Self-pressurized rapid freezing (SPRF): a novel
Self-pressurized rapid freezing (SPRF): a novel
Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 235, Pt 1 2009, pp. 25–35 Received 17 December 2008; accepted 31 March 2009 Self-pressurized rapid freezing (SPRF): a novel cryofixation method for specimen preparation in electron microscopy J.L.M. LEUNISSEN∗ & H. YI† ∗ AURION ImmunoGold Reagents, Wageningen, The Netherlands †Emory School of Medicine Electron Microscopy Core, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, U.S.A. Key words. Cryo fixation, EM preparation, HPF, SPRF. Summary A method is described for the cryofixation of biological specimens for ultrastructural analysis and immunocytochemical detection studies. The method employs plunge freezing of specimens in a sealed capillary tube into a cryogen such as liquid propane or liquid nitrogen. Using this method a number of single-cell test specimens were well preserved. Also multicellular organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, could be frozen adequately in low ionic strength media or even in water. The preservation of these unprotected specimens is comparable to that achieved with high-pressure freezing in the presence of cryoprotectant. The results are explained by the fact that cooling of water in a confined space below the melting point gives rise to pressure build-up, which may originate from the conversion of a fraction of the water content into low-density hexagonal ice and/or expansion of water during supercooling. Calculations indicate the pressure may be similar in magnitude to that applied in high-pressure freezing. Because the specimens are plunge cooled, suitable cryogens are not limited to liquid nitrogen. It is shown that a range of cryogens and cryogen temperatures can be used successfully. Because the pressure is generated inside the specimen holders as a result of the cooling rather than applied from an external source as in high-pressure freezing, the technique has been referred to as self-pressurized rapid freezing. Introduction Physical fixation of biological specimens is the basic principle underlying a range of specimen preparation methods in electron microscopy aimed at preserving ultrastructure, molecular functionality and recognition, as well as electrolyte distribution. Several methods have been developed involving Correspondence to: Jan L.M. Leunissen. E-mail: C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society Journal compilation freezing in the presence of a cryoprotectant, with high heat extraction rates, and under hyperbaric pressure. For ultrastructural and immunocytochemical investigations, by far the largest share of all cryo-based specimen preparations, adequate cell and tissue cryofixation may be achieved by applying cryoprotectants (e.g. Tokuyasu, 1973; Franks, 1977; Gilkey & Staehelin, 1986). High cooling rates (>105◦ Cs−1 ) allow vitrification of thin layers only (Dubochet & McDowall, 1981), which is not always sufficient for general ultrastructural and immunocytochemical detection studies. High-pressure freezing (HPF) as presented by Moor & Riehle (1968) is a technique that allows for a depth of 100–300 μm from the specimen surface to be frozen without detectable ice crystallization damage (Dahl & Staehelin, 1989; Studer et al., 1989; Vanhecke et al., 2008). At 200–210 MPa pressure high cooling rates are no longer a prime requirement. All currently available HPF instruments use liquid nitrogen as the cryogen. HPF has become an accepted technique for the structural preservation of pro- and eukaryotic cells, multicellular organisms and tissues, allowing further processing with cryosubstitution (Monaghan et al., 1998; Hawes et al., 2007; Buser & Walther, 2008; Triffo et al., 2008), freeze fracturing (Dahl & Staehelin, 1989; Walther, 2003) and cryoultramicrotomy (van Donselaar et al., 2007). Despite its suitability to freeze unprotected specimens, in many published applications HPF is combined with the use of a nonpenetrating cryoprotectant such as dextran or serum albumin to further support cryopreservation (Dubochet, 1995). In the absence of cryopreservatives crystalline ice is formed in the extracellular space, which affects preservation (Erk et al., 1998; Dubochet, 1995). HPF is based on the principle of Le Chatelier and Braun which postulates that if a system at thermodynamic equilibrium experiences a change in one of the physical parameters involved, then the equilibrium will shift in order to minimize that change. In HPF this principle explains how an externally applied pressure of between 200 and 210 MPa 26 J.L.M. LEUNISSEN AND H. YI prevents water from expanding into low-density ice upon cooling. The present manuscript introduces the self-pressurized rapid freezing (SPRF) method based on the same principle of Le Chatelier and Braun. It uses the tendency for water inside the specimen container to expand upon cooling, thereby generating pressure intrinsically instead of using an external hydraulic system. This pressure is likely to be the result of two processes: ice crystallization and/or supercooling which is the phenomenon that water remains liquid at temperatures well below the melting point of ice. The ambient pressure polymorphs of ice as well as supercooled water have a lower density than water at 0◦ C. Therefore, upon cooling a specimen that is enclosed in a confined space below 0◦ C pressure will be generated. In practice, pressures comparable to those applied in HPF can be generated in this way (Hayashi et al., 2002). In this manuscript, we report how this phenomenon can be exploited for ultrastructural preservation studies. ensuring a tight fit. The micropipette volume was set to a few microlitres in excess of the tube capacity (1.54 μL) to allow for slight overfilling of the capillary (4–5 μL). The open end of the capillary was inserted into the specimen suspension and the suspension was drawn into the tube slowly using the micropipette action, preventing air bubbles from forming inside the capillary. If necessary the process was repeated. Capillary tube sealing The filled capillary tube, while mounted in the micropipette tip, was withdrawn from the suspension. The open end was sealed by clamping a length of about 1–1.5 mm shut using needlenose pliers with flat jaws. Next, while pressing the pipette piston down, the capillary was removed from the micropipette tip and the open capillary end sealed by tightly clamping a length of about 1–1.5 mm shut using the pliers. For controls, tubes were filled as described but not sealed. Cryoprocessing Materials and methods Specimens Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) nematodes were a kind gift of Dr. Guy Benian, Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta. Bacterial cultures (Anoxybacillus flavithermus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus) were kindly provided by Hannah Heinrich, MSc (Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Otago). Yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were kindly provided by Dr. Paul Doetsch and Dr. Natalya Degtyareva, Dept. of Biochemistry, Emory University, Atlanta. Bacteria, yeast cells and nematodes were collected and frozen in distilled water. Alternatively yeast cells were collected and frozen in 10 mM phosphate buffer, 145 mM NaCl, pH 7.4 or in 0.3 M sucrose solution in water. Specimen holders Capillary copper tubes 16 mm in length and with an outer diameter (o.d.) of 0.65 mm and an inner diameter (i.d.) of 0.35 mm were obtained from Leica Austria (Leica part number 16706871) (Leica, Vienna, Austria). These capillary tubes contain 1.54 μL when they are fully filled with specimen. In addition copper capillaries with nominal dimensions of 0.8 mm o.d., 0.3 mm i.d. and 1.3 mm o.d., 0.4 mm i.d. (Albion Alloys Ltd, Bournemouth, UK) were used. Capillary tubes were pre-cleaned by sonication in 0.1% Triton-X-100 to hydrophilize the interior surface to prevent air bubbles from sticking and rinsed in distilled water before use. Capillary tube mounting and specimen loading Capillary tubes were inserted into a disposable pipette tip mounted on a 0–20 μL micropipette. Part of the pipette tip was cut off to facilitate mounting of the capillaries while Sealed capillaries containing specimens were either dipped manually or plunged into liquid nitrogen or liquid propane (−180◦ C or −120◦ C) or melting isopentane using either an EMS Plunge 002 (EMS, Hatfield PA, USA), a Leica/Reichert KF-80 or a Leica CPC (both Leica, Austria) as follows. Capillaries, held with fine forceps, were inserted into the cryogen horizontally to assure that the clamped ends were inserted simultaneously. Specimens were left in cryogen for a minimum of 15 s after which they were stored under liquid nitrogen awaiting further processing. Further processing and freeze substitution Capillaries were cut under liquid nitrogen into approximately 1–2-mm-long segments with a pre-cooled capillary tube cutter (DT-001, Wujiang Dunnex Tools Co. Ltd, Suzhou, China). Using a capillary tube cutter prevents the capillary from collapsing during cutting. Alternatively they were cut into 6-mm-long segments and sliced open under liquid nitrogen to expose the contents using the Leica HPF cryotools (Leica product package 16706855). Capillary segments containing specimen were then transferred under liquid nitrogen into a cryo vial that contained frozen substitution medium. Samples were freeze-substituted (van Harreveld & Crowell, 1964) in a Leica AFS automatic freeze substitution apparatus. Segments cut from two capillary tubes were sometimes pooled to ensure sufficient specimen volume for further processing. Substitution took place in acetone, containing 2% OsO 4 and 0.1% uranyl acetate. Typically, specimens were kept at −90◦ C for 72 h, occasionally turning the substitution vials 360◦ to make sure dissolved ice did not accumulate at the bottom of the vials containing the substitution solution. Hereafter the temperature was raised at a rate of 2◦ C/hr to −60◦ C, −30◦ C and 0◦ C and kept at each level for 8 h in the original C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation SELF-PRESSURIZED RAPID FREEZING (SPRF) substitution medium. Vials containing specimen were then removed from the AFS and left at 4◦ C for 1 h before being brought to room temperature for subsequent processing. Substitution medium containing specimen material was transferred to an Eppendorf tube and centrifuged. Part of the substitution medium was removed with care to avoid specimen material at the tip of the tube from being disturbed. Acetone (100%) was added to the capillary segments remaining in the original cryo vial. Any sample material remaining inside the capillary segments was pushed out using an eye lash probe or flushed out with a micropipette under a dissecting microscope. Capillary segments were then removed and all specimen material in acetone was collected into the corresponding Eppendorf tube for centrifugation. Specimens were rinsed at room temperature three times with 100% acetone and then embedded in epoxy resin (Quetol or Spurr), ultrathin sections were post-contrasted using aqueous uranyl acetate for 10–15 min and lead citrate for 8–10 min at room temperature. Results The effect of freezing on capillary tubes The success of SPRF depends on generating pressure inside the clamp-sealed specimen capillary tube and holding that pressure for the time it takes to cryopreserve the specimen. Tests were therefore carried out to verify that the sealed ends of the tubes (Fig. 1) would not leak and that there was no deformation of the tubes during the cooling process. Cooling by dipping or plunging in liquid nitrogen or propane, where the clamp-sealed capillary is inserted parallel to the cryogen surface, resulted in no noticeable deformation or bursting of the capillaries. The outer diameter of both empty and distilled water-filled capillaries before and after freezing as observed in cryo-SEM at a specimen stage temperature of −180◦ C is not noticeably different 27 from the values at room temperature. Cryo-SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy examination revealed no leakage from the clamped ends of water-filled frozen capillaries (Fig. 1). At high magnifications it appears that the slit width is about 1 μm or less. No signs of leakage were apparent as a result of pressure developed inside the capillaries. By contrast, dipping the tubes perpendicular to the cryogen surface often resulted in leaking of the top seal. Open capillaries clearly showed expansion of the liquid from inside the tube upon cooling such specimens in cryogen. Ultrastructural preservation Freeze-substituted bacteria, yeast cells as well as C. elegans nematodes were observed after freezing in clamp-sealed capillary copper tubes using either liquid nitrogen at −196◦ C or liquid propane at −180◦ C or −120◦ C (Figs 2–5). Thermophilic bacteria Anoxybacillus flavithermus and Geobacillus stearothermophilus showed typical ultrastructure of gram-positive bacteria with clearly defined plasma membrane, peptidoglycan cell wall and polysaccharide capsule. Within these bacteria the cytoplasm appeared with no apparent segregation. The most distinct structure inside the bacteria was ribosomes. On occasion the nucleoid region is also clearly identifiable. The contours of yeast cells were smooth and their cytoplasm was non-segregated. Surrounding the outer surface of the cell wall, fimbriae could be clearly seen. Immediately under the cell membrane, there are numerous finger-like invaginations. Inside yeast cells, the nucleus and vacuoles were round or oval with smooth contours. Numerous mitochondria were often observed inside the cytoplasm. Occasionally some yeast and bacterial cells appeared dented and displayed condensed cytoplasm. Yeast cells frozen in phosphate buffered saline or 0.3 M sucrose showed similar preservation to cells frozen in pure water. With C. elegans, well-preserved adults, larvae, and embryos were observed next to damaged individuals. Fig. 1. Clamp-sealed capillary tubes. 1(A) Tubes sealed with pliers. Scale bar: 1 div = 1 mm. 1(B) Higher magnification showing the sealed end is between 1 and 1.5 mm long. 1(C) Cryo-SEM image of the clamp-sealed end of a copper tube filled with water and frozen in liquid nitrogen observed at a temperature < −100◦ C. There is no detectable leakage. The slit (white arrows) is less than1 μm wide. Scale bar = 20 μm. C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation 28 J.L.M. LEUNISSEN AND H. YI Fig. 2. Examples of cryosubstituted bacteria and yeast cells. The specimens were frozen in a pure water environment and no cryoprotectants were added. (A), (B) Thermophilic bacteria Anoxybacillus flavithermus, the capsule surrounding the bacteria is well preserved. Scale bars: A = 2.5 μm; B = 0.5 μm. (C), (D) Yeast cells showing cytoplasm with vacuole, nucleus, mitochondria and vesicles below the plasma membrane with invaginations. D shows an unidentified vesicle cluster. Scale bars: C = 1 μm; D = 0.8 μm. C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation SELF-PRESSURIZED RAPID FREEZING (SPRF) 29 Fig. 3. Examples of cryosubstituted C. elegans frozen by plunging tubes into liquid propane at −180◦ C. The specimens were frozen in a pure water environment and no cryoprotectants were added. C is a higher magnification of the boxed-in area in A. Scale bars: A = 2 μm, B = 1 μm, C = 0.5 μm. C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation 30 J.L.M. LEUNISSEN AND H. YI Fig. 4. Examples of cryosubstituted C. elegans frozen by plunging tubes into liquid propane at −120◦ C. The specimens were frozen in a pure water environment and no cryoprotectants were added. C is a higher magnification of the boxed-in area in A. Scale bars: A = 2 μm, B = 2 μm, C = 0.5 μm. C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation SELF-PRESSURIZED RAPID FREEZING (SPRF) 31 Fig. 5. High magnification details of cryosubstituted Anoxybacillus flavithermus (5A), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (5B) and Caenorhabditis elegans (5C) illustrating the absence of segregation patterns. Scale bars 0.1 μm. Occasionally, especially in adult worms, heterogeneous preservation quality was evident within the same individuals. Nevertheless, excellent ultrastructural preservation was often seen throughout the entire adult worms. Within wellpreserved C. elegans, all cell and tissue types showed normal, well-defined ultrastructure. With C. elegans percentages of well-preserved specimens were on average approximately 50% whereas sections of yeast cells showed often close to 100% well-preserved cells. High magnification images in Fig. 5 show the absence of segregation patterns in the cytoplasm of well-preserved specimens. Variation in quality of the cryopreservation was the highest with bacterial cells. There was variation in preservation quality from tube to tube for all specimens. Adequate preservation could be achieved with all three types of capillary sizes but no quantitative evaluation was done. We also tested freezing down to a temperature closer to the point of maximum supercooling, using propane at −120◦ C. The ultrastructure is comparable to that achieved with liquid nitrogen or liquid propane at −180◦ C (Fig. 4). Freezing in open tubes always resulted in severe damage by ice crystals (data not shown). The quality of the ultrastructural preservation in SPRF is the result of freezing in a closed container that limits the expansion of the specimen’s water content. Numerous studies have established that with high freezing speeds, obtained by plunge freezing or metal mirror methods a superficial layer of a few micrometres can be frozen without detectable ice damage. However, ultrafast freezing alone cannot account for the quality of ultrastructural preservation in SPRF, because little difference was observed between freezing in liquid nitrogen and liquid propane. High cooling rates per se also would not explain the preservation of adult nematodes with dimensions of 50–100 μm in width and several hundreds of micrometres long. Because freezing in open capillaries results in ice crystal formation and destruction of ultrastructure in all cells, it is logical to conclude that the preservation achieved in SPRF is the result of pressure build-up by cooling a water-based suspension in a confined space. Discussion Possible mechanisms for pressure build-up The SPRF method was first introduced at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting 2007 (Leunissen & Yi, 2007). Pressure build-up as the result of water freezing is a common phenomenon, for example, water pipes bursting in winter. Additional experiments have been conducted to explore the potential of SPRF and to attain a better understanding of underlying mechanisms. Pressure and the quality of the ultrastructural preservation C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation 32 J.L.M. LEUNISSEN AND H. YI Upon lowering the temperature at ambient pressure water will either supercool or freeze into hexagonal ice (Ice Ih). Either or both of these physical events could be responsible for the pressure build-up. Supercooling is the phenomenon in which water or a solution cools below the melting point without a phase transition to solid ice. This condition is thermodynamically metastable and only certain precautions will prevent supercooled water from solidifying. At ambient pressure the minimum temperature for supercooling is approximately −42◦ C, but under 210 MPa pressure supercooling can take place down to temperatures as low as −90◦ C. Water expands during supercooling as a function of temperature as an increasing number of water molecules adopt a more open intermolecular structure in preparation for solidification. Densities of 0.9999 g cm−3 and 0.9775 g cm−3 have been reported for liquid water at 0◦ C and −34◦ C, respectively (Hare & Sorensen, 1987). In a confined space this tendency for density change results in an increase in pressure. It is unknown whether the pressure increase during supercooling in the temperature range between −22◦ C and −90◦ C would be adequate to provide for the ultrastructural preservation illustrated in this study. It is however intriguing to note that with increasing pressure the melting point as well as the supercooling temperature drop, which would favor structural cryopreservation. In water solutions containing particulate impurities, or in water enclosed in rough-surfaced containers, heterogeneous ice nucleation prevails and ice crystallization eventuates soon after the melting point is reached during cooling. The lower the heat extraction rate, the more likely is this scenario in solutions containing living biological specimens. In a confined space at temperatures between 0◦ C and −22◦ C, the compressibility of liquid water allows for a defined amount of water to expand into low-density Ice Ih. Whereas the amount of Ice Ih formed progresses with cooling, the remaining liquid fraction of water becomes more compressed and its density increases. Hayakawa et al., (1998) measured the relationship between lowering temperature and pressure build-up. They measured pressures of 60 MPa at −5◦ C, 103 MPa at −10◦ C and 140 MPa at −15◦ C. These values are in agreement with the melting point/pressure diagram for water. The formation of Ice Ih is increasingly counteracted as the pressure mounts, reaching a maximum of approximately 210 MPa at −22◦ C (Hayashi & Nishimura, 2002; Hayashi et al., 2002). The approximate fraction (F) of the original water mass that needs to be converted to Ice Ih to generate 210 MPa pressure at −22◦ C in a confined space can be calculated from the density of water before cooling (d w0 ), the density of the pressurized water (d wp ) and the density of hexagonal ice (d i ) as follows: F= d i (d wp − d w0 ) d w0 (d wp − d i ) The density of the compressed water can be calculated from d wp = d w0 1 − P · β where P represents the pressure increase and β the compressibility of water. Both water compressibility and Ice Ih density (d i ) are temperature and pressure dependent. Values for β vary between approximately 5.1 × 10−10 Pa−1 at 0◦ C and atmospheric pressure and 3.3 × 10−10 Pa−1 at −20◦ C and 200 MPa (Kanno & Angell, 1979; DeBenedetti, 2003). Ice Ih density (d i ) values vary between 0.9167 at 0◦ C and at atmospheric pressure and 0.928 at −22◦ C and 210 MPa (Eisenberg & Kauzmann, 1969; Marion and Jakubowski, 2004). When the pressure reaches 210 MPa, the density of compressed water would increase to approximately 1.08 g cm−3 , therefore F would equal about 0.5, which means 50% of the original water mass would have been converted to Ice Ih. Thermodynamic calculations for a theoretical model system led Rubinsky et al. (2005) to similar values. Pressure may be influenced by shrinkage of the capillary during cooling. The temperature dependent change in cavity volume of the specimen container (V) is determined as V = 3 · α · T · V where α is the thermal linear expansion coefficient (for copper α = 16.5 × 10−6 K−1 ), T the drop in temperature (K), and V the initial volume of the cavity. With a temperature drop of approximately 45◦ (from room temperature to −22◦ C when the pressure has reached a maximum) this would imply V = 0.2%. This volume change is small compared to the volume increase contributed by the formation of Ice Ih. Retaining the pressure For the pressure to be retained it is a prerequisite to use containers that will not significantly deform. The tubes we used to explore the principle of SPRF are identical to those used as specimen carriers in the Leica EmPact HPF instruments. They have proven adequate to resist bursting while being pressurized to 200 MPa at room temperature immediately before freezing. Plastic as well as elastic deformation can be tolerated in this case as it does not affect the externally applied and buffered pressure. The pressure tolerance requirements for capillaries used in SPRF are more strict: both elastic and plastic deformation would result in an increase in the volume occupied by Ice Ih and a decrease in the volume that could be adequately pressurized. A favorable factor in the SPRF technique is that the tube walls cool before and while the pressure builds up. This further increases the capillary’s resistance to deformation. If all the enclosed water were to freeze into Ice Ih, and shrinkage of the capillary as a result of the cooling would be taken into account, the volume increase would result in an outer diameter increase of about 13 μm assuming there is no increase in tube length. C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation SELF-PRESSURIZED RAPID FREEZING (SPRF) No such an increase in the tube diameter was observed in cryo-SEM. The clamped tube ends are flattened and are therefore weak spots. To prevent the clamped tube ends from leaking or bursting the tubes were submerged parallel to the cryogen surface. This ensures that the two clamped ends of the tubes cool simultaneously. Presumably the micrometer-thin layer of liquid between the flattened tube walls will freeze first and therefore seal the containers preventing leakage from the clamped ends. This was demonstrated using capillaries filled with an aqueous Toluidine blue solution that facilitates detection of leaks. When such specimens were plunge cooled horizontally into liquid nitrogen or liquid propane, sealed specimen holders showed no visible leaks through the clamped ends of the capillary tubes. The physical state of water in the capillary tubes after cooling With regard to the physical state of water and ice in SPRF, parallels to HPF seem likely. However, there are also differences. In the HPF technique the pressure is applied prior to cooling. As a result, the specimen temperature is likely to increase by 2–10 degrees (Dumay et al. 2006) immediately before applying the cryogen. In SPRF the pressure is built up gradually during cooling and at some point pressures are expected to be similar to the ones applied in HPF. A further and remarkable difference with HPF is the absence of cryoprotectants in the SPRF samples. Lepault et al. (1997) reported that the presence and concentration of cryoprotectant while cooling at similar cooling speeds influences whether amorphous or hexagonal or cubic crystalline ice is formed illustrating the influence of cryoprotectants on ice formation. We have not investigated the physical state of water within the capillary tubes in the SPRF approach, but we anticipate that the average density of the enclosed water must still be close to 1 g cm−3 , because there is no significant change in the capillary tube dimensions. Assuming that Ice Ih is responsible for the pressure build-up, and also assuming that about 50% of the water mass needs to be converted to Ice Ih for that purpose, then the remaining 50% of the water mass must have an average density of approximately 1.08. Likewise, the density of water would also increase to about 1.08 in HPF when pressure of 200–210 MPa is applied at room temperature. This implies that the water volume would be reduced by approximately 9%. Which polymorphs and/or polyamorphs of ice are formed in the pressurized capillary tubes will depend on cooling speed, specimen composition, cryogen temperature and pressure. From the phase/pressure diagram for water it appears that at the indicated pressure of 210 MPa in addition to Ice Ih and Ic Ice II, III, IX are possible polymorphs as well as LDA and possibly HDA (low- and high-density amorphous ice, respectively). Their densities are summarized in Table 1. 33 Table 1. Typical densities of crystalline and acrystalline ice forms. Ice poly(a)morph Density (g cm−3 ) Ice Ih Ice Ic Ice II Ice III Ice IX LDA HDA 0.92 0.92 1.17 1.14 1.16 0.94 1.17–1.19 Using diffraction methods polymorphs Ih, Ic (cubic ice) and III as well as vitreous ice have been illustrated to exist in HPF specimens (Erk et al., 1998; Richter, 1994; Dubochet, 1995; Lepault et al., 1997). Based on density and the absence of a detectable crystalline structure, vitreous ice most closely resembles the liquid state of water. For that reason it is the preferred form of ‘ice’ and is thought to be the least damaging to structures. Vitrification results following a special form of supercooling in which heat extraction is faster than the latent heat release. As a result crystallization does not occur. This has been referred to as hyperquenching or hypercooling (Akyurt et al., 2002). As probabilistic rather than kinetic events (Debenedetti, 2003), the chance for suspensions of biological organisms to become supercooled, hypercooled and vitrified is higher as freezing speeds increase (Franks, 2003). In addition to vitreous ice, other forms of amorphous ice have been described which are differentiated by their density and sometimes by the way they are formed. Of those, only LDA and HDA can exist under the temperature and pressure conditions described. It should be pointed out that the names LDA and vitreous ice are often used interchangeably and despite observed differences they have been proposed to be considered identical (Debenedetti, 2003). For the purpose of ultrastructural preservation their characteristics are at least very similar. Both have a density of 0.94 g cm−3 , which is close to the density of Ice Ih and Ic. HDA ice is an amorphous ice with a density of 1.17. The densities change slightly with temperature and pressure. The densities of the different forms of ice are relevant for their potential occurrence in SPRF specimens. First, at a pressure of approximately 200 MPa the density of the liquid water is likely to be 1.08 as calculated earlier. Consequentially, the average density of the resulting solid water must also be 1.08, provided the volume of the pressurized water does not change. But so far no crystalline or a-crystalline form of water has been described with such a density. Hence it follows there must be a mixture of densities and thus a mixture of different ices. One might speculate that when ice with a density higher than the compressed water is formed, this immediately results in a slight drop of pressure compensated for by a further formation of lowdensity ice, whether crystalline or amorphous. With the state C 2009 The Authors C 2009 The Royal Microscopical Society, Journal of Microscopy, 235, 25–35 Journal compilation 34 J.L.M. LEUNISSEN AND H. YI of the art we suggest that ice polymorphs and polyamorphs similar to those found in HPF specimens constitute this blend. However, although in-depth research is conducted into water poly(a)morphism new and often controversial views regarding supercooling and vitrification are presented on a regular basis (Bower et al., 2002; Angell, 2004; Kohl et al., 2005; Szobota & Rubinsky, 2006). Second, in both SPRF and HPF a phase shift from water to amorphous or crystalline ice is accompanied by a density shift. When water with a density of 1.08 vitrifies to LDA with a density of 0.94 an initial density increase is followed by a density decrease in a short time span, resulting in a net density shift of close to 15%. It can not be excluded that these density shifts cause changes in biological specimens, calling for caution when attempting to draw conclusions from observations on natively frozen specimens. Evaluation of ultrastructural preservation The structural preservation achieved by SPRF of the yeast and C. elegans specimens we used as test samples is in line with what has been described using, e.g. HPF followed by freeze substitution (Müller-Reichert et al., 2003, 2008; Murray, 2008) to establish the potential for ultrastructural research as well as immuno-detection studies. The structural preservation in SPRF, however, was achieved after freezing specimens in a pure water environment. This condition was chosen to exclude any possibility that compounds present in buffers or growth media may act as a cryoprotectant, illustrating the essential potential of SPRF. Yeast cells frozen in buffer or 0.3 M sucrose showed a similar quality of preservation. Specimens that were cryofixed using the SPRF method and cryosubstituted using established protocols show many well-preserved cells and organisms without visible signs of ice crystal damage as revealed by the absence of segregation patterns. This observation is encouraging because in most cases the specimens were frozen from distilled or tap water or a simple physiological buffer. Beside well-preserved areas, there are areas showing more or less crystal damage caused by the formation of low-density ice inside the capillary, leading to pressure build up. As long as biological specimens are evenly distributed throughout the capillary tube it is plausible that on average 50% of the structures will be preserved in a way similar to HPF specimens. This percentage was observed for C. elegans, but for yeast cells the percentage was higher. When ice is formed the ionic strength of the remaining solution increases by exclusion of dissolved substances from the solidifying water. Assuming 50–55% of the water changed into hexagonal ice there is on average a doubling in ionic strength in the remaining liquid. Considering the very brief period of time specimens may be exposed to this increased ionic strength before becoming cryofixed the effect may not be significant, although this remains to be established. Ion distributions will change with any phase change of the water and will thus be best preserved in vitreous ice or when ice crystals are small. The role of the cryogen/cooling speed In HPF, minimum required cooling speeds are expected to be in the order of 1000 K s−1 . With this approach specimens as thick as 200–600 μm may be adequately cryofixed (Dahl & Staehelin, 1989; Studer et al, 1989; Vanhecke et al, 2008). It is not very likely that these cooling speeds are realized inside the specimen with liquid nitrogen as the cryogen in SPRF. Studer et al. (1995) and Shimoni & Müller (1998) describe how the cooling speed towards the centre of the specimen is limited by conductive heat transfer and that this is the reason for the limitations of adequate freezing in any cryo technique. In these publications it was argued that using more efficient cooling agents will not significantly increase the depth of proper freezing in HPF, as the heat conductivity of water is the rate-limiting factor. The degree of preservation of the test specimens in SPRF can not be easily explained by the theories and observations illustrated in the publications mentioned above. The cooling speed achieved with liquid nitrogen in SPRF is certainly lower than that achieved in HPF instruments because plunging does not avoid the Leidenfrost phenomenon the way it is avoided in spraying liquid nitrogen under elevated pressure onto a specimen. Heat extraction will be higher with propane, but the quality of the ultrastructural preservation is not significantly different between the two cryogens. SPRF specimens frozen in liquid propane at −120◦ C showed preservation similar to that of specimens frozen at −180◦ C in propane or in liquid nitrogen. This may open possibilities for the application of hitherto less elaborately explored cryogens with higher melting points, such as ethanol, methanol and 1-propanol. Prospects for further development of SPRF The data presented demonstrate the usability of SPRF to obtain ultrastructural preservation in biological specimens, even when frozen in a pure water environment. Experiments are underway to investigate how the principles behind SPRF can be further established and how the efficiency of preservation in SPRF can be improved. Some of these experiments are aimed at exploring the suitability of cryoprotectant to improve the percentage of well-preserved specimens as well as the potential of larger tubes for the cryofixation of tissue by SPRF. Acknowledgements The authors are greatly indebted to Reinhard Lihl, Paul Wurzinger and Ian Lamswood for stimulating discussions and continuous support, to Dr. Howard Rees for critically screening the text and to Prof. Peter Elbers for continuous support and positive criticism. 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