This Issue: - Georgia State Florist
This Issue: - Georgia State Florist
This Issue: -New Floral Education Course -Revamped Georgia Master Florist Certificate Program -Calendar of Events -Details on 2010 Convention -Recap of 2009 Summer Symposium and 2009 Southern Retail Florist Association Letter from t he President Wow! Summer has flown by! School has started, Fall is out in the shop and Christmas merchandise has arrived. Bring on the Holiday Season! Putting the slow summer months behind us! I want to apologize for the last message. It was very long! Sorry.I didn't realize how long it was until I had finished. Oh well you all know I have the gift of gab. So this one will not be quite as long. Maybe. well as on the web site Speaking of the web site, new things are happening there. As of last week, convention registration can be purchased from the site. Along with the Floral Education Course and GMF Certification, you can even make a donation to the Julian Bridges Education Fund on the site. We are finally getting there and more are to come! Thank You Richard! Education is the driving force of GSFA. We have educational programs taking place all over the state. From Monthly District Meeting to the Regional Programs. Check out the "Events" section as well as the Regional programs slated for the next few weeks. Convention 2010 is coming right along! We have a lot of buzz generating within the industry. You don't want to miss it! Congratulations to Lynn Vallotton GMF! She represented GSFA at Southern Retail in their Designer of the Year competition and placed 2nd Runner up out of 8 states. Lynn, you made GSFA proud. I am so excited to announce the Floral Education Course that is now available to GSFA Members. It's a course that consist of 9 online course and a hands-on workshop. Open to any GSFA member. The Floral Education Course is also Phase One of the New GMF Certification Program. In an effort to strengthen the level of quality and to bring the program up to standards recognized by the industry, changes have been made to the certification program. Complete details are available in this issue of the News Flash as I know I said I would keep it short and I will. I do want to take this time to say THANK YOU to everyone for all the hard work and support!!!! I truly appreciate you all!!! Let us keep pressing forward! As always, Thanks for all you do for GSFA and our Industry! Randy Wooten AIFD, GMF GSFA President Georgia State Florist Association 2009 Regional Education Programs Randy Wooten, AIFD, GMF Jeff Lott, AIFD, GMF Sherry Moon, AIFD, GMF $20 Registration $15 For each additional person from the same shop Sout hern Region Registration 9 am Announcements 9:45 am Program 10 am September 13, South Georgia College 100 West College Park Dr. Douglas, GA 31533 "Fall Harvest" Sherry Moon, AIFD, GMF "Pricing for Profit" Jeff Lott, AIFD, GMF "Sympathy Celebrations" Cent ral Region Jeff Lott, AIFD, GMF & Sherry Moon, AIFD, GMF October 18, 2009 Fort Valley University 151 Osigian Blvd. Warner Robins, GA 31088 "Fall Harvest" Sherry Moon, AIFD, GMF "Surviving Today's Market: Sympathy" Randy Wooten, AIFD, GMF "Party Collaboration" Sherry Moon, AIFD, GMF & Randy Wooten, AIFD, GMF 2010 GSFA Convention March 12th - 14th Marriott Macon City Center Old Roots.....New Growth through Education and Determination FEATURING: Friday Night with Our Partners, 4 Main Stage Design Programs, 3 Hands-On Workshops, President's Ball, Scholarship, Fellowship, Networking and Fun Andy Hopper, AIFD Birmingham, Alabama "Wedding and Event Designs" Deborah De La Flor, AIFD, PFCI FTD Design Instructor "Memorial Flowers with Lasting Memories" Burton Cup 2010 Interpretive Competition Theme: "The Rebirth of the Empty Chair" Sponsored by FTD Design Program Sponsored by Winward To be Announced Permanent Designs Design Program Sponsored by Teleflora To be Announced Complete Details on Convention, Scholarships, Vendor Booths, Program Ads and Registration can be found at You can now pay for registration and all GSFA's classes/events online using the GSFA web site. Check out the Website! GSFA Scholarships The Georgia State Florists' Association awards several major scholarships to deriving members of the association. The purpose of GSFA scholarships is to educate florists so the quality of floral work in Georgia will continue to be some of the most outstanding professional work in the country. These competitions for scholarships are open to all members of GSFA. The rules and regulations are set forth by the scholarship committee and approved by the GSFA Board of Directors. They include: The Clearance Memorial Scholarship, The Wholesalers Scholarship, The B.J. White Certification Scholarship, and The Delorice Wooten Scholarship. To learn more check out the website at Become A Member! September Events September 13: GSFA Regional Design Program South Georgia College, Douglas, Georgia 9 AM Registration/10 AM Program September 15: District I "Holiday Magic" by Paul Brummer A Wine Tasting by Lisa Poole/ The Vine Intervention Design Contest: "Baby Girl" - Wholesale Fee of $25.00 Allen's Cartersville Florist, 471 East Main St., Cartersville, GA 30121 6:30 PM/ $5.00 Per Person/ Food Provided September 16: Tri-State Florist Wholesale presents Create A Christmas for Tough Economic Times Bill Lindeman, AIFD 7:00 pm/ 1310 North Jefferson St., Albany, Georgia For more information call: 229-888-5423 September 27: GSFA Regional Design Program Reeve's Wholesale, Gainesville, Georgia 9 AM Registration/ 10 AM Program Oct ober October 6: District II- NEGFA Seasonal Color Greenhouses, Athens, Georgia 6:30 p.m./ Drinks Provided October 11: Teleflora Unit Program Tri-State Florist Wholesale, Albany, Georgia "Holiday Designs" Wilton Hardy, AIFD, AAF, PFCI, FSMD For more information call: Susan Mullis, GMF 800-523-1008 or Libby at Tri-State 800-533-4654 October 13: District VII- MAFA - at Metro Atlanta Floral Delivery Pool Care and Handling of Orchids and Bromeliads October 18: GSFA Regional Design Program Fort Valley University, Warner Robins, Georgia 9 AM Registration/ 10 AM Program Oct ober continued October 20: District V- SWGFA Designer of the Year Competition Tri-State Wholesale, Albany, Georgia October 20: District I Designer of the Year Competition Reeves Floral Products, Inc., 102588 Highway 92, Woodstock, Georgia, 770-924-5230 6:30 PM/ $5.00 Per person for District/ Food Provided October 25: GSFA Regional Design Program Fort Valley University, Warner Robins, Georgia 9 AM Registration/ 10 AM Program November November 10: District VII: MAFA - To be Announced November 17: Monthly Meeting "Do you really understand your statement? Your POS statement?" By Neil Blair and Suzanne Gustavel from Teleflora Design Contest: "Christmas Wreath" / Wholesale fee of $40.00 Mike Whittle Designs, 156 Church Street, Marietta, GA 6:30 PM/ $5.00 Per person for District/ Food Provided Our Congratulations to GSFA President Randy Wooten, AIFD, GMF who recently received his AIFD accreditation. Accredited membership in the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) is extremely selective and can be obtained only after a candidate has effectively demonstrated advanced professional ability of his or her floral artistry. Members proudly wear the "AIFD" addendum on their name to demonstrate that their peers have found them to be "Accredited in Floral Design." Randy certainly has demonstrated his "cutting edge" art by meeting specified continuing education requirements GSFA is privileged to have a number of AIFD accredited members! Way to go Randy! GSFA is excited to announce a new education program available to its members! Georgia State Florists' Association Floral Education Course GSFA’s Floral Education Course is one of the most complete educational programs in the floral industry. It is divided into three segments: Design Production, Design Management and Customer Care. The program has been developed for the floral industry member with all levels of experience. It is designed to benefit everyone from sales to designers to shop owners. The Floral Education Course provides a standard of professional excellence which is recognized throughout the industry. This Education Course also serves as Phase One in the steps to Georgia Master Florist certification. The Floral Education Course is made up of 9 separate on-line courses, a hands-on class and a final exam. This course allows GSFA members the flexibility and the freedom to excel at their own pace based on their personal needs. Courses of interest can be taken individually for those not wishing to pursue their GMF Certification. Whether a owner wishes to bush up on Customer Care or Visual Merchandising or a designer wishing to learn the fundamentals of floral design. The member’s cost of each course is $65 and $150 for the hands-on class. At the end of each course, an exam will be available. Note that you will be allowed two attempts at the exam for that course. Additional attempts will be available at a cost of $20. The written final exam will be given at the end of the hands-on class. In order to achieve a certificate of completion for the complete course, the member must have received a test score of at least 90 on each course as well as the final. On-Line Courses -Floral Education Course “Principles of Design” This course might well be called “Tools of Design”. These principles are not arbitrary rules: they are constant guidelines. “Concepts of the Care and Handling of Foliage and Flowering Plants” Plants add a touch to our homes and brighten our indoor surroundings. In the course you will learn the Plant’s Morphology, the Plant’s Physiology, Plant Nomenclature and much more. “Care and Handling of Cut Flowers and Foliage” Cut flowers, even though they have been separated from the parent plant, are living, actively metabolizing plant parts. You will explore the factors affecting quality, tips for handling roses, pre-treatments and Care and Handling Terms. “Customer Relations” In today’s market, our thoughts, plans and directions must be focused on those who make our business and its success possible, the customer. “Delivery Made Simple” In today’s 24-hour, self service society, few customer-oriented personalized services remain. Delivery is a service that is almost extinct in retailing and is the one commodity the floral industry has to keep customers coming to our shops. “The Art of Effective Visual Merchandising” Merchandising is anything that you do to develop your business and move your product. The course will show you how to prepare a merchandising calendar, explain productive use of space, design, lighting, signage and much more. “Employee Relations” A business cannot function effectively without people. Too many business owners and managers tend to neglect the human side of their operation. This course addresses locating qualified people, hiring techniques, interviewing, training, motivation and much more. “Advertising and Promotion” In today’s advertising market the consumer is over exposed to commercial messages. You must get noticed. This course will provide you tools for success. “Daily Business Procedures” The goal of Daily Business Procedures is to acquaint the individual with the basic definitions and business procedures needed to operate a floral shop on a day to day basis. Hands-on Class The workshop would offer a hands-on approach to sympathy, wedding and even current design styles and techniques that are vital to every designer. Final Exam: Exam will be a written exam covering material from all 9 courses and the hands-on class. The exam will be given at the end of the class. The Floral Education Course is now available online at For additional information contact Randy Wooten AIFD, GMF at 912-384-7288 or In continuing GSFA's pursuit of Education, we have revamped the Georgia Master Florist Certification program. The purpose in the revamping is two fold. 1) An effort to raise the bar and to ensure the quality of the certification program. 2) To ensure the certification program is recognized by the National Alliance of Florist Associations(NAFA) and the American Institute of Floral Designers(AIFD). This is due to recent changes in some of the industry's accreditation requirements. Georgia Master Florist Certification Program Steps to Becoming a Georgia Master Florist Step One: File an application for eligibility. Requirements---Paid member of GSFA in good standings. Step Two: Once eligibility is verified, you are eligible to register for Phase One of the GMF Certification Program, GSFA’s Floral Education Course. Which consist of nine on line courses, a hands-on class and an exam. The member’s cost for each course is $65 and $150 for the hands-on class. (See the section on the “Floral Education Course” for complete details and registration) Step Three: Once the Floral Education Course has been successfully completed, you may register for Phase Two of the GMF Certification Program. Phase Two is a Design Evaluation Session. The Design Evaluation Session is an onsite design evaluation held at Convention. The member’s cost for the Design Evaluation Session is $150. Phase Two * Design Evaluation Session –Given at Convention --Members Cost $150. Members will be required to complete (3 or 4) designs within a 3 hour time limit. Designs will be evaluated on a scale from 1-5: 1 being poor, 3 being average and 5 being excellent. Member must achieve a minimum of 3.75 in order to be certified GMF by GSFA. If a member should not achieve a minimum of 3.75, the member will be eligible to enroll in Phase Two the following year. Phase Two fees apply. If a member successfully completes Phase One and gives proper notice that they are unable to attend the Design Evaluation Session, then the member will be allowed to participate in the following year’s Design Evaluation Session with out additional cost. There will be no refunds or transfers to the following year for “No Shows” or failure to give proper notice. Maintaining GMF Certification Each GMF must be a member of GSFA in good standings and earn 25 Continuing Education Units over a 3 year period to maintain their GMF Certification. First reporting of units for existing GMF’s will be due by April 2012. For new GMFs, the units will be due 3 years from the year of Certification. Continuing Education Units can be earned through several ways. Form will be provided on the web site. GSFA State Convention attendance 20 points GSFA Summer Symposium attendance 15 points District Education Program attendance 2 points Regional Industry Program attendance 10 points National Industry Program attendance 15 points GSFA State or District Officer position 5 points Present a Design Program 10 points The GMF Certification program can be accessed online at For additional information or questions contact Randy Wooten AIFD, GMF @ 912-384-7288 or Summer Symposium 2009 For more pictures go to! Great Designers! Beaut iful Designs! Wonderful Programs! GSFA's Members at Southern Retail's 60th annual Convention A weekend full of educational design programs and industry vendors Congratulations to Lynn Vallotton GMF 2nd Runner up at Southern Retail Representing GSFA as our Designer of the Year! We are Proud of you!!! Ask how to get a FREE Night Downtown Atlanta for Market this January by joining Southern Retail for only $30! For details contact Randy Wooten AIFD, GMF at Julian Bridges' Educational Fund T As always, our continued thanks goes out to Richard Lauter of Love Story Photography for his hard work on updating and maintaining the website. If you see Richard at an event in the future, make sure to tell him how much it is appreciated. GSFA State Executive Board President Randy Wooten GMF Vice President Sherry Moon AIFD, GMF Board Members District Presidents District 1 District 2 District 3 District 5 Second Vice President Murray Hand GMF District 6 District 7 Secret ary Angelyn Tipton GMF Ret ail Direct or Jeff Lott, AIFD, GMF Treasurer Angie Head GMF
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