional
Don’t care for pet hair?
Try Kirby’s new Brush Roll for pet owners –
a new product sensation at the 2008 VDTA Show
“This is an amazing honor to receive
from the Vacuum Dealers Trade
Association. All the staff at VSI and
I are so proud to display the plaque
in our entry so everyone that enters
our business will see our historymaking award. Thank you to
everyone who nominated me and to
-- Diana Richards
Vacuum Systems International
18 Floor Care Professional
The Kirby booth wowed
convention goers by introducing a variety of innovative
product concepts at
February’s Las Vegas VDTA Convention,
but none stood out more than the Brush
Roll for Pet Owners. The latest addition
to Kirby’s extensive line of Pet Care
Solutions is a must-have for any dog or
cat owner. The Brush Roll, which
conveniently fits Kirby’s G3 through
Sentria Model vacuums, provides users
with a clean and hair-free carpet.
The Brush Roll for Pet Owners maintains the
sturdiness and reliability of Kirby’s original Brush
Roll while offering a unique new tuft pattern,
leading to 55 percent less hair entanglement than
Kirby’s original Brush Roll. The body of the
Brush Roll for Pet Owners is made of only hard
woods such as maple and beech, giving it increased
durability, while its anti-microbial bristles effectively resist growth of mold and bacteria.
Bruce Ziegler, general manager at the Kirby
Company, commented, “The time is right to
introduce a product of this type into the industry.
Customers will have the same durability and
reliability they have come to expect from their
Kirby vacuum, and by adding the new Brush Roll for Pet Owners they can
vacuum pet hair with significantly less entanglement and hassle.”
Many vacuum shops and distributors seem to agree. Kirby did its homework, finding that 63 percent of households, or 69 million people, in the
United States own a cat or dog. Most, if not all, of these pets shed, and the
average vacuum cleaner is not equipped to properly take care of the pet hair.
Kirby’s vacuums, with the assistance of this new brush roll, not only suck
up pet hair, but do so with less entanglement. The Brush Roll for Pet
Owners inserts easily into the vacuum’s intake, allowing users to effortlessly
remove all pet hair from their carpet.
The Brush Roll for Pet Owners is a welcome addition to the Kirby Pet
Care Solutions product line. Kirby already offers its valued customers an
extensive line of pet care products ranging from Pet Stain & Odor Carpet
Cleaner, Carpet Shampoo for Pet Owners, Kirby Guard Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, and Odor Clear, and now offers the ability to swiftly remove
pet hair.
For more information on the Brush Roll for Pet Owners and other Kirby
Home Care Products, call 1-800-437-7170 or visit www.kirby.com.
Headquartered in Cleveland, OH, Kirby remains an industry leader in
home cleaning products. Established in 1914, innovation and technical
expertise has been the hallmark of this proud American Company. Kirby
Home Care Products are sold through independent dealers worldwide and
enjoyed by consumers across the globe. By constantly monitoring emerging
technologies and consumer trends, Kirby continues to develop unsurpassed
quality and reliable home care products. ™
April 2008
Sneak peek at new products
tantalize dealers at VDTA
Miele kicked off an exciting
VDTA Convention with a
dealer appreciation event at the
Brooklyn Bridge in Las Vegas,
NV. The event was a sizzling
start to the show where Miele
gave floor care professionals a
sneak peak at their longawaited new S7 series uprights.
The stylish new uprights were
encased in glass pillars that
showed off S7’s innovative
features and hot new colors.
Although the booth buzzed
with questions and
interest…dealers and consumers alike will just have to wait until later this year to get more than a passing
glance at these exciting new products.
An annual event for Miele at the VDTA is their popular “Cash Back”
promotion -- now in its third year. Dealers pre-ordered their vacuum cleaners
-- right at the show -- and received a check in hand! Viva Las Vegas!
Miele dealers also received a terrific selling tool as Miele announced that
two of their vacuums were recently awarded a Consumers Digest Best Buy.
The S5 Callisto and S 163 Universal Upright were recognized by Consumers
Digest for their superior filtration, power control features and ease of use.
Consumers Digest defines a Best Buy as a product that offers outstanding
value for its price and that merits special attention from consumers. It is
awarded to nationally available products that Consumers Digest considers to
have a great value in the marketplace. Miele has acquired the rights to use the
Best Buy logo so authorized dealers should ask their territory managers for
POS and web tools that they can put to use immediately!
“We are thrilled to have not one, but two vacuum cleaner products in the
Best Buy family,” stated Paul McCormack, senior marketing manger for
Miele, Inc. “We’ve always felt that our high standards of quality, performance and filtration added up to a great value. Now there’s absolutely no
For more information about Miele vacuum cleaners or appliances, call
1-800-843-7231 or visit www.miele.com. ™
April 2008
“The Suck-Cess event? Bill did an
excellent job as MC. Alex was
incredible. Chuck was exciting and
exuberant and Sandy’s part was
just magical!”
-- Claude Whitacre
The Sweeper Store
Floor Care Professional
Members learn how to save on
shipping at VDTA/SDTA Show
“I was proud to be a part of the
Awards Ceremony and Cocktail
Reception. The seminars were easily
accessible and so informative, as
always. I was once again amazed at
how freely other dealers offered sales
tips, demo ideas and information in
such a professional manner. A
highlight of the trip happened at the
airport on my way home. I ran into a
customer who had won a free vacuum
from me years ago. Las Vegas, for me,
was Fantabulous!”
-- Linden Massey
Sweeper Shop
20 Floor Care Professional
The VDTA/SDTA Show is always an
excellent opportunity for Siriani & Associates
to say ‘Hi’ to old friends and introduce VDTA/
SDTA members to the Freight Savings Plan.
Many companies offer show specials but what
Siriani & Associates offers is year-round
special savings. And the only prerequisite is
VDTA/SDTA membership.
As a VDTA/SDTA member, you can get up to 24 percent savings on small
package shipments and up to 62 percent on less-than-truckload shipments.
Enrollment is free, there are no commitments and the freight program can save
you hundreds of dollars a year. In 2005/2006 the average VDTA/SDTA member
who participated in the program saved over $400!
The show provides the ideal opportunity for Siriani & Associates to meet the
people who matter -- you! You are always putting your customers first. They
like to put you first. If you would like a comparison quote, need help with an
unusual shipment or want Siriani & Associates to audit an invoice, they are
ready to help. And their services are free if you’re a VDTA/SDTA member.
If you’d like to discover how to save money when shipping inbound, outbound or third party, call Siriani & Associates at 1-800-554-0005, or e-mail
They said, “We can’t wait for the show next year so we can tell more members how to save money shipping with the VDTA/SDTA Freight Savings
Green products (that work)
really sell!
Independent vacuum retailers are proving that green, natural
cleaning products such as Fresh Wave Natural Odor Neutralizing products are extremely popular with consumers, and
very profitable. Indoor air quality is a very popular
topic with consumers today. Cleaning products that
truly work AND are green are proving to be retail
home runs. Fresh Wave products are the top selling
general merchandise product at Erv’s Vac Shop in
Goshen, IN.
Chris Black, from Erv’s, boasted, “Our customers
are very interested in green products, but only if they
work. Fresh Wave products are green, and our
customers get hooked because nothing works better.
That brings our customers back to Erv’s more often, and word of mouth
referrals steadily brings in new customers.”
OMI Industries just exhibited their Fresh Wave brand for the third consecutive year at the VDTA/SDTA Show. OMI President Phil Coffey, noted that
independent vacuum retailers are proving to be the most successful retail
channel for Fresh Wave products. Fresh Wave offered a special $329 “Vacuum
Dealer Starter Set” that provides a broad assortment of Fresh Wave products
and an attractive display. You can get more information at 1-800-662-6367, or
e-mail bob@fresh-wave.com. Mention you are a VDTA/SDTA member and
you will get free shipping on your first order, or next re-order for existing
customers. (Valid through April 30).™
April 2008
The Dyson Stowaway™ Vacuum
Designed for independents
Say the word “Dyson”
to most people and
they’ll say one thing:
Invention. It’s the
engineering success
that’s become synonymous with new ideas and
doing things differently.
That’s because of one
man -- inventor and
founder, James Dyson.
He started developing
his own vacuum cleaner
back in 1979 after
getting frustrated with
so-called top-of-therange models always losing suction. Five years and thousands of prototypes
later he had it -- the first vacuum with constant suction. Dyson launched in the
U.S. in 2002. Within just 18 months, it was a leader in the market.
Dyson’s latest machine, DC23, was revealed at the recent VDTA Trade
Show in Las Vegas. The newest canister has Dyson’s most advanced technology, Level 3 Root Cyclone™ to capture even more microscopic dust -- as
small as 0.5 microns. In case you’re wondering, that’s small -- you could fit
200 particles that size just on this period. And like all Dyson vacuums it
doesn’t lose suction as proven by the internationally recognized IEC 60312 CL
2.9 test standard.
Better still, it’s exclusive to independents.
“Independents play an incredibly valuable role for us,” explained Dyson’s
U.S. President Gordon Thom. “Choosing a vacuum cleaner can be confusing -there are lots of models to choose from and loads of marketing noise. Independents know how to cut through that and tell people how Dyson really is
As part of the Dyson Stowaway range, DC23 is engineered to avoid the
clutter you get with conventional machines. The wand and hose compress and
wrap around the machine, making it easy to store.
And it’s powerful. The motorized brush bar spins 90 times a second to
remove even ground-in dirt and pet hair from carpets. Two cleaning heads are
also included -- one with soft bristles for cleaning hard floors and another, the
Contact head, that’s engineered to maintain optimum floor contact for better
DC23 is easy to use as well. “Dyson engineers spend a lot of time studying
how people use their vacuums,” said Gordon. “Their insights feed right back
into the development process -- it makes for a far better end result.” One really
clever feature is how the machine is shaped to sit on stairs as you clean them.
No more precarious balancing acts. Likewise, the motorized brush bar is
operated by a simple-to-use foot pedal. And it’s also hygienic to empty -- just
press the button.
Last but not least, the air it releases has 150 times less bacteria and mold
than the air you breathe. There’s even a lifetime HEPA filter for allergy
DC23 is backed up by Dyson’s five-year parts and labor guarantee and ships
May 2008. For more information, contact Kyle Lukiewski, Dyson independent
account manager, at 1-312-846-7712. ™
April 2008
“If you want to see the Law of
Gravity work, you go to the top of a
building and drop something. If you
want to see the Law of Reciprocity
work, you go the the VDTA Show in
Vegas. There is not another group of
individuals more supportive and more
motivating than the owners of retail
vacuum stores around our country.
These people will share all their
secrets with their ‘competition.’ And
they understand one thing -- the Law
of Reciprocity. It is also known as the
Golden Rule. Mary Kay Ashley ran
all her business practices by the
Golden Rule and grew a small idea
into a multi-billion dollar cosmetics
corporation. Vacuum retailers as a
group are going to do the same thing
if they continue to treat each other the
way they did at the show in Vegas.
The Law of Reciprocity is in fact a
law, just like any other law of
Physics. Try it yourself -- walk up to
a door and hold it open for a
stranger. That stranger will walk up
to the next door and hold it open for
you. We are created to give back to
someone who has freely given
something to us. The Law of
Reciprocity will not fail you.”
-- Leslie Reichert
The Back Door
Floor Care Professional
Vacuum & sewing retailers
embrace technology at the
2008 VDTA/SDTA Show
“It was great to meet our reps and it
was fun seeing all the new products
available today.”
-- Victoria White
All About Vacuums
One fact that was abundantly
clear during this year’s Winter
VDTA/SDTA Show is that
vacuum and sewing retailers are,
more than ever, seeing the value
technology brings to their bottom line.
Over the span of two years, the Tri-Tech Development staff has been
working to add new functionality that will further allow retailers to streamline
processes in order to trim expenses, add-on sales reminders to increase revenue
potential and more payment method options for turning sales into cash quicker.
As further proof of the acceptance of technology, retailers were filling the
seminars that involved the utilization of
technology and the Internet. These
sessions included why retailers need a Web
presence, how to use the Internet to
simplify ordering procedures and ways to
simplify credit checking.
This year’s Tri-Tech booth was consistently busy with people looking to learn
how to implement technology usage to
increase profit margins. In addition to
learning more about the AIMsi version 8.0
and Active-e solutions, many had the
opportunity to discover more about John
Gray and his BackOffice Outsourcing
Program and Consultative Services.
Besides having current AIMsi users stop by, there were also a record number
of people inquiring about the AIMsi business solutions for the first time.
Comments shared included, “This is the single most important business decision I’ve made in the last five years.” (Referring to the purchase of AIMsi’s
business solution.)
Tri-Technical would like to thank everyone who attended the
Technology=Profits seminar as well as those who stopped by their booth. They
look forward to continuing to partner with retailers as well as provide this
industry with the business tools needed to make everyone successful! ™
First Horizon Merchant
Services/NOVA recaps Vegas
First Horizon Merchant Services/NOVA was glad to have had the opportunity to exhibit at the VDTA/SDTA Show as a member benefit provider for
merchant processing. This was their third consecutive year in attendance.
Kimberly Layton of First Horizon Merchant Services said, “We had lots of
booth traffic. Thank you to all who visited and brought their month-end
merchant statements. We will be sure to get back in touch with each of you.”
First Horizon’s relationship with the VDTA/SDTA is a win-win situation for
all involved from a pricing, product and point of sale solutions standpoint.
Layton added, “Thank you to all that helped to make 2008 a successful
show. We look forward to working the the members this year.”
22 Floor Care Professional
April 2008
Fred’s Fine Cleaning Center debuts business
opportunities at VDTA/SDTA 2008
Fred’s Fine Cleaning Center was happy to
debut its business opportunity to vacuum
dealers at the VDTA\SDTA Trade Show &
Fred Maunu of Fred’s Fine Cleaning Center
shared, “Choosing to launch the Fred’s Fine
Cleaning Center kiosk at the 2008
VDTA\SDTA Show was really an easy decision
to make. With the trend going toward disposable vacuums sold by big box stores, evolving
in business is a must. I have been able to build
my retail business by refusing to play the price
game (cheapest product available) and have stuck to selling the
BEST products that I can offer. This philosophy doesn’t work with
all consumers, but it works great with the ones I want as my
customers. Fred’s Fine Cleaning Products are designed for consumers who want the best products even if that means paying a little more. This
has allowed Fred’s Home & Gifts to build both a reputation and clientele that
advertising cannot buy!”
Originally Fred thought he would open a chain of stores with award
winning branding and service using Fred’s Fine Cleaning Products as the
cornerstone for this equation. The Fred’s Fine Cleaning Products were being
ordered by his customers nationwide and store operations were consuming all
of his time. That’s when he realized that one store was all he could properly
“I was receiving requests from customers to open stores in various cities,”
said Fred. “This was because they really wanted to be able to conveniently
pick up Fred’s Fine Cleaning Products. Then I had the idea to put together a
self contained kiosk filled with Fred’s Fine Cleaning Products. These are the
best cleaning products out there and have a proven track record of building
business and loyal, happy customers. Now it is as simple setting up a Fred’s
Fine Cleaning Center in existing stores! With great products, great margins
and customers who return with their friends and family to buy products on a
monthly basis. This is truly a win-win deal, and with over $200 of profit per
square foot of floor space and it only requires 2’ X 5' of floor space.”
The response at the show from vacuum dealers looking to add on to their
existing business was phenomenal. Fred noted that what was more surprising
was the interest and support of other exhibitors who really wanted to help by
offering advice and leads.
“I would definitely like to thank all of the attendees who stopped by to
find out firsthand what Fred’s Fine Cleaning Center had to offer and I would
also like to thank all the other exhibitors who offered their support and
interest in seeing us do well. We are all in business together and working
together instead of against each other is the only way to find success and
prosper,” said Fred.
For the dealers who were not able to attend the show, Fred would like to
extend their show special. Simply contact National Sales Director Erik
Nilsson at 1-503-746-5499 and mention this article!
Fred added, “Remember to focus on service and the best products you can
offer and set yourself apart from the big box stores. This is what I have
found to be key in my retail store.” ™
Erik Nilsson, Fred’s Fine Cleaning
National Sales Director
April 2008
Floor Care Professional
ESSCO shares highlights
of 2008 VDTA Show
“This was my first time attending
and I enjoyed seeing friends from the
50th anniversary of Lindsay Mfg.
(especially the Lindsay family and the
VDTA family). I was also introduced
to new products which complement
the central vacuum systems.”
-- Kevin Au
Inter-Island Solar Supply
24 Floor Care Professional
“The theme of the 2008 VDTA Show appeared to be new lines and new
products,” said Terry Finger, marketing manager at ESSCO. “It was exciting to
see the increased focus by many manufacturers on the independent vacuum
dealer channel. Most booths had new items available to dealers and also new
brands that had not been marketed in this channel before. It was a very dynamic show from a new product standpoint and dealers were very positive
about the additional opportunities being afforded to them. We had more new
products in our booth this year than any other year I can remember.”
Highlights from the ESSCO booth 2008 included:
The Cirrus line of premium vacuum cleaners has been updated for 2008.
The good, better, best mix of top quality residential units will all have
quickdraw style on-board tools with a ratchet wand. The on-board attachments
will be horsehair as well. New point of purchase cubes and banners are now
available to complement the Cirrus line.
Dealers were very interested in the Germ Guardian brand of products. The
company offers a wide variety of products focused on clean air and healthy
living. Germ Guardian utilizes UV-C ultraviolet light and Nanosilver technologies to clean and sanitize for a healthier home.
The product that generated the most buzz at the 2008 VDTA Show was the
new Perfect canister. The Perfect canister is a premium PowerTeam that
closely resembles beloved canisters from 20 years ago. The unit is packed
tightly in a full color handsome box with a clamshell style Styrofoam insert.
The motor is newly designed by Ametek and pulls 125 inches of waterlift at
the hose end. All the attachments are top quality, including a horsehair floor
brush and an air driven upholstery tool.
“We sold more of these units at the VDTA Show this year than any other
vacuum cleaner since the Sharp 12TWT4 which showed up #1 in Consumer
Reports. Other units from Perfect that dealers enjoyed in the booth included a
line of commercial metal uprights, HEPA filtration backpacks, central vacuum
attachment kit and a commercial canister.”
Another hot product at the show was the RL-T1 SteamBoy from Reliable
Corporation. The SteamBoy is an economical steam broom that uses steam and
a cloth bonnet to clean hard surfaces. A carpet glider allows the SteamBoy to
be used on carpets and rugs. The feature that most impressed dealers was the
price and profit potential. Reliable also showed two canister steamers.
Koblenz added exciting new colors targeted to women to their affordable all
purpose wet/dry vacuums. Point of purchase materials and special introductory
offers are available by calling ESSCO or logging into their Web site.
Panasonic is adding new models to their line almost on a monthly basis. The
2008 Platinum line has many innovative new models including model PMCUL975. The Aeroblast cyclonic bagless upright is a revolutionary vacuum
cleaner. The Powerblast feature cleans the HEPA filter every time you turn on
the vacuum by reversing the airflow. The unit also features a redesigned
Quickdraw 2 accessory package . The tools attach directly to the telescoping
extension wand. The EZ bare floor switch allows users to switch the brushroll
on and off for different surfaces at their fingertips. The dust cup is treated to
be anti-static for additional cleanliness.
“Our Web site continues to be a large draw at the show as well,” said Finger.
“We now have over 3,500 schematics on our Web site. Our dealers are able to
look at a full schematic at their fingertips for almost any vacuum cleaner. Our
site is easy to use and we have now added features that make the site even
easier to navigate. The Web site is open to all vacuum dealers by calling
1-800-321-2664. ™
April 2008
Star shares refreshing surprises
with convention attendees!
This year’s 2008 VDTA Trade Show had some refreshing surprises for all
those who visited Star Equipment & Supplies booth. Each dealer was cheerfully
greeted by knowledgeable staff members, who were more than happy to show
them around and tell them about Star’s product lines. Customers came in waves,
especially after a popular seminar let out. Food was even provided at the end of
a busy day of visiting the booths. The big hit with dealers this year was the
raffle for a chance to win a Sony Playstation 3 (which included Spiderman 3 on
Blue-ray disc). Congratulations to Keith Petersen of The Eardly T. Petersen
Company and Mike Shores of Mike’s Vacuum Express, the lucky winners.
The talk of the show was focused on the Perfect PowerTeam Canister
Vacuum. This machine created quite a buzz, and Star’s booth filled up quickly
with dealers wanting to see the vacuum of the year. The eyes of old Lux dealers
were filled with tears of joy over the sight of an old friend! The vacuum has a
21st Century Ametek Advantek Powered Motor, which is more powerful and
offers 125 inches of water lift. Going beyond the traditional paper bag units of
yester year, Perfect has added a Certified HEPA media filter bag which offers a
feature that goes beyond green. Perfect Products has developed a vacuum that is
just as its name states….Perfect.
Meanwhile, Bill Gelchion of Emer USA was busy in Star’s booth with
dealers and the new Hercules Upright Vacuum. This unit offers a 180° swivel
head which will maneuver smoothly around everything in your home. The new
look and design of Hercules Upright Vacuum caught the eye and interest of
many dealers at the show. As an added treat, Bill unveiled the prototype for
Emer steam/vacuum canister, the Allegro, a true steam cleaner with vacuum
capabilities. Big in Europe and soon to be introduced into the U.S. market, the
dealers were flocking to the back of the booth just to get a glance at this one-ofa-kind unit. Be sure to check out all of Emer’s products that are available
through Star and the exclusive offers in the upcoming Star flyer and mailers.
Continuing down the aisle, dealers were treated to a complimentary shoe
shine from Graham Van Zant of Leather Mate West and Bill Dedich of Vacuum
Express. A product newly introduced to Star and into the vacuum industry,
Leather Mate is a great add-on sale for dealers looking to boost those impulse
buys. Made for all smooth leather, Leather Mate will amazingly restore the
color and finish to leather surfaces you would think impossible to restore.
The best dressed in the convention center must go to….Jean Beaulac of
Zelmer. To show an outstanding product, you HAVE to dress the part, right?!
What a great line of canister vacuums Star is bringing into the industry! Many
heads spun, when they demonstrated the Zelmer Vacuum and the outstanding
features they offer. With protected territories going fast, be sure to contact your
Star sales rep and place your order today!
Another product of interest was the Bona Kemi product line. Star is looking
forward to a great year of supplying dealers with yet another added sale item by
targeting those without carpet. In business for 90+ years, Bona Kemi has
catapulted itself to the top of many hardwood and hard surface flooring manufactures as the best product available for cleaning, maintaining, and restoring
customers hardwood and hard surface flooring. To drive sales even further Bona
introduced the new hardwood floor mop. Modeled after the Swifter style
gravity fed mops, Bona brings together the convenience of a compact mop unit,
with the quality of the Bona hardwood and hard surface cleaners and washable
micro fiber pads, all in one box. Now you can join those who have discovered a
new way to clean wood and tile flooring…..the right way.
Star Equipment & Supplies would like to thank those who attended and those
who visited their booth, and they wish you all a prosperous year! ™
April 2008
“It is great to see those who realize
that they have to be involved with
VDTA to protect their income. I
personally continue to teach the
Certification Program every year
because I always learn something
new from others that helps me with
my business.”
-- Vincent Ciernick
A1 Central Vacuum Inc.
Floor Care Professional
Tacony WOWS dealers with new
products -- & some extra fun!
“The VDTA Convention was a
wonderful experience for us.
Everyone was upbeat and excited
to share ideas they’ve used in their
own stores. It’s always a thrill to
speak to a crowd of gung-ho
retailers who are ready to do
whatever it takes to grow their
-- Rich Kizer & Georganne Bender
26 Floor Care Professional
One of the cardinal rules of
bowling is that “it’s all in the
approach.” Tacony Corporation
took this rule to heart, approaching VDTA/SDTA 2008
with focus, ingenuity, and fun
-- plus a little bowling!
Representatives from several
sewing and vacuum divisions
of Tacony went to Las Vegas to
share their new products and
programs for this spring.
“VDTA/SDTA 2008 proved
to be yet another great opportunity to meet and talk with
many quality customers and venders,” said Steve Jeffery,
Senior Vice President of Tacony Sewing Divisions. “At
Tacony Corporation our main focus is the independent
retailer and we are completely committed to do whatever we
can to make our customers more profitable and successful.”
Vacuum dealers experienced a breath of fresh air with the
Riccar FreshBreeze and Simplicity Healthy Home air
purifiers, and sewing machine dealers were amazed by the
vast offerings in the new “Mega Bundle,” “Sewlebrity” and
“Greatest Hits” embroidery design bundles from Amazing
Baby Lock and Designer’s Gallery introduced the very
first co-branded product from Tacony Corporation -Sew@Home online classes. This innovative program offers
classes about machines and software that consumers can
attend from the comfort of their own home. Classes are sold
only at Baby Lock retailer locations.
Dealers who placed an order
with any Tacony division also
received a special treat -- they were
eligible for the fun “Strike It Rich”
game, in which participants bowled
three frames on the new Nintendo
Wii for a chance to win great
prizes. Dealers were “bowled over”
by this fun activity and were lined
up down the aisle waiting to
Tacony Corporation’s seven
booths received hundreds of
visitors over the course of the
three-day event and everyone was
in great spirits. With such a great
turnout and successful sales, 2008
is sure to be a “knockout” year for
Tacony. ™
April 2008
What’s with all the Simplicity & Riccar
Belt Buckles at the VDTA Show?
A fantastic Riccar dealer, Bill Dedich of Vacuum Express created the “Belt Buckle Blitz”
to quickly get vacuums into his customers’ hands. Bill noticed if he asked people to try out a
vacuum, many said “no thanks.”
But if instead of asking his customers if they wanted to test drive the vacuum, he just
quickly turns the vacuum around moving the handle out of his hand toward his customer’s
belt buckle, instincts take over and his customers grab the handle of the vacuum. Before they
even know what happened, Bill’s customers are happily trying the vacuum and Bill’s that much closer to making a sale.
According to Bill, when someone comes into the store wanting to buy a vacuum, you can usually just talk them into
test driving a vacuum. But for people who are stopping by to drop off a repair or to buy bags, who have their defenses
up against buying a new vacuum, the Belt Buckle Blitz works like a charm.
And don’t worry if they don’t buy today; by actually getting the vacuum into your customer’s hands, you’ve at least
planted the seed. You’ll be surprised how many people come back and say, “I tried a vacuum here awhile ago.” It’s many
more than the people who come back in saying, “You told me about a vacuum here awhile ago.” While actually getting
the vacuum into your customer’s hands takes a little more work, it makes a much more memorable impression on your
Plus, stores that don’t have the luxury of having multiple salespeople to handle a busy sales floor can really benefit
from the Belt Buckle Blitz. Once you have a vacuum in your customer’s hands, she has something to do. So if you need
to step away for a moment to help another customer, you can do so knowing that your current customer is not only
occupied but has the opportunity to be selling herself on the vacuum while you’re away.
Bill’s so convinced that putting vacuums into his customers’ hands sells vacuums for him, that he has a stated goal of
getting a vacuum into the hands of anyone who walks in the door within 30 seconds of them entering the store.
“To help remind our dealers to give Bill’s idea a try, we created Simplicity and Riccar belt buckles,” said John Kaido,
Tacony Corporation’s Senior Vice President. “And as a little extra bonus, we handed out casino chips to some lucky
dealers who we ‘caught’ wearing them out at the show.” ™
April 2008
Floor Care Professional