Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy: A Brain Based Attachment Model for Working with Traumatised Children, Young people and their Carers and Families. www.childhood.org.au/for-professionals Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 1 1 Advanced training with Dan Hughes (USA) As an emerging knowledge base, the neuroscience of caregiving is critical to responding to the needs of traumatised and at-risk children and young people. An in-depth understanding of attachment and the process of therapeutic parenting has been used as the basis for the development of therapeutic foster care, residential and family group home programs. It is also at the heart of family support services that aim to strengthen parenting capacity through enhancing attunement and self reflection. Dr Dan Hughes has been at the forefront of using attachment and neuroscience in resourcing adaptive and positive connections between traumatised children and their parents or caregivers. His approach is family centred and offers very practical strategies for a wide range of professionals who work with vulnerable children and their relationship contexts. …All children deserve the kind of caregiving that fosters the development of secure attachment and puts them on a trajectory towards social and emotional resilience. Too many children only know the kind of safety that comes intermittently and disappears with a parent’s inattentiveness, defensiveness, disinterest, or loss of control. This kind of fleeting, sporadic safety forces children to play defense much too early in life, making them hypervigilant in one setting where they should be able to relax deeply and feel “safe to the bone’ …(Hughes and Baylin, Brain Based Parenting – The neuroscience of caregiving for healthy attachment, 2012). Page 2 Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses A new partnership between the Australian Childhood Foundation and Dan Hughes In June 2013, Dan Hughes ran a series of universally acclaimed national two day seminars. Since then, the Australian Childhood Foundation has formed a partnership with the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Network to be able to offer a range of training opportunities and certification for professionals who work with traumatised children, young people and their carers and families. Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) is the model of intervention developed by Dan Hughes over the past three decades. DDP is a treatment approach to trauma, loss, and/ or other dysregulating experiences, that is based on principles derived from the theories and research of attachment, intersubjectivity, and trauma. DDP involves creating a safe setting in which the child can begin to explore, resolve, and integrate a wide range of memories, emotions, and current experiences, that are frightening, shameful, avoided or denied. Safety is created by ensuring that this exploration occurs within a relational context characterised by nonverbal attunement, reflective dialogue, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy. As the process unfolds, the child is creating a coherent life-story which is crucial for attachment security and is a strong protective factor against psychopathology. Therapeutic progress occurs within the joint activities of co-regulating affect and co-creating meaning. The child’s caregivers, in so far as they are able and committed to providing safety for their child, are active participants in the process. …when parents are experiencing blocked care, they often focus narrowly on the behavioural difficulties that they are having with their children. Under stress and with the impairment of any or all domains of care, parents often hope to just “fix the problem” without first making sense of the relational difficulties they are experiencing with their children… (Hughes and Baylin, Brain Based Parenting – The neuroscience of caregiving for healthy attachment, 2012). Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 3 3 Advanced Training Course in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy The Advanced Training Course in DDP provides the core knowledge of theory, principles, and interventions that are central in developing the skills necessary to practicing DDP successfully. The Advanced Training Course involves 8 days of in depth learning with Dan Hughes in small groups of approximately 30 people. The small group approach ensures maximum participation, relevant case discussion and opportunities for real skill building. It will be run as 2 x 4 day blocks in March and August/ September 2015 in Melbourne and Sydney. During the course, Dan Hughes will • provide extended presentations about the knowledge base underpinning DDP including how to o support children and carers to start to resolve traumatic experiences through - shame interruption - interactive repair - co-regulation of arousal and affect - shared meaning making, o involve parents and/or caregivers in rhythmic dialogue with children that is affective and reflective, o resource parents and caregivers to reach out to the parts of their children that feel vulnerable, lost and insecure, o position an understanding of neurobiology of attachment and concepts of blocked parenting to know how to prepare for and carry out therapeutic engagement with children, young people and the caregivers; • present and collaboratively analyse videos of his therapeutic sessions with children and carers as a way of understanding how DDP is put into practice; • use role plays to develop specific skills relevant to the practice of DDP; • examine how the attachment history of practitioners shapes and influence their way of undertaking DDP; • Page 4 ask a sample of participants to present video taped sessions of their initial DDP intervention with children, young people and their carers or parents as the basis for feedback and consultation. Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses The Advanced Training Course in DPP is both theoretical and practical. It provides real strategies that enable practitioners who work with relationships to know what to say, when and why so as to orient children and caregivers to each other’s reciprocal needs in a way that opens up rapport, trust and a receptiveness to growth and development. Dan’s training is thought-provoking and moving. His framework respects the insights offered by the neurobiology of trauma and attachment. However, he also integrates into his therapeutic responses to children a much wider appreciation of the importance of metaphor, play and intersubjectivity when working with families as a whole. He is generous with his ideas and experience. Practitioners will leave with the knowledge that they have fully examined this seminal therapeutic model. The Advanced Training Course is essential for child protection, out of home care, family support and mental health professionals who are interested in more centrally engaging with the power of relationships to heal and transform the trauma associated with abuse, violence and neglect. Certification in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy At the end of this course, participants are eligible to apply to become certified as a Dyadic Developmental Practitioner. The certification process involves a supervised practicum where they submit 10 video sessions of their work to a certified DDP supervisor who provides them with feedback and opportunities for practice reflection. After the supervised practicum, you will be a certified DDP practitioner related to your qualifications. For example, you will be a certified DDP therapist, caseworker, parent mentor. The Australian Childhood Foundation is the exclusive organizer of all DDP courses and training in Australia. We will facilitate and manage the supervised practicums in a liaison support role with practitioners and international supervisors. Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 5 5 Structure of the Course Days 1- 4 Days 5- 8 • Review of basic principles and interventions of Attachment-Focused Treatment. • Presentation of complexities of developing and maintaining the therapist-parent alliance. • Exploration of utilisation of interventions learned in Beginning Level. • Neuropsychological research regarding attachment and caregiving behaviors. • Successes and challenges of early practice utilisation. • Role-Play examples of challenges of working with parents. • Presentation of the importance of Attachment history of therapist when treating families with attachment-related challenges. • Small group work around Attachment histories of therapists (Review). • Exploration of particularly challenging treatment cases, including the following: multi-problem families, dual diagnosis, severe developmental trauma symptoms. • Small group work around Attachment histories of therapists(2). • Role-Play with feedback from Dan Hughes. • Discussion of particularly challenging treatment cases of Dan Hughes and participants. • Exploration of similarities and differences between Attachment - focused treatment and other treatment models. • Case discussions focusing on treatment and caregiving. • Role-Play with feedback from Dan Hughes. • DVDs of therapeutic sessions of participants are utilised. • Evidence Base for Attachment and DDP • Small group role-plays Lunch • Small group work around Attachment histories of therapists (1) • DVDs of therapeutic sessions of Dan Hughes and participants are utilised, as well as case discussions. • Review of specific caregiving principles for children with trauma/attachment problems. • Discussion of particularly challenging behavioral problems manifested in the home and school. Lunch • Further focus on working with parents as early stage of Attachment-focused treatment (Advanced Level). • DVDs of therapeutic sessions of Dan Hughes and participants are utilised. • Further focus on establishing and maintaining the therapeutic alliance with parents, caregivers, teachers. • Exploration of Attachment-focused supervision and training: core components. • Final Review of the practice of DDP. Page 6 Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Since I don’t know you please help me to discover parts of you that you once wanted to be found… You know only what your parents thought was you and little more. You stopped trying to know who you were thinking that they were right— they were your parents— how could they be wrong. They were blind to your hopes and your dreams. They did not hear your calls for safety, nor understand the meaning of your hand, reaching for them. Nor why you looked away and covered your face… A poem by Dan Hughes About Dr. Dan Hughes For most of his professional life, Dr. Dan Hughes has been a psychologist specialising in the treatment of children and youth with severe emotional and behavioural problems. His work has focused on children and youth who experienced developmental trauma and attachment disorganisation along with their foster and adoptive families. Dan has borrowed heavily from attachment theory and neurobiology research to develop a model of treatment that he calls Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy. DDP is a nondirective yet directive, client-cantered approach, influenced by psychodynamic, gestalt, Rogerian, and Ericksonian traditions, brought together within the dance of affect attunement that is seen most powerfully in the relationship between a parent and her/his infant and toddler. The DDP model is described well in Building the Bonds of Attachment, 2nd Edition (2006). He expanded the treatment model so that it was applicable to all families, which led to the publication of AttachmentFocused Family Therapy Workbook in 2011 and Attachment-Focused Parenting in 2009. In 2012 he wrote Brain-Based Parenting with Jon Baylin, and Creating Loving Attachments with Kim Golding. He offers regular beginning and advanced training in attachment-focused therapy in Pennsylvania and Maine and has been providing similar trainings throughout the year in other cities in the US, UK, and Canada. He is also a visiting tutor at the Centre for Child Mental Health in London, which is a graduate program for psychotherapists. He has provided therapist training, conducted seminars and spoken at conferences around the US for the past twelve years. He also provides ongoing supervision and consultation to various clinicians and agencies, while speaking regularly to groups of parents. Dan’s treatment is family-centered with parents and caregivers actively involved in their child’s treatment through providing safety and intersubjective learning, as well as in addressing any unresolved themes from their own attachment histories. Central to this treatment is Affective-Reflective Dialogue, which attempts to capture the living narrative and is heavily embedded in nonverbal, emotional, communications, as well as the attitude of PACE (playful, accepting, curious, and empathic). Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 7 7 Course Dates and Details Course Dates (All sessions run from 9.30 am – 4.30 pm) Block A Block B Melbourne To be determined To be determined Sydney To be determined To be determined Venue Details Melbourne CBD location - Additional information will be available upon registration. Sydney CBD location - Additional information will be available upon registration. Page 8 Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Enrolment Form Advanced training in Dydadic Developmental Psychotherapy with Dr. Dan Hughes (USA) Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy: A Brain Based Attachment Model for Working with Traumatised Children, Young people and their Carers and Families Please select the location in which you would like to do the Advance training with Dr. Dan Hughes City Block dates Melbourne Block A: To be determined Block B: To be determined Sydney Block A: To be determined Block B: To be determined Name: Role: Organisation / Agency: Postal address: Contact phone number: Email: My qualifications are: I want to do this course because: Dietary requirements: Special needs: Registration Fees All fees are GST inclusive and include morning and tea and lunch. Save money by booking early $3600 (incl GST) Early bird rate registration $4200 (incl GST) Regular rate registration If full payment is received with this registration form a further discount of $100 will apply. Payment Options Payments can be made in full or through a payment plan. The part payment plan will require the participant to sign an agreement where 50% of the payment is to be made at the time of registration and 50% is due four weeks prior to the beginning of the course. Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 9 9 Payment Authority Direct Debit Bank Name Branch BSB Account Name Account No. Credit Card Card Type: Visa Mastercard AMEX Diners Card Number Expiry CCV Cardholder Signature Please choose one payment option. Option 1. Full Payment Authorisation I authorize the Australian Childhood Foundation to deduct the following payment in full upon receipt of my registration. Payment (less Discount) $3500 received during the early bird period $4100 received after the early bird period Option 2. Part Payment Authorisation I authorise the Australian Childhood Foundation (user ID 340069), to deduct payment associated with: Advanced DDP Training 2015 as per the defined schedule from my account/credit card as nominated and described above. I agree by signing that I authorise you to make any incidental charges so as to correct/complete details that facilitate my payments. Immediately To be determined Early Bird Fee (Registration received during the early bird period) $1800 $1800 Standard Fee (Registration received after the early bird period) $2100 $2100 Payee: By signing and/or providing us with a valid instruction to your Payment Authority, you have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions governing the debit and registration arrangements between you and the Australian Childhood Foundation as set out in this request and in your payment authority agreement. Name Signature Date ______/________/_______ Registration Options: Scan and email your completed form to training@childhood.org.au Fax completed form to (03) 9879 7388 Return completed form and payment to Australian Childhood Foundation, PO Box 525, Ringwood, VIC, 3134 For further information please phone 1800 176 453 Terms and Conditions for the Advanced DDP Course 2015: The Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) requires payment of fees for this course to be made by the dates according to the payment option chosen above by you unless otherwise agreed in writing by ACF. ACF will not register your attendance until full or part payment of the course fees has been received in accordance with the payment option chosen above. In the event that full or part payment is not received by at least 14 days prior to the first date of the course you have nominated, you will not be eligible to participate in the course. In the event that the part payment is received but the second part payment is not received by or on 30/5/15, you will not be eligible to participate in the course. The course is comprised of the Block A dates and the Block B dates for each nominated location. If you can only attend the Block A dates or part thereof, or the Block B dates or part thereof, you are still required to pay the complete course fees. ACF reserves the right to cancel or reschedule all or part of a course if circumstances beyond its control make it necessary to do so, or if there are insufficient registrations within ten (10) days prior to the course commencement date. If ACF is required to cancel or reschedule all or part of a course for whatever reason, you will receive prior notification and at your choice, either (a) a full refund or partial refund for the balance of any part of the course that you do not attend as a result of the cancellation or change in scheduling, or (b) the option to transfer your registration to another course or series of seminars organised by ACF. You must notify ACF in writing or by email if you wish to cancel your registration for the course. If you cancel your registration within fourteen (14) days prior to the course commencement date, or if you cancel after 30/5/15 your fees will not be refunded or your registration transferred into another course or series of workshops or seminars organised by ACF. If you wish to cancel your registration for a scheduled seminar more than fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the first date of the course in the nominated location, unless otherwise agreed in writing by ACF, you may either (a) transfer the registration to another course or series of workshops organised by ACF and, if ACF is unable to fill the position vacated by you, incur a $1000 cancellation fee which will be deducted from any payment you have made, or (b) cancel your registration and, if ACF is unable to fill the position vacated by you, incur a $1000 cancellation fee which will be deducted from any payment that you have made. All cancellations initiated by you, except as described above will result in forfeiture of your payment upon cancellation unless otherwise agreed in writing by ACF. Page 10 Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Australian Childhood Foundation Professional Development Courses Page Page 11 11 Australian Childhood Foundation PO BOX 525 Ringwood VIC 3134 Phone: 1800 176 453 Email: training@childhood.org.au www.childhood.org.au/for-professionals