H angar collection M ateria dura, stesa come asfalto e arricchita da pietre dure che brillano di tanto in tanto. Un grande formato per ambienti e case dalla forte personalità; niente compromessi ma senso preciso di una scelta forte, che porta anche nel bagno il gioco del chiaro/scuro. Ci piace pensare ad una “garanzia a vita” non solo nel senso della durata “fisica” ma anche della valenza “estetica”. ard matter, spread like asphalt and decorated with gemstones for occasional glints of light. A large size for habitat and homes with a strong personality; no compromises but the clear impression of a determined design choice, that brings light/dark contrasts even in the bathroom. We like to think about a “lifetime warranty”, not only as physical durability, but mainly as design values. 45x90 60x60 30x60 22,5x45 H 3 H V iva goes green angar series made whith 40% pre-consumer recycled material V iva is a brand of Emilceramica, member of the U.S. Green Building Council an organisation that promotes buildings that are envinronmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. Porcelain stoneware tiles Hangar series recycled material content is 40%. In order to certify these values, a contract has been signed with the International Certification Body Bureau Veritas. This product contributes to satisfying MR Credit 4.1 and 4.2 Recycled Content (2 points)-LEED Green Building Rating System. The Hangar series product does not release VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions, as certified by Berkeley Analytical Associates, an important independent chemical testing laboratory. Direct and indirect recycling of both raw and fired processing wastes with minimum solid or gaseous emission in the atmosphere. Complete recycling of all water used in the production process, drastically reducing the consumption. Total recycling of the mud resulting from the purifying of the processing water. Recycling of the solid wastes in the gaseous emission. Recycling of the heat dispersed in the gaseous emissions resulting in lower consumption of primary energy. Use of completely recyclable materials for packing: from the paper for the carton boxes, to the plastic of the wrappings, up to the wooden pallets, conforming to the FAO regulations. Help to save your environment by choosing Hangar series. 4 > 40% 5 > 40% H angar beige 6 7 H angar white 8 9 H angar brown 10 11 H angar grey 12 13 H angar black 4 14 15 W F loor Hangar brown all Hangar Frames beige & brown Hangar mosaico beige/brown, Hangar mosaico white 16 17 F W loor Hangar grey 18 19 all Hangar Frames grey & black Hangar mosaico grey/black Pavimento in Gres Porcellanato - Porcelain Stoneware Floor Tile Decori - Decors G4580R Hangar White Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 72 QF1640 Hangar Frames White Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 72 G4582R Hangar Brown Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” G4589R Hangar Black Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 72 G4581R Hangar Beige Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 72 G4588R Hangar Grey Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 72 80 QF1641 Hangar Frames Beige Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 80 QF1642 Hangar Frames Brown Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 80 QF1643 Hangar Frames Grey Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 80 QF1644 Hangar Frames Black Rett. 45x90_1711/16”x357/16” 80 Complementi - Trims BATT150 Batt. Hangar White Rett. 7x90_23/4”x357/16” BATT151 Batt. Hangar Beige Rett 7x90_23/4”x357/16” 10 20 10 20 QFM500 Hangar Mos. White 22,5x45_87/8”x1711/16” BATT152 Batt. Hangar Brown Rett. 7x90_23/4”x357/16” BATT154 Batt. Hangar Black 7x90_23/4”x357/16” BATT153 Batt. Hangar Grey Rett. 7x90_23/4”x357/16” 10 20 7 28 QFM502 Hangar Mos. Beige/Brown 22,5x45_87/8”x1711/16” 7 28 10 20 10 20 20 21 QFM501 Hangar Mos. Grey/Black 22,5x45_87/8”x1711/16” 7 28 H angar Dry - Pressed Ceramic Tiles ISO 13006 : 2012 Annex G - UNI EN 14411 : 2012 Annex G - BIa GL caratteristiche tecniche Technical Features - Caracteristiques Techniques Technische Eigenschaften - Caracteristicas Tecnicas - Технические Характеристики 72 72 uni en iso 10545/2 ± 0,26% / ± 1,5mm Calibrated ± 0,75% (max ± 0,09 in) ± 0,25% Rectified ± 0,40% 9N580R Hangar White Rett. 30x60_1113/16”x235/8” 72 (max ± 0,05 in-size ≤ 60cm) (max ± 0,07 in-size > 60cm) (max ± 0,05 in-size ≤ 60cm) (max ± 0,07 in-size > 60cm) ASSORBIMENTO D’ACQUA - Valore medio in % Water absorption - Average value expressed in % Absorption d’eau - Valeur moyenne en % Wasseraufnahme - Durchschnittswert in % Absorción de agua - Valor medio en % - Поглощение воды uni en iso 10545/3 ≤ 0,5 % astm c373 Conforme Compliant RESISTENZA ALLA FLESSIONE Modulus of ropture - Resistance a la flexion Biegefestigkeit - Resistencia a la flexon - Прочность на изгиб uni en iso 10545/4 ≥ 50 N/mm2 FORZA DI ROTTURA Breaking strength - Résistance à la rupture Bruchlast - Resistencia a la rotura - Разрывное усилие uni en iso 10545/4 astm c648 ≥ 2000 N 1400 LBS uni en iso 10545/12 Conforme astm c1026 Unaffected uni en iso 10545/13 GA - GLA astm c-650 Unaffected uni en iso 10545/14 5 RESISTENZA AL GELO Frost resistance - Résistance au gel - Frostbeständigkeit Resistencia a las heladas - Морозостойкость 9R584R Hangar Taupe Rett. 60x60_235/8”x235/8” valori Value - Valeur Vorgabe - Valor - Средние astm c485 Warpage PLANARITÀ Flatness - Planéité - Ebenflächigkeit - Planiyud - Плоскостность 9R580R Hangar White Rett. 60x60_235/8”x235/8” norma Standard - Norme Norm - Norma - Норма RESISTENZA CHIMICA ad alte e basse concentrazioni di acidi e basi Chemical resistance to high and low acid and basic concentrations Résistance chimique aux hautes et basses concentrations d’acides et de bases Chemikalienfestigkeit bei hohen und niedrigen Konzentrationen von Säuren und Basen Resistencia química con concentraciones altas y bajas de ácidos y bases Химическая стойкость к высоким и низким концентрациям кислот и щелочей 9N584R Hangar Taupe Rett. 30x60_1113/16”x235/8” 72 RESISTENZA ALLE MACCHIE Stain resistance - Résistance aux taches - Fleckenbeständigkeit Resistencia a las manchas - Стойкость к образованию пятен ctI 81-7d No Evident Variation DIN 51130 R10 ANSI A 137.1- 2012 DCOF (Section 9.6) Dry: 0,71*/ Wet: 0,61* DIN 51097 COEFFICIENTE DI ATTRITO Slip resistance - Coefficient de glissement - Rutschfestigkeit Barfußbereich Coeficiente de atrito medio - Коэффициент трения A B.C.R.A. ≥ 0,40 * Values obtained with certificate n° 20130089. Date 04/02/2013. Per maggiori chiarimenti sui dati tecnici e sulla garanzia consultare il catalogo generale in vigore. - For further information on technical specifications, please consult our up-dated general catalogue.- Pour toutes informations supplementaires sur les donnees techniques et sur les garanties, veuillez consulter le catalogue general en vigueur. - Für weitere Informationen über technische Daten und Garantie beziehen sie sich bitte auf den aktuellen Gesamtkatalog. - Para ulteriores informaciones sobre los datos tecnicos y la garantia, vease el catalogo general en vigor. - Более подробную информацию о технических данных и гарантии смотрите в действующем сводном катал. SHADE VARIATION V1 Low > 40% 9R588R Hangar Grey Rett. 60x60_235/8”x235/8” 72 9N588R Hangar Grey Rett. 30x60_1113/16”x235/8” 72 imballi e pesi Packing and weight - Emballages et poids - Verpackung und gewicht - Embalajes y pesos - Упаковка и вес Articolo Item Reference Artikel Articulo Артикула Formato (cm) Size (cm) Format (cm) Format (cm) Tamaño (cm) Формат (cm) 72 9N589R Hangar Black Rett. 30x60_1113/16”x235/8” 72 Mq. x Scat. Peso x Scat. (Kg) Sqm x Box Weight x Box (Kg) M2 / Bte Poids / Bte (Kg) Qm x Krt. Gewicht x Krt. (Kg) Mc. x Caja Peso x Caja (Kg) Кв.М. х Кор. Вес х Кор. (Kg) Scat. x Pal. Boxes x Pal. Bte / Pal. Krt. x Pal. Cajas x Pal. Кор. x Подд. Mq. x Pal. Sqm x Pal. M2 / Pal. Qm x Pal. Mc. x Pal. Кв.М х Подд. Peso x Pal.(Kg) Weight x Pal. (Kg) Poids / Pal. (Kg) Gewicht x Pal. (Kg) Peso x Pal. (Kg) Вес х Подд (Kg) G458_R 45x90 11 2,47 3 1,22 29,50 30 36,60 885 QF164_ 45x90 11 2,47 3 1,22 29,50 30 36,60 885 9R58_R 60x60 10,5 2,78 3 1,08 25,00 36 38,88 900 9N588_R 30x60 10,5 5,56 6 1,08 25,00 40 43,20 100 a brand of EMILCERAMICA S.p.A. 9R589R Hangar Black Rett. 60x60_235/8”x235/8” Spessore (mm) Pz. x Mq. Pz. x Scat. Thickness (mm) Pieces x Sqm Pieces x Box Epaisseur (mm) Pcs / M2 Pcs / Bte Stärke (mm) Stk. x Qm Stk. x Krt. Espesor (mm) Pzs x Mc. Pzs x Caja Толщина (mm) Шт. x Кв.М. Кв.М. х Кор. 1023325 REV.2- 06/05/2013 a brand of EMILCERAMICA S.p.A. Sede amministrativa/commerciale: Via Ghiarola Nuova, 29/33 41042 Fiorano Modenese (MO) Italy Tel. +39 0536 998701 - Fax +39 0536 998702 -
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