ff thompson foundation report on giving 2012
ff thompson foundation report on giving 2012
F. F. T h o m p s o n Fo u n d at i o n R e p o rt o n G i v i n g 2 0 1 2 Our Mission F.F. Thompson Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, is committed to achieving philanthropic support for the services and priority needs of the system’s affiliated tax-exempt corporations and to overseeing the management of restricted and unrestricted funds of the foundation. Our Year in Review Revenue Sources $ 25,373 Planned Giving $ 212,719 Investment Interest and Dividends $ 519,823 Grants $ 525,970 Increase in Fair Market Value of Charitable Remainder Trusts $ 637,075 Realized and Unrealized Gains $ 888,317 Cash Contributions and Pledges $2,809,277 On the cover Top: Laurie Bittner Middle: (From left) Bruce and Sue Russell, Gina and Ted Russell Bottom: (From left) Bryan Henry, MD, FACC, Director of Cardiology, F.F. Thompson Hospital; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center; Cardiologist, Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates, and Al Tricomi, MD, FACC, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center; Cardiologist, Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates Total Charitable Assets $ 317,270 Clark Fund $ 832,397 Ewing Fund $ 979,421 Sands Cancer Center Endowment $1,706,725 Memorial Fund $5,759,599 F.F. Thompson Foundation Endowment $9,595,412 Total Funds Raised by Type of Fundraising Activity $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,373 Planned Gifts 50,000 Major Gifts 62, 121 Special Event Proceeds 107, 119 Annual Fund 138,968 Memorial and Special Gifts 519,823 Grants 530, 109 Capital Campaign $1,433, 513 Total To g e t h e r W e Ar e t h e Fo u n d at i o n o f O u r F u t u r e “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” H e n r y F o rd Over a century ago, local philanthropist Mary Clark Thompson and other civic leaders came together to establish F.F. Thompson Hospital. The legacy of caring – and creation of philanthropic partnerships – started by these dedicated visionaries continues at Thompson Health today. We are forever grateful to the many individuals, families, organizations and corporate partners listed on the pages of this report. Together, these generous friends have helped us achieve our goals and deliver exemplary health care by giving to our capital campaign, annual fund or one of our vital programs. Thanks to our many wonderful partnerships, 2012 was another year of progress and exciting changes within our health system. We held ribbon cuttings and unveilings for our new Surgical Care Center, The Wegman Family Nutritional Services Center, The Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center and our new Associate Services Suite. We also invested in technologies – such as the da Vinci ® Surgical System – that will dramatically impact how we serve our community today and in the future. (From left) Christopher B. Mahan, Senior Vice President, Support Services, Thompson Health; Thomas Kubiak, Chairman, Board of Directors, F.F. Thompson Foundation, Inc. Like all not-for-profits, however, Thompson Health is increasingly dependent upon charitable gifts to grow and thrive. This is why our community’s continued support is extremely vital. By making an investment in Thompson, you will be making a difference – right here at home. On behalf of Thompson Health, thank you once again for your generosity. By partnering together, we will ensure the future success of Thompson and help it remain a truly great health system. Thomas Kubiak Christopher B. Mahan Chairman, Board of Directors F.F. Thompson Foundation, Inc. Senior Vice President, Support Services Thompson Health 1 S u rg i c a l C a r e C e n t e r W e are committed to delivering outstanding care throughout our health system. A perfect example of this dedication was the March unveiling of our state-of-the-art Surgical Care Center, located in the Constellation Center for Health and Healing. This single, centralized surgical care unit is comprised of six operating suites, four endoscopy suites and an expanded patient recovery area, as well as a pre-admission testing center, an ambulatory procedures center, a post-anesthesia care unit and 18 pre- and post-surgery bays, including three pediatric bays. Combined inpatient and outpatient surgery areas at the Center increase efficiency and utilization while allowing for flexibility between surgery and endoscopy, based on demand. The Center’s innovative design also features a private consultation room and comfortable waiting area with a patient tracking board to monitor progress during the surgical process. In addition, it supports the ability to house the latest in technologies, such as the da Vinci ® Surgical System, in a centralized space where they are readily accessible to every surgical team. Our new Surgical Care Center affords privacy and individual attention for our patients, whether they are staying in the hospital after surgery or returning home following their procedure. All of us at Thompson are forever grateful to the many wonderful families and friends that helped make our new Surgical Care Center a reality. “Thompson is big enough to provide exceptional service, yet small enough to offer personalized care. Plus, Associates really seem to enjoy working at the hospital. We were happy to support a Pre/Post Surgery Bay because our family, including our children, has received superior care from Thompson’s physicians and staff over the years.” J e ffr e y a n d N a n c y S i e w e rt 2 C a r l os a n d M y r n a O r t i z “Thompson Health provides superior care for members of our community through every stage of life. We gave a gift supporting a Pre/Post Surgery Bay because, on occasion, we have benefited from the hospital’s services. When our daughter tore her knee ligament, she had an ACL repair at Thompson. She received excellent care in the recovery area (PACU), and recovered fully with physical therapy through Thompson’s Sports Medicine Department. We highly encourage giving to Thompson. Any donation will multiply exponentially for the countless patients and families that will benefit from it.” Carlos R. Ortiz, MD MS, Senior Vice President Medical Services and Hospital Medical Director, Thompson Health, and Myrna Ortiz, Thompson Guild Board Member F l oy d R a yb u r n “My company has provided concrete and brickwork services for many projects at Thompson, including the new Surgical Care Center in the Constellation Center for Health and Healing. As a longtime resident and active member of our community, I believe Thompson is an important part of what makes the Canandaigua area such a great place. By giving a gift toward the Surgical Care Center’s Consulting Room, I’m able to honor the two most important people in my life – Floyd Rayburn, President, my late dad and my mom, a current resident at the FG Rayburn Mason Contractors, Inc. M.M Ewing Continuing Care Center. Although my dad always spoke very highly of Thompson, I know firsthand how wonderful the health system has been to the entire Rayburn family.” J e ff r e y a n d N a n cy S i e w e r t “When patients are treated at Thompson Health, they’ll have a great experience. Thompson is big enough to provide exceptional service, yet small enough to offer personalized care. Plus, Associates really seem to enjoy working at the hospital. We were happy to support a Pre/Post Surgery Bay because our family, including our children, has received superior care from Thompson’s physicians and staff over the years. We are also optimistic that the University of Rochester Medical Center affiliation will make Thompson even better. Both of us believe it’s important to stay involved by investing in Thompson. It’s a great asset to our community that cannot be overlooked or undervalued.” Jeffrey Siewert, F.F. Thompson Foundation Board Member, and Nancy Siewert 3 S u rg i c a l C a r e C e n t e r c o n t i n u e d L a k e s i d e EN T & A l l e r g y “Our practice utilizes the new, state-of-the-art Surgical Care Center for the majority of our outpatient procedures and surgical cases. We have worked closely with the operating room nurses and staff for many years – and are truly grateful for their dedication to patient care. When the opportunity arose to contribute toward a Surgical Suite, we didn’t hesitate to commit ourselves financially to help ensure the hospital’s success. Thompson Health has always been the primary hub of health care for the local community and, in our minds, the gateway to health care for the region of the Finger Lakes closest to Rochester. Thompson delivers the high-quality services of a larger medical center wrapped in the warmth of a close-knit community health system.” (From left, standing) Jay A. Yates, MD, Managing Partner Lakeside ENT & Allergy; Srinivas R. Kaza, MD, Managing Partner Lakeside ENT & Allergy and F.F. Thompson Foundation Board Member. (From left, sitting) Roger Sequeira, MD; Susan L. Fulmer, MD; Eric A. Birken, MD B ob a n d B a r b M u r p h y “For more than 50 years, we have been part of the Thompson Health family. Barb was an Associate at the original hospital on North Main Street and later volunteered as a Guild member. Since the early 1970s, I have been involved with Thompson, serving on various Boards and committees – and am currently a member of the Health System Pension and Investment Committee. Supporting Thompson is a priority of ours and we were pleased to donate toward the Surgical Care Center’s Reception Desk. Thompson is a neighborhood hospital that has always treated patients and families in our community with the Bob Murphy, Health System Pension utmost respect and kindness. The hospital has remained and Investment Committee Member, and Barb Murphy committed to its culture and CARES Values over the past several decades. Everyone at Thompson, from the leadership to Associates, is genuinely dedicated to delivering unsurpassed health care and services.” L a u r i e B i tt n e r Laurie Bittner 4 “I chose to support a Pre/Post Surgery Bay at Thompson’s new Surgical Care Center because it was a way to honor my late husband and to show my commitment to the community I have called home for so many years. In addition to offering patients the highest level of care and most advanced technologies, the Surgical Care Center is aesthetically pleasing, which helps alleviate some of the stress family members feel while waiting for news about a loved one in surgery. All of us in Canandaigua and the Finger Lakes region are blessed to have a facility of Thompson’s caliber nearby. It’s a truly amazing place.” “From the birth of children to emergency needs, our families have benefited from Thompson’s services and high-quality care on many occasions. We feel our support of the new Surgical Care Center Nurses’ Station is a worthwhile investment in a community hospital that has been so special to us for 60+ years.” T h e R u ss e l l F a mi l y T h e R u ss e l l F a m i l y “To continue to grow, stay current with the latest medical technologies and attract top medical professionals to the area, Thompson Health needs support from our entire community. It is comforting to know that a first-class hospital like Thompson is close to home and staffed by qualified people we know and trust. From the birth of children to emergency needs, our families have benefited from Thompson’s services and high-quality care on many occasions. We feel our support of the new Surgical Care Center Nurses’ Station is a worthwhile investment in a community hospital that has been so special to us for 60+ years. We want to do what we can to ensure Thompson remains a leader in health care should we need its services in the future.” (From left) Bruce and Sue Russell, Gina and Ted Russell J u l i e a n d M i c h a e l S t a p l e to n “Surgery is one of the core services of any community-based hospital. It also tends to be a cause of great anxiety for patients, requiring their utmost trust. This is one reason demand for surgery at F.F. Thompson Hospital is so high: Patients know they will receive the same exceptional, skilled care in the operating room that they expect from all of our hospital’s services. Our new Surgical Care Center will also play a key role in attracting and retaining the best medical professionals to Thompson. Our family’s gift supporting a Pre/Post Surgery Bay in the new Center is a gift to our community, one that helps provide access to the highest quality health care, Julie and Michael F. Stapleton, Jr., President/CEO, Thompson Health close to home.” 5 T h e W eg m a n Fa m i ly N u tr i t i o n a l S e r v i c e s C e n t e r I n early April, Thompson Health held a ribbon cutting ceremony for our new Wegman Family Nutritional Services Center. This beautiful facility was made possible through the generosity of The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation, as well as countless community members. As part of our ten-year Master Facility Plan, the Center features an expanded kitchen and a larger, more modern cafeteria space that enables us to meet growing demand and regulatory requirements while incorporating local agriculture and sustainable food practices. This new space also allows our Nutritional Services staff to provide hospital inpatients with hotel-style room service. Patients are now able to eat what they want, when they want, Highlights of the new kitchen and cafeteria include: resulting in better nutritional intake and higher patient satisfaction. An expanded servery that features a variety of healthy selections • Thompson’s original cafeteria, built in 1971, State-of-the-art equipment to allow for more food choices, efficient production, enhanced food safety and an environmentally friendly setting • was designed to serve 750 meals per day. Today, our staff prepares and serves more than 1,500 meals daily for patients, Associates and visitors, plus residents of the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center. • Increased seating capacity from 120 to 188 Two new adjoining conference rooms with teleconference capabilities • Danny and Stency Wegman H o m e gr o w n G e n e r o s i t y The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation has a long legacy of generously supporting our community and Thompson Health. Their $2MM leadership gift toward The Wegman Family Nutritional Services Center speaks to our shared missions to help community members live well by eating well. In addition to serving healthier food choices, this new Center was designed and built to meet the growing needs of Thompson patients, residents, Associates and visitors, all while incorporating sustainable food practices. Danny Wegman, President of The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation, and Stency Wegman 6 “The health of our community is an important priority for The Wegman Family Charitable Foundation. We applaud the efforts by Thompson Health to make healthier food choices available and in ways that are more efficient and sustainable.” D a n n y W e gm a n R e g i n a F. C r o w e Throughout Thompson Health’s 105+-year history, many individuals have left their imprint on our health system. Regina F. Crowe was one of them. When she passed away in 2008, she left the Guild the largest personal gift in its history. As a young girl growing up on her family’s farm in Gorham, Regina learned about agriculture and caring for animals. She later attended Mechanics Institute, now Rochester Institute of Technology, graduating in 1942 as a culinary major specializing in institutional food management. Regina then spent 33 years as the cafeteria manager for the Greece Central School District. Therefore, it seems a fitting tribute to Regina to have utilized funds from her estate toward The Wegman Family Nutritional Services Center Cafeteria. T h ompso n G u i l d “We are proud of the Guild and all the wonderful things we have been able to do for Thompson Health over the years. We are especially honored to be the steward of the Regina F. Crowe estate and were pleased to use a portion of her incredibly generous gift to support the new Wegman Family Nutritional Services Center Cafeteria. All of us can learn from Regina’s commitment to family and community.” Thompson Guild Board Members: (From left, standing) Ann Hanley; Judy Reader, Treasurer; Krista Jackson; Marge Long; Judy Hanley; Bobbe Dannenbrink; Mina Drake. (From left, sitting) Diane Sickmond; Lou Loy; Jean Seager; Gail O’Brien. (Not pictured) Karen Lustick, President; Taryn Windheim, 1st Vice President; Suzanne Winslow, Secretary; Marion Fladd, Corresponding Secretary; Roberta Potter, Immediate Past President; Dawn Case; Kathleen Duserick; Edythe Gansz; Cindy Hept; Gerry North; Myrna Ortiz 7 The Fr alick C ardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center D uring September, Thompson Health celebrated the grand opening of The Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center. The advancement of our Cardiac Rehabilitation Program and Pulmonary Disease Management Program, as well as this new Center, could not have happened without the overwhelming support of our leadership donors and community. This 3,300-square-foot facility, which is located off the main hospital lobby, features a private consultation room, a camera surveillance system and a large central nurses’ station designed to promote efficient workflow for the Cardiac Rehabilitation and Respiratory Therapy teams. The modern, aesthetically pleasing Center also offers an aerobic area with a walking track, new elliptical equipment and treadmills, a universal weight machine and much more. Each year, Thompson’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program helps hundreds of patients recovering from a cardiac event or surgery and their families learn how to manage diet, physical activity and stress levels for optimum health and happiness. The new Center has also enabled our Pulmonary Disease Management Program to grow and affords Associates and volunteers the opportunity to access fitness equipment daily after normal business hours. J o h n a n d K a y M e i sc h John and Kay Meisch 8 “As members of the community for 20 years, we have benefited from the care and services provided by Thompson Health on numerous occasions. After John had bypass surgery in 1993, we quickly realized what an important role a cardiac rehab program plays in the recovery process, as well as in keeping a patient active and in good health. Since John enjoys the special care he receives – and even developing friendships with other patients at The Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center – we decided to help fund the exercise area and the purchase of necessary equipment that will benefit other people recovering from a cardiac event or heart surgery. We feel privileged to have such a wonderful, up-to-date medical facility like Thompson so close to home.” N i x o n P e a bo d y LL P “Nixon Peabody has been a strong supporter of the Greater Rochester community for more than 100 years. When contacted by Robert Sands to participate in Thompson’s Capital Campaign for The Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center, our firm was eager and honored to assist. We were particularly impressed with the Center’s unique focus on physical fitness and rehabilitation, and were moved by Mr. Fralick’s own passion in this regard. Because the nursing staff plays a crucial role in helping patients feel comfortable with a fitness regimen soon after cardiac surgery, we wanted to do our part to also make staff members more comfortable by contributing toward the new James O. Bourdeau, Partner, Nixon Peabody LLP nurses’ station.” Jim and Ellie Fralick G i ft s fr o m t h e H e a rt Since her father was one of the first cardiologists in Rochester, Ellie grew up in a world where heart conditions were often the topic of conversation. Jim, who lost his father and grandfather to heart disease, suffered a heart attack in 2001 and later underwent cardiac bypass surgery. Afterward, he received excellent cardiac rehabilitation at Thompson and became committed to helping people who shared similar experiences. He founded the Mended Hearts support group at Thompson, offering education and support to cardiac patients, families and caregivers. “In order to be a great community, a great healthcare facility must exist. Our dedication to Thompson Health and to individuals living with heart disease continues through our gift supporting The Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation and Fitness Center. We’re proud to help Thompson continue to deliver the highest level of cardiac rehabilitation services and care.” Ellie Fralick, Thompson Health Board Member, and Jim Fralick, Co-Chairman, Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign J im a n d E l l i e F r a l i c k 9 da Vinci ® S u rg i c a l S y s t e m S ummer was an exciting time at Thompson as we hosted small group tours that provided an inside look at our new state-of-the-art surgical suites plus a demonstration of the da Vinci Surgical System. Thanks to a generous lead gift from Wanda Polisseni – as well as support from our many loyal friends – F.F. Thompson Hospital became the first in the Finger Lakes region to offer this breakthrough robotic technology. The da Vinci allows our surgeons to operate with greater precision, magnified visualization and more control than ever before. For patients, robotic technology offers an effective, less invasive alternative to more complex procedures such as open surgery and conventional laparoscopy. Robotic surgery also results in smaller incisions, shorter hospital stays, minimal blood loss and reduced pain and complications associated with traditional surgeries. Additional benefits include less risk of infection, reduced adhesion formation and scarring for better cosmetic results, quicker recovery time and an increased likelihood of a positive outcome. Originally designed for cardiac procedures, this cutting-edge technology is now available to treat a wide range of conditions – including urologic, gynecologic, colorectal and ear, nose and throat – and is quickly expanding into other areas. The da Vinci is an invaluable tool that will transform how Thompson serves our community today and in the future. W a n d a P o l i ss e n i a n d F a m i l y Le ading the Way to Leading-Edge Technology In the mid 2000s, the Polisseni family invested in robotic technology at a Rochester-area hospital. In 2012, they decided to give a lead gift toward the da Vinci Surgical System at Thompson Health because they believed that all patients who qualify for robotic surgery, regardless of where they live, deserve to benefit from it. Wanda Polisseni, F.F. Thompson Foundation Board Member 10 “The da Vinci is amazing technology that allows for less invasive surgeries, resulting in a quicker recovery and minimal scarring. I wish this technology had been available when my late husband underwent surgeries since it would have given him much more quality time.” W a n d a P o l iss e n i T h ompso n G u i l d and Springtime in C a n a n d a i g u a C omm i tt e e “The Thompson Guild’s dedicated members give countless hours of our time and energy to raise funds that support Thompson Health. Proceeds from April’s 1st Annual Springtime in Canandaigua, organized by the Guild and several community members, helped with the acquisition of the da Vinci ® Surgical System, the latest in robotic technology. We are proud to know that our work touches so many lives here in our community.” B RIAN AND J ULIE GA M B ILL “As we watched our ten-year-old twins maneuver the da Vinci arms with seemingly little effort during last summer’s demo, we were not only reminded of how far medical technology has come, but were genuinely excited about the prospects of the new and limitless frontiers that lie ahead of us. The da Vinci robot’s evolution from a single application tool in the aerospace industry to what exists today – a broad platform that is now supported by a growing array of medical technologies – is an excellent example of what we call a virtuous cycle. By offering this advanced robotic technology to our community, Brian and Julie Gambill demand will grow and lead to more research and development, making the technology even more robust for future generations. We are fortunate that Thompson’s Board positioned the hospital, and the community, to benefit from this positive cycle.” (From left, front row) Thompson Guild Board Members: Marion Fladd, Corresponding Secretary; Cindy Hept; Myrna Ortiz. (From left, middle row) Springtime in Canandaigua Show Director Marianne Gallagher; Thompson Guild Board Members Judy Hanley; Krista Jackson; Mina Drake; Diane Sickmond. (From left, back row) Thompson Guild Board Members Gail O’Brien; Judy Reader, Treasurer; Springtime in Canandaigua Publicity Coordinator Edythe Gansz; Thompson Guild Board Member Ann Hanley W i l l i a m B . R a yb u r n “As a native of Canandaigua, I have always believed in giving back to my hometown and the organizations that have made it a wonderful place to live and work. For more than a century, Thompson Health has played a key role in keeping our community healthy. In addition to providing medical expertise and personalized care, it offers sophisticated technologies that are found at larger healthcare facilities. So that Thompson is able to stay current with state-of-the-art healthcare technologies, I felt it was important to donate toward the da Vinci Surgical System. This invaluable robotic technology offers many benefits to Thompson Health surgeons and the patients they treat on a daily basis.” William B. Rayburn 11 A s s o c i at e S e r v i c e s S u i t e A fter operating out of two trailers in the hospital’s parking lot for a decade, Thompson Health Associates have a new home. Our new Associate Services Suite opened its doors in late December. Currently, Thompson has more than 1,350 Associates and approximately 200 volunteers. The Suite was created to better service these individuals, as well as find efficiencies within our health system by combining diverse functions together in one location. The neutral tones and calming environment found at the Constellation Center for Health and Healing were carried into the Associate Services Suite. It also features an expanded waiting area and an ergonomic design for greater productivity. In addition to housing Thompson’s Human Resources Department, the Suite has areas dedicated to education, including Associate orientation and leadership development, as well as to community outreach initiatives such as Thompson’s health and wellness programs for individuals ranging from young children to senior citizens. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the community leaders and supporters who contributed toward this Suite. B ILL AND LAURE T T A K EN Y O N Bill Kenyon, Esq., Chair, Thompson Health System Board, and Lauretta Kenyon 12 “We are proud to have played a role in the new Associate Services Suite through our donation toward the Vice President’s Office. For ten years, the dedicated professionals in Associate Services performed incredible feats from “temporary” construction trailers in the parking lot. Hardworking people in non-clinical services are vital to the successful delivery of quality care. As the largest employer in Ontario County, Thompson Health also serves as the engine for economic stability in our growing community. There is a strong culture of caring that permeates the entire organization.” C o r n e r sto n e A d v i so r s Ass e t M a n a g e m e n t , I n c . “When the opportunity to support the new Associate Services Suite Conference Room at Thompson presented itself, I thought it would be fitting to give a gift in honor of my in-laws, as well as in memory of my friend Earl LaCrosse. Canandaigua has always been a special place. My wife Amy grew up there, we were married at St. Mary’s Church and together we met many nice people there over the years, including Earl. My father-in-law Dick McGavern serves on the Thompson Health Properties Board and my mother-in-law Sandra remains active in the community. Cornerstone is also proud to be a consultant for Thompson. We are fortunate to work with institutions that are leaders in their Thomas Scalici, CEO, Cornerstone communities – and Thompson Health ranks Advisors Asset Management, Inc., Bethlehem, PA among the best.” T h e H a m l i n Fa m i ly a n d C a n a nda igua N ation a l Ba nk S u p p o rt i n g S h a r e d Values and Commitment The Hamlin family and Canandaigua National Bank have had a special connection with Thompson Health for many years and are proud to support an organization that shares their core values and commitment. Since Thompson Associates are the “face” of the patient experience, they were pleased to give a gift toward the new Associate Services Suite. “Supporting the Associates and providing them with a modern work environment that enhances efficiency is critical to the delivery of high-quality care, a key focus of the Thompson Way. Thompson Health is a gem in the community, as well as a showplace in the country. Every donation helps this wonderful health system thrive and grow.” G e o rg e W . H a m l i n , I V (From left) Frank H. Hamlin, III, President, Canandaigua National Bank; George W. Hamlin, IV, Chairman & CEO, Canandaigua National Bank; Thompson Health Board Chairman (2004 to 2008), currently Emeritus 13 Cr e at i v e Co mmu n i t y S u p p o rt T hompson Health supporters put a lot of thought, effort, heart and creativity into the ways they give. Thank you to the many wonderful individuals, businesses, schools and organizations that continue to support Thompson’s vital programs and services, as well as the people we serve every day. Your generosity and amazing acts of kindness do make a difference! Girlfriends M a ki n g a D iff e r e n c e f o r t h e S a n ds C a n c e r C e n t e r 2 11 10 3 4 12 5 1 “A few times each year, 16 girlfriends gather together to make a difference in our community. Instead of exchanging birthday cards, we contribute $50 apiece to a pool, which is then donated to charities of our choice. In 2012, this creative way of giving helped us raise funds for Thompson Health’s Sands Cancer Center. 13 15 14 As a cancer survivor, I’ve benefited 7 6 9 directly from the services and care offered 8 at Sands and can’t say enough about all they’ve done for me. Cancer patients can be confident knowing they’ll receive excellent care right here at home.” L y n n e tt e M i l l e r Girlfriends: 1. Marian Gaudio 2. Lori Moranda 3. Karen Peterson 4. Toni Flaherty 5. Jodi Bischoping 6. Patti Horton 7. Mary Beth Valvano 8. Wendy Cowan 9. Barb Golanka 10. Mary Briggs 11. Sarah Leone 12. Lynnette Miller 13. Lynn Lyttle 14. Lori Mangialardo 15. Patti Henderson (Not pictured) Peggy Ferran T a l l T r a i n e r F i t n e ss B o o t C a mp C l a ss e s B e n e fit t h e S a n ds C a n c e r C e n t e r “At Tall Trainer Fitness, we help people lose weight and get in great shape, regardless of the obstacles they may have in life. Every month, participants in our boot camp classes choose a charity, then we donate a portion of their month’s training fee equal to their weight loss and achieved goals. This gives our clients even more motivation to improve their fitness during the month. We support Sands Cancer Center through this initiative because many of our clients, former clients and family members have benefited from the excellent services and care offered by Sands. Any donation, large or small, will help Thompson Health and Sands Cancer Center deliver top-notch care today and in the future.” Tall Trainer Fitness Staff Members: (From left) Lori Stein, Client Relations; Sarah Biernat, RN, CPT; Jeremy Biernat, CSCS, CPT; Bohdan “Bo” Krop, CPT; Tanya Krop, Office Administrator 14 F L C C – C a mp u s Act i v i t i e s B o a r d S u pp o rti n g t h e Br e a st H e a l t h P a ti e n t N a v ig a ti o n P r o gr a m “As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC) – Campus Activities Board wanted to honor those who have battled breast cancer, as well as those who are continuing to fight this terrible disease. Our members held gift basket raffles and sold pink ribbons to raise funds for Thompson Health because it is a great facility in our local community. The Sands Cancer Center has helped countless individuals whose lives have been touched by cancer – and many of our students’ loved ones have also had wonderful experiences with the Thompson staff.” C a n a n d a i g u a M e d i c a l G r o u p, P C S u pp o rti n g t h e S a n ds C a n c e r C e n t e r Finger Lakes Community College faculty, staff and students “Canandaigua Medical Group, PC (CMG) has been part of the community since 1951. For many of these years, CMG has participated in Spirit Days, a monthly event that enables our employees to contribute to charities that are near and dear to their hearts. The Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund has been a lifeline and saving grace for several of our employees going through the difficult stages of breast cancer. Every October, our staff members wear pink, take part in dress-down days and raise money by holding raffles. Donations to the Patient Needs Fund are our way of saying thank you to the staff at Sands Cancer Center for giving that extra-special personal touch to our employees and their families.” 27 26 30 28 31 14 39 34 17 15 38 32 29 13 33 16 19 18 36 35 20 40 44 37 21 22 9 43 23 24 10 7 42 41 25 8 6 11 2 3 12 4 1 1. Judy Diduro, LPN 2. Debbi Honness, LPN 3. Nancy Nagel, RN 4. Kelly Jo Martin, Float Receptionist 5. Kipling Goh, MD 6. Margaret Hollister, MD 7. Kerry Goria, CFO/CIO 8. Jill Potts, MD 9. Stacey LeGrette, LPN 10. Michelle Winkler, LPN 11. Marissa Stewart, LPN 12. Kelly Baader, LPN 13. Mary Ellen Alescio, NP 14. Deborah Burger, NP 15. Connie French, Administrative Assistant 16. Bonnie Babcock, Human Resources Manager 17. Susan Herendeen, LPN 18. Vicki Smith, Medical Records Clerk 19. Jamie Adams, Finance Office 20. Alison Condon, RN – Internal Medicine Nurse Manager 21. Denise Burgess, LPN 22. Mary Albert, Medical Records Clerk 23. Jeanne Schalabba, LPN 24. Pamela Merklinger, Medical Records Clerk 25. Michelle Merklinger, Medical Receptionist 26. Sue Valvano, Patient Accounting Supervisor 27. Robin Fox, Patient Accounting Representative 28. Jody Barscheski, Internal Medicine Receptionist Supervisor 29. Michael Mitchko, MD 30. Philip Nevin, MD 31. Chris Brewer, Financial Office Supervisor 32. Douglas Alling, MD 33. Pat Smith, Finance Office 34. Pam Keller, Finance Office 35. Terri Buck, Medical Receptionist 36. Ann Ewing, Transcriptionist 37. Linda Lunser, Medical Records Clerk 38. Andrea Snyder, Transcriptionist 39. James Wright, CEO 40. Michelle Selkirk, LPN – Pediatric Nurse Manager 41. Pamela Tilley, Medical Records Supervisor 42. Robert Weeden, DO 43. Mary Margaret Kesel, Medical Receptionist 44. Beverly Judge, Medical Assistant 5 15 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors The F.F. Thompson Foundation expresses our sincere thanks and appreciation for the generous support from the following individuals and businesses in 2012. F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund A.H. Wilcox & Son, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Abawi Ms. Helene Abbink Mr. and Mrs. James F. Abdallah Ms. Joanne T. Adam Mr. and Mrs. William S. Adams Mrs. Eleanor Affleck* Ms. Kathleen M. Affleck Al Voss Frame to Finish, Inc. Mr. Frank Alfieri Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Alford Mr. James Allan Mr. Donald S. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Allen Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Alling Amica Companies Foundation Ms. Britta Anderson Mrs. Martha F. Andres Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Annesi Mr. and Mrs. August Antonelli Dr. and Mrs. E. David Appelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Appleton Mr. and Mrs. William N. Arduser Ms. Margaret B. Ashley Mr. Ronald E. Atkinson Ms. Virginia R. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Graydon A. Bailey Ms. Beverly A. Baker Mr. and Mrs. David Baker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Baker Mrs. Barbara J. Balding Ms. Sharon A. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bardun Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Barker Mr. Howard Barnard* Mrs. Jane Barnard Mr. Harry E. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Barone Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barr Mr. Richard G. Barrington Mrs. Eleanor Barry Mr. and Mrs. Dean G. Bates Ms. Rosanna Bates Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bauman Mr. Darrell Beardsley Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Beecher Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Beechner Ms. Cecilia V. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bell Ms. Mary Anne Bell Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bellinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bemben Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Bement Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Albert Benivegna Ms. Janet L. Berg Mr. Jeffrey W. Berger and Ms. Marlene Egan Dr. Bradford Berk Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Berley 16 Mrs. Linda Bernatovich Beryl Ann’s Hair Salon Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Beusman Ms. Tina B. Beyea Ms. Lorraine C. Bianco Ms. Sandra H. Bierbrauer Mr. Stephen Biklen Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bizzaro Mr. Raymond Blackmer Daniel and Linda Blanchard Mrs. Charlotte Blaser Ms. Suzanne Blatchford Ms. Irene T. Blazak Drs. Mark and Karen Blazey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Bliss Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boardman Ms. Wendy D. Boehmer Mr. and Mrs. Damian T. Bolster Ms. Mary A. Bolton Ms. Fern E. Bomwell Ms. Janet F. Bordwell Mr. Greg Botticelli Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Bourque Mrs. Renee D. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bower Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brahm Mr. and Mrs. R. Standish Brahm Mr. Carl E. Brake Mr. Warren Branch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Brand, Jr. Mr. Ronald L. Brand Ms. Betty E. Braun Mr. and Mrs. David N. Breckenridge Mr. David W. Brennessel Mr. David Breyo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brickler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Briggs Mrs. Marilyn Brindisi Mr. Gordon C. Brink Mr. and Mrs. Derek G. Brocklebank Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Broomfield, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Leverett A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Brown Mr. William A. Brown Mr. David Bruce Mr. Thomas A. Bub Mr. Francis Bucher Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Buchholz Mrs. Ruth E. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Buonanno Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Buonanno Ms. Ethel Burgess Mrs. Robert E. Burrill Mrs. Virginia A. Butler Mr. Allen F. Cady Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Callari, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Campbell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clint W. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Caracci Mr. John A. Caratelli Mr. Dominic T. Cardella Mr. Anthony R. Carlisi Ms. Virginia S. Carpenter Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Carr Ms. Josephine A. Carra and Ms. Jeannette Carra Mrs. Joyce K. Case-Miller Mr. Thomas Cass Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Castelluzzo Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ceddia Ms. Harriet B. Chapman Mr. George F. Chappelle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Charles Ethel and Joseph Charlton Mr. Alonzo O. Chase Ms. Loretta M. Chavkin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Chipperfield Ms. Elizabeth A. Chittenden Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. John S. Christie Citizens Bank National Account Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Clarcq Mr. and Mrs. Leigh A. Clark Ms. Marilyn Clary Mr. John W. Clawson Mr. Edward Cloos, Jr. Ms. Kenna Colacino Mrs. Ruth T. Colcord Mr. and Mrs. David O. Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Norris Conklin Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Conlon Mrs. Joyce Connelly Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Cook Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Cook Mr. and Mrs. James Cooksey Mrs. Evelyn L. Cooley Col. David J. Coons Mr. Carl D. Copeland Mr. Donald A. Coston Ms. Jacqueline Cowell Ms. Suzanne Cowley Ms. Verna Cowley Mr. Robert Crane William L. Craver, MD Mr. Thomas Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Criss Ms. Martha Croop Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cross, Jr. Ms. Adela M. Crowley Ms. Beatrice M. Crudele Mrs. Donna J. Crudele Mr. Colin Cuddy Mr. Donald E. Cullen Mr. John A. Cullen Ms. Patricia A. Curchin Mr. and Mrs. James Curley Ms. Linda Damm Mrs. Bobbe Dannenbrink Mr. Charles R. Davenport Mrs. Barbara A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. James S. Davis Ms. Patricia A. Davis Mrs. Evelyn M. Day Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Day Mr. and Mrs. Don de Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Deal Mr. Donald R. Dean Ms. Peggy M. Dean Mr. and Mrs. John A. Decker Mrs. Margaret R. DeFlyer Mr. and Mrs. Byron H. Delavan Mr. and Mrs. David DeLille Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. DelVecchio Ms. Ruth M. DeMallie Mr. Joseph P. Demariano Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. DeMott Mr. and Mrs. Harold Densmore Ms. Darlene Derleth Ms. Angela E. DeRycke Ms. Jennifer S. DeVault Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. DeWaters Ms. Betty Dibble Dick’s Bowling Pro Shop and Trophies Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Doan Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Dobberstein Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P. Donegan Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Donovan Mr. Christopher J. Doran Ms. Laura Dorman Ms. Cynthia Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Doyle, Sr. Mrs. Rose Anne Dredger Mr. Richard Drury Mr. and Mrs. Palma Dudley Mr. Robert J. Duplessis Mr. and Mrs. Leland Durkee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dutchess Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Dutton Mrs. Marilyn Duvall Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Carlton I. East Mr. and Mrs. Harry Easton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Edgar Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Edwards Ms. Doris B. Eldredge Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eldredge Ms. Paula A. Ellersick Mr. Leland W. Elliott, Sr. Ms. Holly K. Elwell Ms. Kathryn Erdle Estey-Struble Theatrical Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel L. Evans Ms. Margaret L. Ewing Excellus Health Plan, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Leo O. Fabris Mr. Robert Faery Ms. Mary P. Failla Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Fair Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farchione Ms. June Fargo Mr. and Mrs. Byron Farnsworth, Jr. Mr. Valentine J. Fenti Mr. and Mrs. T. Albert Ferrari Mrs. Nancy Ferstead Mr. Peter R. Ferstead* Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Finley Ms. Anna Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fiumano Ms. Gail R. Flugel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Foulkes Mr. and Mrs. James E. Foulkrod Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Fox Mr. John A. Francis Mr. and Mrs. David J. Frarey Mrs. Elizabeth P. Freese Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Fugle Fuller Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fuller II Ms. Sherelene J. Furano Ms. Stella M. Furfure Ms. Marjorie Gage Mr. Peter Galbo Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gallaro Gardner Plus Architects Ms. Audrey A. Gay Mr. Walter L. Gay Mr. Paul Gayhart Mr. and Mrs. Burdell Geartz Ms. Barbara Gefell Ms. Eileen E. Gerace Mr. and Mrs. John R. Geraghty Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gerlock Mr. Rick A. German Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Gerner, Jr. Mr. Leonard M. Gessin Ms. Onalee Gillette Mr. and Mrs. James Gillmor Ms. Audrey L. Gleason Mr. Joseph P. Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Goldstein Ms. Linda J. Goode Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Goodman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Brownlie E. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Granata Ms. Ann M. Greth Agnes E. Griffith, PhD Dr. David C. Grimm and Mrs. Jeanie C. Grimm Ms. Sylvia A. Grover Ms. Carole L. Gruschow Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Gunio Ms. Beverly Guntrum Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Habecker Ms. Barbara J. Hackel Ms. Dorothy A. Hadsall Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. E. William Hallett, Jr. Mrs. Carole M. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hamlin IV Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hanley Ms. Shirley Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hansen, Sr. Ms. Virginia N. Harford Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrigan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Harrington Mrs. Judith E. Harter Mr. and Mrs. James R. Harvey Ms. Mary G. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Harwood Mr. Raymond J. Hasenauer Mr. Richard W. Hass Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawkins George H. Hawks, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Haynes Mrs. Carol A. Hayton Ms. Jane E. Heath Mrs. Tracy L. Heffron Mr. Lloyd E. Heise Mr. Lyndon R. Herendeen* Ms. Ruth J. Heroy Ms. Shirley B. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hickey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Irwin M. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Eldon A. Hilfiker Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Hill Ms. Christine C. Hillegeer* Mr. Max R. Hillring Mr. James H. Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hobart Robert A. Hoekelman, MD* Ms. Doris Hoffman Ms. Paulena Hoffmeier Mr. Jim Holden Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holter Mr. Stuart I. Hook and Ms. Marian Grinder Mr. Alanson Horton Ms. Janet Howard Mr. Karl A. Hritz Ms. Arlene L. Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Hudson Huff Equipment Co. Jeff and Eileen Huff Marianne C. Hughes Ms. A. Chih Hung Ms. Adele M. Hunt Ms. Marjorie J. Hunt Mrs. Rosemary J. Hunt Ms. Judy A. Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ingle Ms. Patricia A. Ingle Mr. and Mrs. Judson L. Ingraham Ms. Elizabeth Inzer Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Irvine Ms. Carolyn D. Jacobs Mr. Alfred D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson Ms. Louise Johnson Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Ms. Sandra E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Joseph Ms. Mary M. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Joseph Joseph’s Wayside Market Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce Mr. Howard L. Judd Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Kane Cynthia Katkamier Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Keeney Mr. Donald R. Keller Mr. John W. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kelly Ms. Mary E. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kennedy Mr. Robert E. Kesel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Killigrew, Jr. Ms. Suzanne M. King Mrs. Aline C. Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kirchoff Ms. Betty H. Klee Dr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Klein Dr. and Mrs. Martin S. Kleinman Ms. Marlyn P. Knetzer Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Kober Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kohler Mr. Richard A. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kraft Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kramp Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Albert J. Kraus Dr. and Mrs. Jon D. Krause Ms. Claire Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Kubishin Mrs. Jeanne Kuc Ms. Nancy Kuhlman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kutniewski Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kwarta Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Kwiecinski Mr. Albert F. La Shier, Jr. Mr. Francis E. LaClair Mrs. Joeleen LaCrosse Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lake Mr. and Mrs. John LaLetta Mr. Victor Lamay and Ms. Shirley VanSteen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lamboy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaMonica Mr. Paul A. Lanciault Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lancie Mr. and Mrs. John M. Landrigan Mr. Robert Landry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lapczenski Ms. Carol Lariton Ms. Jeanette L. Lasher Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Lasher Mr. Philip L. Latona Mr. Ronald A. Lazarus Mr. and Mrs. John Lazor LDD Corporation Mr. Charles LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne LeChase Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lechner Ms. Ann M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. LeGrett Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lester Ms. Doris C. Lewis Ms. Edith K. Lewis Ms. Judy M. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leysath Mr. Richard M. Lieb Mrs. Angelika M. Liepert Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Lijewski Mrs. Mary M. Linehan Mrs. Irene Lipinski Mr. Warren Lockwood Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd C. Loehr Finger L akes C a rdi o lo g y Ass o c i at e s Sponsoring a C ardiac R e h a b i l i tat i o n Pr o gr a m and Schol arships 13 Since cardiac rehabilitation has always been an essential part of the recovery process for individuals who have had a cardiac event, the cardiologists and staff at Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates feel it is important to sponsor Thompson’s annual Rose Walk. Proceeds from this event benefit the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program at F.F. Thompson Hospital, as well as the Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund. Thompson’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program combines monitored exercise, education and camaraderie to reinstill stamina, confidence and a sense of well-being in cardiac patients. The Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to patients for this vital program. 10 11 12 8 9 5 7 6 1 2 4 3 “The staff members at Thompson’s cardiac rehab are among the best I have ever worked with. It is through their tireless efforts and personalized care that patients are able to heal and reach their full potential.” Bryan Henry, MD, FACC Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates Staff Members: 1. Audrey Godkin 2. Kelly Baker, LPN 3. Stacy Marotta, NP 4. Virginia Bodine 5. Terri Hicks, RN 6. Katia Saenz 7. Laurie Beha 8. Kym Maslyn, RN 9. Renee Martinez, CNMT 10. Bryan Henry, MD, FACC, Director of Cardiology, F.F. Thompson Hospital; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center; Cardiologist, Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates. 11. Kim Davies, RCS 12. Karen Keating 13. Al Tricomi, MD, FACC, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester Medical Center, Cardiologist, Finger Lakes Cardiology Associates 17 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund, Continued Mr. Larry J. LoMaglio Mrs. Elaine G. Lomber Ms. Gloria V. Long Ms. Martha Lord-Menz Mrs. Janice C. Loss Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Loux Mr. Robert L. Love Mrs. Linda Low Miss Joyce L. Ludwig Luellen Family Foundation Fund Mrs. Margaret H. Luley Dr. Bernard Lustick* Mrs. Renee Lustick Ms. Sarah R. Lyke Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lyle Ms. Hattie S. Lyman Ms. Ann K. Lynch Mr. Richard J. Lynch Ms. Nancy Lyon Mr. Richard Lyons M/E Engineering, PC Barbara and Robert Mack Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm I. MacKenzie Ms. Rhoda May McArdle Ramerman, Inc. Ms. Linda C. McCall Ms. Margaret M. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. McGavern Ms. Elizabeth A. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Denison F. McRell Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Meath Mr. James F. Meehan Ms. Hazel M. Mehlenbacher Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mehls Mr. Gilbert F. Melious Mr. Frederick A. Mellini Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Mendola Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Merklinger Mr. Richard Messmer Mrs. Geraldine L. Mettler Mrs. Janice J. Mibaum Ms. Jean E. Middlebrook Ms. Angelina M. Midiri Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Miles Mrs. Barbara H. Miller Ms. Caroline M. Miller Mrs. Ruth C. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morse Mrs. Laura Muchard Mr. Martin E. Muehe Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Mueller Mrs. Sally Mueller Ms. Helen Muldermans Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mullally Rev. and Mrs. Donald M. Muller Mr. and Mrs. David Munt Ms. Ruth B. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Musfeldt Ms. Helen Myers Ms. Jean D. Myers Ms. Marjorie Myers Ms. Ruth E. Myers Mr. Charles Nagy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Neary New Mens Group Ms. Carolyn D. Newkirk Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichols Mr. and Mrs. T. Fred Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Nielsen Mr. John P. North, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Ms. Helen U. Northrop* Mr. and Mrs. George E. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. William Outhouse Ms. Catherine Ovitt Ms. Marian Pagnattaro Mr. Leon Parker Ms. Margaret M. Parker Mr. Peter Parker Mrs. Mary L. Parmelee Mr. Anthony J. Parrinello Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Dilip K. Patel Mr. Lynn C. Paulson George and Avis Payne Mr. and Mrs. Ermil R. Peglow Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pellerite Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pelton Mrs. Shirley J. Peters Mr. Donald N. Pett Ms. Rose C. Pezzimenti Ms. Laura F. Philley Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Philley Mrs. Kathy L. Pierce Mrs. Patricia Pietropaolo Mrs. Margaret J. Pike Mr. Gerald Pisapia Mr. Francis P. Pittinaro Mr. William B. Rayburn Ms. Eleanor M. Read Mrs. Renata M. Reber Ms. Alona Redden Mr. and Mrs. David Reh Mr. and Mrs. William Reigelsperger Mr. Paul Reiter Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Reitz Renaissance Goodie II Shoppe Ms. Carol A. Renon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Revitzky Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Rex Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Reynders Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Reynolds Ms. Judith K. Rickey and Mr. Samuel Edwards Mr. Donald J. Rider Ms. Joan Rider Mr. and Mrs. Jamie R. Rine Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Risser Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Robeson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Robinson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Rockwell Rocky’s Cafe Mrs. Barbara A. Rogers T h o mps o n G u i l d Gr anting a Wish for t h e B i rt h i n g C e n t e r “As in past years, 2012 once again showcased the Guild’s support for patients and staff in the Birthing Center. We funded an ABaer ® Hearing Screening System, an item on Thompson’s Wish List. This all-in-one unit enables Birthing Center staff members to perform both Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) testing on newborns. The Guild continues to help purchase vital medical equipment and various Wish List items for the Birthing Center and other departments throughout the health system.” Karen Lustick (From left) Karen Lustick, Thompson Guild President; Deborah Jones, BSN, Director, Birthing Center, APC and 2West Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maginness Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marafioti Ms. S. Gretchen Markov Mr. Gene Marrapese Ms. Audrey Marshall Mr. Donald H. Marshall* Ms. Edna T. Marten Mr. Dayle O. Martin Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Martin Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Martz Mrs. Catherine J. Matteson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Maves 18 Ms. Mary Lou H. Miller Mrs. Virginia Miller Bruce R. Mills, MD Ms. E. Sue Mills Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mincer Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Mr. Harland D. Moffitt Ms. Ruth Mollenkopf Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James H. Moore Ms. Geraldine E. Moose Ms. Carol Moran-Bowerman Lt. Col. and Mrs. John E. Norvell Ms. Anna Novik Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nowacki Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Oakleaf Mr. and Mrs. John B. Oaks Mrs. Margit Obenhofer Mrs. Carolyn L. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. James Odorczyk Mrs. Jane O. Ogden Mr. Malcolm B. O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Onze Mr. Robert A. O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pizzutiello, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Porter Ms. Carol Potter Maren Potter Mrs. Marion S. Potter Ms. Dorothy M. Powell Ms. Janet M. Preston* Ms. Deborah A. Price Mrs. Lorna Price Mr. and Mrs. Scott Price Quinlan’s Medical Equipment Ms. Marcia K. Rajca Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Rapp Rolling Hills Consulting inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn C. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rossner Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roth Ms. Jean Rothfuss Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rowley Royal Inn Mrs. Patricia M. Rudy Ms. Norma E. Rumfelt Mr. Charles W. Russell Mr. William A. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Rychlik Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salotto Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Sann Mr. and Mrs. William Santee Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Saucke Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sauer Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry Savage Mr. and Mrs. Leon Savage Mr. and Mrs. Donald Saxton Rev. and Mrs. Verne Schattner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Schepisi Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schilbe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schirmer Mrs. Louise C. Schlosser Mr. Elliott F. Schocken and Ms. Roxann Washburn Mary Ellen and Dan Schreher Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schreiber Ms. Catherine E. Schubert Mrs. Ernestine Schubmehl Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schulp Ms. Rita M. Schuster Mr. David C. Schwaner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schwartz Ms. Barbara A. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Scribner Seneca Foods Foundation Mrs. Shirley J. Senglaub Mr. Albert Z. Seymour Ms. Carol Ann Shannon Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheffield Shepard Bros., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shillington Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Shipley Mr. Don Shultz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shumway Mr. Antonio C. Siciliano Mr. Louis Siciliano Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Siciliano Mr. Thomas F. Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Siewert Mr. Louis E. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. William J. Simmons, Jr. Ms. Jeanne C. Singer Mr. Robert J. Sinnott Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skellett Mr. and Mrs. James M. Skolny Mr. Gregory Slisz Mr. and Mrs. David K. Smart Ms. Audrey F. Smith and Mr. Robert A. Weisschadel Mr. and Mrs. Clair C. Smith Ms. Genevieve H. Smith Mrs. Jill F. Snyder Dr. Marsha Snyder Mr. Willard J. Sproule Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Spurr Mr. Richard K. Stabins Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Ms. Ruth Staly Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stansfield Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Chester G. Starowitz Mr. Ronald L. Steiner Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sterling Ms. Elizabeth J. Stewart Ms. Katherine A. Stewart Susan E. Storke Ms. Margaret A. Strite Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Stromstad Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Stubbings Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Sulkes Sullivan Trail, LLC Ms. Judith A. Swikehardt Ms. Shirley A. Switzer Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Szkapi, Jr. Ms. Cornelia Tack Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Talke Mr. Armand R. Tanguay Mr. and Mrs. John C. Taylor Stanley and Nancy Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Peter Testan Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Ms. Florence J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Tomion Rev. Daniel P. Tormey Mr. Thomas Tortora, Jr. Mr. Richard T. Towner and Ms. Kathleen Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Treble Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Trew Mrs. Clara M. Tripodi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Trost Duncan and Constance Trott Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Trotta Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trubio Ms. Hollis K. Trude Ms. Norma Tunnison Ms. Betty L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Turner Ms. Mary Ann Turner Mr. Herbert Ulrich Mr. Ramon Umana Rubio Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ungar United Way of Greater Rochester, Inc. Mr. Russell H. Valley Mr. Nicholas Valvano Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Valvano Ms. Marge C. Van Iseghem Mr. Robert Vanas Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. VanCassele Mr. and Mrs. Corry R. VanCassele Mr. David VanderLinden Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Vanderwall Ms. Judith VanDeVelde Mr. and Mrs. George H. Varner Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Veil Ms. Carrie M. Velasquez Ms. Sylvia M. Veraska Ms. Margaret B. Vienna Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Vienna Mr. and Mrs. William J. Vierhile Mr. Edgar F. Viggiani Mr. Joseph Vitalone Mrs. Susan Vitek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Voorhees Ms. Lyola W. Wade Mrs. Sandra J. Wager Ms. Betsi A. Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Waite Mr. and Mrs. Francis Walker Mr. James E. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walsh Mrs. Wendy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Walters Mr. David Walton Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ward Ms. Jody Warner-Farnsworth Mr. Everett W. Warnshouse Ms. Phyllis Waterstraw Mr. Edgar Webber Mr. and Mrs. David Webster Ms. Dorothy E. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Norris Weeks Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wegemann Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang K. Weichenthal Ms. Barbara Weinhart Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Weis Mr. and Mrs. Ardean L. Wells Mrs. Jill M. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wheaton Mr. Kenneth Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. White Mrs. Margaret G. White Ms. Mary L. White Mr. and Mrs. Lawson M. Whiting, Sr. Ms. Jeanne M. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Widmer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Wilber Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wilder Wilhelmus Winery Mr. David A. Willett Ms. Beverly Williams Ms. Shirley G. Williams Ms. Evelyn H. Wing Mr. Herbert E. Winkelmann Mr. and Mrs. David L. Winslow Ms. Claire Withers Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wolf Ms. Melissa Wolin Mrs. Patsy L. Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Wulff David and Gail Wyffels Ms. Beverly Years Mr. Charles F. Young Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Young Mr. Richard J. Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Younger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Yudichak Mr. and Mrs. John Zabliski Mr. Henry A. Zuccaro Building a He althy Future C apital C ampaign AAC Contracting, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Abawi Ms. Marianne Abraham Ms. Joanne T. Adam Ms. Annette M. Adams Ms. Joyce S. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ahrens Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alden Ms. Elizabeth C. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Alford Mr. James Allan Mrs. Cheryl Allen Mr. and Mrs. John Allhusen Ms. Eileen M. Alven Mrs. James M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Annesi Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Oliver G. Appleton Ms. Jennifer E. Army Mrs. Irene Arner Mrs. Carrie E. Aston Ms. Amanda Austin Mr. and Mrs. William Axtell Mr. Donald W. Babcock Ms. Catherine C. Baier Ms. Diana F. Bailey Ms. Holly Bailey Mr. Kevin Bain and Ms. Margie O’Jea Ms. Cheryl Baker Mr. and Mrs. David Baker Bank of America Ms. Tracy Barber Mr. Daniel K. Bardeen Mr. Robert H. Barnes Ms. Theresa A. Barnhart Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barr Ms. Michele D. Barrett Mr. Richard G. Barrington Mrs. Catherine J. Bartolick Ms. Diane Bassage Mr. and Mrs. Dean G. Bates Ms. Melissa Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Bavineau Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bay Ms. Deb Baylor Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Beecher Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Beechner Ms. Patricia M. Beeman Ms. Tsega Belete Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bellinger Ms. Susan A. Bellis Ms. Kristen E. Bement Ms. Vickii K. Bement Mr. and Mrs. Albert Benivegna Ms. Virginia H. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Bennett Ms. Janet L. Berg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Berley Ms. Jacqueline R. Best Ms. Tina B. Beyea Ms. Sandra H. Bierbrauer Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Biery Ms. Becky M. Bigler Mr. Stephen Biklen Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bishop Ms. E. Laurie Bittner Ms. Rebecca Black Mr. Charles A. Blake Ms. Wendy A. Blakemore Drs. Mark and Karen Blazey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boardman Ms. Anita M. Borden Ann G. Borgstrom, DDS Mr. Jonathon P. Borisuk Ms. Linda J. Bornheimer Ms. Sarah Boscoe Ms. Penny Bose Mr. Mark Boskow Ms. Debra Bott Mr. Greg Botticelli Mrs. Sara L. Bottorf Mr. and Mrs. Rayman L. Bounds Ms. Kelly E. Bowen Mr. Larry Bowerman and Ms. Carol L. Moran-Bowerman Ms. Samantha Bowman Mr. and Mrs. George D. Braddon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brahm III Mr. and Mrs. Darryl A. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Briggs Bristol Mountain & Roseland Waterpark Dr. James E. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Bronson Mr. Brian E. Brown Ms. Cary L. Brown Ms. Eileen F. Brown Nancy A. Brown, MD and Mr. Craig Schmackpfeffer Mr. Thomas A. Bub Mr. and Mrs. William Buckingham Ms. Nancy L. Buerman Ms. Pamela A. Burmeister Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Burt Ms. Theresa M. Butler Mrs. Virginia A. Butler Ms. Suzan Byington C.A. Reed Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Callari, Jr. Ms. Tamara J. Cambier Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Co. Canandaigua New Car Dealers Assoc. Ms. Anne Caprini Dr. and Mrs. David R. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carlson Mrs. Elizabeth F. Carnevale Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Carney Ms. Debra A. Carnrite Ms. Evelyn A. Carpenter Ms. Beth E. Carr Ms. Mona L. Carro Mrs. Ann M. Cary Mr. and Mrs. David Case Ms. Renee G. Cator Chamberlain D’Amanda, Oppenheimer & Greenfield, LLP Ms. Kande A. Chappell Ms. Lou Jo Chappelle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Charlton Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Christensen Ms. Kristina S. Christofferson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Church Ms. Beverley A. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Cloen, Jr. Mrs. Jackie Cochrane Ms. Wilma Coleates Mrs. Brandy L. Collett Mr. and Mrs. William Colvin Ms. Melissa Colvin Mr. Arick W. Combs Ms. Debra M. Combs Mrs. Mary F. Connolly Ms. Jeanne Connor Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Constantino Constellation Brands, Inc. 19 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign, Continued Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Cook Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cooley Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley Cornerstone Institutional Investors, Inc. Ms. Ann Costello Mr. and Mrs. Baird C. Couch Ms. Jean D. Coyne Mr. Robert Crane Ms. Rebecca J. Crane-Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Crofton Ms. Martha Croop Ms. Beatrice M. Crudele Mr. Donald E. Cullen Ms. Patricia A. Curchin Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Cutri Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cutri Ms. Cathryn V. Daggett Mr. and Mrs. John J. Darcy Mr. and Mrs. James P. Darduini Ms. Tammie A. Davenport Mrs. Barbara A. Davis Ms. Helen A. Davis Mrs. Marjorie Davis Ms. Lorraine Sigue Day Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Day Ms. Susan J. Dechow Ms. Mary Decker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Defayette Ms. Dolores M. Demuth Mrs. Bonnie S. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Harold Densmore Ms. Jennifer S. DeVault Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Dewaters Ms. Marisa M. Dingfield Ms. Sara A. DiVincenzo Ms. Penelope A. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Donaher Ms. Laura Dorman Ms. Carol T. Doyle Ms. Carole J. Drake Ms. Leaf Drake Mr. and Mrs. Leland Durkee Mr. David B. Ehmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eldredge ELF Foundation Ms. Melissa A. Ellis Ms. Diana M. Ellison Ms. Holly K. Elwell Garnetta M. Ely, MD Ms. Laurie Erb Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ernst Ms. Vicki S. Erway Estey-Struble Theatrical Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Evangelisti Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel L. Evans Mr. George M. Ewing, Jr. Ms. Margaret L. Ewing F.G. Rayburn Mason Contractors, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fackler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Farchione Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farchione, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farchione Ms. Susan A. Faro Salia Farrokh Mr. and Mrs. John Fayko Ms. Elizabeth Feier-Hauser 20 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fichtner Ms. Shirley V. Figueroa De Cole Mr. and Mrs. James Finkle Ms. Jan V. Finnan Ms. Mary E. Fiorille Mrs. Judith A. Fladd Ms. Misty D. Flock Ms. Carol R. Foote Ms. Michele J. Ford Ms. Patricia A. Forjone Ms. Susan L. Forti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster Mrs. Margaret Fowler Ms. Stephanie M. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fralick Mr. John A. Francis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Freeland Mrs. Elizabeth P. Freese Mr. Michael Friedland Ms. Helene C. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. William Frohm Ms. Donna R. Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Furnare Mr. Bruce T. Gage Ms. Marjorie Gage Ms. Ann M. Galbo Ms. Sarah A. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gambill Ms. Susan E. Gantz Ms. Debra A. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gardner Mr. Paul Gardner Mrs. Louise V. Gary Ms. Audrey A. Gay Mr. Carl C. Gehrig, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Genecco, Jr. Geneva Club Beverage Co., Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. George Ms. Eileen E. Gerace Mr. Richard J. Gerger German Brothers Marina, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas German Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Gerner, Jr. Ms. Audrey L. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Roger Glitch Dr. and Mrs. David A. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Goodman Ms. Juanita Gorton Mr. and Mrs. David E. Gosling Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gosper Ms. Mary E. Gotham, RN Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Brownlie E. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Graham Ms. Diane S. Graham Greater Rochester Health Foundation Ms. Lillieth Green Ms. Ann M. Greth Ms. Kathy J. Grimes Dr. David C. Grimm and Mrs. Jeanie C. Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Grumley Ms. Linda D. Gruschow Ms. Cathleen A. Guattery Ms. Jennifer W. Guelzow Ms. Elissa L. Guffey Mr. Stephen A. Guida Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gullace Mr. and Mrs. Eldon L. Habberfield Ms. Judith E. Habberfield Mr. and Mrs. Terry Habberfield Ms. Sharon P. Haefele Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haggerty Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hainen Mr. Carl Hall Mr. Mark R. Halladay Mr. Dudley Hallstead Ms. Jennifer L. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hamlin IV Ms. Sarah D. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hamlin Mrs. Virginia M. Hammill Ms. Joyce A. Hanselman Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hansen, Sr. Mr. Norman J. Harrell Harris Beach, PLLP Ms. Debra L. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Harter Ms. Dianne Hartzell Ms. Karen F. Haskins Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins Ms. Barbara L. Hawks Ms. Elisabeth M. Hawks Mr. Richard H. Hawks and Ms. Linda M. Farchione Hawks Ms. Sheri J. Hayes Mrs. Carol A. Hayton Mr. Eugene Heath Ms. Jane E. Heath Ms. Virginia A. Hebda Mrs. Tracy L. Heffron Ms. Cindy K. Hempel Ms. Gina M. Hendrix HEP Sales Dr. and Mrs. Kirk D. Heriot Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hermann Ms. Shirley B. Hess Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Hicks Ms. Rene W. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Hill Mr. James H. Hilton Mr. Robert S. Hine II Ms. Maya Hobday Ms. Kelly Hoffman Ms. Paulena Hoffmeier Mr. and Mrs. John Hogestyn Mr. and Mrs. James D. Holland Ms. Carla J. Holtz Ms. Saralinda Hooker and Mr. Christopher Ragus Mr. Dennis E. Hopkins Ms. Adrian D. Hordon Robert K. Horowitz, MD Mr. Glenn Houle Ms. Kathleen M. Hoven Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Hurlbutt Ms. Judy A. Hutchinson Hylan Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ingle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Judson L. Ingraham Ms. Elaine M. Jackson Mr. David W. Jacobs Drs. Laurence and Katherine Jacobs Mrs. Mary E. Jacobs Mr. Randy A. Jacque Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jansen Mrs. Amber E. Janson Mrs. Joyce G. Jaquith Mrs. Joan A. Jarzomski Ms. Susan D. Johnson Ms. Anne R. Johnston Ms. Patricia Johnston Ms. Deborah A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Jones Mrs. Elaine H. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Joseph Joseph’s Wayside Market Mr. and Mrs. John J. Joyce Ms. Gloria A. Karr Joan Kautz-Herbek and Tom Herbek Mr. James L. Keefe Mr. Donald R. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly Ms. Judith T. Kelly Ms. Ketura Kelly Ms. Christine C. Kemp Ms. Mary E. Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kenyon Kepner Equipment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kerr Ms. Janet E. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Kirchhoff Ms. Mary Ellen Kirkwood Ms. Susan J. Kirkwood Ms. Betty H. Klee Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Kless Ms. Andrea G. Knaak Ms. Christina E. Knab Ms. Marlyn P. Knetzer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Knight Ms. Sharon S. Knorr Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Kober Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Mr. Richard A. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Gunter Kronenberger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubiak Ms. JeanAnn C. Kubishin Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Kubishin Mr. Guy A. Kunzer Clark and Joan Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kwarta Ms. Suzanne M. Kymble Mr. Francis E. LaClair Mrs. Joeleen LaCrosse Lakeside ENT & Allergy, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John LaLetta Ms. Arlene Lambert Mr. Robert J. Lambrix Mr. Johnny A. Landers Susan M. Landgraf, MD Mr. and Mrs. John M. Landrigan Ms. Leanna M. Landsmann and Mr. Milton J. Block Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lapczenski Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Lasher Mrs. Mary G. Lauder Ms. Stacey E. Lauretti Ms. Ruth I. Leach LeChase Construction Services, LLC Ms. Desiree C. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Lenz Mrs. Helen S. Lewis Ms. Michelle J. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leysath Ms. Ellen M. Lightfoote Ms. Karen M. Linder Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Linehan Mrs. Susan Littlejohn Ms. Cora E. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Locke Mrs. Dorothy M. Lockwood Mrs. Elaine G. Lomber Mrs. Cathy A. Loury Luellen Family Foundation Fund Mrs. Lorraine S. Lundy Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Lyon Mr. Richard Lyons Mac and Sally Sands Foundation Ms. Christine M. MacDuff Barbara and Robert Mack Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm I. MacKenzie Ms. Caroline MacMillen Mrs. Dorothy E. Maffin Mr. Christopher B. Mahan and Ms. Anne M. Ruflin Ms. Melisa K. Maier Ms. Debra Mallula Ms. Laurie F. Malotte John M. Manfred, MD Ms. Barbara Manning Karl J. Marchenese, MD Ms. Audrey Marshall Mrs. Juanita Marshall Ms. Edna T. Marten Mrs. Jean E. Marten Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Martin Mrs. Gretchen Z. Martino Ms. Beverly S. Marvin Ms. Cynthia W. Massey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. May Mrs. Susan D. McCormack Mr. Robert McDonald John F. McGuire, MD Mrs. Louise B. McGuire Ms. Diana L. McKee Dr. and Mrs. William D. McKenzie Ms. Elizabeth A. McLaughlin Mr. Robert E. McMahon and Ms. Linda M. Maxion* Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Meath Ms. Carole A. Meath Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch Ms. Ann S. Menendez Mr. Marco D. Mennucci Mr. and Mrs. David A. Merkel, Esq. Mrs. Geraldine L. Mettler Ms. Tina M. Metz Ms. Jessica D. Meyers Mrs. Kristine M. Michalko Mr. and Mrs. Roland Michalski Ms. Jean E. Middlebrook Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Miles Mrs. Barbara H. Miller Ms. Mary Lou H. Miller Ms. Sarah J. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mincer Mr. and Mrs. James C. Minges Mrs. Virginia Miser Ms. Elizabeth S. Mitchell Mr. John Paul Mlynar Mobil Matching Gifts Program Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Monroe Roadways Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moore Ms. Lucille Moore Reita Moore Ms. Regina G. Morano Ms. Christine F. Morich Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Morris Ms. Barbara B. Morse Ms. Catherine W. Moses Ms. Laurie J. Mott Muchard Family Limited Partnership Mrs. Laura Muchard Mrs. Sally Mueller Mrs. Wendy A. Mulholland Rev. Thomas P. Mull Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mullally Ms. Karen Munson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Ms. Ruth B. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Muscolino Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Musfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Musson Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Noaker Mrs. Jane D. Nohe Ms. Dorothy H. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Ms. Beverly Northrop Ms. Bonnie Nudd Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Oakleaf Mr. and Mrs. John B. Oaks Mrs. Margit Obenhofer Ms. Candy Obourn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. William B. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Donnell Ms. Lisa R. O’Geen Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. O’Hanlon Mr. John B. Oliphant Mrs. Geraldine M. Olmsted Dr. and Mrs. Ling Ong Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Ortiz Bernard J. Oseroff, MD Mr. Terry C. Ovenshire Ms. Beverly A. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepper R. John and Patricia Perrin Ms. Sonja L. Perrone Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ernisse Mr. Alan R. Persons Mr. Donald N. Pett Mr. and Mrs. John F. Pettinger Ms. Sheryl L. Pevc Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pfeiffer Mr. Michael E. Phillips Ms. Letitia A. Pickering Mrs. Kathy L. Pierce Mr. Preston E. Pierce Ms. Sheryl L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Pietropaolo Mr. and Mrs. James Pietropaolo Mrs. Denett M. Pimkowski* Mr. Salvatore Pitti Mrs. Wanda Polisseni Ms. Joanne L. Poteralski Ms. Beth A. Potter Mrs. Elizabeth M. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Roeland Ms. Bonnie Sue Ross Ms. Natalie A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rossner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Roth, Jr. Mrs. Teresa C. Roth Ms. Barbara J. Rouse Ms. Linda M. Rowsick Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Rubins Ms. Tammy J. Ruckle Mr. and Mrs. Miles Rugg Ms. Deborah D. Ruggles Ms. Marie A. Rusaw Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Russell Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Russell Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ryan Mrs. Rebecca L. Ryan Ms. Penny S. Sager Ms. Victoria A. Sager Mr. and Mrs. John E. Saglett Augustus W. Sainsbury, MD* Ms. Lisa A. Salotto Ms. Cheryl I. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raes Mrs. Rebecca Raguso-Snyder Raines Family Fund Randall Farnsworth Auto Group Rank’s IGA Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Rapp Ms. Deborah D. Rasmussen Ms. Lisa A. Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Raw, Jr. Mr. William B. Rayburn Ms. Susan M. Rea Mrs. Teresa Reale Ms. Alona Redden Ms. Patricia C. Reece Ms. Karen L. Reese Ms. Luanne Reinis Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Reynders Miss Donna H. Reynolds Janet and Richard Richmond Mrs. Dona Rickard Ms. F. Jean Ridley F i n g e r L a k e s D e n ta l C a r e L e n d i n g S u p p o rt t o Sands C ancer Center 16 “In celebration of our 10th anniversary, Finger Lakes Dental Care (FLDC) hosted an 1 Open House and holiday gift sale featuring gift certificates and items donated by local businesses. During the sale, we also offered custom whitening kits at a reduced rate. In addition to contributing all proceeds from holiday gift sale items, FLDC donated $50 from each whitening kit sold to Sands Cancer Center. FLDC holds a variety of creative events throughout the year, such as a staff jeans day and more, to benefit Sands. The programs and services provided by the Center are vital to those touched by cancer – including one of our own team members – and we’re pleased to lend our support.” 12 9 10 2 17 11 18 15 13 14 4 8 3 5 6 7 Jason Tanoory, DMD, FAGD Finger Lakes Dental Care Staff Members: 1. Doreen Schommer 2. Geoff Tucker 3. Jen Parish 4. Jason Tanoory, DMD, FAGD 5. Wendy Marshall, DDS 6. Cindy Cooper 7. Edith Byington 8. Shelly Turner 9. Jen Mattice 10. Jen Moore 11. Claudia O’Donnell 12. Amy Ells 13. Diane Saxton 14. Kathy Snyder 15. Pam Buchholz 16. Nicole Fenner 17. Megan Meek 18. Penney D’Antonio Dr. Leslie Myers and Dr. Thomas Wong Ms. Marjorie Myers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Natapow Mr. Kenneth R. Nesbitt Dr. and Mrs. Philip C. Nevin Ms. Carolyn D. Newkirk Mr. Robert J. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Nielsen Nixon Peabody LLP Mrs. Margaret S. Page Dr. and Mrs. W. Jeffery Page Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Palmer Mr. Peter Parker Mr. Nicholas R. Pasnak Ms. Mary E. Pastore Ms. Marianne C. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Peirce Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pelton Ms. Martha A. Pendino Mr. and Mrs. Hans Potter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poworoznek Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Poyzer Ms. Kimberly A. Pozzanghera Ms. Deborah A. Price Ms. Christine Principe Ms. Wendy L. Pritchard Demaris Prong Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Prunoske Mr. and Mrs. William H. Purves Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rivet Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rivet Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Robbins Ms. Hazel P. Robertshaw and Mr. Michael N. Zanghi Rochester Area Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rockmaker Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Rockwell Susan V. Rockwell, MD Mr. and Mrs. Michael Salotto Ms. Marie Salvato and Ms. Suzanne M. Poteet Ms. Dolores Sandman Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Sann Sarkis Family Fund, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Sarkis Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sarkis Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Savage Mrs. Mary Savastano Cutting 21 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign, Continued Mr. and Mrs. Stevan F. Sayre Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schaertl Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schantz Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Schenk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schilbe, Sr. Mrs. Sharon A. Schinsing Mrs. Linda Schnitzler Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schrader Mr. and Mrs. James J. Schreiber Ms. Beverly A. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schulp Mr. and Mrs. John Schuppenhauer Mr. Michael J. Schwabl and Ms. Lauren Dixon Mr. David C. Schwaner Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Scribner Mary W. Semans Mr. Albert Z. Seymour Ms. Lyndsey M. Sgro Ms. Linda M. Shanks Ms. Catherine A. Shannon Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shapiro Drs. John and Susan Sharza Ms. Kathleen Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Sheffer Shepard Bros., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sheridan Mrs. Sue M. Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shillington Mrs. Bronwyn L. Ship Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. William Shusda Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Siebert Mr. Thomas F. Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Siewert Ms. Janet L. Silcox Ms. Dorria M. Sinack Mr. Robert J. Sinnott Ms. Celia Smith Ms. Dawn M. Smith Ms. Genevieve H. Smith Mr. Mark B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Snyder Ms. Julie E. Snyder Mrs. Kimberley G. Snyder Ms. Nicole M. Spangenberg Ms. Jamie N. Sparks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spiess Mrs. Norma H. Spiess Ms. Corine L. Sprentall Ms. Patricia D. Sprentall Mr. Willard J. Sproule St. Mary’s Church Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stansfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Stapleton, Jr. Mr. Christopher J. States Dr. and Mrs. Robert Steinhacker Ms. Pamala L. Steinmetz Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Stell Mr. Dale C. Stell Ms. Patricia A. Stell Mrs. Melissa A. Stenzel Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sterling Ms. Elizabeth J. Stewart Ms. Linda E. Stiefel 22 Mr. Edwin P. Stockwell Mr. Michael Stonewell Ms. Margaret R. Stover Ms. Gail M. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Stubbings Sullivan Trail, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Swartout Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Swartout Mr. Robert F. Sykes Ms. Karen M. Taft Ms. Elizabeth Talia Tambe Electric Inc. Mr. Christopher P. Tavano Mr. and Mrs. John C. Taylor Mr. Peter Taylor Stanley and Nancy Taylor Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Peter Testan Ms. Mary Lou Tetley The John and Jayne Summers Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thomas Thompson Guild Thompson Health Ms. Jennifer A. Thompson Ms. Laurie M. Thompson Ms. Marjorie P. Thompson Mrs. Nanette Thompson Mrs. Marsha Tillson Mrs. Theresa T. Tremblay Ms. Ellen M. True Ms. Donna Turner Mrs. Madeleine A. Tutty Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Twombly Ms. Billie-Faith Tyler Ms. Jill M. Tyrrell Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Uebbing Ms. Jennifer M. Unger Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Valvano Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Van Loo Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vanas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. VanDelinder Ms. Judith VanDeVelde Mrs. Susan E. VanTroost Ms. Traci A. VanWie Mrs. Kathleen S. Vaughn Ms. Mary A. Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Vear Velmex, Inc. Ms. Margaret B. Vienna Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel Ms. Joy M. Voorhees Ms. Jeanne F. Waddington Mrs. Jane A. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagner Ms. Lori M. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ward Ms. Carol R. Watson and Mr. John D. Haskins Ms. Joan C. Weaver Mr. Edgar Webber Mr. and Mrs. Norris Weeks Wegman Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. Thomas Weibel Ms. Kathleen A. Welch Ms. Kimberly M. Wesley Mr. Rolf Westad Ms. Amanda E. Wetherbee Ms. Kathleen A. Wethington Mrs. Laura C. Wetmore Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Whalen Mrs. Jill M. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Wheat Mr. and Mrs. William W. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. White, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson M. Whiting, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Noel T. Wido Ms. Susan J. Wilber Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Wilbur Ms. Miriam F. Wilkerson Mrs. Susan Wilkins Ms. Erin R. Williamee Ms. Suzanne M. Willson Ms. Diane F. Wilmot and Mr. Gary DellaVilla Mrs. Jean Wilson Ms. Tammy S. Wilson Mr. Herbert E. Winkelmann Mr. and Mrs. David L. Winslow Ms. Rachel S. Wise Mr. Douglas Wiseman Ms. Nancy A. Wooden David and Gail Wyffels Ms. Sharon A. Yadanza Ms. Karen E. Yax Ms. Barbara A. Years Ms. Lisa M. Years Mr. Charles F. Young Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zagata Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Zimmerman da Vinci ® Surgic al System Anonymous Steve and Maureen Bills William and Anne Buckingham Chuck and Pam Caranci Constellation Brands Bob and Marj Cunningham Richard and Joanne Davis Jim and Barbara Day Mike and Lisa DeGaetano John and Mary Lou Dredger Jeff and Joan Eckert ELF Foundation Mitchel and Robin Evans Dan and Mary Beth Farchione, Jr. Brian and Julie Gambill Jack and Kathy Goodrich Paul Harvey Rosemary Hunt Charlie and Marie Kenton Kraig and Sue Kummer Ted and Karen Lenz Will and Sharon Mack Greg and Jean MacKay Ken and Lee Ogden Dr. Carlos and Mrs. Myrna Ortiz Wanda Polisseni William B. Rayburn Tim and Lori Richenberg Jeffrey and Nancy Siewert David and Karen Sorce Thompson Guild Bryan and Donna Williams Mike Zanghi and Hazel Robertshaw OTHER PROGR AMS AND FUNDS Breast Health Patient Navigation Progr am Communit y Flu Shot Clinic Nursing Scholarship Fund Sands Cancer Center Sands C ancer Center Patient Needs Fund Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Progr am Ms. Janice Abate American Legion, Inc. Ms. Tammy Boglione Mrs. Jane E. Bounds Mr. John T. Braun Canandaigua Teachers Association Canandaigua USBC Association Chas. G. Outhouse Memorial Fund Mr. Donald Collins Mr. Patrick Cooney Mr. Charles Copeland Ms. Sonja Cosh Ms. Martha L. Daniels Mrs. Laurie Dueland Eastman Monroe Dental Hygiene Alumni Assoc Ms. Pamela Feicht Ms. Peggy Ferran FFTH Memorial Library Fund Finger Lakes Dental Care PC FLCC Student Corporation Friends of the Constellation Brands Marvin Sands PAC, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hoffman Honeoye-Hemlock American Legion Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huber Ms. Barbara Kittell Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Lester Ms. Virginia Lisano Marcus Whitman Class of 1977 Ms. Carolyn D. Murphy-Landis Ontario County Comm American Legion Aux Mrs. Linda R. Perkins Poppa Bills Angels Mr. Mark Rodgers Ms. Antonia Shiffman Ms. Lindsey Spencer Tall Trainer Fitness Systems, Inc. Ms. Rikki Van Camp Mr. Richard G. Wade Special Events 129 Main Street 1941 Historical Aircraft Group Museum A Patch of Country AAC Contracting, Inc. Abbott’s Frozen Custard Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Abraham Access Lifts and Ramps, Inc. Mr. Ken Adams Ms. Susanne Affolter Mr. Anthony J. Aiello Mrs. Marianne Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alden Mr. and Mrs. John Allhusen Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Alling Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Alling Alsco Ambiance Angelica Corporation Ms. Annette Annesi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Annesi Mark Annesi Annie’s Hallmark Anonymous Aquasource Ms. Kelly Arbogast Arbor Hill Grapery Arby’s Arena’s Florist Ms. Mary Harnan Arlotta Artizanns Ms. Paula M. Attwell Mr. Joseph I. Aucoin Auto Wash, Inc. Auto Zone Mr. and Mrs. William Axtell Ms. Tiffany Bader Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Bakel Ms. Cynthia Baker Ms. Joan Bardossi Ms. Christine M. Barnes Barone, Siciliano & Co. PC Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Barone Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barr Ms. Mary J. Barra Ms. Missy Barringer Ms. Laurie Barron Valentine Bartolick Mr. Gary Baxter Mrs. Donna C. Bay Ms. Kathleen Beachel Beacon Farm Market Ms. Tara Bearer Mr. James Beaujon Bed Bath & Beyond Beers of the World Ms. Anne Beers Beginner Triathlete Belhurst Castle Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Benivegna Mr. J.A. Benjamin Mr. Walter Berkstresser Ms. Mary Jo Bernardi Mr. Paul Bernstein Beryl Ann’s Hair Salon Mr. Mario A. Bevilacqua Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano Big Lots Bill Gray’s Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Bills Ms. E. Laurie Bittner BJ’s Wholesale Club of Geneva BJ’s Wholesale Club of Victor Ms. Jennifer Bleecker Bloomers Floral & Gifts Blue Cross Arena BME Associates Bob Wright Creative Harold Bobry Bob’s Alignment Mr. Glenn Bodman Boike Counseling Inc. Bombace Wine & Spirits The Bonadio Group Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC Bonefish Grill Ms. Nancy Booth Ms. Joan Borncamp Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowdoin Ms. Kelly E. Bowen Boylan Code LLP Ms. Mardell Brabant Mrs. Deborah Bradford Ralph Brasacchio, MD Ms. Debra Breese Ms. Christine Brewer Mr. Ted Brewer Ms. Margaret Brewer Bright Ideas @ Five Seasons Bristol Harbour Golf Course Bristol Valley Theater Daniel G. Broadwell Brookstone, Inc. Brown & Tarantino, LLC Brown Hound Bistro Mr. Brian E. Brown Mrs. Karen Brozic Ms. Kimberly Brozic Mr. and Mrs. Gregory N. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Buchar Ms. Jean M. Bucher Buffalo Hotel Supply Co., Inc. Buffalo Sabres Ms. Patricia A. Burke Mr. David J. Burski Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Byrd C.A. Reed Associates, Inc. C.W. Shasky and Associates, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Call Mr. CJay Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John R. Campbell Ms. Sue Campbell Canandaigua B.P.O. Elks Canandaigua Carpets Canandaigua Chrysler Dodge Jeep Canandaigua Financial Group Canandaigua Inn on the Lake Canandaigua Lady Canandaigua Medical Group Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Co. Canandaigua Orthopaedic Associates, PC Canandaigua Quick Print Canandaigua Sailboarding Ms. Karen Carey Carlson Glassworks Gregory Carnevale, MD Mr. Christian R. Carr Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Carr Mr. Bernard J. Carroll Ms. Nancy L. Carson Casa de Pasta Casa Italiana Casa Larga Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Mark Case Casella Waste Services Mr. Samuel J. Casella Case’s Convenient Store Mr. Brendan Casey Casey’s Hallmark Mr. Vince Cassano Mr. Daniel Cassidy Centerpointe Golf and Country Club Century Wine Ms. MariaTeresa Ceravolo Chamberlain D’Amanda Hon. John Champlin Mr. Ronald L. Chapman Ms. Lou Jo Chappelle Charlie Riedel’s Family Restaurant Mr. Ronald W. Charron Cheshire Union Gift Shop Ms. Pam Chester Chick Uhlen Associates, Inc. Chili’s Bar and Grill Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Ciardi CIG Insurance Agency Cindy’s Pies Mrs. Joan L. Clark Mr. Kevin Clawson Jamie Clayfield Clockworks Wine & Liquor Cobblestone Cork & Bottle Cobblestone Creek Bakery Mrs. Jackie Cochrane Mrs. Carlyn E. Coe Cogent HMG Wayne Coger Mr. and Mrs. James F. Collmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colmerauer Community Bank, N.A. Mrs. Barbara Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Conroy Kevin G. Considine Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Constantino Constellation Brands Constellation Wines, Inc. Ms. Suzanne G. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley Mrs. Susan M. Cooper Pamela A. Cooper-Vince Core Rhythm Pilates Cornerstone Institutional Investors, Inc. Corning Museum of Glass Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. Cornish Mr. and Mrs. William G. Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Baird C. Couch Mr. and Mrs. John P. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Coughlin Country Club Liquor Mart Country Corner Nursery Ms. Verna Cowley Mr. Patrick Craner Mr. Peter J. Craner Crescent Moon Mr. and Mrs. David Crowe Crown Jewelers Ms. Linda J. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. James Curley Ms. Joan Curry Mr. Scott Curtis Curves for Women Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Cutri Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cutri Ms. Suzanne M. Cvetkovski D&BT Properties, LLC D&L Construction Mr. David D’Agostino Lee Dame Mr. Gerard D’Amore Kimberly J. D’Amore, MD Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D’Angelo Mrs. Bobbe Dannenbrink Dario’s Famous Pizzeria Davidson Shoes, Inc. Ms. Jan Davis Mr. Philip A. Davis Day Automation Systems, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William Dean Ms. Diana R. DeAnthony Mr. Frank Delgado and Ms. Jody Sleckman N ata l i e A . Ro ss Gr anting Wishes Throughout the H e a lt h S y s t e m “Over the years, I have received the highest quality care at Thompson. The physicians and staff treat each and every patient exceptionally well and always go the extra mile to ensure patients are comfortable. I’m glad to give back to Thompson however I can, whether it’s a monetary donation to fund various items on Thompson’s Wish List – like a blanket warmer for the Intensive Care Unit and a vital signs monitor for M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center’s Pines avenue – or support for renovations at the Physical Therapy Department in Farmington. Thompson Health is truly a jewel in our community and I’m happy to help it sparkle.” Left image: Natalie A. Ross. Right image: (From left) Anne Hatton, LPN; Shelley Schaff, RN; Mary Peck, RN; Donna Fulmer RN, Director PeriOperative Services and ICU 23 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors Special Events, Continued Karen and Jim Demay Ms. Carrie Deming Ms. Barbara Desgagnes Mrs. Holly E. Deusenbery Ms. Jennifer S. DeVault Ms. Carolyn F. Dewey Dick Anthony, Ltd Mr. Vince Dick Ms. Gail Dickinson Ms. Angela M. DiDomenico Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Didsbury Ms. Robin Dietschler DiMarco Constructors Mr. and Mrs. John L. DiMarco II Ms. Janice Eddy Edelweiss Properties Realtors, LLC Ms. Karen Egger El Jimador Eleventh Hour Elmer W. Davis, Inc. eLogic Group, LLC Mr. Alan D. Embrey Mr. Robert Enderle Tao Eng Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Ens Ms. Dorothy Erbacher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Erdle Eric’s Office Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ernst ESL Federal Credit Union Mr. John P. Estabrook Finger Lakes Coffee Roasters, Inc. Finger Lakes Community College Finger Lakes Gallery & Frame Finger Lakes Healthy Pathways Finger Lakes Partners Insurance Finger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc. Finger Lakes Visiting Nurse Service, Inc. Finger Lakes Visitors Connection Ms. Cathleen E. Finley Ms. Michelle Finley First Niagara Bank Ms. Lorraine Fish Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Fitzgerald Five Star Bank Mr. Mark Fritz Mr. and Mrs. William Frohm Frontier FSI Systems, Inc. Fuller Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fuller Ms. Marjorie E. Galens Gannett Hill Gardens Ms. Edythe B. Gansz Gardner Plus Architects Mr. David Gardner Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner Mrs. Tricia A. Garner Ms. Karrie Gates Gateway Grille Mr. Francis W. Gendreau Genesee Office Interiors, Inc. Guardian Industries Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Guererri Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guererri Mr. Stephen A. Guida Guild Gallery Gift Shop Gullace’s Ice Cream & Cafe Lonnie Gunsalus Mr. Don Gusmano Gypsum Systems Interiors, Ltd. Mr. Terry Habberfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hagerman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hagler, Jr. Holly Hahn, MD Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hainen Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hallagan Mr. Dudley Hallstead Dr. Geoffry E. Hallstead Geneva Bicycle Center Geneva Club Beverage Co., Inc. Bill Gensheimer Georgetown Liquor Dr. John C. Gerlach German Brothers Marina, Inc. Ms. Lindsay Gerringer Geva Theatre Centre Ms. Tracy Gilbert Kipling B. Goh, MD Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Golisano Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Gordner Ms. Elaine L. Gotham Mr. Jeffrey D. Graff Granger Homestead Society, Inc. Mr. and Ms. Andrew Griffith Mr. Paul H. Griswold Ground Water Systems, Inc. Halprin, Inc Ms. Patricia Hanavan Mrs. Ann C. Hanley Hansen Farms, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hansen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew E. Hansen Harmony In Wood Harris Beach, PLLP Mrs. Katie E. Harris Ms. Zoe Haubert Ms. Mary Lou C. Havens Susan Hawkes and Lin Case Mr. Richard H. Hawks and Ms. Linda M. Farchione Hawks Ms. Amy Hay Ms. Donna Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Scot A. Haynes Hazlitt 1852 Vineyards Hazlitt’s Red Cat Cellars Mr. and Mrs. Robert Healy Wa n da P o l iss e n i Gr anting a Wish for the Physic al Ther apy D e p a rt m e n t “Growing up on a farm taught me how to care for animals at a young age. I especially loved horses and still do to this day. In 2004, I opened Purple Haze Stables, named in memory of my daughter. Since then, this horse barn has become a retirement and adoption center for thoroughbreds from Finger Lakes Racetrack. When I heard the Equicizer was on Thompson Health’s Wish List and realized how great this rehabilitative equipment is, I was pleased to support its purchase. Many jockeys have told me how much they appreciate the Equicizer. They are able to recondition their muscles through simulated riding practices, as well as increase strength and confidence while decreasing the time it takes to return to riding. In addition to equestrians, many others can benefit from this wonderful equipment.” (From left) Omar Camejo, Jockey; Wanda Polisseni, F.F. Thompson Foundation Board Member Dinner Dogs, Inc. Dinosaur BBQ Dixon Golf Dixon Schwabl Advertising Ms. Lauren Dixon and Mr. Michael J. Schwabl Mr. David Dobranski Ms. Renate Doeve Domino’s Pizzeria Mr. Chris G. Donnellan Ms. Janet Donner Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Dorgan Mr. Ben Drayn Mr. Laurence A. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dunning Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Duserick Ms. Kathleen Dwyer Eastview Mall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Eckert Eddie O’Brien’s Grill & Bar 24 Heather Evans Ms. Karen Evans Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel L. Evans Ewing Graphics Excellus Blue Cross/Blue Shield F. Olivers, LLC F.G. Rayburn Mason Contractors, Inc. Mr. Daniel Fafinski Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Fafinski Ms. Noelle Fagan Mr. Roy J. Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Larry Feldman Mr. John Feltman Mr. Michael Fenlon FFT Senior Communities, Inc. F.F. Thompson Emergency Department F.F. Thompson Hospital Nuclear Medicine & MRI Departments Finger Lakes Artisans Mr. Dewey Fladd Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flannery Fleet Feet Sports Mr. Kevin Fleissig Flowers by Stella Ms. Gail R. Flugel Mr. George A. Foehner Food at Fishers Station Robert E. Ford, DDS Mr. Mark S. Fornalik Ms. Donna Forsyth Ms. Diane Fountaine Dr. Jim Fox Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fralick Francis Cauffman, Inc. Mrs. Mary Jane Frarey Mr. Richard Frarey* Ms. Margaret E. French Mr. Michael Friedland Friends of Brian Kolb Bryan A. Henry, MD Rev. Mark E. Henson HEP Sales Herbert J. Sims & Co., Inc. Ms. Debra L. Herendeen Ms. Gabrielle Hergert Heron Hill Winery Hi Tor Pet Resort Ms. Karen Hilarski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hill Ms. Patti Hill Hillside Evergreens Kurt Hoffman Hollis Hair Design Holloway House Mrs. Michele M. Holloway Hometown Pizza & Video Honeoye Storage Corporation Honeoye-Hemlock American Legion Hopper Hills Floral & Gifts, Inc. Mr. Robert G. Hoppough, Jr. Mrs. Deborah Horst Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Hough Dara and Bob Houle Mr. Robert Hoyt Hon. Dorothy Huber Mr. and Mrs. Matt Huber Ms. Mary Hummel Hunt Country Vineyards Hunt Properties Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hunter Icon Salon India House Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Ingalls Inspire Moore Winery Interlakes Oncology and Hematology, P.C. Ms. Carol A. Irby Mr. Dan Irby Ms. Ruth M. Irwin It’s A Hairy Deal J.C. Penney Co., Inc. J.E. Miller Nurseries, Inc. Mr. Randy A. Jacque James R. Moore VFW #8726 Ladies Auxillary James Rose Outdoor Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jasak Jenss Decor Mr. Scott Jerome JJ’s New York Pizzeria Jody’s Tree Service Mr. and Mrs. Colin D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnson Ms. Rachael E. M. Johnson Mrs. Sally J. Johnson Johnson-Kennedy Funeral Home, Inc. Ms. Yvonne C. Jolly Ms. Deborah A. Jones Joseph’s Wayside Market Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Jung, Jr. Just Your Style Mr. James B. Kamm Mr. Dan Katz Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kay Dr. Srinivas R. Kaza and Dr. Lesley A. James KB Graphics, Inc. K’bella Spa & Hair Salon Keenan Group Realtors Denise and Tim Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kennedy Ms. Penny Kenton Kenyon & Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kenyon Ms. Sharon Kester Ms. Debra Ketchum KeyBank, NA Ms. Jesseca E. Kirby Mr. Ronald Kirsop Ms. Karla Knight Knights of Columbus Mr. Peter A. Kohl Mr. Richard A. Kolb Ms. Laurie Kominiarek C L Koronowski Mrs. Lois Kozlowski Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kraemer Ms. Pamela Krause Ms. Tami Krotje Mr. Dwight Kruep Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kurwoski La Cocina Mexican Restaurant Lafayette Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Lahue Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, P.C. Lakeside ENT & Allergy Lakeview Lawn and Landscape Inc. Ms. Margaret Lamark Mr. Johnny A. Landers Mrs. Donna LaPlant Mr. James LaTerza Laurel Branch Design Ms. Stacey E. Lauretti Ms. Erica Leach LeCesse Construction LeChase Construction Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lechner Mr. David Lefebvre Ted Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Lenz Mr. Jon Leombrone Leonard’s Express Marney Lersch Mr. Richard L. Leschhorn Ms. Geraldine S. Lesniak Mr. Paul Levy Lifetime Care Ms. Catherine Lindner Lisa’s Hallmark Little Italy Mrs. Susan Littlejohn Ms. Rhonda Lockard Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Locke Ms. Cheryl Lockwood Ms. Donna Loeb Mr. Wayne G. Loebig Ms. Beverly Lounsbury Mr. Robert L. Lowenthal, Jr. Lowe’s Home Improvement Luigi’s Pizza Dr. and Mrs. Martin R. Lustick Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Luzum Ms. Sarah R. Lyke Lynch Furniture Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lynd Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lyttle M/E Engineering, P.C. Mr. Carl Mabie Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. MacKay Mr. Ken Magiera Mr. Christopher B. Mahan and Ms. Anne M. Ruflin Mr. Richard E. Maher Dr. Mary Maida and Dr. David Felten Main Street Wine & Liquor Majestic Hills Golf Course Ms. Laurie F. Malotte Manetti’s Restaurant Ms. Carrie Marciano Marine Blue, Inc. Dr. Gary Markowitz and Dr. Dina Markowitz Mark’s Pizzeria Mr. Edward B. Marr Mr. and Mrs. John F. Marren Mr. Edward M. Martin Ms. Carol A. Marx Mr. Joseph J. Maslyn* Mrs. Margaret Maslyn Mr. Rick Matter Ms. Dina Maxwell James Maxwell, MD Mayflowers Nursery & Garden Center Mr. Mark McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCagg Molly McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. McCarthy Rev. and Mrs. Richard C. McCaughey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. McDaniel McDonald’s Mr. Brian A. McFetridge Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. McGavern McKesson Corporation Mr. Christopher A. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. McNamara Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McWilliams Mead Square Pharmacy Meadowview Tree Farm Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Meath Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch Mr. Joseph A. Melton Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Menz Mercer Mr. Sean Metz Robert W. Meyer, MD Michelle’s Hair Studio Mickey Finn’s Restaurant Midas Muffler Middlesex Valley Airport Middletown Tavern, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Miles Ms. Jane Miller Mr. and Mrs. JR Miller Ms. Kristine Miller Ms. Mary Lou H. Miller Miller’s Mower Service Ms. Alison Milliman Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Milliman Mr. and Mrs. Rian K. Milliman Mr. and Mrs. James C. Minges Mr. Richard J. Mink Mission Foods Mr. Jay Mitchell Mitchell-Joseph Agency Ms. Amy Molina Monica’s Pies, LLC Monroe Wheelchair Moore Printing Co., Inc. Mrs. Kristy K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Moore Morey’s Pizza & Subs Ms. Christine F. Morich Morning Mist Farms Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Morrow Mostly Clay, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mottern Muar House Cafe Rev. and Mrs. Donald M. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Multer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murphey Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Ms. Margaret Murphy Murphy’s Law MVP Health Care Dr. Leslie Myers and Dr. Thomas Wong Naked Dove Brewing Company Naples Library Naples Record Naples Valley Auto Supply Naples Valley Brand Products Naples Valley Dental Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Natapow Ms. Lori Nelson Mr. Paul Ness Mrs. Rena M. Nessler Mrs. Katherine L. Nevin New York Wine & Culinary Center Niagara Bar & Restaurant Mr. Dan Nichols Nolan’s Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Norman Mr. Joseph A. Noto Mr. Dan Novak Ms. Mary Novosel Ms. Kim L. Nugent Ms. Colleen O’Brien Peter O’Brien, MD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. William R. O’Dea Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Ogden Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. O’Hanlon Olive Garden Mr. James Oliverio Mrs. Roberta Olmstead Ms. Cheryl Olson Ms. Hillary Olson Olympia Sports Mr. and Mrs. Tim O’Neil On-Scene Tags Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Onze Dr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Ortiz Otto Tomatto’s Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Ouellette Outdoor Accents Outdoor Store P.F. Chang’s China Bistro PPI Consulting Group Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Page Palmer Automotive Inc. Mr. Adam L. Palumbo Papa Jack’s Grill Papa Jack’s Ice Cream Park Ave Bike Shop Park Ave Travel, Inc. Park West Hair Design & Spa Parkleigh Pat Rini Rohrer Gallery Dr. and Mrs. Shirish Patel Patient Portal Patty’s Place Mr. Tom Pawluk Robert Pease, DDS Dr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Peck Mr. Thomas Peck Mr. and Mrs. John Peltier Mrs. Victoria M. Peltier Pepper’s Deli and Pastas Mr. Charles Perfetti Perri’s Pizzeria Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ernisse Mr. Carl B. Persson Mr. Stephen Petrone Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Phelps Ms. Courtney Phillips Philmaur Interiors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Pietropaolo Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Pietropaolo, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Pitler Pizza Hut Mr. Tom Pogue Ms. Tracy Polidori Ponderosa Steakhouse Pontillo’s Pizzeria Possibilities Rich Potts Mr. Philip C. Povero Ms. Mary K. Power Ms. Deborah A. Price Ms. Beryl Ann Pronti Prosecco Italian Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Prunoske Pudgies Pizza Mr. Benjamin Pursell Mr. Todd Putnam Quinlan’s Pharmacy RADEC Corporation Ms. Lori A. Ramsperger Randall Buick-GMC-Cadillac Ravenwood Golf Club Redwood Restaurant Mr. Carl A. Reed and Ms. Joanne Lynch Mr. Jan E. Reich Reichenbach & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George Reineke Ms. Luanne Reinis Dana Reiter Reliant Community Credit Union Renaissance Goodie II Shoppe Reservoir Creek Golf Course Rheinblick German Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ricci Mrs. Dona Rickard Mrs. Elizabeth Ridgway Rio Tomatlan Mexican Restaurant Rise & Shine Bakery Rising Sun Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Riveros RL Kistler, Inc. Mr. William Roberts Ms. Hazel P. Robertshaw and Mr. Michael N. Zanghi Ms. Susan Robinson Rochester Plaza Hotel & Conference Center 25 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors Special Events, Continued Rockcastle Florist, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Roeland Miss Katie Roeland Roseland Bowl, Inc. Roseland Waterpark Ms. Janice Ross Ms. Linda M. Rowsick Mr. Robert Rugg Mr. David Rumfola Ms. Marie A. Rusaw Rushville Lions Club Ms. Cara Rutherford RV&E Bike and Skate Mr. William Ryan Ryan’s Wine & Spirits Mrs. Harriet Sadove Olle Jane Z. Sahler, MD Sakura Japanese Steak House & Sushi Bar Ms. Joanne Salmon Mrs. Marvin Sands Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sands Frank and Arlene Sankey Sarkis Financial Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sarkis Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Savage Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry Savage Ms. Deborah Scheffler Mr. Jeff Schenk Mr. Tim Schenk Mr. Thomas M. Schlaefer School of the Holy Childhood Schooner’s Canandaigua Schooner’s Restaurant Mr. Robert Schroeder Ms. Lynette B. Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schuler Ms. Erika Schultz Mr. Fred Schwark Seager Marine, Inc. Sears & Roebuck Co. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Sellick Seneca Foods Corp. Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shapiro Sharks Custard & Candy Shear Paw-fection Mr. Michael Sheedy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sheffield Ms. Mandie J. Shelhart Ms. Jaime Shelters Mr. and Mrs. William G. Shillington Mr. David S. Shinay Mr. and Mrs. David Shuler Mr. Louis Siciliano Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Siewert Ms. Kelley Smeal Ms. Heidi Smith Mr. Justin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith Mrs. Margaret M. Smith Mr. Russell Smith Trevor Smith Ms. Erin Smith-Bockmier SMP, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Soltis Mr. Kurt J. Sommer 26 Lee Sommerman Sonnenberg Gardens & Mansion State Historic Park Mr. and Mrs. David S. Sorce Dr. and Mrs. Tarek Sousou Southern Wine & Spirits Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spada Ms. Nancy J. Spaulding Spectrum Foodservice Assoc., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Spencer Ms. Melanie A. Spencer Spring Valley Gardens Ms. Denise Spruill St. Januarius Church Ms. Roseanne Stachecki Mr. Steve Stagnitto Stan Steele Agency, Inc. Ms. Kate Stanko Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Stapleton, Jr. Starbucks Coffee Mr. Christopher J. States Steamboat Landing, LLC Mr. Michael S. Stein Mr. Mike Steinmetz Mr. Dale C. Stell Ms. Patricia A. Stell Ragan Stevens Mrs. Bernadette L. Strada Strong Ultrasound Department Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Strub Ms. Sheila Studebaker Studio 2000 Mrs. Christine Suffredini Sunoco Sutter’s Canandaigua Marina Mr. and Mrs. Graydon N. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Swartout SWBR Architects & Engineers, P.C. Sweet Expressions Ms. Marianne Sweet Ms. Laura A. Swift Ms. Diane Szczerbacki Mr. and Mrs. John Taddonio Ms. Elizabeth Talia Tantalo Photography Mr. Peter Tateo Ms. Lynn Tavernese Tenax Town Cleaners Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Ms. Jennifer E. Tessendorf Ms. Bonnie Thayer The Burger Shack Grill The Country Ewe, LTD The Eye Care Center The Maxwell-Boev Medical Group, PLLC The Naplestudio The PIKE Company Things Remembered ThinkTank Thirsty Turtle II Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Thomas Ms. Sheila Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Woodlief Thomas Thompson Guild Thompson Health Mr. Douglas G. Thomson Ms. Kristen J. Thorsness Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Chapter #30722 Tim Hortons Mr. and Mrs. Brian Timby Time Warner Cable Tinted Image TJ Maxx Mr. David Tollis Tom Wahl’s Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Tomes, Jr. Tops Friendly Markets Rev. Daniel P. Tormey Mr. Thomas Tortora, Jr. Toshiba Business Solutions Traders Network Trane Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trautman Albert J. Tricomi, MD Trombley Tire & Auto Ms. Susie C. Truesdell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tufts Mr. Glenn A. Turner UGI Energy Services, Inc. Mr. William T. Uhlen III Unique Toy Shoppe University of Rochester Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology University of Rochester Medical Center University Urology Uno Chicago Bar & Grill Upstate Vegas Events Uptown Fitness Urban Essentialz Dr. and Mrs. George Uschold Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Utter VA Home Based Primary Care Anna M. Valenzano, DDS Mr. Joseph M. Valvano Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Valvano Valvoline Instant Oil Change Mrs. Diana D. VanderVelden Pat Van Gelder Mrs. Kathleen S. Vaughn Ms. Marcelle Veater Velmex, Inc. Victor Hills Golf Club, Inc. Mrs. Hope Vierhile Mr. and Mrs. William J. Vierhile Ms. Jennifer Villareale Dr. and Mrs. Roger K. Vince Vineyard Wine and Spirits Susan Voci, MD Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wachob Walmart Beracah Walters-Wulfing Ward Greenberg Heller & Reidy LLP Ms. Marianne Warfle Mr. James H. Watters Ms. Mary Ellen Weber Mrs. Janet K. Wegemann Wegmans Mr. and Mrs. William Weir Mr. James Welch Ms. Tamara L. Welcher Ms. Barbara Weld Mr. and Mrs. Edward West Mr. Roger Weston Ms. Deborah Whalen Mrs. Regina M. Wharity Ms. Kathy White Wick-edly Sent Soap & Candle Company Mr. Frederick Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Wicks Ms. Marguerite C. Wiegand Carroll Wilcox Ms. Sheryl Wilcox Wilhelmus Winery Williams Sonoma Mr. Harvey Williams Mr. Bruce G. Williamson Mr. Steve Williamson Wilmorite Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilmot Mrs. Jean Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Windheim Wizard of Clay Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wolcott Woodcliff Hotel & Spa Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. James Wright WYLF Yaeger’s Fine Wines & Spirits Yarger Memorial Golf Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Yarger Ms. Susanne L. Yarnall Dr. Jay A. Yates and Dr. Heidi C. Piper Ms. Mary Jo Yatteau YMCA - Canandaigua Ms. Deborah K. Youmans Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zagata Ms. Anne Zengerle Hong Zhang, MD Ms. Bev Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Zimmer Zotos International Gifts-in-kind Aktion Club of Ontario County Ms. Nancy P. Alexander Mr. Ray Barend Mr. Donald Bauch Ms. Mimi Benson Dr. Bradford Berk Mr. Ralph Blum Calvary Chapel Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Carney Ms. Margaret Clark Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleates Mr. and Mrs. William S. Crow Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. DeGraff Ms. Patricia DiStefano Mr. James E. Dunn Eberhardt Center Estey-Struble Theatrical First Presbyterian Church of Victor First United Methodist Church Victor Ms. Roxanne Gilly Ms. Nancy Goodnow Ms. Phyllis Gremban Happy Hooves 4-H Group Ms. Jeannette Hare Heirloom Crochet Henrietta Quilt Club Ms. Jane Henry Ms. Valerie Hill Justin L. Vecchioli Memorial Trust Kiwanis Club of Canandaigua Mr. George Kuiper Lake to Lake Quilters Ms. Martha L. Mitchell Ms. Ann Morey Ms. Ann Motz Nancy’s Needle Works Miss Devon Olschewske Mrs. Amanda L. Palmer Ms. Deborah J. Petrie and Mr. Garry Smith Ms. Lori Polesnak Ms. Marie Posey Mrs. Phyllis Quinn Mr. and Mrs. John Romano Mr. and Mrs. David Saur Ms. Virginia Saur Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schwartz Ms. Evalyn Shaw Ms. Anne Standish Uhe Mrs. Arlene B. Stell Ms. Genie Vandemark Mrs. Betty Warren Mrs. Beverly Weaver Ms. Lisa C. Wemett Mr. Ken Wise In Memory of In 2012, the F.F. Thompson Foundation received gifts in memory of the persons listed below in bold. Italic copy indicates the area, fund or program to which gifts were designated. Eleanor Affleck Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Ms. Betty Dibble Ellen and Paul Doe Mrs. Mary Lou Frohm Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lazarus Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Mr. and Mrs. David L. Winslow Howard Barnard M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Beverly T. Gillette Marian Barnard M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Palliative Care Program Ms. Deborah Hill Harry Barnes M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Brighter Day Program Time Warner Cable William P. Barwell Sands Cancer Center Constellation Wines, Inc. Ina Bauer M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Burke D e b o r a h C . G e rm a n , M D M a k i n g t h e M o s t o f M at c h i n g G i ft s for Pulmonary Dise a se Management “As a member of the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation (EBCF) Board in Winterpark, FL, I was pleased to make a gift to Thompson Health’s Pulmonary Disease Management Program. With a match from the EBCF, my contribution has twice the impact. I am a rheumatologist and Dean of the University of Central Florida’s College of Medicine. Years ago, when I trained in Internal Medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center, I struggled to help one of my patients who fought end-stage pulmonary disease. After a recent conversation with a longtime friend and member of the Thompson Pulmonary Disease Management team, I learned about the team’s high-quality and compassionate care. I was reminded of my former patient who would have benefited from this high level of care and wanted to help others in a way that we could not help him. This program makes a significant difference in the daily lives of patients with chronic pulmonary disease.” Deborah C. German, MD, Vice President for Medical Affairs, Dean, College of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Ronald Bittner Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Ms. E. Laurie Bittner Anne C. Blanchard F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Daniel and Linda Blanchard Thomas Bolster Sands Cancer Center Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bolster Constellation – Procurement Department Ms. Susan Cotto The DeVito Family Ms. Eva Di Cresce Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Doyle East Middle School Faculty Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Esteves Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Leggett Ms. Ann Marie Mercurio Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pennise PepsiCo Mr. Walter Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schick SRI Ohio Inc. St. Joseph’s School Verallia North America Diana Boyle Sands Cancer Center Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund Holly and Michael Ciarmiello D’Agostino General Contractors, Inc. Ms. Leslie Gordon Mr. Peter Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lustig Mr. John W. Phillips Rochester Roofers & Sheet Metal Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ward Doris S. Brahm F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund F.F. Thompson Hospital Hawks Emergency Department Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Alling Mr. and Mrs. Rayman L. Bounds Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brahm III Mr. and Mrs. R. Standish Brahm Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. DeHond Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Duserick Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Fletcher Mr. Clair Fox Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fredericks Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch Mrs. Virginia Miller Ms. Maryann Paulsen Ms. Loana J. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Stephens Eugenia Brasacchio Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Clark Meadows Ms. Mary Pat Allen Anonymous Mr. Bruce M. Fenton Craig Grossman, M.D. Farah Haq, M.D. Ms. Mary Hare Ms. Karen Kowiak Mr. and Mrs. William Pieper Strong Health – Sands Cancer Center Ms. Kathleen Valenza Carl Braun Sands Cancer Center Ms. Ruth B. Murray Melody D. Brennessel Sands Cancer Center Jacquelyn and Scott Baroody Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bartfield Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brennessel Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brennessel Mr. and Mrs. James E. Burdett DDS Utilities, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerardus DeWit Express Seed Company Mr. and Mrs. Norman Folts Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerwin Mr. and Mrs. Brian LaBombard Ms. Beatrice Leisenring Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Lilly Maximus Federal Services Tom and Kathy Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Gene T. Mehlenbacher Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morrow Douglas H. Potter, M.D. Irene and Erling Ridley Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Sternberg Mr. Robert T. Treese Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wertz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wheaton Robert Brozic Sands Cancer Center Mr. Robert E. Gabbey Mr. and Mrs. Chet Heil Mr. Michael A. Keenan Dorothy Brumbaugh F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Ms. Mary L. White Charles Butler F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Mary Ann Turner Vincenzia Cardella F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Mr. Dominic T. Cardella Lillian H. Carver M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Mona Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly Ms. Beverly Morales Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Muscolino Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. O’Brien Ontario County Highway Association Mr. and Mrs. James Rechtin Mr. and Mrs. Judson Rockcastle Helene Charron Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. Ronald W. Charron Alyce Clapsadl Sands Cancer Center Mr. John E. Clapsadl Joyce M. Clark F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bentsen Ms. Fern E. Bomwell Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bronson Ms. Clarabelle J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. David Field Ms. Sally M. Field Ms. Arline Knapp Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Martin Ms. Elizabeth J. McDonald and Mr. Kurt Pfeiffer Mr. Lyle E. Nudd Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce Mr. and Mrs. William Santee Mrs. Irene C. Schusler Larry Colf Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund Ms. Joan Colf Felicia Cutri F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. 27 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors In Memory of, Continued Mike Cutri Sands Cancer Center Mr. Ronald Dewey Ruth Dean M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Jane E. Fuller Gerald Debruyne Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Novy Lillian Deline Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Anonymous Paul and Suzy Blanchard Fuller Funeral Home, Inc. Ms. Lois Hall Ms. Ruth A. Hecker Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnson Mrs. Laura B. Johnson Mrs. Barbara A. Lipari Mr. Christopher B. Mahan and Ms. Anne M. Ruflin Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McGlynn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Savage Ms. Jane Scales Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Schenk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall Seager Ms. Evelyn J. Stamp Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Stapleton, Jr. Barbara and Bill Statham Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Thayer Mrs. Kathleen S. Vaughn Ms. Mary Anne Vitticore Ms. Kathleen A. Welch Mr. Charles R. Wiltse and Ms. Mary A. Connery Marcia Deline Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Paul and Suzy Blanchard Ms. Tonia Borow Ms. Christine Garfield Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnson Mrs. Barbara A. Lipari Ms. Constance D. Mahool and Mr. Dana Malley Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Schenk, Jr. Mrs. Mary L. Syracuse Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Ms. Nancy Wise Ms. Barbara V. Wolfe Denise and Jeff Wright Pearl V. Denome Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Lakeview Avenue M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Recreation Therapy Program Mrs. Jeanne L. Richeson Ms. Kathy Richeson and Ms. Sandy Stubinsky Mary F. Dick F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. James W. Doran F.F. Thompson Hospital F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Appel Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey C. Astles Mr. David Hilton and Ms. Penny A. Baier Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Bridgeford Mr. and Mrs. Rocco J. Catalfamo Mrs. Elaine Cutri Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Cutri Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. DeMott Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fessenden Mr. and Mrs. John Foutz Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fredericks Mr. and Mrs. Lyell G. Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerstner Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ginkel Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hanley, Jr. Ms. Virginia N. Harford Mr. and Mrs. Rick Herman Mr. George E. Herren Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Ingalls J.E. Miller Nurseries, Inc. Don and Ann Jensen Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kenyon Mr. Thomas A. Klonick and Ms. Evelyn Frazee Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Mrs. Joeleen LaCrosse Ms. Linda Le Claire LeCesse Construction Company Hon. Mary Luckern Mr. Christopher B. Mahan and Ms. Anne M. Ruflin Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Matyjas Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Meath Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Meath Mrs. Virginia Miser Ms. Beverly Northrop Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. O’Neil Ontario County Bar Association Ontario County Clerk’s Office Ontario County Development Ontario County Economic Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepper Mr. Alan R. Persons Mr. Christopher A. Pomilio Randall Farnsworth Auto Group Mrs. V. Lee Robertson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Roth Mrs. Walajean Saglett Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Savage Mr. and Mrs. John G. Smith Mr. William J. Spina Ms. Elizabeth J. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Strobridge Ms. Virginia Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Urland Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Young Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Morrisey Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth L. Murray and Ms. Kathleen L. Murray Ms. Loreen Nash Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Elizabeth Falls Sands Cancer Center Ms. Erin Brady Mrs. Barbara Knickerbocker Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne LeChase Dr. and Mrs. James Leitgeb Sophie Emerson Sands Cancer Center Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hilton T. Harland Evans Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hunter Ni c k a n d S a r a h V ecc h i o l i Gr anting a Wish for the E m e rg e n c y D e p a rt m e n t “When we learned about Thompson Health’s Wish List, we had to help because Thompson has always been there for us. We lost our son Justin in a tragic accident years ago, but since then, our family has tried our best to turn a terrible event into something positive. In addition to the scholarship fund for Canandaigua Academy seniors we founded in Justin’s memory, we wanted to do something for children being treated in Thompson’s Emergency Department. We originally thought about donating stuffed animals, but heard the ED could use a flat-screen television that could be wheeled into treatment bays. We were happy to provide an item wished for by the ED – it’s just a small token of our appreciation.” Nick Vecchioli, Owner, Image Custom Audio & Video, and Sarah Vecchioli Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller Ms. Kathy J. Nijakowski Mrs. Jane D. Nohe Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Ms. Carol Rupracht Mrs. Walajean Saglett 28 The Staff of Northside Wine and Spirits Mrs. Kathleen S. Vaughn Ms. Mary Anne Vitticore Mr. Charles R. Wiltse and Ms. Mary A. Connery Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Chavez Ms. Joan M. Coats Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Coyne Mr. Eugene Crimi and Ms. Margaret M. Boldt CSEA Local 835-7850-05 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lyng, Jr. Oaster and Associates Dorothy R. Farnsworth M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Recreation Therapy Program Ms. Phyllis F. Adoulf Mr. C. Wilbur Allen Mr. Richard Alva Mr. and Mrs. August Antonelli Auto/Mate, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. David Batt, M.D. Mrs. Barbara Beach Mrs. Marilyn J. Bird Mr. Richard A. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Broomfield, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Casson Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele Ceravolo Mrs. Elaine M. D’Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Matt Eckdahl Mr. and Mrs. Curt Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Leo O. Fabris Finger Lakes Community College Foundation Dusty and Cathie Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frear Genesee Valley Publications, Inc. Ms. Patricia P. Genovese Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray Mr. and Mrs. James D. Holland Timothy and Kim Holland Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kenyon Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kubiak Mr. and Mrs. Eldon H. Lyke Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. MacKay Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mangiamele Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGlory Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Meath Ms. Allison Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Moses Mrs. Laura Muchard Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Muto Mr. Peter Pavone and Mr. Larry Norton Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson Ms. Julie D. Poehlmann Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Proper Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Reed Mr. and Mrs. David Reh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ricks Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Rinear Rochester Automobile Dealer’s Association Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rohr Mr. Elliott F. Schocken and Ms. Roxann Washburn Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schrader Shepard Bros., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sindoni Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Smith III Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Spurr Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stanney Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Sulkes Mr. Michael Tambe The Flanders Group Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tumbiolo Twin Cities Lions Club, Inc. United Way of Ontario County Ms. Margaret B. Vienna Ms. Marlene Volpe Ms. Ann Weckesser Mr. and Mrs. Andy Welch Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Whyte Ms. Laurie Zahn-Herman Wendy Fingar Sands Cancer Center Ms. Donna Hubbard Alice Fishbaugh M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Pines Avenue American Legion Auxiliary Unit #34 Ms. Beatrice M. Crudele Mrs. Margaret Fine William and Leslie Fine Donna and Charles King Ms. Patricia L. LaBombard Mr. Irv Plotnik Flora Fisher M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Jean F. Seager Betty Fletcher M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Anonymous Janice Frey Sands Cancer Center Ms. Mary K. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hamlin Scott and Jane Hultenschmidt Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Power Duane C. Garner M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Mary C. Cartwright Ms. Eleanor McKee Richard M. Gary Ferris Hills Mrs. Louise V. Gary Francis C. Gersbach F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Kathryn Gillespie F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Melissa R. Githler Sands Cancer Center Ms. Denise C. Beeners Ms. Jean Corbit Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hanley, Jr. Ms. Cheryl Hurley Mr. Joseph J. Lentini Ms. Martha L. Mitchell Harold and Judy Samloff Mr. and Mrs. Richard Senges Jeffrey and Lisa West Howard Gladding F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. John R. Grabski Sands Cancer Center Patient Needs Fund American Legion, Inc. Mrs. Thelma N. Conley and Mr. Dennis Conley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McMinn Trillium Group Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turner VC Experts Ms. Monica Wagner Jane Guattery F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Nancy M. Hadsell Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Canfield & Tack Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gaiek Mr. and Mrs. Lyell G. Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Randall Groot Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Magnus Precision Manufacturing Jerry and Carol Martin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Muller Mr. Thomas C. Shepherd and Ms. Maria V. Caro-Sensio Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sherry Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Weiss Gerald R. Halliley M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. H. Frank Hicks, Jr. Mary Kay Hastings Hawks Emergency Department Ms. Catherine C. Baier Katharine S. Hawks Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Darryl A. Braun Richard and Katharine Hawks Hawks Emergency Department Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hawks II Manley Hayes F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. John S. Hays F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Betty E. Hyland Sands Cancer Center Ms. Jean E. Batte Harold B. Johnston Sands Cancer Center Bayside Paving Contractors, Inc. Geneva Club Beverage Co., Inc. Ms. Sharon Gerstner Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Harter Mrs. Barbara Johnston Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston Ms. Barbara LaBrake Mrs. Virginia Miser Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morrice Mrs. Gloria Poyzer Shepard Bros., Inc. Ms. Nancy Velez Gordon Joseph Sands Cancer Center Mrs. Elaine H. Joseph Leona I. Joseph M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hawkins Adrian Kidder Sands Cancer Center Mr. Sydney Kidder Bernard Knopf F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. North Mary E. Kolb F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Mr. Richard A. Kolb Earl F. LaCrosse Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Cornerstone Institutional Investors, Inc. Carol A. Latona F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. Philip L. Latona Rose Levy F.F. Thompson Hospital Dr. Bernard Lustick* Mrs. Renee Lustick Ms. Susan Lustick Ruth Lightfoote M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Recreation Therapy Program Cedar Creek Farms Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Crowley CSEA Local 835-7850-05 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lightfoote Realty USA John Lynch F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. James H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John Clark Mr. Paul Coons Erina Hose Co., Inc. FLCC Professional Association Mary Ellen and Robert Komac Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Lynch Ms. Susan Lynch Ms. Shelley J. Reddout Ruth Macumber Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Avon Wesleyan Church Canandaigua Wesleyan Church Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Dutton Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vara Justin Marvin M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Rosewood Avenue Mrs. Dorothy Marvin Joseph E. Maslyn M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Brighter Day Program Ms. Shirley J. Maslyn William J. Maxion Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Mr. Robert E. McMahon and Ms. Linda M. Maxion* Lloyd A. McConnell F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McConnell Thomas McKenna F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Richard C. McSorley F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Mr. James F. Meehan Norma S. McWilliams F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Mamie Milano M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porretti Patricia A. Miller M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Arlene Bell Ms. Ann Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Winter Gertrude Litz F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. George A. Schaertl 29 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors In Memory of, Continued Thomas B. Miller Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepper Essie Mitchell M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center American Legion Auxiliary Unit #256 Mr. and Mrs. George B. Anderson Canandaigua National Bank Wealth Strategies Group Barbara and Kurt Christiansen Mr. Robert Hadsell and Ms. Nancy A. Nolan Mr. and Mrs. James Kester Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Professional Women of the Finger Lakes Ms. Rita M. Schuster Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Dorothy Moore F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Catherine Moran M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Josef Jansen Thomas Morris F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Clyde Mortensen Sands Cancer Center Ms. Muriel Allen Kimberley N. Muehe Sands Cancer Center F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Gary Muxworthy F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Agostinelli Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blaessig Mr. Charles Bliss BSG Building Services Group Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cooke Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Duncan Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. David C. Schwaner Ms. Felice Seavey Mr. Ronald Terhaar Mr. and Mrs. William T. Uhlen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wood Roderick G. Newell F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. 30 Donald H. Newton M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. West Helen U. Northrop M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Canandaigua Classics HOA Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Davis Wayne and Judy Laranjo Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Miles Carol S. Parks F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Sands Cancer Center Ms. Joan Gosper Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Post Mr. and Mrs. John Seehafer Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Smith Ann Perry Sands Cancer Center Hobart & William Smith Colleges Rosa M. Persons Building a Healthy Future Captial Campaign Mr. Alan R. Persons Robert E. Pickering M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Pauline Pickering Martin Pierson Sands Cancer Center Mr. and Mrs. William D. Minns Denett M. Pimkowski F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Jennifer S. DeVault Ms. Kathryn Erdle Ms. Christine M. MacDuff Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Savage Mina Placito Sands Cancer Center Ms. Dolores M. Placito Nick Placito Sands Cancer Center Ms. Dolores M. Placito John F. Polimeni Sands Cancer Center F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. Jeff Adams and Ms. Charity Book Michelle and Brian Alvaro American Legion Auxiliary Unit #256 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Dean G. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beattie Ms. Sandra Bricker Donald and Colleen Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Byrnes Canandaigua Churches In Action Ms. Patricia Citro Lucy and Chick Clark Mr. Paul Darnall Ms. Carolyn F. Dewey Bonnie and Jerry Diver Mr. and Mrs. William Dodge Mrs. Christine S. Doebele Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Elia Ms. Mary Joan Geise Ray and Lucy Gurka Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hussar Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey W. Hutchinson Ms. Paula Byrnes Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerwin Ms. Darlene Kiel Ms. Judith K. Majors Mr. and Mrs. James E. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Meath Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moroz Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Charles Plyter, Jr. Ellen M. Polimeni Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Polimeni Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pracilio Ms. Nancy Purdy Mrs. V. Lee Robertson Mr. and Mrs. George K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Antonino Spano Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Sulkes Mr. and Mrs. William D. Taylor Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Trouskie, Sr. Mrs. Cynthia Wade Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. David R. White Mr. David Winter Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wistner Lyle A. Prairie M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Gardens Avenue Mr. Gregory Brierly Mrs. Dolores Burger Ms. Joan L. Chmielorz Ms. Lucile Foisy Mr. Steven Foisy Ms. Elaine M. Fournier Michael and Lynn Orcutt Mrs. Hedy Prairie Ms. Theresa Wilson Beverly Price Sands Cancer Center Margaret L. Rockefeller, M.D. Thomas E. Quinn M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Brighter Day Program Anonymous Ms. Melinda Aschman Ms. Joanne Bennett Susan and Bobby Goswami Ms. Ida Greenlee Mrs. June Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hjerpe Winwar’s Express, Inc. Robert J. Rayburn F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Joyce P. Rayburn Robert Richards Sands Cancer Center Mrs. Donna V. Howes Barbara Richmond Sands Cancer Center Ms. Deborah A. Price Verne Rogers Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Ms. Verna Cowley Monica Romeiser F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Margaret B. Vienna John E. Saglett Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pepper Augustus W. Sainsbury F.F. Thompson Hospital F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Ms. Phyllis F. Adoulf Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Appel Mr. Morgan Brandt Ms. Eleanor A. Campbell Mr. Robert Carlsen Ms. Patricia Carrig and Mr. Rick Katurbus Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cox Mr. Jacob DeLyser and Mr. Richard Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Granata Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harradine Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Kennedy Ms. Susanne G. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Martin S. Kleinman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Manson Karl J. Marchenese, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. McGavern Ms. Ann L. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Purves Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raes Mrs. Virginia Roser Mr. and Mrs. Donald Seward Mrs. Wilma F. Shaner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stahlbrodt Dr. James P. Terwilliger and Ms. Ellen Coyne Twin Cities Lions Club, Inc. Carol and David Van Oss Ms. Elizabeth Veale Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. White, Jr. Ms. Deborah Whittaker Ms. Diane F. Wilmot and Mr. Gary DellaVilla Ms. Melissa Wolin Eldred Sale F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. Richard H. Hawks and Ms. Linda M. Farchione Hawks William J. Scheer F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Susie A. Schuppenhauer Building a Healthy Future Capital Campaign Mr. and Mrs. John Schuppenhauer Carl J. Schwartz F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. Daniel K. Bardeen Arnold Schwartzmeier F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. Richard Caudle Daniel and Mary Kay Corcoran Ms. Carol K. Doxtader Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fredericks Mr. Stephen Jones and Ms. Laurie Klehr-Jones Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kramp Ms. Barbara McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonald Ms. Ann Marie Sposato Anna Schwingel M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Lakeview Avenue Nurses’ Education Fund Acomb Acres Mr. Gregory Canfield Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse DeFillippo Mrs. Holly E. Deusenbery Ms. Leah Friends Mr. Steven Gill Mr. Raymond Huntone Ms. Evelyn P. Loomis Earl and Darlene Lyons Ted and Hollee McLean Ms. Beverly E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Nanry Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pfeiffer Tom and Paula Quanz Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Reece, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Richards Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rowley Ms. Johanna Schwingel Mr. and Mrs. Milton Snyder Mrs. Whitney Walsh Robert and Denise Whitney Ms. Maryhelen Wilson James Seibold M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Eighty Parrish Street Tenants’ Association M i c h a e l S c h wa b l a n d L a u r e n D i xo n Giving Through G i ft s - I n - K i n d “We were delighted to give a gift in support of the new Constellation Center for Health and Healing. This impressive facility is our community’s gateway to state-of-the-art health care – and we are honored to have the entrance gardens named for us. A portion of our gift was an In-Kind donation, offering our professional services for public relations, television production and advertising placement throughout the year. Even when budgets are tight, gifts-in-kind allow individuals, families and companies to help non-profit organizations like Thompson that are valuable assets to our community.” Michael Schwabl, President, and Lauren Dixon, CEO, Dixon Schwabl Elizabeth Shepard F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. May Helen R. Smith F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Norrine McMillan Lois Smith Sands Cancer Center Ms. Beverly Northrop Whitney G. Smith F.F. Thompson Hospital Ms. Norrine McMillan Ms. Elizabeth L. Murray and Ms. Kathleen L. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Porter James Snyder Friends of Nursing Fund Mrs. Georgia Snyder Carl L. Stell M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Gardens Avenue M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Recreation Therapy Program Ms. Ann Addante Mr. C. Wilbur Allen American Legion Auxiliary Unit #256 Ms. Jill Bailey Ms. Marlene E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Braley Mrs. Phyllis Button Ms. Clarabelle J. Clark Mrs. Elaine M. D’Agostino Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Gallagher Ms. Wanda Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Hall Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hinchman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hirons Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Malinowski Mr. and Mrs. T. Fred Nichols Ontario County Sheriff CSEA Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Petrizzi Mr. Kevin Powers Stell Environmental Enterprises Ms. Patricia A. Stell Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Tobey Richard Strickland F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Carl S. Tomion Sands Cancer Center Mr. and Mrs. William D. Minns Doris Triest M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. Preston Turner Cheryl VanDyke Sands Cancer Center Mrs. Jacqueline M. Crowley Ms. Dolores V. Looney Riester’s Appliances Gail Walborn Sands Cancer Center Constellation Wines, Inc. Helen Wallace F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Paul E. Wegemann F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Mr. and Mrs. John Allhusen Ms. Marie Guarnere Ms. Stefanie Steinberger Mrs. Janet K. Wegemann Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wegemann Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Weiss Ms. Ingrid U. Zimmermann Duane Whitney F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Ms. Jeanne M. Whitney Sally Jo Widmer F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. May Vera V. Williams F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth L. Murray and Ms. Kathleen L. Murray Elizabeth Wood M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Ms. Elizabeth Salvato Hilda Woodruff F.F. Thompson Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. May Jean Young Sands Cancer Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bianchi Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bianchi Kurt and Lisa Chapin Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. De Wald Mr. Mike Eastan Mr. and Mrs. John Gaffney Ms. Andrea Guzzetta Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lamberson Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marafioti Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Monje Ms. Marlene Motkowski Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Pietropaolo Rochester-Monroe County Chapter of NYS Swim Officials Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Roeser Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rydberg Ms. Jane Scales Joan and Robert Schlegel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson Victor Swim Club Mr. and Mrs. Bradford D. Whitten Mrs. Frances Young and the Heim Family Trudy Young Sands Cancer Center Constellation Wines, Inc. In Honor of In 2012, the F.F. Thompson Foundation received gifts in honor of the persons listed below in bold. Italic copy indicates the area, fund or program to which gifts were designated. Cheryl Bloom Farmington Rehabilitation Therapy Department Natalie A. Ross Elizabeth S. Brownell F.F. Thompson Hospital Birthing Center Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Brownell Kurt T. Brownell F.F. Thompson Hospital Birthing Center Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Brownell Cardiac Rehabilitation Staff Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Allhusen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCagg Richard and Jeanette Faccio Hawks Emergency Department Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins Linda M. Farchione Hawks and Richard H. Hawks Hawks Emergency Department Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alden Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Alling Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Bashaw Mr. and Mrs. Willard Becker Dr. Bradford Berk Ms. E. Laurie Bittner Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brahm III Mr. and Mrs. Darryl A. Braun Mrs. Donna J. Crudele Mr. and Mrs. Doug Emblidge Mr. and Mrs. James Exton Mr. Louis Farchione 31 F . F . T h o m ps o n F o u n d a t i o n R e p o r t o n G i v i n g 2012 List of Donors In Honor of, Continued Mrs. Mary Lou Farchione Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farchione Mr. and Mrs. David Felton Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fralick Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Griswold Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins Ms. Barbara L. Hawks Ms. Susan R. Holliday Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hudson Kenyon & Kenyon Ms. Laura A. King and Mr. Michael W. Poweski Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Knight Hon. and Mrs. Brian M. Kolb Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Kurr Mr. and Mrs. David F. Lafler Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. MacKay Mr. Christopher B. Mahan and Ms. Anne M. Ruflin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David R. Morrow Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Murphy, Jr. Ms. Sarah L. Rysdale Mrs. Marvin Sands Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sisto Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Stapleton, Jr. Ellen F. Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Page James S. Fralick Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Page Bruce and Amy Hawkins Hawks Emergency Department Mrs. Mary H. Hawkins Verna L. Robertson Sands Cancer Center Ms. Beatrice M. Crudele Gina Hendrix Farmington Rehabilitation Therapy Department Natalie A. Ross John Spoor Sands Cancer Center Anonymous Bryan A. Henry Cardiac Rehabilitation Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Allhusen Joan Kurtz F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Ms. Marilyn Clary Martin R. Lustick F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Dr. Bernard Lustick* Mrs. Renee Lustick Theresa McKenna Farmington Rehabilitation Therapy Department Natalie A. Ross Staff of M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center – Rosewood Avenue Friends of Nursing Fund Sharon M. Pepper Wish Upon A Star Program Mrs. Georgia Snyder Thompson Medical Staff F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Shapiro Gerianne Thorsness Pink Fly Golf Tournament Fund Ms. Kristen J. Thorsness Farley Wagner Farmington Rehabilitation Therapy Department Natalie A. Ross * deceased Ann and Robert McKerr F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund Ms. Judy A. Hutchinson Jean P. Newton M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. West We have made every effort to print an accurate list. Please contact the F.F. Thompson Foundation at 585-396-6155 with any corrections. R i c h a rd A . Ko l b G i v in g in Numero us Way s “As a Chaplain’s volunteer at Thompson for the past five years, I have witnessed firsthand the tremendous healing power of prayer combined with excellent care. I often visit with or say a brief prayer with pre-operative patients and their families. Since I was a pharmaceutical representative for more than 30 years, I spent much time in hospitals or calling on physicians and realized the importance of what they do for patients. I give to Thompson’s Capital Campaigns, the F.F. Thompson Foundation Annual Fund and the hospital’s Memorial Fund in memory of my wife Mary, who received the best possible care at Sands Cancer Center. The doctors, nurses, aides, technicians and even the volunteers at Thompson truly care about the patients – and donations will help them to do so for years to come.” Richard A. Kolb, Thompson Health Chaplain’s Volunteer 32 A G u i d e to G i v i n g W h y i s yo u r s u p p o rt i m p o rta n t ? From our beginning as a 32-bed hospital, Thompson Health has become the center of a continuum of services that thousands of patients, residents and vacationers access annually. Today, our 113-bed acute-care community Hospital and 188-bed Continuing Care Center deliver some of the most advanced care in Upstate New York. Like all not-for-profit health systems in New York State, Thompson needs your help to continue to meet the expectations of individuals who look to us for the best in medical care. giving options C u rr e n t G i v i n g Unrestricted Funds Unrestricted gifts are used at the discretion of the F.F. Thompson Foundation whenever and wherever the needs of the health system are greatest. Fund options • F.F. Thompson Foundation’s Annual Fund Restricted Funds Restricted gifts are used only for the areas designated by the donor. Fund options • F.F. Thompson Hospital • Sands Cancer Center • Ferris Hills/Clark Meadows • M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center • Technology/Equipment way s t o G i v e • Capital Building Projects Making a gift to Thompson Health is now easier than ever. Friends of Thompson have several convenient gift-giving options from which to choose. Tribute Gifts Gifts may be made in honor or in memory of an individual or group and designated to any one of the funds listed above. • Remember a loved one who has passed • Recognize an important person for a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.) • Recognize a doctor, nurse, staff member or volunteer who made a difference in your care Simply provide us with the name of the individual you wish to recognize. An acknowledgment of your gift will be mailed to the family of the person recognized. The amount of your gift will remain confidential. In-Kind Gifts Donations of equipment, furnishings, artwork, etc. are accepted based upon current needs and are at the discretion of the F.F. Thompson Foundation’s Director of Development. Support an event through participation, sponsorship, a cash or in-kind donation. Individuals, organizations and groups are also encouraged to hold their own event and share the proceeds with Thompson Health. Planned gifts allow donors to leave a legacy through a charitable gift and achieve tax benefits, as well as desired financial and estate planning objectives. F.F. Thompson Foundation Mailed to: F.F. Thompson Foundation 350 Parrish Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 Payable with Securities The F.F. Thompson Foundation welcomes gifts of appreciated securities. These gifts have two benefits – the standard charitable deduction and avoidance of capital gains tax. Secure Online Giving at www.ThompsonHealth.com Special Events Pl anned Giving One-Time Gift By Check Made payable to Monthly Giving Program Simply send us a voided check from your checking account and tell us the amount of your monthly gift. We’ll debit your checking account on the 10th or 25th day of each month – whichever date is best for you. You can change the amount or cancel at any time. Pledge Over Time Donors may pledge a gift (of $2,500 or more) over time (up to five years). Payments may be made quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Planned Giving options • Bequests • Gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, mutual funds or real estate • Charitable Gift Annuities • Life Insurance • Life Estate Whichever method you choose, your tax-deductible gift will be acknowledged and designated to the area of your choice. For more information about making a gift to Thompson, contact the F.F. Thompson Foundation at 585-396-6155 or foundation@thompsonhealth.com. 33 F.F. Thompson Foundation 350 Parrish Street Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-396-6155 www.ThompsonHealth.com F. F. T h o mps o n F o u n dati o n B o a rd Thomas Kubiak Chairman Dale L. Hunt Vice Chairman/Treasurer Lauren M. Dixon Secretary Michael F. Stapleton, Jr. President/CEO, Thompson Health Christopher B. Mahan Senior Vice President Support Services, Thompson Health David G. Case Lewis J. Gould, Esq. Paul H. Griswold Frank Interlichia Srinivas R. Kaza, MD Wanda Polisseni Mark F. Prunoske Marilyn Sands Wade A. Sarkis Jeffrey P. Siewert Thomas Tortora This publication was paid for by the F.F. Thompson Foundation, Inc.; no contributed funds were used. If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, please write to us at: foundation@thompsonhealth.com Or F.F. Thompson Foundation, Inc. 350 Parrish Street Canandaigua, New York 14424