Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego


Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24
San Diego, California
June 2013
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
Presidents Message, June, 2013
Summer is Here
Greetings Fellow Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego Club Members:
We are looking forward to a very busy summer with many car shows, cruise nights, tours, parades,
activities and events throughout the summer. On June 12th, we were featured at the Del Mar Fair.
And to really start us off on a fun summer; the Corvette Diner has invited The Classic Thunderbirds
of San Diego to attend their Grease Celebration by displaying our cars on Saturday and Sunday,
June 14 and 15. Our regular meeting is June 23. Dan Regan has arranged for a guest speaker,
Certified Classic Car Appraiser Doug McMurray. The Second Annual Bill Danealides Memorial
Auction is being moved to August. Once again, we will be participating in the 4th of July Parade in
Coronado. On July 21st, Kearny Pearson Ford is having their Summer Sales Event, which will
feature CTSD and the Mustang Club. The event will include entertainment and a BBQ; don’t miss it.
We will have a short business meeting after the event, which is one week ahead of the regular
meeting date. El Cajon Cruise night on June 26th features “Evolution of the Thunderbird.” The
Corvette Club is having their Main Street America Car Show at the Embarcadero on July 28. This is
one of the outstanding car shows of the year; I encourage everyone to attend this incredible car
show. And don’t forget the CTCI Regional in San Jose from July 31 to August 4th. The Cruisin
Grand weekly car cruise in Escondido is one of the most successful car cruises in the country. On
Friday, August 30, we will be the featured club, along with the Woody Club, at Cruisin Grand. For
the September meeting, Dan Regan is arranging another guest speaker. This gives you some idea
of all the fun things planned for the summer months. Please check the calendar for these, and many
other events to participate in.
With the large number of activities planned, I have decided to fill the vacant position of Activities
Chair. If you would like to plan an activity, or help out with any of the upcoming activities, please
give me a call. If you would like to plan a club tour, please contact Tour Chair Dan Regan.
The Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego is growing and expanding in not only membership, but in
participation and interest. I am proud to see the attendance at the meetings, and all of the interest
and participation in the many club events and activities. I am also pleased to announce another new
member couple; Steve and Doris Shapiro from Oceanside. Steve and Doris own a Colonial White
1957, and are also joining CTCI. Welcome; we look forward to meeting you at an upcoming activity.
We are very fortunate to have two outstanding Ford dealerships that have been very supportive of
CTSD. I am pleased to announce that Drew Ford has made another generous donation to our Club.
Kearny Pearson Ford needs our help for the summer sales event on July 21st. Sign up at the June
meeting, or contact me directly.
I am proud to serve as your Club President. If there is anything that I can do to enhance your
membership, or to discuss anything Club or Thunderbird related, please call me anytime.
Alan Cutsinger
CTSD President
E-mail: Club Website:
Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
May 19, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Meeting convened at 2:09 pm by Treasurer Dave Durrill, standing in for Pres. Alan Cutsinger and
VP Dan Regan, neither of whom could attend. Sec’y John McKechnie also could not attend, due to
knee surgery.
Minutes were approved. Dave Durrill gave his Treasurer’s report, which was approved. We have
$4866.75 in the club treasury. $1000 donation check from Drew Ford might be forthcoming.
Dave Durrill mentioned articles in CTCI’s Early Bird about the adverse effects of too much ethanol
in our engines, and why not to use long-life antifreeze in our radiators (an issue with lead used in
our cores).
Even though Parade Chair Gary Dumas was not in attendance, the La Mesa Flag Day parade was
mentioned (June 1st) and the 4th of July parade in Coronado. Contact Gary Dumas if you’re
interested in participating.
Webmaster Gary Noyes noted the latest versions of the newsletters are now on the club website.
And if anyone has suggestions for improvements, please contact Gary Noyes.
Gary Noyes also reported we’re showing our cars at the County Fair again, in Del Mar, on
Wednesday, June 12th. We’re paired with the Wunderbird club again this year. A sign-up sheet
went around at the April meeting, and another one at this meeting. Gary will contact folks a week
or so before the Fair.
Treasurer Dave talked about the CTCI NW Regional up in San Jose at the end of July. Sign up
soon, as it’s only about 2 months away. Gary Noyes reported they’ve opened more rooms at the
hotel, so space is currently available. Caravans to drive up to San Jose might be forming; more
into to follow. Note you have to be a CTCI member to attend the activities. Great fun – try to
On New Business, we’ve been asked to show our cars at the Grease Celebration Party at the
Corvette Diner at Liberty Station on June 15-16. More info to follow. The Corvette club is hosting
their annual Main Street America car show at the downtown Embarcadero Park on Sunday, July
28th. We always have a good turn-out for this large show (~300 cars). Dave Keetch reported on
the upcoming El Cajon cruise night on June 26th where the “Evolution of the Thunderbird” will be
held on the Promenade.
Dave Durrill talked about the 2nd Annual Bill Dandalides club auction to be held at next month’s
meeting – clean out your garage to bring parts, etc. to auction off for the benefit of our club!
Dave read an email from Helen Klein, thanking club members for their support, especially driving
their cars to husband Bill’s memorials. He also read an email from Capt. Mark Cedrun who is on
active duty in Bahrain.
The 50:50 raffle was won by Don See; he split $34 with the club treasury. Refreshments (good
cookies!) were supplied by Jan & Dave Durrill. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 pm.
Submitted by Gary Noyes,
Past President
23 Meeting, 2pm, Regular Meeting
26 El Cajon Cruise Night, "Evolution of the Thunderbird"
4 Coronado Parade, Sign up with Parade Chair Gary Dumas
18 Encinitas Car Cruise Night
21 *Kearny Pearson Ford, Summer Sales Event, Mustang & T-Bird Clubs
*Club Meeting (after event)
28 Main Street America, Embarcadero Park North, Seaport Village
31 (To Aug. 4th) CTCI Regional, “Birds on The Bay” in San Jose
4 National City Auto Heritage Day
25 Meeting, 2pm, Regular Meeting, Second Annual Auction
30 Cruisin Grand Escondido, CTSD Featured club along with Woody club
14 Oceanside Airport Fly-In and Car Show
Automotive History…
Everything you wanted to know about automotive history.
For additional information
visit the Council website.
Flag Day Parade
The parade, once it got going, proceeded slowly. But all made it
through OK, with no overheating problems (though Dave & Don had
to maneuver a bit to avoid the oncoming trolley!). The 4 of us then
motored over to Chili's for an enjoyable lunch. Unfortunately, Gary
Dumas had a coolant leak that prevented him from joining the
Advertisers and Sponsors
Complimentary Bird's Eye View printing by CCS
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
P.O. BOX 82844, SAN DIEGO, CA 92138
Please email newsletter contributions to
Regular meeting Location: Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
(unless otherwise noted)
June 23, 2013 @ 2:00PM
Treasurer’s Report
by Dave Durrill
T-Bird Safety Check List
___ Transmission Fluid at proper level and clean
___ Oil, Proper level and should not have over 3,000 miles
or 6 months
___ Coolant, Proper level when cool, clean and less than
1year old
Hoses and Belts
___ Check all hoses for good fit, leaks, cracks and frays.
Replace as needed
___ Check belts for cracks, frays and wear. Check for
proper tension
___ Fuel Lines/ Filter Check/clean/replace fuel filter, check
for leaks
___ Check tires for proper air pressure, cracking & tread
wear. Tread should be even. How long since last
alignment? Don't forget about spare
___ Make sure head/tail lights work as well as turn signals
___ Brake lights
___ Horn
___ Battery, Clean terminals, cables. How old is battery?
These are a few necessary items that should be checked
monthly or more often. It's also a good idea to carry some
basic tools and extra water in your car.
Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Printing and Mailing
Membership Chair
Technical Chair
Tour Chair
Activities Chair
Parade Chair
Sunshine Lady
Past President
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
2013 Board Members
Alan Cutsinger
Dan Regan
John McKechnie
David Durrill
Bob & Barbara Czajkowski
Bob & Donna Hummer
Tom & Marcia Mills
Hugh & Rochelle Samuels
Dave Durrill
Helen O'Hara
Gary Dumas
Lanny Arrowsmith
Alan Cutsinger
Dan Regan
Alan Cutsinger
Gary Dumas
Gary Noyes
Dee Hydrick
Rochelle Samuels
Gary Noyes
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
at the San Diego County Fair
Nine members of our club displayed their cars at the County Fair on
Wednesday, June 12th. They were joined by six members of the
Wunderbirds, for an all-Thunderbird day. The day started overcast, with
some mist along the coast, but blue skies appeared after lunch. Still, it
kept things refreshingly mild. By 3pm we all agreed we had walked the
Fair enough! The People’s Choice award went to Bill & Dee Hydrick for
their very nice white ’57. We’ll do it again next year!
Kearny Pearson Ford and the
Mustang Club of San Diego Present:
,.. ••ltd ~ll
Summer Sales Event
Mustang Festival
Sunday, July 21
9:00 am till 3:00 pm
Kearny Pearson Ford 7303 Clairemoot l\Iesa Blvd.
Charity Event to benefit 1\leals on \Vheels
And the l\lonarch School
Dozens of classic and personalized :\Ius tangs from tbe :\ICSD, SYTOA and Wicked
Stangs :\Ius tang clubs ";n be on display and aJso vintage Classic Thunderbirds of SD
LiYe music \\ith :\lark Huston and the Workin' ::\leo (couoh-y and top40 bits)
KGB radio personality- on site broadcast
BBQ burgers and hotdogs proYided by Kearny Pearson Ford
Come join in tbe fun, festn·ities, check out tbe latest Ford products and thank tbe
folks at Kearny Pearson for all their support!
All donations from Food and Rame (1 00° o) to benellt chn rlttes