June 2016 - North High School
June 2016 - North High School
The Navigator Principal’s Newsletter June 2016 Vol. XVII No. 5 Mrs. Audra Christenson, Principal St. Charles North High School 255 Red Gate Road St. Charles, IL 60175 (331) 228-4400 NORTH S.T.A.R. AWARDS Congratulations to the 2016 NORTH S.T.A.R. Award recipients. (L to R) Front Row: Lucy Gruber, Kiersten Aalfs, Emily Kaliski, and Katrena Pienkowski. Back Row: Aliza Siddiqui, Vincent Sarna, Vincent Valeriano, Thomas Summerwill, and Keeley Svoboda. The North S.T.A.R. Award was presented to nine seniors at the Senior Honors Night. These seniors exemplify the criteria attributed to the S.T.A.R. It is an honor to be presented with this prestigious award since it is the capstone of the student’s high school career and embodies the life, leadership, and spirit of our school community. North S Service through sacrifice and stewardship T Traditions that developed or sustained culture & climate A Accomplishment that exceeded expectation R Resourcefulness through character and unshakeable commitment June 2016 Page 2 2016 DEPARTMENT AWARDS Outstanding Department Awards were announced at the Senior Honors Night on Thursday, May 5. Outstanding Senior in Art – Hailee Stay Outstanding Senior in Business – Abby Wineinger Outstanding Senior in English – Tyler Stokes Outstanding Senior in Family & Consumer Science – Jamie Fisher & Jessica Fisher Outstanding Senior in Foreign Language – Bhasvera Shayne Chammavanijakul Outstanding Senior in Mathematics – Kevin Thompson Outstanding Senior in Music – Tracy Suppes Outstanding Senior in Psychology/Sociology – Vincent Sarna Outstanding Senior in Science – Robert Bolz Outstanding Senior in Social Studies – Thomas Summerwill Outstanding Senior in Technology Education – Christopher Dabao Outstanding Senior in Wellness – Christian Sidoti Student Services Award – Emma Collins Principal’s Service Award – Amanda Vallejera 2016 NATIONAL MERIT PROGRAM National Merit Finalists: Tess Prendergast & Emma Spellman Commended Students in the 2016 National Merit Program: Garrett Allamian, Brittany Allen, James Fleck, and Kevin Thompson Page 3 June 2016 Pen of the Principal On May 29, 2016, we culminated our celebration of the Class of 2016 during their Commencement Ceremony held at the Sears Centre for the last time. Collectively, the graduates earned over $8 million in scholarships, grants, and awards! This, along with the recognition of the Outstanding Seniors from each department, the Principal’s Service Award, and North STAR Award winners, took place at the Senior Honors Night on May 5, 2016. As I shared at Commencement, I am proud of our graduates for their modeling of intellectual curiosity, service to the community, talent and skills displayed through performance and competition, and encouragement for the success of others. We wish them all the best and thank them for their influence on North Star Country. As we look to the future, we are already preparing to welcome our new freshmen class – the Class of 2020! Schedules are being built, facilities are being updated and prepared, teachers are engaging in professional learning, and student groups are setting the foundation for events such as Homecoming, Peer Leadership, Kick-A-Thon, and athletic seasons. Another group continuing to work this summer is the Bullying Prevention Task Force. In addition to spreading their messages through posters around the school (see below & page 4), they are planning for a role in the Freshmen Orientation on August 18 and ways to collect on-going data from their peers. I am excited about the 2016-2017 school year; however, I encourage all to enjoy the opportunities summer brings to spend time with family and friends as we re-energize for the year ahead. Thank you for your continued support and partnership, and I look forward to seeing you in August! Audra Christenson Principal June 2016 Pen of the Principal (cont’d) Page 4 Page 5 June 2016 College & Career Readiness Mr. John Peters, Assistant Principal Seniors-Class of 2016: Congratulations to the St. Charles North Class of 2016! Best wishes in your future endeavors! Students requested final transcripts during PE classes on May 16. The final transcripts will be sent out to colleges once all semester grades are finalized and diploma status is posted. The timeframe for sending out final transcripts is generally the 3rd or 4th week in June. Juniors-Class of 2017: If your student is choosing to take Government and/or Economics this summer, don’t forget to make an appointment with their counselor after the course concludes to ensure your child’s 2016-2017 schedule is accurate. This summer, touring colleges should be a top priority for students and parents. When students enter school in the fall they should have 5-7 colleges they are interested in applying to that they have toured and fully researched. Making an appointment with the Office of Admissions and taking the “official” tour demonstrates interest, often giving a student a leg up in the competitive admissions field. Have a frank, honest conversation with your student about your family’s finances as they pertain to college admissions. Use your 1040 tax forms and complete online Net Cost Calculators at the colleges and universities you are considering. These calculators are not perfect but give a fairly accurate estimation of the out-of-pocket costs your family would incur if your student attends that college. If your student is interested in taking the ACT on September 10, registration is online at http://www.actstudent.org. The registration deadline is August 5, 2016. Sophomores-Class of 2018: It’s never too early to tour a college or university. The best way to learn about colleges is to SEE college campuses. Whether your family is planning on vacation or staycation this summer, schedule a visit at a college or university so your student can see what it’s all about. The more campuses students see while researching colleges will enable them to make more informed choices when selecting schools. If your student is choosing to take US History this summer, don’t forget to make an appointment with their counselor after the course concludes to ensure your child’s 2016-2017 schedule is accurate. Freshmen-Class of 2019: Have something to do this summer! While it’s important for students to have some down time in the summer, having no activities and no structure isn’t healthy for a young mind. Volunteering keeps kids active, teaches civic responsibility, and also looks great on college applications. Find a cause that is dear to your student’s heart to volunteer some time toward this summer. Incoming Freshmen-Class of 2020: Mark your calendars for the Freshman Orientation on August 18, when you get to meet your Guidance Counselor, Dean, and several other members of the Student Services Team. All Students: Have a happy, healthy, safe, and restful summer! We look forward to another excellent year of learning next year! June 2016 Page 6 College & Career Readiness (cont’d) Summer Counselor Hours Counselor summer hours will vary between 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays starting May 31 until the first day of the 2016-17 school year. During the summer, counselors do not work strictly with students in their alphabet grouping or assignment. Please keep in mind that some questions can be handled via email rather than with an appointment; however, counselors do not check email or voicemail on a regular basis during the summer. For counselor availability or to schedule an appointment with a counselor, please contact Teri Derby at teri.derby@d303.org or 331-228-6401. Appointments are recommended. High School Transcripts Sometimes, we get requests or questions from graduates who need a transcript sent to another institution. Any student needing a transcript must fill out a transcript request form, which is located in the Guidance Office and on the Guidance web page. These forms can be dropped off or mailed to the Guidance Office (ATTENTION: Registrar). Each transcript request form must be accompanied by an addressed, stamped envelope, and the corresponding fee. Official transcripts must be mailed directly from St. Charles North to the college, university, or scholarship program. Please note that if you are requesting a transcript for yourself to take along for a college visit, it will be stamped “unofficial”. The 2016 seniors completed a “graduated” transcript release in May, so their final transcripts will be sent to their respective schools following their successful completion of requirements. AP Test Scores Completing an AP course and exam is a huge accomplishment. You should feel very proud about the work you've done and the skills you've learned. Your AP score is one way to share this accomplishment with others, like colleges and universities. The final exam score is reported on a scale of 1–5 and shows how well you've mastered the content of the course. After you take an AP Exam, CollegeBoard sends your score report to the college or university that you designated on your answer sheet. When you view your scores online, you have the option to send them to other institutions for a fee. Look for an email in early July, at the same address you put on your AP answer sheet, reminding you how and when to access your scores. You will be able to view your entire score and score-send history. Students who wish to send additional score reports to colleges, universities, or scholarship programs will be able to do so. Student Services Ms. Sharon Stec, Assistant Principal News from the Nurse at North District 303 requires all freshmen students to submit a school physical on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form to the school nurse prior to the first day of school, August 24. The physical must be completed within one year of the first day of school. An athletic physical is not sufficient to meet the District requirement. The required form is available on the St. Charles North High School web site under Parents, forms, health forms, and then Child Health Examination. Due to recent changes in Illinois’ immunization requirements, seniors must be immunized for bacterial meningitis with the MCV4 vaccine prior to the first day of school. I am not in the building during the summer. I return to the Nurses’ Office mid-August. My nurse colleagues and I value your input regarding your child’s health, so please contact us with any health concerns that may impact your child’s education. Please call or email me to set up an appointment to drop off medication or to discuss a health concern in person. By working as a team, we can ensure that your child receives the best possible health care during their high school career. Best wishes for a healthy and happy summer! Amy Boynton, School Nurse 331.228.4404 - amy.boynton@d303.org Page 7 June 2016 Instructional Programs Mrs. Heather Kincaid, Assistant Principal North Students find Success in the Technovation Challenge On May 9, the team of Jackie Oh, Nicole Palmer and Avee Oabel was named a semi-finalist in the Technovation Challenge 2016. Every year, Technovation challenges girls all over the world to build a mobile app that will address a community problem. Since 2010, 5000 girls from 64 countries have submitted over 1,000 apps to Technovation. The girls formed a team called TriSquare and created the app Fitness Friends. Fitness Friends is an interactive fitness app for children and young adults. They can create a world as they and their pet dance, swim, and run to earn coins that purchase accessories. They have fun exercising as they measure their progress through a timer, GPS, (L to R) Jackie Oh, Nicole Palmer, Avee Oabel, and Mentor Mrs. Kristen Cruthers or manual input. They can then customize their cat or dog with different accessories and tailor their room to their style by moving their items wherever they’d like. They can choose from up to twenty items. All they need is the power of fitness to have the time of their life! Fitness Friends is currently available on Google Play and will be on the App Store in the near future. For 2016, Jackie, Nicole, and Avee were one of 95 semi-finalist teams chosen from over 1,000. From the semi-finalists, six teams will be named finalists at the end of May and be flown to San Francisco in July to present at the World Pitch Event. One team will win $10,000 in seed funding to help them launch their app. BAKING & PASTRY CLASS DECORATE AMAZING CAKES! Ending a month long cake unit in the Baking and Pastry class, Ms. Criss' classes worked very hard to create unique and creative decorated cakes. As the capstone project of the semester, students were able to showcase their new techniques. Each class period was given a specific category/theme to create. Staff members were given the opportunity to vote during their lunch hours for their favorite cake in each category with the following results: 2nd hr. Candy/Sweets Category: Winner - Ice Cream Cake 3rd hr. Movies/TV Shows Category: Winner –SpongeBob Cake 5th hr. Colleges Category: Winner – Money Burning Cake Overall Winner: Ice Cream Cake – Created by Michael Ball, Trish Blondin, Eric Neslund, and Dylon Zaworski. Overall Best attention to Detail: Under the Sea – Created by Grace Sopha, Olivia Suspenzi, Noah Kinney, and Jacob Kuzur. Baking & Pastry class showcased their cake decorating skills. June 2016 Page 8 Instructional Programs (cont’d) Latin Students Enjoy Olympic Competition On Saturday, April 9, 28 Latin students from North, East, and Batavia High Schools met at Batavia High School for the first ever Latin Olympics. While there, the students participated in a gladiatorial contest, certudi (physical and trivia competition), and a variety of other games like chariot races and tali (Roman dice). They also enjoyed lunch and getting to meet while spending the day with other Latin students from the area. It was an exciting day of Latin fun! Students participating in a gladiatorial competition. Students forming a conga line in a certudi challenge. Latin Students Achieve Distinguished Scores Fourteen North students took the National Latin Exam in March this year, and many achieved distinguished scores. For Latin I, Carson Zuniga received magna cum laude (3rd rank), and Brigid Millette and Luke Repta received summa cum laude (1st rank). For Latin II, Nolan Major received cum laude (4th rank), Grace Quinn received magna cum laude (3rd rank), and Alexander Somera received maxima cum laude (2nd rank). For Latin IV Prose, Isaac Karim and Alec Tolmachoff received magna cum laude (3rd rank). Congratulations to all participants for their hard work! Brigid Millette, Carson Zuniga, & Luke Repta Alexander Somera, Grace Quinn, & Nolan Major Alec Tolmachoff & Isaac Karim Page 9 June 2016 Instructional Programs (cont’d) 6th Annual Triathlon On May 17, the Wellness Department held their 6th Annual Triathlon. Over 400 students and staff members participated in the annual event. The Triathlon began with an eight lap swim, followed by eight laps (two miles) around the track on a bike, and finished off with a mile run through the campus of St. Charles North. Participants could form teams of three or compete individually. Congratulations to the many who participated in this event. Donovan Maag participated in the Triathlon. AP Studio Art Spring Gala Art Show On May 10, 29 AP Studio Art students, including photographers, digital media artists, traditional 2D artists, and 3D artists, showcased their talents in their culminating art show. The show took place at Elgin Community College in the Visual and Performing Arts Center Lobby from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Each student displayed 15-24 works of art, all created during this school year as part of their AP portfolio exam. The students worked very hard this year to grow as artists, and they took great pride in sharing their hard work with the community, their family, and friends. We are so proud of all that they have achieved this year. (L to R) Front Row: Sean McCarthy, Thorne Drwal, Amy Ahrenholz, Rachel Musillami, Delaney Petersen, Aislen Kelly, Tyler Cabrera, and Zach Bull. Row 2: Kamille Cruz, Nicole Bear, Jessica Foor, Hailee Stay, and Alexa Pappas. Row 3: Sam Chase, Sarah Anderson, Claire Sebastian, and Brittany Veto. Row 5: Solimar Santiago, Kat Harshberger, Madison Frey, Taylor Vanleeuwen, Sophia Sandrzyk, Kacie Leckbee, and Claire Rich. Top Row: Mack Niemietz. June 2016 Page 10 Instructional Programs (cont’d) 2015-2016 Student Permanent Art Collection Student Zach Bull Hailee Stay Amy Ahrenholz Becky Zangora Julia Smith Kendall Maffia Thorne Drwal Sarah Anderson Samantha Chase Taylor Vanleeuwen Kat Harshbarger Sophia Sandrzyk Tyler Cabrera Annie Dalbis Joey Pokorny Year 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 Media Acrylic Acrylic Ink Ceramics Ceramics Ceramics Digital Illustration Digital Illustration Digital Illustration Digital Photograph Title “Just John” “Decay” “Joy” “Grounded” “Spun Then Stacked” “Aotearoa” “Harmony” “Purgatory” “Kali with Her Many Arms” “Bone Robber” 12 12 Digital Photograph Digital Photograph “Midnight Panic” “Realize” 12 12 12 Video Video Motion Graphics “Antigua 2015” “Free Walk” “Typography” Student Life Mrs. Melinda Roberts, Assistant Principal BREAKFAST WITH THE STARS The Breakfast with the Stars Program honors individual stars within our school community. Some of the individuals nominated are out there for all of us to see and congratulate. Others are behind the scenes or who, in their quiet way, demonstrate a level of excellence through service, academics, competition, or simple kindness. Some of these students give of their special talents on a day-to-day basis in the classroom and some of them excel in our extra and co-curricular activities. Each student is unique and special in the way they share and develop our school community. APRIL MAY Presenter Recipient Presenter Recipient Ms. Lindsay Boynton Joseph Sommer Tahlia Townsend Alissa Buono Alexandra Cook Chandler Boyd Emily Taylor Leanne Stahulak Amber Benitez Eva Hartigan Tyler Stokes Dominique Gaido Ms. Lara Bell Mr. Mathjis Dennison Mr. Brian Harks Mrs. Megan Libberton Mrs. Erin Manheim Megan Milani Colleen Molloy Owen Engesser Alexandra Norbut Vanessa Adriatico Samuel Lilly Kirsten Meltesen Sarah Anderson Patrick Brady Alex Medina Aaron Simon Ms. Kaylea Chomko Mr. Steve Macaitis Mrs. Nancy Prentiss Mrs. Sandy Szmajda Mrs. Lizbeth Walker Mrs. Julia Sanderson Mr. Michael Smith Mr. Grant Jacobsen Page 11 June 2016 Student Life (cont’d) NORTH STAR COUNCIL AWARDED NAT’L GOLD COUNCIL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD For its exemplary record of leadership, service, and activities that serve to improve the school and community, North Star Council (NSC) has been awarded a 2016 National Gold Council of Excellence Award by the National Association of Student Councils (NASC). "Receiving an NASC National Gold Council of Excellence Award reflects the highest dedication on the part of the school to providing a strong, well-rounded student council program," said Ann Postlewaite, National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Student Programs Director. "NASC applauds the work of the National Gold Councils of Excellence and challenges them to continue their leadership and service to their schools and communities." Senior Jacob Gustafson, North Star Council Historian, facilitated the process of collecting artifacts supporting NSC qualifications. He expressed how "elated" he was upon hearing the news and commented how this distinction was "well deserved for a council as strong as ours. It has been my pleasure serving with these members the past four years." To meet the requirements for the NASC National Gold Council of Excellence Award, a student council must meet a variety of criteria. In addition to basic requirements such as a written constitution, regular meetings, a democratic election process, and membership in the NASC, councils demonstrate things such as leadership training for all council members, teacher/staff appreciation activities, student recognition programs, school and community service projects, spirit activities, goal setting, financial planning, and active participation in state and national associations. Those councils awarded the gold level have successfully demonstrated the highest levels of leadership. North Star Council is now one of only seven schools in the entire state of Illinois to be awarded the gold level and one of only two to be awarded this distinction for the past seven years. To learn more about the National Gold Council of Excellence Award, visit www.nasc.us/ncoe. Staff News NORTH STAR RETIREES Mrs. Lori Creasor (Art teacher) and Mr. Bob McCracken (Deans’ Assistant) will be retiring at the end of this school year. Congratulations and best wishes to both of them! June 2016 Page 12 Staff News (cont’d) 2016 Kane County Educator of the Year Awards Mr. Ryan Colton, Mrs. Tina Zucker, and Mrs. Chris Hitt. Three North Star staff members were nominated by their peers this year for Kane County Regional Office of Education awards. Mr. Ryan Colton was nominated in the Classroom High School Teacher category. Mr. Colton teaches in our English Department and also serves as our Drama Advisor. Mrs. Chris Hitt was nominated in the Student Support Personnel category. Mrs. Hitt serves as one of our school nurses. Mrs. Tina Zucker was nominated in the Educational Service Personnel category. She works in our Main Office and is the administrative assistant for the Assistant Principal for Instructional Programs. On Friday, April 29, the Kane County Educator of the Year Awards Banquet hosted by the Regional Office of Education was held at the Q Center. At the banquet, Mrs. Zucker was announced as the 2016 Kane County Education Service Personnel of the Year. Congratulations to all three of these valued staff members. They are a part of why this school is such a great place to learn and grow. Page 13 June 2016 A note from PTO. . . As we end another school year, it comes very natural to sit and reflect on how the school year went. This was a very exciting year in the life of PTO. Our Executive Board was brand new with the exception of our returning treasurer. We started the year off with a “pop” introducing our teachers and staff to a bag of popcorn. We surprised them all with Halloween treats and in return received over 75 thank you emails. We continued with a hot meal at Parent-Teacher Conference Night. We held a coffee fund raiser and were able to support our many groups and clubs raising close to $4,000 to give back to our students. More hospitality followed month to month and so did the many thank yous and smiles along with feeling the sense of “community” at North High School. I promised three things to our teachers and staff on their first day of school - support, appreciation, and unity. With student and parent help, I held my promise! Let me share with you the experience I had on Wednesday, May 25, the first day of finals. As a team we decided to surprise our students and end the year with a “final” snack for them. A parent helper and myself passed out granola bars and wished students good luck starting at 6:30 a.m. in front of the school to over 1,500 kids ready to “rock” their finals. We heard more thank yous and saw more amazed faces than ever before. Disbelief that someone cared about them that much. Smiles and happiness blossomed as they graciously accepted their “final” snack. I was never so proud of our students’ politeness, graciousness, and courteous behavior. We can only hope we helped make the day of the student that told us “I’m so scared” as he walked away with a smile. These are our kids, and I couldn’t have been more proud of each and every one of them that passed us. Our goal next year is to serve all students granola bars everyday of finals, winter and spring. It’s always “A Great Day to be A North Star”, and I know with your continued help and support, we will accomplish great things. Our PTO team will be back, along with a few new members, stronger and ready, with your help and assistance, to have a great 2016/17 school year. As you enjoy your summer, I challenge you to consider being involved in whatever capacity you are able to. With great appreciation for all you do! Jane Harland and the PTO team June 2016 Page 14 St. Charles North High School Parent Teacher Organization – Post Prom Thanks! THANK YOU TO ALL OUR POST PROM VOLUNTEERS Our fearless leader, Tom Mullaly, and our other leadership team members highlighted below: RED EYE TEAM on SATURDAY Marisol Acevedo David Baldwin Michelle Bancroft Jen Bell John Bettler Lynn Chassee Betty Corcoran Stephen Corcoran Becky Crow Dan Curzon Jolene Curzon Zaira Delgado Edna Dripps Debbie England Jane Gregory Mireille Gross-Page Andy Hahn Kristine Hahn Heidi Hauserman Kim Hoffman Bobby Jackson Connie Jurczyk Cindy Kay Patrick Keane Lauren Kelly Cathy Kruger Rick Lannert Sharon LeGare Mary Leonard Kim Maffia Peggy McCarthy Jill McGraw Xiomy Mendez Kerri Mettetal Eddie Meza Nancy Mullally Nina Mullally Robin Muzzalupo Beverly Nesbit Jeff Newbill Michael Nutter Jenny O'Brien Mary Eileen O'Sullivan Mark Rerko Matt Rich Rich Rivara Kelly Sauer Melanie Saunders Jan Sawicki Kathy Schamberger Lauren Scheepers Debra Simon John Simon Denise Skwierawski Lynnette Smith Tina Smith Monica Srocki Debbie Stangle Joanna Stibgen Meyers Craig Taylor & helpers Pam Taylor Jackie Throop Brett Tinder Sue Tomich Carole Toohey Marlo Torres Anita Turi Rich Underhill Cindy Vargas Christine Vasilopoulos Bob Vezina Laura Vezina Patrice Washington Belinda Webb Richard Webb Cris Winkler Mark Winkler Lisa Zangora TICKET SALES & SET UP TEAM Marisol Acevedo Karin Alber Mike Alber Janet Allen Michele Claney Becky Crow Joni DeDobbelaere Marianne Dehut Zaira Delgado Jennifer Fischbach Jane Gregory Mireille Gross-Page Jane Harland Renee Hickerson Kristin Iovinelli Alejandra Kaliski Jessica Kling Suzanne Lilly Jim Maffia Kim Maffia Nina Mullally Jenny O'Brien Toni Palan Dori Pinkowski-Cabrera Silvia Ridle Jennifer Saverino Kathy Schamberger Christine Spence Monica Srocki Joanna Stibgen Meyers Pam Taylor Shannon Tomaka Sue Tomich Cindy Vargas Patrice Washington Judy Wineinger Cris Winkler Julia Wohlwend Donna Zocher If someone that helped is not listed, please forgive us – we appreciate the whole team! When you see them, please thank these individuals for their help! Page 15 June 2016 FUTURE DATES (Sometimes dates/times change….check school website often @ north.d303.org) Jun 6-23 Summer School Session I Jul 11-28 Summer School Session II Aug 15 Senior Materials Pick-Up Aug 16 Junior Materials Pick-Up Aug 17 Sophomore Materials Pick-Up Aug 18 Freshman Orientation & Materials Pick-Up Aug 24 First Day of Classes Sept 1 Back-to-School Night Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept 2 Teachers’ Institute Day – No School 5 Labor Day Holiday 6-10 Homecoming Week 9 Homecoming Parade & Game 10 Homecoming Dance 13 Senior College Night 16 Kick-a-Thon @ SCN 28 Financial Aid Night A 2010 United States Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School