Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá September 2014
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá September 2014
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá September 2014 Disclosure This presentation contains future forecasts of the company's probable business development and estimated results. The forecasts include information related to current company estimates, approximations or expectations pertaining to its financial future and operational results. It should be noted that this information is no guarantee of performance and may be modified at a later date. Real results may fluctuate in relation to future company forecasts due to various factors that are beyond the issuer's control. The Company assumes no responsibility for the information contained herein, nor the obligation to review the forecasts established in this document or the duty to update, modify, or complement it on the basis of events occurring after its publication. The information disclosed through this document is of an informative and illustrative nature and may not be given to third parties, or reproduced, copied, distributed, used or sold without prior written authorization from the Company. 02 Participating executives ETB CEO Vice-president Finance and Administration Saúl Kattan Cohen Hernando Chica Zuccardi 03 Organizational Chart ETB S.A. E.S.P. Board Of Directors CEO Saúl Kattan Cohen Secretary General Javier Gutiérrez Afanador Communications and Brand Management Claudia Liliana López G. Vp. Homes and Personal Services Carlos A. Gómez Vp. Business and Government Guillermo Iván Ocampo Sequeda Vp. Commercial Customer Experience Carlos Eduardo Graham Sardi Vp. Infrastructure (Deputy) Efrain Ramírez Corporate Audit Mauricio Vasco Moscovith Investor Relation Director (Deputy) María Bruny Fajardo CFO Hernando Francisco Chica Z. Vp. Strategy And Business Pablo Antonio Gómez Mora Vp. Mobilities (Deputy) Isabel Cristina Martínez Vp. IT Juan Manuel Cortina Navarro 04 Content 1. STABILITY 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 3. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 05 More than 130 years of operation Purchase of75% of Commencement Skynet.Satellite of the services company. deployment of 2014 FTTH in Bogota ETB was founded in 1884 as a state-owned telephone company and remained as such until the ‘90s, when market reforms liberalized the market. In 2000 and 2003, we sold shares in the Colombian Stock Exchange, becoming a publicly traded company, which allowed us to expand our shareholders base. Public shareholders today own 11.6% of the company’s stock. In 2003 we partnered with EPM to form Colombia Movil, currently the third largest mobile operator, and in 2005, we entered into a strategic alliance with DirecTV to offer bundled services (Triple Play). In 2012 we decided to develop our Pay-TV business by acquiring Ingelcom, a regional television provider. Change of name to Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota and enters to the value-added services market Entry to the long distance services market 1998 1997 1992 1884 1990 1940 2005 2000 & 2003 It entered to the securities market (joint-stock company)3 It entered to the Colombian stock market, allowing private shareholders to be the owners of 11.6% of the company. 2013 2012 2008 2003 In 1990, some market reforms were made, allowing ETB to enter into several market segments. Founded as a stateowned company, Compañia Colombiana de Telefonos Entry to the carrier services market and we begin to provide DSL Internet services Consolidated as market leaders of broadband Internet in Bogota Association to a risk shared with EPM in order to form Colombia Movil S.A.1 Entry to the mobile market as virtual operator Award of the LTE License and commencement of the deployment of Fiber to the Home Acquisition of Ingelcom,regional company provider of paid television. Strategic alliance with DirecTV in order to provide television services.(Triple Play) Change of name to La Empresa de Telefonos de Bogota, 06 General Overview of ETB Relevant Information Established in 1884 as the first telecommunications provider in Colombia. Largest telecommunications operator in Bogotá, Colombia's largest city with 7.5 million inhabitants (8 million including Soacha): 61% market share in fixed lines. 36% market share in broadband. The leading operator of fixed lines in Colombia, with a wide range of telecommunications services, including broadband Internet, IT services and mobile services Approximately 1.5 million fixed lines and 552 thousand Internet subscribers. 2,847+ direct employees. Market Capitalization: USD 824.8 million. Majority Shareholder: Bogotá District (86.58% of shares). Financial Data: Annual Sales: USD 728.7 m Annual Adjusted EBITDA: USD 329.2 m (margin of 45%) Basic Line Market Share in Colombia Other 9% EPM (UNE) 27,7% ETB 21,4% CLARO 16,6% Telefonica 25.3% 07 Shareholding Composition Bogotá D.C. 86.58%% Ordinary Shareholders 88,40% Ordinary Shareholders 88.40% U. Distrital 1,77% Driver of liquidity 0.27% Common Shares 11,60% EAAB, FAVID, IDU 0.0002% Total common shares 3,138,543,711 Total Floating common shares 412,236,186 Total shares in the market 3,550,553,412 Other Shareholder 10.13% Local Funds 1,20% 08 Stock Price 09 ETB S.A. ESP. and its Related Companies ETB S.A. ESP 88.2% ETB S.A. ESP 39.99% Colvatel S.A. ESP Contact Center Américas ETB S.A. ESP 75% Skynet de Colombia S.A. E.S.P. 10 Evolution of the Telecommunications Sector - Colombia No. of subscribers of other services (Millions) 9 60 8 50 7 6 40 5 30 4 20 3 2 10 1 No. of mobile phone subscribers (Millions) TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS PER SERVICE - - Mobile Telephony Basic Line Dedicated Internet Mobile Internet CAGR – PER ANNUM 4Q12 - 4Q13 QUARTERLY VARIATION 3Q13- 4Q13 2.5% 3.4% 13.5% 5.7% 15.4% 2.0% 42.2% 13.0% 8.3% 1.7% The Mobile Internet service exceeds Land-Based Internet for the first time in number of subscribers, consolidating in the year 2013, as the service with the highest growth rate (CAGR) 42%, followed by Dedicated Internet with a rate of 15.4% (CAGR) TV 11 Basic Line Bogota - Soacha ETB remained the market leader in the year 2013 with a share of 60.8%. Basic Line Subscribers (Thousands) 7.5% 23.2% 183 1.473 8.4% 204 562 60.8% 4Q-13 CLARO Basic Line Share (%) MOVISTAR ETB UNE 4Q-2013 * For 2013 the MinTIC again published the lines in service, as opposed to 2012 when the lines billed were published. Note: The report of the DANE is used to calculate household penetration. 12 Dedicated Internet Bogota - Soacha ETB holds a share of 35.7% in this market. Dedicated internet Share (%) 4Q-2013 Dedicated internet Subscribers (Thousands) 1.392 19 1,4% 9,9% 618 120 44,4% 35,7% 498 138 4Q-13 CLARO MOVISTAR 8,6% ETB UNE 4Q-13 Note: The report of the DANE is used to calculate household penetration. Source: Prepared by GEC according to information published by the MinTIC in the 1Q of 2014. 13 Strategic Programs N-PLAY SERVICES MOBILE SERVICES POTENTIATION OF REGIONAL BRANCHES WIFI EXCELLENCE IN SERVICE STRATEGIC CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT - Release of the commercial offer of high-speed internet, voice and interactive TV. - Recognition of FTTH Council as the “Best deployment of Latin America in 2013” and of Evaluamos as the “Best innovation in Telecommunications in 2013.” - Completion of the implementation of the network and computing platforms and core of the 4G network, as well as integrations with the infrastructure of Colombia Movil (strategic partner for infrastructure sharing) and other operators. - Selection of all channels to support the sale and service processes of the mobile business. - Negotiation with infrastructure suppliers for deployment in cities. - Building of Rings in Bucaramanga, Medellin, Cartagena, Barranquilla and Tunja. - Completion of network designs access and definition of the brand business offer for the WiFi product. - Integration process of 40 Public phones with WiFi hotspots with operating management platforms provided in partnership with the possibility of continuing to use them. - Implementation of the Customer Service protocol in different contact channels with customers and operation of the Contact Center agreement. - Consolidation of the financial operation and information of UENs and customer dial-up by UEN and Siebel segment. 14 Relevant Facts for Transformation 1Q13 Placement of external public debt bonds for 300 million dollars. The demand exceeded eight (8) times the amount offered 2Q13 Awarding of LTE spectrum with the partnership ETB – Tigo, on the open block AWS band for an amount of $195,000 million Commencement of the deployment of FTTH (N-Play Program) 3Q13 Implementation of Wi-Fi solution on public phones (forty hotspots) 4Q13 Accenture Award to Innovation in Colombia 2013, public winner in the Corporate Social Responsibility category. Stock sale agreement (24.99%) of Colombia Movil to Une-EPM for 240 million dollars Merger with the Ingelcom company 1Q14 Acquisition of 75% of Skynet Winner of the Evaluamos a la Innovacion Tecnologica Award with ETB’s Fiber Optics To The Home program – FTTH 2Q14 Deployment of Fiber Optics to more than 450,000 homes in Bogota (homes passed) First test call of our 4G LTE mobile operation Conclusion and delivery of Rings in Medellin, B/manga and Tunja in order to potentialize our regionals Creation of the post Vice Chairman of Customer Experience 15 Portfolio - ETB Households and Persons Fixed Telephony Local Telephony and PBX service in unrestricted calls and Cuenta Control plans. Internet Internet access service through fiber optics GPON household network or copper DSL technology, with fixed or dynamic IP and speeds from 1.1M to 30M. NEW 2014 Television IPTV IPTV service through fiber optics GPON household network and analog TV through HFC networks. Over 150 SD and HD channels, 30 music channels and 18 radio stations. With services of mini guide, playback up to one hour and recording of up to 5 hours simultaneously. NEW 2014 4G LTE mobile Postpaid Mobile Internet service in Cuenta Control. 3.5G Technology. 16 IR Acknowledgement Investor Relations - BVC - Adoption of best practices in terms of information disclosure and relationships with our investors, issued by the Colombia Stock Exchange. - Exalts the transparency in the information provided. 17 Current Certifications Quality Management ISO 9001, Bureau Veritas Compliance with customer requirements and continuous improvement of processes and human resources. Increase in positive image before Customers, Suppliers, and compliance with the legal framework. Quality Management ISO 9001, Bureau Veritas Compliance with customer requirements and continuous improvement of processes and human resources. Increase in positive image before Customers, Suppliers, and compliance with the legal framework. Public Management NTCGP 1000:2009, Bureau Veritas. Improvement, performance and ability to provide products and services that the citizens need. Communication, citizen participation, transparency and cooperation with state entities. Efficient risk management to monitor processes. Public Management NTCGP 1000:2009, Bureau Veritas. Improvement, performance and ability to provide products and services that the citizens need. Communication, citizen participation, transparency and cooperation with state entities. Efficient risk management to monitor processes. 18 Content 1. STABILITY 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 3. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 19 Financial Evolution Given its low level of indebtedness, ETB has important contribution margins with respect to its financial obligations. The generation of cash flows, the debt profile and the conservative financial management policy of the company have allowed to permanently hold a domestic corporate debt rating of triple AAA since 2003 and obtain from international rating agencies: Fitch, foreign and local currency BBB- Stable Prospects (March 2014) Local currency Ba1 Stable Prospects (July 2014). 20 June 2014 Assets December 2013 March 2014 COP 1,764,441.22 USD 915.72 COP 1,618,046.99 USD 823.30 COP 1,602,865.18 USD 823.30 (COP billions) December 2013 March 2014 June 2014 Liabilities COP 3,097,741.16 USD 1,607.69 COP 3,073,564.36 USD 1,563.90 COP 3,102,521.72 USD 1,649.23 COP 4,862,182.38 USD 2,523.41 COP 4,691,611.35 USD 2,387.20 COP 4,705,386.90 USD 2,387.20 Balance Sheet Financial Statements March 2014 June 2014 December 2013 Equity 21 1,414,401 2013 17,587 1.3 Absolute (19) -2.5 2Q 2013 3Q 2013 1Q 2014 USD 182,43 USD 190,22 4Q 2013 96% COP 331.289 757 COP 355.631 -2.5 COP 355.631 (19) Comp. 2013 COP 355.510 748 Comp. 96% Budget % USD 190,22 729 Absolute USD 181,97 2012 96% 757 Variation 2013 COP 355.510 As of December Budget 1,414,401 2013 % USD 182,43 748 % Comp. USD 182,43 729 96% Budget COP 331.289 1,344,272 2012 1Q 2013 1.3 USD 182,43 1,361,859 2013 Comp. 2013 Variation COP 340.084 Total non-operational income Absolute USD 181,97 USD Million 2012 As of December USD 180,78 Income 17,587 COP 340.084 Total non-operational income 2013 Budget % Variation COP 337.860 non-operational USD Million income 1,344,272 USD 180,78 Total Income 1,361,859 Absolute As of December COP 337.860 COP Million Variation 2012 USD 175,72 Income COP 328.406 (COP billions) Total non-operational income 2013 USD 175,72 Income As of December COP Million COP 328.406 Financial Statements Income 2Q 2014 22 Financial Statements Ebitda (COP billions) cember As of December 13 rational profits ortizations reciations 2014 284.754 As of June As of June 2013 2014 284.754 294.563 32.610 21.636 149.078 146.863 63.282 55.307 49.591 60.947 21.636 146.863 55.307 60.947 Operational profits Amortizations Depreciations Provisions EBITDA 23 Financial Statements Dividends (COP billions) Dividends Billions ETB has distributed significant amounts of cash in dividends. Since 1999, COP 1,802 billion has been transferred. Declared Paid Declared Dividends District Privileged Paid Dividends Solidarity District Privileged Solidarity 24 Financial Statements Generation of Stable Cash Flow... (COP billions) Stable Income... ...Adjusted EBITDA Basic Line National and International Long-distance Value Added Services Yellow Pages Access Charges Equipment Sales Movil $ 798 4% 13% 32% $ 815 3% 3% 9% 34% 1% 3% $ 798 3% 8% 37% 50% 51% $ 398 $ 416 53% 47% $ 420 45% $ 352 1% 3% 43% $ 329 $ 150 $ 747 2% 8% 2% 3% $ 729 0% 8% 1% 2% 3% $ 404 0% 7% 40% 0% 2% 2% 2009 2010 Adjusted EBITDA 2011 2012 2013 June 2014 Adjusted EBITDA Margin Solid Capital Investment 43% $ 184 $ 318 47% $ 129 $ 107 49% 50% 47% 44% $ 122 $ 105 41% 46% 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 June 2014 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 June 2014 25 Financial Statements ...Combined with Low Leverage (COP billions) Conservative Capitalization Coverage Indicators: Net Debt and Interest at Dec 2013 (USD million) Coverage Indicators: Net Debt and Interest 31,4 x 26,8 x Pensiones CXC 12% 12.8x 18,1 x 0,1x Deuda Total 11 % Caja 21 % 22,1 x 0% Otros Pasivos Pensiones 0% 0,2x 25 % PP&E (0,2x) 2009 2010 Net Debt/ Adjusted EBITDA 2011 (0,5x) 2012 35 % (0,8x) 2013 Patrimonio 64 % 31 % Adjusted EBITDA/ Interest Charges Assets Financial Leverage Index Liabilities Cash on Hand and Debt Repayment Schedule (US$mm) 11,0 % 3,3 % 10,3 % 10,4 % 14.6 % 14.6 % $389 9,2 % $283,7 3,9 % (5,5)% (10.7)% 2009 2010 Total Debt/ Capitalization 21 2011 2012 Total Debt/ Capitalization (6.0)% $0.2 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 (13.9)% 2013 June 2014 June 2014 2014 2015 2016 Cash 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Debt 2022 2023 26 Results June 2014 USD USD USD $ million Income USD 352.04 351,84 345.00 June 2013 USD 2013 2014 VARIATION VARIATION 2013 2014 -10% 159.72 LOCAL -10% USDLOCAL 159.72 USD USD 143.82 USD 143.82 USD LD USD -2% 27.81 USD 143.82 LD USD 27.81 USD 27.28 USD 27.28-2% USD 90.44 DATA USD 13% 40.70 90.44 DATA USD 40.70 USD 45.92 USD 45.9213% USD 44.38 USD 44.38INTERNET INTERNET 3% USD 87.43 USD 90.44 3% 87.43 USD 90.44 June 2013 44.38 June 2014 VARIATION VARIATION 2013 USD SP. 36.38 BUS..2014USD 22% 36.38 SP. BUS.. 22% USD USD 44.38 USD LOCAL -10% USD 159.72 USD 143.82 LOCAL -10% USD 143.82 USD 159.72 USD -0,1% 352.04 USD 351.84 -0,1% LD TOTAL USD TOTAL 352.04 USD 351.84 USDUSD 27.81 USD USD 27.28 143.82 LD -2% USD 27.81 -2% USD 27.28 USD 143.82 USD USD 45.92 USD USD 45.92 DATA USD 40.70 USD 45.92USD 40.70 13% 90.44 DATA 13% USD 45.92 27.28 27.28 INTERNET 3% USD 87.43 USD 90.44USD 87.43 INTERNET 3% USD 90.44 SP. BUS.. USD 36.38 USD 44.38USD 36.38 22% SP. BUS.. 22% USD 44.38 USD 345.00 354.00 USD 90.44 June 2013USD June 2014 June 2014 345.00 June 2013 USD 44.38 Business Lines USD 143.82 USD USD USD 44.38 354.00 354.00 USD 27.28 USD 45.92 June 2014 June 2013 June 2014 TOTAL USD 45.92 USD 351.84 TOTAL USD 352.04-0,1%USD 351.84 USD 352.04 USD 27.28 -0,1% Profits US D 40,00 US D 40,00 USD 26.36 US D 30,00 US D 30,00 US D 20,00 US D 40,00 US D 10,00 US D 30,00 USD 26.36 USD US D 20,00 US D 40,00 32.40 US D 10,00 US D 30,00 US D 10,00 USD USD 14.17 USD 34.22 USD 14.17 34.22 172.00 172.00 USD USD 161.00 161.00 26.36 2013 US D 10,00 Operational Profits 2013 USD USD USD 32.40 USD US D 0,00 14.17 US D 20,00 Profits June 2013 JuneOperational 2014 June 2013 US D 0,00 Operational Profits Ebitda 26.36 USD USD 14.17 Net Profits June 2014 2014 USD 172.00 USD 161.00 June 2013 USD 172.00 161.00 June 2013 June 2014 June 2014 Net Profits 2013 US D 0,00 34.22 34.22 32.40 USD US D 20,00US D 0,00 USD USD USD USD 32.40 USD 2014 Net Profits Operational Profits 2014 2013 Net Profits 2014 June 2013 June 2014 June 2013 June 2014 27 Results June 2014 (COP billions) Local Special Business Ventures 2013 $300.455 2013 $68.446 2014 $270.560 2014 $83.486 Variación -10% Variación 22% Internet 2013 $164.469 2014 $170.126 Variación 3% LD 2013 $52.308 Data 2014 $52.311 Variación -2% 2013 $76.572 2014 $86.391 Variación 13% Total 2013 2014 Variación $666.266 $666.920 0,1% 28 National Optical Transmission Network, Internet Outlet and Metro Ethernet Networks National Transmission Network Trunk capacity installed: 435 Gbps. ETB Fiber optics: 3,953 km. Optic fiber in IRU: 3,930 km. Santa Marta Barranquilla Cartagena Tulu Fundacion Monteria Cucuta Bucaramanga Internet Outlet (International Channel) 4 IP Nodes IP of Internet Outlet, two of them located in the city of Bogota, one in Barranquilla and another in Cucuta. Medellin Tunja Manizales Pereira Armenia Ibague Cali Popayan Neiva Sogamoso Yopal Bogota Puerto Lopez Villavicencio Granada Metro Ethernet Present in more than 20 cities of the country which has 89 equipments at a national level an 1,129 equipments distributed in Bogota. Providers Huawei and Cisco. 29 Evolution of Backbone Networks Coverage Increasing demands for BW by services Expansion 300 at 450 Gbps in 2013 IP/MPLS network Convergence of Services IPTV configuration on the Carrier Ethernet network Quality of Service Full redundancy star topologies in Backbone network. 4 international output nodes. Current and Future Services Cost / Benefit Ratio Service for: - Mass: Broadband, voice, TV. - Corporate: Data, Internet, voice. The cost per Mbps has decreased 45% in the last 5 years. 30 Location of FTTH Nodes 31 Content 1. STABILITY 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT 3. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 32 Corporate Responsibility Program Transparency Program Amendment to the bylaws of the company, new Governance code and formation of the Ethics Committee. Release of the Transparency and Zero Tolerance to Corruption Policy. Contractor Development Program Inclusion of the Agreement on Best Corporate Responsibility Practices in the Procurement Manual. Development of the First Steps in Corporate Responsibility Program together with Universidad Externado de Colombia and Red Pacto Global in Colombia. Supplier Standardization Process . Human and Gender Equity ProRights program Release of the Human Rights Policy. Conduction of a Diploma Course on Human Rights and Business. Awareness-raising campaigns on women’s rights and children’s rights . Program for Massive Use of ICT and Communication Technologies Award Accenture to Innovation, in the category of Corporate Social Responsibility. 25 Vive Digital (PVD) hotspots were Implemented in agreement with the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies . 105,836 persons trained in the use of ICT. 33 Program for Massive Use of ICT Types of Interactive Portals ETB Portals Mass access points that offer contents concerning ICT in order to reduce the digital gap. SENA Portals Portals located in spaces provided by SENA, which offer supplementary training courses. Citizen Service Portals Portals located in the CADE network, provide the possibility of virtually accessing Online Government processes. Applications Development Center Located in Universidad Distrital Technological Offices, which is aimed at students for the creation and development of innovative applications with an impact over the community of Ciudad Bolivar. Tourist Information Point (PIT) Portals specialized in providing advice in tourism related issues in Bogota. Interactive Bus Mobile interactive portal, equipped with state-of-theart infrastructure that covers the city, offering training and short-duration awareness-raising campaigns. . 34 Thank you, inversionistas@etb.com.co www.etb.com.co/inversionistas + (571) 242 3029 01 8000 120077 35