- Clean Energy Business Council
- Clean Energy Business Council
08 December 2015 LONG-TERM OUTLOOK FOR THE GLOBAL POWER SECTOR 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Seb Henbest PRODUCTS TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND THE FUTURE OF ENERGY Solar Wind Americas 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Other Renewables Gas Energy Smart Technologies Europe, Middle East & Africa Advanced Transport Carbon & RECs Markets Asia Pacific Twitter: @SebHenbest 1 NEW ENERGY OUTLOOK 2015 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 2 “Prediction is difficult, especially about the future” – Niels Bohr 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 3 NEO KEY FINDINGS 1. Renewables will command just under 60% of the 9,786GW of new capacity and 65% of the $12.2 trillion of power investment to 2040. 2. Economics – rather than policy – will increasingly drive the uptake of renewable technologies. 3. The real solar revolution will be on rooftops, driven by high retail prices, and the availability of residential storage in some countries. 4. In developed economies, the link between economic growth and electricity consumption appears to be weakening and daily load profiles are getting ‘peakier’. 5. Gas’ role as a 'transitional fuel‘ is in question as less than 1,000GW of net capacity will be added globally by 2040. 6. Despite significant growth in renewables, fossil fuels will maintain a 44% share of generation in 2040 when CO2 emissions will be 13% higher than today. Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 4 GLOBAL INSTALLED GENERATING CAPACITY AND PROJECTED ADDITIONS, BY TECHNOLOGY (GW) ANNUAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS, 2015-40 2012 2040 600 6% 21% 5% 5,584GW 2% 6% 65% 400 14% 200 0 2015 Fossil Fuels 14% 2020 Nuclear 2025 Solar Wind 2030 Other renewables 2035 36% 14,216GW 2040 Flexible capacity 26% 4% Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 5 GLOBAL GROSS ANNUAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS BY TECHNOLOGY, 2015-40 (GW) Flexible capacity 600 Solar thermal 500 Small-scale PV Utility-scale PV 400 Offshore wind 300 Onshore wind Biomass/WtE 200 Geothermal 100 Hydro Nuclear 0 Oil -100 Gas Coal -200 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 6 GROSS CAPACITY ADDITIONS BY REGION AND BY TECHNOLOGY, 2015-40 (GW) 4,815GW APAC 1,274GW Americas RoW 1,097GW Europe 947GW 774GW MEA 0 1,000 Solar Fossil fuels Note: Figure excludes other and flexible capacity. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 2,000 3,000 Wind 4,000 5,000 Other renewables 6,000 Nuclear Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 7 H2 2015 LEVELISED COST OF ELECTRICITY CENTRAL AND REGIONAL SCENARIOS ($/MWH) Note: STEG = solar thermal electric generation Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 8 LCOE: PV (NO TRACKING) CENTRAL SCENARIO ($/MWH) 350 PV - c-Si 300 PV - c-Si tracking 250 200 PV - thin film 150 100 50 0 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2009 Q3 2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2011 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2012 Q4 Q1 Q2 2013 H1 H2 2014 H1 H2 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 9 PV EXPERIENCE CURVE, 1976-2015 2015 $/W 100 1976 Costs of solar PV has fallen by 24% for each doubling of cumulative volume Price per W (2015 $) 1985 10 2003 1 2014 2012 2015 August 0.1 1 10 Experience curve Note: Prices inflation indexed to US PPI. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 100 1,000 historic prices (Maycock) 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Cumulative capacity (MW) Chinese c-Si module prices (BNEF) Source: Paul Maycock, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 10 WIND TURBINE PRICE 1984-2016E (2014 MEUR/MW, REAL 2014) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 Global (ex. China) (BNEF) Germany (ExTool) Denmark (Extool) Vestas global US (LBL) China (BNEF) Note: China pricing exhibited for reference. As most data are available in Euros, we have converted the US wind turbine pricing data and China’s wind turbine pricing data into Euros, which are subjected to exchange rate fluctuation effects. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 2016 Source: Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), ExTool study (Neij et al.2003), Vestas annual reports. Twitter: @SebHenbest 11 IMPROVEMENTS IN TURBINE TECHNOLOGY FOR WIND Hub height Blade length, blade design Improved component parts Siting Turbine control software Improved availability 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 12 GLOBAL (EX. CHINA) ONSHORE WIND CAPACITY FACTOR IMPROVEMENT OVER YEARS, 1997-2015 (%) 60% 299MW 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1980 1984 1988 Germany 1992 1996 Denmark 2000 UK 2004 Spain 2008 US 2012 2020 Canada Note: We calculate the capacity factor with our proprietary Wind Farm Capacity Factor Tool using wind resource data provided by 3TIER by Vaisala. We assume P90 value in the capacity factor tool. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 2016 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 13 ONSHORE WIND EXPERIENCE CURVE, 1985-2015 (2014 EUR/MWH, MW) Onshore wind has -0.30 by 19% for y = 3,582.42xfallen R² = 0.91each doubling of cumulative volume 1,024 1985 512 H1 2015 256 2009 Thailand 1999 128 2025 2014 64 Learning rate =19% R² = 0.91 32 Germany US Brazil 16 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Note: Pricing data has been inflation corrected to 2014. We assume the debt ratio of 70%, cost of debt (bps to LIBOR) of 175, cost of equity of 8%. H1 2015 average LCOE data refers to H1 2015 Wind Levelised cost of electricity update. We convert US dollar to Euro based on the exchange rate of 0.8979 (exchange rate on 30 July 2015). Learning curve is least square regression: R2 = 0.91 and learning rate=19% 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 1,000,000 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 14 PUBLIC CAPEX BENCHMARKS FOR RESIDENTIAL PV SYSTEMS ($/W) 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Q1 2008 Germany Note: Data here. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Q1 2009 California Q1 2010 Japan Q1 2011 Q1 2012 Chinese multi module Q1 2013 Q1 2014 Australia (3kW) Q1 2015 Vivint SolarCity Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, BSW-Solar, Solarchoice.au, METI, company filings Twitter: @SebHenbest 15 GLOBAL RESIDENTIAL-SCALE PV SYSTEM ECONOMICS 2014 Note: NJ, New Jersey; CA, California. Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum 2025 Note: NJ, New Jersey; CA, California. Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 16 TECHNOLOGY UPTAKE CURVES Source: Michael Felton, The New York Times, Harvard Business Review 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 17 EV LITHIUM-ION BATTERY PACKS: HISTORICAL COST REDUCTIONS EV battery pack cost ($/kWh) 10,000 1,000 2012 2010 2011 2014 2013 2015* EV lithium-ion battery pack prices have fallen by 60% since 2010 100 10 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Cumulative production (MWh) Note: Values from 2010-2014 are based on BNEF’s annual battery price index, *2015 based on H1 data. For more see here: https://www.bnef.com/Insight/10299. Cumulative production is based on total EVs sold and their respective battery pack size. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @SebHenbest 18 GROSS ANNUAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS (GW) FOSSIL & NUCLEAR RENEWABLES 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 Solar thermal Small-scale PV Nuclear 800 OECD Oil 800 Offshore wind Onshore wind 600 Gas 600 400 Coal 400 200 128 84 30 10 8 360 371 250 295 Biomass/WtE Geothermal Hydro 0 2015-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2040 NonOECD 313 200 0 2015-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2040 1,400 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 800 Utility-scale PV Nuclear 726 600 486 541 549 530 400 Oil 800 Gas 600 Coal 400 1,177 961 642 682 766 Solar thermal Small-scale PV Utility-scale PV Offshore wind Onshore wind Biomass/WtE Geothermal 200 200 0 Hydro 0 2015-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2040 2015-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 19 BNEF & IEA: WIND & SOLAR CAPACITY FORECASTS (GW) 3,500 BNEF - 2014 BNEF - 2015 BNEF - 2013 3,000 2,500 BNEF - 2011 2,000 IEA - 2015 IEA - 2014 IEA - 2013 IEA - 2012 IEA - 2011 1,500 1,000 IEA - 2010 500 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 0 BNEF renewables forecasts have always outpaced IEA forecasts, and were closer to actual installed wind and solar capacity. Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, IEA 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 20 COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER This publication is the copyright of Bloomberg New Energy Finance. No portion of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, scanned into an electronic system or transmitted, forwarded or distributed in any way without prior consent of Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The information contained in this publication is derived from carefully selected sources we believe are reasonable. We do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and nothing in this document shall be construed to be a representation of such a guarantee. Any opinions expressed reflect the current judgment of the author of the relevant article or features, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Bloomberg Finance L.P., Bloomberg L.P. or any of their affiliates ("Bloomberg"). The opinions presented are subject to change without notice. Bloomberg accepts no responsibility for any liability arising from use of this document or its contents. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or recommendations by Bloomberg of an investment strategy or whether or not to "buy," "sell" or "hold" an investment. 2015 MENA Clean Energy Forum Twitter: @SebHenbest 21 MARKETS Renewable Energy Energy Smart Technologies Advanced Transport Gas Carbon and RECs SERVICES Americas Service Asia Pacific Service EMEA Service Applied Research Events and Workshops Seb Henbest shenbest@bloomberg.net Unique analysis, tools and data for decision-makers driving change in the energy system sales.bnef@bloomberg.net
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