June 2011 - Grand Traverse Yacht Club


June 2011 - Grand Traverse Yacht Club
Grand Traverse
Yacht Club
June 2011
by Katie Horvath,
And we’re off! June begins our Summer Series It’s Wednesday Nights, Laser Tuesday Nights,
Interlake Thursday Nights. We start things off with our first long distance race, the TC to Charlevoix Race June 4-5, which traditionally becomes a muse for sailing tales that make up the GTYC
racing history lore. Even if you are not racing, it is fun to cruise via water or land to Charlevoix
to meet the incoming racers for Saturday night chowder, fish sandwiches and fun at the local establishments near the downtown marina.
I'm pleased to announce the first ever Quantum® Freshwater Cup. This regatta series includes
the signature regattas of the participating host yacht clubs: Boyne City Yacht Club Mark Madness; Charlevoix Yacht Club Red Fox; Grand Traverse Yacht Club Invitational (aka “Hound
Dog”); and Little Traverse Yacht Club Regatta (aka “Ugotta Regatta”). The collaboration between the host yacht clubs has been a great experience and we truly hope to increase participation in all of our regattas by creating this new series. Thank you to Quantum Sail Design
Group for sponsoring the series. Please participate! The GTYC put this series together for all
four clubs - please support your Club and race.
Speaking of which, Boyne City’s Mark Madness is June 11-12 and the GTYC Hound Dog is June
17-19. Our invitational regatta is a great time for racers to host out of town competitors, and
fun for our entire Club with the Friday night “Blow Boat” Gutter Regatta, Saturday night party
(Spaghetti Jim is cooking up an Island Night and we will have live music on the lawn for your
dancing pleasure), and Sunday afternoon awards ceremony. We’ll close out the month with the
Interlake Regatta on June 24-26. June should be a great month and I look forward to seeing
you on the water.
Best regards,
Katie Horvath
Membership by Deb Wyckoff, Committee Chair
We had a great turnout of new members, sponsors, board members, committee
chairmen, social and full members for the GTYC New Member Reception. Thanks to
everyone who attended and thanks to Ian and the staff for the great food.
Please welcome aboard the following new members:
Thomas Booth
Ed & Ingrid Brophy
Pete & Julie Comfort
Philip & Barbara Ellis
Jerry & Christina Fleis
Ron Fitzsimmons & Lori Watts
Nina Foster
Chris & Lauren Jeffries
Tracey Lev-Ary
Matt Myers
Bryan & Lori Poirier
Jarvis & Janet Post
Dave & Deb Prichard
Joseph & Cathy Price
Hollie & Ron Fohloff
Deborah Smith
Ryan Valerio
Robert & Andrea Wilhelm
Mark & Kelly Yanick
Michael & Christine Zenn
Eric Lind
Rick & Cathy Newman
Jim Sorbie
Bud Cline
Steve Wyckoff
Jay Kraft
Rich & Sylvia Core
Brian Mohr
Karin Willman
Forbes Husted
Roy & Betsy Nichols
Mike & Carol Pomper
George Kobernus
Dave Terrell
Megan & James Bartley
Dev Trepp
Jay Kraft
Leanne Lindsay
Rich Core
Greg Fisher
GTYC Invitational “The Hound Dog” June 17
Come on out and join the fun for the regatta of the season for GTYC! Spinnaker, Jib and Main and a
Cruising Class are featured in this year’s regatta. The weekend’s festivities kick off Friday night with
the famous gutter boat regatta at the club. The Spin and JAM classes will race on Saturday and Sunday with a couple of short course races on Saturday to tune up and then a longer distance buoy race
up towards the island and back to a finish right off the club just in time for the dinner and party! Sunday’s races will wrap up early in the afternoon so our out of town guests can get home at a decent
The Cruising Class will race on Saturday only with the first start of the morning. The course will be
around the island (you pick the direction to round the island!) and then finish in front of the club. Cruisers this is your chance to collect some hardware AND have some fun!
If you’re not racing then be sure to join the festivities Friday and Saturday night. For members who’ve
wanted to get involved in club activities, we have plenty of volunteer needs to help with the regatta
from manning the ticket counter to running the gutter boat regatta (very, very fun!). If you want to
know more about racing, the party or volunteering, contact me at jimsorbie@gtyc.org.
Jim Sorbie
Hound dog regatta
June 17, 18, 19
JAM, Spinnaker, and
Cruising Fleets racing in
West Grand Traverse Bay
Dinner and Party
Saturday night with live
Sunday Awards Ceremony
Tickets available at the Club
Caribbean roast pork
Roasted chicken
Beans and rice
Yucca Plantains three ways
Cassava root
Island-style Squash
Mixed tropical fruit salad
Here’s another chance to get involved!
Planning for the US Sailing Area K Sear-Bemis-Smythe Qualifiers is coming along, but we need your
help. The date of this event is July 5-9. This event is a qualifying event for junior sailors from the Midwest region. There will be some great competition including some great local sailors participating.
Winners of this regatta will go on to the national championship at Toms River Yacht Club on Aug 9 –
12. We need help with in the following areas:
Launching Retrieving Boats
Serving meals
Race Committee (on the water)
Registration & Welcoming
You don’t have to be available for all four days of the event. We can use you for one day or even
part of a day. If you’re interested in helping out drop me a note at jimsorbie@centurytel.net
Dream Team Wins IGFA Offshore World Championships
May 13, 2011 - Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
A global fraternity of anglers competed last month in the world's largest offshore tournament
series finale in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where the Wet Dream Fishing Team of Islamorada captured the 12th annual IGFA Offshore World Championship billfish tournament crown. GTYC
members Jill and Kevin Clark have spent the last 8 winters fishing sailfish in the Florida Keys as
part of the team. For the world's, Kevin Clark captained the team of Sam Worden, Hunter Barron, Glen Miller and Frank Juliano of Islamorada to release 15 striped marlin and 2 sailfish over
the four day event, edging out the team representing the Harbourside Marine Bahamas Rotary
Tuna Classic by one fish. The Bahamian team also finished second in the 2010 main event,
which is considered the Olympics of sportfishing.
Worden (also of Traverse City) and Barron finished 4th and 5th, respectively, for top angler
honors among the 280 participants, each releasing 7 billfish. To get to Cabo the team won the
Islamorada Fishing Club's Captain's Cup sailfish tournament back in December. That tournament
was one of 130 worldwide qualifying events, which sent 60 teams from 25 countries to the fertile fishing grounds found off the Baja California Sur, and flags from competing team's countries
hung from the balconies at the host Finisterra Hotel. Teams competed from Brazil, Australia, New
Zealand, Angola, Senegal, Croatia, Italy, Panama, Tonga, S Africa, Kenya, Spain, Bermuda,
Canada, Samoa, St. Lucia, Papua New Guinea, Guatemala, Mauritius, Cayman Islands, Mexico
and Trinidad & Tobago. A team from Russia won their qualifying tournament in Cuba.
While many billfish tournaments have six figure payouts, this International Game Fish Association
event offered no prize money. "The tournament is meant to test the angler's skills on a level
playing field. You compete for the pride of your country and bragging rights, not cash," said
Mike Myatt, COO of the IGFA. "All teams in the tournament have to use 30 pound Hi-Catch
Momoi line. Teams draw for boats and fish on a different charter boat each day, with different
captains and mates, and each team was given ten live baits daily," noted Myatt. Dead baits
and artificial lures were also allowed.
While there was not a cash purse for this event, the winners did receive championship rings by
Vanmark Jewelry, Geoffrey Smith sculpture trophies, Guy Harvey artwork, championship apparel by Hook & Tackle, Costa Del Mar sunglasses, Fin-Nor rod and reel combos, Momoi line
and a Reactor Championship Diamond watch. The team also won a lifetime invitation to fish
in future IGFA Offshore World Championships.
Nauti-ble Notes
Interlake Racing
Interlake racing is starting Thurs, June 2 and will continue thursday evening until Labor Day. 1st
warning at 6:pm. Visitors always welcome. Our ISCA regatta is June 25/26. Crew is usually
needed. RC is always needed. Or just come on down and enjoy friends & family OD racing at
its finest. Bob Sagan, bsagan1411@charter.net.
Did you notice our beautiful trilliums?
Liz Zimmerman donated and planted several more trillium at GTYC that have been rescued
through the Leelanau Conservancy's Wildflower Rescue program. They get permission from landowners before construction or driveway/road building to dig and preserve wildflowers from all
over Leelanau County. Thank you, Liz!
Past Commodores’ Council
The Past Commodores' Council will have its first official meeting on Friday, June 17, 1900 hrs at
The inaugural meeting on April 8 was attended by twelve past commodores. We determined
that quarterly meetings would be held concurrent with the solstice and equinox events. All past
commodores in good standing as Full Members of GTYC may attend. If any Past Commodores
have items to be discussed, please contact Wes at Wesn1@AOL.com.
Musings from “the Yard Guy”
Members: Some things never change, here are some words of wisdom from the "Yard Guy" as
quoted in the May 1995 issue of the Waterlines:
" ...just to remind you, I don't do goose S#@%. ..it would really be nice if we just remember to
never feed the geese at the club, except of course to your dog. Please always shoe them away,
they are not welcome no matter how cute your four year old thinks that they are. just take your
shoes off and walk barefoot across the front yard to see what I mean. I'd like to take this time to
thank everyone who will help us out all summer long keeping our club looking its best. Please try
to do your share, and pick up after yourself, and any guests who might not be so self-conscious
about the appearance of our club. Please also try to remember that slavery was outlawed a
few years back, except of course where your kids are concerned, so don't just trash the place
and think that the yard guy, a board member or our club manager will pick it up, that's not what
we're here to do for you. We've got more than enough to do to make this a great year. If you
have some trash, and the bag inside the can Is full, or there Is no bag in the can. please give the
club a minute or two of your time and change the bag. The dumpster is located at the back of
the dinghy storage area, and new trash bags can be conveniently found in the kitchen. Thanks
again for helping keep our club looking its best.
Bay Breeze
Basic thru advanced
sailing instruction
and custom courses.
New in 2010 - Spinnaker Training!
Send newsletter articles, stories, advertisements, photos, or free Caribbean charters to:
waterlines@gtyc.com (Please include “waterlines” in the subject line)
Next deadline is Monday, June 27, 2011.
The Grand Traverse Yacht Club newsletter Waterlines is published monthly.
Naut-ible Notes, continued
MHA Boat Auction - June 11
The 25th Annual Maritime Heritage Alliance Boat Auction/Fundraiser is June 11 and donations
are still being sought- old dinghies, motors, boating gear, or unwanted/unused boats are welcome! We will arrange pick-up and handle the paperwork.
Proceeds from the Auction support the MHA’s Restoration Shop youth mentoring program and the
SAIL Champion program for at-risk. Call 231-645-1625 for more info or click here, and thanks
for supporting the MHA- dedicated to sharing the maritime history of the Great Lakes for 30
Spring has arrived in Northern Michigan, the ice has left Little Traverse Bay, and the first boats
have been brought out of winter storage. Sailing season is coming. We would love to have you
and your club members take part in Little Traverse Yacht Club's Regatta, July 29-31 in Harbor
Springs. Sponsored by Credit Suisse, this is a wonderful weekend beginning with one-design racing on Friday followed by Saturday and Sunday racing on the bay. A pancake breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning along with a complimentary buffet after racing takes place at the
LTYC clubhouse. We have a requirement with the city of Harbor Springs to not exceed 88 boats
so if you are thinking of joining us, and we hope that you do, check out our registration site at
Regatta information at http://www.ltyc.org/sailing/regattas/. We hope to see you in July!
Kathie Breighner
LTYC Vice Commodore
GTYC Food Service Reminder
Please remember that GTYC is a volunteer club with limited food service. We do not have staff
available to bus tables, so please clean up after yourself and guests. Receptacles and
silverware bins are located near the kitchen door, and glassware should be returned to the bar.
Thank you!
for the Calendar of Events,
click here
Jaime Hall & Donna Folgarelli
Fisher enjoy another Friday
night at GTYC.
Elena Horvath & Lauren
Willman create some
homemade fun on the GTYC
Photos by Karin Willman