found online here - Codey Fund for Mental Health


found online here - Codey Fund for Mental Health
The Codey Fund is
qualified as a
charitable organization
under Section501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue
Code. Contributions to
the Codey Fund are tax
deductible to the
maximum extent
permitted by law.
Established in 2012, the Codey Fund supports
organizations and programs that...
• Advance mental health education for at-risk
youth, mothers with post-partum depression,
the homeless and patients in state psychiatric
Mary Jo Codey, former First Lady of New Jersey
• Work to overcome stigma, stereotyping and
“With the compassionate help of
• Promote effective treatment and sustain recovery
others, I was able to overcome the
• Raise public awareness of mental health issues
devastating effects of clinical
depression. No one should let the
stigma of mental illness stand in the
way of getting treatment that can
change their life.”
“The time has come to stand up,
speak out and get help.”
Governor Richard Codey
Mary Jo Codey
Mary Jo Codey
The Codey Fund for Mental Health
300 Executive Drive, Suite 360, West Orange, NJ 07052
Phone: 973-325-9650 • Fax: 973-325-9651
Email: Web:
©2013 The Codey Fund for Mental Health
“For too long we have
swept the problems
of mental illness
under the carpet…
and hoped that they
would go away.”
Governor Richard J. Codey
Prejudice and Discrimination
Despite great strides
in the treatment of mental
illness, people who suffer
continue to endure insensitive
stereotyping, discrimination at
work and in housing, inequity
in insurance coverage, distrust,
bullying, and even physical
violence—victimized by the
illness and victimized
by society.
1 in 4 Americans
In the last year nearly 25% of Americans—about
60 million people—experienced a mental health
disorder. More Americans suffer from depression
than coronary heart disease or cancer.
Depression costs our nation a staggering
$300 billion annually. Every 15 minutes someone in
the United States dies by suicide and the underlying
cause is almost always mental illness.
No one is immune.
Mental illness knows no racial,
cultural, economic, political or
religious boundaries. Yet
fewer than 30% with a
diagnosable mental disorder
seek treatment.
The stigma of being labeled
with a mental illness can be
devastating. Fear and shame
prevent many people from
seeking help.
Deeply personal.
Deeply passionate.
Mary Jo Codey has
courageously shared her
personal experience with
clinical depression.
As First Lady of New Jersey
she helped launch
a ground-breaking campaign—“Recognizing
Postpartum Depression: Speak Up When You’re
Down” —to bring greater awareness and education
to women, families and healthcare professionals
about postpartum depression. She was a strong
advocate for the Governor’s Task Force on Mental
Health to reform New Jersey’s mental health system.
Mary Jo and Governor Richard Codey have worked
tirelessly to advance mental health education and
advocate for those suffering with mental illness.
To make a tax
deductible donation
in support of
The Codey Fund for
Mental Health...
Fill out and mail this form
with your donation to
The Codey Fund for Mental Health
300 Executive Drive, Suite 360, West Orange, NJ 07052
or call 973-325-9650.
“We can, should and
must do better.”
– Mary Jo Codey
Our mission is to ensure that compassionate, quality
mental healthcare is accessible to everyone. We can
succeed with your help. Your donation will help create
a future where…
• Mental illness is no longer a source of shame
or embarrassment
• Accurate information and
effective treatment
options are widely available
• Adequate resources are
available to promote
mental health
• People living with mental
illness are treated with
respect and dignity
Checks should be made payable to:
The Codey Fund for Mental Health
For more information on how you can help, please
see our website at