March Bonspiel Calendar - Peace Arch Curling Club


March Bonspiel Calendar - Peace Arch Curling Club
MARCH 2016
efforts of John Roescher, our
advertising contractor.
We have had success in
generating new curlers for our
Saturday and Monday leagues,
thanks to the efforts of John
Newberry and Barry Orr and
their team of volunteers who
attended at the club to instruct
the new curlers on each
Sunday in February. This is a
great contribution to the club,
as we must continue to recruit
new curlers to ensure its
We have a new chair of our
finance committee, Michelle
MacKinnon , and with any luck
Marjorie Mooney
Michelle will join the board at
our next annual general
Well, our curling year is
meeting as treasurer.
drawing to a close.
So, come out on the Day of
The cherry blossoms are
starting to appear, the Scotties Champions to celebrate our
many successes and to watch
Tournament of Hearts has
some excellent club curling.
come and gone, the Tim
Hortons Brier is under way and There will be a potluck buffet
and the bar will be open. There
the Peace Arch Curling Club
may even be board members
Day of Champions is
in attendance who will be
happening on April 2.
It has been a great year at the happy to hear your
compliments and your
suggestions on ways to
Our curling league revenues
met our budgeted amounts and continue to improve the club
all of our bonspiels were great experience.
Further details on the Day of
Champions will be posted at
Our advertising and
sponsorship revenue has also the club and on the website at
met our budget, thanks to the
Barry Naimark Charity
Skins Bonspiel —
Vancouver CC — March
Chilliwack Spring Mixed
Bonspiel — Chilliwack CC
— March 4-6
Roaming Ladies’ —
Gibsons CC — March 4-6
Senior Ladies’ 60+ Silver
Rocks — Langley CC —
March 5-6
Howe Sound Mixed —
Howe Sound CC — March
11 -1 3
St Paddy’s Mixed Funspiel
— Coquitlam CC —
March 1 2
55+ Gibsons (PCMCA) —
Gibsons CC — March
1 4-1 6
BCIMCA Provincials —
Kelowna CC — March
1 5-1 8
International Tankard —
Chilliwack CC — March
1 8-20
Senior Men’s Archie
Oliphant — Coquitlam CC
— March 21 -23
The Donspiel — Royal City
CC — March 30 to April 3
And the winners are...
There was some excellent competition at last
month's Barnes Wheaton Hunter Men's Open
Bonspiel at the PACC.
Tunnel Town had a good showing, with Team
Tanaka (right) winning the A event and Team
Heisler (below left) taking top spot in the B
event. Peace Arch's own Team Scott (below
right) was the chamption in the C event.
Barry Orr, John Newberry
and Ed Holland — all self-
proclaimed “parts of the
furniture” here at PACC), we
have many wonderful people
taking initiative to improve our
experience here at the club.
A couple of them that I’d like
to note at this time are
Jennifer Saltman and
Martha McArthur. Jen has
taken over as editor for this
newsletter and Martha is
taking care of the graphics for
the three media TVs.
Both of these ladies are
Dean Joanisse
providing us all with updates
to ensure we are informed of
February was a great month the happenings around the
here at the club.
club, including updates on the
I have a couple of highlights activities of our members
to note, the first being our
competing at various events
members stepping up and
around the province and
getting involved. It’s an
showcasing our wonderful
absolute must for a club to be sponsors.
successful! Along with all of The Barnes Wheaton Hunter
the usual suspects (such as Men’s Open Bonspiel (photos
above) was a success due in
part to some key people.
Thanks again to Ross Scott
for chairing this event. He is a
“committee of one” and could
use some assistance for next
year’s event for sure!
Thanks to Ed Holland for
helping out with the draw
cards, name board, and
anything else he was asked
to do.
A shout-out to John
Newberry and Jake Paetkau
for working the 50/50 and
netting the club nearly $400.
These fine individuals are
some of the best examples of
members who truly shine
within our club.
Please give them your warm
appreciation when you see
them, as they embody the
inspired leadership that will
enable PACC to thrive
moving forward!
Cheers, and have fun curling!
Peace Arch
at Delta
From left: John Higgins, Judy Skinner, Don Cameron and Helene Cameron.
PACC masters head to provincials
Curlers from the PACC have won the Pacific Coast Masters
Curling Association (PCMCA) Fraser Valley playdowns and
will be going to the provincials.
Congratulations to John Higgins , Judy Skinner, Don
Cameron and Helene Cameron , who overcame strong
opposition from Chilliwack to win the competition in Langley.
They will be going to Kelowna in mid March to represent the
Fraser Valley zone of the PCMCA in the provincials.
It's the second year in a row that a team from Peace Arch
has gone to the provincial championship — last year it was
Susie Ward , Stan Turner, Crystal Fugala and Ken Trask.
The 60+ and the 70+ PCMCA Playdown competitions are
held in each of the four zones (Lower Island, Fraser Valley,
Metro Vancouver and North Island) with the zone winners
advancing to the Provincial Combined Championship with
the B.C. Interior Masters Curling Association (BCIMCA) to
determine a BCIMCA champion, a PCMCA champion and a
combined provincial champion.
The Mixed Championship was introduced in 201 0 and a 60+
Ladies Championship added in 201 4. The four zone winners
and a host zone team play a round-robin to determine a
PCMCA champion.
All member clubs in each zone are eligible to host a zone
playdown event. Host clubs are normally selected on a
rotation basis within each zone.
In 201 7, Peace Arch will host the ladies' and mixed double
knock-out playdowns, with winners going to the combined
provincials in Langley.
The competition will impact the schedules of the Senators
and the ladies' daytime curling leagues, and support will be
welcome from both groups to make the competition a
— Bryan Jensen and Dave Whitaker
At the recent Delta Thistle
Curling Club Masters'
Bonspiel, Peace Arch Curling
Club master curlers swept
away the opposition, winning
first, second and third place.
The winning team was Bob
Insel , Don D. Cameron ,
John Higgins and skip
Dave Harris . They won all of
their games and were clearly
Silver went to Peter Wilson ,
Don Moe, Don K. Cameron
with Steve Murray at the
Bronze level was awarded to
Ken Trask, Jim Barber,
Laurie Hearns and skip
Terry Peel .
Congratulations to all for
demonstrating that the
curlers from Peace Arch are
a force to be reckoned with.
— Terry Peel
Do you have an event, news
item or photo you'd like to
see in the next newsletter?
Email your submissions to
with "Newsletter" in the
subject line.
bronze for
A juvenile female team
skipped by Peace Arch's
Sarah Loken took the bronze
medal at last month's B.C.
Winter Games at the
Penticton Curling Club.
Loken's team (with third Sarah
McCrady, second Kim
Bonneau, lead Kylie Karoway
and coach Marion McNeill)
earned a spot in the
competition when it won its
zone playdown in January.
Team Loken, representing
Zone 4 (Fraser River), won its
first three games handily with
scores of 11 -0, 9-5 and 1 0-3.
In the semifinal, Team Loken
went up against Team Drexel
from Zone 3 (Fraser Valley)
and lost 6-5.
Loken's team then went up
against Team Cotter (Zone 2,
Thompson-Okanagan) and
won 11 -3 to clinch third place
and the bronze medal.
Congratulations, Team Loken!
Shop Hours
The office and pro shop
are open the following
hours until April 2
Monday to Friday
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Peach Arch Curlilng Club manager Dean Joanisse (left, skip) — with Paul Cseke
(third), Jay Wakefield (second) and John Cullen (lead) — curled at the 2016 Canadian
Direct Insurance B.C. Men's Curling Championships in Nelson last month.
Joanisse third at B.C. Championships
PACC manager Dean
Joanisse's Brier dreams are
on hold for one more year
after his team finished third at
the 201 6 Canadian Direct
Insurance Men's Curling
Championships last month.
In the triple-knockout
competition, Team Joanisse
(with third Paul Cseke,
second Jay Wakefield, lead
John Cullen and coach Brett
Kury) won its first game
against Team Ducharme 5-2,
but then lost two in a row
against Team Johnson (6-3)
and Team Wenzek (8-7).
"We just came across two
teams that played incredibly
well," Joanisse said.
To win it all Team Joanisse
would have had to win seven
in a row — and came close,
ending up on top in its next
five games (8-2, 9-0, 8-4, 5-4,
Unfortunately, as Joanisse
was trying to execute a hitand-stick in the fourth end for
one point in his team's
semifinal game against Team
Geall, the rock picked and
Team Geall ended up stealing
two points instead. It put
Joanisse's team behind 3-0.
"That sort of put us in a tough
predicament. They played
really well and didn’t give us a
chance after that," Joanisse
said. "It was an unfortunate
break. Those things happen,
but it’s never fun and we
handled it very well."
Team Joanisse lost the game
Team Geall lost to Team
Cotter in the final 7-6. Team
Cotter is representing B.C.
this month at the Tim Hortons
Brier in Ottawa.
Joanisse said his team had a
really good season and an
otherwise good event in
Nelson, except for the one
"unshining moment."
"We’re looking forward to
trying to win it next year in my
hometown of Abbotsford."