Madan K. OIi and Bertram Zinner Matrix population models have
Madan K. OIi and Bertram Zinner Matrix population models have
~ OIKOS 93: 376-387. Copenhagen2001 Madan K. OIi and Bertram Zinner Oli, M. K. and Zinner, B. 2001. Partial life cycle analysis: a model for pre-breeding cunsus data. -Oikos 93: 376-387. Matrix population models have become popular tools in researchareasas diverse as population dynamics, life history theory, wildlife management, and conservation biology. Two classesof matrix models are commonly used for demographic analysis of age-structuredpopulations: age-structured (Leslie) matrix models, which require age-specificdemographic data, and partial life cycle models, which can be parameterized with partial demographic data. Partial life cycle models are easierto parameterize becausedata needed tp estimate parameters for thesemodels are collected much more easily than those needed to estimate age-specificdemographic parameters. Partial life cycle models also allow evaluation of the sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in ages at first and last reproduction, which cannot be done with age-structuredmodels. Timing of censusesrelative to the birth-pulse is an important consideration in discrete-time population models but most existing partial life cycle models do not addressthis issue,nor do they allow fractional values of variables such as agesat first and last reproduction. Here, we fully developa partial life cycle model appropriate for situations in which demographic data are collected immediately before the birth-pulse (pre-breedingcensus).Our pre-breeding censuspartial life cycle model can be fully parameterized with five variables (age at maturity, age at last reproduction, juvenile survival rate, adult survival rate, and fertility), and it has some important applications even when age-specificdemographic data are available (e.g., perturbation analysisinvolving agesat first and last reproduction). We have extended the model to allow non-integer values of ages at first and last reproduction, derived formulae for sensitivity analyses,and presentedmethods for estimating parameters for our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model. We applied the age-structured Leslie matrix model and our pre-breeding censuspartial life cycle model to demographic data for several species of mammals. Our results suggest that dynamicalproperties of the age-structured model are generallyretained in our partial life cycle model, and that our pre-breedingcensuspartial life cycle model is an excellent proxy for the age-structured Leslie matrix model. M. K. Oli, Dept of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation,Univ. of Florida, 303 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville,FL 32611-0430,USA ( Zinner, Dept of Discrete and Statistical Sciences,Math Annex, Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL 36849,USA. Matrix population models have become popular tools in researchareas as diverse as population dynamics,life history theory, wildlife management,and conservation biology (van Groenendael et aI. 1988, Caswell 1989a, Tuljapurkar and Caswell 1997). Two classesof matrix models are commonly used for demographic analysis of age-structured populations: age-structured (Leslie) matrix models, and partial life cycle models (Leslie 1945, 1948, Caswell 1989a,Oli and Zinner 2001). When age- specific demographic data are available, age-structured models are the models of choice because they adequately incorporate age-specific differences in demographic parameters. However, age-structured models are difficult to fully parameterize becausethey require age-specific demographic data, which are difficult to collect in the field, and investigators often must rely on incomplete demographic information. Also, age-structured matrix models do not allow the evaluation of the Accepted 13 February 2001 Copyright @ OIKOS 2001 ISSN 0030-1299 Printed in Ireland -all rights reserved 376 OIKOS 93:3 (2001) P. "'{ sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in some life history variables, such as ages at first and last reproduction (Oli and Zinner 2001). Partial life cycle models, on the other hand, can be parameterized with partial demographic data (which are collected much more easily), and also allow the evaluation of the sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in demographic variables including ages at first and last reproduction. Partial life cycle models are particularly useful in situations where age-specific demographic data are not available, and when researchersare interested in perturbation analysesinvolving time variables such as ages at first and last reproduction (Cole 1954, Caswell 1989a,Levin et al. 1996,Slade et al. 1998, Oli and Zinner 2001). An important issue in modelling birth-pulse populations is the timing of the census relative to the birth pulse. In most studies of vertebrate populations, demographic data are collected either just before (hereafter pre-breeding census)or just after (hereafterpost-breeding census) the birth-pulse (Caughley 1977, Caswell 1989a, Oli and Zinner 2001). In general, pre-breeding censusmodels assumethat mortality of adults between the census and the following birth pulse is negligible, and the post-breeding censusmodels assumethat mortality of neonates betweenthe birth pulse and the next census is negligible (Caswell 1989a, Oli and Zinner 2001). If data are collected immediately before the birth pulse, neonates are nearly one time unit old when they are counted for the first time. Becausenot all animals born during a birth-pulse survive to be counted in the next census,one must consider mortality of neonates from birth until one time unit of age when estimating fertility rates. If demographic data are collected immediately after the birth pulse (post-breeding census)such that neonatal mortality between the birth and the following census is negligible, animals are counted soon after they are born, and no adjustment in neonatal mortality is necessaryin estimating fertility rates. Because of these differences, matrix parameters are estimated differently for pre- and post-breeding census situations (Caswell 1989a). Consequently, partial life cycle models appropriate for post-breeding censussituations may not be appropriate for the analysis of demographic data collected from pre-breeding censuses (Oli and Zinner 2001). Oli and Zinner (2001)have derived a partial life cycle model appropriate for post-breeding censussituations. Fig. 1. An age-structured life cycle graph. Parametersare: Fi = age-specificfertility rates, Pi = age-specificsurvival rates, cx= age at maturity, co= age at last reproduction, and ~ = longevity. Multiple transitions are representeq by dotted lines. 01'-:08 9J:J (200t) Here, we fully develop a partial life cycle model appropriate for the analysis of demographic data collected from pre-breeding censuses.We extend the model to allow non-integer values of ages at first and last reproduction, derive formulae for estimating the sensitivity of population growth rate to changesin model parameters, and presentmethods for estimating parameters for our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model. Using data from the literature, we show that results of our partial life cycle model resemble those obtained from corresponding age-structured matrix models. The model We consider a bjrth-pulse population in which births occur at discrete time t, t = 0, 1, 2, ..., k. Demographic data are assumedto be collected just before the birth pulse such that mortality of adult females between the census and the birth pulse that follows is negligible. Becausethe census is taken just before birth occurs, juveniles will not be counted until the next censuswhen they are almost one time unit old. We denote age at first reproduction by IX,age at last reproduction by <0,and maximum longevity by ~. We define age classesas follows: organismsof age x belong to ageclassi(i= 1,2, ...) if i-I <x~i. We denote the fertility of organisms belonging to age class i by Fi. Then, Fi is zero for i < IXand i > <0,by the definition of IXand <0.Organisms belonging to age class i survive with age-specificsurvival probability Pi" A life cycle of this kind can be graphically representedas an age-structured life cycle graph (Fig. 1). The population projection matrix (sensuCaswell1989a) corresponding to the age-structured life cycle depicted in Fig. 1 is (dotted lines representmultiple transitions): ~OO".FF P.I 0 ...F " o...or ...0 0 ...0 0 ...0 ( P.2 ...0 0 ...0 0 ...0 ( 0 .A-I 0 0 p.., A=I 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P. 0 0 0 0 0 0 po.' 0 0 0 0 0 0 "'{ 0 0 0 ~-) oJ 0+J ~IA) <~):-"Ev-Po 0 j Pa+l - ~)-:-.~~ (~~:.(:v PIA) P(Jj+l Pp.l ( Aij= - Pj, tor i = 1 and (X:S;j:S; 0) Pj, for i=j+0, 1 and l:S;j:S;~elsewhere. BecauseFi = 0 for all i > m, age classesbeyond m make no contribution to the long-term dynamics of the population, and thus can be ignored in our density-independent setting. The matrix parameters Fi (i= 1,2, ...,m) and Pi (i=1,2,...,m-l) can be estimated from the life table data using the pre-breeding census formulation of Caswell (1989a): ~ 0 0~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 P- 0 o 0 0 A(a,ro,~,p',F) = I (4) (2) 4 An exampleof the projection matrix corresponding to a partial life cycle graph with Cl= 2, and ffi = 5 (age classesbeyond ffi ignored) is: and (3) F.=IJm;, , ~O F jcii' jcii' j,ii' Pj 0 l:) I) I) Ii is the survivorship (probability at birth ofsurviving 0 P a 'J I) I) to age i), II is the probability at birth of A(cx,ro,Pj,Pa,F)= 0 0 ] I) ?a D surviving to one time unit of age, and mi is the fecundity (the average number of daughters born to a female 0 l();> ] u (). l " 0 of age i). Caswell (1989a)describes in detail the construction and analysis of age-structured matrix models. The characteristic equation for the life cycle of the type Here, we are concerned with the derivation of a model shown in Fig. 2 and the corresponding projection matrix A(Cl,0>,Pj, Pa' F) is obtained by setting the determithat can be parameterized with partial demographicdata collected from pre-breeding censuses,and in which nant of the matrix A( Cl,0>,P j, Pa' F) -AI to zero, where age at first reproduction (cx)and age at last reproduc- A( Cl,0>,Pj' Pa' F) is the projection matrix corresponding to a pre-breeding censuspartial life cycle graph, and I tion (ro) appear explicitly as model parameters. We assume that the age-specificfertilities F", F,,+ I' is the identity matrix. The general characteristic equa..., Fro-I' Fro can be adequately approximated by an tion is: age-independentaverage fertility parameterF (averaged J J a )..",-cx-1 over age class cx,cx+ I, ..., ro), that age-specificsurvival O=).."'-Fpcx-IJ."'-CX-Fpcx-lp probabilities until the first birth event Guvenile or pre-FPcx-lp2)..",-cx-2 -Fpcx-lp3).."'-cx~3 J a J a reproductive survival probabilities) PI, P2, ..., P,,-I (5) -FPj-IP:-cx-l).. -FPj-1 p:-cx. can be adequately approximated by a juvenile survival parameter Pj' and that age-specificadult survival rates Eq. 5 by ,-coand rearranging yields ('- * 0): P ", P ,,+ I' ..., P ro- I can be adequatelyapproximated by an adult survival parameter P a. If we replace age-spe- ) e(7') p. J (~) 3 -+ A Pj Pa ~t)-:-{v p a 2. A pre-breeding censuspartial life cycle graph. Parame-terswhich is equivalent to: are: F = age-independentaverage fertility rate, Pj = juve-nile survival rate, Pa = adult survival rate, (X= age at maturity, (J)= age at last reproduction. Age classesbeyond (J)are ig-nored. 378 ~)!)! F 000 Pj= where Dividing Pa Fig. c;ificparameters in Fig. I by these approximations, the result is a prebreeding census partial life cycle graph (Fig. 2; age classesbeyond 0) ignored). The projection matrix corresponding to the partial life cycle graph (Fig. 2) is a function of five variables (cx,0), PpPa' and F): In general, A is a f:\ by f:\ matrix with (6) OIKOS 94:4 (2001) In general, A is a ~ by ~ matrix with cific parameters in Fig. I by these approximations, the result is a prebreeding census partial life cycle graph (Fig. 2; age classesbeyond 0) ignored). The projection matrix corresponding to the partial life cycle graph (!ig. 2) is a function of five variables (Cl,0), Pi' Pa' and F): ~, for i = 1 and Cl ~j ~ <0 P ft for i = j + 1 and 1 ~j ~ 13-0, A..= , IJ elsewhere. Fi = 0 for all i > 0), age classesbeyond 0)makeno 0 contribution to the long-term dynamics of the population, and thus can be ignored in our density-indepenPi dent setting. The matrix parameters Fi (i= I, 2, ...,0)and 0 Pi (i= 1,2, ...,0)-1) can be estimated from thelife A('.F) table data using the pre-breeding census formulation of Caswell (1989a): = 1;+ 1 ,- .p- 0 .0 P.. J .0 (4) 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. P. 0 0 (2) I .j', An example of the projection matrix corresponding to a partial life cycle graph with tX= 2, and Q)= 5 (age classesbeyond Q)ignored) is: . F.=l\m;, (3) where /i is the survivorship (probability at birth of surviving to age i), /1 is the probability at birth of surviving to one time unit of age, and mi is the fecundity (the average number of daughters born to a female of age i). Caswell (1989a)describes in detail the construction and analysis of age-structured matrix models. Here, we are concerned with the derivation of a model that can be parameterized with partial demographic data collected from pre-breeding censuses,and in which age at first reproduction «(1)and age at last reproduction (0) appear explicitly as model parameters. We assume that the age-specificfertilities Fa, Fa+l, ..., F",-I, F", can be adequately approximated by an age-independentaveragefertility parameterF ~averaged over age class (1,(1+ I, ..., 0), that age-specificsurvival probabilities until the first birth event Guvenile or prereproductive survival probabilities) PI, P2, ..., Pa-1 can be adequately approximated by a juvenile survival parameter PJ' and that age-specificadult survival rates P a' P a+ I, ..., P",-I can be adequatelyapproximated by an adult survival parameter P a. If we replace age-spe- Because 000 p. nd Dividing Fig. 0 ~O F j..' j..." j.1;', Pj 0 l:) I:> I:> 0 Pa /J I:> I:> 0 0 ]':>a [) :> 0 0 l');> A(tX, 00,Pj, P a' F) = ~ ] I u lr)-, The characteristic equation for the life cycle of the type shown in Fig. 2 and the corresponding projection matrix A(Cl,ffi, Pj, Pa' Fjis obtained bJ setting the determil!,antof the ma~ix A( Cl,ffi, Pj' Pa' F) -AI to zero, where A( Cl,ffi, Pj' Pa' F) is the projection matrix corresponding to a pre-breeding census partial life cycle graph, and I is the identity matrix. The general characteristic equa- tion is: 0 = Am -FPtx-l).m-tx J _Fptx-lp J -Fp~-lp2Am-tx~2 J a -Fptx-lJ pm-tx-l'l a a Am-tx-l -Fp~-lp3Am~tx-3 J a II. - P-;ntx-l r J pa.m-tx (5) Eq. 5 by Acoand rearranging yields (A # 0): +FPJ-lj.. (~ ) -CX 2 j.. +FPJ-lj.. t~~~~ p. ~--;~-0-::-G-Pj Pa 'Pa -cx(f +" )"'-CX )3 -+ ,A a J 2. A pre-breeding censuspartial life cycle graph. Parame-terswhich is equivalent to: are: F = age-independentaverage fertility rate, P j = juve-nile survival rate, P a = adult survival rate, cx= age at maturity, rof" = FPj-1A. -,, ro = age at last reproduction. Age classes beyond ro are ig-nored. [ (~ ) k~O 378 k A. - (6) OIKOS 944 (2001) m + o=p", Somelong-lived organismssurvive and reproduce for a long time, but exact age at last reproduction is unknown. We have extended the model to adequately addresssuch situations (Appendix I). For A.# P a' Eq. 6 can be written as: -(f)OO-CX+ 1 =FPj-lj.-OX (7) Sensitivityanalysis Finally, multiplication of Eq. 7 by (Pal). -1) and rear- The evaluation of the sensitivity of population growth rate (A) to absolute or proportional changes in demographic variables is an important aspect of demographic analyses (Caswell 1989a, Horvitz et al. 1997, de Kroon et FP~-l1.. -~-FP~-lpco-~+lA. J J a a (8) al. 2000, Heppell et al. 2000). The sensitivity quantifies changes in A in response to small absolute changes in a demographic variable. Likewise, the elasticity or proporThe asymptotic population growth rate (A) is the largest tional sensitivity quantifies changes in A in response to real root of Eq. 8 and can be obtained numerically. small, proportional changes in a demographic variable Equivalently, A can be estimated as the dominant eigen(de Kroon et al. 1986, Caswell 1989a, Horvitz et al. 1997, value of the projection matrix corresponding to the de Kroon et al. 2000). The sensitivity of A to small partial life cycle graph. Using different approaches, changes in demographic parameters is quantified by the models similar to Eq. 8 have been derived by Caswell partial derivative of A with respect to a model parameter, (1989a)and Slade et al. (1998). p (i.e., aA/ap, where p is IX,CO,Pp PQ' or F). Using implicit differentiation of Eq. 8, we find that: rangementyields: 01.. -=- (9) OCl FP;p")'ln(~) oj. (10) am oJ.. -0 oP.J - 01.. (11) 'II "'\ = oPa -Fpap"' ja -Fpap"'O} Ja + - + 10)-FP~P"'+ Ja ( Fpap"'cx Ja I+ -FP~P"' FP~P"' Ja ) Jap + p.paA"' Ja ) A -a+", + a p ' pi (12) +aA"' ja and oJ. -=- (13) OIKOS 93:3 (2001) 379 of ~-I Pa~ Elasticities or proportional sensitivities are calculated by multiplying sensitivities by (PIA), wherep is Cl,OO, Pi' Pa' or F. Notice that the sensitivity of A to changes in Cl will always be negative becausea delayed maturity causes a decline in A, and that the elasticity of A to changes in Pi' Pa' and F sum to 1 as they should (de Kroon et aI. 1986,Mesterton-Gibbons 1993). P j~ IejPj iI-I , (15) «-I 00-1 L j-~ ejPj ;-1 . (16) Parameter estimation Our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model is appropriate for the analysis of partial demographic data collected from pre-breeding censuses,and can be fully parameterized if estimates of cx,00,Pi' Pa' and F are available. However, researcherswill find our model Thus, F, Pj' and P a may be estimated as weighted averages,weighted according to the contribution of each age class to the stable age distribution.N3he approximations in Eqs 14-16 will determine whether and to what extent dynamical properties of the age-strucuseful even when age-specificdemographicdata are tured matrix A are retained in the partial cycle matrix available for such purposes as the calculation of the A(IX,00,Pj, Pa' F). If F, f;, and Pa are chosen such that sensitivity of A to changes in cxand 00,and the estima- ~ = A and e = e (where A and A are dominant eigenvaltion of life table response experiment (L TRE; sensu ues of the matrix A and A(IX,00,Pj, Pa' F), respectively, Caswell 1989b)contributions of cxand 00(e.g., Levin et and e and e are the corresponding right eigenvectors), al. 1996, Oli and Zinner 2001, Oli et al. 2001). When results from the two models will be identical. age-specificdemographic data are available, parameters for the partial life cycle model should be estimated from life table data or from the age-structured projection matrix such that dynamical properties of the origi- Extending the model to incorporate fractional nal age-structuredmodel are retained as much as possible. We proceed with the assumption that the age-structured Leslie matrix has been parameterized using the pre-breeding census formulation of Caswell (1989a), and presentmethods of estimating parameters for our pre-breeding census partial life cycle models from the age-structured Leslie matrix. Moreover, in a Leslie matrix, cxand 00correspond to the first and last age class with non-zero fertility, respectively, and statistical estimation of these variables may not be a; and ro Not all individuals in a population begin or terminate their reproductive career at the same age. When onset or termination of reproduction is spread over multiple age classes,it might be preferable to use the population's average ages at first or last reproduction, and these values can be fractional. The application of Eq. 8 to analyze such data may not be appropriate, becausethis model was derived on the assumption that IX and (J)are integers. Here, we extend the partial life necessary. Our goal is to approximate age-specific fertilitiesF",F"+I' cycle model of Eq. 8 such that the resulting model will ...,F"'-I,F", by an age-independentaverage allow fractional values of ages at first and last reprofertility parameter F, age-specific survival probabilities duction. To keep the problem mathematically until the first reproductive event PI, ...,P,,-I by ajuvenile tractable, however, we consider a birth-pulse populasurvival parameter Pi' and age-specific tion of the type represented in Fig. 2 in which onset adult survival probabilities P ", ..., P'" -I by an adult and termination of reproduction are spread over two survival parameter P a such that dynamical properties age classes. of the age-structured matrix A are retained in the Let Xi be the proportion of organisms in age class i matrix A(cx,00,Pi' Pa' F') corresponding to a pre-breed- that become primiparous before they advance to the ing censuspartial life cycle graph. This goal is achieved next age class,and let Yj be the proportion of organif F, Pi' and P a are chosen such that >:~ A and e = e, isms in age class i that reproduces in age class i but not or when A(cx,00,Pi' Pa' F')e ~ Ae (Oli and Zinner 2001). beyond (Oli and Zinner 2001). Next, we define Xj and This result leads to the following approximations: Yj as follows: w F-i~tt~- -;;;--, Lei i=~ 380 -X, IeiFi (14) X- i- for i = CXo X, for i = 1%0 + 1,V, otherwise, OIKOS 93:3 (2001) D..= Yi= + + FY where CXo isbegin the earliest age class in0which or more organisms reproduction, and ~ X <one 1, and / -Y, 0 is the column vector of zerosof length <00'and D isa <00 by <00diagonal matrix with: for i = roo J,ifi<ao Y, for i = roo+ 1 1,1 '-0, otherwise, XPJ+(l-X)Pa, if i=~ l>a, if i> tXo' where roois the earliestageclass in which reproduction is As above, the general characteristic equation of the terminated in one or more organisms,and 0 :$;Y < I (Oli matrix A(cxo,roo,PpPa' F, X, Y) is obtained by setting and Zinner 2001). Then, the average age at t.!te determinant of the matrix [A(CXo, roo,PpPa' which reproduction begins (cx)is given by: cx= CIa(I F, X, Y) -AI] to zero: X) + (CIa+ 1) X = CIa+ X, and the average age at last 0 = 1..roo+ I-F(IX)p;o-I1..roo-",,+ 1 reproduction (ro)is given by: ro= roo+ Y. We have assumedthat the earliest age class at which -FP;o-I(XPj + (1 -X)P a)1..roo-"" reproduction beginsis cxo,but only the fraction (1 -X) of -FP;o -I(Xp j + (1 -X)P a)P a1..roo-~!f; organisms becomes primiparous at that age and the fraction X does not; thus, fertility for age class CXo is -FP-",,-I j (XPj + (1 -X)P a)P a1.. (I -X)F. Similarly, the fraction of organisms in which reproduction is terminated in the age class roois (I -Y)while -Fyp",,-I J ( XpJ+ ( 1- X) p a )proo-"" a (18) the fraction Y will reproduce for the last time in ageclass roo+ I. Consequently,fertility rate for the ageclass which, for A.# 0, can be written as: (roo+ I) is YF. Becausethe age class CXo consistsof bothnulliparous and primiparous organisms,the survival rate = F(1 -X)p~-l A-ao for that ageclassis [XPj + (I -X)P a]' If we incorporate these changes into the pre-breeding census partial lifecycle FP;o-I(XPj+ (1-X)P a)A. -ao-1 ""':~O-I (~)k+ graph and the corresponding projection matrix (Eq. 4), the result is a projection matrix with parameters ( 1- X) p )A.-"",-I p"",-ao Fypao-I (Xp.+ J J a a' cxo,roo,Pp Pa' F, X, and Y. Denote the projection matrixcorresponding (19) to a partial life cycle with parameters cxo, roo, PpPa' F, X, and Yby A(CIa,roo,PpPa' F, X, Y). For For P a* A, one obtains example, for CIa= 3 and roo= 5, we have: 0 A(ao,Q)o,~.p',F,X.Y) =1 0 F F Fylr. 0 F(I-X) 0 0 0 0 0 Pj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 xp;+(I-X)p' 00 0 p.0 0 00 0 Op. 0 (17) = FpCXO-l I J r 1- ( -p O)OIO-ao. A x 1- When all females begin reproduction at age CXo andreproduce for the last time at age COo, then X = 0 and Multiplication Y = 0, and projection matrices in Eqs 17 and 4 areidentical. yields: In general, A(cxo,COo, Pi' Pa' F, X, Y) is an (coo+ 1) by (coo+ 1) matrix of the form: 0 = Pal. -I + where f denotes a row vector of length 000with: U, if i < tXo .1;= F(l -X), if i = tXo .., otherwise, OIKOS 93:3 (2001) a)A.-roo-I p:;",-a., (20) by (1 -P a/A) and rearranging FP;o-I(1 + FP;o-I(XPj 0 ]' Y(XP AI -X)P (~A)""'". -X)(I. + (1- -"0 -Pal. finally -tJO-1 X)P a) X [I. -"0 -1 + (Y -1 )P~ -"01. -0'0 -1 -nO'O-2p~-"O+I]-I. (21) Let the right hand side ofEq. 21 be denoted by G(CXo, roo, X, Y, Pi' Pa' F, A). Then, the asymptotic population growth rate A is the largest real root of Eq. 21. When X = 0 and Y = 0 Eq. 21 is identical to Eq. 8 and A calculated from the two equations will match exactly. 381 ~ ~i ,.., ./ ~=~ "3 ~ 1.0041 ~. 382 -.G ~ In general, results obtained from the two models will resembleclosely when X and Yare close to zero or one (Fig. 3). Eqs 14-16 may be used to estimate model parameters from an age-structured Leslie matrix, but these equations should be adjusted to reflect redefinition of (X and rooAlternative methods for estimating parameters from an age-classifiedmatrix may be considered (e.g., arithmetic or geometric average),but adequacyof such methods should be investigated. When age-classified data are not available, however, parameters for our model may be estimated as simple or weighted averages. As above, the sensitivity of A to changes in a model parameter p is given by aA/ap,and the elasticity is given by (aA/ap)(pIA). The sensitivity of A to changes ih P p Pa' and ft can be calculated directly through implicit differentiation of G«Xo,roo,X, Y, PpPa' ft, A). However, the sensitivity of A to changes in (X and ro requires additional consideration of the fact that thesevariables are defined piecewise,(Xin terms of (xoand X, and ro in 1.010 1-- Eq.8 !1- iu(x a:x( ao, X) for cx=cxo+X, CXo=1,2, ..., and O~X< 1. Since I- is implicitly defined in Eq. 21, we may use implicit differIentiation to calculate aI-lax. Using implicit differentiation of G(CXo' 0)0' X, Y, Pp Pa' ft, 1-),we find that: ( (~cx I (5G loG ax I ef' (22) ind ( (~ /~)(~ =- vX 01.. ( I.. ).J(XI.. (23) Eq...21! 1.000 ~ a~' 01rl(X) = r .. Likewise,the sensitivity and elasticity of A to changesin:0 ( (where 00=000+ Y, 000= 1,2..., and O~ Y> 1) areround j to be: A 1.005 terms of 000and Y. In Eq. 21, A is an implicit function of CXo and X (as well as of other variables). Becausewe have defined (1=(10+ X (where (10= 1, 2, ..., and 0 ~ X < 1), A may also be"viewed as a function of (1. We note that A depends continuously on (1,and that oj. ~ laG §ffi= -W!"ai' i 0.995 (24)md 0.990 , 0.985 ... 0.980 0.975 i 6 =-(~/~)( ~). (25) - 7 a 1.0044 B ;1 ...r-- 1.0043 .-< The sensitivity as well as elasticity of A to changesin cx and 00are piece-wise continuous, with discontinuities located at cx= I, 2, 3, ..., and 00= 1, 2, 3, Piece-wise continuity in the sensitivity and elasticity of A to changesin cxand 00is due to the piece-wisedefinition of A in terms of CXo and X, and of 00in terms of 000and Y (Oli and Zinner 2001). The elasticity of A to changesin F, Pp and P a sum to unity (de Kroon et al. 1986,2000, Mesterton-Gibbons 1993). 1.0042 Examples We applied the age-structuredLeslie matrix model and our partial life cycle model to life table data for 12 populations of mammals to evaluate the adequacy of co our partial life cycle model. For each life table, we Fig. 3. Changes in population growth rate (A) in responseto changes in: (A) age at maturity (cx) and (B) age at last estimatedage-specificsurvival probabilities Pi using Eq. reproduction (00)calculated using Eq. 8 and Eq. 21. Values of 2 and fertility rates Fi using Eq. 3. Population growth t!1e parameters were: cxo=3, 000=31, Pj=0.776, Pa = 0.872, rate, and sensitivity and elasticity matrices were calcuF = 0.225, and (A) X was allowed to vary but Y was held constant at Y = 0, and (B) Y was allowed to vary but X was lated using the Leslie matrix model following Caswell held constant at X = O. See text for details. (1989a). The sensitivity of population growth rate to 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 OIKOS 93:3 (2001) where 1.6 for Tibetan monkeys,where the growth rate differed by 5.8%. Similarly, elasticities calculated from the twomethods were very similar (Table 1). These results suggest that our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model adequatelycaptures the dynamical properties ofthe corresponding age-structured matrix model, and that approximations in Eqs 14-16 are adequate forestimating parameters for our partial life cycle model. Our results also indicate that, in populations included in our analysis, population growth rate is insensitive tochanges in age at last reproduction, but very sensitiveto changesin survival rates (Table 1). 1.8 -;- u >u :: 1.41.2 0) m :e co e::. ~ 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 I.. (Age-specific) Fig. 4. Population growth rate (I.) calculated using the agespecific Leslie matrix model, and the pre-breeding census partial life cycle model (Eq. 8) for severalmammalian populations. Values of the partial life cycle model parameters are given in Table 1. Censusseswere assumed to be taken just before the birth-pulse. Population growth rates calculated from the two methods were highly correlated (r = 0.990, P = 0.0001). Discussion Although age-structured Leslie matrix models make maximum use of age-specificdemographic data, such data are difficult to gather in the field. Consequently, investigators frequently have to rely on incomplete demographic data which are easier to collect. Partial life cycle models, on the other hand, can be parameterized with partial demographic data. To fully parameterchanges in F, Pj' and P a was calculated from the ize an age-structuredmatrix model, (2n -<x) parameters sensitivity matrix (see Caswell 1989a for details in cal- (where n = number of age classes)are required. For culation of the sensitivity matrix) as follows: example, one must estimate 20 fertility terms and 19 survival terms to parameterize an age-structured model 0> OA for a population with 20 age classesand <x= 1; a partial ~, = ):::mj, (26) life cycle model, on the other hand, can be fully of j~cx parameterized with five parameters (ages at first and ,,-I 01last reproduction, juvenile and adult survival rates, and - = L OJ, (27) oP.J j~1 age-independentaverage fertility parameter) regardless of the number of age classes.In our example calculations, we have used age-structured data to estimate ",-1 01..oPa parameters for the pre-breedingcensuspartial life cycle = L °i' (28) model. However, our partial life cycle model can also i=" be used when estimatesof ages at first and last reprom is a vector consisting of the first row of the duction, juvenile and adult survival rates, and average sensitivity matrix, and n is a vector consisting of the fertility rates are available; data needed for estimating lower sub-diagonal entries of the sensitivity matrix. these parameters can be collected much more easily Elasticities were calculated by multiplying sensitivities than those neededto estimate age-specificdemographic by piA, where p is F, Pi, or P a (de Kroon et al. 1986, parameters. An additional desirable property of partial 2000, Caswell 1989a). From each Leslie matrix, we life cycle models is that variables such as ages at first estimated parameters for the partial )ife cycle modelusing and last reproduction appear as explicit model parameEqs 14-16. For the partial life cycle model, ters, and the sensitivity of population growth rate to sensitivitieswere calculated using Eqs 9-13, and elastic- changesin thesevariables can be estimated directly (Oli ities were calculated as above. and Zinner 2001). Becauseof these advantages,partial If our partial life cycle model were a reasonable life cycle models have received wide applications in approximation to the age-structured Leslie matrix population biology (e.g., Cole 1954,Lande 1988, Levin model, we would expect the population growth rate as et al. 1996, Oli et al. 2001). well as sensitivities and elasticities calculated from the Assuming that mortality does not occur until age at two models to resemble closely. Population growth last reproduction, Cole (1954) derived a partial life rates calculated from the two models compared fa- cycle model. This model, however, does not provide vourably (Fig. 4). In 8 of 12 populations we analyzed, realizable estimatesof population growth rate, because population growth rates calculated from the two mod- organismsof any age can die. Using different methods, els differed by < 2%. The largest difference in popula- Caswell (1989a) and Slade et al. (1998) il1dependently tion growth rate calculated from the two models was derived analogous partial life cycle models. Two other OIKOS 93:3 (2001) partial life cycle models that ignore age at last repro- tioned partial life cycle models have not explicitly duction have been presented by Lande (1988) and considered the timing of census relative to the birthLevin et al. (1996; also seeCaswell 1989a).As discussed pulse in deriving their models, although models of earlier, an important consideration in modelling birthpulse Caswell (1989a) and Slade et al. (1998) are similar to populations is the timing of censusrelative to the our pre-breeding census partial life cycle model. Rebirth pulse. For matrix population models, age-struc- cently, we (Oli and Zinner 2001) have derived a tured or not, estimation of model parameters depends partial life cycle model appropriate for the analysis of on whether the demographic data were collected frompre-demographic data collected from post-breeding cenor post-breeding censuses(Caswell 1989a).Conse- suses.The partial life cycle model presented here was quently, the application of a model derived for pre-breeding specifically derived for the analysis of demographic censussituations may not be appropriate forthe data, age-structured or partial, collected from preanalysis of demographic data collected from post-breeding breeding censuses,and also allows fractional v!ilues of censuses.However, authors of the aforemen- ages at first and last reproduction, cxand co, respec1. Comparison of population growth rate (A) and elasticities calculated from the age classified Leslie matrix model andthe pre-breeding census partial life cycle moQel (Eq. 8) for several populations of mammals. For the Leslie matrix model,the elasticity of ). to changes in P, fa and F was calculated from the elasticity matrix using Eqs 26-28. Parameters for the partial life cycle model (P, P a and F) were estimated using Eqs 14-16, and elasticities were calculated as described in the text.Values of demographic v~riables used to parameterize the partial life cycle model also are given. Censuseswere assumed tobe taken just before the birth-pulse. Species/model Parameter values ro p.J 1. Spiny pocket mouse (Liomys adspersus)1 Age-structured. Partial life cycle 4 12 0.935 A Pa i! 0.9700.966- 0.897 0.156 2. Blue sheep (Pseudoisnayaur)2 Age-structured. -Partial life cycle 2 16 0.950 3. African buffalo (Synceruscaffer)3 Age-structured. Partial life cycle 3 18 0.743 4. Caribou (Rangifer tarandus)4 Age-structured. Partial life cycle 2 15 0.714 5. Warthogs (Phachochoerusaethiopicus)5 Age-structured. -Partial life cycle 2 12 0.309 6. Feral horse (Equus caballus)6 Age-structured. -Partial life cycle 3 19 0.972 7. Lions (Pantheraleo)7 Age-structured. Partial life cycle 3 17 0.432 -0.059 0.337 1.053 1.053 - 0.751 0.285 1.063 1.045 - 0.920 0.304 1.117 1.107 0.715 0.633 0.903 0.915 0.975 0.452 0.669 0.534 0.963 -0.338 - 0.943 0.910 - 0.395 0.245 1.013 1.014 0.927 0.891 8. Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)8 Age-structured. Partial life cycle 3 9 0.566 0.867 9. North American black bears {Ursus americanus)9 Age-structured. -Partial life cycle 5 19 0.663 0.824 10. Northern sea lions (Eumetopiasjubatus)IO Age-structured. --Partial life cycle 3 31 0.776 0.872 11. Tibetan monkeys (Macaca thibetanus)11 Age-structured. -Partial life cycle 3 7 0.802 0.868 12. Olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus)7 Age-structured. --Partial life cycle 4 25 0.846 0.967 -0.048 -0.136 0.154 PJ - 0.3190.3990.574 0.125 Po 0.468 0.107 0.133 0.593 0.545 0.204 0.228 0.008 0.228 0.043 0.2580.251 0.613 0.623 0.041 - 0.1680.170 0.663 0.660 -0.460 0.044 0.209 0.657 0.583 1.246 1.246 -0.119 0.011 0;316 0.549 0.526 0.158 1.047 - - 0.993 -0.319 0.056 0.267 0.248 0.600 0.628 0.133 0.124 0.156 0.380 0.358 0.429 0.463 0.179 -0.169 0.054 0.392 0.392 0.510 0.510 0.098 0.098 0.191 0.713 -0.092 0.007 0.228 0.659 0.096 0.114 0.053 0.524 0.509 0.214 -0.554 - 0.011 0.332 0.343 0.557 -0.143 1.5201.608 3.124 1.153 0.172 - 1.017 0.480 m 0.237 0.542 0.262 0.254 0.111 0.115 * Partial life crcle parameters (cx,0), Pp PQ' and F) do not explicitly appear in the age-structuredmodel: Data sources: Flemming (1971); 2Wegge(1979); 3 Sinclair (l977); 4 Messier et al. (1988); 5Rodgers (1984); 6 Garrot and Taylor (1990); 7 Packer et aI. (1998); 8Wei et al. (1989); 9Yozdis and Kolenosky (1986); 1O Calkins and Pitcher (1982); II Li et al. (1995). 384 Table Elasticities F 0.203 0.1290.126 0.1690.170 0.1710.208 0.301 0.150 0.190 1.166 GIKaS 93:3 (2001) tively. This model can be parameterized with partial demographic data, but it is also useful even when age-specificdemographic data are available. For example, the sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in age at first reproduction, an important life history variable with substantial potential for influencing population dynamics (Cole 1954, Lewontin 1965, Oli and Dobson 1999), cannot be estimated using the standard Leslie matrix models; our partial life cycle model can be used for this purpose. In a seminal study that investigated population consequencesof life history patterns, Cole (1954) found that age at maturity generally had a greater relative influence on population growth rate than other life history variables. In a similar study, Lewontin (1965) found that, among life history variables he considered, age at maturity had the largest relative influence on population growth rate. Test of ideas such as Cole's and Lewontin's requires estimation of the sensitivity or elasticity of population growth rate to changes in life history variables, becauseabsolute or proportional sensitivity of population growth rate to changes in life history traits are interpreted as selectiongradients (e.g., Caswell 1989a, Roff 1992, Stearns 1992). However, variables such as ages at first and last reproduction do not appear as explicit parameters in the Leslie matrix model, and the sensitivity or elasticity of population growth rate to changes in these variables cannot be estimated using standard techniques. One of the most important uses of our partial life cycle model is that the sensitivity and elasticity of population growth rate to changes in ages at first and last reproduction can be estimated directly because these variables appear as explicit parameters in our model. Since elasticities are scaled,dimensionlessquantities, they are directly comparable among life history variables and across populations or species(Horvitz et al. 1997)and thus are appropriate for testing theoretical predictions regarding the relative importance of life history variables to population growth rate. Using our partial life cycle model, we estimated the elasticity of population growth rate to changes in ages at first and last reproduction, juvenile survival, adult survival, and fertility (Table 1). Our results show that adult survival rate had the largest potential influence on growth rates of most populations included in our analysis. Population growth rate was insensitive to changes in age at last reproduction, but moderately sensitive to changes in juvenile survival and fertility rate. Age at maturity had the highest elasticity only in one population (Tibetan monkeys). In general, our results indicate that age at maturity may have large influence on growth rates of populations with high fertility rates, but that adult or juvenile survival rates are more influential in populations characterized by low fertility rates. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that the relative importance of life history variables to populaOIKOS 93:3 (2001) tion growth rate may vary, depending on the pattern of life history (Stearns 1992). Disagreement between our results and those of Cole (1954)and Lewontin (1965) may have beenbecauseof the fact that Cole and Lewontin used in their analysesvalues of fertility rates much larger than those observed in populations included in our analyses. Our model (Eq. 8) was derived on the assumption that agesat first and last reproduction only take integer values,and the sensitivity of population growth rate to changesin thesevariables is difficult to interpret. However, the extended model (Eq. 21) addressest~is concern, and partial derivatives of ). with respectto IXand (J)calculated using this model have natural interpretations. Despite some differences in the formulation, our calculations (Figs 3 and 4, Table 1) indicate that these two models yield very similar results, particularly when IXand (J)have near-integervalues. Theseresults suggest that the use of the simpler model (Eq. 8) will not generally compromise precision of the analyses nor conclusions of an investigation. Although age-specificinformation is lost in a partial life cycle model, we have found that dynamical properties of the age-structured matrix model are generally retained in our partial life cycle model (Fig. 3, Table 1). For example, population growth rate calculated from our partial life cycle model differed only by < 2% in 8 out of 12 populations from those obtained from the age-structured model. Elasticities calculated from the two methods differed to some extent for some populations. However, the relative magnitudes, rather than actual values,of elasticitiesare of primary interest (e.g., Horvitz et al. 1997), and in no case did the relative magnitudes of elasticities differed between the two methods (Table 1). These results suggestthat our prebreeding census partial life cycle model is an excellent proxy for the full age-classifiedmatrix model, and that Eqs 14-16 are adequate for estimating parameters for our partial life cycle model. 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The pre-breedingcensus projection matrix corresponding to such life histories isa function of CX,Pi' Pa' and F: 0 p.J 0 0 (11) J 0 characteristic equation for the life cycle of the typerepresented by the projection matrix A (Eq. II) can beobtained by setting the determinant of the matrix A AI to zero as describedearlier. The generalcharacteris-tic equation can be written as: I.,OX -l.,ox-IPa-Pj-IF=O. asymptotic population growth rate, A, is the largest real root ofEq. 12.The sensitivity of population growthrate to changes in a model parameter p is the partialderivative of A with respectto p (i.e., oA/op),and can beobtained through implicit differentiation of Eq. 12: OA A( -A In(A) + A -a+ lPJa-1In(Pj)F+' -=OCI P a In(A)) , CIA -P aCI + P a OIKOS 93:3 (2001) OA --p~-2PA2-CX(IX-1) -J aP; -IX). oJ.. -P alX + P a' CIA -P OIKOS 93:3 (2001) acx+ P a' (14) --=' of pa-l). I -A."CX+A.IX-lp a CX-A"-lp (16) a The proportional sensitivity (elasticity) of population growth rate to changesin a model parameterp is given (15) by [(aA/ap)(pIA)]. 387