St. Bartholomew the Apostle Parish


St. Bartholomew the Apostle Parish
twenty-third sunday in ordinary time – september 4, 2016
St. Bartholomew the Apostle
2032 Westfield Avenue, Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
(908) 322-5192
Very Rev. John J. Paladino, V.F., K.H.S.
Pastor / Dean
Rev. David C. Santos
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Donald E. Guenther
Rev. Michael A. Hanly
In Residence
Deacon Robert Gurske
Permanent Deacon
Director of Operations
and Communications
Deacon Donald Hessemer
Permanent Deacon
Sr. Elizabeth Calello, M.P.F.
Academy Principal
Paul Milan
Director of Divine Worship
Patricia Krema
Pastoral Associate for Liturgy
and Adult Faith Formation
Connie Boruch
Pastoral Associate for Religious Education and Formation
Teresa Quigley
Director of Whole Family
Elaine Coupe
Director of Community Outreach
Jennifer Ryan
Director of Youth Ministry
Kathy Kobliska
Office Manager
“Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me
cannot be my disciple..”
Jack Kovalcik
Business Manager
David Triano
Facilities Manager
Paulette Coronato
Joseph Dillon
Parish Trustees
We, the Roman Catholic Community of St.Bartholomew the Apostle,are brought together by
Jesus,as we recognize His presence among us in Word, Sacrament and Each Other. Through
the grace of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Mother, we accept Jesus’
invitation to be His disciples by using our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of all.
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St Bartholomew the Apostle Church
Rectory/Parish Offices, 322-5192 Fax: 322-2598
For Mass schedule, see page 6.
Baptism: Celebrated throughout the month on Saturdays and
Sundays. First-time parents are required to attend a Baptismal
Preparation Class, held the last Sunday of each month at 1:30pm.
Registration in advance is required. Please call 322-5192.
Marriages: Archdiocesan policy requires that arrangements be
made with a parish priest or deacon as soon as the engagement is
Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is
celebrated every Saturday at 4:00pm.
Ministry to the Sick: In the event of serious illness or hospitalization, the rectory should be notified. Visits to the sick and shut-ins
are made by the priests, deacons, and Ministers of the Eucharist.
It is not necessary for someone to be “gravely ill” to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
Mass for the Home Bound Parishioner
Sundays, 10:00 am
Comcast ch. 34, Verizon ch. 22
Counseling Services: Barbara Stumm-Gray, Ed.S., Joseph Ochs,
LPC, and Dina Brue, LCSW, are available to assist individuals,
couples, and families who are experiencing difficulties. To schedule
an appointment, call Barbara, (908) 232-0893, Joseph, (732) 2216673, or Dina, (646) 643-5345. All calls are confidential. Fees can
be adjusted to one’s financial situation. No one will be turned away
for an inability to pay.
Tithing: God gives me everything; I give Him back my tithe. Tithing is God’s plan to support His church. Full tithing means 10% of
gross income to God: 5% for my parish church and 5% for other
charities. It’s easy to sign up for Automated Giving. Speak with
Jack Kovalcik in the business office, ext. 115. Fill out an enrollment
form and drop it in the collection basket, or you can enroll at the
program’s website –
Parish Registration: Our new parishioners are most welcome and
are urged to pick up a registration form from the back of the church
or at the rectory or visit our web site. When you are moving from
the parish please notify the rectory.
St. Bartholomew Church provides a safe and welcoming environment for people of all abilities and needs and their families, so
they can participate fully and meaningfully in the life of our parish.
Please let us know how we can get to know you or a family member who has a special need.
Prayer Request: Go to and
click on “Prayer Request.” Your intention will be given to the
priests and deacons of the parish.
Helping Hands Ministry: If you or someone you know is homebound or needs temporary assistance such as food shopping, errands, or would like weekly visits, please contact Elaine Coupe,
ext. 141.
St. Nicholas Eucharistic Chapel and Prayer Garden open daily
St. Bartholomew Academy
School Office: 322-4265 Fax: 322-7065
Serving students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.
Religious Education/Formation, 322-2359
Connie Boruch, Pastoral Associate
All schedules are posted under the Religious Education tab on
• Sunday Morning, Grades 1 – 4: Classroom instruction is
conducted weekly during two sessions: 8:50am to 10:00am
and 10:35am to 11:45am over the course of the school year.
• Whole Family Catechesis, Grades 1 – 6: Parents and children
attend together for monthly formation six times per year.
Grade 1 and 2 children are able to enroll when older siblings
in Grade 3 to 6 participate as well.
• Word and Faith, Grades 5 & 6: Children attend 3 retreats
with their peers over the course of the year. Parents also choose
3 additional dates to participate along with their children.
Inclusive Faith Formation: This program is specifically
designed to meet the needs of our children with developmental
disabilities in a small classroom setting weekly on Sunday
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW): Sundays from
October to May, grades 1 – 4 are dismissed from the 10:30am
Mass to listen to God’s Holy Word on their level of awareness.
Confirmation Program: Level 1 (Grade 7) and Level 2
(Grade 8) meet monthly on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to
6:30pm in the gym. This two-year program includes preparation
for Confirmation which occurs in the Easter Season of the
Level 2 year.
Pray & Play: Pre-school and Kindergarten children, pray,
make new friends and hear the Sunday Gospel during the
10:30am Mass in the Aftercare room from October to May.
There is no fee to participate.
• Youth Ministry : High school students meet Sundays
from 6:00-8:00 pm . Contact Jennifer Ryan, ext. 155, or
send email to:
Adult Catechumenate (RCIA): A process of faith building for those
who would like to become members or who have not received full
initiation into the Catholic Church. Call Fr. Santos, ext. 112.
Morning Prayer: Weekdays, 6:15am, in church.
Rosary: Mondays, 7:30pm, in the chapel and each weekday after
the 8:30am Mass during May and October.
Novena: Mondays, 7:30pm, in the chapel.
Lenten Stations of the Cross:
Wednesdays: after 12:15pm Mass; Fridays: 7:30pm
Traveling Holy Family Statue: contact the rectory
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From the Pastor’s Desk
Two great commandments, one command – to love.
With Profound Appreciation
The prophet Ezekiel saw the dry bones on the plain, but at
the Lord’s command, he prophesied with the word of God;
the bones then joined together and were covered with sinew
and flesh. When the spirit of life came upon them, they
came alive and stood upright. These bones stood for the
whole house of Israel, whom God would raise up from the
grave of exile and oppression and, with his word and spirit,
they would be brought back to their homeland, just as he
promised. Imagine – from bones to living beings because
Ezekiel followed the Lord’s commands!
The parish community of St. Bartholomew would like to
thank Mr. Tom Keiser Jr., Executive Director of Memorial
Funeral Home, for his generous gift to St. Bartholomew in
honor of Fr. John’s 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the
In the Gospel of Matthew, when the Pharisee asked Jesus
which was the greatest commandment, he responded, You
shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all
your soul, and with all your mind. The second was like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. In both, Jesus
is commanding us to love, with all the obedience, selfsacrifice and attentiveness which that demands.
In this age of excessive egalitarianism, where tolerance
becomes “everything is okay” and freedom becomes “you
can do anything you want,” the idea of a commandment
seems old-fashioned. Have the Ten Commandments
become the “ten suggestions”? Have we rationalized
God’s commandments in order to accommodate our
With divine authority (CCC 581), Jesus points out to us
what we cannot escape: in order to live in right relationship
with God, we are to love – freely, generously, wholly,
daily,completely. We cannot focus solely on ourselves,
on our own aspirations, needs and pursuits.How can we
accomplish this
If we allow ourselves to be guided by the word of God
and fed by the grace of the Spirit, we can see more
clearly how we can love God with all our hearts, souls,
minds. And it will naturally follow that we will love our
neighbors, too – friend or enemy, family or stranger.
God has commanded us to do no less.
The parish community echoes Mr. Keiser’s words of appreciation for Fr. John’s ministry:
“[This gift is] in honor of your
25th Anniversary, and in deep
appreciation and gratitude
for the multitude of families
you have ministered to, both
at Muhlenberg Hospital and
within the Parish of St. Bartholomew. In all my years of
serving families who have
lost loved ones, I have seen
you set an unparalleled standard with your compassionate
care and respect.
Congratulations again on this
truly remarkable milestone
and all your accomplishments.”
Mr. Keiser’s gift was in the form of a substantial contribution towards the beautiful accent work around the statues of
the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph in the church sanctuary behind the altar.
Save the Date!
Friday, October 28, 7:00pm
Party With the Pastors
in the auditorium
This year, we honor
Mark Montenero
President of Autoland
for his contributions of time, talent and treasure
to Catholic Education
Hors d'oeuvres, dinner and dessert
$60.00 per person
Contact Laura Pitre, 908-889-5627, with your
Tricky Tray & Silent Auction contributions
Make checks payable to the SBA Financial Aid
Memo: SBA Financial Aid
For answers to questions, call Donna Iasello, 322-5192, x110
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CLOW is Calling All Singers and Guitar Players!
Please consider sharing your time and talents with the
Children's Liturgy Music Team. It's easy, It's fun and It's rewarding. The commitment is usually once a month at the 10:30am Mass
with simple music to enhance the children’s liturgy experience.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Reach out ASAP to Joe Viviano,
908-370-7473, or for details. We begin in
late September.
Support Group for the Divorced and Separated
Are you separated or divorced? Do you know someone
who is? The Divorced and Separated Ministry of the Church of the
Little Flower in Berkeley Heights is offering a twelve-week support group designed to provide comfort and healing before, during,
and after the divorce process. The group will begin meeting on
Wednesday, September 14 from 7:30 to 9:00pm and will continue
through November 30.
The group features video presentations from The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide followed by discussion. Some of the
topics covered are: Finding Strength and Help, Getting Through
Your Anger, Learning to Forgive, Handling Money Wisely, and
Relearning How to Date. The group is open to all denominations.
Registration is required. Please contact divorceministry.lf@ or call the church office, 908-464-1585.
A Huge "Thank You"
The Food Pantry would like to thank the following for their
thoughtfulness and generosity in helping families in our community:
• Fanwood Department of Public Works delivered a much
needed donation from Fanwood residents
• Parishioners who continue to make donations which help to
stock the pantry shelves.
August 5 – Joseph Stasio & Erica Palmieri
August 6 – Alex Fidalgo & Michelle Fernandes
August 6 – Michael Gennaro & Megan Junice
— August
We welcomed into our family of faith the following children:
Luca William, son of Paul & Katie Campanile
Charlotte Eileen, daughter of Peter & Christine Barbera
Elizabeth Jamie, daughter of David & Karen Dering
Cameron Major, son of Steven & Kelly Kroll
Tyler Golden, son of Steven & Kelly Kroll
James, III, son of James & Nicole Seymour, Jr.
Jayden, son of Bryon & Jessica Bradforth
Skylar Marie, daughter of Michael & Nicole Jackson
Vivian Noel, daughter of Brian & Lauren Maloney
Connor Jay, son of Joshua & Lauren Ossen
Eleanor Mariel, daughter of Garett & Ashley Rosati
Luke Thomas, son of Michael & Nicole Tyburski
Daniel Joseph, son of Joseph & Lorraine Consoli
Bereavement Ministry "Journey Through Grief"
If you have lost a loved one, we invite you to join us for
a series of informational sessions of mutual sharing and support in
a spiritual, caring, strictly confidential setting. The group is lead
by trained facilitators certified by the Family Life Office of the
Archdiocese of Newark.
We meet on the following Thursdays: September 15, 22,
29, October 6, 13, 20, and 27. All meetings will be held at the
rectory, Room 2, beginning at 7:00pm.
If you are interested in joining us, or if you would like
more information about the group, please contact Pat Kane, 908889-0671. All calls are confidential.
If you attended a bereavement session in the past, you are
most welcome to join us again.
Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord. -Psalm 98:4
Do you like to sing?
Are you a young parishioner of St. Bartholomew?
Are you in grades 3-6?
If you answered "yes", then this may be a wonderful opportunity for you to participate in this parish ministry. The Joyful
Sound Children's Choir is an active ministry in our parish, and it's
a great way for children to serve and also get to know other children in the parish who have the same interest. Rehearsals are held
on Monday afternoons, 3:45-4:45pm in the Music Room. The
choir sings on the first Sunday of each month at the 10:30am Mass,
as well as at other special times during the year. Please consider
offering your time and talent to this ministry.
There will be a "Meet and Greet" meeting for parents and
perspective choir members on Monday, September 12, 7-7:30pm
in the Music Room. Please come and find out more about us.
If you have any questions before then, please contact
Joanne Gurske, 908-889-4375, or
This is an international nonprofit that fosters emotional
healing among children, grieving from a significant loss due to
divorce, separation, death or other painful family transitions.
Located in Westfield, it is a free peer support program
welcoming ages 7-12 and includes a parent group. Rainbows is not
therapy or counseling but a nurturing environment created to allow children to share their experiences and to support one another
with strict confidentiality. You can find more information on the
website,, or call 908-233-2555.
The Rosary Altar Society
The first meeting will be held on Monday, September 12,
in the cafeteria at 7:30pm.
The speaker will be D. Alexis DeRosa from the NJ Division of Taxation. She will speak on Senior Property Tax Relief and
other tax related programs for seniors. All the women of the parish
are invited to join us at this informative meeting. Bring your questions. Refreshments will be served.
Save the Date, October 2, for the Rosary Altar Society
Communion Breakfast at Snuffy's Pantagis Restaurant.
Save the Date – October 22, 2016
Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception,
Washington, DC, with our parish and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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Community Outreach
Commemorating the 15th Anniversary of 9/11
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Saturday, September 10
"Moving From Darkness to Light:
A Walk Among the Names"
Luminary Candle Sponsorship
We invite you to pray for the victims and their families by
sponsoring a luminary candle for $5.00.
For your sponsorship you will receive a prayer card bearing the
name of one of the victims of 9/11. A luminary candle bearing that
name will be placed on the grounds of the church for the 5:00pm
Mass on 9/10 for all to view.
Proceeds will go to the WTC Memorial Golf Club Scholarship
which provides college scholarships for students whose lives were
affected by the events of 9/11.
Sponsors who attend the 5:00pm Mass will also receive a Memorial
candle for their home.
Luminary sponsorships will be sold after all Masses this weekend
and on festival evenings.
If you can't be at the event you can still receive a prayer card in the
mail by sending a check to the rectory to the attention of Elaine
Coupe with your address.
We Need Your Help
Join us as we put together 3,000 Luminaries on Saturday, September 10 at 10:00am in the gymnasium. It's great opportunity to volunteer as a family, for service hours or to just join
our community as we remember the victims of 9/11.
Register at
or call 908 322-5192, ext. 141.
Youth Group News
Youth Ministry is looking forward to an exciting year! If
you are a high school student, come join us on Sunday nights from
6:00-8:00pm. Our kickoff meeting will be held on September 25.
With friends, family, and faith, you are never alone. Any questions,
contact the Youth Minister, Jennifer Ryan, 908-322-5192, x155,
Parish Life Ministry
We welcome everyone back from summer vacation and
invites you to join us for the following events:
• Wine and Cheese Social, September 17, weather permitting,
in front of the narthex! Inclement weather location - cafeteria
• Coffee Social, October 2, after each of the morning Masses
in the cafeteria
If you have any questions or want to help, please email or call 322-5192.
The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a formation
process for those seeking to become Catholic and for those Catholics
wishing to complete their Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation
and First Eucharist). The St. Bartholomew RCIA begins a new
formation year in September. Join with the RCIA Team and others
who are interested in learning about Catholic Christianity as we
explore who we are, what we believe, how we pray, and how we
live our lives as a community of believers.
If you are interested in learning more about RCIA at St. Bartholomew,
contact Fr. David Santos,, or
Pat Krema,, or call the rectory,
322-5192, x126.
Monthly Mass of Recovery
Alcoholism is a disease that affects all family members. It takes a
toll in physical, emotional and spiritual ways. If you or a family
member or friend might benefit from attending, we invite you to
the Mass of Recovery at the Shrine of St. Joseph, 1050 Long Hill
Road, Stirling NJ, on Saturday, September 10, at 12noon. For
directions, call 908-647-0208 during normal business hours.
Morning of Mercy Mini Pilgrimage
Saturday, September 24, 9:30am - 12:30pm
Divine Mercy Parish
232 Central Ave., Rahway, NJ
Special Guest Speaker – Msgr. Joseph Reilly
Missionary of Mercy
At the "Morning of Mercy" all are invited to receive the grace of
a plenary indulgence, that is, a full pardon from sin and all its effects.
This special event is open to all - invite your friends and family!
For more info, visit, or email, or call 973-497-4137.
Mount St. Mary House of Prayer
(908) 753-2091 *
40th Anniversary Mass and Luncheon
Celebrate with us as we give thanks to God for 40 years of this
sacred ministry! Eucharistic liturgy will be held in the Immaculate
Conception Chapel. Luncheon will follow in Mercy Hall.
Please RSVP by September 10 so we can accurately prepare for
lunch. Sunday, September 18, 11:00am. Free will offering
Presiders’ Schedule – September 10, 11
Confessions, 4:00pm—Fr. Paladino
Mass, 5:00pm—Fr. David
7:30am - Msgr. Guenther 10:30am- Fr. Paladino/RG
9:00am - Fr. David/DH
12noon- Fr. Hanly
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Week of September 4
Altar Candles
In Memory of Ernesto DelNegro
req. by Gene & Yolanda Schiller
Sanctuary Lamp
In Memory of Ernesto DelNegro
req. by Gene & Yolanda Schiller
Pray for the Sick
Mary Ann Bender
Paul & Maria Elbert
Madeline Bousquet
Thomas Faitoute
Helen Campbell
Donna Fantini
Panfi Castro
Kathy Maxwell
Gene Cook
Frank Mazzella
Baby Shane
Thomas McMurdo
Dot Dillon
Ginny Mecca
Ashley McRoy Disney
Dorothy Sabatell
Lydia Wintriss
Roman Catholics know that one of the important
Works of Mercy is to care for and pray for the
sick. This section of the bulletin is used to list
the names of people who are sick according to
the following guidelines:
• Persons on the sick list should only be those who cannot
get to church.
• For privacy reasons (HIPAA regulations), names may
only be added by members of the immediate family after they have sought permission of the one who is sick.
• Please be aware that, since the bulletin is posted on the
parish website, the names on the sick list often appear
on Internet searches and may affect a person's employment capability.
• For the answers to questions, or to add/remove a name,
please contact Deacon Bob at the rectory, ext. 108, or by
email to
In Memoriam
All the Faithful Departed
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord!
Last Sunday
Weekly Budget Requirements
Actual Weekly Collection
Excess (Deficit)
Building Maintenance
Mass Intentions
Sunday, September 4
7:30am JoAnn O'Brien req. by the Nobile Family
9:00am Helen Wallace req. by Sr. Claire Ouimet
Richard Trompeter req. by the Mirabella Family
10:30am Theresa Nardo req. by the Vignola Family
William Severage req. by Matt & Meredith Spera-Ince
12noon Joseph & Georgette Magrino req. by their daughter
Cathy Hirschhorn
Maria DiNizo req. by Mike & Sandra Cepparulo
Monday, September 5
6:30am No Mass
8:30am Veronica Blake req. by The Madden Family
Tuesday, September 6
6:30am Thomas McBride req. by Keith & Joanne Guarnuccio
8:30am Paolo DeFrancesco req. by Mary & Romano DelRoio &
Wednesday, September 7
6:30am Raffaela Cosentino req. by her granddaughter Patricia
8:30am Fr. John Paladino, 25th Anniversary Ordination req. by
Virginia Leone
Dr. Antonio Dyogi req. by The Potian Family
Thursday, September 8
6:30am People of the Parish
8:30am Mary Smith req. by Annice Reape
Friday, September 9
6:30am Frances Fumosa req. by Barbara Mary
8:30am Eloise Orlando req. by The Tumolo Family
Ernesto DelNegro req. by Lee & Joseph Fantini
Saturday, September 10
8:30am Anthony Palermo req. by Friends of the Family
5:00pm Karin Welsh req. by Eugene & Yolanda Schiller
Paolo DeFrancesco req. by Guido & Barbra Passucci
Sunday, September 11
7:30am Anna Richter req. by her daughter Kathleen
Ernesto DelNegro req. by Mrs. Patricia Feeley
9:00am Ginevra & Alfonso Sorge req. by Roberto & Laura Sorge
Maurio DiCullo req. by Mom & Dad
10:30am Mae & Joseph Kowalski req. by The Cody Family
Judge John L. Ard req. by Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Coronato
Judge John L. Ard req. by Joseph & Barbara Faccone
12noon Maria DiNizo req. by Mike & Dina Rusin
Nicola Ruggiero req. by her children Antoinette,
Alessandro & Raffaele