The Turimiquire Foundation
The Turimiquire Foundation
The Turimiquire Foundation 33 Richdale Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140, U.S.A. 617.721.9445 • Apartado 295, Cumaná, Edo. Sucre 6101-A, Venezuela • May, 2015 Certificates of Recognition NOTE: Fundacion ServYr referred to in these letters is the Venezuelan nonprofit Foundation established in 1996 for the specific purpose of executing Turimiquire Foundation programs. • July 1999: Certificate from the Hospital Luis Daniel Beauperthuy, Cumanacoa. • May 2002: Certificate from the Ambulatorio Fe y Alegria, Cumaná. • May 2004: Certificate from the Ambulatorio Cantarrana, Cumaná. • School year 2003-2004: Recognition for support in educational activities in the Escuela Tecnica Agropecuaria de Cariaco, Municipio Ribero. • School year 2004-2005: Recognition for support in educational activities in the Escuela Tecnica Agropecuaria de Cariaco, Municipio Ribero. • May 2005: Participation in a Workshop for Parents in the School: Unidad Educativa "Nueva Andalucia". • June 2005: Certificate from the Lion's Club (Club León) of Cumaná for collaboration in medical campaigns. Certificate from the youth sports community organization, Organización Deportiva Juvenil de la Sanders, for the donation of sports equipment. Recognition for support and collaboration in the activities of the health center Centro Diagnostico Integral de Fe y Alegría. • Mayo 2007: • August 2007: • October 2007: Certificate for participation and collaboration in the Workshop - II Jornada Oriental e a Insular de Lactancia Materna. • February 2008: Certificate for Foundation Coordinator Dr. Maria Eugenia Yañez's presentation and collaboration in the Workshop - // Encuentro Oriental de Sexologia. • March 2008: Recognition for program support and collaboration with the State Children's Foundation (Fundación del Nino Sucre). • May 2008: Recognition for Foundation Coordinator Dr. Maria Eugenia Yañez's work in benefit of children and adolescents in the State of Sucre by the State Children's Foundation (Fundación del Niño Sucre). Recognition from the director and staff of the rural Rio Brito school (la Escuela Basica Brito del NER 068) for the Foundation's unconditional support in school events and cultural activities. • July 2008: • July 2008: Recognition for the participation of the Foundation's cultural program, Danzas Briteñas, in school events at "el Centro de Educación Inicial "Francisco de Miranda". • March 2009: Certificate from the Hospital “Dr. Julio Rodrigez”, Cumaná. Turimiquire Foundation • Nov 2009: Certificate from the Department of Sociology “UE Don Romulo Gallegos,” University of the Oriente, Cumaná. • June 2010: Recognition for the participation of the Foundation in a University Community Health Project in Responsible Sexuality and Reproductive Health. • June 2010: Recognition from the director of the Vía Cumanacoa rural school system (NER 068) for the Foundation's support in a school cultural campaign. • June 2010: Recognition from the director and staff of the rural Rio Brito school (la Escuela Basica Brito del NER 068) for the Foundation's support in the graduation of the sixth grade class. • June 2010: Certificate from the Hospital “Dr. Julio Rodrigez”, Cumaná, for the Foundation's continuing support for their family planning program. Nov 2012: Certificate from the rural high school Liceo Bolivariano "San Juan" for the promotion of education in Responsible Sexuality and Reproductive Health, San Juan de Macarapana. June 2013: Certificate from the Lion's Club (Club León) of Cumaná (Steven Bloomstein) in family planning. June 2013: Certificate from the Lion's Club (Club León) of Cumaná (Dr. Silvia Quijada) for collaboration in reproductive health. Julio 2014: Certificate from the rural high school Liceo Bolivariano "Creación Rio Brito" for supporting the first class to graduate from high school on the Rio Brito. HOSPITAL I "LUIS DANIEL BEAUPERTHUY . CUMANACOA - ES'TADO SUCRE i!l1E@®N® dr1I :If.1ltIJ1ENW® Se otorga a: AMBULATORIO URBANO II FE Y ALEGRIA CUMANA ESTADO SUCRE .. ItJ~(~ONO{~lj)lll~N{r(). Sl~(),r!'OllGA 1\: ffumlaeliftt···.···.~.iit!·~:!!!·?~.!I·~~·,i!i fumanti ~ ck 2002. La (j)irecci6n cfe[jIm6u[atorio Vr6ano I "(J)r.(Bernardino 9vlartinez" Cantarrana I Otorga e( Presente ~conocimiento jl La.' Pundaci6n Servr'fr Por su vafiosa cofa6oraci6n e inva{ua6{e apoyo en CasJomac£as 9vled'ico- }lsistencia( reaCizacfaspor fa Instituci6n •. Cum ana) 12 de 9rta)'o de 2004 ~dG .. d a Dra. 5_.·' I via Q ulJa Medico Coordinador , :,<'j. Por su valiosa y~..,oportur1~(;;·~!;·.~Ql.i;: de las actividades el' benefl:ciol<1'e :..'v~;~' Dun nte el Afio"j,iEs,1: ,•'.':,:",.'; ;ifj~;;;!i;J~~;~~ ;' ":-::,"',' J,~:.~,~~r..~:-;.,! ..,,:-~.,~ 'Prof. Antonio Gaspar R DIRECTOR Julio 2004 REPUBL.ICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA , ~·.~f9lw~,DE EDUCACION Y DEPORTES </ . ,~":,,,<~~: lie;; /~.,,:.: n fr;:' ',.', "CUMANAGOTOS .:"',··! ':.::; \ '~J.~)' i ,'~_, '; ~*~~~~ ~?r ~. (. 1-~)1lID'f~.r .~ e:1 ·,·'. ... c:-.,".. .'. . - • ~fl'" (9 a ):.':.!;1,;·::.',',." _"v"f"'"••• "''i"''~\'''1 I'£!:'5teven \. .~~ ~ ',.:""'-' . C·{h ' /(.),,' . "1,{;",.jl,~,n·, <::~.~~ .. ,;\i~k~? Bloonstin ';Y<"<""R1'i,~1f~:,,;-r"'."',"", , M[~n\Ji:.~~~~ic:lente Fundacion Servyr ., L . r.JI{J' EJV :J(!J;l~ls; .,ji.!,j I~r' :. I .;. ""..",jlt~s;>/~lJr'~....[;;,.,. '!~:~l~'~~~f~~I'OYOal Departamento de Protecci6n y Bien ---- .-llCJf~J:i~i1~pt~'P()rCiOnando recursos indispensables para la _.~tljr~t1t.:fal de'los estudiantes de es:a Instituci6n Educativa :.L~r~~"~"': ~ \~' t': I ,•• j' .•.•: ::',: , ••:.: '.: '_;'~/.' Or 1 ,,"'."; .~;:~:;,:,:,~f·ft)u'tante,el Ano Escolar 2004 - 2tJOS '..";.'..i'\. . ~ /)JY1\ IJ •...... ~,(.·:\ •.,:ft~\.~t'l~ .(1 ., \ l,·~-'};:h~:;~:~\ r, ,~~ (.;'- ,'", Ci ·'tAntonio Gaspar R DIRECTOR 6 /,., •... ' ·'[)O·~C'·("o\: • ,~-)'t»-;,.., '\ .~' '\: r.';~,>;*t . ~'I!l .:<L, .. \ ~ ('I .,;~ t ••.•...,.. '~ ••.. t, (::: r~" Jl', ~ ,. , '" ,. ~ :.'(:"::i:~?-~"r::~'~1 e"" .•~~ r·.,; _.r, ~"'1I1 \.: \. '11. J d;-....-~ /,,<,,"',\<> "t d. ~a~/;,\~, '/ 0 ..•.' / Julio 2005 ProfMIraid~/ Obando de G SUB-DIRECTORA ACADEMICA Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela :Ministerio de Educaci6n y Deportes ~ U. E. "Nueva Andalucfa" "". Fundac.ion; S'ERV'Y'R _.,\"J" '",'.'; {t/i.!' ~f.i(>I;~:"':~(\ Par su activa r,i,arr:9:~~q!~;:g,~I: it A!~[it.~0!(I!f;~: ••:::;i;·;J{:(:';~! ...,~....\,... p'artlclpaci6n en la 3L\epubItca180Iibartana be ~ene~ueIa QClubmeportt,boni &anber~ QCumanaQJ;bo.~ucre . etotgaeLpre~ente.· Ittouttmit to' ~ In funbarton ~<el\~3J3L\ n birtub besu baliosat~IalJ(iracion botaba a tob01l1ostjobeneS' que integtanes'te . , dub en material beportibo,etltregabo~ el bia marte!i 22 be :mapo be 2007. ~""""\U ~.M:9~<' ~tomotor mepoXtibo be la &anberst \ 3L\omllb3L\obrigue? INl£ I OTORGA £l PR£S£NT£ R£CDNOC1Ml£NTO »>REPUBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA ....>ii,GOBERNACION DEL ESTADO SUCRE FUNDASALUD . >GEREl(CIAD~y~ROMOCION PARA LA SALUD Y PREVENCION DE ENFERMEDADES PROGRW REGIONAL SALUD SEXUAL Y REPRODUCTIVA >/<>\. Por su Valiosa Colaboraci6n UI~RNADA ORIINTAl E INSlJlIIl:DE LllffAN(1A MATERNA CUMANA, 19 DE OCTU ~-~ '/'J- ,0., ,.'>?L~. ' ,/,,?-« " ", \ ~a.olanda~uti~r~ei:~\~\ ; Coo~1Jla ra, del Progra. m. ,a,.R...e.'.9.ional¥!u ' \ '" Sexual y Raprod~ctiva -, ,~> ; \:. D"',~;I/ " FUNDACION DEL NIN@ SUCRE ~ FUNDACION SERVYR Por su valioso aporte, en pro del Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de esta instituci6n. Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela Gobernaci6n del Estado Sucre fUNOACION OELNIN@ Fundacion del Nhl@ Sucre SUCRE Se Confiere el presente GBoton c9i0nor al '-2JV[&ito C2Fundacion del c3Vlfto e5ucre Por su valiosa colaboraci6n enbeneficio de los njflos, niflas y adolescentes del Estado Sucre r-"'--"-'--", f " I ~~J" I, fl.•. l.~ O~t:~l!~<?~ .", " Cumand, 21de 0Wapo de 2008 .,I/.\.\"'.'~,.,:vJ1 c"" l",,,,,-··'-'/t Gj)ig!tt~CVVlendoza Presidenta fundaci6n del Nino Sucre ... lodos los Venezolan@s Somos Responsables del Pais que Queremos. 1# Un Mundo Meior es Posible II. .••. G 0Vbiem. .·.· ..\O d '..e B9.fiva.riano ~I P(iit<.~ ~,.' .. la Educaci6n f,.ln. !.:..."a •..e.:siOd'f;;IP>fJ(~.'.er eneZUela ~ a (/p~ ):. i? cpfof. Carmen garcia <Directora Nucleo Escolar Rural N" 068 Guaripa. Estado Sucre ~u6lica (jJOfrvaria1Ul tie o/enezueCa 9vf.inisterio ae{ CEoaer CEopufar CPara fa CEtfucaci6n I nicial "Prancisco e se Ie otorga ae :Miranda" a .,. .>ZItS B~O Pots'u'part1cipaci6n y Colabor~ci6n e~ LaPromoci6n '~f\, .. > 150 Aniversario de Natalicio d€lDo~~:tQdro , ..... varado or a quien honor me1:~'~ , Sai6ip~~;'; '~!~; s'" \",." AI-