Epiphanies l(lLL-T!{6F,',!"l :ARTSTSI ffiii E HATEUHIT Yamatsuka Eye's artwork for the Eat Srrit ,Vorbe ,ttusrc cassette (cilca 1988) closerto the middle.Theyweren'twell known,but at It was exactlythe sort of thing that 15 year olds aren't musicianship,fidelity,funkiness,lyricalcontent, least those cats had decentdistribution!| grew rhythmicprowess,historicalrelevance,etc had no supposedto hear: Eat Shit NoiseMusic. Late night What other soundslivedin the undergrowth, curious. a mother or ugly only was stuff so here. This business collegeradio had introducedme to Japan'svirtuoso off the map, in placesyou needan obscurecatalogue bass and drumsduo, Ruins,and my questfor material close relativecould love it, and thus I quicklyfound to locate? myselfin the family. by the groupwas sendingme down increasingly With its no-fiXeroxartworkand poorlytypedtracklist, Forthis was the first musicthat I could reallycall my unusualpaths. Eat Shlt was my best lead- a bootleg Eat Shlt was a refreshingreminderthat you didn't cassetteof Japanesegroupscompiledby RRRecords, own. Reachingliterallyacrossthe globe,the most need moneyto make music or get it heard."All song Ruins unmarketablesoundshad locatedthe right ears and and available via their mail ordercatalogue. transmutedinto personaltreasure.Nobodywas telling [sic] swipedfrom existingphonographrecords,used were on the tracklistand the pricewas cheap. The cassettearrivedsuspiciouslyfast, just two days me how to listen or what to listenfor. I had discovered without permission,"the liner notes boasted.Of course,nobodymindedthis bootlegger.RRRecords radioplayor a after I'd postedmy cheque.I tore openthe package, it unaidedby recommendation, armed my tape deck, and crankedthe volume.What I journalist'sreview.Eat Shit slippedinto my systemlike was makingextremelyhard to find materialslightly a carjacker,and the shockwas total. My responsewas less hardto find. This is the purestform of heardbecamemy personalgroundzero. Dynamic, - nothingto do with piratedmajorlabel bootlegging lasciviousviolencepouredfrom the speakers,courtesi to make it mine - to approachthe music on its own tacky sheen of bastardpop mixes.On yardstick or the releases for its my own fashioning pre-Boredoms terms while Hanatarash. outfit, Yamatsuka Eye's of had compilation enjoyment.Undernoise's surfaceoutragelay a gambit the contrary,RRR'sunauthorised atrociousand amazing,the sounds Simultaneously much more in commonwith bootlegmoonshiners, defiedme not to like them, yet somehowI did, turned for freedom. who brewhigh-proof randomdrunksand libertarians The RRRcassettewas polarising,but it was also on by flashes of anarchicjoy amid the audiofallout. I firewaterin jerry+iggedbasementstills. personaland fragile;and I had the sense that if I think I may haveblushed.lt wasn't that Hanatarash I would later realisethat I'd stumbledacrossthe didn't listen closely,it might pass unnoticed.I knew were throwingmusic rulebooksin the trash - that nothingaboutthese groups,but it was obviousthat an exoerimentalcassettecircuitthat flourishedin the would havebeen relativelysimple,or at least individualwith photocopieraccessand a dual cassette 1980s and early90s. Priorto the Internet,grassroots recognisable.No, their openingtrack soundedlike noise culturewas internationalby necessity- there deck could make a substantialdifferencein their rabidforcestearingdown a house,or attemptingto world.This scenehad a tangiblescale.lt stoodwithin simplyweren'tenoughfans in anyone place.And so it build one with crackedpowertools and constantly grasp,whichsuggestedthat I could activelyparticipate was held togetherby slow postal servicesand splinteringlumber.Somebodyhad a heavythumb on scrawledaddresses,mail ordercataloguesand tiny in music- any music,especiallythe weird stuff the pausebutton,for the songwould periodically consumer.Precisely labelsand kids swappingtapes.A goodzinewas gold. ratherthan remaina well-informed shudder,accelerateor drop out entirely.Not eventhe Just recentlyI had the privilegeof performingin the sort of thing a resourcefulkid in New England's mic was exemDtfrom abuse.Intermittenthowlsfrom Osaka,hometownto Hanatarashand generally the bedlam.My teen mindmelted. whitewashedculturallandscapeneedsto hear. Eyeaccompanied regardedas Japan'scentrefor both noise and comedy. their rock histrionicsheld And Ruins?lmpressively, I listenedto Eat Shitover and over,extractingmore bent ineptitude. An AustralianexpatriateoutlinedOsaka'snoise scene ingeniously meaningfulsignalsfrom that noisethan an optimistic up againstHanatarash's Eat Shitalso featuredrelentlesslyderailinganarcho- for me. "lt doesn'treallyexistanymore,"he lamented. chaos theoristwould havethoughtpossible.Other "There'sjust this thingcalled'scum noise',where punkfrom YamatsukaEye'sother group,Boredoms; materialon the comp was informedby a rampaging amphetaminetypes screamand leap aroundlike mad. guitars,alwaysunderneath and the singularly Grim'sIndustrialprimitivism; beat or sludge-filled Sometimesthere'll be jam sessions,whereguys amongothers. screams,abjectelectronicsand/or feral distortion,but inappropriateGerogerigegege, recordthe worst soundsthey can find and playthem tunes involveda man pleasuring Gerogerigegege's Hanatarash'sthree contributionswere constructed over a massivesound system." lf that's what happens himselfbetweenbursts of blistering,guitar-laced from excitinglyliteral,non-musicalsounds lacking then Osaka'sstill got a special duringa downswing, identiflablereferent.Somebody'shitting...something. noise:onanismas publicsport. Thecasuallistenermightcallthis musicrepellent. wretchedringingin its ears. His Japanesewife strolled Titleslike "FrogGirl As somethingelse collapses. over."l enjoyedyour set," she said with an open But I thoughtof its force as centrifugal,pullingus 9OO00"and "My Dad ls Car" offered little insight the noise." smile,"especially towardsunchartedperimetersand awayfrom any beyond'Englishas a secondlanguage'allusionsto Noiseappreciatedas poetrybecomesmusic. Foreign stabilisingcentre.Contrastthis with the manygenres mechanised and mutatedhumans. languageslearntgrowfamiliar.Allegedlyexoticsounds comfortinglystifled by subculturalmoresdictating Crypticand deranged,yes. But also strikingly understoodon their own terms - whetherit's Nass El acceotablemusicalconduct. music earnest.The anarchic,excrement-fixated Moroccanchaabior young epoch-making Ghiwane's age meant at such a extremities Hitting these for its threshold spawneda strangelydemotic enjoyment:you either like this shit or you don't - there that everythingelse in my recordcollection- Mission Hanatarash'scalamitywaltz- can reemergeas soul, Of Burma,DetroitTechno,PereUbu- got nudgeda bit and set up camp insideyours.n isn't much room for debate.lssues of quality, 106THEWIRE