LHBC Youth Ministry Newsletter


LHBC Youth Ministry Newsletter
April 2016
Volume 1, Issue 3
LHBC Youth Ministry
Special Interest:
• Encourage our
Youth to Impact
the Capital
• Wings Aerospace
Academy…TuitionFree Middle and
Future High School!!!!
Capital Campaign for their future
“This grand and
wonderful temple won’t
be for human beings. It
will be built for the Lord
God” 1 Chronicles 29:1b
It’s happening! LHBC we
are on our way to building
a new church! In keeping
step with our leadership
and adults we want to
encourage our young
people principles of
sacrificial giving by
contributing in the Capital
For the next few weeks
we will be engaging our
youth in every aspect of
biblical giving. The Youth
Department has received
a curriculum that will
assist us in energizing our
youth to give. Just like
with anything we want to
encourage them in
knowing that they play a
vital part in this act of
stewardship. Parents
please assist us by
encouraging, teaching,
and supporting your
children in the beginning
of a foundation for
generations to come.
Let’s be excited about the
Lord to leading us in the
building of our NEW
Fruit of the Spirit-Galatians 5:22-23
• 3rd Sundays are for
Be a Supporter:
Important Dates to
Senior Banquet 6/5
Youth Retreat 7/30
Children’s Bible Study
needs teachers
Children’s Church is
striving for greater things.
One of the changes that
we would like to begin to
implement is teaching a
certain scripture or biblical
concept each month that
we will focus on. This
month into May, we will, in
addition to our Capital
Campaign curriculum, be
teaching the 9 “Fruit of
the Spirit”. Parents, for
the next few weeks your
child will have a new fruit
to introduce to you at
home and we encourage
you to help them retain it.
So at the end of May we
can see how many your
child can list in order and
describe what they mean
to win a prize. Not only will
your child be gaining
spiritual character but also
implementing and
applying a new
memorized verse.
4/17 Love, Joy, Peace
How you can help!
4/24 Longsuffering
Work with your child each
week with his or her
scripture and show them
ways to implement it for
the week.
5/8 Kindness, Goodness,
5/15 Faithfulness, Gentleness
5/22 Self-Control
Stay Consistent!
Have Fun
5/29 Show off what they know,
for prizes
LHBC Youth Ministry Newsletter
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Interested in Aerospace? This is the School for you
Wings Aerospace
Academy /Shades of
Blue information
night Tuesday, April
26 | 5:15 – 8:00 PM
Wings Aerospace
Academy is a tuitionfree middle and future
high school charter
program providing handson aerospace
experiences. They are
launching grades 5-9 in
Fall 2016; one grade will
be added each year until
the program reaches
through 12th grade with
the class of 2020 being
the first graduating class.
Wings Aerospace
Academy (WAA) offers a
“blended learning” format,
bringing together the best
of two worlds—the best of
education technology with
on-line learning via core
courses provided by a
certified, multi-district
charter school, the
Elevate Academy; and the
best of hands-on,
aerospace-based STEM
curricula provided by
Wings in our aerospace
Are you interested in
learning more about
the opportunities
Wings Aerospace
Academy can offer
your child? Join us in
our next information
night at the Harrison
Ford Theater! Dinner and
beverages will be served
at 5:15 PM, followed by
the information session.
Activities that evening will include
-Museum tour
-Overview of a typical week at Wings
Aerospace Academy
-Statements from current Wings
Aerospace Academy parents
-Video and photos of glider rides
-Demonstration of the Drone Project
-Statements from current Wings
Aerospace Academy students
-Question & Answer session
Please contact Bro Rivera ASAP for
details Chauncey@q.com
Here is a video of some of our own
experiencing first hand at Girls in Aviation
Come Turn Up, For God’s Glory!!!
Go therefore and make
disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit, teaching
them to observe all things that
I have commanded you; and
lo, I am with you always, even
to the end of the age. Amen.—
Matthew 28:19-20
Sunday of the
Month is our Youth
Sunday. The youth of
LHBC gets to show off
what God is doing in and
for their lives.
We want all youth that
would like to participate to
come and be a part of our
youth Sundays. If you like
to dance, have a poem to
read or just want to help
with prayer and
announcements please let
us know. We know that
God blesses us with many
talents and that youth are
not excluded in those
gifts, so come on out 3rd
Sundays and show us
what God has gifted you
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LHBC Youth Ministry Newsletter
Support our Youth: Help Us Reach Our Youth!
Please remember if your
child is in 6th grade or
lower they need to be
signed in for Children’s
Church. LHBC’s
Children’s Church is very
proud and excited about
our dedicated and
devoted teachers and
helpers. It is our mission
to have two leaders in
every class and so far we
have been able to
accomplish that! Thanks
LHBC Teachers and
Helpers! With that being
said we still need more
help. If each parent took
time to volunteer one
Sunday each parent
would only need to
cover a class two/three
times a year. *Please
consider helping us make
the classroom
environment a success
with your help in
volunteering. We Need
You Parents!!
Starting June-August we
will only have Children’s
Church on 3rd Sundays.
This is a time of refreshing
for our teachers during the
summer months. So we
will be switching to an
abbreviated schedule
during this time. Also,
there are exciting things
happening in the fall
calendar. We will be
introducing our new
curriculum! It will be
disciple based and
focused on the learning
levels of each child. Stay
Be a part of our Newsletter
We believe that each
youth is uniquely and
wonderfully made.
Created directly by the
hands of our Creator, and
we want each one to take
pride in that special gift
and talent that has been
given to them. It is our
duty to be sure those gifts
are not stuffed in some
corner hidden from the
eyes and hearts of those
who need it desperately.
Who knows your child
could be the next great
man or woman of God!
LHBC Youth Ministry
wants to continue in
improving and better
serving our youth to grow
and develop into a disciple
of Christ. Whose influence
reaches into their inner
circle and community!
Please feel free to give us
any feedback in helping us
improve and challenge us
to dig deeper.
Also, please consider
being a part of our
Newsletter! By keeping us
up to date on important
events and milestones
your child is making in life!
LHBC Youth Ministry
would like to provide a kid
friendly, bible based
curriculum for all of our
children. We can’t do this
without you. We are
looking for teachers for
our Children’s Bible
Study class that happens
every Tuesday night. This
is for elementary age
children. Curriculum will
be provided to cut in
preparation time, cost and
setup. Please contact Min.
Miller for information.
The more help we
have the more
impact we will have
on our youth!
Please pray and ask
God if He would like
you to be one of
those volunteers
that can help our
youth experience
God on their level!
Keep in mind this verse, “I
will praise You, for I am
fearfully and wonderfully
made; Marvelous are Your
works, and that my soul
knows very well.
~Psalm 139:14
“I can do all things
through Christ who
gives me strength.”
~Phil 4:13
Birthday Celebration
April Birthdays
Leon Johnson, 4/9
Jalen D. Silas, 4/12
Asher Smith, 4/15
Nathaniel Santos, 4/15
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
We enjoy celebrating the
gift of life and we
appreciate each and every
one of our youth. When
birthdays come around
they are to be celebrated.
In this part of the
newsletter you will find the
birthdays for each month
listed with a picture and
information about each
young person. We will
send out an email to each
parent that has a child
with a birthday that month
asking you to send a
picture and a small
description of your child’s
interests and hobbies.
Please be on the lookout
when the next birthday
rolls around!
Nathaniel Santos, 15
Jalen D Silas, 13
Jalen D. Silas has a
birthday this month. His
birthday is April 12th and
he will be 13. Jalen's
favorite hobby is flying
planes; his dream is to
become a pilot. His
favorite plane is a 747-8.
Jalen is in the 7th grade.
His favorite color is red
and his favorite subject is
Nathaniel will be 15! He
enjoys anything to do with
science. He loves to play
sports. Baseball is his
favorite sport to play,
however he's crazy about
playing football and
soccer as well. Nathaniel
also likes to cook and
bake. He can definitely put
a mean meal together!
Leon Johnson, 7
Asher Smith, 12
Recognition Corner-Zenobia Witt
Once again our track star
is paving the way on the
field! At the Hersey
National indoor Track
and Field
Zenobia Witt did an
outstanding job as a
participant! She took 5th
place in the long jump,
9th in the nation in the
55meter dash, 12th in
the 200 and she ran
personal record times in
both events. Zenobia is
this month’s Super
Star, Congrats and
continue to walk the
path God has for your