PARSHAS V’ESCHANAN CANDLE LIGHTING: 7:43 PEEK INTO THE WEEK: ATARA ACTION TRIPS: PA, PB, PC, PD—Wednesday BOUNCE U 1st grade—Tuesday JCM 2nd grade—Wednesday LICM 3rd grade-Thursday LUNA PARK 4th grade—Monday ACTIVE KIDZ 5th grade—Monday ACTIVE KIDZ AtarAdventurers—Check your calendar! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Gloria Kaufman Sara Schulman Sarah Sod Leba Fass Avigail Fein Meira Ginsburg Malky Mann Tzila Muller Mikki Hartstein Chaya Katz Perri Neuman Orah Rohinsky Rachelli Kupfer Aliza Zwick Tziporah Friedman Nechama Heinemann Shevi Sussman Tova Farber Aliza Jaroslawicz Rachael Lehman V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 6 A U G U S T 8 , 2 0 1 4 Week 6 WAS FILLED WITH SCHTICKS!! This week was waaaay too much fun!... Our erev tisha b’av program really put the girls in the right mindset… Wednesday was totally wacky with topsy turvy day...Payday prizes are in full swing… Our chagiga on Wednesday was rockin’!... The AtarAdventurers overnight was awesome!... The lanyard ladies taught us some cool new patGo terns… od Sh abb Bouncos! -Sh ! oni e& ers & Lea h Slydos and Active Kidz was also a blast...Our Friday oneg was in the shabbos nachamu spirit with a special concert by Ari Goldwag!... A tooti ta… Until next week!... HOT PRETZELS 2 tsp dry yeast 1 1/2 c warm water 3 T sugar 1 t salt 4 c flour 1 egg for wash Seasoning Dissolve yeast in water with sugar. Add the salt and flour, one cup at a time. Divide dough into 7 pieces and form into pretzel shape. Place on parchment paper and brush with egg. Sprinkle coarse salt/cinnamon and Reminder: sugar/pizza spice BUNKS 4a, 4b,& 4c have on top. Bake at DINNER & SWIM on Thursday night. 400 for 10/12 minPlease make arrangements to pick your daughter up utes until golden. at 5:00 from camp.