Fall Winter Registration Packet - Traverse City Figure Skating Club
Fall Winter Registration Packet - Traverse City Figure Skating Club
2016 -2017Fall/Winter Registration Packet Please complete and return all forms by the listed deadlines. 1. Contract 2. Waiver Release Form 3. Voucher Policy Acknowledgement 4. Volunteer Hour Requirements 5. Volunteer Hour Record Sheet 6. Locker Room Policies 7. Ice Etiquette Guidelines 8. Safe Sport Statement 9. Concussion Form 10. 2016 Fall Schedule and Registration Forms 11. 2016 PRE Fall Drop In Schedule Traverse City Figure Skating Club Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”) In consideration of participating in Traverse City Figure Skating Club (TCFSC) activities, I represent that I understand the nature of figure skating activities (“activity”) and that I am qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in such “activity”. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the “activity”. I fully understand that this “activity” involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the “activity”, the conditions in which the “activity” takes place, or the negligence of the “releasees” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the “activity”. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Traverse City Figure Skating Club, United States Figure Skating, it’s directors, officers, administrators, sponsors, volunteers, agents, employees, staff, instructors, trainers, other participants and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the “activity” takes place (each considered one of the “Releasees” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “releasees” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim. The Traverse City Figure Skating Club has the right, but not the obligation, to provide rules, regulations and/or ice monitors for Club Ice. We hereby acknowledge that the Traverse City Figure Skating Club shall not be responsible for the supervision of the members at Club Ice. I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. Date: Printed Name of Participant Signature of Participant PARENTAL CONSENT AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT I, the minor’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the above referenced activities and the minor’s experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such “activity”. I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue and AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations, and further agree that if, despite this release, I, the minor, or anyone on the minor’s behalf makes a claims against any of the above Releasees, I WILL INDEMNIFY, SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS each of the Releasees from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost any Releasees may incur as the result of any such claim. Date: Printed Name of Parent/Guardian Signature of Parent/Guardian Page 1 Consent for Medical Attention or Treatment I certify that I, the member, or I, the parent/guardian of said participant, give my consent to the Traverse City Figure Skating Club and the facility the activities are taking place in and their staff and to members of the Traverse City Figure Skating Club, their Board of Directors and volunteers to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or clinic, including transportation and emergency medical services, for myself/ourselves and/or said participant for any injury that could arise from participation in these activities. st Name of 2 rd Name of 4 Minor Child Member (Please print.) Name of 1 Minor Child Member (Please print.) Name of 3 Minor Child Member (Please print.) nd Minor Child Member (Please print.) th Name(s) of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) (Please print) st 1 Parent/Guardian Signature 2 nd Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date st Name of 1 Adult Member (Please print.) st 1 Adult Member Signature Name of 2 2 nd nd Date Adult Member (Please print.) Adult Member Signature Date Date This Consent for Medical Attention shall be binding and effective for the 2016-2017 membership year. Photograph and Media Consent I hereby consent and authorize The Traverse City Figure Skating Cub to use photographs or motion pictures of member skaters in media productions, social media, and advertisements. I also agree that the Traverse City Figure Skating Club may identify me by name, and skating achievements. (If the person does not wish to be identified by name, etc., please have them cross through this sentence, and initial here.) _______ I agree that I am participating on a voluntary basis and I will not receive any payment for signing this release or as a result of any publication of the Materials. I represent that I am at least 19 years of age, or if not, that I have secured the signature of my parent or legal guardian. ______________ ______________________________________________________ Print Name ______________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Signature Vouchers for Missed Skating Sessions Guidelines for vouchers: 1. The skater’s parent must request a voucher prior to a missed session by sending an email to the TCFSC office (tcfigureskating@gmail.com) or leaving a message on the TCFSC answering machine at (231) 947-2267. 2. Only 3 vouchers are allowed for spring or summer for missed skating due to illness. Five vouchers will be allowed for fall/winter. For longer illnesses, a refund or additional vouchers may be considered with a doctor’s written verification. 3. Additional vouchers can be requested for missed sessions due to skating related events (competitions, testing, etc). 4. Vouchers are also available for missed sessions due to skating-related events (competitions, testing, etc.) in fall/winter or in spring. 5. Vouchers are only valid for Freestyle sessions , No vouchers for sessions that include group teaching with an instructor/coach (Synchro, Production Ensemble, Spins and Jumps, Power/Skating skills ). 6. Vouchers must be used within the season that they are granted – fall/winter, spring, or summer. All vouchers expire at the end of that session. 7. There is no guarantee that vouchers can be used. 8. There is no refund for missed sessions/vouchered sessions. 9. Switched sessions must occur within the same week and must be requested prior to missing the first of those sessions to be switched (i.e. if a skater is missing 3:40pm on Monday, they need to request a switch for Tuesday at 3:40 ON MONDAY). 10. Before getting on the ice for each session, a skater should check the list of registered skaters (posted at the door to the ice) and be sure they are registered on that session. 11. Any skater who is on a session that they were not registered for will be charged the drop-in fee for that session UNLESS they have arranged for a switch or requested to use a voucher or present their punch card prior to that session. You will see these drop-in fees added to your statements. If this happens, talk to your skater to determine why they were on that session without a voucher, switch, or punch card. Do NOT call the TCFSC office or TCFSC Treasurer as they may not have the records right in front of them. è If the skaters follow the missed sessions policy (i.e. request vouchers or switches appropriately), there will not be any surprise drop-in fees on your bills. I have read the following and understand the contents Date Volunteer Hour Information Requirement: 24 volunteer hours per family from Sept 21st to June 15th Many hands make light work!!! In order for our club to run smoothly and successfully we need you! Hours must be completed by June 15th • You will be billed $15 for each hour not completed. If no hours are completed, the total added to your bill would be $360 Volunteer hours are earned on an hourly basis. If you volunteer for the Ice show and do two hours of work, you get two hours of volunteer time. The United States Figure Skating Association (USFS) prohibits giving volunteer hours for fundraising activities Volunteer hour forms may be kept in the office in the “volunteer hour binder” • All hours must be verified and signed by appropriate committee chair within two weeks. You • • • are responsible for contacting the chair to sign your form. • th All forms must be completed and in the binder by June 15 . Accounts will be billed the th remaining hours after this date. No forms will be accepted after June 15 Earning your hours Please check one of the following events that you feel you would be able to help with: ( ) Centre Ice open house/TCFSC open house in October ( ) Learn to skate free clinic ( ) Message Boards updated every 2 weeks, receive all 24 hours. Info for boards will be provided by TCFSC ( ) Glass cases upstairs ( ) Passing out flyers to schools and businesses for TCFSC events (1 hour per event) ( ) Christmas Exhibition ( ) Used Skate and Dress Sale ( ) Test Sessions ( ) Locker room cleaning ( ) Ice show committee ( ) Ice Show performances ( ) Cherry Classic competition committee ( ) Cherry Classic competition event ( ) Skate A Thon ( )Other __________________________________________________________ Please sign below to verify that you have read and agree to the volunteer requirements Signature: ___________________________ Print Name:__________________________ Traverse City Figure Skating Club Volunteer Form 2016/2017 24 volunteer hours per family *In order to avoid the annual $360.00 volunteer fee, this form must be completed in its entirety and turned into the office by June 15th. $15 per hour not completed will be billed * Name:____________________________________________________ DATE ACTIVITY HOURS SIGNATURE OF CHAIR Forms must be kept in the office binder marked “volunteer forms”. If forms are not completed, or are not in the office binder by June 15th, you will be charged any remaining hours on your next invoice. No forms will be accepted after June 15th. Locker Room Policies Cost of lockers are from Setpember 1st -August 31st . Half Price after Jan.1st Reminder: Please keep your skate bags closed and zipped and keep lockers locked. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO GO INTO ANOTHER SKATER’S BAG/BELONGINGS/LOCKER • • If you have borrowed items from another skater, please remember to return those items as soon as possible. Skate bags must be taken home each night – do not leave them in the locker room. 1. NO FOOD OR DRINKS (other than water) in the locker room. 2. All female skaters should feel welcome to use the locker room. Unwelcoming behavior by any skater will not be tolerated. 3. All skaters who use the locker room must keep it neat and clean. • • • • • The state of the locker room reflects on TCFSC as a Club. If it is not kept neat and clean, TCFSC could lose the locker room. All skaters who use it must participate in routine cleaning of the locker room. Please be sure all items are off the floor and on the hooks or overhead shelf before you leave each night so the Centre Ice crew can clean the floors. ANY ITEMS LEFT ON THE FLOOR MAY BE THROWN OUT. Consequences for Food or Inappropriate Behavior in the Locker Room 1st Offense A letter will be sent to the skater’s parents outlining the offense and the skater has the option of: A. Paying a $20 fine or B. Cleaning the locker room to a Board member’s specifications. 2nd Offense The skater must remove all of their belongings from the locker room and will not be allowed to use the locker room for a period of 30 days. rd 3 Offense The skater must come to a Board meeting and explain to the Board members why they should be allowed to use the locker room again. I have read and fully understand the above “Locker Room Policies” and agree to abide by them. _________________________ Skater __________________________ Parent / Guardian _______________ Date _______________ Date Ice Etiquette / Safety Guidelines Skating is basically an individual sport, and activities during most practice sessions are pretty unstructured. It is important to know though, that some basic rules must be observed for safety, and to ensure that everyone can make effective use of their ice time. SAFETY First and foremost is SAFETY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH SKATER TO WATCH WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND THEM and TO BE AWARE OF SAFETY ISSUES AT ALL TIMES. It is essential to respect the rights of other skaters and be constantly aware of who is around you. If you seem to be surrounded by skaters of significantly greater or lesser skills, be especially careful! Strive to avoid collisions! Remember to treat all skaters with courtesy. “On Program” and “In Lesson” Get Priority The skater who is “on program” (whose music is playing) has the right of way at all times, and other skaters are expected to give them free maneuvering room. Second in priority are those skaters who are currently in lessons with their pro. Always yield to these skaters as well. Lutz Corners Because of the nature of the Lutz jump, it is most commonly performed in the 10:00 and 4:00 corners of the rink. These corners are informally called the “Lutz Corners”, and can usually be identified by the unusually large concentration of divots in the ice. Strive to avoid long-term practice activities (especially spins) in these corners, and try to be especially aware of your surroundings when you are in them. Remember that the approach to a Lutz is long and blind. The skater doing the Lutz is not likely to see you. Dangerous Singles Moves When you are practicing elements like camel spins and back spirals be especially aware of the danger your exposed blade poses to other skaters. Recognize that once you’ve started the element it will be hard for you to see those around you. Take a good look at your expected “space” before you start the element, and abort it if it looks like you could cause a problem. Falls and Injuries If you should fall, get up quickly. Remember that the other skaters will have a much harder time seeing you when you are down low on the ice. Don’t stay there any longer than you have to. While falling, remember to keep your fingers away from your blades and learn to fall properly so that you can protect your head as much as possible. Learn to keep “loose” when you fall and this will help you to avoid injury. If you see someone else that has fallen and may be injured, don’t touch him or her without being certain that doing so won’t hurt him or her further. If you suspect that someone is seriously hurt, the best thing to do is, 1) have someone stand “guard” over them to make sure that other skaters avoid collisions with them, and 2) get a qualified adult to come and help them. A blanket or warm-up jacket/sweatshirt laid over them might help to keep them warmer while waiting for qualified help to arrive. Predictability As you skate more, you’ll get to the point where you’ll recognize that a practice session has a certain “rhythm” to it. People do tend to do pretty “expectable” or “predictable” things, and you can usually pretty much guess where somebody else is going, based on what they’re doing when you see them (the normal approaches to each jump or spin are pretty recognizable). If you’re an “opposite direction” skater (clockwise jumper) be aware that other skaters will often be uncertain about your intentions. Try not to skate or behave in a way that would surprise other skaters. If you’re standing near the boards, don’t enter the flow of skaters without checking to make sure you’re not going to get into someone else’s way. Don’t Stand Around Refrain from standing around and visiting on the ice. If you are visiting with friends, your attention is diverted away from what is happening around you on the ice. This wastes expensive ice and presents an additional hazard for other skaters to avoid. THIS IS A SAFETY ISSUE and a senior coach will warn you once and may then require you to skate 5 laps if you are seen to be visiting/chatting with a group of friends on the ice. If you feel you are unfairly accused, please speak with your coach and/or your parent about the situation. I have read and fully understand the above “Ice Etiquette / Safety Guidelines” and agree to abide by them. ___________________________________ Skater ________ Date ___________________________________ Parent / Guardian ___________________________________ Reviewed with skater: Coach Signature _________ Date _________ Date SafeSport Statement for Membership Renewal TCFSC is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring that it promotes an environment free of misconduct. The following code of conduct applies to all participants in activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating and TCFSC including but not limited to competitions, exhibitions, training camps and local rink activities. I recognize that my participation or my child's in all the activities associated with U.S. Figure Skating and TCFSC is an honor and privilege that carries certain responsibilities. I agree to fully abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by U.S. Figure Skating or its properly designated agents. U.S. Figure Skating Member Code of Conduct GR 1.02 I recognize that my participation in all activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating, including but not limited to competitions, exhibitions and training camps, is an honor and privilege that carries certain responsibilities. I agree to fully abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by U.S. Figure Skating or its properly designated agents. As a precondition to participation in activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating, I will adhere to the following tenets in good faith: A. I will exhibit the highest standards of fairness, ethical behavior and genuine good sportsmanship in all of my relations with others. B. I will not damage public or private property. I understand that I may be held financially responsible for damage deemed to be wantonly or willfully executed on my part, and that I may be subject to disciplinary action by U.S. Figure Skating. C. I will not use or possess illegal drugs, and I will not engage in criminal activity. I understand that, if I am found to use or possess illegal drugs, or if I am found to engage in any criminal activity during any activity hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating, I may be subject to criminal penalties as well as penalties imposed by U.S. Figure Skating. D. I will adhere to the rules of U.S. Figure Skating and the host organization at all activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating. E. I will comply with all applicable anti-‐doping rules including, but not limited to, ISU and USADA anti-‐ doping rules. F. I will conduct myself in a manner not detrimental to the welfare of figure skating. I understand that my actions reflect on U.S. Figure Skating and the sport of figure skating both positively and negatively. I understand that if my acts, statements, or conduct are considered detrimental to the welfare of figure skating by the appropriate authority, I may be subject to penalties imposed by U.S. Figure Skating pursuant to GR 1.04. G. I understand that the penalties that may be imposed may include, but are not limited to, loss of future international selections, loss of financial support from U.S. Figure Skating and its Memorial Fund, and loss of participation in activities hosted, supported, sponsored or engaged in by U.S. Figure Skating. H. I understand that all disciplinary proceedings will be conducted pursuant to Article XXV, Section 3, of the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws, and that my rights and remedies are derived therefrom. Skater Signature: Date: Parent Signature: PARENT & ATHLETE CONCUSSION INFORMATION SHEET WHAT IS A CONCUSSION? A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF CONCUSSION? SYMPTOMS REPORTED BY ATHLETE: Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If an athlete reports one or more symptoms of concussion after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, s/he should be kept out of play the day of the injury. The athlete should only return to play with permission from a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. Headache or “pressure” in head Nausea or vomiting Balance problems or dizziness Double or blurry vision Sensitivity to light Sensitivity to noise Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Concentration or memory problems Confusion Just not “feeling right” or is “feeling down” SIGNS OBSERVED BY COACHING STAFF: Most concussions occur without loss of • • • • • • • • • • • Athletes who have, at any point in their lives, had a concussion have an increased risk for • Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take longer to recover • • • • • • • • • • Appears dazed or stunned Is confused about assignment or position Forgets an instruction Is unsure of game, score, or opponent Moves clumsily Answers questions slowly Loses consciousness (even briefly) Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall Can’t recall events after hit or fall “IT’S BETTER TO MISS ONE GAME THAN THE WHOLE SEASON” Rick Snyder, Governor James K. Haveman, Director CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. An athlete should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body s/he exhibits any of the following danger signs: ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï ï One pupil larger than the other Is drowsy or cannot be awakened A headache that gets worse Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination Repeated vomiting or nausea Slurred speech Convulsions or seizures Cannot recognize people or places Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated Has unusual behavior Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously) WHY SHOULD AN ATHLETE REPORT THEIR SYMPTOMS? If an athlete has a concussion, his/her brain needs time to heal. While an athlete’s brain is still healing, s/he is much more likely to have another concussion. Repeat concussions can increase the time it takes to recover. In rare cases, repeat concussions in young athletes can result in brain swelling or permanent damage to their brain. They can even be fatal. STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME PRINTED STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME SIGNED WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION? 1. If you suspect that an athlete has a concussion, remove the athlete from play and seek medical attention. Do not try to judge the severity of the injury yourself. Keep the athlete out of play the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussion, says s/he is symptom-free and it’s OK to return to play. 2. Rest is key to helping an athlete recover from a concussion. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration, such as studying, working on the computer, and playing video games, may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be carefully managed and monitored by a health care professional. 3. Remember: Concussions affect people differently. While most athletes with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. DATE PARENT OR GUARDIAN NAME PRINTED PARENT OR GUARDIAN NAME SIGNED DATE 2016-17 Fall/Winter Skating Season Ice Contract September 21st, 2016– March 23rd , 2017 Due September 12th:Sept Skater Name: Address: Email: Emergency Contact: Coach(es): Freestyle or Basic Skills Level: Parent Name: DOB: City: Home #: Phone #: Coach Signature: Moves Level: Parent Signature: USFS #: Zip: Cell #: Weekly Ice Schedule/ Ice Registration *Write in your package rate or non package rate in the box and multiply that by the number of weeks to get your total* Time 3:00-3:50 pm 3:50-4:40 pm (z) 4:50-5:10 pm 5:10-6:00 pm Session Open Mid Jump and Spin Skills Open Monday Minutes Package Rate/ Non 50 min 50 min 20 min 50 min Weeks 22 22 22 22 Total Weeks 24 24 24 24 Total Wednesday Minutes Package Rate/ Non 50 min 50 min 50 min 50 min 20 min 50 min Weeks 25 25 25 25 25 25 Total Thursday Minutes Package Rate/ Non 50 min 50 min 50 min 50 min 50 min TBD Weeks 22 22 22 22 TBD Total Tuesday Time 3:00-3:50 pm 3:50-4:40 pm (z) 4:50-5:40 pm 5:40-6:10 pm Time 2:10-3:00 pm 3:00-3:50 pm 3:50-4:40 pm (z) 4:50-5:40 pm 5:40-6:00 pm 6:00-6:50 pm Time 2:10-3:00 pm 3:00-3:50 pm 3:50-4:40 pm (z) 4:50-5:40 pm 5:40-6:30 pm Session Open Mid Open Production Ensemble Session Open Open Mid Open Power/Skating Skills Low Session Open Open Mid Open Synchronized Skating Team Minutes 50 min 50 min 50 min 30 min Package Rate/ Non ----- Friday Time 2:10-3:00 pm 3:00-3:50 pm (z) 4:00-4:50 pm 4:50-5:40 pm Time 10:00 -11:00 am 11:50-12:20pm Session Open Open Open Regional Competitors Minutes 50 min 50 min 50 min 50 min Package Rate/ Non Weeks 22 22 22 22 Total Saturday @ Howe Arena Beginning October 8th, 2016 Session Minutes Package Rate/ Non Weeks Open 50 min 16 (Ends Feb. 11th) Low Production Ensemble 30 min 20 Total Total: $_____________ 2016-2017 Fall/Winter Information Class and Session Requirements and Descriptions Open Sessions Open to skaters who have passed Basic 3 through Senior FS Mid Sessions Regional Competitor On Ice Jump/Spin Class : Power/Skating Skills: Open to skaters who have passed Pre Preliminary Through Senior FS Session for skaters who plan to compete at the upcoming or following Regional Championships Open to all High/Low skaters. Jump/Spin exercises, technique. Open to all High/Low skaters. Focus on speed, power, skating skills. Production Ensemble: Low Production Ensemble: Synchronized Skating Team: Must have passed Pre Preliminary Moves or higher (must be registered for a minimum of one FS session on club ice). Skaters will participate in Christmas show, and annual ice show in March. Costumes NOT included in price Must not have passed Pre Preliminary Moves (must be registered for a minimum of one FS session on club ice). Skaters will participate in Christmas show, and annual ice show in March. Costumes NOT included in price Registration and contracts will be completed separately. Packages and Package Rates $$$ Non Package Rates Package A: 3-5 Freestyles a week @ $17 a session All 50 minute Freestyle sessions @ $18 Package B: 6-9 Freestyles a week @ $15.50 a session 10 or more Freestyles a week @ $14 a session On Ice Spin/Jump classes @ $12 (includes coaches fee) Production Ensemble @ $330 (includes coaches fee) Package C: Package Add Ons: Low Production Ensemble @ $195 On Ice Jump/Spin Class @ $11 (includes coaching fee) Power Class @ $12 (includes coaching fee) Power Class @ $11 (includes coaching fee) Production Ensemble: With package A: $310; package B: $290; package C: $270 Synchronized Skating Team TBD Dates Not Included in Contract / No Skating LOW Production Ensemble: With package A: $175; package B: $155 Halloween October 31s Thanksgiving – Nov. 24th, 25th, 26th Additional Registration Fees Punch Cards- 500 min @$210; 250 min @$105 Drop In Rates- FS Sessions are priced at $22/50 min Christmas Break – Dec. 23rd – Jan. 1st February 18 , 25 , and March 4th – 10:00am session used for ice show practices March, 7th – Tech Rehearsal 3:00 pm, March 9th - Dress Rehearsal 5:00pm, March 11th, 12th - Ice Show th th Annual USFS Membership Fees- $60.00 First family member, $24 subsequent family members, $30 first year member; Good through 5/31/2017 Annual Club Membership Fees- $85.00 good through 5/31/2017 Optional Annual Locker Rental- $50.00 (September to September) Skating at Howe Arena NEW Raffle NEW *** RAFFLE – 5 tickets at $10 each. Each member is required to sell a minimum of 5 tickets. This is a raffle with a grand prize of up to $10,000. Only 3,000 tickets will be sold. If less than 2,000 tickets are sold, the raffle becomes a 50/50 Oct 14 , Oct. 21st, November 18th, Dec. 2nd, Jan. 15th th Important TCFSC Annual Events Christmas Exhibition: December 17th, 2016 6-8 pm Annual 50/50 Raffle Drawing Held at Christmas Show at 8pm Annual Ice Show: March 10, 11th, 2017 Skate A Thon: Jan 21st, 2017 Payment Plan • • • • 1st payment due with Contract $15 late fee incurred if not received by the 10th of each month (skaters not allowed to skate if payment is not made by the 15th) Each payment is due the 1st of each month (7 total payments) Last payment Due March 1st Method of 1st Payment []Cash []Check#__________ []Money Order # _________ []Credit Card ($3 convenience fee) *MasterCard, Visa, Discover Ice Contract Total Fees Package: ☐ A ☐ B ☐ C ☐ No Package Raffle Tickets $ 50 Locker Rental $_________ Membership fees if not already paid $_________ Ice Total for Fall/Winter $_________ 1st Payment Amount $_________ Amount Per Subsequent Payments $_________ Pre Fall Drop in Schedule The Pre Fall sessions are drop in sessions provided by Centre ICE, and are not part of TCFSC fall registration. Each session is priced at $15, payable to Centre ICE. Payment is expected prior to each day/session. Payments can be made at the skate rental office. Tuesday Sept. 6th 3:00pm-‐4:00pm 4:00-‐5:00pm Z AT CENTRE ICE 5:10-‐6:10pm Wednesday Sept. 7th 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z AT CENTRE ICE 4:10-‐5:10pm 5:10-‐6:10pm Thursday Sept. 8th Monday Sept. 12th 3:00pm-‐4:00pm 4:00-‐5:00pm Z AT CENTRE ICE 5:10-‐6:10pm Tuesday Sept. 13th 3:00pm-‐4:00pm 4:00-‐5:00pm Z 5:10-‐6:10pm Wednesday Sept. 14th 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z AT CENTRE ICE 4:10-‐5:10pm 5:10-‐6:10pm Monday Sept. 19th 3:45pm-‐4:50pm 4:50-‐5:50pm AT HOWE ARENA Tuesday Sept. 20th 3:45pm-‐4:50pm 4:50-‐5:50pm Wednesday the 21st is first day of Fall/Winter schedule. AT CENTRE ICE AT HOWE ARENA AT CENTRE ICE 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z 4:10-‐5:10pm 5:10-‐6:10pm Friday Sept. 9th AT CENTRE ICE 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z 4:10-‐5:10pm Thursday Sept. 15th 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z AT HOWE ARENA 4:10-‐5:10pm 5:10-‐6:10pm Friday Sept. 16th 2:00pm-‐3:00pm 3:00-‐4:00pm Z AT HOWE ARENA 4:10-‐5:10pm