Our dogs are our clients. It`s not the people.
Our dogs are our clients. It`s not the people.
Hollywood Bollywood Travel Art The 32-year-old, Kim, expecting her first child, has gained pregnancy curves recently and is keen on shedding the extra kilos by working out hard Playhouse 04 Pg QATAR TRIBUNE Publication Sunday April 7, 2013 Labour of love “Our dogs are our clients. It’s not the people.” – Abdullah al Naemi RY O ST 2 R 0 VE PG CO Sunday, April 7, 2013 Helping the hapless LLEWELLYN FLORES DOHA “T HIS is what we do. We play with “If you open your eyes, you’ll see so many dogs, and you find another one and another. And then you search for somebody who can own a dog” — GERLIN ROSE them, keep them entertained and keep them socialised. Without that, they might develop behavioural is-sues and this will prevent them from getting a home,’ says Abdullah explaining what volunteers could do to help with his cause, giving animals a second chance. Abdullah al Naemi, whose growing life involved fre-quent visits to their family farm, had always been exposed to different animals. His father taught them never to mess around with animals and to always treat them with respect and care. It would seem that this teaching is deeply rooted in his heart as it is evidently manifested in his works in 2nd Chance Rescue, a non-profit organisation he founded in 2009 to provide a new start to some of the abused, aban-doned, and unwanted dogs in Qatar. Getting into animal rescue was more chance for Abdul-lah than a plan. It started when he lost his dog and through his search met individuals working to take dogs off the streets and find them homes. He was amazed at what they were doing – they love animals as much as he does but they followed up their love with action. He thought he can do the same and decided to do the same. Abdullah’s first act was to take in a puppy, whose owner couldn’t care for, two months after he lost his dog. He named the puppy Jack and one day when he was walking him on a beach, found a litter of eight puppies. He con-tacted a lady, whom he also met through his search, and told her about the litter. The lady asked if he could foster the puppies and promised to get them all adopted, which is what happened. “It was the happiest thing I did for a very long time,” he exclaimed. He started taking in animals since and treating them and getting them adopted all the while giving him “joy.” To say that the founding of the organisation was fuelled by love would not be an exaggeration. Abdullah was con-- stantly broke when he started spending his money on the animals that came to him. Over time he learned cost-cut-ting tricks like buying medicines abroad and learning rudimentary animal care skills. “One vet taught me how to give injections trying to help me save money a little bit,” Abdullah related. In some cases, he would take a vet’s diagnosis but instead of buying medi-cine from the clinic, he would use his stock and administer the drug himself. But financial strains did not so much affect Abdullah’s spirits as much as the negative feedback of the people around him who did not believe in the value of what he set out to do. “I was criticised in the beginning,” Abdullah recalls. People questioned his efforts in helping the animals when so many people around the globe are suffering. Abdullah acknowledges the many prevailing issues in the world from hunger to global warming, to extinction, but believes that opinion on which is more important will always vary and for this reason people choose their cause. “I chose mine and I think it’s just as valuable as any other cause,” he said. “We got a Saluki mother and her two puppies re-homed to the US and this made me really proud,” Abdullah said. He told the story of Najma, who came to them com-pletely paralysed. “We used to roll her on sides just so she doesn’t develop any ulcers. Look at her now. If we let her out she will be running all around the place.” He told of a dog they had for two years who no one would adopt because she was extremely hyper. “We waited and waited for someone to show interest and take her home,” Abdullah said. One day a person who knows boxers and their high energy loved the dog and decided to adopt her. To Abdullah, these stories make his months. Now, 2nd Chance houses 111 dogs and 11 cats and has also opened a veterinary clinic named, Parkview Pet Cen-tre. Abdullah said having the clinic has made their lives so much easier. “We’re able to support more animals than we could earlier.” The animals’ food has also been sponsored by Royal Canin, which Abdullah considers “great” for the shelter. They even once had a dog that needed to be put on Sunday, April 7, 2013 2nd Chance Rescue Shelter diet. “For a shelter to have this problem is very good,” he said laughing. “Even if the animals are in the kennels most of the time; they are healthy, happy and have good energy.” 2nd Chance works closely with an-other rescue group, Dogs in Doha, whose mission is to help re-home dogs, whether someone’s pet or a rescue off the streets of Qatar. Dogs in Doha, founded in 2009 also works with different rescue asso-ciations in the US and Europe. Qatar Tribune spoke with one of its volunteers, Gerlin Rose, who practically started rescuing dogs within two weeks of mov-ing to Qatar. Her first rescue was a stray dog she and her family found in front of the compound where they were stay-ing. They frequently found dogs on the streets after that, which eventually led her to Dogs in Doha. “If you open your eyes, you’ll see so many dogs, and you find another one and another. And then you search for somebody who can own a dog,” she said. The joy in Gerlin’s voice was evident when she related her success stories. One of her stories was of a puppy they found that seemed to have been run over by a car. The puppy got a broken hip and had to undergo several surgeries to survive. “Now, he still has a deformed hip but he can walk and enjoys life.” The puppy has also found a good home and very soon will be taken to Germany. Announcements of animals for adop-tion could commonly be found on bulle-tin boards of veterinary clinics and Inter-net social pages of these rescue groups. To those thinking of adopting a dog, Resident cat of 2nd Chance Rescue Shelter. cue have the same policies in taking in animals and adoption process. “Our dogs are our clients. It’s not the people,” said Abdullah. “We make sure our dogs go to the best situation, not the family getting the cutest dog or the fluffi-est,” he added. First dogs in the farm. Gerlin mentioned a few pointers: Train the dog and train the family members on how to take care of the dog, follow-up on vaccinations and walk them. “Most of them like to be nice to you because you feed them. So it’s easy to train them with treats,” says Gerlin. And for walking the dog, she says what makes sense in Doha is to take them to the beach and let them run and play. “This is what they enjoy and this is what people enjoy.” Gerlin related the process of prepar-ing the animals for adoption. According to her, all the animals they find must immediately be brought to the vet for health check. They are all vaccinated, sterilised and given a microchip before Rescued dogs at the shelter. they can be ready for adoption. To increase the chance of animals finding homes, the shelter does a little background check on each applicant before formalising an adoption. “I think we know the animals well and can recommend something to people if we know their circumstances and what they expect from a dog,” Gerlin said. The same applies to collecting adoption fees. It is a form of insurance that the person adopting would be willing to spend for the well-being of the animal. “The adop-tion fee is a fraction of the cost of the initial package (vaccination, sterilizing and the microchip) the animals get when they reach the shelter,” she added. Dogs in Doha and 2nd Chance Res-- Dogs in Doha and 2nd Chance Rescue are both constantly in need of funds and volunteers to support the rescuing and caring for abandoned and stray animals. Donations to Dogs in Doha can be made via PayPal at the group’s web site, http:// dogsindoha.weebly.com/. Volunteers may also get in touch with the group through the site. 2nd Chance Rescue is trying to raise funds to erect a building that can house more than 100 dogs with a cage-free cat shelter. Those who loves dogs and has time, the farm where 2nd Chance Rescue resides is open on Fridays after three in the after-noon to volunteers who want to walk dogs in a tree-filled calming en-vironment. For Fridays with fund raising bar-becue, visit the group’s Facebook page, facebook. com/2ndchancerescueqatar Najma at the 2nd Chance Rescue Shelter. Sunday, April 7, 2013 Kim Kardashian Pregnant Kim Kardashian in demand ‘One Direction movie has lovely emotional moments’ “There have been some really lovely emotional moments that we’ve captured, I think fans may shed a tear or two while watching them” Morgan Spurlock IANS S OCIALITE Kim Kardashian is reportedly in demand by fitness DVDs to star in their campaigns post the birth of her baby. The 32-year-old, expecting her first child with boyfriend Kanye West, has gained pregnancy curves recently and is keen on shedding the extra kilos by working out hard. “The offers are flooding in for Kim to do a post-pregnancy DVD and she is really excited about the idea. Kim can’t wait to get into her trademark skinny jeans,” dailystar.co.uk quoted a source as saying. “She’s been talking to various big companies about workout DVDs. In true Kim style, this would be sexy la-tex (latex rubber is used in many types of clothing) cat suits and lashings of make-up for a ghetto style hip hop work out,” the source added. Kim has shown concern over her growing weight and sees this as per-fect chance to get back into shape. “Although Kim loves being preg-nant, like most women she has strug-gled with her changing body shape. And because Kim has such a tiny frame, she looks bigger than she actu-ally is,” a source said. “A work out DVD would be the perfect incentive for her to shed those extra pounds and inspire others too,” the source added. IANS H OLLYWOOD director Mor-gan Spurlock, currently shooting One Direction: This Is Us, says the film following the lives of One Direction band members while on tour will have some “emotional moments” and fans “may shed a tear” while watch-ing it. “There have been some really lovely emotional moments that we’ve captured, I think fans may shed a tear or two while watching them,” Spurlock said on Wednesday afternoon during an interac-tion on Twitter. “We spend a lot of down time with the band, with their families and friends. We really wanted you to see what their ‘normal’ lives are like,” added the direc-tor of well-known documentary Super Size Me. One Direction has five members - Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. They were discovered by Simon Cowell on Britains reality show The X Factor in 2010. So far the musicians have churned out hits like Up all night, Take me home and Live while we’re young. Although simple, the film’s title says it all in one go and director gives credit to the musicians for choosing an apt name. “They came up with it themselves. They really wanted it to convey that it was them bringing you into their lives,” he said. Talking about his interest in the project, he said: “They are one of the big-gest bands in the world and to capture the moment in time is an incredible op-portunity ... and in 3D no less!,” he said. For the movie, the band members not only spend their time in front of the cam-era, but even ventured behind it. “The lads have been both in front of and behind the camera. They’ve been filming each other on the tour bus and on day’s off... great footage,” he said. However, they took a while to get used to the camera. “Can be a little unnerving with a camera in your face all the time, but you build trust over time. Now I’m just like a piece of furniture,” he said. Set to release on August 30, the film is being jointly produced by Simon Cowell, Adam Milano, Spurlock and Ben Winston and it is being distributed by Sony Pictures. The band is eager to see Spurlock’s final product. “The band can’t wait to see it. But we’re all excited to see the finished film, aren’t we,” he said. Spurlock has also made films like Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden?, Freakonomics, and The Great-est Movie Ever Sold. HOLLYWOOD Sunday, April 7, 2013 Jada addresses Brad Pitt set to Will Smith open marriage rumours star in another WWII film IANS J Will Smith (left) and Jada Pinkett. IANS ADA Pinkett Smith has admitted that she and Will Smith have an open relationship. Addressing a longstanding rumour about her 16-year-old mar-riage to Will, the 41-year-old told the Huffington Post that she had always told Will to do whatever he wants to as long as he can look at himself in the mirror and be okay. “Because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I’m here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be and that’s not for me to do for him. Or vice versa,” she said. Jada, who married Will in a small ceremony in 1997 after meeting on the set of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, counts a foundation of friendship as an essential component of her and the I Am Legend star’s bond. She said that she doesn’t think that it’s easy to be married to anyone as you have to go into a relationship knowing that it’s going to be lifetime partner-ship. Jada added that Will is her best friend, who has been by her side through some of the most difficult parts of her life and it is something one can never take away from her. F OUR years after the release of Inglori-- ous Basterds, Brad Pitt will be return-ing to the theme of World War II as the star of David Ayer’s Fury, show-busi-ness blog Deadline said. The actor is in the final stage of talks to join the project, which is based on the actual experiences of a US tank crew battling the Germans in the waning months of the conflict. Filming is scheduled to start in Septem-ber, Deadline said. Indie producer QED International paid $1 million for Ayer’s screenplay. The film aims to “bring a fresh execution to the genre”, Ayer told Deadline. “What these men went through is worthy of a complex, honest portrayal. This will have incredible, visceral action and complex rich characters. I plan to bring tank combat to life in a way that lands with a modern audi-ence.” Ayer and QED recently worked together on Ten, an action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Worthington and Mireille Enos that is set for release next January. Pitt both acted and directed in his latest project, World War Z, which will be in US cinemas in June. Brad Pitt SCENE UNSEEN Osbourne contractually obliged to have purple hair ACTRESS-SINGER Kelly Osbourne says she has to keep her hair purple for two years for work, although she wants to change it. The 28-year-old would love to change her hair colour to green. “I’m contracted to this hair colour. I can’t change it for two years. I wanted to go green, but was told Kelly Obsourne I wouldn’t be able to work any-more,” femalefirst.co.uk quoted Osbourne as saying. However, the Fashion Police star is happy with her hair and loves being called queen of the granny girls. “In England, I’m called queen of the granny girls and I love it. My hair is a mix of gray, blue and lavender. It’s hard to get this colour, you have to have blond hair to get the right shade,” she explained. The actress also revealed she has a number of Chanel hangbags at her home but never takes them outside. “I have Chanel handbags and I never wear them. I make music videos in my apartment with them. I don’t want to ruin them. They make me happy,” she added. I’ve been on a diet for 40 years: Cattrall KIM Cattrall has revealed that it has taken her 40 years of weight watching and exercise to look as good as she does at 56. The actress, who played maneater Samantha Jones in Sex And The City, told Woman ‘n’ Home magazine that she has been on a diet since 1974, the Mirror reported. Cattrall said that she likes to eat and her body type is not naturally this thin, especially at this age. The ‘Mannequin’ star said that she hopes that working out every other day and minimising stress will allow her to keep playing sexy characters as a sexagenarian. Cattrall added that when she hit her 40s she thought that she can’t play a sexy siren any more, but now almost 20 years later, it’s still going on. Beyonce and Jay-Z celebrate anniversary in Cuba BEYONCE and Jay-Z are in Cuba on Thurs-day they had breakfast at a restaurant in Old Havana to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary. The couple ar-rived on the island on Wednesday ac-companied by several Beyonce (left) and Jay-Z. members of the family on a private visit, em-ployees of the Hotel Saratoga told EFE. After breakfast at the La Moneda Cubana restaurant adjacent to the Plaza de la Catedral, the couple strolled around Old Havana. With her long hair tightly braided and put up in a huge, loose bun, wearing a yellow, black and gray pat-terned miniskirt and flat shoes, Beyonce tried a daiquiri - a traditional Cuban cocktail - and ate a salad, according to the owner of the establishment. Kim Cattrall BOLLYWOOD Sunday, April 7, 2013 Wild, naughty, witty, but never vulgar Film: Rating: Director: Starring: Chashme Baddoor David Dhawan Rishi Kapoor, Lilette Dubey, Ali Zafar, Siddharth, Divyendu Sharma, Taapsee Pannu and Anupam Kher NOW PLAYING IN DOHA THEATRES IANS “ DUM hai, Boss!” - the perky young Miss Congeniality in David Dhawan’s Chashme Baddoor, a far cry from the shastriya sangeet trainee tutti fruti-eating Deepti Naval in Sai Paran-jpye’s film, exclaims whenever she is im-pressed by her loverboy’s dialogue-baazi. Exclamation marks are the only punctuations in this seamless comedy of courtship played at an impossibly high octave, without getting shrill. ‘Farce’ things first. Barring the core theme of two friends maliciously nipping the third friend’s romance in the bud, and some mischievous sequences and characters from the original, which have been entirely re-interpreted as ‘swines of the times’, Dhawan’s Chashme Bad-door is far(ce) removed from Paranjpye’s original. Those were days of relative inno-cence. Whistling at girls at bus stops, chasing unwilling girls to their homes, and landing up at their doorstep under assumed identities were all considered innocuous bachelor bacchanalia. In Paranjpye’s Chashme Buddoor, it was a big deal that Rakesh Bedi managed to get into Deepti Naval’s bathroom pretending to be a plumber. In Dhawan’s film, the very gifted Divyendu Sharma, who plays Bedi’s part, just can’t pretend to know the perky girl next-door intimately by her bathroom decor. He manages to take a picture of a tattoo on her waist to convince his love-smitten pal Sid (Ali Zafar) that the girl is... well, not chaste but quite a chalu cheez. While the writing gets chalu, it mirac-ulously steers clear of being cheesy by a wide margin. Under the veneer of vicious courtship games played by two desper-ately single guys, Dhawan’s Chashme Baddoor retains a core of innocence. A tongue-in-cheek virtuosity remains the film’s greatest triumph. Sajid-Farhad’s writing is wild, naughty and witty, but never vulgar. The whimsical word-play flows from a tap-dance of prankish in-ternet-styled banter which is border-line silly but nonetheless very engaging in an off-handedly smart way. If anything, the repartees flow much too furiously. From Anupam Kher’s slaphappy mother Bharati Achrekar (effortly replacing Leela Mishra from the origi-nal) to Goan cafe owner Rishi Kapoor’s unidentifiable assistant - everyone is a certifiable quipster in the new film. Among the three protagonists, Di-- Under the veneer of vicious courtship games played by two desperately single guys, Dhawan’s Chashme Baddoor retains a core of innocence A still from the film Chashme Baddoor. vyendu, playing an awful self-styled shaayar, gets the most tawdry lines of bumper-sticker wisdom, which the actor delivers with such punctuated panache, we can’t help guffawing out our implicit irshaad. Comic timing is of vital importance to this film. And every actor gets it right, dead-on sometime dead-pan. To me, the film’s most natural-born scenestealer is the southern star Siddharth. Seen lately in Deepa Mehta’s Midnight’s Children, Siddharth nails his character’s filmy flamboyance. Many would say Siddharth has gone over the top. But to sustain that high-pitched level of crazy energy throughout the film is no laughing mat-ter. Or, on second thoughts, this talented actor’s performance is indeed a laughing matter. Ali Zafar is far more sober and con-trolled than his co-stars. It takes some doing to remain steadfast in your stipu-lated sobriety while all your co-stars pull out all stops. The laughs, so refreshingly liber-ated of lewdness flow almost non-stop. Adding a dollop of spice to the original script is an entirely unscheduled love angle between Rishi Kapoor and Lilette Dubey. Lallan Miya (Saeed Jaffrey), who played Rishi’s character in Paranjpye’s film would have loved that. Outstanding both, Kapoor and Dubey make their on-screen romance look warm, cuddlesome and credible. Audaciously, Dhawan and his writer Sajid-Farhad have transferred the cel-ebrated chamko detergent demonstra-tion-sequence between Farooque Sheikh and Deepti Naval in Sai Paranjpye’s film to the Rishi-Lilette characters. Maybe the writers saw this pair’s chemistry to be more frothy and foamy than the central romance? Ali Zafar’s courtship of the vivacious Taapsee Pannu is relatively thanda. One reason for their frosty compatibility is Ali Zafar’s reined-in performance. He deliberately plays his part a few octaves lower than his loud co-stars who are so hyper-strung that you sometimes won-der which drugs they are on. This Chashme Baddoor moves wick-edly at its own volition creating a crazy pattern of comic chaos that stops short of being anarchic due to the finely-tuned situational satire simulated in the writ-ing out of a material that was created 30 years ago when there were no mobile phones and the height of male voyeurism was the Playboy magazine. Dhawan’s film doesn’t take the char-acters’ contemporary courtship games into areas that would offend the moral-ists. He knows where to stop. Just when my faith in remakes had been shaken by Himmatwala last week, David Dhawan had me shaking with laughter this week. Carry on, Mr Dhawan. David Dhawan’s new-age interpretation of the 1981 film moves far away from the original creating for itself a new pathway of laughter and hilarity without showing any disrespect to the source material. Ali, Divyendu and Siddharth’s au-dacious antics, with Rishi Kapoor and Lilette Dubey’s age-defying romance thrown in for added measure, make the trio of girl-crazy heroes in Paranjpye’s film look like angels. This is David Dhawan’s wickedest comedy of one-up-manship since Mujhse Shaadi Karogi. You can’t miss it. The attention-grab-bing chest-thumping gibberish-spewing rowdy boyz won’t let you. Dum hai, Boss! Sunday, April 7, 2013 Reference makes actor’s work interesting, says Anil Kapoor IANS A CTOR Anil Kapoor, who is playing Mum-bai’s retired encounter specialist ACP Isaque Bag-wan - a real life character - in Sanjay Gupta’s Shootout at Wadala, feels that when you have a reference for a role, it makes an actor’s job interest-ing. “Somewhere I feel that it be-comes less chal-lenging. Some-times you do such a character that does not have any reference point, so it becomes difficult. But like there are certain incidents which the story is based upon,” the 56-year-old said on Wednesday. “Besides, this film is inspired from the book Dongri To Dubai, few incidents have been taken from that book. So as an actor or director or filmmaker, your work becomes interest-ing. I would not say it becomes easy, but somewhere we enjoy doing that,” he added. Anil further says he got a lot of support from Isaque while playing the role. Isaque was the one who shot gangster Manya Surve in November 1982, the first registered encountered by Mumbai police. “In this film, I play ACP Isaque Bagwan. He is a real life person who did the first encounter in Bombay. So my character is inspired from him. I got a lot of support and help when I was doing this film. Before starting with the film, I met him, we talked and I enjoyed playing this role,” Anil said. Directed by Sanjay Gupta, Shootout at Wadala also stars John Abraham, Tusshar Ka-poor, Manoj Bajpayee, Kangna Ranaut and Mahesh Manjrekar and is slated for a May 1 release. Anil Kapoor Want to make a career in Bollywood: Kristina Akheeva PTI A USTRALIAN model Kristina Akheeva hopes to get more movie offers after the release of her Bollywood debut film Yamla Pagla Deewana 2 as she wants to make a career in the Hindi film indus-try. Akheeva was on a modelling contract in India when she saw a Hindi movie and since then can’t get enough of Bollywood films. After refusing a few odd roles, she finally got her big break with the Deols - Dharmendra, Sunny and Bobby - in YPD 2, a sequel to 2011 release of the same name. “I was in India for a modelling contract and I got introduced to Bollywood while I was here. I started to watch a lot of Bollywood movies and I got hooked on to it. I started to think if I get an opportunity here that would be very exciting. Last year I was offered YPD and I am really happy to get a break with such a big film,” Akheeva said. “I am really keen on making a career here and am hoping to get good offers after the movie releases,” she added. She might not be familiar with Hindi but in the movie Akheeva has a few dialogues in the lan-guage for which she took month long lessons. “I like to challenge myself and I don’t see language as limitation. I have to just work that little bit harder than other people. In this film also I am speaking in Hindi so I worked very hard and I will just keep doing that. So by next film I don’t want language to be an issue. I should get any kind of roles.” YPD 2 is directed by Sangeeth Sivan and will release on June 7. Kristina Akheeva SCENE UNSEEN Shahid gets stylish haircut on camera! SHAHID Kapoor faced the camera while having a haircut - just for his fans! The actor agreed to do it for his celeb-rity hairstylist Aalim Hakim’s show Style Inc. with Aalim Hakim. The episode featur-ing Shahid will go on air on TLC Friday. Shahid and Hakim have been good friends for long. They take a nostalgic trip down memory lane, wherein Shahid speaks about his struggling days and how Hakim supported him all through. The actor will also be given a couple of different looks on the show. Hakim’s show offers viewers access to new trends while he gives actors a whole new look - both on-screen and off it. Shahid Kapoor (left) and Aalim Hakim. Rise Of The Zombies was cakewalk for Kirti Kulhari ACTRESS Kirti Kulhari, who plays Vinny, the zombie’s girlfriend in Rise Of The Zombies, says the role was a cakewalk as compared to her part in Shaitan. In Shaitan, Kirti played Tanya, an aspiring model, who gets no support from her family and, hence, has to struggle a lot. “As compared to my role in Shaitan, it (Rise Of The Zombies) was like a ‘cakewalk’,” the 28 year-old said in an interview. “I don’t mean to sound any-thing else... just the fact that different characters have different characteristics,” she added. Comparing her characters in both the films, Kirti said: In Shaitan, it was a very complicated character. Many things were going on in her life that were not allowing her to think normally and lead a normal life. In comparison to that, if you see Vinny’s character, it is very sorted and bal-anced.” “She knows what she exactly wants in life. Her Kirti Kulhari personal and professional life is all clear. So from that angle, it was very simple to play this character,” added the actress, who managed to garner appreciation for her character of Tanya in Shaitan. Rise Of The Zombies, which released on Friday, features Luke Kenny as a wildlife photographer who then turns into a zombie. Besides acting in the film, Luke has co-directed the film with Devaki Singh. No real-life characters in Once Upon A Time in Mumbai Again, says Akshay REFUTING rumours that his upcoming movie Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai Again (OUATI-MA) is based on the lives of two underworld dons - Dawood Ib-rahim and Chota Rajan - Akshay Kumar said it is a fictional story with no real life characters. “Let me correct you, we are not playing real life characters,” said actor Akshay, who plays Shoaib Khan in the underworld Akshay Kumar drama, in which Imran Khan will be seen as Aslam. “ I am playing Shoaib’s character and he is playing his character, there is nothing called real life character”, added the star at a media meet, when asked whether the duo have done any research on their respective characters. “It’s a fictional film. Lot of small, small incidents have been taken and added here,” he said. Imran added: “It is a fictional story and as Akshay said incidents are picked up, modified and used here.” Directed by Milan Luthria, OUATIMA also stars Sonali Bendre and Sonakshi Sinha. Produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor, the film is slated for a August 8 release. TR Sunday, April 7, 2013 Hiking beyond borders in the Balkans The Peaks of the Balkans Trail, formally opened last year as a 192-kilometre trek designed to foster tourism and teamwork among historically quarrel-some neighbours NYT SYNDICATE T HE seasons were changing fast, and the warmth I’d tak-en for granted had vanished as night mustered in the hills. I gathered the blanket around my neck and listened to the dogs barking below. It was now long past midnight, with only a few hours until the morning call to prayer. Peter Grubb, the owner of an Idahobased outfitter called Row Adventures, sat in the corner flipping through maps under the lone working light bulb. We were in Room 305 of Hotel Rosi, a bright yellow block of a building in Gusinje, a predominately Muslim community in the former Yugoslav republic of Montene-gro. South of here, a rocky trail climbed steadily into a maw of limestone peaks. Tomorrow we would follow that trail and slip virtually unnoticed into Albania. That would have been among the stupidest things you could do had it been the 1980s, when Albania was the North Korea of Europe. From World War II until his death in 1985, the communist leader Enver Hoxha hammered Albania into an oppressive hermit state. Hoxha’s final heart attack and the eventual collapse of Communism hailed RAVEL the beginning of the end of Albania’s isolation, and in recent years the oncetense border region separating Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo has become the kind of place you’d want to visit. Aid money, remittances and relative stabil-ity have helped create a middle class, and tourism in the region is beginning to boom. Guides take groups kayaking under stone bridges in Montenegro, hik-ing around Albanian archaeological sites and even skiing in Kosovo. New hotels are pumping fresh life into stale com-munist hangouts, even if the water isn’t always hot. “If you want luxury, sorry, go to Paris or New York,” Kela Qendro, a 33-yearold Albanian working for a small tourism company, told me later. “You come here to see the real stuff. The shepherd. The old woman picking pomegranates. You go up to villagers and they will invite you inside their home for the joy of meeting you.” Grubb, who runs about seven trips a year to Croatia, had long been fascinated with this less-developed region of the Balkans. About a year ago he learned of an intriguing new way to explore it – on foot. The Peaks of the Balkans Trail, a project coordinated by the German Agency for International Cooperation and involving dozens of other groups (including women’s associations, tour-ism offices and environmental non-governmental organisations), formally opened last year as a 192-kilometer trek designed to foster tourism and teamwork among historically quarrelsome neigh-bours. The path literally links Muslim, Catholic and Orthodox enclaves, as well as Slavs and numerous Albanian tribes in three adjoining national parks, each showcasing the border region’s inestima-ble beauty. There would be no real roughing it, since locals have turned ancestral homes into rustic inns offering beds, home-made cheeses, meats and brandy. Even wandering across remote, unmanned borders is now legal, thanks to a new permit system introduced last summer. Grubb needed only some willing travel-ers before offering the trip for real. Seven gregarious Texans and I signed up. We were about to head deep into the Albanian Alps, better known as the cursed mountains, some of Europe’s most glaciated peaks after the Swiss Alps and the highest summits of the Dinaric Alps. The whole trail could be hiked in about 10 days, but we had just five to do parts of it. Even so, there were big days and taxing climbs ahead. We would be among the first United States-outfitted groups to wander into the maw, and in these parts, the order of things is more mystery than fact. Earlier that day I had met the Texans at the airport in Podgorica, Montene-gro’s pint-size capital. It was dark when we arrived in Gusinje, but the morning dawned bright and warm. Mount Rosi, Sunday, April 7, 2013 the hotel’s 2,522-meter-high namesake, rose to the southeast, while the 2,694meter-high pyramid of Mount Jezerca lorded over the south. Around 9 am Enes Dreskovic, the newly minted director of the Prokletije National Park, one of the three border parks, roared up in a hunter-orange Pinzgauer, a military transport vehicle, to take us to the trail head. We ground to a halt in the Ropojana Valley, a fairy-tale scoop of swaying pines and scalloped ridges that even the Pinzgauer could not penetrate. The trail began in earnest here. An Albanian from Theth, our goal 19 kilometers away, had supposedly left the village at 3 am with horses to carry our luggage, but there was no sign of him. “Well, welcome to the ‘A’ in adven-ture travel,” Grubb said. Rocks as white as marble complained under our boots as we marched toward a broad meadow in the midst of a beech forest. A griffon vulture performed lazy 8’s overhead. Shards of silvery-gray limestone shot into the sky like missiles. Of all the images I’d had of the region, none were as beautiful as this. By early afternoon we had crested the Peja Pass, a treeless scab of rock and wind with an elevation of about 1,525 meters. Dome-shape bunkers with ma-chine gun slits fortified the high points. Fearing an invasion from all directions, Hoxha had built an estimated 700,000 of these death pods around a country of less than 29,000 square kilometres. “Welcome to Albania,” bellowed our 28-year-old Montenegrin guide, Semir Kardovic, mimicking gunfire. The 800-vertical-metre climb to the pass had been difficult but the 1,200vertical-metre descent into Theth was brutal. Down and down we plummeted along a series of knee-smashing switch-backs into an enormous glacial valley. By dusk, pointy houses with orange light seeping from the doorways winked through the forest. We made our way toward one, a medieval-looking guest-house with stone walls. After a breakfast the next day of eggs, curds and jam, we shouldered our packs and stomped off toward the village of Valbona, about 14 kilometres east. The area is so rugged that the Ottoman Turks, who were Muslims, were unable to control the region as they did most of the Balkans for 500 years. As a result, both Theth and Valbona are still Catho-lic. Mount Arapit, a 2,217-metre peak, seemed to size me up as I crossed a wooden bridge and began to climb through maple, ash and hornbeams. It was not yet 10 am but already muggy. About three kilometres in I collapsed. We had gained 240 vertical meters. Only 915 more to go. Soon the trail fell some 760 meters into a broad alluvial basin. A van waited for us at the start of a rocky road that joined an asphalt street poured only a few weeks earlier. New lodges seemed to be going up everywhere. “A lot of locals are moving back to the area, which is very encouraging,” Anto-nia Young, a British research fellow who has worked for more than a decade to create an international peace park in the region, told me later. “The danger now is that tourism gets too big before they can cope with it.” To be sure, Albania has had some wobbly moments on its new capitalist legs. In 1997 Albanians lost $1.2 billion of their life savings in pyramid schemes that sparked a rebellion against the government and resulted in about 2,000 deaths. Even tourism, which has nearly tripled in six years from about 1 million foreign tourists to 2.7 million in 2012, according to Albanian figures, has been unable to escape certain prejudices. “Albania is a great place to score plenty of illegal narcotics – a ‘must have’ for any Albanian holiday!” commented an anonymous reader of a June 11, 2012, Southeast European Times article about the country’s booming tourism trade. “You cannot have an image problem if that problem is real,” said Ilir Mati, who in 1992 sold his car to start an ad-venture tourism company called Outdoor Albania. Mati was at the guesthouse with cli-ents, and I sat up late chatting with him in French. “My friends thought I was crazy to leave the military and go into tourism,” he said. “But I had a dream that one day I would be sitting around a table like this talking to people like you.” The discussion continued the next morning when our plan to hike from Val-bona back into Montenegro was altered. After two days, the trek was too much for our group – 16 hours at least – and the trail had been washed out. So instead we drove to a spot just above the village of Cerem, where we headed out for an easy stroll back into Montenegro. Sunday, April 7, 2013 ART Puppet festival seeks to redefine old art Puppetry, believed to have been born in India, finds reference in the Tamil epic Silappadikaaram written around the 1st or the 2nd century BC. Historians say it came into practise in 5th century BC IANS P UPPET theatre as creative entertainment has become integral to contemporary performances in the last few years drawing new legions of viewers to its fold in redefining an ancient art form - believed to have origi-nated in India - to address new cultural needs. The Ishara International Puppet Theatre festival April 8-16 in Delhi, Gurgaon and Chandigarh will bring to the country troupes from Russia, Is-rael, Bulgaria, Iran, Portugal, Italy and Spain, who will perform a melange of new and traditional puppetry. In the last decade, puppetry has combined with other mainstream arts like acting, dance, theatre and stage dialogues. Puppetry, believed to have been born in India, finds reference in the Tamil epic Silappadikaaram written around the 1st or the 2nd century BC. Histo-rians say it came into practice nearly 500 years before the birth of Christ. Traditional puppet theatre in India was themed on mythological stories and based on the ancient Natyashastra. Each region evolved its own puppet-ry tradition like the Kathputli of Rajas-than, Kundhei of Orissa, Gombeyetta of Karnataka, Bommalattam of Tamil Nadu, Pavakoothu of Kerala, Putul Natch of Bengal and Yampuri of Bihar. Over the centuries, it has moved beyond mythology to campaign on social issues. The producer of the Ishara Interna-tional Puppet Theatre Festival, Team-works Production, said the “festival has grown bigger this year to reach out to countries whose puppetry traditions do not always tour the globe”. Countries like Bulgaria, Israel, Portugal and Italy will showcase their puppet theatres in India for the first time. Petar Todorov, director of the entry from Bulgaria, Garbage for Plums, says the play “is based on a very popular and funny Bulgarian folktale, full of self irony and humour that is typical to Bulgarian folklore”. “We try to transmit the traditional Bulgarian system of values to children in the country and to audiences else-where,” Todorov said. The festival will begin on April 8 with Masha and the Bear by the Mos-cow Regional State Puppet Theatre in English at the India Habitat Centre. The theatre narrates the tale of Masha, a lit-- tle girl who loses her way while picking fruits. It uses a fusion of traditional Rus-sian puppetry and modern theatre. On subsequent days, the festival will host master Indian puppeteer Dadi D Pudumjee’s Heer ke Waris - based on Kitaab-e-Ishq by Waris Shah; Dhola Maru, a love story from the deserts of Rajasthan by Puran Bhat; Ravan Chhaya, a shadow puppet theatre of Odisha; The Pier is Alive from Portugal; Nonso and Nonsa from Italy; Garbage for Plums from Portugal; The Cubes Circus from Israel; The Musician Who Played the Moon from Israel and Bernarda’s Backstage from Spain. However, the main attraction of the festival will be Heer ke Waris. Pudumjee says “the bilingual play in Hindi and Punjabi scripted by actor and stand-up comedian Maheep Singh is the tale of the doomed love between Heer and Ranjha, who met to part and then reunite under tragic circumstances. “The idea of doing this universal love story is because people can iden-tify with sagas like Laila Majnu, Shirin Farhad and Heer Ranjha. There are two versions of Heer Ranjha, one with a happy ending and the other with a tragic ending. We have chosen the story with the sad ending. We are working on the story at three levels - the present-day significance of the story, the traditional backdrop and a combination of genres,” Pudumjee said. The script intreprets the star-crossed love story of Heer-Ranjha in the mod-ern day milieu with the tale of a young couple, “who face similar problems in love like opposition from families,” Pudumjee said. The puppeteer looks at Heer as a Sufi seer and employs shadow puppets, big hand held puppets, actors, dancers, poetry and live music to nar-rate the Sufi epic on stage. “We have used original poetry from the compositions of Waris Shah,” Pu-dumjee, a pioneer of Indian cintempo-rary puppetry, said. The festival will discuss puppetry as a performance tradition at a two-day seminar on April 11-12. “The centuries-old tradition has been evolving. Now, each artist puts in something. Presentations are faster and often shorter. Modern puppetry is not bound by any style. It is a full-fledged performance art that merges as a ho-listic theatre module with other arts on stage,” Pudumjee said. Sunday, April 7, 2013 Best on TV Tonight 7:00 pm BBC World: BBC WORLD NEWS 8:30 pm Boomerang: THE 13 GHOSTS OF SCOOBY-DOO 8:00 pm The History Channel: THE MEN WHO BUILT AMERICA TV Prime Time Guide 7:00 pm BBC WORLD NEWS 7:30 pm INDIA BUSINESS REPORT 8:00 pm BBC WORLD NEWS 8:30 pm OUR WORLD BBC WORLD TAZ-MANIA THE DOCTORS CAJUN PAWN STARS THE 13 GHOSTS OF SCOOBY-DOO EZEL THE MEN WHO BUILT AMERICA BOOMERANG MBC 4 THE HISTORY CHANNEL Television Listing AL JAZEERA 05:00 NEWSHOUR 06:00 News 06:30 Counting the Cost 07:00 News 07:30 South2North 08:00 News 08:30 News 09:00 The Secret of the Seven Sisters 10:00 News 10:30 Inside Syria 11:00 News 11:30 Talk To Al Jazeera 12:00 News 12:30 Football Rebels 13:00 NEWSHOUR 14:00 News 14:30 Inside Syria 15:00 Al Jazeera World 16:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 News 17:30 Listening Post 18:00 NEWSHOUR 19:00 News 19:30 101 East 20:00 News 20:30 Inside Story 21:00 NEWSHOUR 22:00 News 22:30 Talk To Al Jazeera 23:00 Witness 00:00 NEWSHOUR 01:00 News 01:30 People & Power 02:00 NEWSHOUR 03:00 News 03:30 Inside Story 04:00 Al Jazeera World ANIMAL PLANET 05:20 Animal Airport 05:45 Wildest Africa 06:35 Wildlife SOS International 07:00 Meerkat Manor 07:25 Dogs 101 08:15 Crocodile Hunter 09:10 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 10:05 Monkey Life 10:30 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 11:00 Bondi Vet 11:25 The Really Wild Show 11:55 Wildest Africa 12:50 13:45 14:40 15:35 16:30 17:25 18:20 19:15 20:10 21:05 22:00 22:55 23:50 00:45 01:35 02:25 03:15 04:05 04:55 The Animals’ Guide To Survival Speed Of Life Shamwari: A Wild Life Bondi Vet Bad Dog My Cat From Hell Gator Boys Venom Hunter With Donald Schultz Great White: The Impossible Shot Wildest Africa Wildest Islands Into The Pride Untamed & Uncut Great White: The Impossible Shot Animal Airport Wildest Africa Wildest Islands Into The Pride Animal Airport BBC WORLD 05:00 BBC World News 05:10 The Intelligence Squared Debate 06:00 BBC World News 06:30 Click 07:00 BBC World News 07:30 Newsnight 08:00 BBC World News 08:30 India Business Report 09:00 BBC World News 09:30 Fast Track 10:00 BBC World News 10:10 World Features 10:30 BBC World News 11:10 World Features 11:30 Dateline London 12:00 BBC World News 13:10 World Features 13:30 BBC World News 14:30 Newsnight 15:00 BBC World News 15:10 World Features 15:30 BBC World News 16:15 Sport Today 16:30 Click 17:00 BBC World News 17:30 Horizons 18:00 BBC World News 18:10 The Intelligence Squared Debate 19:00 BBC World News 19:30 India Business Report 20:00 BBC World News 20:30 Our World 21:00 BBC World News 21:15 Sport Today 21:30 BBC World News 23:10 World Features 23:30 00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 04:45 Horizons BBC World News Newsday Our World Newsday Asia Business Report Sport Today Newsday India Business Report BBC World News Asia Business Report Sport Today BOOMERANG 05:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 05:25 Jelly Jamm 06:00 Ha Ha Hairies 06:25 Baby Looney Tunes 06:50 Cartoonito Tales 07:15 Krypto: The Super Dog 07:40 Lazytown 08:05 Gerald McBoing Boing 08:30 Bananas In Pyjamas 08:55 Jelly Jamm 09:20 Ha Ha Hairies 09:45 Baby Looney Tunes 10:10 Cartoonito Tales 10:35 Krypto: The Super Dog 11:00 Lazytown 11:25 Bananas In Pyjamas 11:50 Gerald McBoing Boing 12:15 Baby Looney Tunes 12:40 Jelly Jamm 13:00 The Looney Tunes Show 13:50 Taz-Mania 14:40 Tom & Jerry Tales 15:30 The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 16:20 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 17:10 Dexter’s Laboratory 18:00 Moomins 18:50 The Looney Tunes Show 19:40 Taz-Mania 20:30 The 13 Ghosts Of Scooby-Doo 22:10 Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries 23:00 Moomins 23:50 Duck Dodgers 00:15 Duck Dodgers 00:45 Wacky Races 01:30 What’s New Scooby-Doo? 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Tora! Tora! 21:30 Arc 23:30 The Company Men 01:15 Love Crime 03:15 Arc OSN MOVIES KIDS 06:00 The Wild Thornberrys Movie 08:00 The Three Bears: Dreadful Dangers 10:00 Princess Lillifee 11:30 Tommy & Oscar 13:00 Dragon Hunters 14:30 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 16:15 Shark Tale 18:00 Princess Lillifee 20:00 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 22:00 Dragon Hunters 23:30 Shark Tale 01:00 The Three Bears: Dreadful Dangers 02:45 Dragon Hunters 04:30 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 OSN SPORT 1 HD 05:00 Super Rugby 07:00 Live NRL Premiership 09:00 Super Rugby 11:00 Futbol Mundial 11:30 Live NRL Premiership 13:30 NRL Premiership 15:30 NRL Premiership 17:30 ICC Cricket 360 18:00 Live Super Rugby 20:00 Live PGA Tour 01:00 Trans World Sport 02:00 Super League 03:30 AFL Premiership OSN SPORT 4 05:00 NHL 07:00 WWE Bottom Line 08:00 Live AFL Premiership 11:00 WWE Experience 12:00 12:30 13:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 22:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 WWE This Week Mobil 1 The Grid NHL Adventure Challenge WWE SmackDown WWE Bottom Line UFC NHL Triahlon UK UFC The Ultimate Fighter UFC SONY ENTERTAINMENT 05:00 Andaaz 2013 05:30 Roadside Romeo 07:30 Man Mein Hai Vishwas 08:30 Seva Sagar 09:00 Teleshopping 10:00 Chhajje Chhajje Ka Pyaar 10:30 Cid Chhote Heroes 11:30 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 12:55 Talaash 15:55 Vaada Raha 16:00 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 19:30 CID 20:30 Adalat 21:30 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 23:00 CID 00:00 Crime Patrol 4 01:00 Adalat 02:00 Comedy Circus Ke Ajoobe 03:15 CID 04:15 Crime Patrol 4 STAR MOVIES 05:30 My Father The Hero 07:15 Captain Ron 09:00 Taking Woodstock 10:45 Beaches 12:30 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 14:00 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 15:45 The Marrying Man 17:30 My Father The Hero 19:00 The Doctor 20:45 The Ballad of Jack & Rose 22:30 Mad Love 00:15 Taking Woodstock 02:00 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 03:45 Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time TCM 05:10 07:00 08:45 11:00 12:55 14:45 17:00 18:30 20:15 22:00 23:30 The Pirate A Patch Of Blue The Prize Les Girls Please Don’t Eat The Daisies The Women The Fastest Gun Alive Until They Sail Rogue Cop Westworld Shaft 01:15 03:05 04:50 Please Don’t Eat The Daisies The Wings Of Eagles The Women THE HISTORY CHANNEL 05:00 American Restoration 07:00 Pawn Stars 09:00 Storage Wars 09:30 Storage Wars Texas 10:00 American Restoration 12:00 Pawn Stars 13:00 American Pickers 14:00 Ancient Aliens 15:00 WWII: Secret Army 16:00 Storage Wars 16:30 Storage Wars Texas 17:00 Pawn Stars 18:00 American Pickers 19:00 Cajun Pawn Stars 20:00 The Men Who Built America 21:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 Mountain Men 23:00 Rise & Fall Of The Third Reich 01:00 Cajun Pawn Stars 01:30 Cajun Pawn Stars 02:00 Mountain Men 03:00 The Men Who Built America 04:00 Soviet Storm: WWII In The East THE STYLE NETWORK 05:10 Videofashion News 05:35 Videofashion Collections 06:05 Open House 07:00 Videofashion News 08:00 Videofashion Daily 09:00 Making A Model: 28th Elite Model Look 10:00 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 10:55 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 11:55 How Do I Look? 12:50 How Do I Look? 13:50 Videofashion Specials 14:15 Videofashion Specials 14:45 Glam Fairy 15:40 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 22:10 Kimora: House Of Fab 23:05 Built 00:00 Big Rich Texas 01:00 Fashion Police 01:55 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne 02:50 Empire Girls: Julissa And Adrienne 03:45 Videofashion Daily 04:40 Videofashion Specials ZEE AFLAM 06:30 Divya Shakti 09:30 Big Brother 12:30 Billu 16:00 Bachna Ae Haseeno 19:00 Mumbai Salsa 22:00 Mohabbatein 01:00 Shiva - The Super Hero 03:45 Big Brother Sunday, April 7, 2013 Beetle Bailey Blondie Popeye For Subscriptions Contact us at: Phone: 44666810 Fax: 44654975 Post Box No: 23493 Email: admin@qatar-tribune.com Spiderman Learn Arabic Amaaa Intestines Sadr Chest Thadee Zits Bosom Rahm Womb Batn Belly Dam Blood Hoy en la Historia April 7, 1862 During the American Civil War, the Union army defeated a 43,000-strong Confederate force at the Battle of Shiloh paving the way for the fall of Mississippi 1853: Queen Victoria was given chloroform for the birth of Prince Leopold 1943: The hallucinogenic compound LSD was synthesized by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman 1953: Dag Hammarskjold of Sweden was elected Secretary General of the United Nations 1963: The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was set up with Marshall Tito as its president for life Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS Sunday, April 7, 2013 SUDOKU Yesterday’s Answer Star Talk By King Features Syndicate, Inc. ARIES [mar 21 – apr 19] TAURUS [apr 20 – may 20] GEMINI [may 21 – jun 20] CANCER [jun 21 - jul 22] LEO [jul 23 – aug 22] VIRGO [aug 23 – 22] You feel happy and content with the world today because so much seems to be going your way. And indeed, it is. Alphabetise your blessings. Don’t promise more than you can deliver in monetary terms to someone in a group situation today. No matter how good something looks, don’t pledge more than you’re willing to give. You may be viewed as overly extravagant today. Be careful, because the people who view you are those in authority -- bosses, parents, teachers and the police. Travel plans look exciting! But are they doable? It’s also wonder-ful to feel enthusiastic about publishing, higher education, the media, medicine and the law. Keep your feet on the ground. If dividing or sharing something today, don’t give away the farm. Alternatively, don’t demand more than your fair share. It’s easy to skew things out of proportion today. You feel warm and friendly toward loved ones today, which is why close relationships and partnerships will flow smoothly. Each seems to be looking out for the best for the other. LIBRA [sept 23 – oct 22] SCORPIO [oct 23 – nov 21] SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 – dec 21] CAPRICORN [dec 22 – jan 19] AQUARIUS [jan 20 – feb 18] Pisces [feb 19 – mar 20] Things will go smoothly at work today, but just make sure you don’t take on more than you can handle. Only agree to realistic deadlines, then you look good. You might overdo things partying or attending social functions today. Keep this in mind, because there is always the piper to pay -- one way or the other. Enjoy entertaining at home. For some reason, more people might show up when you don’t expect them. Hot tip: Stock the fridge. Your ability to think positively will make your day today. In fact, enthusiasm is contagious, which is why others are attracted to you now. Your moneymaking ideas look great. But be suspicious of something that looks better than it is. Nevertheless, grab the baton and run with it. Today you feel positive, confident and extravagant. It’s not a working day, it’s a play day! (Take a long lunch or leave work early.) MOVIES IN QATAR Sunday, April 7, 2013 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (Comedy) When a street magician’s stunts begins to make their show look stale, superstar magicians Burt Wonderstone and Anton Marvelton look to salvage on their act - and their friendship - by staging their own daring stunt. Jurassic Park - 3D (Adventure) A wealthy man has created an island amusement park filled with dinosaurs cloned from fossilised DNA. When he invites experts to endorse it, nature takes over. Not a remake or reboot. This is the release of 1993’s Jurassic Park as a remas-tered and IMAX 3D film. With his remastering of the epic into a state-of-the-art 3D format, Steven Spielberg introduces the three-time Academy Award-winning blockbuster to a new generation of moviegoers and allows longtime fans to experience the world he envisioned in a way was unimaginable during the film’s original release. CITY CENTRE CINEMA G.I.JOE: RETALIATION (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 M, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM. 1 AM [VIP GOLD] 12.30 PM, 3 PM, 5.30 PM, 8 PM, 10.30 PM DEAD MAN DOWN (CRIME): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.115 PM, 11.45 PM EVIL DEAD (HORROR): 11.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11.45 PM, 1.15 AM JURASSIC PARK (3D) (ADVENTURE): 10.30 AM, 1 PM, 3.30 PM, 6 PM, 8.30 PM, 11 PM THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (COMEDY): 10.30 AM, 12.45 PM, 3 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.45 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM ZAMBEZIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.30 AM, 1.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM LOVE WEDDING, MARRIAGE (COMEDY): 12.45 PM, 5 PM, 9.15 PM OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (ACTION): 11.15 AM, 1.45 PM, 4.15 PM, 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM THE CROODS (3D) (ANIMATION): 11.15 AM, 1.15 PM, 3.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.15 PM THE LAST EXORCISM-2 (HORROR): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN OZ THE GREAT & POWERFUL (ADVENTURE): 11.45 AM, 4.30 PM, 9.15 PM IDENTITY THIEF (COMEDY): 10.30 AM, 2.45 PM, 7 PM, 11.15 PM JACK THE GIANT SLAYER (FANTASY): 2.15 PM, 7 PM, 11.45 PM SETTAI (TAMIL): 12 PM, 5.45 PM,11.30 PM HIMMATWALA (HINDI): 3 PM, 8.45 PM CHASME BADOOR (HINDI): 12.15 PM, 3 PM, 5.45 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.15 PM VILLAGGIO CINEMA LANDMARK CINEMA MALL CINEMA G.I.JOE: RETALIATION (ACTION): 10.30 AM, 11.45 AM, 12.45 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4.15 PM, 5.15 PM, 6.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 8.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11 PM, 12 MN, 1 AM DEAD MAN DOWN (CRIME): 2 PM, 4.30 PM, 7 PM, 9 PM, 12 MN EVIL DEAD (HORROR): 12 PM, 2 PM, 4 PM, 6 PM, 8 PM, 10 PM, 12 MN, 1,15 AM JURASSIC PARK (3D) (ADVENTURE): 6.15 PM, 8.45 PM, 11.15 PM THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (COMEDY): 12.30 PM, 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.45 PM, 1.15 AM, ZAMBEZIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 10.45 AM, 12.45 PM, 2.45 PM, 4.45 PM THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES (DRAMA): 11.30 PM, 2.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.30 PM, 11.30 PM LOVE WEDDING, MARRIAGE (COMEDY): 11.30 AM, 3.30 PM, 7.30 PM, 11.30 PM THE CROODS (ANIMATION): 1.30 PM, 5.30 PM, 9.30 PM (3D) 12.15 PM, 2.15 PM, 4.15 PM OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (ACTION): 11 AM, 1.30 PM, 4 PM, 6.30 PM, 9 PM, 11.30 PM PARKER (ACTION): 6.45 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.45 PM THE LAST EXORCISM-2 (HORROR): 11.45 AM, 1.45 PM, 3.45 PM, 5.45 PM, 7.45 PM, 9.45 PM, 11.45 PM OZ THE GREAT & POWERFUL (ADVENTURE): 12 PM, 2.45 PM, 5.30 PM, 8.15 PM, 11 PM IDENTITY THIEF (COMEDY): 12.15 PM, 2.30 PM, 4.45 PM, 7 PM, 9.15 PM, 11.30 PM ZAMBEZIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 2.30 PM, 4.30 PM DEAD MAN DOWN (ACTION): 6.30 PM EVIL DEAD (HORROR): 9 PM THE PLACE BEYOND THE PINES (DRAMA): 11 PM SNOW QUEEN (3D) (ANIMATION): 3 PM CROODS (3D) (ANIMATION): 5 PM, 7 PM THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (COMEDY): 9 PM JURASSIC PARK 4 (3D) (ADEVENTURE): 11 PM THE BAY II (THRILLER): 2.30 PM OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN (ACTION): 4.15 PM G.I. JOE RETALIATION (3D) (ACTION): 6.30 PM CHASHME BADDOOR (HINDI): 8.30 PM SETTAI (TAMIL): 11 PM LOVE WEDDING MARRIAGE (COMEDY): 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM SNOW QUEEN (3D) (ANIMATION): 3 PM ZAMBEZIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 5 PM CROODS (3D) (ANIMATION): 7 PM G.I. JOE RETALIATION (3D) (ACTION): 9 PM JURASSIC PARK 4 (3D) (ACTION): 11 PM THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (COMEDY): 2.30 PM DEAD MAN DOWN (ACTION): 4.30 PM EVIL DEAD (HORROR): 6.45 PM SETTAI (TAMIL): 8.30 PM CHASHME BADDOOR (HINDI): 11.15 PM ROYAL PLAZA ZAMBEZIA (3D) (ANIMATION): 3 PM G.I. JOE RETALIATION (3D) (ACTION): 5 PM CROODS (3D) (ANIMATION): 7 PM THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (COMEDY): 9 PM EVIL DEAD (HORROR): 11 PM LOVE WEDDING MARRIAGE (COMEDY): 2.45 PM, 5 PM, 7.15 PM, 9.30 PM, 11.30 PM MELANCHOLIA (DRAMA): 2.30 PM, 9 PM RISE OF THE GUARDIANS (ANIMATION): 4.30 PM TAKE THIS WALTZ (COMEDY): 6.30 PM JACK REACHER (ACTION): 11 PM Movie review NOTICE: Timings are subject to change without prior notice. Dead Man Down NIELS Arden Oplev, the acclaimed director of the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, makes his American theatrical debut with the new action thriller, Dead Man Down. Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace star as two strangers who are irresistibly drawn to one another by their mutual desire for revenge. The film co-stars Academy Award nominee Terrence Howard and Dominic Cooper, from a screenplay by J H Wyman. While the fine cast keeps Dead Man Down watchable throughout, the film is weighted down by absurd plot twists and a slack pace. For events, opinions and suggestions contact: chillout.qt@gmail.com Phone: 44422077
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