Knight Letter - O`Gorman High School
Knight Letter - O`Gorman High School
Knight Letter December 2015 Edition O†Gorman High School 3201 S Kiwanis Ave Sioux Falls SD 57105 A Message From the Principal: Dear O’Gorman Parents & Students: As we begin the final month of the fall semester and move into the Christmas season, I would like to share a reflection with all of you. At this time of the year we look forward to giving and receiving gifts from one another. I believe Catholic education is a gift, and the SFCS community gains immeasurable benefits from this gift each day. At O’Gorman we are blessed to have the opportunity to learn about and practice our faith, to serve others and to build our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission directs us to model Gospel values, and to nurture our faith. This is what Catholic education provides. Catholic education is the gift that just keeps on giving. We would like to wish all of our families a safe and blessed Advent and Christmas season and a Joyous New Year! STUDENT SCHEDULES: After Christmas break students will receive their spring semester schedules on Tuesday, January 5th. Students will have until Friday, January 8th to drop and add courses. Please remember that we will add a student to a course if an opening is available. However, we will not overload a course unless it is the only way to make a student’s schedule complete. COMPREHENSIVE SEMESTER EXAMS GUIDELINES & SCHEDULE: Student Requirements and Procedures: School begins at 9:00 a.m. each day and ends at 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 18th & 21st. The school day will end at 11:15 a.m. on Dec. 22nd except for the Early Bird class which will conclude at 12:30 p.m. that day. Regular dress code will be in effect. It is critical that students make every effort to complete their semester exams at the scheduled times. Students need to be on campus for their scheduled exams only. Open Campus applies to all students during semester exams. Students may report to the library for silent study. The cafeteria will be available for study as well. No lunch will be served; however, ala carte will be available on semester exam days. Comprehensive semester finals will be given on Friday, Dec. 18th through Tuesday, Dec. 22nd. The schedule is listed below. 9:00-10:00 10:15-11:15 11:30-12:30 Friday, Dec. 18th Period 1 Period 2 Period 8 Monday, Dec. 21st Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Tuesday, Dec. 22nd Period 6 Period 7 Early Bird “The greatest gift you will ever receive will never be found under a Christmas tree. It is far too valuable to be stored in any other place but in the depths of your heart.” Anonymous Kyle L. Groos Principal 1 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Dates ..................................................................................................................... 2 Notable Knights ................................................................................................................... 3 Parent Information ............................................................................................................... 4 Campus Ministry ................................................................................................................... 5-7 Campus Ministry ................................................................................................................... 8-11 Library News ......................................................................................................................... 12-13 Vespers Information .............................................................................................................. 14 SFCS News / Amazon Smile Promotion .............................................................................. 15 Semester Care Package Order Form ..................................................................................... 16 IMPORTANT DATES Thursday, Dec. 3 .................................................................................... Late Start (Classes begin at 9:05 a.m.) Monday, Dec. 7 ............................................................................ Semester Test Care Package Order Deadline Tuesday, Dec. 8 ........................................................... All School Mass (Feast of the Immaculate Conception) Thursday, Dec. 10 ...................................................................................... Vespers 7:00 p.m. (Lorang Theatre) Monday, Dec. 14 .................................................................. Winter Band Concert 7:00 p.m. (Lorang Theatre) Wednesday, Dec. 16 ..................................................................................................................... Reconciliation Friday through Tuesday, Dec. 18, 21 & 22 ................................................................................. Semester Tests Wednesday, Dec. 23 through Monday, Jan. 4...................................................... Christmas Break (No School) Tuesday, Jan. 5 .......................................................................................................................... Classes Resume Essential Phone Numbers Attendance: 575-3310 (Pam Gordon) Counseling Dept: 575-3320 (Sue Knight) Lunch Accounts: 575-3396 (Carrie Keuser) Activities / Rentals: 575-3300 (Aaron Strand) Knight Locker: 575-3391 (Betsy Weber) Tuition Accounts: 575-3367 (Jessica Aning) 2 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Notable Knights The 125th Anniversary, Carnegie Hall High School Honors Series has accepted junior Kailie Hopkins into the 2016 Honors Women's Choir, which will take place in New York City, February 4-8, 2016 on the Carnegie Hall stage! Out of hundreds of students, THIRTEEN O'Gorman Choir students have been chosen from a six-state region to perform in the 2016 North Central American Choral Directors Association honor choirs in Sioux Falls, February 17-20. Congratulations to: Molli Schlenker (7th Grade), Maddie Thie (8th Grade), Ellie Richardson (8th Grade), Adam Catangui (Freshman), Ethan Dingman (Freshman), Marvin Moser (Freshman), David Berman (Sophomore),Teresa Kayser (Sophomore), Cassie Schoenhard (Junior), Erin Claussen (Senior), Anna Picasso (Senior), Abbie Pierce (Senior), Chris Schall (Senior) Congratulations to the following students who were selected to participate in the East Central Honor Band: Will Brunner, Ally Byrd, Katie Drummond, Sean Downey, Adam Heap, Trudy Jones, Sam Lindberg, Ben Merritt, Hannah Olson, Nathaniel Pekas, Sam Putnam, Olivia Roers, Agnes Schallenkamp, Angie Vognild The Concert took place on Monday, November 30, at SDSU. Congratulations to the following students who were selected to play in the Honors Performance Series Concert Band in New York City: Ally Byrd, Michael Sulaiman. Students are selected from a national pool based on recorded audition. The concert will take place in February on the stage of Carnegie Hall. Congratulations to the Knights Volleyball team on a great season and a 3rd place finish at State! We had three players named All City: Alex Anderson, Grace Wallin and Rylie Smith. Four players named All Conference: Katie Messler, Alex Anderson, Grace Wallin and Rylie Smith. Two players were named All Tournament: Kassidy Skuza and Alex Anderson! Congratulations on a great season Lady Knights! Congratulations to the Knights Football team on a great season and a 2nd place finish at State! We had six players be selected for All-Conference: Antonio Casiello, Billy Daniel, Luke Fritsch, Gage Hillberg, Dodi Makwinja, Ryan Scholten. We also had three Honorable Mentions: Jimmy Pio, Jack Peery and Ethan Thompson If you know of someone who should be recognized, please email Lindsey at 3 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights 2015-2016 Knight Legend Yearbook 2015-2016 Knight Legend Yearbook makes a great Christmas gift. These may be ordered in room 0-204 or mail your check for $65 to: OGHS Attn: Doug Basche 3201 S Kiwanis Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Please remember that no extra copies will be ordered. Semester Test Care Packages For only $5, an encouraging note from you and a package of treats will be delivered to your student on Thursday, Dec. 17 just in time for final exams. It’s a great little “pick me up” during a busy week. Please refer to page 16 for the Order Form. Orders must be received by Monday, Dec. 7th. Proceeds benefit the Staff Scholarship Fund which helps with tuition assistance! SUMMER SCHOOL & DRIVER EDUCATION: Even though we just started school, we are already making plans for summer school and driver education (’16). Our summer school schedule will run from May 31st to June 24th. Classes will run from 8 a.m. – noon. The final determination for the actual course offerings will depend upon the number of students who register for a particular summer school course. Registration numbers will drive our decision. The list of course available for summer school will be listed in our course description book which is made available to our students in January. Dr. 4 In addition to summer school, we will once again offer driver education. The classroom portion of the driver education program will take place the week of May 23rd – May 27th. The classroom portion of driver education is thirty hours in length. Specific dates and times for the and drivingPenny portion of the driverTheatre education will be determined at a later Tom Lorang date. Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Campus Ministry O Come, O Come Emmanuel ! Advent at O†Gorman Operation Advent “Christ continues to call out to us, asking us to love and serve him by tending to our brothers and sisters in need.” -Pope Francis This year O†Gorman students and staff are adopting the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House for Advent. This the first Christmas for BDHH, and is the start of what we at OG hope will be a long tradition of support between our students and the poorest of the poor in the Sioux Falls Community. With everyone’s help, we will make sure that all who stay in BDHH on Christmas Eve will wake up with a gift Christmas morning. 175 adult stockings and 40 child stockings will be filled with items that the guests of BDHH often have to share or go without. Razors, deodorant, socks, hats, gloves, shampoo, conditioner and more will bless each individual. Children will receive many of these same items as well as a toy. We are grateful for our calling and for having the opportunity to serve Christ in our community. In addition to the stockings, each student advisory group will fill boxes with items that the BDHH can use throughout the year: towels, bed sheets, etc. A complete list of requested items can be found below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in this opportunity. The final advisory collection will take place on Thursday, December 17. Collection boxes are available throughout the high school. May Jesus Christ reign in your heart this Advent season! Eucharistic Adoration Advent Reconciliation All are invited to spend some time in adoration of our Eucharistic Lord on Friday, December 10. On Wednesday, December 16, priests of the Sioux Falls area will be at O†Gorman HS to offer the sacrament of penance to students and staff. 5 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Faith Focus Hello, my name is John Brule. Life can be stressful sometimes. As a high school student at O’Gorman, I know this. There is always so much I want to do and not nearly enough time to do it all AND get enough sleep. Between all the homework and extracurricular activities, it seems like I’m up until 2:00am every other night trying to finish homework. I have often found that I can’t do everything I want to do as well as I want to do it. This is stressful, but I have found a remedy in my faith. At this point in my life, I am just beginning to look for my place in the world, and I am also trying to figure out my vocation. In the midst of all these things that put stress on me, my faith comforts me. The reason is that with faith comes trust in God. God has a role and plan for each and every one of us, and something that I know is that God will never give me or anyone a load that is too heavy to bear. When I feel an inability to do something, I place my trust in God to give me the strength to accomplish whatever I am called to do. If I can’t do something, it is because God did not mean for me to be able to do it. This of course does not mean that I don’t have to try my best. We are always called to work to the best of our abilities! What it does mean is that if we consistently say yes to God and try our best to do His will, He will lead us to where He intends us to go, and this will make us happy. Doing this requires trust in God. Without God, we are led to anxiety. This is why it is important to have a strong faith life. The better you know God and the more you know about Him, the better you will be able to trust Him. The best way to accomplish this is through prayer and reading the Bible. Doing these things really help me. The Bible triggers memories of the lessons I learned in theology class, and the more I reflect on these, the better I can understand God’s will for my life. Understanding leads me to deeper trust in God and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Feeding South Dakota 1300 Meals packed for the Backpack Program 6 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights March 4 Life Pilgrimage to DC Seminary Visits Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, MN weekend visit is Dec 3-5. Ages 16+ The visits are free, but space is limited. Learn about: January 20-24 – This pilgrimage is open to all. Join thousands of people in Washington DC to witness, defend, and protect life at all stages! For more information: 605-988-3766 Seminarian Life The priesthood University classes The Mass Prayer Registration forms are available in Campus Ministry. If your son has expressed interest in the priesthood, please encourage him to contact Fr. Haggerty or Mr. Konz. Contact If you have any questions on these activities, or for more information regarding the activities listed, please feel free to contact Jon at any time. Phone: 575-3347 Email: 7 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights SENIORS: If you haven’t started the college application process, you should do so ASAP! Applications should be submitted by Christmas break. The application process affects deadlines on scholarships, financial aid, and college housing. If you need help, come see us! SENIOR ATHLETES who plan to participate in college athletics must register with the NCAA ( or NAIA ( to confirm academic eligibility for college programs. See Mr. Hagg for more information. SHADOWING: The Shadow Ed representative (Linda Rodman) is at our school during 4B and 5C lunch periods every Friday that school is in session. Students interested in shadowing a particular career field should stop by the Counseling Office or contact her at CAREER/COLLEGE INFORMATION: is an online college and career information system available to all students. Students who need their login information should come to the Counseling Office. There is also an ACT Prep program called Method Test Prep, check it out. COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID NIGHT: On Monday, January 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the Lorang Theatre, we will be hosting a Financial Aid Information Night. The program is designed to provide parents with the information needed to apply for college financial aid, as well as to explain the entire process and discuss the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Our presenter will be from the Financial Aid Office at the University of Sioux Falls. This meeting is especially important for seniors and their parents. Junior parents are also encouraged to come, as this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the process. We should conclude by 7:30 p.m. PSAT: The results of the PSAT will be available in early December. It was administered at O’Gorman on October 14th to 100 sophomores & juniors. Results will be given to the students as soon as they become available. ACT ASPIRE: Sophomores took the ACT ASPIRE test on Tuesday, October 27. This is a computer based preACT test. Results will be reviewed with the sophomores when they become available. REGISTRATION FOR 2016-2017 will take place in late January and early February. Counselors will provide students with registration information, and students will register online. AP courses and senior Theology courses require an application. Information regarding AP courses will be available online in January. Specific registration information will be provided in the January Knight Letter. PEER RELATIONS: December’s virtue is Service. Service can come in many forms and Christmas is a time with ample opportunities. The Advent project for the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House is an example of how the O’Gorman students and staff will serve our community. If you are looking for a service opportunity, a great local opportunity is the Sioux Falls Cares organization. There is no wrong way to serve as long as you make time for it! “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” –Mother Teresa PEER RELATIONS REPORTING is available on the OGHS homepage. Use this tool to report concerns you have about peers or yourself. Remember Mrs. Jones and Mr. Hagg’s doors are always open to talk about personal, family, or academic questions and concerns you have. You can walk in or make an appointment with Mrs. Knight if they are not immediately available. 8 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights ACT Register on-line at Registration Deadline (regular fee) January 8 March 4 May 6 Test Date February 6 April 9 June 11 Late Registration Period (additional fee required) January 9-15 March 5-18 May 7-20 Photo Upload Deadline January 29 April 1 June 3 It is recommended that students take the ACT for the first time during the spring of their junior year, preferably the April test date. O’Gorman High School is a National ACT testing site. O’Gorman’s School Code is 421-175 and our Test Center Code is 157-640. SAT Register on-line at Test Date Test(s) Jan 23 Mar 5 May 7 June 4 SAT & Subject Tests SAT only SAT & Subject Tests SAT & Subject Tests Registration Deadline (regular fee) Dec 28 Feb 5 Apr 8 May 5 Late Registration Deadline (regular fee) Mail Phone/Online Jan 8 Jan 12 Feb 19 Feb 23 Apr 22 Apr 26 May 20 May 25 Seniors must take the ACT or the SAT for college admission. It is usually not necessary to take both tests. Juniors and seniors interested in either of these tests should stop by the Counseling Office for registration information and deadlines. Questions can be addressed to the Counseling Office at 575-3320. COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES SCHEDULED: These visits give students an idea of admission requirements, costs, programs available, and timelines to follow. All college visits are listed in the daily student bulletin and posters are displayed with dates and times. Students must get a pass from the Counseling Office no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day of the visit. The following colleges are scheduled at this time: DATE December 1 December 10 COLLEGE VISITS TIME 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. COLLEGE North Dakota State SDSU 9 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights SCHOLARSHIPS: The Counseling Office is continuing to receive scholarship information. Seniors and parents are encouraged to check the counseling webpage every . few weeks as new scholarships are posted as they arrive. SOUTH DAKOTA OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP: The South Dakota Legislature established five requirements that all South Dakota high school graduates must meet in order to establish their initial eligibility in the Opportunity Scholarship program. These requirements specify that a recipient must: 1. Be a resident of South Dakota at time of high school graduation. 2. Have an ACT composite score of 26 or higher before the beginning of post-secondary education. If using a SAT score, the sum of the verbal and mathematics scores on the SAT must be at least 1090. 3. Complete high school course requirements with no final grade below a "C" (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (grade of "B") prior to graduation (Note: One unit of high school credit equals 1 year of instruction). 4. Effective for those students entering into postsecondary education for the first time on or after August 2013, the curriculum requirements specified in section 3 above are not required for any student who has received a composite score on the ACT of at least 28 and meets the ACT college readiness benchmarks scores equaling or exceeding 18 for English, 22 for Reading, 22 for Math, and 23 for Science. 5. Attend a university, college, or technical school accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and that provides instruction from a campus located in South Dakota. 6. Enter into the program within 5 years of high school graduation, or within 1 year of the student's release from active duty military service (if that release is within 5 years of the date of the student's high school graduation). Students seeking to transfer from a regionally accredited university, college, or technical school located outside of South Dakota may do so within two years following high school graduation and be eligible to receive partial award. High School Course Requirements 4 units of English 3 units of Social Science 4 units of Algebra or higher mathematics 4 units of Science, including 3 units of approved laboratory science 1 unit of Fine Arts 2 units of either of the following or a combination of the two: Approved Career and Technical Education courses Modern or classical language 1/2 unit of Personal Finance or Economics 1/2 unit of Physical Education 1/2 unit of Health or Health Integration (Students entering high school after July 2013) 10 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights DAKOTA CORPS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Dakota Corps Scholarship was designed for high school students in South Dakota to provide full tuition and generally-applicable fees to selected qualified applicants. Qualified applicants must: Graduate from an accredited South Dakota high school with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.8 or greater on a 4.0 scale. Home schooled students will be allowed to provide supplemental information if this requirement is not applicable. Have a composite ACT score of 24 or greater (or the SAT equivalent). Agree, in writing, to stay in South Dakota and work in a critical need occupation after graduation for as many years as the scholarship was received, plus one year. The current critical need occupations are: Teacher—High School Math Teacher—High School Science Teacher—Elementary or Secondary Special Education Teacher—High School Career and Technical Education Accountant / Auditor Engineer (includes all fields EXCEPT mining) Information Technology Registered Nurse Apply for the Dakota Corps Scholarship for a school period that begins within one year of high school graduation, or within one year of release from active duty of an active component of the armed forces. Attend a participating South Dakota college as an undergraduate student in a program that will prepare the student to work in a critical need occupation. Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national. Among those that qualify, recipients will be chosen based on GPA, test scores, activities, honors, community service, and a written essay. Not all eligible applicants will be selected for a scholarship. From the total pool of applicants, a limited number of recipients will be selected. Also, some South Dakota colleges may limit the number of scholarship recipients they accept, or not participate at all. BUILD DAKOTA SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is for students going to South Dakota Technical Schools in high-need workforce careers. It is available to both in-state and out-of-state students. The scholarship pays for tuition, fees, books and other required program expenses. Students must commit to living and working in South Dakota, in their field of study, for three years following graduation. If you would like more information, talk to a counselor. 11 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Library News… Spotlight on the Holidays #14975339 The holidays -- Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day -- are upon us once again, and while we look forward to enjoying these special days, we sometimes become over-involved and too stressed out! Why not take some time this year to celebrate in one of these four ways… 1. Find a new hobby or learn a new skill. There are all kinds of classes offered, such as cooking, dancing, or photography. Why not try a new sport or activity, such as skiing, snowboarding, or an indoor activity? Be creative. 2. Relax and breathe. Put on quiet music, close your eyes, pray, and breathe slowly. Go to a spa. Have a massage. Turn off your Internet, phone, or other devices and keep from being distracted. 3. GIVE. Give to your family and friends. Give of your time, talents, and money to help others in need. You will be blessed twice over! 4. READ A BOOK! This is a great time of year to pick up a book that you have been wanting to read. See some suggestions below. Doerr, Anthony. All the Light We Cannot See :A Novel. This is a stunningly ambitious and beautiful novel about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Marie Laure lives with her father in Paris within walking distance of the Museum of Natural History where he works as the master of the locks (there are thousands of locks in the museum). When she is six, she goes blind, and her father builds her a model of their neighborhood, every house, every manhole, so she can memorize it with her fingers and navigate the real streets with her feet and cane. When the Germans occupy Paris, father and daughter flee to Saint-Malo on the Brittany coast, where Marie-Laure's agoraphobic great uncle lives in a tall, narrow house by the sea wall. In another world in Germany, an orphan boy, Werner, grows up with his younger sister, Jutta, both enchanted by a crude radio Werner finds. He becomes a master at building and fixing radios, a talent that wins him a place at an elite and brutal military academy and, ultimately, makes him a highly specialized tracker of the Resistance. Werner travels through the heart of Hitler Youth to the far-flung outskirts of Russia, and finally into Saint-Malo, where his path converges with Marie-Laure. McCullough, David G. The Wright Brothers. As he did so brilliantly in THE GREAT BRIDGE and THE PATH BETWEEN THE SEAS, David McCullough once again tells a dramatic story of people and technology, this time about the courageous brothers who taught the world how to fly, Wilbur and Orville Wright. Carlson, Melody. The Christmas Cat. Returning home at Christmas, a young man receives an inheritance he never expected--six cats in need of homes. *All book descriptions are from the OGHS Library catalog at 12 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights Kerr, Philip. The Winter Horses. Kalinka, a Ukrainian Jewish girl on the run from the Nazis, finds unlikely help from two rare Przewalski horses. VanLiere, Donna. The Christmas Light. In the small town of Grandon, five very different people discover the true meaning of Christmas. Jennifer and Ryan are both single parents, struggling with their own losses and heartache. Sixteen-year-old Kaylee is faced with a life-changing situation that has affected her whole family. Stephen and Lily are happily married and ready to start a family. All of them are facing their own struggles, and all are finding their way through the dark. When they are brought together for a rather unconventional church Nativity, they will learn that with strength, courage, and love, there is always hope. Weintraub, Stanley. A Christmas far from Home : An Epic Tale of Courage and Survival during the Korean War. From an acclaimed historian, the dramatic story of the Christmas escape of thousands of American troops overwhelmingly surrounded by the enemy in Korea's harsh terrain. Just before Thanksgiving in 1950, five months into the Korean War, General MacArthur flew to American positions in the north and grandly announced an 'end-the-war-by-Christmas' offensive despite recent intervention by Mao's Chinese, who would soon trap tens of thousands of US troops poised toward the Yalu River border. Led by Marines, an overwhelmed X Corps evacuated the frigid, mountainous Chosin Reservoir fastness and fought a swarming enemy and treacherous snow and ice to reach the coast. Weather, terrain, Chinese firepower, and a 4,000-foot chasm made escape seem impossible in the face of a vanishing Christmas. But endurance and sacrifice prevailed, and the last troop ships weighed anchor on Christmas Eve. Reedy, Trent. Divided we fall : 1. Danny Wright, 17, joined the Idaho Army National Guard to serve the country as his father had, but when the Guard is sent to an anti-government protest in Boise and Danny's gun accidently fires, he finds himself at the center of a conflict that results in the federal government declaring war on Idaho. Reedy, Trent. Divided We Fall : 1. Danny Wright, 17, joined the Idaho Army National Guard to serve the country as his father had, but when the Guard is sent to an anti-government protest in Boise and Danny's gun accidently fires, he finds himself at the center of a conflict that results in the federal government declaring war on Idaho. Cairney, John. Immaculate : A History of Perfect Innings in Baseball. Getting three batters out in order on nine pitches is one of the most remarkable feats in baseball. Since the late 1800s, only 71 pitchers have been able to do it. Yet, unlike other rare achievements in baseball, such as pitching a perfect game, the immaculate inning does not capture the same attention or consideration. In a game that is as unpredictable as baseball, perfection, when it occurs, should be cause for both reflection and celebration. In Immaculate, Cairney provides a short history of perfect innings through the stories of the pitchers who pitched them. Beginning with an brief overview of the numbers, the remaining chapters, one for each immaculate inning on record in major baseball, provides insight into the men, their careers and details of the inning itself, from the first recorded perfect inning in 1889 to the most recent string of innings last MLB season in 2014. The names include pitching greats such as Jim Bunning, Sandy Koufax, Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson, but also many lesser known, if not colorful, pitchers like Sloppy Thurston and Bill Wilson. The teams include famous franchises like the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees, but also clubs now defunct like the Boston Beaneaters and the Montreal Expos. Using immaculate innings as benchmarks, the book provides an engaging and entertaining journey through the history of professional baseball that will delight both the serious student of the game, as well as the fan who enjoys reading about the game. Kirkpatrick, Jane. The Memory Weaver : A Novel. Eliza was just a child when she was taken hostage by the Cayuse Indians during a massacre in 1847. Now her husband wants to make a new start in another territory—the land of her captivity. Can she lay the dark past to rest and move on? Or will her childhood memories always hold her hostage? Martin, Charles. Water from my Heart : A Novel. Charlie Finn had to grow up fast, living alone by age sixteen. Highly intelligent, he earned a life-changing scholarship to Harvard, where he learned how to survive and thrive on the outskirts of privileged society. That skill served him well in the cutthroat business world, as it does in more lucrative but dangerous ventures he now operates off the coast of Miami. Charlie tries to separate relationships from work. But when his choices produce devastating consequences, he sets out to right wrongs, traveling to Central America where he will meet those who have paid for his actions, including a woman and her young daughter. Will their fated encounter present Charlie with a way to seek the redemption he thought was impossible--and free his heart to love one woman as he never knew he could? 13 Follow OGHS on Twitter for all the latest news and updates! @OGHSKnights O'Gorman High School Choral Department ANNUAL CHRISTMAS VESPERS Featuring CONCERT CHOIR • MIXED CHORUS • GIRLS CHORUS CHAMBER CHOIR • ALL-STATE SINGERS • CHRISTMAS BRASS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2015 • 7:00PM O'GORMAN HIGH SCHOOL LORANG THEATRE 3201 S Kiwanis Ave - Sioux Falls, SD Free admission – a free-will offering will be collected President Curriculum Admissions Business Office 336-6241 575-3338 575-3358 335-6557 Development Personnel Alumni Foundation 336-6354 575-3350 575-3360 575-3343 December Annual Christmas knightwear sale Visit the Knight Locker and get a head start on your Christmas shopping! Many new items are now on sale. New items have arrived this fall including Sweatshirt Blankets and Stocking Hats!! 2 0 1 5 Merry Christmas For All Your Holiday Needs Use SFCS Certificates Stock up on Certificates before you start your holiday shopping Stop before you shop... use SFCS certificates! The biggest season for shopping is here! Because everyone likes a good deal, don’t forget to STOP before you SHOP! Get SFCS certificates to use at all of your favorite stores, like GAP, Old Navy, Bath & Body Works, Scheel’s, Walmart and Target… just to name a few. While you’re shopping with certificates, you’re also earning tuition credit! You can also purchase certificates to give as gifts for anyone on your list! Purchase gift cards to places like Minerva’s, Look’s Market, Pizza Ranch, Buffalo Wild Wings, & more! NEW this year Gift Cards to the Knight Locker!! Perfect stocking stuffer for all O’G fans! And—don’t forget to use SFCS certificates when purchasing food for all of your holiday gatherings. It’s truly a 2—for—1 deal… you’re earning tuition credit and helping the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools! So STOP before you SHOP and get your SFCS certificates. SFCS Certificates are available at all SFCS schools, Sioux Falls Catholic parishes and at the SFCS Central Office on the 2nd floor of OGJH. Questions?: Call 575-3364. Amazon Smile Support the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools by shopping at AmazonSmile! When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to SFCS. Support your school every time you shop! Visit to learn more. Skyforce Night Mark your calendars and plan to attend the SFCS SkyForce Night on January 12th at the Pentagon! The SkyForce will give 30% of ALL ticket sales back to the Sioux Falls Catholic Schools. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door or by calling the SkyForce Office at (605) 332-0605. The O’Gorman High School Chamber Choir will sing the National Anthem and the O’G Pep Band will play during Pre-game! Come support SFCS and enjoy some SkyForce hoop action on Tuesday January, 12th at 6:30pm. Dear O’Gorman Parents/Guardians: The O’Gorman Student Council and the O’Gorman staff are pleased to once again offer the popular ___________________________________________ (Please Print First & Last Name & Grade) SEMESTER TEST CARE PACKAGE In addition to a personal note of encouragement written by YOU, this care package offers a variety of goodies to help your student through Semester Tests during December 18-22. Our goal is 100% participation and proceeds will benefit the tuition assistance fund. Simply complete the form, enclose $5 (checks can be made to SFCS) and deliver it to the OGHS Administration Office or mail it to: O’Gorman High School Attn: Semester Test Care Package 3201 S. Kiwanis Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57105 We do the rest! Packages will be delivered to students before testing begins. If you have any questions, please contact Pam Gordon Deadline to order is Monday, December 7th. Good Luck on your Semester Tests! _________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________ ** Please note all food allergies** __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
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