nurturing success - Raw Talent Academy


nurturing success - Raw Talent Academy
showcasing ability
nurturing success
Founded in 2011 by Apprentice Winner
Lee McQueen, Raw Talent Academy specialise
in sourcing the best Raw Sales Talent to grow
existing sales teams, or for the implementation
of a sales academy for small, medium and
corporate enterprises across the UK.
Our Recruitment process is one
of the most robust within the
industry and allows candidates
to showcase their abilities rather
than being hired based purely
on a face-to-face interview.
Following a detailed profiling of not just
your business, but also your management
and leading employees, we will sweep your
region for talent that hold key attributes
which are specific to your companies profile.
By sourcing from a wider talent
pool than our competitors –
including graduates &
non-graduates – we source
on average in excess of
500 candidates
per project!
Average 3-Month
Return on
Our application process will
delve into the candidate’s background,
attributes and work ethic.
More specifically we want to
discover what our candidates
are passionate about and
why they are a good match
for your organisation.
We telephone interview
every candidate that we source
based on key competencies that
are specific to each academy
we deliver.
Average 3-Month
retention rate
Average 3-Month
retention rate
with training
Average 3-Month
retention rate
face to face
Average face-toface interviews
per academy
Every candidate selected
through our telephone
screening is face-to-face
interviewed against a specific
competency based criteria.
As part of their
application every
candidate must take
part in our unique
‘FacePitch’ process.
audition day
Following our initial 4 stage screening process,
the top 20-25 candidates are selected for our
audition day process. Candidates are put through
their paces in tasks that represent real life business
situations. During this process our client also assesses
the candidates against strict competencies making
our solution completely unbiased.
Average 12-Month
retention rate
Average 12-Month
retention rate
with training
Average 12-Month
retention rate
training &
Once your academy is in place, Raw Talent
Academy will develop a bespoke learning
and development programme tailored not
just to your business, but also to your new
employees based on their performance
at the Audition Day.
The programme will include a 5 day intensive
and interactive Bootcamp – The Fundamentals
of Sales. With company specific material
and business objectives this delivers faster
integration and productivity.
per academy
and connect
01491 615 264
t @RTA_Rec
Raw Talent Academy LLP
Couching House, 41 Couching Street
Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5PX
T: +44 (0)1491 615 264
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case study
The solution
The Challenge
Bytes Software Services were
looking to rapidly grow their sales
team by recruiting 12 news starters
as they prepared to move to new
offices in early 2014. Bytes wanted
all 12 to start at the same time to
create an internal academy that
would be beneficial for both the
new employees and Bytes.
By taking on 12 in one batch, Bytes
would be able to reduce recruitment
and training costs as well as hugely
reduce the time taken for the new
starters to return their investment
in them. The Academy would
bring added benefits of the new
employees being able to develop
and support each other.
Following an extensive and detailed
tender process, Bytes decided to
partner with Raw Talent Academy.
Garret Kirwan, Bytes’s Academy
Manager and Sales Trainer
explained Bytes plans saying;
“In 2014 Bytes Software Services
set up an Academy of 12 hungry and
motivated new starters to create a
breeding ground of excellence to
prepare our new staff to become
Account Managers of the future.”
Raw Talent Academy tailored their Recruitment
Process to ensure they would attract the best
candidates available. By undertaking a detailed
profiling of Bytes, Raw Talent Academy were able
to identify the ideal candidates and adjusted their
sourcing process so that only candidates with the
identified competencies and ability were invited
to an Audition Day.
Following the Audition Day - that saw Raw Talent
Academy source the top 28 candidates from the
local area - Kirwan stated; “After a long and intensive
recruitment process where the candidates completed
a rigorous set of individual tasks, team tasks, role
plays and panel based interviews, the 12 successful
applicants formally joined Bytes just in time to start
their careers in our new offices in Leatherhead.
“Their reward for this was a 9-week intensive
training program where the team got to learn the
core Bytes proposition, meet key stakeholders,
business mentors, their planned pathway to
graduation, meeting our key software partners and
spending time calling out to our customer base on
various areas of the greater proposition.
“Each Academy member is partnered internally
with a highly experienced Account Manager who
assists with progressing opportunities and their
learning and development.”
The result
Now in their 4th month,
the Academy generate:
■ 600 outbound sales calls per day
■ Approximately 25-35 new business
appointments per week
■ Actively working on a team pipeline
of 250+ sales opportunities worth over
This was generated
within 10 weeks
of being