Proposal for Old Taos County Courthouse


Proposal for Old Taos County Courthouse
Proposal for Old Taos County Courthouse
Conditions Assessment and Preservation Plan
Town of Taos, NM
March 25th, 2013
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
Proposal for Old Taos
County Courthouse
Conditions Assessment
and Preservation Plan
Town of Taos
Henry Architects, Prime Contractor
Post Office Box 488
Taos, NM 87571
Hands Engineering, Structural Consultant
1216 Parkway Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Archinia, Historic Architecture Consultant
410 Solano SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
Submittal Letter
March 25th, 2013
Town of Taos Purchasing Division
Attention: Tina Torres – Procurement Officer
400 Camino de la Placita Room 202
Taos, NM 87571
Project Control #: RFP SB16-PO12-13
PRESERVATION PLAN” (Project # 35-12-41938.22)
Submitted by:
Firm Contact:
Henry Architects
P. O. Box 488
Hands Engineering
1216 Parkway Dr.
410 Solano SE
Taos, NM 87571
Santa Fe, NM 87507
Albuquerque, NM 87108
(575) 776-2761
(505) 473-4865
(505) 906-1146
David M. Henry, AIA
Principal in Charge
Statement of Interest:
It is with great pleasure that Henry Architects of Taos submits our proposal for this important
assignment. We have chosen to collaborate closely with the Santa Fe firm of Hands
Engineering and the historical architecture consultants Archinia of Taos/Albuquerque in
order to provide what we believe is an outstanding collaboration that is entirely
composed of in state talent. Our team combines the efforts of a very talented and
knowledgeable local architecture firm with a regionally known structural engineer and a
historic architecture expert as authorized by the state of NM Historic Preservation Office.
The strategic alliance of our three firms brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge and
expertise to the project. Henry Architects is a Taos-based, woman-owned full-service
architecture firm with over 75 years of combined and diverse experience in the fields of
architecture, planning, and sustainable design. Jim Hands, PE our structural engineer has
performed conditions assessments on hundreds of historic properties throughout northern
New Mexico and beyond since starting practice in 1976. Mr. Hands has advised well
known public clients such as the State of NM, the cities of Santa Fe, Las Vegas,
Farmington, Chama, and Albuquerque, and numerous Native American Indian Tribes
throughout the southwest. Hands Engineering is considered an expert in the field of
forensic structural analysis and is often called upon to provide expert testimony in court
cases and litigation. Our historic architecture consultant, Rachel Preston-Prinz and her firm
Archinia is widely acknowledged as an expert on the historic architecture of northern New
Mexico. Rachel’s projects focus on discovering the “genius loci” or the “Spirit of Place”
inherent in all historically relevant properties. Some of Archinia’s past projects include a
Conditions Assessment and Restoration Plan for the historic acequias of the Town of Taos
and a Renovation Study for the historic Taos Plaza Theatre. Archinia is currently consulting
with the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque to relocate & preserve their historic
Alexander Girard mural.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
The Old Taos County Courthouse has often been referred to as the “Lady in Waiting”, and
is widely acknowledged as forming the core of Taos Plaza. Since being vacated for use as
a courthouse/jail by Taos County the structure has seen various uses including a location
shoot for Taos’s honorary mayor Dennis Hopper’s film Easy Rider, various retail
establishments on the first floor and small offices on the second floor. The building urgently
needs to be renovated and re-adapted for use fitting its prime location in the heart of
Taos. Our team acknowledges the importance of this historic structure and is prepared for
the challenge of saving this important building for use by future generations of Taoseños
and tourists alike.
In preparing our proposal Henry Architects/Hands Engineering/Archinia have given careful
consideration to the Town’s need to create a realistic plan for the re-development of the
Old Taos County Courthouse in a manner that aligns with the goals of all of the project’s
stakeholders. The needs and desires of the Town of Taos, Taos County, members of the
Arts & Cultural District steering committee, Taos Plaza merchants, the Historic Preservation
Commission and the public at large will be included in our efforts.
As detailed in our respective firm profiles and staff resumes, the local team of Henry
Architects, Hands Engineering, and Archinia has a strong commitment to and extensive
expertise in historic preservation, adaptive re-use, and structural analysis of historic New
Mexican buildings.
Please don’t hesitate to contact any of our team members directly with any questions or
concerns that you may have regarding our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity
to work with the Town of Taos and the community at large on this important project.
Statement of Proposal Life:
Henry Architects, LLC hereby states that this proposal is valid for 120 (one hundred twenty)
days from March 25th, 2013.
Statement of Acceptance:
As part of this submission Henry Architects, LLC in collaboration with Hands Engineering,
and Archinia accept all of the terms and conditions of the RFP.
Contact Person:
Any and all inquiries regarding this proposal may be made to David M. Henry, Principal in
Charge of Henry Architects, see firm contact above. Mr. Henry will also be authorized to
negotiate and contractually obligate Henry Architects. The offices of Henry Architects are
located in the village of Arroyo Seco, NM at 454 State Road 150, Suite #2. Directly across
the street from the world headquarters of Taos Cow Ice Cream and within view of the
historic La Santisima Trinidad Church & Campo Santo (state of NM registered cultural
property #SR1937, constructed in 1834). Hours of operation for our office are from 9:00am
– 5:00pm Monday-Friday. Stop by and see us.
David M. Henry, AIA, Principal
Henry Architects, LLC
575-770-2139 cell
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter
Responses to Evaluation Criteria
1. Specialized Design & Technical
• Henry Architects...……………………......….1
• Hands Engineering…………………........…..2
• Archinia…………………….………………...3
2. Capacity & Capability…………………..….5
• Henry Architects Key Personnel..…………...5
• Hands Engineering Key Personnel………......7
• Archinia Key Personnel...............................8
3. Past Record of Performance……...……….9
• Henry Architects Relevant Projects………...5
• Hands Engineering Relevant Projects….....13
• Archinia Relevant Projects……...…………15
4. Proximity / Familiarity with the Area in
which the Project is located……...……….16
5. Volume of Work previously done for the
Town of Taos…………………..…………..…18
6. Evidence of Understanding of Scope of
7. Professional References…………….……..24
Required Forms
• Response Form
• Campaign Disclosure
Supplemental Information
• Taos County Business Registration
• NM Resident Business Certificate
• Insurance Certificate
• NM Architects License
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
Specialized Design & Technical
Henry Architects is a Taos-based, woman-owned full-service
architectural firm with over 75 years of combined and diverse
experience in the field of architecture, planning, historic preservation
and sustainable design. Our practice focuses on municipal facilities,
educational buildings/campuses, residential projects, and regional,
sustainable design. We have a practical, working knowledge of
energy-conscious design including passive solar tempering, natural
daylighting, energy-efficient regional building construction techniques,
and sensible design of HVAC systems. We are passionate about the
design, function and long-term viability of buildings, their positive effect
on people and the environment, and the creation of a ‘sense of place’.
We live and work in Taos, and are uniquely situated to address the
specific needs of the Town of Taos, Taos County, and the greater Taos
community. We utilize the most up to date digital software to
document all of our projects, including Autodesk Autocad, & Revit.
• We are local planners, architects and designers with in-house support
staff who will listen to your needs, communicate regularly with citizens
and community organizations, provide outreach to appropriate
stakeholders, and effectively contribute to create the Taos County
Courthouse Renovation that is so urgently needed in our community.
• Close proximity to the Town of Taos and established working
relationships with the Town and Taos community provide us familiarity
with the local traditions, vernacular, landscape, and climate.
• With over 75 years of combined professional practice in the planning
of community buildings through the successful documentation of
numerous historic structures, experience with pueblo style construction
techniques, facility master planning, and architectural design, we are
a team who will deliver the best recommendations for the renovations
of the historic Taos County Courthouse to the Town of Taos, Taos
County, and all stakeholders.
• We are involved members of the community, living and working in
Taos since 1995. Our passion for this community is reflected in our
commitment to volunteerism with local boards including the Taos
Charter School, Anansi Day School, the Taos Community Foundation
and our neighborhood associations. Our children attend the Taos
Public Schools ranging from Pre-K through Middle School.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 1
Henry Architects Professional Services:
Feasibility Studies • Conceptual design and site planning • Facilities
planning • Infrastructure planning • Project scheduling and
coordination of estimating • Client liaison and representation • Permit
preparation and processing • Public agency meetings and
negotiations • Rezones and comprehensive plan amendments •
Community meetings and workshops • Sub-consultant selection and
coordination • Survey and engineering coordination • In-house design
coordination • Public agency coordination • Bid review and contractor
recommendations • As-Built Documentation • Schematic Design •
Design Development • Construction Documents • Contract
Administration • CAD Drafting • Artistic Renderings & Project Modeling
• Sustainable Design • On and Off-the-Grid Systems • Energy Consulting
HANDS ENGINEERING is a consulting firm located in Santa Fe, New
Mexico providing structural engineering services throughout the
southwest and beyond. It provides design and consulting services on a
wide variety of project types including residential, commercial,
educational, hospital facilities and bridges. These services are provided
to a variety of clients which include architects and other design
professionals, government agencies, contractors, private individuals.
James A. Hands, President, offers over thirty nine (39) years of
experience as a structural engineer. Mr. Hands also has extensive
experience with scheduling, budgeting, and managing projects. The
staff of Hands Engineering is highly experienced and competent with a
team oriented approach and is dedicated to providing outstanding
service to its clients and to project owners.
Hands Engineering is equipped with the latest in computer equipment
and software. The software which is utilized includes AutoCAD Release
2006, Microsoft Office Word 2007, WordPerfect Office 12, RAM Structural
EnerCalc and also a number of in-house programs written in MATHCAD
and Microsoft Excel. All engineering drawings are designed and
drafted using these software packages.
It is the company’s policy that all work be backed up daily. The firm
performs rotational computer backups daily, weekly, monthly and
yearly to ensure that critical project data loss is minimized in the event
of computer failure, power outage, fire or theft. Monthly tape backups
are stored off-site.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 2
The firm carries Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions)
including General Liability Insurance. All professional and technical staff
has participated in loss prevention training and seminars.
The firm’s engineers are licensed in the states of New Mexico, Colorado,
Arizona, Texas and Missouri. The firm also qualifies as a minority owned
Hands Engineering Professional Services:
Comprehensive Structural Engineering Consulting • Structural Analysis •
Foundation Design • Material Research • Seismic Design • Wind Uplift
Calculations • Lateral Load Analysis • Project Scheduling • Construction
Cost Estimating • Feasibility Studies • Construction Specifications
•Construction Budgeting • Post Occupancy Evaluation • Forensic
Structural Reports & Consulting • Steel-Wood-Concrete-Masonry Design
• Heavy Timber Detailing • Glue Laminated Wood Design • Existing
Structure Stabilization Techniques • Construction Arbitration • Expert
Testimony & Investigation • Historical Structure Documentation •
Foundation Modifications • Structural Assessments • Special Inspections
Archinia is an architectural cooperative that brings in some of the finest
forward thinkers in the fields of archaeology, landscape, and
architectural design from around the world. The vision for Archinia was
established by founder and architectural designer/historian Rachel
Preston Prinz. Rachel is the face of Archinia and manages projects and
consultants with the help of an accomplished staff. Rachel graduated
from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a professional Masters in
Architecture, with emphases in Architectural Design & Architecture
History, and a Certificate in Historic Preservation. Her pre-professional
degree was a Bachelor of Environmental Design, completed in 1995,
with minors in business and psychology.
Rachel’s passion in
architecture resides in discovering the “genius loci” – the “Spirit of
We team with architects, landscape architects, archaeologists,
historians, and technical experts in the fields required for the total
success of each project. We build relationships with our clients based
on integrity and openness and we encourage both clients and
consultants to ask for what they need. We work diligently to meet
deadlines and budget, within the constraints allowed by client
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 3
Archinia (pronounced ahr-ki-NEE-uh) is more than just design - our
projects are infused with principles of Nature, Community, and
Heritage. Our work blends a respect for Place, Tradition, Land, Natural
Beauty and of course, the Structure itself. We create, and preserve,
timeless design by infusing Spirit and incorporating Sustainability. The
spaces we create feel like home, are mindful of the environment, have
beautiful views and natural lighting, are scaled appropriately, are
affordable, and embrace Universal Design, so that EVERYBODY can use
them. We believe in learning from our past in order to inform our future.
We believe that projects should be in tune with their unique place in the
world. We don't depend on technology to answer the challenges of
modern design, rather we manifest timeless designs that work no matter
the circumstances. As consultants, we are leading pioneering research
in historic context preservation; bio-regional design, and the
conceptual design of eco-communities.
Archinia Professional Services:
Historic Context Preservation • Place Making • Historic Architecture
Research • Bio-Regional Design• Eco Communities • Conceptual
Design • Historic Preservation Consulting • Historic Architecture
Assessment Reports • Public Outreach • Historic Landscape Research •
Project Management • Environmental Design• Community & Regional
Planning • Landscape Design • Photographic Documentation • Grant
Writing & Applications • Art Preservation • Public Art Placement &
Design • Site Planning • Historic Review for Public & Private Agencies •
Art Education & Outreach • Public Lectures • Educational Design •
Architectural & Archaeological Research • Master Planning
“La Unica Casa” (former home of Taos artist Irving Couse) ca 1909, National Register Historic
Cultural Inventory Update completed by Archinia in 2012.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 4
Capacity & Capability
Alix W. Henry, AIA Owner / Principal Architect
Master of Architecture, University of Washington Seattle, WA 2004
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, Washington University St. Louis, MO 1994
Certificate for Exceptional Achievement for Master’s Thesis
Valle Fellowship for Scandinavian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tao Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture and the Allied Arts
License/Professional Affiliations
Registered Architect (NM #4492)
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
National Council Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
Alix is the owner of Henry Architects, an architectural firm in Taos NM. She is a
licensed architect in the state of New Mexico with 18 years of architectural
design and construction experience with a focus on sustainable design. With
more than ten years of practice in Taos, she is familiar with the unique
requirements of the region from appropriate material use and detailing to
managing relationships with local consultants, engineers and contractors. She
is responsible for all aspects of architectural design.
David M. Henry, AIA Senior Project Architect
Master of Architecture, Washington University St. Louis, MO 1994
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture, University of New Mexico 1992
Licenses/Professional Affiliations
Registered Architect - New Mexico (#004416), Colorado (#401301),
Washington State (#9130)
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB)
David brings a broad range of professional skills to each of his projects
stemming from his wide interest in the process of design and construction. Mr.
Henry typically takes projects from conception through to completion with an
intense focus on achieving the project vision and meeting the needs of the
buildings users. Mr. Henry is a 4th generation New Mexican. An active
member of the NM Solar Energy Association, and numerous community groups
in Taos County. David has over 22 years of experience in the field of
architecture, and focuses on overall project management from Preliminary
Design through Construction Administration and Project Closeout.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 5
Capacity & Capability
Key Personnel – HENRY ARCHITECTS (continued):
Johannes Kolshorn, Assoc. AIA, Senior Project Manager
Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cincinnati 1993
Mr. Kolshorn draws on more than 21 years of experience designing and
managing projects with architecture firms across the United States, the last 9
years working exclusively in northern New Mexico. His diverse project portfolio
ranges from all scales of residential development, to commercial, hospitality
and educational facilities. With a working understanding of local planning and
zoning procedures as well as state and local permitting requirements, he has
successfully collaborated to win approval for a variety of major developments
and special use permits. As a commercial construction administrator and
custom home builder, Johannes brings technical experience and know-how
that benefit all levels of the planning and construction process. He values
establishing working rapport with all team members and officials to ensure that
projects flow smoothly and efficiently, bringing them in on-time and on-budget.
A 1993 graduate of the University of Cincinnati, Johannes has a 6-year
Bachelor of Architecture professional degree. He has completed his NCARB
certification and is currently completing testing for the Architectural Licensing
Exam. Additionally, he serves as chairperson of the Land-Use Standards
Advisory Board for Taos County, Stagecoach Hills Neighborhood Association
where he resides with his family.
Catrina Couch Kolshorn, Designer / Project Manager
Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cincinnati 1994
Association of Licensed Architects (ALA) Design Award, Silver , Chicago
Shakespeare Theater; “Best of Show” – 6th year Thesis Project, Senior Thesis
Faculty; Dean’s List, Cum Laude Honors Graduate
Catrina is a project designer and coordinator with 20 years of masterplanning,
site/facility design, architectural, interior design and project management
experience including adaptive re-use, historic renovation, educational
projects, mixed-use developments, conference centers, hotel/hospitality,
performing arts theaters, commercial, and retail projects. She is responsible for
the organization, coordination and production of project related documents
throughout all phases of design and construction.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 6
Capacity & Capability
James A. Hands, PE, Principal in Charge
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University 1971
Mr. Hands offers over thirty nine (39) years of experience in design and
project drafting and coordination with architectural and engineering
disciplines of governmental, educational, commercial, industrial, and
residential structures utilizing steel, reinforced concrete, pre-cast concrete,
masonry, timber, and glue-laminated wood. Mr. Hands also has extensive
experience with scheduling, budgeting, and managing projects.
Mr. Hands has worked on numerous projects which include residences
single-story project to multi-story facilities such as libraries, laboratories,
hospitals, correctional facilities and hotels. Mr. Hands has also testified as
an expert in his field on several investigations in arbitration or actual court
Licenses/Professional Affiliations
Professional Engineer – Structural/Civil
New Mexico (#6151) - 1976
Texas (#60588) - 1986
Colorado (#23810) – 1985
Arizona (#19777) – 1988
Missouri (#E-23102) – 1988
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA)
Structural Engineers Association of New Mexico (SEANM)
Robert H. Wichmann, PE, Project Engineer
Bachelor of Science Arch. Engineering, University of Wyoming, 1992
Mr. Wichmann offers nineteen (19) years working experience and has
expertise in engineering design and project drafting and coordination with
architectural and engineering disciplines of governmental, educational,
commercial, industrial, and residential structures utilizing steel, reinforced
concrete, pre-cast concrete, masonry, timber, and glue-laminated wood.
Mr. Wichmann also has extensive experience
Licenses/Professional Affiliations
Professional Engineer – Structural
New Mexico (#13701) – 1997
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 7
Capacity & Capability
Key Personnel – ARCHINIA:
Rachel Preston Prinz, Associate AIA, Owner
Master of Architecture, Texas A & M University, 1998
Certificate in Historic Preservation, Texas A & M University, 1998
Bachelor of Environmental Design, Texas A & M University, 1995
History Concentration – graduate courses in Gothic, Renaissance,
Mannerist, Baroque, Spanish Missions, vernacular forms of the
Southwest U. S. (French, English, and Spanish influences)
License/Professional Affiliations
Associate of American Institute of Architects (Assoc. AIA)
NM State Historic Preservation Office –authorized Historic Consultant
Rachel Prinz is an architectural designer, historian, and advocate based
in Taos and Albuquerque. Her firm, Archinia, is an architectural cooperative with a particular interest in defining aspects of Place and
achieving a deeper understanding of history. Rachel finds the best of
what is old and remakes it, and/or perceptions of it, by building
architectural languages that transcend architectural styles. She writes,
lectures, and gives tours, sharing ideas, research, and observations
about New Mexico’s rich architectural legacy. Rachel is an appointed
member of the Taos Historic Preservation Commission and has surveyed
over 500 buildings in Taos proper, as well as all of the villages of Taos
County, and has surveyed and / or developed preservation plans for 13
Taos acequias. Rachel has done two TEDx talks about architecture in
New Mexico and our acequias, and a Pecha Kucha talk about the
Pattern language of Taos Architecture.
Identification, evaluation and treatment of historic buildings and
structures. Manages documentation and preservation planning of
linear features – including historic trails, acequias (irrigation ditches),
and walls – as well as site and structures - including buildings, cultural
and historic landscapes, and districts. Building analysis on over 500
structures and sites completed in my career so far.
Design of historically-inspired modern structures in historic districts.
Pioneering interdisciplinary research in revisiting historic precedents
to get past style & into the design's substance; preserving context in
historic structures, trails, roads, & monuments.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 8
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Project Experience – HENRY ARCHITECTS:
• Town of Taos Historic Cultural Properties Inventory, Taos, NM
In 2007, Ms. Kolshorn worked with the Town of Taos Planning
Department utilizing existing maps, prior surveys and aerial
photographs to identify, photograph, and evaluate various structures
and eligible properties, including the utilization of local community
research and on-site field surveying. Subsequently, she documented
the collected information in Historic Cultural Properties Inventory
(HCPI) forms, coordinated with the New Mexico Historic Preservation
Commission, Office of Cultural Affairs to provide determinations of
historical significance, and assisted in preparing a final report with
recommendations to the client.
• Albuquerque Station Masterplan, Albuquerque, NM
Ms. Kolshorn assisted in providing master planning services for an
historic 27-acre site for a mixed-use revitalization project utilizing the
former Santa Fe Railway Repair Shops along the Santa Fe Railway. The
Albuquerque Station project relates to other historic, award-winning
exposition locations such as Navy Pier in Chicago, and San Antonio’s
'River Walk'. Uses include pedestrian and vehicular transportation, an
historic museum, convention center, housing, hospitality, public
plazas, community parks, parking access and resident amenities.
• Central Station Taos, Taos, NM
In 2006-2007, Ms. Henry played a key-role on the design team for
Central Station Taos, a sustainable, live, work, and walk community
just steps from the Taos Plaza. Central Station Taos blends flexible uses
and energy efficiency with a premier location in the heart of
downtown Taos. The development includes housing and 11 units of
adaptable commercial spaces.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 9
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Project Experience – HENRY ARCHITECTS
• Town of Taos High Performance Building Ordinance, Taos, NM
Ms. Henry was a founding member of Sage West Consultants
commissioned to coordinate and collaborate with a 60-person steering
committee to create a High Performance Building Ordinance for the
Town of Taos.
• Healing Arts Center, Taos, NM
Adaptive re-use of an existing Mormon Church structure constructed in
the 1940’s into a renovated office complex for professionals involved in
the healing arts (massage therapy, physical therapy, & counseling).
Successfully guided the project through historic appropriateness review
with the Town of Taos Historic Review Committee. Project included
comprehensive upgrades to all mechanical & electrical systems, façade
renovation in compliance with historic district mandates, and a complete
interior renovation with modern amenities. Mr. Henry was the architect of
record for the project, performed with LDG Architects.
• El Cortez Theatre / Old Ranchos de Taos Post Office, Ranchos de Taos
Adaptive re-use and renovation of an historic adobe theatre structure &
former post office located on the Ranchos de Taos plaza. This project will
be a spectacular homage to Dennis Hopper’s life in art and film and the
embodiment of his artistic spirit. The vision for the revitalization project is
to retain the beautiful traditional essence of these notable structures
while modernizing the buildings for functional, aesthetic, and
programmatic needs.
Proposed Floor Plan
Schematic Rendering of Proposed Facade
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 10
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Project Experience – HENRY ARCHITECTS
Restored Torreon
• El Torreon Hacienda, El Prado, NM
Mr. Henry was the Project Manager for the adaptive re-use and
renovation of this historic adobe hacienda complex. The existing
structure was documented, measured, photographed and assessed
prior to commencing the ambitious renovation. A covered portal was
added to the central courtyard.
Code compliant restrooms,
plumbing, and heating systems were also added.
The historic
“Torreon” was stabilized, re-mudded, and re-roofed. The building is
currently used as offices for the El Prado Water & Sanitation District, as
well as housing the operations of the gourmet restaurant El Maize. This
privately funded project was completed under extreme time
constraints and successfully met the Owner’s expectations for the
construction schedule and the construction budget.
Floor Plan – showing new Restrooms & New Portals
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 11
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Project Experience – HENRY ARCHITECTS
• Old Canon Elementary School - Renovation, Canon, NM
Comprehensive renovation of a 1930’s WPA era adobe schoolhouse.
Project included new restrooms and a new commercial kitchen. All
achieved while preserving the much loved exterior mural painted by
former students and staff. Project was competed in phases due to an
accelerated and condensed schedule. Phase I budget = $146,000.
Phase II budget = $151,550. Project was delivered on time and on
Floor Plan of Renovated Structure
• Old Taos County Courthouse – HVAC Upgrades, Taos, NM
Replacement of the existing hydronic heating system, including the
boiler and all radiators. Mr. Henry was the architect of record at LDG
and negotiated all pricing, contracts, and value engineering on
behalf of the owner (Taos County). Upgrade of the buildings electrical
service. Minor east façade modification in compliance and closely
coordinated with NMSHPO staff.
Project was funded and
implemented using Federally available American Recovery and
Reinvestment funds. An important component of the project was to
keep the building open for the existing tenants and perform the
urgently needed replacement of the boiler and all radiators prior to
the winter heating season.
Project was completed on time and on
budget. All historic elements were salvaged for future use.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 12
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Projects – HANDS ENGINEERING:
La Fonda Hotel Renovations and Additions, Santa Fe, NM
Addition of a ballroom and guest rooms over an existing parking
garage. Structure utilized structural steel frame with a masonry shell.
Provided also, was the design and details to support a 3,600 gallon
water tank from the existing roof structure. The water tanks were
used for the fire suppressant system in the La Fonda Hotel, 1999
Addition. All lateral seismic bracing was incorporated into the
construction requirements. Approximate construction cost was $5
Hewett House Structural Repairs and Renovations, Santa Fe, NM
This historically plaqued building was used as quarters for army
officers in the early 1900's. The building has undergone several
renovations and modifications. In 1991 RME provided consulting
services to the Museum of New Mexico, currently occupying the
building. Surveying was provided to determine the existing grading
of the building and to help set final grading. The civil department
provided grading and drainage design to divert water from the
building to be carried to the city's storm sewer. The structural
department provided modifications to the support foundations and
restoration of the courtyard, adjacent to the building.
Plaza Vieja Historic Building Restoration, Las Vegas, NM
The project consisted of evaluating eleven different buildings, each
of which was originally built utilizing different construction materials
and framing methods. Each building was prepared separately for
bids under several small contracts, each being administered
separately and with different contractors.
Navajo Preparatory School Master Plan, Farmington, NM
Provided structural evaluation of all the buildings at the site and
studies were provided as part of a master plan study for future use of
the campus facility. Approximately 15 buildings were analyzed.
Each building was photographed and walked through. The
structural integrity of the floor/roof framing, the walls and the
foundation systems were determined. Costs for renovation to
practical usages were calculated. Some of the buildings which did
not hold any historical value were rated to be demolished. Some of
the older historically significant buildings required substantial
renovation, but it was determined the historical value of the
buildings was such that they were worth preserving.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 13
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Projects – HANDS ENGINEERING (Continued):
Projects for Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad, Chama, NM
o Passenger Car Design
o Architectural/Engineering design for additional restrooms
at the Chama Depot
o Chama Water Tank Refurbishing/Replacement of Double
Spouted Wooden Water Tank
o Antonito Commission Office and Site
o Antonito Engine House and Site
o Osier Water Tank Refurbishing/Replacement of Double
Spouted Wooden Water Tank
o Chama Engine House and Site
o Chama Coal Tiple Tower Refurbishin
Las Vegas Recreational Community Center, Las Vegas, NM
Structural design of center designed to meet the recreational and
partial administration needs of its community. Facility
consists of
41,000 sq. ft. and houses a multi-purpose room, a large gymnasium
w/adjacent aerobic areas, weight lifting areas and equipment
rooms. Pool area contains both a leisure pool and an Olympic size
swimming pool. Project was completed in 2000 with a cost of $3.2
Santa Fe Opera Renovations I, II, III & Warehouse, Santa Fe, NM
Our office has investigated and renovated several areas in the
buildings for the Santa Opera. Building additions and renovation
drawings were prepared for contract bids. Work included review of
existing contract documents and on-site evaluations in order to
implement the desired renovations.
State of New Mexico Records and Archives Building, Santa Fe, NM
Structural design of a $13 million, cast-in-place three story concrete
structure with a basement, which
includes large open areas,
along with areas that have special loading requirements.
Construction was completed in 1998.
Loretto Chapel Structural Evaluation & Repairs, Santa Fe, NM
St. Francis Cathedral Structural Investigation, Santa Fe, NM
John Gaw Meen Auditorium Beams, Santa Fe, NM
Numerous Structural Assessments over the past 4 decades
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 14
Past Record of Performance
Relevant Projects – ARCHINIA:
Taos Plaza Theatre – Renovation Plan, Taos, NM
Redesign and construction drawings for a renovation of the
landmark Taos Plaza Theatre. Archinia worked with the property
owner to produce detailed documentation of how the structure
could be revitalized and brought back to life. Archinia studied the
structure and produced a detailed Program Document illustrating to
the owner how the building could be repurposed into a theatre
training facility and second floor coffee shop. The property sits due
south of the Old Taos County Courthouse on the historic Taos plaza.
Taos Acequia Restoration Plan, Taos, NM
In this project for the Town of Taos, completed in the fall of 2011, we
were contracted to provide an acequia rehabilition plan for the
Taos Historic Overlay Zone. The final documents produced included
a survey with gps-coordinated photography and spreadsheets
outlining 380+ unique conditions which required attention; design
criteria and an existing conditions assessment of the Madre del
Pueblo, La Loma, Paseo, and Kit Carson acequias; a discussion of
different strategies for design; a set of design guidelines for future
work including integration of army corps of engineers best practices
in irrigation design; a proposed interpretive trail; proposed code
changes to allow for more control over the treatment of these
important cultural resources; detailed aerial maps of the conditions
as existing and as designed, and a list of prospective funding
sources. All work was completed with the approval and supervision
of Taos' mayordomos.
Floor Plan
Acequia Map
Other Relevant Historic Renovation Project by Archinia
• Taos Acequias Restoration Plan, Taos, NM
• Taos Historic District Redocumentation (232 homes), Taos, NM
• Old Spanish Trail National Register Nominations, Taos, NM
• First Unitarian Church - Alexander Girard Mural Relocation, Albq, NM
• HABS Survey of the Alpine Tunnel, Pitkin, CO
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 15
Proximity with & Familiarity to the
Project Site & the Town of Taos
Opportune Location
With an office located just 9 miles from the historic Taos Plaza, Henry
Architects is ideally situated to offer rapid on and off-site response
for design, construction and project administration.
The structural analysis scope of this project requires significant
investigative engineering and site presence. Located 90 minutes
driving time south of Taos, Hands Engineering offers the unparalleled
ability to provide the prompt response and on site attention critical
to achieving the structural analysis demands of this project. Hands
Rachel Preston Prinz of Archinia, our historic architecture consultant,
currently volunteers her time as an appointed member of the Taos
Historic Preservation Commission.
Rachel maintains her main
business office in the city of Albuquerque, NM and a satellite office
in Taos where she continues to engage multiple active clients.
With Project Team Partners who have collaborated on numerous
large projects over the past 15 years, Henry Architects, Hands
Engineering and Archinia offer the ideal circumstance for project
communication and ongoing collaboration. The office of Hands
Engineering regularly consults with Henry Architects on numerous
active and ongoing projects throughout northern New Mexico and
has developed a systematic method of regular written, oral, and
digital communication with our firm. Our historic architecture partner
Archinia, located in Albuquerque & Taos, has ample experience
attending to sites throughout the State and will provide
representatives in Taos on a regular basis. Local to the project site,
the Henry Architects Project Team can provide frequent face-toface interaction among our team, your project managers, client
representatives and projects various stake-holders.
Intimate Understanding
David M. Henry, AIA has a truly intimate understanding of the Old
Taos County Courthouse project site and the Taos County & Town of
Taos staff who have been involved in this historic property. The
proximity of our office to the Taos Plaza and the Town & Taos County
offices has proven to be beneficial in past dealings with the County
& Town. Mr. Henry’s extensive past experience acting as the Project
Manager and Architect of Record for the Mechanical Upgrade
phase of the previous Old Taos County Courthouse project will suit
him well if chosen to move forward with this current phase of work.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 16
David has spent an untold number of hours walking the building,
communicating with the Taos County Facilities Management staff
(including Mark Flores, Wayne Chavez, and project manager
Richard Sanchez), as well as the talented and knowledgeable staff
of the Town of Taos Planning & Zoning Department & Purchasing
Department. Mr Henry is indeed no stranger to the processes and
procedures required for a successful implementation of this project.
Henry Architects is well known to Town of Taos and Taos County staff
as a helpful, knowledgeable and technically proficient local
architecture firm. Our office location will easily accommodate
frequent meetings with the project stake-holders, allowing us to
perform rapid design iterations and receive timely feedback from all
parties. The talented members of our team have long standing
professional relationships with key staff members and department
heads currently on staff at the Town of Taos, Taos County, and the
New Mexico Office of the State Historic Preservation Office.
Town of Taos Volunteer Fire Department ca. early 1940’s
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 17
Volume of Work Previously Done
for the Town of Taos which is not
75% Complete with Respect to
Basic Professional Services
Henry Architects, LLC is not currently under contract for any work with
the Town of Taos, Taos County, or The New Mexico State Historic
Preservation Office.
Our staff members and associated professional consultants have
sufficient available resources that will be adequately mobilized to
perform the proposed scope of work for the Old Taos County
Courthouse Conditions Assessment and Preservation Plan if given the
opportunity to do so.
We look forward to the opportunity!
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 18
Evidence of Understanding the
Scope of Work
Insight & Approach
The structure that comprises the “Old” Taos County Courthouse has a
complex history that reflects not only the development of a
government institution, but of Taos County itself. Until this time, no
comprehensive investigative study of the building has been
undertaken, to the author’s knowledge.
As the Town of Taos & Taos County Governments embark on
further expansion of their respective missions and of their physical
facilities, a Conditions Assessment & Preservation Plan should
serve as a guide for the appropriate preservation of the historic
structure, and for the design of architecturally appropriate
additions and alterations.
The plan should recommend appropriate uses of the building
that are consistent with its preservation, but yet provide for its
beneficial use.
The plan should seek to develop a clearer history of the building
and its development, which will facilitate an improved
interpretation of the historic resource to the public. Active
interpretation of the building, in which it is housed, is particularly
appropriate for a cultural landmark such as the “Old” Taos
County Courthouse.
The senior staff members of Henry Architects, LLC and our chosen Team
Members have a combined history of over 55 years of residing in Taos
County. We care about our community. In our opinion the Old Taos
County Courthouse complex and the Town of Taos Plaza as a whole
represent the true heart of our small town. In days past the center of
any small American town was the town square or plaza. Increasingly in
today’s modern hectic world towns the size of Taos are losing their
sense of community. We intend to reverse this trend.
Whether taking an evening stroll, attending an art opening, listening to
live music in the summer under the outdoor pavilion or simply sharing a
cup of coffee, the vital activities of Taos Plaza and the fabric of the
surrounding buildings needs to be preserved for generations to come.
By selecting the Old Taos County Courthouse structure and its historic
second floor murals for study, assessment, and preservation the Town of
Taos has made a truly wise choice.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 19
Evidence of Understanding the
Scope of Work
Insight & Approach
The team of Henry Architects/Hands Engineering/Archinia brings an
unparalleled level of professional skills to this particular project.
As stated previously, Mr. Henry was the Project Manager and the
Architect of Record for the recently completed (Fall/Winter of 2011)
and urgently needed Mechanical Upgrades to this historic structure.
During the process of investigating the building on this initial phase of
work (performed for Taos County) Mr. Henry gained first-hand
knowledge of the intricacies and nuances of this beloved building.
From the hand dug well below the crawl space of the ground floor, to
the stunningly beautiful collection of on-site murals in the second floor
courtroom, David has seen it all. David knows first-hand how crucial it is
to bring new life to this structure and preserve the historic elements of
this important downtown gem of a building. David is literally “chomping
at the bit” to begin work on this project.
Jim Hands, PE of Hands Engineering has been assessing old pueblo style
structures in New Mexico for over 4 decades. Whether it is a sagging
viga or a rotting portal column, Jim has seen it all. Mr. Hands has
travelled extensively throughout the Town of Taos at the bequest of
local property owners to review our town’s fabric of existing buildings.
Hands Engineering understands the economics and feasibility of
materials selection, historic treatments, and when to “well enough
alone”. The body of work that Hands Engineering has completed in the
past 4 decades truly reflects this engineer’s first-hand knowledge of
what it takes to stabilize, restore, and salvage old buildings in northern
New Mexico.
Rachel Preston Prinz has proven to all Taos residents who know her that
she is passionate about Historic Preservation and the Adaptive Re-Use
of Taos’s fine collection of old structures. Rachel previously lived in a
small historic condominium located on Padre Martinez Lane, within
walking distance of the Old Taos County Courthouse. She would often
visit the building to view the WPA era works of local painters Phillips,
Higgins, Bistram, and Lockwood. Ms. Prinz has also shown her
dedication to the study and preservation of historic art murals by
volunteering her skills to generate a preservation and relocation plan for
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 20
Evidence of Understanding the
Scope of Work
Insight & Approach
the endangered Alexander Girard mural locate in Albuquerque’s First
Unitarian Church. Rachel’s unique set of professional skills will be vital to
the project if selected to perform the work.
The Town of Taos has gone far to delineate a prioritized approach to
finally saving the Old Taos County Courthouse from the wrecking ball.
By collaborating with Taos County and the State Historic Preservation
Office the foundation for a successful project has been laid. From here,
the Henry Architects Project Team can deliver your Conditions
Assessment & Preservation Plan and make the revitalization of this
structure a reality.
The Henry Architects Team offers a successful history of collaboration
with local government agencies and private clients. We are
opportunely familiar with and close to the project site. We expertly
manage large-scale renovation studies and we know how to deliver
effective, precise and useable documents to our clients. Henry
Architects will provide an individualized project delivery method and
lead our Team to exceed the demands of program, budget and
schedule for the Old Taos County Courthouse Conditions Assessment &
Preservation Plan.
As architects and designers, the project scope is within our ability. As
active community members, the project mission is within our concern.
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 21
Evidence of Understanding the
Scope of Work
Existing Documentation
Existing Ground Floor Plan
Existing Second Floor Plan
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 22
Evidence of Understanding the
Scope of Work
Existing Documentation
Existing Plaza Site Plan & Context
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 23
Professional References
Henry Architects:
1. Special Use Permit & Historic District Review – numerous applications
within the boundaries of the Town of Taos over the past 8 years. Projects
include but are not limited to Healing Arts Center, Holy Cross Medical Office
Building (Project Manager for LDG Architects), Vista Grande High School, El
Monte Sagrado Resort PH II (Project Manager for LDG Architects), & Suenos
de la Loma Subdivision (Project Manager for LDG Architects).
in excess of $20M / 2005-2013
Mr. Matthew Foster
Interim Director - Town of Taos Planning & Zoning Department
400 Camino de la Placita
Taos, NM 87571
2. Habitat for Humanity of Taos - Extensive project research and public
outreach in an effort to bring “net-zero energy use” affordable housing models
to the citizens of Taos. Henry Architects provided pro-bono planning and
architectural services over a two year period. Numerous town and county
sites were studied for the proposed development including Chamisa Verde.
unbuilt / 2010-2013
Ms. Cynthia Arvidson
Executive Director – Habitat for Humanity of Taos
114 Alexander Street
Taos, NM 87571
3. Taos High School Culinary Arts Program – Extensive renovation and
expansion of an award winning vocational program. Project scope included a
new 2,250gsf commercial kitchen for use by Taos High and UNM-Taos
students, as well as a new café space open to the public and enabling
students to gain valuable experience in the growing field of culinary arts.
$800K / 2010
Mr. Benjie Apodaca
Culinary Arts Program Director - Taos High School
134 Cervantes Road
Taos, NM 87571
4. Old Taos County Courthouse – Mechanical & Electrical Upgrades –Mr.
Henry managed and designed a comprehensive replacement of this historic
structures existing hydronic heating system and electrical service. Mr Henry
was the Project Manager and the Architect of Record.
$250K / 2011
Mr. Richard Sanchez
Construction Manager – Taos County Facilities Management Division
105 Albright Street
Taos, NM 87571
PO Box 488 Taos, NM 87571 | 484 NM 150 Arroyo Seco, NM
p: 575.776.2761
pg. 24